3 murdered 1 arrested and convicted September 22, 2015 Basil Borutski Arrested In Wilno Canada Shooting Of 3 Women He Loved and Befriended after Jail Release Gunman Basil Borutski was arrested with a gun after three women were shot dead in a one day multiple crime scene shooting spree in Wilno, a rural hamlet in the Ottawa Valley about 180 km northwest of Ottawa in eastern Ontario Canada. Borutski was a millwright who had suffered an industrial accident requiring a reattached hand and been just released from 19 months in prison Dec. 27, 2014 with a lifetime weapons ban. First gunshots were reported at around 8:30 a.m. local time in the small Ontario Canada village of Wilno, Canada’s oldest Polish settlement which was soon locked down. Former girlfriend Anastasia Kuzyk was shot dead, a Century 21 realtor with a passion for horses. On Tuesday she was found dead at her home She had dated Basil Borutski, who was convicted in 2014 of assaulting Kuzyk, and served jail time for the offence. The shooter knew all 3 victims who were Anastasia Kuzyk, Natalie Warmardam, another former girlfriend, and Carol Culleton. Borutski had also befriended Culleton and had helped her work on her cottage. Culleton was strangled with a television coaxial cable, while Kuzyk and Warmerdam were both killed with a 12-gauge shotgun fired at close range, all killed within about an hour of each other(2) In July 2012, Borutski was convicted of uttering threats to kill an animal that belonged to Nathalie Warmerdam. In separation papers filed in 2011, former wige Mary Ann Borutski claimed that her husband Basil had assaulted her, although he “vehemently” denied those allegations. CBC Ottawa Sun Heavy Basil Borutski was convicted Nov 2017 of first-degree murder in the deaths of 36-year-old Anastasia Kuzyk and 48-year-old Nathalie Warmardam and of second-degree murder in slaying of Carol Culleton. He was sentenced to life in prison with no chance of parole for 70 years. (2)

Carol Culleton, 66, was one of three women found dead in eastern Ontario on Tuesday. (Facebook)
http://www.wilno.org/Family_Stones/Borutski_Borucki/borutski_borucki.htmlhttp://www.wilno.org/Family_Stones/Borutski_Borucki/borutski_borucki.html A common name on Wilno headstones
Basil is common Greek and Arabic name. Basil (name) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia WikipediaThe name Basil (Arabic باسل | /ˈbæzəl/; royal, kingly) comes from the male Greek name Vassilios Basil - Behind the Name From the Greek name Βασιλειος (Basileios) which was derived from βασιλευς (basileus) meaning "king". Saint Basil the Great was a 4th-century bishop of ...
- (1)Basil Borutski Found Guilty Of Murdering His Ex-Girlfriends - VICE Nov 24, 2017 - Basil Borutski has been found guilty of murdering three women—two of whom were his ex-girlfriends—in a shooting rampage in Wilno, Ontario ...
- (2) Basil Borutski trial: No parole for 70 years for man who killed 3 women ... Global News https://globalnews.ca/news/3900178/basil-borutski-parole-women-ottawa/ Dec 6, 2017 - Basil Borutski was convicted late last month of first-degree murder in the deaths of 36-year-old Anastasia Kuzyk and 48-year-old Nathalie ...
