tags: Attacks on Clergy, Churches, Dies After Restrained, Music incident, mental illness, cover story, staged attack, Timeline 2012, black suspect, black victim, black church, Cars Hit Buildings, deliberate accident, suicide attack, Dies After Restrained
2 killed including suspect Monday October 29, 2012 Rev. Danny Kirk Sr., the African American founding pastor of the Greater Sweethome Missionary Church in North Texas was attacked in the parking lot after Derrick Anthony Birdow rammed his Mercury Grand Marquis into the church wall just before noon. Birdow chased Kirk into the church where police arrived to see Birdow striking Kirk with an electric guitar that was already in the church. They used a Taser to subdue the man, handcuffed him, and locked him in their patrol car, where he died the same day when he was found unresponsive in the back of a patrol car. Birdow had a string of previous convictions. Church member Shanellia Harris Birdow said her husband who had only attended services a few times need treatment for mental illness, and she did not know why her husband attacked the minister.
Highly unlikely that he could have been a terrorist hired as part of a global campaign to harm Christian priests and clergy of other faiths and it was staged as a random attack by a man with mental problems.
- Drugs - coroner says the suspect had been using drugs
- a church member said pastor Kirk was providing marriage counseling to Birdow and his wife.
- A coroner says an attacker who crashed his car into a North Texas church and beat a minister to death before dying in custody had been using drugs. The Tarrant County ...
Church pastor killed: Rev. Danny Kirk Sr beaten to death ...
Oct 29, 2012 - A North Texas congregation is reeling after an attacker rammed a ...Danny Kirk Sr., founding pastor of the Greater Sweethome MIssionary BaptistChurch ... Horror: A member of the Greater Sweethome Missionary Baptist Church in Forest Hill, Texas, ... Experts claim this ISIS jihadi 'sounds like an American' ...Daily Mail
Missing: african
Pastor Danny Kirk Killed By Electric Guitar Terrorist
Sep 24, 2013 - Danny Kirk Sr., the African American founding pastor of the Greater Sweethome Missionary Church in North Texas was attacked in the parking ...Police: Pastor of Fort Worth-area church killed - The Big Story
Oct 29, 2012 - FOREST HILL, Texas (AP) — A pastor in suburban Fort Worth was killed Monday by ... Danny Kirk Sr., the founding pastor of Greater Sweethome ... outside of the Greater Sweethome Missionary Baptist Church, Monday, Oct..Associated Press
Missing: african american
Mega church pastor beaten to death with electric guitar by ...
Oct 29, 2012 - A North Texas congregation is reeling after an attacker rammed a car into ... Danny Kirk Sr., founding pastor of the Greater Sweethome MIssionaryBaptist Church. ... Horror: A member of the Greater Sweethome Missionary BaptistChurch in Forest Hill, Texas, reacts .... Tracing African-American, German ties.Mega church pastor beaten to death with electric guitar by ...
Oct 30, 2013 - A North Texas congregation is reeling after an attacker rammed a ...Danny Kirk Sr., founding pastor of the Greater Sweethome MIssionary BaptistChurch .... It is a majority black church with humble beginnings, that built a fairly traditional red brick church building ... It is, I believe, a Missionary Baptist Church.IS THERE A DARKSIDE TO MEGACHURCHES? in ...
friendshipgarden10538.yuku.com › ... › Fundamentalist Reformation
Nov 12, 2012 - 7 posts - 3 authors
America is home to around 1,000 “megachurches” — churches that draw ... A North Texas congregation is reeling after an attacker rammed a car into ... Danny Kirk Sr.,founding pastor of the Greater Sweethome ... Horror: A member of the Greater Sweethome Missionary Baptist Church in Forest Hill, Texas, ...pastor killed in fort worth, texas church - gospelconnoisseur ...
Oct 30, 2012 - A North Texas congregation is reeling after an attacker rammed a car into a church wall, chased the ... Danny Kirk Sr. (founding pastor of the Greater Sweethome Missionary Baptist Church) in the parking lot before chasing him ...american-red-cross ... 2013-essence-black-women-in-hollywood-luncheon-20 ...Forest Hill church where pastor was slain embraces a new ...
www.americapreachers.com › Christian News
Sep 6, 2013 - Percy Thompson is the new pastor at Sweet Home Missionary ...Pastor Danny Kirk Sr. stood at the front door of his church, Greater ... the church had grown from 100 members when founded in 1995 to ... missouri. new york. northcarolina. ohioThe Most Worthless Race on the Planet | INCOG MAN
Oct 28, 2012 - Think about MTV, advertising and all the black heroes constantly in Hollywood .... Americans go over there to help out and all Africans do is take ..... Hundreds of distraught church members gather at the Greater Sweethome Missionary... /Hundreds of distraught church members gather at the Greater Sweethome Missionary Baptist Church, Monday in Forest Hill, Texas, after the church’s founding pastor was killed Monday by an attacker who rammed a car into a church wall, chased the pastor and beat him with an electric guitar, according to police.
