Hultgren to FAA: Time to Fix Your Failed Hiring Social Experiment ...
Jun 15, 2016 - Hultgren to FAA: Time to Fix Your Failed Hiring Social Experiment ... the FAA to further implement its discredited Biographical Questionnaire (Bio Q), .... explain to Congress the rationale behind their methods to boost diversity.
FAA's shift in hiring raises concerns | Congressman Randy Hultgren
May 27, 2014 - Now, the FAA is conducting an off-the-street recruiting process for ... though the FAA says the new policy is "blind on the issue of diversity .... The biographical assessment is part personality test and part questionnaire about an ...
Obama-era FAA hiring rules placed air traffic controller diversity ahead ...
1 day ago - Obama-era FAA hiring rules placed air traffic controller diversity ahead of ... questionnaire” before even being considered for a job with the FAA.
Lawmakers aim to dump new FAA controller hiring rules - Chicago ...
Sep 19, 2014 - 2 Illinois lawmakers seek to dump new FAA controller hiring rules ... Randy Hultgren, an Illinois Republican, and co-sponsored by U.S. Rep. ... designed primarily to increase diversity within the controller ranks, while risking ... controversial biographical questionnaire, an online pass/fail test in which the FAA ...
FAA's bid to expand air traffic hiring pool hits turbulence | Newsday
https://www.newsday.com › News › Nation
Apr 24, 2016 - A revamped hiring process for federal air traffic controllers that the ... Those who fail thequestionnaire must wait until the next time the FAA hires ... arguing the new hiring process was adopted to increase diversity in the controller workforce. ... That report is due this spring, a spokesman forHultgren said.
. As of May 2015, the annual mean wage for an air traffic controller in New York was $133,050, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Before the FAA changed the hiring protocol in 2014, the majority of new air traffic control hires had served as controllers in the military or graduated from an FAA-approved Collegiate Training Initiative program — resulting in associate’s or bachelor’s degrees —
In some cases, applicants with no experience are passing the questionnaire while those with academic training degrees are not, according to the Association of Collegiate Training Institutions, a group of 24 CTI schools lobbying against the FAA’s current hiring policy.
“I have a couple of students who actually were air traffic controllers in the military and failed that test,” said Tom Daly, dean of Dowling College’s School of Aviation, which is one of 36 CTI schools but is not in the lobbying coalition. “How could you be an air traffic controller for five years, very successfully, and fail that test?”
angered Collegiate Training Initiative graduates, especially those who had already scored well on the AT-SAT and were on a preferred hiring list when the FAA announced it would make the change. A federal reverse discrimination lawsuit has been filed
Lawyers estimate they could have as many as 3,000 plaintiffs who suffered from reverse discrimination, arguing the new hiring process was adopted to increase diversity in the controller workforce.
statement from a leading FAA official that we quoted in the complaint, and he said that they made this decision in order to increase diversity FAA public affairs specialist Tony Molinaro. FAA said Molinaro’s statement was ill-informed and mistaken and said in a statement that it makes hires solely based on merit, not “on gender or racial goals.”
2014 FAA report on using biographical data to hire controllers said the AT-SAT has been problematic in the past because it “has been found to be a hiring ‘barrier’ for African-American, Hispanic/Latino, and female applicants.” change was needed because the old hiring process was no longer capable of predicting success in future controllers,
2015 FAA data obtained by the Association of Collegiate Training Institutions, a larger percentage of white applicants passed the test than any other defined racial group. Almost 31 percent of the 10,384 white people who took it passed in 2015, compared with 26 percent of those who said they were multiethnic, 24 percent of Hispanics, and about 21 percent of African-Americans, Asians and American Indians.
The FAA Could Be Sacrificing Your Safety For Diversity - This Is Scary ...
2 days ago - Uploaded by Fox NewsThe FAA changed its hiring policies on Dec. ... and to pass the FAA's new exam, the Biographical ...
