Daily Geez July 12, 2013 Communist
01. Judy Chu Exposed Part 1: Yes Soledad O’Brien, Judy Chu Probably “is a Communist!” CNN presenter Soledad O'Brien confronted West with a list of Congress members, asking him to confirm if they were “communists.” If West knew as much about communism as he does about radical Islam, he could have made a case for the affirmative for all those named. When Soledad O’Brien asked, “Judy Chu, is a communist????” West could, and should have said, “she’s probably one of the worst!!!”
02. The Zimmerman case, Adam Kokesh, Al Jazeera and Russia Today TV
America's Survival: Jerry Kenney and I tell it like it is — the Zimmerman trial is a travesty. The judge is scared to death of the racist liberal mobs and is bending over backwards in order to help the prosecutors get a guilty verdict.
The judge is determined to make Martin out to be an angel. In fact, he was a druggie, probably a marijuana addict. Also, remember that a burglary tool was found in the bushes near the crime scene, probably discarded by Martin
the Al Jazeera matter.

Look at this column in the leftist Nation magazine:

You can find the Dreyfuss story here.
Yes, even the liberals are starting to recognize the truth
04. Laurie Roth - Internationalists, Dictators and Islamic Terrorists
04. Laurie Roth - Internatio
Obama chose not to support the real and massive protestors marching in the streets for freedom and reform in Iran, many years ago. The people begged America for help and Obama looked the other way.
• Obama breached the 1973 war powers act and put us into an illegal and pointless war in Libya. We allowed the assassination of Kadaffi, when he was totally contained. There was no reason to go in there, except for another more sinister agenda…i.e. supporting the Muslim Brotherhood and more radicalism to control Libya. Then, there were the thousands of weapons that disappeared and went to the rebels in Syria. Hmmmm
• Obama and Hillary backed Dictator Manuel Zelaya when he was legally ousted for crimes against Honduras and her people.
• Obama supported the Muslim Brotherhood radical – Morse. Hosni Mubarak was thrown out in a cue. This was our long time alley in Egypt. Morsi destroyed the Egyptian Constitution, forced radical Sharia law, took what freedoms the people were used to and told his Muslim Brotherhood military to rape female protestors. Ynet News has tracked at least 100 sexual assaults to women during Egyptian protests. These were ones reported. God knows how many actually occurred that weren’t reported.
• The more testimony that comes forth about the Benghazzi murders of our ambassador and staff, Morsi is involved and it looks like a faked kidnapping, gone bad for the purpose of an exchange between Obama and Morsi. Obama would have looked like a hero for getting Ambassader Stevens back in exchange for The blind Shiek, which would have made Morsi look great. Things went very bad. Even if this didn’t exactly happen we know Obama refused numerous requests for help during the attack and disappeared during the whole event. Why? Blood is on Obama’s hands and perhaps a botched kidnapping?
• Obama supports the wrong side in Syria, the rebels. We have sent them thousands of weapons and pushed for the end of their President Al assad. According to Whalid and Ted Shoebat’s careful research back to the Arabic sources, the Syrian rebels are far more vicious and violent threat
• Obama breached the 1973 war powers act and put us into an illegal and pointless war in Libya. We allowed the assassination of Kadaffi, when he was totally contained. There was no reason to go in there, except for another more sinister agenda…i.e. supporting the Muslim Brotherhood and more radicalism to control Libya. Then, there were the thousands of weapons that disappeared and went to the rebels in Syria. Hmmmm
• Obama and Hillary backed Dictator Manuel Zelaya when he was legally ousted for crimes against Honduras and her people.
• Obama supported the Muslim Brotherhood radical – Morse. Hosni Mubarak was thrown out in a cue. This was our long time alley in Egypt. Morsi destroyed the Egyptian Constitution, forced radical Sharia law, took what freedoms the people were used to and told his Muslim Brotherhood military to rape female protestors. Ynet News has tracked at least 100 sexual assaults to women during Egyptian protests. These were ones reported. God knows how many actually occurred that weren’t reported.
• The more testimony that comes forth about the Benghazzi murders of our ambassador and staff, Morsi is involved and it looks like a faked kidnapping, gone bad for the purpose of an exchange between Obama and Morsi. Obama would have looked like a hero for getting Ambassader Stevens back in exchange for The blind Shiek, which would have made Morsi look great. Things went very bad. Even if this didn’t exactly happen we know Obama refused numerous requests for help during the attack and disappeared during the whole event. Why? Blood is on Obama’s hands and perhaps a botched kidnapping?
