Monday, October 7, 2013

Justice for Motorcycle Riders

Why is there a massive disinformation campaign for the bikers? Is there some connection and this is something bigger than a few isolated bikers when they have a full PR / disinfo campaign backing them up?


In the video the Range Rover driver initially rear-ended/bumped a motorcyclist. NOTHING prevented the driver then from either slowing down, pulling over & allowing all the riders to pass; or heading straight to the closest police precinct (easily found via Google search on the passenger's smartphone). That would have de-escalated the situation

Good: The riders themselves prevented a rational outcome by swarming the SUV and slashing the tires- bunch of thugs who had little disregard to other motorists safety or the traffic laws

"He was charged with unlawful imprisonment, .... a judge said Mr. Cruz posed a "risk to human life based on the conditions of his driving." For stopping one's cycle in front of a car? A bit of a legalistic stretch, one would think.

I second your thoughts, Kurt. I always thought WSJ readers were an educated middle to upper middle class group of readers who would be aware of the need not to rush to judgment, but to get all of the facts.

Almost all the commenters here have made up their minds even thought the police say they still don't know 80% of what happened. Many of the readers are sure that robbery was the motive, even thought there are no reports of robberies by any of the bikers on that day.

The SUV driver could have steered away from the riders he hit, or proceeded more slowly so they could jump out of the way, but human life wasn't held in high regard by him. Rule breakers get that kind of treatment if they are of a certain social class in certain parts of the world. It's not the American tradition.

I'm sorry that all of the readers have been so impacted by crime that they seize on stereotypes and are certain that they know who commits crimes and who does not. I'd worry about the people who break into homes, steal cars, shoot liquor store clerks, mug people, etc. Equating the lack of a driver's license as supporting justification for being paralyzed for life is shocking.

The legal system will bring out the facts. I have to give up on these 

Kurt McFarlane As usual, the comments on these pages disturb me. The usual callus disregard for human life and lack of empathy are on full display. What amazes me more is the fact that people think it is perfectly ok to kill simply because you feel fear. Not fear in their home, but out in public when other options are available.

So lets see....

I get rear ended by a nice young lady. I'm having a bad day and this is just the icing on the cake. I get out of my car and start yelling. This nice young lady gets scared and decides to run me over. Is that self defense? Is she justified? After all, I am a member of a group that commits a disproportionate percentage of crimes of all sorts. Chances were good that I planned to murder her , rape her and steal her car (in that order). Right? Well that's what will be said when I'm dead and as we all know, dead men are surprising reluctant to tell their side of the story. 

Well, I'm going to log off now and get back to watching that great film about the American future... The Purge.


When a few hundred bikers assemble to illegally overwhelm traffic, violate safety laws and put others' lives at risk, evading police in the process they have established at least 90% of the blame for any and all incidents that occur along their path, regardless of what any other drivers may do in response. When these road warriors then single out someone, block them in and trap them, what is that person supposed to think? Who wouldn't fear for their lives today when mob violence is a daily event in all of our major cities as diverse tribes assume the right to beat and kill law abiding citizens at will because they know our Federal government acquiesces to this form of retribution by ethnic gangs?

These bikers might have fared worse in Ohio where free men may now drive anywhere in this state with rifles and loaded magazines in the passenger seat ready for any such civil disorders. Our Obama voters know this and it explains why such mob violence is non-existent. All barbarity occurs in criminal protection zones established by the democrat party for its most cherished voting bloc: violent felons.

Doesn't matter what ethnic group you or the driver are. If you smash her windows or slash her tires she would have a right to defend herself using her car.

Cyclists who swarm cars, people, sidewalks, and who harm people they dislike, are plain and simple terrorists, and should be charged that way. The SUV driver has a right to take any action in this case, while being threatened by these animals

": the black version of "Sons of Anarchy" (minus the brains).  It's hard to not see the "yo! look at the rich whitey mo*fo* driving a range rover, yo!" ...angle. Envy it's a powerful motivator.

1. You asked if "it is perfectly ok to kill simply because you feel fear." My answer is NO, unfortunately, it seems to be YES in this country. The victim is another Asian, Hattori. 
2. Your hypothetical case is not even close to what Lien's were facing. 
3. Lien's family got no help from police, even after calling 911 multiple times. What is your other options? 
4. Besides, Lien didn't decide to "kill", as you accuse him of, but to flee

Also don't pull her out of the car and beat her senseless.

I would stop for or at nothing to protect my family (have very unfortunately had to do this once in the past; the outcome was particularly grim).

The driver's actions were seemingly justified by what the videos show. The riders are very lucky more of them were not seriously hurt.

Adrenaline is the most powerful "drug" in our bodies. For the bikers, it induced reckless, wanton, violent behavior (not a stretch given what their legal histories might suggest). For the driver, it produced mind racking fear resulting in responses that likely agitated the bikers (navigating this situation much differently, however, would be a stretch). Imagine cornering/trapping most any animal with their young - if the situation does not abate, it will end very badly for one of the animals. 

The biggest failure, as many have stated, is with the police "system": no answer to the 1st 911 call; no visible response to subsequent calls (the family probably thought they were on their own); no apparent response to bikers running check-points. In all fairness (or un-fairness) to them, however, their resources were out-matched by insufficient planning. 

Hopefully, the police will be more prepared next time.

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