Aviation Attorney to Tucker Carlson: FAA Is Putting Diversity Ahead of ...
1 day agoCarlson explained how the FAA rewarded job applicants on a - Carlson | Breitbart TV. ... Those who answer ...
Hultgren outraged with FAA hiring practices for air traffic controllers ...
May 22, 2015 - Hultgren outraged with FAA hiring practices for air traffic controllers ... Hultgren (IL-14) began calling for FAA officials to appear before Congress ... The AT-CTI Diversity Outreach of 2012-2013 was considered success in ... input into the design of the BQ test in addition to the questions regarding cheating.
Hultgren Questions New Air Traffic Controller Selection Process ...
Jun 12, 2014 - Hultgren Questions New Air Traffic Controller Selection Process ... I am concerned that the FAA's new hiring procedures jeopardize passenger ... as Air Traffic Controllers, including race, national origin, and gender diversity
Hultgren Reintroduces Legislation to Fix FAA’s Hiring Procedure for Air Traffic Controllers
Apr 22, 2015
Press Release
FAA Plows Ahead without Addressing Safety Concerns
Washington, DC – U.S. Representatives Randy Hultgren (R-IL-14), Dan Lipinski (D-IL-03), Vicky Hartzler (R-MO-04), Cheri Bustos (D-IL-17), Matt Salmon (R-AZ-05), Tim Ryan (D-OH-13), Keith Rothfus (R-PA-12) and Elizabeth Esty (D-CT-05) today introduced a bill, the Air Traffic Controllers Hiring Act of 2015 (H.R. 1964), to reverse the effects of the Federal Aviation Authority’s (FAA) interim hiring procedures which have passed over the most qualified air traffic controller candidates and raised concerns of safety and transparency. Rep. Hultgren introduced similar legislation, the SAFE TOWERS Act (H.R. 5675), last Congress.
“Although the FAA’s sudden change in hiring standards last year clearly jeopardized air travel safety, the FAA has refused to alter course on the obscure and illogical practices which have passed over the most qualified air traffic controller candidates. This legislation makes sure we have the best and brightest in our control towers, provides relief to those who were unjustly shunted out of the interim hiring process, and pushes the FAA to change course on their new hiring procedures which have exacerbated the problem,” said Rep. Hultgren. “The FAA’s new procedures still do not address our concerns with the questionable and uncertified Biographical Questionnaire (Bio Q). They do nothing to provide relief for those who ‘aged out’ of the process—our bill does. I urge its quick passage, and I thank my fellow co-sponsors for their support. I also encourage Chairman Shuster to compel the FAA to answer tough questions about the change in procedure.”
Rep. Hultgren has called upon Congressman Bill Shuster (R-PA), Chairman of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, to hold a hearing examining the FAA’s hiring practices.
Currently, there are 272 air traffic controllers living in the 14th Congressional District. For decades, the FAA has relied on qualified veterans and colleges and universities to prepare air traffic controllers through the Collegiate Training Initiative (CTI), ensuring candidates are well-trained for the position. Last year, the FAA suddenly changed its hiring practices with few details given about how the changes would be implemented and with little advance warning. There are strong signs that the procedures have resulted in unjust economic injury to candidates who have been disqualified by the opaque Bio Q. Further, many have “aged out” after turning 31 during the application process, thus becoming ineligible for the job for which they were specifically trained. In January, the FAA announced this year’s procedures which resemble those used during the interim hiring period.
Among other provisions, the bill would:
- Restore preferred status for CTI graduates with school recommendations and qualified veterans back into the hiring process. A qualified individual maintaining practical air traffic control experience obtained at FAA air traffic control facilities and civilian installations of the Department of Defense would also receive preferential consideration.
- Eliminate the use of a Biographical Assessment that unduly disqualifies applicants, and require public disclosure of the assessment’s validation and criteria used before implementation.
- Allow candidates who will have aged out from the interim hiring process, or were deemed unqualified by the Bio Q, the chance to reapply.