- (3) Timeline: From 1982 to 2015, a history of Basil Borutski Ottawa Citizen Nov 24, 2017 https://ottawacitizen.com/news/local-news/timeline-from-1982-to-2015-a-history-of-basil-borutski
- born October, 17, 1957 (3)
- 1982 – 2008 – Basil Borutski meets and marries Mary Ann Mask. They live in Round Lake Centre, Ont., and he works as a millwright with Atomic Energy until a back injury in a car crash puts him on disability. One daughter told a judge the violence included hair-pulling, slapping and an attempt to push Mask out of a moving vehicle. Another daughter said Borutski repeatedly threatened to burn down the family home, which did burn to the ground. divorce proceedings. Courts eventually side with his ex-wife, ordering Borutski to pay Mask a $92,000 settlement.(3)
- Dec. 31, 2010 – Borutski is charged after a roadside stop on New Year’s Eve. He later accused police of “rigging” the breathalyzer. claimed police targeted him over a criminal record “that shouldn’t have existed,” and believed himself to be the victim of a longstanding harassment campaign by the OPP. (3)
- 2011-2012 – Borutski meets Nathalie Warmerdam, a hospice nurse for his ailing father, and he moves into the farmhouse on Foymount Road with Warmerdam, herself divorced, and her two children. July 27, 2012 – The relationship with Warmerdam ends with Borutski arrested and charged with threatening to strangle Warmerdam’s son Adrian, threatening to kill a family animal and mischief to property.(3)
- Jan. 8, 2013 – Borutski is released with a two-year probation order and a 10-year weapons ban, after serving fewer than 30 days in jail. (3)
- 2013 Despite weapons ban living next to scrapyard finds a shotgun under the floorboards of an old motor home, and collects some half-rusted shells from old cars and pickups. He keeps the gun and salvaged ammunition in a garbage bag stashed in a bush along the roadside.(3)
- Borutski meets Carol Culleton, recently-widowed, at the Wilno Tavern (3)
- 2013 winter, Borutski is spending time at the Wilno home of Anastasia Kuzyk, a server at the Wilno Tavern and real estate agent. He claims in the same interview all three women knew each other. Dec. 30, 2013 – Borutski is arrested and charged after burning Kuzyk’s childhood heirlooms, including an old rocking horse, while beating and choking her in a rage convicted of overcoming resistance by attempting to choke, suffocate or strangle, assault and mischief under $5,000. (3)
- Dec. 27, 2014 – Borutski is released after serving 575 days in jail, (3)
- Summer 2015 – Borutski meets Culleton at the Wilno Tavern and attempts to rekindle their 2013 relationship, offering to do odd jobs around her cottage. Drives two hours to Culleton’s North Gower home after lifting the address from a Christmas card, where he greets Culleton in her driveway, uninvited and unwanted. One friend warns her, “Carol, you’ve got a stalker.” Borutski rips up a flower bed in anger after Culleton sits on another man’s knee during a late night get-together at the cottage. Borutski visits the man’s house later
- Sept. 8, 2015 – Culleton breaks off the relationship in a late-night phone call, sparking an hours-long text message tirade. (3)
- Sept. 14, 2015 – Borutski attends his final session with probation officer Caroline Royer, who recalled it like any other appointment, with Borutski complaining of his financial, housing and transportation woes. He was barred from driving but borrowed a car from a neighbour, as often as 10 times a week.
- September 22, 2015 killings Borutski leaves his apartment at 5967 Palmer Rd. at 7:30 a.m., grabs the shotgun and drives away in his neighbour’s borrowed car
- Sept. 21, 2015 – Borutski angrily confronts Culleton at her cottage, who tells him she and her new boyfriend call Borutski “the BF – the best friend who will do anything … they had this big joke about it… she was laughing.” He had placed about 20 handwritten messages, mostly wishes for a happy retirement, scrawled in black marker on scraps of wood left around the property. Borutski tells neighbours he just caught his girlfriend in bed with another man. discusses Bible passages, particularly “the difference between killing and murder.” ... retrieves the shotgun and stashes it in a bush outside the apartment complex, and falls asleep on the couch with the Bible in his hand.(3)
- The Friday following the killings, a handwritten letter from Borutski is delivered to Royer’s Pembroke office: “Judge not lest ye be judged. Now ye will be judged by me,” the letter reads. “I’m getting out and I’m taking as many that have abused me as possible with me. JUSTICE.”
- Global News Basil Borutski: What we know about the man accused of triple murder ... Sep 23, 2015 - Basil Borutski, a 57-year-old accused of killing three women on Tuesday, recently got out of prison and had been accused of assault, but never ...
- Heavy: Basil Borutski: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com Sep 22, 2015 A man with a reattached hand who was just released from prison has been accused of killing three women in separate incidents across rural Canada. Basil Borutski, 57, was arrested after a 5-hour manhunt that began in the town of Wilno and spread to nearby Bancroft, about 110 miles west of the Canadian capital Ottawa. Nathalie Warmerdam had been in a relationship with Borutski, according to Co-operative Policing, a community group where she ...
- Daily Mirror UK Wilno shooting: One dead as cops hunt gunman on the ... Sep 22, 2015 - Police spokeswoman Kristine Rae said residents in the area should remain in their homes and report any suspicious activity.
- Ottawa Citizen Timeline: From 1982 to 2015, a history of Basil Borutski Nov 24, 2017 - On Friday, the gruesome triple-murder trial of Basil Borutski came to a close, with the 60-year-old found guilty of two counts of first-degree ...