• Obama supports the wrong side in Syria, the rebels. We have sent them thousands of weapons and pushed for the end of their President Al assad. According to Whalid and Ted Shoebat’s careful research back to the Arabic sources, the Syrian rebels are far more vicious and violent threat
Al assad and his military. Both sides are bad, but the rebels are torturing, beheading and murdering thousands. They include radical Muslim Brotherhood and Al Kae Da members.
05. Fort Hood shooting suspect Nidal Hasan barred from seeing evidence obtained by FISA spying for his self-defense
05. Fort Hood shooting suspect Nidal Hasan barred from seeing evidence obtained by FISA spying for his self-defense
CBSNews (Hidden Byline) — NEW ORLEANS The Army psychiatrist charged in the deadly mass shooting at Fort Hood, Texas, cannot access evidence obtained ... Read Article
06. State Department official grilled over Benghazi at confirmation hearing, http://fxn.ws/12G5XAW -
07. Tsarnaev's first day in court: Yawns, 'smirked at the families' - National counterterrorism
08. Above the law -- Obama's radical rejection of the rule of law has fatal consequences,http://fxn.ws/1brFzSk -
09. States with More Welfare Than Workers
(Not fact checked but sounds plausible)
Make sure you read to the bottom...
Quite an eye opener...

These 11 States now have More People on Welfare than they do Employed!
Last month, the Senate Budget Committee reports that in fiscal year 2012, between food stamps, housing support, child care, Medicaid and other benefits, the average U.S. Household below the poverty line received $168.00 a day in government support. What's the problem with that much support? Well, the median household income in America is just over $50,000,which averages out to $137.13 a day. To put it another way, being on welfare now pays the equivalent of $30.00 an hour for a 40-hour week, while the average job pays $20.00 an hour.
There are actually two messages here. The first is very
interesting, but the second is absolutely astounding - and explains a lot.
A recent "Investor's Business Daily" article provided very
interesting statistics from a survey by the United Nations International
Health Organization.
Percentage of men and women who survived a cancer five years
after diagnosis:
U.S. 65%
England 46%
Canada 42%
Percentage of patients diagnosed with diabetes who received
treatment within six months:
U.S. 93%
England 15%
Canada 43%
Percentage of seniors needing hip replacement who received it
within six months:
U.S. 90%
England 15%
Canada 43%
Percentage referred to a medical specialist who see one within
one month:
U.S. 77%
England 40%
Canada 43%
Number of MRI scanners (a prime diagnostic tool) per million
U.S. 71
England 14
Canada 18
Percentage of seniors (65+), with low income, who say they are
in "excellent health":
U.S. 12%
England 2%
Canada 6%
And now for the last statistic:
National Health Insurance?
England YES
Canada YES
Check this last set of statistic
10. Welfare equivalent to $30 an hr
Last month, the Senate Budget Committee reports that in fiscal year 2011, between food stamps, housing support, child care, Medicaid and other benefits, the average U.S. household below the poverty line received $168.00 a day in government support. What’s the problem with that much support? Well, the median household income in America is just over $50,000, which averages out to $137.13 a day. To put it another way, being on welfare now pays the equivalent of $30.00 an hour for a 40-hour week, while the average job pays $25.00 an hour.
The percentage of each past president's cabinet who had worked
in the private business sector prior to their appointment to the cabinet.
You know what the private business sector is; a real-life business, not a
government job. Here are the percentages.
T. Roosevelt.................... 38%
Taft................................ 40%
Wilson ........................... 52%
Harding........................... 49%
Coolidge......................... 48%
Hoover............................ 42%
F. Roosevelt..................... 50%
Truman........................... 50%
Eisenhower................ .... 57%
Kennedy......................... 30%
Johnson.......................... 47%
Nixon.............................. 53%
Ford................................ 42%
Carter............................. 32%
Reagan............................ 56%
GH Bush.......................... 51%
Clinton .......................... 39%
GW Bush........................ 55%
Obama............................. 8%
12. Flight Attendent Heros With Fire Extinguishers
San Francisco crash: passengers had been told to ... - The Guardian
www.guardian.co.uk › World news › Plane crashes
Asiana Airlines Flight 214 pilots delayed evacuation after San ...
www.chicagotribune.com › News
Asiana Flight 214: NTSB says Asiana pilots delayed evacuation until ...