Obama-era FAA hiring rules place diversity ahead of airline safety, attorney tells Tucker Carlson
Fox News · 1 day ago
Obama-era FAA hiring rules place diversity ahead of ... - Fox News
www.foxnews.com/.../obama-era-faa-hiring-rules-place-diversity-ahead-airline-safety-att...1 day ago - Obama-era FAA hiring rules place diversity ahead of airline safety, ... the first step of thehiring process, used a 'biographical questionnaire' to ...
Obama Admin Changed FAA Hiring Process To Prioritize Diversity ...
The FAA now uses a “biographical questionnaire” to screen applicants, which is apparently intended to increase the number of minorities who ...
Obama-era FAA hiring rules placed air traffic controller diversity ahead ...
Obama-era FAA hiring rules placed air traffic controller diversity ahead of ... questionnaire” before even being considered for a job with the FAA.
FAA ATC Diversity Efforts Challenged - Airliners.net
www.airliners.net › Civil Aviation
2 days ago - 19 posts - 14 authorsCentral to the strategy is a "questionnaire" about a person's work and .... FAA employment form (pdf link): https://jobs.faa.gov/forms/rmc_form.pdf.
So here's what the questionnaire includes:
A question as to what your worst subject was in school. There were several options, including science, math, and a few others. The BEST answer for you to give was that "Science" was your WORST subject. 10 points for that answer. More points is better.
A question about how many suggestions you had made to your employer in the last 3 years. The BEST answer (10 points) was that you were not employed in the last 3 years and therefore made no suggestions. (In other words, it's a disguised question designed to determine whether you have been employed in the last 3 years, and you get 10 points if you have not been.)
In another question: 10 points for having no relevant experience, 4 points for having ATC experience, 2 points for being a pilot. Seriously.
In short, it's a questionnaire designed to ask questions that technically are permissible, in order to determine information that it is illegal to ask directly in screening: what's your race or ethnic background.
That it awards HIGH scores for matters that plainly are disadvantages in the profession for which it is screening reveals the lunacy of this thing. No matter where the attention is coming from, the disinfecting effect of sunlight on this thing hopefully will lead to changes that will preserve the integrity of a profession that currently employs an amazingly-talented group. (That they put all those planes on the ground on Sept. 11 in a very short time with no accidents was the example that Carlson gave about how good controllers, as a group, really are.)
Seems the FAA under the previous administration is pushing for diversity over competence in ATC hiring:
http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2016/08/ ... y.amp.html
ATC Applicants Get New Day In Court In FAA Discrimination Suit
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June 1, 2018
A district court has restored the demand for the full reinstatement of ATC applicants who claimed they were denied employment because of discriminatory hiring practices by the FAA. The group of would-be applicants filed a class-action suit in 2015 after their job applications were thrown out by the FAA, according to the group’s lawyers.
FAA’s change in ATC hiring practices in 2013. Before that time, preference was given to CTI graduates, veterans and those with high rankings on the Air Traffic Selection and Training exam (AT-SAT). The AT-SAT was revised in 2013, a separate personality-based Biographical Assessment—that many said was nonsensical—was added as a requirement and preferential hiring for CTI grads was removed. According to the FAA, the purpose of the assessment was, in part, to increase diversity in its workforce.
Obama-era FAA hiring rules place diversity ahead of airline ... - WVII
1 day ago - Obama-era FAA hiring rules place diversity ahead of airline safety, attorney ... suing theFederal Aviation Administration (FAA) told "Tucker Carlson Tonight" ... LeBron James storms out afterquestions about JR Smith blunder ...
Jobs - Federal Aviation Administration
May 24, 2018 - Diversity and Inclusion. FAA 's mission of safe and efficient flight is one that affects all Americans. It is crucial that we grow and maintain a ...
FAA's mission of safe and efficient flight is one that affects all Americans. It is crucial that we grow and maintain a workforce featuring a variety of perspectives.