/ AP
/ AP
October | 2012 | pundit from another planet
Oct 31, 2012 - In just 80 years, the state of sculpture in America went from beautiful and exquisitely .... Church pastor beaten to death with electric guitar ... A North Texascongregation is reeling after an attacker rammed a car into a ... Danny Kirk Sr.,founding pastor of the Greater Sweethome MIssionary Baptist Church.FOREST HILL, Texas (AP) — A North Texas pastor was killed Monday by an attacker who rammed a car into a church wall, chased the pastor and beat him with an electric guitar, police said.
4// widows says she was member of church
3// suspect
2// search on pastor
1// dailymail
Pastor Killed, Beaten With Electric Guitar Pastor a victim of homicide, police say
Oct 30, 2012 · A church pastor was beaten to death with an electric guitar Monday after his attacker crashed a car into the wall of a North Texas church. According to an ...
Oct 30, 2012 · A North Texas congregation is reeling after an attacker rammed a car into a church wall, chased the pastor, and beat him to death with an electric guitar.
A North Texas pastor was killed Monday by an attacker who rammed a car into a church wall, chased the pastor and beat him with an electric guitar, police said.
· By Ayudandolagente ·
· 3 min ·
· Added Oct 30, 2012
3:15 Pastor Killed, Beaten With Electric Guitar In Texas by PAPERBOYZNEWZ 232 views; 1:47 Pastor killer could get death by oakwoodNS 496 views;
FOREST HILL - A pastor was fatally beaten with a guitar in an assault at the Greater Sweethome Missionary Baptist Church Monday afternoon in Forest Hill, said police ...
Pastor Danny Kirk was beaten to death with a guitar at the Greater Sweethome Missionary Baptist Church Monday in Forest Hill, according to police.
From Yahoo News: A North Texas pastor was killed Monday by an attacker who rammed a car into a church wall, chased the pastor and beat him with an electric guitar
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Mega church pastor beaten to death with electric guitar by man who rammed car into church
PUBLISHED: 18:31 EST, 29 October 2012 | UPDATED: 04:04 EST, 30 October 2012
197 View
A North Texas congregation is reeling after an attacker rammed a car into a church wall, chased the pastor, and beat him to death with an electric guitar.
Police told reporters they didn't know why the unidentified suspect attacked Rev. Danny Kirk Sr., founding pastor of the Greater Sweethome MIssionary Baptist Church.
In a harrowing 911 call an unidentified church secretary said that some staff tried to fight him off but that Kirk was in desperate need of an ambulance.
The unidentified assailant apparently drove his car into the church wall on purpose shortly before noon.
He then began to attack Kirk in the parking lot before chasing him into the church, according to Forest Hill Police Chief Dan Dennis.
When police arrived they found the suspect striking Kirk with an electric guitar they believe was already in the church.
When police arrived they had to use a Taser to subdue the man, handcuffed him, and locked him in their patrol car.
Sadly it was too late for Kirk who had already died.
... Home sweet home: Kirk started the church in a strip mall before growing it to hundreds of members and building the red brick church
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What The??? No picture of the weapon???
- DearMom , USA, 01/11/2012 02:16
Click to rate Rating 2 Report abuse
We are lost after four years of madness in the White House. But we ARE trying...
- candidviews , Sacramento, United States, 01/11/2012 00:33
Click to rate Rating 37 Report abuse
This gives "hard rock" a bad name.
- candidviews , Sacramento, United States, 01/11/2012 00:22
Click to rate Rating 9 Report abuse
My heart and prayers go out to the family and congregation of Pastor Kirk. It used to be that Americans would stand up and support others in a time of tragedy, rather than make smart remarks. A prime example of the fact of the lack of respect and responsibility in our country today. Very sad
- Joe Marshall , Scottsdale, 31/10/2012 21:31
Click to rate Rating 31 Report abuse
It's unlucky there weren't people around to intervene. If someone's got a gun it's one thing, but if someone's swinging a guitar around I'm sure most witnesses would step in to help.
