Killing of Baltimore Detective Sean Suiter Killed: Sean Suiter, Detective, Homicide, November 16, 2017, 43, Gunfire, L/D Succumbed to injuries sustained on 11/15/2017. Shot in head, then while transported his car crashed into another car. He was shot a day before he was to testify in a corruption probe involving indicted officers. Some conspiracy theorists believe the black officer was set up to be killed.
List of Baltimore Police Department officers killed in the ... - Wikipedia
The following Baltimore Police Department (BPD) officers have been killed in the line of duty or ..... on 11/23/2014. Sean Suiter, Detective, Homicide, November 16, 2017, 43, Gunfire, L/D Succumbed to injuries sustained on 11/15/2017.
Baltimore police detective Sean Suiter's slaying a baffling mystery
Mar 5, 2018 - A Baltimore police detective was shot dead last week, a day before he was to testify in a corruption probe involving indicted officers. Authorities ...
New details revealed in Baltimore police investigation of Detective ...
Mar 22, 2018 - The death of Baltimore Police Detective Sean Suiter is one of the only unsolved killings of a police officer in the department's history. Now, new ...
Board Reviewing Death Of Balt. Detective Sean Suiter To Issue Findings
CBS Baltimore 6/29/2018
Baltimore Detective Sean Suiter killed day before testimony in police ...
NBC News - Nov 23, 2017
Baltimore Detective Sean Suiter Killed Day Before Testimony In ...
NBC News
YouTube - Nov 24, 2017
What's known about the killing of Baltimore police detective Sean Suiter
Washington Post - Nov 24, 2017
Baltimore Detective Sean Suiter killed day before testimony in police ...
NBC News - Nov 24, 2017
Actual Video Footage of the Murder site of Detective Sean Suiter
Advance Criminology
YouTube - Nov 28, 2017
Baltimore Detective Sean Suiter killed day before testimony in police ...
NBC News - Nov 23, 2017
Timeline in Detective Sean Suiter's Death
Advance Criminology
YouTube - Nov 26, 2017
Baltimore Detective Sean Suiter killed
Facebook - Nov 24, 2017
Suiter panel begins independent review of homicide detective's death
WMAR-2 News
YouTube - Apr 19, 2018
Bull crap mainstream media affliates..didn't even raise any questions as to WHY the cops believe the shooting was unrelated...this is just an additional cover up.with news media assistance...just think.. If they admitted that a cop organized a hit on another cop...cops EVERYWHERE would lose ALL CREDIBILITY (if they have any left from their 2016 onslaught) as a necessary LAW ENFORCEMENT body
hink about this for a second, a cop plant drugs a cop is being used by another cop to help cover up a cops crime that cop gets killed the day before he is to testify against cop along with several other cops, and they swore to uphold the law. Van somebody explain to me who's the cops and who's the criminals in this report cause I'm backing a hard time
Sean Suiter Was Set Up Years Before His Untimely Death
conspiracy theory
Don Trip
6 months ago (edited)
I believe Det. Sean Suiter and his partner was sent to a wrong neighborhood and his partner probably accepted the detail from their supervising officer to set this guy up! I have a feeling that the Lieutenant and Captain could've been in on it as well, you got to ask yourself that.
Alan Freeman
6 months ago
People just dont walk up to cops take their gun and shoot them with it
Alan Freeman
6 months ago
People just dont walk up to cops take their gun and shoot them with it
Top stories
Board reviewing Baltimore Police Det. Sean Suiter's death plans to issue findings next month
Baltimore Sun · 1 day ago
Board Reviewing Death Of Balt. Detective Sean Suiter To Issue Findings
CBS Baltimore · 17 hours ago
More for detective Detective Sean Suiter killed
Fatal shooting of Baltimore Police Detective Sean Suiter 'not a cold ...
Jan 10, 2018 - Despite no apparent progress in the investigation into the killing of Baltimore homicidedetective Sean Suiter, police say they do not consider it ...
'shadowed' homicide detectives in Suiter case - Baltimore Sun
Apr 18, 2018 - Sean Suiter, the department confirmed Wednesday. ... New details revealed in Baltimore police investigation of Detective Sean Suiter's death.
Baltimore Detective Sean Suiter killed day before testimony in police ...
Nov 23, 2017 - A Baltimore detective was killed with his own gun just one day before he was set to testify before a federal grand jury in a case involving other ...
Baltimore police detective Sean Suiter's slaying a baffling mystery
Mar 5, 2018 - A Baltimore police detective was shot dead last week, a day before he was to testify in a corruption probe involving indicted officers. Authorities ...
Baltimore Detective Sean Suiter's death: New details don't bring clarity
Mar 26, 2018 - New details, described to The Baltimore Sun, do not clear up contradictory theories about Baltimore police detective Sean Suiter's death, ...
