School Attacks |
July 2-3, 2013 Justin Miles Jasper, a 21-year-old Nevada resident, was stopped sleeping in a truck near the University of Washington. After he was released, police checked his vehicle and found it had been stolen from Montana from a man he had been staying with. The next night, police arrested Jasper and found that his truck was stocked up for what looked a lot like a terrorist mass casualty attack with a stolen rifle with a scope, body armor, six Molotov cocktails and maps of three nearby college campuses The FBI was investigating along with the arson-bomb squad. Rather than announcing that they had foiled a terrorist plot, the declared "there does not appear to be any threat to the University of Washington community". Officials appeared baffled at the man's motives as "it’s not clear why the suspect was in Seattle or what he planned to do with the stolen guns and other incendiary devices." He pleaded guilty to federal charges to possession of a destructive device, possession of a stolen firearm and other charges in November 2013.
Jasper described himself as an "anarchist He was politically motivated They also found a recording of a podcast that appears to have Jasper expressing support for protesters in Brazil.Police found evidence that Jasper was planning some kind of action in support of those protesters, Senior Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Andrew Hamilton said. Hamilton said that on the podcast, Jasper said he was going to back the “Brazilian revolution” by doing something “somewhere in the Western United States.”“I’m going to make sure people understand and notice it,” he allegedly said on the podcast. Jasper had concerns about topics ranging from the chemical industry to genetically altered foods to voting rights,
- anti-government propoganda: Investigators also found anti-government propaganda
- Brazil: on the podcast, Jasper said he was going to back the “Brazilian revolution” by doing something “somewhere in the Western United States.”“I’m going to make sure people understand and notice it,” he allegedly said on the podcast.
- Erik Henderson: Jasper had lived with the truck’s owner, Erik Henderson, for the last month
- Montana: Lived with Erik Henderson in Montana for a month
- Nevada: originally from Nevada
- Podcast Jasper recorded addressed the political turmoil in Syria and Brazil. "There was a sheet of paper that had block, printed letters. It said something to the effect of: Are you aware of the Syrian revolution?" Hamilton told NBC News. "It was definitely political in nature."

VINDICATE Justin Jasper : U.S. Attorney Todd Greenberg, FBI, Seattle Police Department
This petition to vindicate Justin Jasper is being presented on behalf of his friends and family, nationwide. We stand in support of his innocence.
Visit for additional information about Justin and how to donate to his legal fund.
Visit for additional information about Justin and how to donate to his legal fund.
By signing this petition, you are not only bringing attention to the allegations made against a young man whose entire future is at stake, but standing up for the rights of anyone who has ever been or ever will be falsely charged with serious crimes.
In Justin Jaspers' case, the false allegations resulted in multiple felony charges & indictment by grand jury during a time of heightened fear in light of recent tradegies.
The charges that Justin is facing as a result of these implications would fetch a 50 year sentence in federal prison.
This would cost the taxpayers almost $2,000,000 to incarcerate Justin.
Not only is a young man's future at stake, but incurring this cost would be a gross misuse of finances during a year of budget cuts and market instability.
This would cost the taxpayers almost $2,000,000 to incarcerate Justin.
Not only is a young man's future at stake, but incurring this cost would be a gross misuse of finances during a year of budget cuts and market instability.
There is no reason for Justin to be in federal custody.
He is being detained under false allegations and assumptions based on unsupported circumstantial evidence.
This is a gross misunderstanding on everyone's part and he deserves to be heard.
He is being detained under false allegations and assumptions based on unsupported circumstantial evidence.
This is a gross misunderstanding on everyone's part and he deserves to be heard.
Justin is innocent of plotting to cause violence or destruction in Seattle and due process in state court with a jury of his peers and communication to family from his defense would have promptly proven this.
Justins' character has been publicly defamed by misrepresented and unrelated free speech excerpts taken from personal journals, and applied to the circumstantial evidence that was assumed he intended to use maliciously, again, without supporting evidence.