21 hours agoDramatic 911 calls were made by passengers of Asiana 214, pleading for ... Called heroes for evacuating ...- More videos for asiana flight attendant fire extinguisher hero »
Asiana passengers initially told not to evacuate after crash | WWWV ...
Tears as air crash heroes return - ShanghaiDaily Mobile
21 hours ago - Passengers on the Asiana Airlines plane that crashed in San Francisco... But a flight attendant saw fire outside the plane, and the call to exit was ... the interior and was fought by flight attendants with fire extinguishers even as .
14. Exploding Targets Kill and Start Wildfires
A man attending a bachelor-bachelorette party in Minnesota was killed June 15 by an exploding target. After someone shot the device, shrapnel struck 47-year-old Jeffery Taylor in the abdomen causing him to collapse. KARE11 reported “he was driven to a nearby location where the Rushford Ambulance and Mayo One helicopter were waiting to transport him, but Taylor was pronounced dead on the scene.” Exploding targets have become popular in the last year with target shooters who get a thrill from seeing the explosion when their bullet hits its mark. The devices are sometimes called “binary exploding targets”, since they are completely inert until two powders are mixed by the target shooter. After they are combined, the compound is illegal to transport and is classified as an explosive by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives and is subject to the regulatory requirements in 27 CFR, Part 555. The manufacturers of the devices claim that the only way they can be detonated is by striking them with a high-velocity bullet fired from a high-powered center-fire rifle. But at least one company has recently started offering targets that will explode when hit with a much less powerful .22 caliber rim-fire rifle.
15. Dar al-Hijrah Islamic Center of Falls Church VA Holds Pro-Morsi Protesthttp://www.investigativeproject.org/4079/ipt-exclusive-pro-morsi-rally-in-dc-a-grand
an examination of the rally's organizers and speakers shows deep connections to the Brotherhood, an 80-year-old religious and political movement that seeks to establish a global Islamic Caliphate governed by Shari'ah, or Islamic law. Its motto: "Allah is our goal, the Quran is our Constitution, the Prophet is our leader, struggle [jihad] is our way, and death in the service of God is the loftiest of our wishes."
The July 5 rally was organized by the Dar al-Hijrah Islamic Center of Falls Church, Va. mosque that has been home to some notable Islamic extremists. Law enforcement records obtained by the Investigative Project on Terrorism in 2010 show it has served as "a front for Hamas operatives in U.S.," and "has been linked to numerous individuals linked to terrorism financing."
It was home to the late American-born terrorist Anwar al-Awlaki before he left the United States.
9/11 hijackers Nawaf al-Hazmi and Hani Hanjour attended the mosque, as well as Fort Hood shooter Nidal Hasan.
Dar al-Hijrah also has a long history of supporting both the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas. One of the mosque's founders and former imams, Muslim Brotherhood member Mohammed Adam el-Sheikh, also founded the Brotherhood-related Muslim American Society (MAS) along with former Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohammed Mahdi Akef. (Reports claim that Akef was among the Muslim Brotherhood leaders arrested during the July 4 roundup.)
MAS and Dar al-Hijrah have shared several leaders. For example, former MAS President Esam Omeish served on the mosque's board of directors. Omeish had to resign from a Virginia immigration board in 2007 after he was seen on videotape praising Palestinians who chose "the jihad way" to liberation. And Imam Shaker Elsayed is a former MAS secretary-general. In a 2004 profile of the Muslim Brotherhood in America, Elsayed praised Muslim Brotherhood founder Hassan Al-Banna, saying that his ideas are "the closest reflection of how Islam should be in this life." Earlier this year, Elsayed told an Ethiopian group that Muslim men should be "the first in jihad line."
At the White House rally, the former director of the MAS political arm, Mahdi Bray, spoke first amid chants of "Democracy!" and "[in Arabic] Wake up Al-Sisi, Morsi is President!"