- Wikipedia Life imprisonment in Canada Basil Borutski sentenced to parole ineligibility terms of 40 years (in the case of Baumgartner), 70 years (in the case of Borutski)
http://www.ottawasun.com/2015/09/22/gunman-on-loose-after-person-shot-dead-near-wilno-in-ottawa-valley In separation papers filed in 2011, Mary Ann Borutski claimed that her husband Basil had assaulted her, although he “vehemently” denied those allegations. The court documents also describe him as a millwright who had fallen on hard times. His right hand was cut off then re-attached after a job-site inujury in Kitchener, the court documents said. He also was in a motor-vehicle accident in 1994 that left him with residual injuries, including back problems.
- Anger: He just seemed to be angry. It was his conversation, his attitude. He just had a chip on his shoulder against the world. I don’t know how to describe it – he just had an angry look. He had an angry intensity to him…She tried to separate herself from the relationship. It wasn’t like she was still involved with him.
- Anti-police Borutski outlined a vague plan to kill another man in White Lake. He said he would have tried to shoot and kill any police officer who tried to stop him. (3)
- Canada Terror
- Christian terrorist: Borutski tells neighbours he just caught his girlfriend in bed with another man. discusses Bible passages, particularly “the difference between killing and murder.” ... retrieves the shotgun and stashes it in a bush outside the apartment complex, and falls asleep on the couch with the Bible in his hand.(3) tells police “God was making it easy for me” as he killed his first two victims. “They came right outside …” He recalled seeing himself from outside his body “like a zombie,” walking into Warmerdam’s farmhouse and killing her with a shotgun, then walking to the car and calmly driving away, asking “God, where do I go next?” pulls into a roadside rest stop and wonders aloud, “God, I don’t know why you wanted me to do that but there must be a reason.”
- criminal record: suspect just got out of prison and is known to local police, according to CBC’s Judy Trinh. At the time of his arrest, Borutski was armed. The Ottawa Sun reports that Borutsky was recently released from prison for “car theft, assault, choking and a firearms charge.” There is a lifetime weapons ban against Borutski, reports CBC.
- Domestic Violence Killing Spree
- Entire Extended Family Victims (all 3 women he knew in town)
- friends Ex-friend/family/partner victim (ex-girlfriend and friend helped with cottage)
- illegal unlicensed driver
- Knew victims
- manifesto begins writing in a notebook. “I hate money,” one entry begins. Police have made contact with Arthur Borutski and escorted the suspect’s brother to a mobile command unit at the corner of Becks Road and Kinburn Side Road. With a police negotiator at his side, “Bunker” continues a text exchange with Borutski, who texts his brother: “Yes I did it … The guilty have paid … justice finally … I’m tired …” texts his daughter goodbye: “Sorry Sahra, your mom took your dad on you … Amanda too … I’m all alone. Nobody ever believes me.” Police follow his directions and find the rusted old shotgun lying in the long grass next to a sandwich bag of shells, and a note impaled on a branch: “I have no gun. Don’t murder me. I give up.”(3)
- Mass shooting
- medical problems: in the 1990s he lost his hand thanks to an accident he had while he worked as a millwright. Since then, he had fallen on difficult financial times. The hand was reattached, but soon after, Borutsky suffered a car accident that left him with serious back injuries.
- Natalie Warmerdam "in a relationship with Borutski, according to Co-operative Policing, a community group where she volunteered, but split... Warmerdam had gone to the police for protection,"
- Predator
- race - caucasian suspect and victims
- Stalker
- spree crime - 3 victims 3 crime scenes
Carol Culleton, 1 of 3 killed near Wilno, Ont., a soft ... - CBC
CBC.caSep 24, 2015 - Carol Culleton, described by those who knew her as a soft-spoken "sweetheart," had retired just days ago and was trying to get her life in order ...Culleton, 66, had worked as a compensation adviser with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada in Ottawa and retired on Sept. 18, just four days before her body was found at her cottage on Kamaniskeg Lake Road, south of Barry's Bay, a relative confirmed to CBC News. Basil Borutski, 57, who knew all three women found dead, was arrested and charged Wednesday with three counts of first-degree murder.
Borutski had befriended Culleton and had been doing work around the cottage.
Borutski has a lengthy criminal history, including charges involving two of the three women found dead Tuesday, court records show.