The immediate release of unsupported speculation to the media caused a flurry of misinformation that influenced further presumptions that Justin is an imminent threat to the community, ultimately leading to his federal indictment.
Imagine your frustration if you were falsely accused and your story was not being heard by this point.
Family members have voluntarily spent the first week following Justins arrest proactively working with authorities instead of media, freely releasing any supporting information relevant to Justins situation and character.
We have been questioned by agents about Justins political intentions, interest in foreign government, whether he's involved in violent acts of any nature or an active member of militia groups- he's not. He's also not the radical-left wing-extremist-skin head-anarchist that the news and our government have inappropriately conveyed him to be.
Justins' true political opinions and beliefs that people should work together to rectify injustices run parallel to what the petitions are about, and the petitioners who create them to better the lives of everyone they impact. We feel it best to now reach out using just such a source for recognition of Justins injustice.
By not taking the time to sign this petition, you are allowing an innocent man and his relatives' futures be negatively impacted for the rest of their lives. Your consideration of this sensitive situation is very important during a time when our rights are too often being stepped around and poorly exercised.
Your activism is much appreciated, and we sincerely thank you for your time.
22 year old Justin Jasper's journey with 46 year old Erik Henderson began in April 2013, after Justin had been communicating with Lennart and Bhante Saddhasara about visiting and possibly taking a vow at Mahamevnawa Meditation Monastery in Tampa, Florida. He was excited to receive news that they would have him if he found transportation.
With a very restricted budget, Justin posted a rideshare ad on Craigslist in Las Vegas, seeking anyone traveling toward the east coast with an extra seat. Justin said Erik was the first response he received that did not make him feel uneasy, so he accepted Eriks offer to take him as far as Salt Lake City for free.
Once in SLC, Erik retained Justins' contact information after they parted ways, later contacting Justin to offer his home should Justin want to visit Montana. Justin said he would consider it. Erik contacted Justin another time with an offer to buy Justin a bus ticket to Montana in exchange for Justin doing a favor on Eriks behalf when he got there. Justin accepted the bus ticket, which was purchased May 13.
Justin did not possess a drivers license at the time he left Las Vegas, only a state ID. At some point during his stay at Eriks' house from May 13-June 25, Justin received assistance in applying for a drivers license and was given full use of Eriks home while Erik periodically left the state for work.
With a very restricted budget, Justin posted a rideshare ad on Craigslist in Las Vegas, seeking anyone traveling toward the east coast with an extra seat. Justin said Erik was the first response he received that did not make him feel uneasy, so he accepted Eriks offer to take him as far as Salt Lake City for free.
Once in SLC, Erik retained Justins' contact information after they parted ways, later contacting Justin to offer his home should Justin want to visit Montana. Justin said he would consider it. Erik contacted Justin another time with an offer to buy Justin a bus ticket to Montana in exchange for Justin doing a favor on Eriks behalf when he got there. Justin accepted the bus ticket, which was purchased May 13.
Justin did not possess a drivers license at the time he left Las Vegas, only a state ID. At some point during his stay at Eriks' house from May 13-June 25, Justin received assistance in applying for a drivers license and was given full use of Eriks home while Erik periodically left the state for work.
Justin was in contact with Erik Henderson via 2 different email accounts during his time in Seattle. Justin did not own a phone, borrowing devices to maintain contact with Erik via email. Their friendly conversations focused on Eriks disdain for east coast weather, Erik visiting Utah to pick things up that he'd been in search of and Justin shared his excitement to involve himself in the current politics/legislature in Washington. Justin was in Seattle to show his support for current political events Prop 8/DOMA on Eriks' behalf and taken an interest in 'Restore the Fourth' following current events surrounding NSA and Snowden. The 'Restore the Fourth' meetup in Seattle ended up being postponed last week.
Justin was sleeping in the truck for 2 days because he did not have money for food and gas. Justin emailed Erik about this, requesting $150.00 to sent via Western Union so that Justin could afford the gas back to Butte, Montana since the initial $200 Justin had was not enough to cover round trip fuel with the trucks gas mileage. Justin told Erik to let him know when Western Union had the money, and went to sleep in the truck.