16.Al-Qaida-linked gunmen kill Syrian rebel commander
Al-Qaida-linked gunmen killed a rebel commander in Syria aligned with the Western-backed militias fighting against Bashar Assad's regime, the highest-profile casualty of growing tensions between moderate and jihadi fighters among rebel forces. Observers worried Friday that the commander's death will increase distrust and suspicion between forces already at odds over ...
17. Boeing stock dives on fire in empty 787 in London
18. Baby Stroller Accident / Attack ?
Woman pushes stroller out of path of vehicle
Woman pushes stroller out of path of vehicle
posted: June 22, 2013
A woman pushing a stroller was struck by a vehicle. vehicle was W/B on S. McClellan St stopped at the 3-way stop. The pedestrian was S/B in the crosswalk at Lake Park Dr. pushing a stroller with a 1-year- old infant. The driver did not see the pedestrian and accelerated through the intersection. The pedestrian saw the vehicle approaching and attempted to push the stroller out of the way. The pedestrian was struck by the vehicle and thrown onto the hood of the vehicle, breaking the windshield, before falling to the ground.[African American] in a minivan runs over baby in stroller and mom, flees from ...
- Van Backs Over Stroller, Driver Takes Off | Corpus Christi, TX ...
- www.kristv.com/news/van-backs-over-stroller-driver-takes-off/
- Caught on tape: Van runs over baby stroller | KMOV.com St. Louis
- www.kmov.com/.../Caught-on-tape-Van-runs-over-baby-stroller-215257...
Muskegon, MI (AP) -- Police in Michigan are trying to identify a driver who backed into a woman pushing a stroller with her child inside and dragged the stroller a short distance before fleeing.
Police released video of the stroller being hit and dragged by a minivan in the parking lot of a Muskegon store. Police are working to identify the driver and also released images of him in the store
- May 22, 2011The mother, Regina Aldan, was pushing her four-year-old daughter in a stroller across the road just as the light began to change. Aldan then began running to get out of the busy road and in a flash, the SUV took off, barreling over themother and child.
According to reports, after a review of the video, police did not charge the driver of the SUV, because her view was obstructed by a very large camper that was in the turn lane.
SNELLVILLE, Ga. (AP) -- Police are investigating how an SUV ran over and killed a 14-month-old girl who was strapped into her stroller. The accident happened Saturday .Gwinnett County Police Cpl. Brian Kelly tells WSB-TV that the child's mother was wheeling the stroller across the parking lot when the SUV backed into the child. She was rushed to a hospital and later died of her injuries.
Police seek driver who ran over baby girl
It all began a few days ago when Jenifer Pisano was walking her baby, Sofia, in the stroller along a Ballard street. As they were in a crosswalk, a young male driver in a white Honda CRX nearly ran them down as he drove past. Pisano saw the driver pull off and head into a nearby McDonald's restaurant drive-through, and she says the "mother bear" in her came out. She walked over to the McDonald's to confront the driver about nearly hitting her, pushing the stroller ahead of her. As she stood in front of his car in the narrow drive-through lane, Pisano spotted an open beer can in the vehicle and threatened to call 911. That's when the driver seemed to lose it. "He just put his car into neutral and revved the engine, and then bumped her stroller a couple of times," Pisano says.The stroller was pushed ahead along the drive-through, with the baby girl inside, then the driver gunned it and ran over the stroller, spinning his tires.
saw the stroller being pushed under the car for maybe 10 feet, then under the tires. Heard the plastic crunching," says one of the mechanics, Bradyn Lyon, describing the incident.
Another mechanic, Collin Baroh, describes what happened next.
"His tires spun. It pretty much spit the stroller out and grinded up on the rail," he said.
The Jeep stroller's steel tubing snapped, and the frame collapsed. But the stroller's heavy-duty construction likely saved the baby girl's life.
19. Van Rams Car Into Fence in Vehicle Assault
Woman Arrested for Vehicular Assault in West Seattle
June 23, 2013 Two people were injured in 2 AM collision. ..adult female was driving a full sized van N/B on 17th AV SW, and drove through the stop sign at SW Cambridge ST without stopping. The van hit a small car travelling W/B with 2 occupants, pushing it completely through the intersection, and up the sidewalk into a fence, and crushing the driver’s side halfway into the passenger side of the car.