- chunkylover53 , st louis, 31/10/2012 21:26
Click to rate Rating 18 Report abuse
Satan is workin' it. We are becoming less human every day. Kids killing kids, kids killing parents, parents killing kids, friends killing friends and so on. What is happening to society? Where has the compassion for one another gone? We must pray for the recovery of our nation and humanity. We have to begin to love one another and help one another and turn this madness around. NOTHING GOOD GETS THE MEDIA LIKE SOMETHING LIKE THIS or a bullied girl dying or some other painful incident. PRAY PRAY PRAY AND THEN PRAY SOME MORE. WE HAVE A CHANCE TO MAKE THINGS BETTER BY BEING BETTER PEOPLE TO ONE ANOTHER. Some of you may not agree and I don't care what you say about me, I am a Chrisitan and I believe in prayer and GOD being able to turn all this madness around if we repent and pray for restoration. I give my condolences to both famiiles. There has been a loss on both sides.
- lcd920 , Los Angeles, United States, 31/10/2012 21:17
Click to rate Rating 15 Report abuse
Timuchin: How do you know he was on PCP. I didn't see anything in the article about drugs...
- Boomer , Tallahassee, 31/10/2012 20:55
Click to rate Rating 7 Report abuse
Singling out the Pastor? Ramming his vehicle into the church and then beating the guy with what he could find....hmmm. Do you think maybe the Pastor was messing with the guys wife or girlfriend? Very few things on this earth would evoke such a vicious response.
- James DiLeo , New Haven-CT, United States, 31/10/2012 19:25
Click to rate Rating 4 Report abuse
This pastor didn't know deliverance. The man was hopped up on PCP. His mind was open for demons. Any Christian can tell someone like that to "freeze in the name of Jesus." The police used physical force to stop him, but his heart was already racing. It blew out from the exertion. That often happens with someone high on PCP and is physically restrained.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2225061/Church-pastor-killed-Rev-Danny-Kirk-Sr-beaten-death-electric-guitar.html#ixzz2fjkp1LbR
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· The Huffington Post - Reverend Danny Kirk Sr. Dead: Man …
Oct 30, 2012 · Reverend Danny Kirk Sr. Dead: Man Rams Car Into Texas Baptist Church, Uses Guitar To Allegedly Kill Pastor
· Mail Online - Church pastor killed: Rev. Danny Kirk Sr beaten …
Oct 30, 2012 · A North Texas congregation is reeling after an attacker rammed a car into a church wall, chased the pastor, and beat him to death with an electric guitar.
· Star-Telegram - Danny Kirk Sr. Obituary: View Danny Kirk's ...
A loving husband, father, pastor, mentor and friend, Danny Kirk Sr., 53, of Greater Sweethome Missionary Baptist Church in Forest Hill, cared for and loved so many ...
· Rev Danny Kirk, Sr (1958 - 2012) - Find A Grave Memorial
Birth: 1958 Marlin Falls County Texas, USA: Death: Oct. 29, 2012 Forest Hill Tarrant County Texas, USA: Gospel Preacher, Pastor, Community Leader. He was the …
· News about Rev. Danny Kirk Sr
· Church presses on through tragedy
Temple Daily Telegram · 9 days ago
FOREST HILL, Texas (AP) — Every Sunday morning for 18 years, Pastor Danny KirkSr. stood at the front door of his church, Greater Sweethome Missionary Baptist, and hugged almost every person who showed up for services.…
· Mary Emily Kirksey Sparkman
legacy.com · 9/2/2013
· Sobi2 - Rev. Danny Kirk, Sr. ,Pastor - HeritageWhoswho
Last Name: Kirk, Sr. FirstName: Danny : Email: grtswtmelady@aol.com: Website: Address: 7312 Forest Hill Dr. City: Forest Hill: State: TX: Postcode: 76140: Current ...
· The Obituary of Rev. Danny Kirk, Sr., Fort Worth, TX | THE WIRE
From the Fort Worth Star-Telegram: A loving husband, father, pastor, mentor and friend,Danny Kirk Sr., 53, of Greater Sweethome Missionary Baptist Church in Forest ...
· Rev. Danny Kirk Sr. | GOSPEL BOI
Posts about Rev. Danny Kirk Sr. written by jalil1588 ... Pastor Beaten with an Electric Guitar Dies. A North Texas pastor was fatally beaten with an electric guitar ...
· Rev. Danny Kirk, Sr. ,Pastor
Last Name: Kirk, Sr. FirstName: Danny : Email: grtswtmelady@aol.com: Website: Address: 7312 Forest Hill Dr. City: Forest Hill: State: TX: Postcode: 76140: Current ..