Officers approached Justin to find out why he was sleeping in the truck. Justin was cooperative, did not have money for a motel, revealed the truck to belong to Erik Henderson; when Justins' drivers license and truck plates came back clean, Justin was left alone to sleep.
The next day, Justin was arrested by officers who now claimed the truck had been reported stolen along with Eriks guns and armor which were located inside the truck. Justin insisted he did have Eriks' consent to drive the vehicle and was cooperating with the police as they arrested him for being in possession of a vehicle that was reported stolen. After reporting the truck stolen, Erik continued to email Justin, asking that he find someones phone to borrow.
Justin was sleeping in the truck for 2 days because he did not have money for food and gas. Justin emailed Erik about this, requesting $150.00 to sent via Western Union so that Justin could afford the gas back to Butte, Montana since the initial $200 Justin had was not enough to cover round trip fuel with the trucks gas mileage. Justin told Erik to let him know when Western Union had the money, and went to sleep in the truck.
Officers approached Justin to find out why he was sleeping in the truck. Justin was cooperative, did not have money for a motel, revealed the truck to belong to Erik Henderson; when Justins' drivers license and truck plates came back clean, Justin was left alone to sleep.
The next day, Justin was arrested by officers who now claimed the truck had been reported stolen along with Eriks guns and armor which were located inside the truck. Justin insisted he did have Eriks' consent to drive the vehicle and was cooperating with the police as they arrested him for being in possession of a vehicle that was reported stolen. After reporting the truck stolen, Erik continued to email Justin, asking that he find someones phone to borrow.
But Justin did not have the resources to check his email after his last message to Erik about being stranded without gas. Justin was unable to access Eriks subsequent emails.
During Justins' initial time in state custody, Erik maintained that Justin did not have permission to drive the truck, then later reported that he had concerns of Justin not being covered by his insurance in the event of an accident and did not press charges.
With all of the theft charges dropped, the state was left to find direct evidence against Justin for the only charge unaccounted for- the alleged molotov cocktails- which consisted of gas in glass bottles during a period that Justin was in need of fuel.
Authorities found no wrongdoing or had suspicion of wrongdoing on Justins part prior to Eriks' claims and solely Eriks' claims.
Had Erik not reported his truck and its' content stolen when Justin contacted him about being out of gas, Justin would be a free man today. Justin was not under scrutiny by authorities prior to asking Erik for the $150 he needed in order to drive back to Butte, Montana
Justins life is worth more than $150. His future and background are at risk of being tarnished forever over the cost of 2 tanks of gas, leaving a lot of unanswered questions from upset family and friends.
Man found with guns, firebombs near UW pleads to federal charges
A 22-year-old Nevada man arrested near the University of Washington with six Molotov cocktails and maps of three college campuses has pleaded guilty to federal charges. Justin Miles Jasper pleaded guilty in U.S. District Court in Seattle to possession of a destructive device, possession of a stolen firearm and transportation ...
- Jul 06, 2013 · Justin Miles Jasper, busted with explosives and body armor, had directions to three Seattle campuses: cops ... Are you aware of the Syrian revolution?"
- Jul 06, 2013 · Justin Miles Jasper, the 21-year-old Nev. man busted on July 4 in Seattle, ... It said something to the effect of: Are you aware of the Syrian revolution?"
Related searches for Justin Miles Jasper syria
- Justin Miles Jasper, 21, is being held in King County, ... Are you aware of the Syrianrevolution?" Hamilton said. "It was definitely political in nature."
Justin Jasper had a carload of guns, body armor and explosives when he was arrested this week near Washington University in Seattle. And he apparently had a plan: Do something in the West to support protestors demanding reform in Brazil.
People who knew the quiet 21-year-old had no idea what he was plotting. But Jasper was never the type to speak his mind.
Those who knew him in Las Vegas described the young Henderson man as a loner who rarely divulged his personal life, even to those he knew for some time.
