Agrees with Russian view on staged april 7 chemical attack. Featured on Russmedia sputniknews, and Southfront, RAMZPaul and Robert Fisk (UK The Independent) German public TV will again feature notorious
Björn Stritze calls it unbelievable pro-Assad propaganda on German Television. This Assad/Putin propaganda is spread on publicly funded German TV. He also calls Assad propagandist and war crime denier Günther Meyer, who claims that there was no CW attack on Douma: Expert" Günther Meyer explains that "the pictures of the so called chemical attack in Douma were filmed by the White Helmets, whose mission is to stage such incidents
[Russian]War Propaganda Is Exposed When Pearson Sharp Goes to Syria ... medium Nor did journalists, Robert Fisk (UK The Independent) and Uli Gack ... While legacy media rants on about a horrifying attack, reports out of Douma suggest it didn’t happen. Sharp found no witnesses nor evidence. Nor did journalists, Robert Fisk (UK The Independent) and Uli Gack (German ZDF).
‘Whole story was staged’: Germany's ZDF reporter says Douma incident was false flag attack Russia RT 22 Apr, 2018 ‘Whole story was staged’: Germany's ZDF reporter says Douma incident was false flag attack Douma, Syria. April 16, 2018 © Ali Hashisho / Reuters The alleged chemical attack in the Syrian city of Douma was staged by local militants, who tried to frame it as a Syrian Army strike, a German TV correspondent, who travelled to Damascus, has said publicly, citing local witnesses.
“People told us in a very convincing manner that this whole story was staged,” Uli Gack, a reporter with the German ZDF public broadcaster, said (referring to the alleged Douma chemical attack) while he spoke live on ZDF Heute (‘Today’) show on Satuday.
Apr 21, 2018 - Uploaded by Aspals ConsultancyThe veteran reporter, Uli Gack, reports accounts from people he interviewed who question the official narrative ...
Douma Chemical Weapons ZDF Report 20 April by Uli Gack Eng Subs ...
Apr 26, 2018 - Uploaded by Sergio WeigelZDF, the largest German TV channel did the impossible. They actually sent a reporter down to a war zone to ...
Another Field Correspondent Finds Out That Douma Chemical Attack Southfront
Rating: 4.7 - 10 reviewsApr 23, 2018 - Uli Gack, a correspondent of the German state-run Zweites ... found that refugees from Douma say that the April 7 chemical attack was “staged”.
German Reporter: Syria's Douma Residents Say Chemical Attack Was /
Apr 23, 2018 - Uli Gack of the German TV network ZDF visited Syria, and reported on air that ... alleged April 7 chemical attack had been staged by the terrorists.
Conclusive evidence that alleged gas attack footage was fake | The ... › ... › News and Current Events › Home › Forums
Apr 20, 2018 - 2 posts - 1 authorVisiting Douma 'chemical attack' site: Witnesses recall how White .... The veteran reporter, Uli Gack, interviewed multiple eyewitnesses of the ...
Germany's Largest Public TV News Broadcaster: Syria Chemical Attack
Apr 21, 2018 - The veteran reporter, Uli Gack, interviewed multiple eyewitnesses of the April 7 allegedchemical attack and concluded of the testimonials, "the .
Say he is agent of Russian / Assad propaganda
Björn Stritzel on Twitter: "Unbelievable pro-Assad propaganda on ... twitter Apr 20, 2018 - ZDF- .Unbelievable pro-Assad propaganda on German Television: ZDF reporter in Damascus says that people told him that ISIS (!) placed chlorine canisters in Douma and waited for SyAAF to bomb these - reporter says he thinks it’s plausible. This is not an isolated incident. Public German broadcasters ARD and ZDF are in full pro-Assad propaganda mode since Douma. They are a trusted source of information and reach many millions, so Assad‘s lies are very effectively spread in Germany. Worst fake news about Syria on German TV so far: "Expert" Günther Meyer explains that "the pictures of the so called chemical attack in Douma were filmed by the White Helmets, whose mission is to stage such incidents." This Assad/Putin propaganda is spread on publicly funded German TV
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