3// Dallas Pastor Danny Kirk’s Death Suspect Named by Medical Examiner [UPDATE]

Dallas Pastor Danny Kirk’s Death Suspect Named by Medical Examiner
Update on Nov. 1. 2012: The widow of the named suspect, Derrick Birdow said her husband was mentally ill. She stated he had never been diagnosed as mentally ill but was very sick a few days before the killing and did not get help for it. The suspect’s wife Shanellia Harris Birdow said she is a member of the slain pastor’s church and that her husband only attended a few times. She does not know why he would want to hurt him because he did not know the pastor.We are praying for the family of the pastor and his congregation in the midst of this tragic incident. We will don’t know why this happened but apparently the suspect may have been high on drugs the day he killed Pastor Danny Kirk.
The Tarrant County Medical Examiner’s Officer has released the name of the man who died in police custody after ramming his car into the wall of a North Texas church and then fatally beating the pastor.
Thirty-three-year-old Derrick Birdow died Monday after being found unresponsive in the back of a patrol car.
· Dallas Pastor Danny Kirk’s Death Suspect Named by Medical ...
Dallas Pastor Danny Kirk’s Death Suspect Named by Medical Examiner. Update on Nov. 1. 2012: The widow of the named suspect, Derrick Birdow said her husband was ...
· Police: Pastor of North Texas church Rev. Danny Kirk Sr. killed ...
Police: Pastor of North Texas church Rev. Danny Kirk Sr. killed. ... Dennis said he didn't know if the suspect knew Kirk or why he might have attacked the pastor.
· Pastor of Texas church killed | TribLIVE - Pittsburgh News, …
... did not say why the unidentified suspect attacked the Rev. Danny Kirk Sr., the founding pastor of Greater Sweethome Missionary Baptist Church. ...
· NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth - Medical Examiner: Forest Hill Pastor…
Pastor's son Danny DJ Kirk, ... pastor's family filled Greater Sweethome Missionary Baptist Church's parking lot to remember Danny Kirk Sr. The suspect's widow,
4// · Man who killed Texas pastor mentally ill, his widow says | Fox …
Oct 31, 2012 · ... Shanellia Harris Birdow said she does not know why Derrick Anthony Birdow attacked the minister the previous day. She is a member of Greater ...
· Mstarz - Church Pastor Killed in Forest Hill: Suspect Derrick ...
Birdow's wife Shanellia Harris Birdow explained that her husband was mentally ill and had been trying to seek treatment before the sudden murder.
· Related searches for "Shanellia Harris Birdow"
· Amarillo Globe-News - Widow: Man who killed Texas pastor …
... Shanellia Harris Birdow said she does not know why Derrick Anthony Birdow attacked the minister the previous day. She is a member of Greater Sweethome ...
· Fox News - Widow of man who beat Texas pastor to death at …
Oct 31, 2012 · ... Shanellia Harris Birdow said she does not know why Derrick Anthony Birdow attacked the minister the previous day. She is a member of Greater ...
· NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth - Widow of Suspect in Pastor Slaying: …
... I lost my husband," said Shanellia Harris Birdow, his wife. Harris Birdow, an active member of Greater Sweethome Missionary Baptist Church, ...
· Dallas Pastor Danny Kirk’s Death Suspect Named by Medical ...
The suspect’s wife Shanellia Harris Birdow said she is a member of the slain pastor’s church and that her husband only attended a few times.
· theGrio - Texas megachurch struggling to come to terms with …
... of Birdow have told news outlets that they had becoming increasingly worried by his bizarre behavior. His wife, Shanellia Harris Birdow, ...
· NewsComAu - Reverend Danny Kirk of Forest Hill beaten to …
Birdow's widow Shanellia Harris Birdow told FoxNews that she did not know why her husband attacked Rev Kirk. She admitted being a member of the church, ...
5// comments to
matt 10 months ago 0 62
So some unnamed dude, "apparently?" drove a car through a church wall, beat a pastor to death with an electric guitar, for reasons unknown, and then died by unknown causes while in custody. Is it just me, or is there alot of information missing here?
xanadu 10 months ago 8 181
I'd like to think that there was some motive for this. Just a random smash your car into the church and start beating the pastor over the head with your guitar? That's too strange (and if that's what it was then it is pretty unnerving). I think there's a lot more to come out here.
Commenter 10 months ago 2 35
I've been angry enough at someone before to feel like taking a swing at him, but chasing him down and beating him to death with a guitar (or whatever) is something I can't imagine doing. When they do a post-mortem on the perpetrator I wonder what
Was the world always this kookoo or is it because we have access to more information?
Tull Fan 58 10 months ago 4 39
something does not sound right about this story....actually more than just one thing...
Medic 10 months ago 0 2
Time to ban all electric guitars. Guitars dont kill people people kill people.
kinds of drugs they'll find in his system -- something sure drove him crazy as an outhouse rat.
