tags: Timeline 2012, Soldier Insider Attacks , Attack on police, Assassination, lone gunman, woman perp, Iran incident, Afghanistan Incident
December 24, 2012 Insider Assassination of Joseph Griffin In Kabul By Iranian Immigrant In Kabul, Afghanistan, Afghan policewoman Sgt Nargis fired a single shot at Joseph Griffin of Mansfield, Ga in a heavily secured police headquarters. It was seen as the the first-ever insider attack by a female officer. Griffin was a former US military officer who was advising Afghan police. Nargis had been assigned to the gender and equality department of the police headquarters. Various theories of her motives were that she might have been an Iranian agent since she born in Tehran and had an Iranian passport. She married an Afghan and moved to the country 10 years ago after her husband obtained fake documents enabling her to live and work there. Another theory was that she had a clean record but was mentally ill. She told interrogators she "went to work aiming to kill someone important, and that she did not much care who". Also see Gunman Shoots LA Cop 7 times in Police Station
Another explanation - she was a terrorist
April 7, 2014 Gunman Shoots LA Cop 7 times in Police Station A man walked into a Los Angeles police station and night. He discussed a complaint and the fired at officers, hitting one seven times before officers returned fire and wounded the man. The officer that was hit survived because his vest took most of the hits.
- ^ December 26, 2012 at 11:53 AM An Afghan murder mystery: Why did cop kill U.S. civilian? By ROD NORDLAND The New York Times
25 DECEMBER 2012
- suspect s a native Iranian who came to Afghanistan
- displayed "unstable behaviour"
- no known links to militants, an Interior Ministry spokesman said Tuesday.
- policewoman, identified as Sgt. Nargas,
- shot 49-year-old Joseph Griffin, of Mansfield, Georgia
- first such shooting by a woman in a spate of insider attacks by Afghans
- Nargas walked into a heavily-guarded compound in the heart of Kabul, confronted Griffin and gunned him down with a single pistol bullet.
- worked for U.S-based security firm DynCorp International
- Griffin was a U.S. military veteran who earlier worked with law enforcement agencies in the United States. In Kabul, he was under contract to the NATO military command to advise the Afghan police force.
- Insider killings have eroded the trust between the foreign contingent and the Afghan government, just
- Nargas, who uses one name like many in the country, was born in Tehran, where she married an Afghan. She moved to the country 10 years ago after her husband obtained fake documents enabling her to live and work there.
- A mother of four in her early 30s, she joined the police five years ago, held various positions and had a clean record, he said. Sediqi produced an Iranian passport which he said was found at her home.
- "Her mental condition is not good," he said, describing her behaviour as "unstable." He said that after she attended a recent training course in Egypt a "foreign government" — a clear reference to Egypt — informed Afghan authorities that she did not appear to be "normal."
- the policewoman was licensed to carry the weapon into the compound and was well known there. On Tuesday, however, the chief investigator, Gen. Mohammad Zahir, told reporters that she was not authorized to carry weapons into the compound but managed to pass through security checks with a hidden pistol. Zahir said the lapse of security was also being investigated, as well as whether she had connections with foreign or local militant groups.
- No militant group has claimed responsibility for the killing.
- policewoman said she had plans to kill either the Kabul governor, city police chief or Zahir himself, but when she realized that penetrating the last security cordons to reach them would be too difficult, she saw "a foreigner" and turned her weapon on him.
advisor was A former US military officer
Afghan policewoman kills U.S. advisor - Los Angeles Times
articles.latimes.com › News
Dec 24, 2012 · KABUL, Afghanistan - An Afghan policewoman shot and killed an American civilian advisor Monday at the police headquarters in the capital, Afghan …
d the suspect as a three-year veteran of the force who serves in the gender rights department. He said it was not clear whether the shooting was intentional. The woman is in police custody and an investigation is underway, he said.... being shot by "a woman wearing an Afghan police uniform."
A U.S. security contractor, DynCorp International, identified the victim as one of its employees, Joseph Griffin, 49, of Mansfield, Ga. A veteran of the U.S. military, Griffin was working in support of the Interior Ministry and Afghan National Police, the company said.
Afghan policewoman guns down ISAF advisor | Pajhwok Afghan…
olice official, who did not want to be named, identified the killer as Nargis, assigned to the gender and equality department of the police headquarters. She fired one shot at the advisor, a construction engineer, in the head at close range around 10am, the source said. Earlier in the year, two US soldiers were killed by a policeman at the Interior Ministry in February,
Killer of US advisor Iranian citizen: MoI | Pajhwok Afghan News
KABUL (PAN): The Afghan policewoman who shot dead a US advisor at the heavily-fortified police headquarters in Kabul is an Iranian citizen, a Ministry of Interior .
Interior ministry spokesman Sediq Sediqi said on Tuesday she had displayed “unstable behaviour” but that the investigation revealed no militants links so far.
Interior ministry spokesman Sediq Sediqi said on Tuesday she had displayed “unstable behaviour” but that the investigation revealed no militants links so far.
Insider attacks against Afghan police and Nato troops have risen sharply in 2012. It is thought to be the first time such an insider attack was carried out by a woman.
More than 60 soldiers and civilian advisers have been killed in 46 shootings this year, compared with 35 deaths in all of 2011. They account for nearly one in six of all Nato casualties in Afghanistan, and risk undermining the entire mission as it shifts towards a bigger focus on training.
Assassination of Joseph Griffin Ninjapundit Terrorism
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