Billie Ann Sabala knew Jasper at the Lohan School of Shaolin, a Las Vegas school for Chinese martial arts.
Jasper practiced Kung Fu at the school for more than a year, she said.
“He was a wanderer, a hanger-on. He didn’t have many friends. He didn’t exactly click with anyone at the school,” said Sabala, Lohan’s administrator and a Tai Chi instructor.
Sabala said Jasper suddenly quit taking classes about two years ago and told the staff he was joining the military reserves.
But he returned about a month later, claiming he’d been rejected. She said Jasper had apparently had a falling out with his mother, who had paid for his Kung Fu lessons.
“When he came back he was basically homeless,” she said. “He didn’t have any money and asked if he could stay at the school. I told him no, and said, ‘Go call your mother. She’s worried about you.’”
Sabala said she last heard from Jasper about a year ago, when he said he was leaving to take classes in Reno.
Jasper was arrested Wednesday near the University of Washington in a truck stolen from a truck driver in Butte, Mont. The truck driver reported to authorities Wednesday that he returned from a trip to find his pickup truck missing and guns stolen from his home, said Butte-Silver Bow Undersheriff George Skuletich.
Inside the truck, police found a rifle, a shotgun, a machete, several knives and six Molotov cocktails.
Authorities said Jasper also had anti-government materials and detailed maps to the University of Washington, Seattle University and South Seattle Community College. They also found a recording of a podcast that appears to have Jasper expressing support for protesters in Brazil.
More than 1 million demonstrators have taken to the streets in Brazil over the past month to denounce everything from poor public services to the billions of dollars spent preparing for next year’s World Cup soccer tournament and the 2016 Olympics in Brazil.
Police found evidence that Jasper was planning some kind of action in support of those protesters, Senior Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Andrew Hamilton said. Hamilton said that on the podcast, Jasper said he was going to back the “Brazilian revolution” by doing something “somewhere in the Western United States.”
“I’m going to make sure people understand and notice it,” he allegedly said on the podcast.!/2013/07/donate-to-justins-legal-fund.html
Authorities also found maps in the truck to the University of Washington, Seattle University and South Seattle Community College. Court documents identified Jasper's occupation as a self-employed journalist. He has not yet been appointed a public defender.
The truck driver from Butte reported to authorities Wednesday that he returned from a trip to find his pickup truck missing and guns stolen from his home, said Butte-Silver Bow Undersheriff George Skuletich.
Jasper had been staying at the truck driver's home for about a month.
The Seattle Times identified the truck driver Friday night as Erik Henderson ( ).
This could be related to a string of attacks on American colleges and schools:
- John Zawahri: Santa Monica College Massacre
- University of Central Florida Terrorist James Seevakumaran
- .Arrested at stopped in the 3400 block of Northeast 45th Street, near the Burke-Gilman Trail and the Baskin-Robbins (near University Village) wed july 3
- .Arms: stolen scoped rifle, stolen shotgun, suspected incendiary devices (molotov cocktails) and body armor found in stolen pickup truck.
- .Arson-Bomb Squad: involved in investigation
- .Blog A blog [] posted under the name Justin Miles Jasper contains photos of machine guns and swords with multiple references to anarchy and revolution.
- .Brazil found a recording of a podcast that appears to have Jasper expressing support for protesters in Brazil.
- .Chemical industry conspiracy theory
- .FBI has joined the investigation
- .GMO conspiracy theory
- .Motive: UW Police Chief John Vinson said it’s not clear why the suspect was in Seattle or what he planned to do with the stolen guns and other incendiary devices.
- .Supect: 21-year-old Nevada resident Justin Miles Jasper,
- .Terrorism: suspect had loaded up on guns, firebombs, obviously with intent on mass casualty terrorist attack, but authorities will not characterize it as a terrorist plot.
- .White nationalist?
University of Washington Police Chief John Vinson said nothing came up in their system when they checked the plates Tuesday.
Butte authorities are looking into possible charges, but none have been filed, Skuletich said.
Vinson said the man had with him a scoped rifle, shotgun and fewer than 10 Molotov cocktails.