Diversity Takes Flight
Diversity is integral to achieving FAA's mission of ensuring safe and efficient travel across our nation and beyond. Our inclusive culture is defined by our values and we continuously seek employees from all backgrounds with distinctive ideas, perspectives, insights and talents. As our NextGen technology and systems continue to evolve to meet the aviation challenges of tomorrow, so must our workforce.
Because diversity is so critical, FAA actively supports and engages in a variety of associations, programs, coalitions and initiatives to support and accommodate employees from diverse communities and backgrounds. Our people are our strength, and we take great care in investing in and valuing them as such.
The mission of the FAA involves securing the skies of a diverse nation. It only makes sense that the workforce responsible for that mission reflects the nation that it serves.
2 days ago - Uploaded by Fox News... weren't diverse enough and in recent years and in the first step of the hiring p... ... in the first step of the ...
Obama put diversity over safety at FAA - OneNewsNow.com
3 hours ago - Former President Barack Obama changed the FAA's rules for hiring air ... of the hiringprocess – used a 'biographical questionnaire' to screen ...
Aviation Attorney to Tucker Carlson: FAA Is Putting Diversity Ahead of ...
1 day agoCarlson explained how the FAA rewarded job applicants on a biographicalquestionnaire with extra credit ...
Three Studies of Biographical Factors Associated with Success in Air ...
Past expereince in ATC and high math scores in high school was predictive of success, but new bio questionarre scores opposite.
by AD VanDeventer - 1983 - Cited by 6 - Related articlesthis battery is a Biographical Questionnaire (P~) designed to elicit responses ... pass/fail air traffic control (ATC) training program at the FAA Academy in.
cheating in the new FAA biographical questionnaire exposed | Page ...
https://forums.jetcareers.com › Forums › Career Specific › Air Traffic Control
May 29, 2015 - 19 posts - 10 authorsSo.. they recognized a shortage of certain demographics within the FAA and controllers. Instead of trying to find a way to attract qualified ...Lets just call it what it is, they realized they had too many white people, especially white men. They decided that isn't ok, so they have come across a way to specifically do their best to not hire white guys. So essentially in their efforts to create equality they are actually discriminating white guys... This is not to say that other races aren't just as deserving, it just baffles me that they felt it was too white dominant so they in turn are now trying their best to slow down white guys getting into ATC. If only our country focused on who is most qualified for jobs and didn't take any account of gender or race... but we all know that won't ever happen.
Development, Validation, and Fairness of... (PDF Download Available)
https://www.researchgate.net/.../234059766_Development_Validation_and_Fairness_of_...This work was completed under approved FAA Human Factors research task ... Assessment (ABA; 142 items; n=266), Biographical Questionnaire (BQ;.
by AD VanDeventer - 1983 - Cited by 6 - Related articlesthis battery is a Biographical Questionnaire (P~) designed to elicit responses ... pass/fail air traffic control (ATC) training program at the FAA Academy in.
cheating in the new FAA biographical questionnaire exposed | Page ...
https://forums.jetcareers.com › Forums › Career Specific › Air Traffic Control
May 29, 2015 - 19 posts - 10 authorsSo.. they recognized a shortage of certain demographics within the FAA and controllers. Instead of trying to find a way to attract qualified ...Lets just call it what it is, they realized they had too many white people, especially white men. They decided that isn't ok, so they have come across a way to specifically do their best to not hire white guys. So essentially in their efforts to create equality they are actually discriminating white guys... This is not to say that other races aren't just as deserving, it just baffles me that they felt it was too white dominant so they in turn are now trying their best to slow down white guys getting into ATC. If only our country focused on who is most qualified for jobs and didn't take any account of gender or race... but we all know that won't ever happen.
Development, Validation, and Fairness of... (PDF Download Available)
https://www.researchgate.net/.../234059766_Development_Validation_and_Fairness_of_...This work was completed under approved FAA Human Factors research task ... Assessment (ABA; 142 items; n=266), Biographical Questionnaire (BQ;.
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