In July 2012, Borutski was convicted of uttering threats to kill an animal that belonged to Nathalie Warmerdam, another of the women found dead Tuesday.
A year and a half later, in January 2014, Borutski was charged for assault, choking, theft of a motor vehicle, and possession of a weapon despite a weapons ban against him in relation to an incident involving Anastasia Kuzyk, the third victim, who had dated him at one time.
Borutski was convicted on those counts, was sentenced to 19 months in jail, submitted to a DNA collection order, paid hundreds of dollars in victim surcharges and was released on probation with a lifetime weapons ban.
Wilno shooting victim Carol Culleton had just retired five ...
National Post Carol Culleton, 66, had just retired from the public service and was in the ... victim Carol Culleton had just retired five days before she was killed.
Carol Culleton, 1 of 3 killed near Wilno, Ont., a soft-spoken ...
Carol Culleton, described by those who knew her as a soft-spoken “sweetheart,” had retired just days ago and was trying to get her life in order ...
'Absolute slaughter' in 3 valley towns | The London Free Press
The London Free PressSep 22, 2015 - Three women killed in Ottawa Valley towns ... Lake Road near Barry's Bay where they found 66-year-old Carol Culleton of North Gower dead.
Victim retired four days before killing - Ottawa Sun
Ottawa SunSep 23, 2015 - Friends of Carol Culleton are in shock over the “senseless” death of a “sweet, sweet woman.”
Third woman in Wilno area slayings identified | Pembroke ...
Sep 23, 2015 - Ontario Provincial Police have identified Carol Culleton, 66, of North Gower as the third victim in a killing rampage that began Tuesday morning ...
Everything We Know So Far About the Ontario Shooting ...
ViceSep 23, 2015 - The three women were killed in three different towns. ... Anastasia Kuzyk, 36, Nathalie Warmerdam, 48, and Carol Culleton, 66, were gunned ...
Man charged with three counts of 1st-degree murder; three ...
CIWWSep 23, 2015 - PEMBROKE, Ont. — The suspect arrested in the triple murder of three ... Natalie Warmardam, 48, of Bonnechere Valley; Carol Culleton, 66, ...
Carol Culleton, 1 of 3 killed near Wilno, Ont., a soft-spoken ...
7 days ago - Carol Culleton, described by those who knew her as a soft-spoken 'sweetheart,' had retired just days ago and was trying to g News CBC.
Wilno Shooting: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com
Sep 22, 2015 - One person has been killed as an active shooter is on the loose in the Ontario town of Wilno. The village has been locked down by local police.
Wilno shooting manhunt ends with arrest over murder of ...
National PostSep 23, 2015 - WILNO, Ont. — A man has been arrested after three women were shot dead in eastern Ontario Tuesday afternoon. A shooting in a small ...
Third woman identified in Wilno area slayings; suspect to ...
ottawacitizen.com › ... › Defence Watch › National › World
Ottawa CitizenSep 23, 2015 - OPP officer guards scene as police tape surrounds a home where police say one person was shot to death at 37 Szczipior Rd. in Wilno ...
Basil Borutski ID'd as suspect after 3 women found dead ...
CBC.caSep 22, 2015 - anastasia kuzyk wilno shooting victim september 22 2015. Anastasia Kuzyk was found dead on Szczipior Road in Wilno, Ont., on Tuesday.
Man arrested in trail of death across Ottawa Valley | Ottawa ...
Ottawa SunSep 22, 2015 - The scene, which saw up to 30 police vehicles at one point, was where police arrested the Wilno shooting suspect earlier Tuesday afternoon.
Slain Wilno woman an 'avid horsewoman' at career ...
Ottawa SunSep 23, 2015 - On Tuesday she was found dead at her home in Wilno, a hamlet in the ... OPP on site of Warmardam shooting scene confirm white can is ...Anastasia Kuzyk worked hard to project a professional image as a realtor even while she was thinking of a career change to follow her passion, working with horses.
Kuzyk, 36, had faced problems in her personal life, which apparently included a relationship with the man now accused of killing her.
Eastern Ontario community reeling after 'surreal' triple killing ...
www.theglobeandmail.com › News › National
The Globe and MailSep 22, 2015 - During the short-lived manhunt for the shooter, the OPP ordered local residents ... “This is slaughter,” said Carl Bromwich, a councillor for Wilno.
Basil Borutski guilty of murdering 3 women in shocking killing ...