Baltimore Detective Sean Suiter Killed One Day Before Giving Testimony
Mar 26, 2018A Baltimore detective was fatally shot with his own gun just one day before he was set to testify before a ...
What Happened to the Suspect in Det. Sean Suiter's Death? | Afro › Baltimore Community
May 2, 2018 - The ongoing speculation over the circumstances surrounding the death of Baltimore homicide detective Sean Suiter have continued to stir ...
New details revealed in Baltimore police investigation of Detective Sean Suiter's death
Justin Fenton and Kevin RectorContact Reporters
The Baltimore Sun
When Baltimore Police Detective Sean Suiter was shot in West Baltimore last fall, responding officers found their dying colleague lying face down in a vacant lot. He’d been shot once in the head — and his freshly fired service weapon was beneath his body. Some say the evidence — including the location of the gun, the pacing as though preparing himself — suggests Suiter could have committed suicide staged to look like a murder. In this view, dirt found on Suiter’s clothing, an unintelligible transmission over his radio, and the two other shots from his gun all support the theory that he struggled with an assailant who has eluded detection. Police have said Suiter was killed with his own gun, though the shooting could have happened during such a struggle. ne of the only unsolved killings of a police officer in the Baltimore department’s history
partner that day, Detective David Bomenka, told investigators he did not see the shooting but saw Suiter just after and there was no suspect in sight
Looming over the shooting is that Suiter was set to give witness testimony regarding an incident in which another officer planted evidence. It has stirred some concerns in the community that Suiter’s death may have been a “hit” to prevent his testimony, though investigators have dismissed the idea, saying it clashes with the evidence.
incident Suiter was to testify about took place in 2010, when Suiter and then-Detectives Wayne Jenkins and Ryan Guinn surrounded Umar Burley, a man they said was a drug suspect. Burley fled by car and crashed into another vehicle, killing the 87-year-old father of another police officer. Afterward, Suiter recovered drugs from Burley’s vehicle, and Burley was sentenced to prison for manslaughter and federal drug charges.
Jenkins has pleaded guilty and admitted to years of robberies, including that he stole looted drugs during the April 2015 riots
Manslaughter conviction overturned for man arrested ... - Baltimore Sun
Apr 9, 2018 - Corrupt police officers planted drugs on him and falsified charges against him, federal prosecutors have said. ... Burley pleaded guilty in 2011 to manslaughter in state court, as well as federal drug charges, and was given a 15-year total prison sentence. Last year, Burley was freed ...
Judge vacates conviction of man who feds say had ... - Baltimore Sun
Dec 18, 2017 - A U.S. District Court judge vacated the convictions of two men, Umar Burley and Brent Matthews, in a case where federal prosecutors say drugs ...
Two men wrongfully imprisoned after fatal crash sue Baltimore Police ...
Jun 13, 2018 - Two men who served federal prison time after Baltimore Police planted ... Brent Matthews and Umar Burley filed a lawsuit Wednesday and are ...
Plea withdrawn, case dismissed in manslaughter case linked to GTTF
Apr 9, 2018 - There's more fallout from the Baltimore police Gun Trace Task Force ... Umar Burley was driving a car in 2010 that was chased by former Gun ...
our office determined that unlawful actions by BPD officers led to the accident and subsequent 2010 conviction of Mr. Umar Burley. Today, under my direction, we filed a joint motion with Mr. Burley to withdraw his guilty plea related to the death of the 87-year-old victim.
Omar Burley: A Free Man (After Baltimore Sergeant Admits to Planting ...
Omar Burley: A Free Man (After Baltimore Sergeant Admits to Planting Evidence In Car). By Mary Rose Madden • Apr 10, 2018. TweetShareGoogle+Email ...
WTOP | Manslaughter conviction erased because of police corruption › Local News
Apr 10, 2018 - The Baltimore Sun reports 47-year-old Umar Burley on Monday had his record cleared of charges prosecutors say were falsified by members of ...
Omar Burley: A Free Man (After Baltimore Sergeant Admits to Planting ...
Omar Burley: A Free Man (After Baltimore Sergeant Admits to Planting Evidence In Car). By Mary Rose Madden • Apr 10, 2018. TweetShareGoogle+Email ...
WTOP | Manslaughter conviction erased because of police corruption › Local News
Apr 10, 2018 - The Baltimore Sun reports 47-year-old Umar Burley on Monday had his record cleared of charges prosecutors say were falsified by members of ...
Umar Burley | Suspect in fatal crash escaped conviction in federal gun ...
Apr 29, 2010 - The man who police say was behind the wheel of a car that struck and killed the father of a Baltimore officer escaped conviction on federal gun ...
Drug dealer who killed man in car crash gets 15-year sentence ...
Aug 18, 2011 - Umar Burley, a 40-year-old Baltimore man who crashed his Acura into an elderly driver's car then ran while fleeing police last year, was ...