[Jihad commenter here, anti-semite, assad supporter, blames American culture not terrorism]
Robert 10 months ago 4 41
Sam M americans laugh at other country's problems but now the tide has turned. Americans are killing each other for nonsense. This country has turn to violence and every sin you can imagine. This country is not only economically broke but also morally and spirituality.
syria - there will be a massive demonstration in front of the white house on Saturday September 7. 2013. hands off Syria. stop the oncoming war. get the word out.
Robert 20 days ago 2 3
Americans it is time to realize we live in a police state. what more proof do you need.
Robert 13 days ago 0 0
America the land of fraud, corruption and war mongering.
Robert 21 days ago 2 8
@Gloria you are mistaken. it is the #$%$ Zionist Jews who run the US foreign policy. they are pushing for this war. wake the Fluck up.
- Obama needs to step down! He will join Osama bin laden in hell.
[anti-christian apologist]
From The Twisted Mind OF A Brotha Productions 10 months ago 0 5
What they didn't say, is that the suspect's cousin was interviewed and he said the guy had been acting strange the past few weeks. The day before this happened, he saw him again, and look in the guy's eyes was scary. It's either PCP, smoking a Sherman(weed dipped in Embalming Fluid), a mental problem, or a tumor. [looks like disinformation to hide the real motive]Either way it is sad.
Other comments
- Christianity's hands are just as bloody. No wonder Jesus hasn't returned. I'm sure he saw what was happening in his name, and he looked at Muhammad and said, "Yeah I see why you don't want to go down their either"
- Actually the Bible does condone Slavery. Any time you hear anything about "Servants" They were slaves. And one of the biggest stories from the Bible that explains how God is OK with it, is the story of Noah and his sons after the flood.
matt 10 months ago 0 62
So some unnamed dude, "apparently?" drove a car through a church wall, beat a pastor to death with an electric guitar, for reasons unknown, and then died by unknown causes while in custody. Is it just me, or is there alot of information missing here?
xanadu 10 months ago 8 181
I'd like to think that there was some motive for this. Just a random smash your car into the church and start beating the pastor over the head with your guitar? That's too strange (and if that's what it was then it is pretty unnerving). I think there's a lot more to come out here.
Commenter 10 months ago 2 35
I've been angry enough at someone before to feel like taking a swing at him, but chasing him down and beating him to death with a guitar (or whatever) is something I can't imagine doing. When they do a post-mortem on the perpetrator I wonder what
Was the world always this kookoo or is it because we have access to more information?
Tull Fan 58 10 months ago 4 39
something does not sound right about this story....actually more than just one thing...
Medic 10 months ago 0 2
Time to ban all electric guitars. Guitars dont kill people people kill people.
kinds of drugs they'll find in his system -- something sure drove him crazy as an outhouse rat.
[Jihad commenter here, anti-semite, assad supporter, blames American culture not terrorism]
Robert 10 months ago 4 41
Sam M americans laugh at other country's problems but now the tide has turned. Americans are killing each other for nonsense. This country has turn to violence and every sin you can imagine. This country is not only economically broke but also morally and spirituality.
syria - there will be a massive demonstration in front of the white house on Saturday September 7. 2013. hands off Syria. stop the oncoming war. get the word out.
Robert 20 days ago 2 3
Americans it is time to realize we live in a police state. what more proof do you need.
Robert 13 days ago 0 0
America the land of fraud, corruption and war mongering.
Robert 21 days ago 2 8
@Gloria you are mistaken. it is the #$%$ Zionist Jews who run the US foreign policy. they are pushing for this war. wake the Fluck up.
- Obama needs to step down! He will join Osama bin laden in hell.
[anti-christian apologist]
From The Twisted Mind OF A Brotha Productions 10 months ago 0 5
What they didn't say, is that the suspect's cousin was interviewed and he said the guy had been acting strange the past few weeks. The day before this happened, he saw him again, and look in the guy's eyes was scary. It's either PCP, smoking a Sherman(weed dipped in Embalming Fluid), a mental problem, or a tumor. [looks like disinformation to hide the real motive]Either way it is sad.
Other comments
- Christianity's hands are just as bloody. No wonder Jesus hasn't returned. I'm sure he saw what was happening in his name, and he looked at Muhammad and said, "Yeah I see why you don't want to go down their either"
- Actually the Bible does condone Slavery. Any time you hear anything about "Servants" They were slaves. And one of the biggest stories from the Bible that explains how God is OK with it, is the story of Noah and his sons after the flood.
Pastor Danny Kirk Killed By Electric Guitar Notes Terrorism
pastor-killed-by-elecric-guitar notes crime pastor
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