Nov 24, 2017 - Basil Borutski has been found guilty of murdering three of his former partners in a shocking one-day killing rampage in Renfrew County, Ont., ...
Basil Borutski will die in prison for 'vicious, cold-blooded' murder of 3 ...
Dec 6, 2017 - Borutski, 60, murdered former partners Anastasia Kuzyk, Nathalie Warmerdam, Carol Culleton in 2015. ... Basil Borutski, sentenced to life in prison for murdering three of his former partners in a shocking one-day spree of violence in Renfrew County in 2015, will die behind bars.
The murderer as victim in upside down world of Basil Borutski | Ottawa ...
https://ottawacitizen.com › Opinion › ColumnistsNov 24, 2017 - Basil Borutski as the fourth victim, silently simmering in the glass prisoner box.Of all the disturbing narratives that emerged at his seven-week ...
Timeline: From 1982 to 2015, a history of Basil Borutski | Ottawa Citizen
https://ottawacitizen.com › News › Local NewsNov 24, 2017 - On Friday, the gruesome triple-murder trial of Basil Borutski came to a close, with the 60-year-old found guilty of two counts of first-degree ...
'That is a lie': Basil Borutski calls Judge a liar and says he's 'not guilty ...
https://ottawa.ctvnews.ca/that-is-a-lie-basil-borutski-calls-judge-a-liar-and-says-he-s-not-...Nov 24, 2017 - Artist sketch of Basil Borutski as seen in an Ottawa courtroom on Monday, Oc.t 2, 2017. Borutski is on trial for three first-degree murder charges ...
Basil Borutski Convicted Of Killing Women In Revenge-Fuelled ...
Nov 24, 2017 - OTTAWA — Much as he'd done throughout his two-month trial, Basil Borutski betrayed little emotion on Friday as a jury found him guilty in the ...
*Sources end
On Tuesday she was found dead at her home in Wilno, a hamlet in the Ottawa Valley about 180 km northwest of Ottawa.
According to the family of Basil Borutski, Kuzyk used to date him.
Court records show that Borutski was convicted in 2014 of assaulting Kuzyk, and served jail time for the offence. He had only recently been released from custody.
Eastern Ontario community reeling after 'surreal' triple killing ...
www.theglobeandmail.com › News › National
The Globe and MailSep 22, 2015 - During the short-lived manhunt for the shooter, the OPP ordered local residents ... “This is slaughter,” said Carl Bromwich, a councillor for Wilno.
Basil Borutski guilty of murdering 3 women in shocking killing ...
Nov 24, 2017 - Basil Borutski has been found guilty of murdering three of his former partners in a shocking one-day killing rampage in Renfrew County, Ont., ...
Basil Borutski will die in prison for 'vicious, cold-blooded' murder of 3 ...
Dec 6, 2017 - Borutski, 60, murdered former partners Anastasia Kuzyk, Nathalie Warmerdam, Carol Culleton in 2015. ... Basil Borutski, sentenced to life in prison for murdering three of his former partners in a shocking one-day spree of violence in Renfrew County in 2015, will die behind bars.
The murderer as victim in upside down world of Basil Borutski | Ottawa ...
https://ottawacitizen.com › Opinion › ColumnistsNov 24, 2017 - Basil Borutski as the fourth victim, silently simmering in the glass prisoner box.Of all the disturbing narratives that emerged at his seven-week ...
Timeline: From 1982 to 2015, a history of Basil Borutski | Ottawa Citizen
https://ottawacitizen.com › News › Local NewsNov 24, 2017 - On Friday, the gruesome triple-murder trial of Basil Borutski came to a close, with the 60-year-old found guilty of two counts of first-degree ...
'That is a lie': Basil Borutski calls Judge a liar and says he's 'not guilty ...
https://ottawa.ctvnews.ca/that-is-a-lie-basil-borutski-calls-judge-a-liar-and-says-he-s-not-...Nov 24, 2017 - Artist sketch of Basil Borutski as seen in an Ottawa courtroom on Monday, Oc.t 2, 2017. Borutski is on trial for three first-degree murder charges ...
Basil Borutski Convicted Of Killing Women In Revenge-Fuelled ...
Nov 24, 2017 - OTTAWA — Much as he'd done throughout his two-month trial, Basil Borutski betrayed little emotion on Friday as a jury found him guilty in the ...
*Sources end
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