July 7, 2013
judge, who said the six Molotov cocktails found in the blue pickup indicated Jasper “posed an imminent threat to the community.” found a deer rifle, a double-barrel shotgun, three knives, a machete and military-grade body armor in the truck, along with maps of three Seattle-area college campuses, said Senior Deputy Prosecutor Andrew Hamilton. Erik Henderson, the Butte long-haul trucker who gave Jasper a ride from Idaho and let him stay in his home, said the body armor was his from when he was a contract convoy trucker in Iraq. The guns were hunting weapons, he said.
July 5, 2013 Prosecutors say the Nevada man arrested near the University of Washington campus with weapons and explosives also had anti-government propaganda and directions to three Seattle colleges. Montana authorities said Jasper had stolen a pickup truck and several firearms from a truck driver who gave him a place to stay in Butte for the last month..stolen scoped rifle, a stolen shotgun, body armor, three knives, a machete and six Molotov cocktails... Jasper allegedly addressed the political upheaval in Syria and Brazil and expressed anti-government sentiments, Hamilton said.
Wed July 3, 2013
Arrested at stopped in the 3400 block of Northeast 45th Street, near the Burke-Gilman Trail and the Baskin-Robbins (near University Village) Vehicle search turns up weapons and boby armor
Tuesday July 2, 2013
July 7, 2013
judge, who said the six Molotov cocktails found in the blue pickup indicated Jasper “posed an imminent threat to the community.” found a deer rifle, a double-barrel shotgun, three knives, a machete and military-grade body armor in the truck, along with maps of three Seattle-area college campuses, said Senior Deputy Prosecutor Andrew Hamilton. Erik Henderson, the Butte long-haul trucker who gave Jasper a ride from Idaho and let him stay in his home, said the body armor was his from when he was a contract convoy trucker in Iraq. The guns were hunting weapons, he said.
Jasper, he said, had left a message saying he was driving to Seattle to “argue with some legislators about some issues he was upset at.” After Jasper was arrested by UW police, Henderson told police he did not want to prosecute Jasper, whom he described as an “acquaintance,” according to the King County Jail.
booked on charges of possessing an incendiary device
found “anti-government” literature in the pickup and had located Internet postings about a number of issues, including recent protests across Brazil that have been met with violence by the police.
Jasper listed his profession as “journalist — self” on jail documents
t encountered the truck Tuesday evening during a routine patrol of the parking lot of Laurel Village, a UW housing complex
A blog [] posted under the name Justin Miles Jasper contains photos of machine guns and swords with multiple references to anarchy and revolution.
July 5, 2013 Prosecutors say the Nevada man arrested near the University of Washington campus with weapons and explosives also had anti-government propaganda and directions to three Seattle colleges. Montana authorities said Jasper had stolen a pickup truck and several firearms from a truck driver who gave him a place to stay in Butte for the last month..stolen scoped rifle, a stolen shotgun, body armor, three knives, a machete and six Molotov cocktails... Jasper allegedly addressed the political upheaval in Syria and Brazil and expressed anti-government sentiments, Hamilton said.
"There was a sheet of paper that had block, printed letters. It said something to the effect of: Are you aware of the Syrian revolution?" Hamilton said. "It was definitely political in nature."..directions to three college campuses: the University of Washington, Seattle University and South Seattle Community College...After a police pursuit, Jasper was arrested near Seattle Children's Hospital... no ties to Seattle area.... comment: Must be a gun loving right winger. Great minds like Ted Nugent, Timothy McVeigh, Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck etc must have inspired him....The author writes: “I have privileges and respect in a sick society that for the arbitrary reasons lifts me above everyone else.” This is a sick kid who doesn't identify with either party.
and search for this guy's name in Google, and you find his web page at .
Wed July 3, 2013
Arrested at stopped in the 3400 block of Northeast 45th Street, near the Burke-Gilman Trail and the Baskin-Robbins (near University Village) Vehicle search turns up weapons and boby armor
Tuesday July 2, 2013
UW police first found Jasper sleeping in a truck Tuesday night near campus. He was questioned, but released because there was no known criminal activity. Truck is later looked up and found to be stolen from Montana
found a recording of a podcast that appears to have Jasper expressing support for protesters in Brazil.