Ex-leader of rogue police unit gets 25 years in prison | Star Tribune
Jun 7, 2018 - He also apologized to Umar Burley, who he was pursuing when Burley crashed into another car, killing an elderly man. Heroin was planted in ...
Manslaughter Charges Involving Slain Detective, Indicted GTTF ...
Apr 9, 2018 - In April 2010, Umar Burley crashed into Elbert Davis while being ... Tony Gioia of theBaltimore State's Attorney's Office observed that Burley, ...
When he ran into a car going through an intersection, Jenkins called a sergeant, who has still not been identified, to bring drugs to plant in the car.“There were no drugs in the car driven by U.B. prior to the crash,”
Umar Burley: Guilty of vehicular manslaughter - Baltimore Sun
Aug 10, 2011 - Umar Burley was sentenced to 15 years in prison by a city circuit court ... manslaughter and leaving the scene of an accident in April 2010, ...
The Death of Elbert Davis - Baltimore Criminal Justice Blogger Page ...
May 17, 2010 - Burley is the guy charged speeding away from police and smashing into the car driven by 86-year-old Elbert Davis April 28, killing him and ...Burley is the guy charged speeding away from police and smashing into the car driven by 86-year-old Elbert Davis April 28, killing him and injuring another elderly passenger. Burley had at least 20 prior arrests, listed in detail at the end of this article.
At the time of this arrest Burley had already been convicted of drug dealing, for which he got three years, and for drug possession, getting probation. So what did he get this time? More probation. And the prosecutor dropped the heroin and fleeing-from-police charges to boot.
Burley’s Prior Cases
The cases listed below are taken primarily from electronic court records. I don’t claim that it is complete—it probably isn’t. The electronic records that the judiciary make available to the public are terribly flawed. They also omit many serious traffic crimes.
All cases were in Baltimore city except where noted.
1989: Possession of illegal drugs. Result: Probation.
1994: (1)Auto theft. Result: Request for jury trial. Final outcome unknown.
(2)Assault with the intent to murder. Result: charges indefinitely postponed.
1995: Possession of illegal drugs with the intent to distribute them. Result: 3 years in prison, with another 3 years suspended.
1998: (1)Disorderly conduct. Result: Dismissed.
(2)Assault and malicious destruction or property. Result: Dismissed.
1999: Assault. Result: indefinitely postponed.
2000: (1)Malicious destruction of property. Result: dismissed.
(2)Possession of illegal drugs with the intent to distribute. Result: Dismissed.
(3)Possession of illegal drugs. Result: request for jury trial, indefinitely postponed.
(4)Possession of illegal drugs. Result: request for jury trial, indefinitely postponed.
2001: Possession of illegal drugs. Result: indefinitely postponed.
2002: Possession of illegal drugs with the intent to distribute; assault; theft. Result: Dismissed. (Baltimore County.)
2004: (1)Assault. Result: Dismissed.
(2)Fleeing and eluding police, possession of heroin, possession of cocaine. Result: Request for jury trial. Guilty plea to possession of cocaine for two years suspended and one year probation.
2004: Fleeing and eluding police. Result: probation. (Baltimore County.) In 2007 Burley got six months for violating this probation which he served while in jail on a felony drug charge.
2005: Handgun violation. Result: evidence suppressed at trial, case dismissed.
2006: Possession of illegal drugs. Result: jury trial request, dismissed in a plea bargain with the next case listed.
January 16, 2007: Possession of illegal drugs with the intent to distribute. Result: 5 years in prison but 4 of those years suspended. Burley was violated on September 10, 2008 for failing to report to his probation agent and got 18 months out of the 4 years suspended. He served that time waiting for charges in the following case to resolve.
November 19, 2007: Handgun violation and possession of heroin. Result: federal prosecutors charged and then dropped the handgun case after a co-defendant pled guilty. No one pursued the heroin charge.
Lawsuit against former gun squad members seeks $40M - Wbal-Tv
Jun 13, 2018 - A $40 million lawsuit has been filed against the former ringleader of the Baltimore police Gun ... Umar Burley and Brent Matthews said they were illegally stopped and chased in ... Illegalactivities like those that occurred here .
Lawsuit Against Former Gun Squad Members See | WBAL Radio 1090 ...
Jun 13, 2018 - WBAL Radio 1090 AM - Lawsuit Against Former Gun Squad Members Seeks $40M. ...Umar Burley and Brent Matthews said they were illegally stopped and chased in 2010 by ... Illegalactivities like those that occurred here .
Plea deals punish the innocent, hide the guilty in Baltimore police ...
May 30, 2018 - BALTIMORE — Omar Burley and his cousin were parked in an old, black Acura on a ... Omar Burley and his cousin were parked in an old, black Acura on a residential side street in northwest Baltimore, when two cars pulled up next to them. Three men with guns jumped out. Fearing a robbery, Burley hit the gas. His assailants gave chase.
“I was speeding for my life,” he recalled.
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