Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Arab Spring

Arab Spring --- ===


Odd theory that Russia and Iran were behind  the Arab Spring unrest.

world, was an attempt to sweep away “moderate” Arab regimes. It was not a revolution
for freedom or democracy. As Richard Miniter wrote in a 2011 Forbes article, “Virtually
every element of the media narrative [on the Arab Spring] … is wrong or misleading.”
The rebellion was not a spontaneous reaction to local dictatorships. According to
Miniter, Egypt’s chief of intelligence warned Gen. David Petraeus in 2010 that Iran – a
close ally and client state of Moscow – was preparing to “bring down [Egypt’s] Mubarak
regime.”10 Miniter was told by intelligence officials that “Iran’s agents are behind the street
demonstrations and violent attacks on government buildings.” 11 Iran’s revolutionary
activity throughout the region, however, was not merely Iranian. This activity was
connected to Russia, and to Russia’s past support for the communist cause. According to
an Iranian specialist, the Supreme Leader of Iran, Ali Khamenei, was educated in
Moscow and may be a Russian intelligence asset. Worse yet, other top leaders in Iran
were also educated in Russia, with ongoing ties to Moscow.
In a recently published article by the Katehon Institute13 in
 Russia, B. Ozerov explained
that the Soviet government in 1918 “was guided by understanding Islam as a close
ideology to the communist doctrine.” After all, Islam favored ideals of equality, social
justice, and the redistribution of wealth. According to Ozerov, Moscow’s initial plan in
the region was “to transform Islam into an Eastern edition of Communism…

June 2013 J.R. Nyquist interviewed a disaffected KGB officer in Russia named Viktor
Kalashnikov. In reference to Syria, the former KGB lieutenant colonel said, “It’s all about
struggle against the United States. All allies are measured in terms of their antiAmericanism.
If they are anti-American, they are our friends

Is Arab Spring Bad For Investors? - Forbes
Apr 25, 2012 - Richard Miniter , Contributor I investigate foreign policy and national ... Arab spring will not immediately shift to winter; responsibility makes ...

The "Arab Spring" Is A Jedi Mind Trick - Forbes
Aug 18, 2011 - Richard Miniter , Contributor I investigate foreign policy and national ... "Arab Spring," as it has been portrayed by the Western media, is an ...

Egypt's intelligence chief Omar Soliman warned General Petraeus in 2010 that Iran was working with the Muslim Brotherhood (as well as Hezbollah and Hamas factions in Egypt) to bring down the Mubarak regime. Soliman was so angry that he phoned his Iranian intelligence counterpart, warning him that Iran faced retaliation from Egypt if it did not cease promoting revolution inside Egypt.  All of this information is captured in a June 29, 2010 State department cable that was made public by WikiLeaks.  Is there only reason to believe that Iran severed its ties to radical groups in Egypt in mid-2010? Or is it more likely Iran continued its subversive work?

Iran Targets the Gulf - Gatestone Institute
https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/12287/iran-targets-the-gulfMay 11, 2018 - Following the 2011 Arab Spring, outsiders also beat the war drums. ... Richard Miniterhas written three New York Times bestsellers on foreign ...

Forbes yanks Middle East column by Richard Miniter | Page Six
Oct 31, 2017 - Forbes not only killed the column — the magazine deleted the entire seven-year archive online. “It seems very punitive,” Miniter said. uthor of “Losing bin Laden,” “Leading From Behind” and half a dozen other weighty tomes — has just had his Forbes magazine column on Middle East affairs spiked after seven years.  “There’s no doubt the Qataris, who publicly admit to giving $1.6 billion to Hamas terrorists, were outraged by my reporting and got to Forbes,” Miniter told me.

Russian Strategy in the Middle East - RAND Corporation
https://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/perspectives/PE200/.../RAND_PE236.pdftiations with Iran, and the pursuit of Russian economic and busi- ness interests. ... Russia did not view the Arab Spring as a holistic, region-wide event; rather,.

did not view the Arab Spring as a holistic, region-wide event; rather,
Moscow assessed the impact in each country, based largely on how
unrest impacted Russian interests.5
The pivotal event for then–Prime
Minister Putin was Russia’s 2011 abstention on United Nations
Security Council Resolution 1973, which allowed an international air
campaign to facilitate the toppling of Libyan dictator Moammar
Gadhafi. Eight years after the United States toppled Saddam
Hussein’s regime in Iraq, and with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad
facing a countrywide rebellion, Russia decided that it would draw a
line in Syria, where its interests were clear and longstanding.6

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