Bail reduced for vehicular-assault suspect in 17th/Cambridge crash
July 11, 2013 at 4:13 pm | In Crime, West Seattle news | 28 Comments
A judge has reduced bail for the woman charged with three felonies in the South Delridge crash that sent two people to the hospital last month. According to court documents, 26-year-old Kalameu Paulo of Seatac pleaded not guilty yesterday; she is charged with two counts of vehicular assault and one count of hit-and-run.
Prosecutors allege she was under the influence when her van smashed into a smaller car at 17th and Cambridge early the morning of June 23rd, sending driver Logan Wicker and his passenger to the hospital; police say they caught Paulo running away from the scene. comment: I recently worked with an individual who was processed through Kesslers court, he was given all kinds of chances, and he ended up back in jail, now prison for more drug charges, a gun charge, and a burglary charge. He was also to attend the CCAP class, but rarely showed up. It was a trial rehab program that was shelved.

Comment: , I’ll repeat: NO BAIL SHE”S A RUNNER AND COWARD. She deserves to be in jail a long, long tim
- Jun 24, 2013 · KALAMEU PAULO was arrested in King County, WA on June 24, 2013 for Transportation Violation
- 20. Vietnam Nurse Paid Ultimate Price For Bravery
For all of her important acts and deeds, Lane will be remembered most because she was the only American military woman killed by enemy action in Vietnam.Sharon Lane was also the only American servicewoman to be awarded a Bronze Star with the “V” for valor decoration on the ribbon. She was awarded the Purple Heart medal, and other awards, posthumously.21. US Navy Special Ops Vs. Iran small boats in Persian Gulf
Operations Prime Chance and Praying Mantis
http://www.defensemedianetwork.com/stories/ussocoms-first-test-of-fire-operations-prime-chance-and-praying-mantis/ primary adversary was Iran’s littoral fleet of small boats, mostly Swedish-built Boghammers and Boston whaler-type craft, used by the Pasdaran (Revolutionary Guards) to attack commercial shipping or lay mines, and Iranian oil platforms used as observation posts. The Pasdaran’s favored tactic for attacking ships was to swarm around a target and shoot at the vessel’s bridge and superstructure with 107 mm rockets, RPG-7 rocket-propelled grenade launchers, and machine guns. The intent was not so much to sink as to inflict as much damage as possible on the ship and crew.
joint special operations and conventional force operation utilizing personnel from the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (Airborne) – the 160th SOAR, or “Night Stalkers” – SEALs, Special Boat Units, Marines, and the Navy. Prime Chance began with missions launched from Bernsen’s flagship, the command ship USS La Salle (AGF 3), and frigates USSJarrett (FFG 33) and Klakring (FFG 42). Additional missions were planned to be staged from two large oil platform construction barges – the Hercules and theWimbrown VII – located in Bahrain that were being converted into mobile sea bases (MSBs).
22. Asiania Crash Jokes
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23. Women Who Have Crushes on Sociopaths
America's Bad Boy groupies. They're on the courthouse steps with their "Free Jahar" signs, cooing over how "hot" and "cute" the bloodstained Boston Marathon bombing suspect is. He "can blow me up with babies," one moral reprobate quipped shortly after his capture. "I'm not gonna lie, the second bombing suspect, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, is hot. #sorrynotsorry," another young girl boasted.
Fugitive cop-killer Christopher Dorner also had his own fan club. Parked in front of their TV sets, women cheered on the "kinda sexy" homicidal maniac as he terrorized Southern California before perishing in a cabin inferno. "I'd honestly hide Dorner in my house," one fan girl enthused. Tens of thousands "liked" Dorner's various support pages on Facebook.
23. San Francisco Terrorist Attack on San Francisco Jewlery Store: http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/07/12/19442582-two-women-killed-man-wounded-in-attack-at-san-francisco-jewelry-market#comments
No obvious motive other than terrorizing people = terrorism staged as random gun crime.
Also an attack on police who came to investigate.
Mark my words, NOBODY will ever figure out that this jewlery store hit was just a terrorist attack on Americans and police officers staged as a random gun crime by a crazy person, or that most of these high-publicity violent explosions, crashes, shootings, stabbings, road rage, collisions, Aurora, Sandy Hook could actually be targeted terrorist operations staged so they can be pinned down on lone gunmen like Lee Harvey Oswald.
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