- Jasper was arrested Wednesday and is being ... They also found a recording of a podcast that appears to have Jasper expressing support for the Brazilian revolution.
- Jul 05, 2013 · Jasper was arrested Wednesday and is being held on $2 million ... Jaspersaid he was going to back the "Brazilian revolution" by doing something ...
- Justin Jasper had a carload of guns, body armor and explosives when he was arrested this week near Washington University in Seattle. And he apparently had a plan: Do ...
- Jasper was arrested Wednesday and is being ... They also found a recording of a podcast that appears to have Jasper expressing support for the Brazilian revolution.
- Jasper was arrested Wednesday and is ... They also found a recording of a podcast that appears to have Jasper expressing support for the Brazilian revolution. ...
- Local News Louisiana Politics U.S. Politics $2 Million Bail Set For Armed 'Brazilian Revolution' Supporter
They also found a recording of a podcast that appears to have Jasper expressing support for protesters in Brazil. Police found evidence that Jasper was planning some kind of action in support of those protesters, Senior Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Andrew Hamilton said. Hamilton said that on the podcast, Jasper said he was going to back the “Brazilian revolution” by doing something “somewhere in the Western United States.”
“I’m going to make sure people understand and notice it,” he allegedly said on the podcast.
(pro-Morsi pro-palestine, pro-Iran disinformation website)
Authorities: Armed man arrested in Seattle was planning action in support of Brazil protesters : like all teeming countries with lots of poor people and an attempt at a popular government, when the banks demand punishment for running in the red, this is inflicted on the poor. So Brazil, trying to get ready for the obscene Olympic ‘sports’ which are mainly pros thanks to changes in the rules, we have the government ‘cleaning up’ the cities which means removal of poor people.
This, in turn, causes demonstrations and riots. The US which was so very supportive of using the military to overthrow a government in Africa due to some demonstrations over IMF rules will do the same to Brazil. The US has done this repeatedly to Brazil in the past. The most recent was the 1964 Brazilian coup d’état. The US CIA has huge reasons for another coup there. Greenwald, the Guardian reporter who broke the Snowden whistleblower case lives there and is protected there. They are very anxious to get their paws on him and to Gitmo him.
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Man with guns, incendiaries arrested in Seattle
Man with guns, incendiaries arrested in Seattle
Arson-Bomb Squad investigation following arrest at UW
The suspect, 21-year-old Nevada resident Justin Miles Jasper, was stopped in the 3400 block of Northeast 45th Street, near the Burke-Gilman Trail and the Baskin-Robbins. The man was booked into King County Jail..
UW police first found Jasper sleeping in a truck Tuesday night near campus. He was questioned, but released because there was no known criminal activity.
Later police learned the truck was stolen from Montana, but it was gone when they went to look for it. Officers were told to look for the truck, which led to it being found Wednesday. Jasper, who has not been charged, was arrested during the traffic stop.
"it’s not clear why the suspect was in Seattle or what he planned to do with the stolen guns and other incendiary devices." Duh.
" there does not appear to be any threat to the University of Washington community,”" There was NEVER any threat?
In Israel or Pakistan, it would be obvious that they had arrested a terrorist. People like this are not mental cases, somebody went to a lot of trouble to recruit somebody to steal a truck in Montana, get guns and stock up on firebombs. But in the USA there are people who think even the Boston Tsarnaev's weren't terrorist, just angry young men. SUV rams a taxi cab in Auburn. Boats on fire in Lake Union. Driver crosses 2 lanes wrong way to ram a motorcycle cop in Everett. Bus driver claims his brakes fail, runs red light to kill 2 in SUV he rams, braked found to be fine. Only in America are people so blind to obvious terrorism.
Arrest of Terrorist Gunman Near University of Washington Ninjapundit Terrorism
102 12/17/2013