6 killed 1 wounded suspect killed July 16, 2015 Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez Chattanooga Attacks Military Sites Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez opened fire on two military installations in Chattanooga, Tennessee. He first committed a drive-by shooting recruiting center, then traveled to a U.S. Navy Reserve center and continued firing. He was killed by police in a gunfight. Four Marines were killed immediately. A Navy sailor, a Marine recruiter, and a police officer were wounded; the sailor died from his injuries two days later. Officials have so far refused to conclude any motive, but called it domestic terrorism by a "radicalized extremist" without naming any obvious religion or political movement, but Vice President Biden and most counter terrorist pundits called it a "jihadist" attack. The media has noted his father was once investigated for ties to Islamist terrorists and cleared, he was a naturalized citizen of Arab descent from Kuwait and Muslim religion who had recently traveled to Jordan where he could have visited Syria or contacted other terrorists, authorities found he had downloaded lectures by Al Qaeda recruiter Anwar al-Awlaki and ISIS twitter accounts expressing near instantaneous support suggest an unproven link to international terrorism. The Garland Texas attacks by two Islamic gunmen with links to ISIS recruiters had similar ISIS tweets and were also from Phoenix, AZ
Huffpost: In an address to the nation Sunday night Dec 6, 2015, President Barack Obama cited the Chattanooga shooting as an act of terrorism. Critics slam Obama's Chattanooga response | MSNBC Jul 17, 2015 - Conservatives candidates and pundits hammer President Barack Obamafor not calling the shooting in Chattanooga an act of "Islamic terrorism ...
Just hours before Obama's Oval Office address, U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch told reporters that the "inspired-terrorist model" is becoming both more prevalent and in some ways harder to prevent. "We have come from a time of the large-scale, planned, al Qaeda-style attacks to the encouragement of lone wolves -- Fort Hood, Chattanooga -- to the encouragement of people to act on their own," said Lynch in an interview with the U.S. TV network NBC News. xinhua President Obama links ISIS and gun control in rare Oval ... The Daily Dot19 hours ago - President Barack Obama on Sunday announced a strategy of fighting ... San Bernardino shootings and ISIS, Obama cited earlier attacks in Chattanooga and ... to take a more aggressive approach in condemning acts of Islamic terrorism, but Obama said that terrorism has evolved into a new phase since 9/11, one in which terrorists turn to “less-complicated” acts of violence, such as ones that occurred in San Bernardino, Fort Hood, and Chattanooga shootings, which intelligence agencies have more difficulty in intercepting.
An ISIS-Affiliated Account Tweeted #Chattanooga Just Before the Shooting Occurred Along With a Warning to Americans An ISIS-related account tweeted “O American dogs soon YOU will see the wonders,” and used #Chattanooga, at 10:34 a.m., just about the same time police say the shooting began, according to JihadWatch.org. The tweet is similar to one sent out moments before two ISIS-inspired gunmen opened fire outside the “Draw Muhammad” event in Garland, Texas, in May.orism.

- Heavy Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez opened fire at two military facilities in Chattanooga, Tennessee, killing four Marines and wounding three ...
- Washington Post Tenn. gunman used drugs, struggled with clash of faith Chattanooga shooter's real, online lives seem to take ...
- Wikipedia 2015 Chattanooga shootings July 16, 2015, Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez opened fire on two military installations in Chattanooga, Tennessee. He first committed a drive-by shooting ...
- Affluent / Successful - college engineering degree, internship
- All American: His former coach in mixed martial arts, Scott Schraeder, thought of him as "all-American." " was one of the nicest kids we trained."
- Anwar al-Awlaki Authorities found downloaded videos by al-Qaeda recruiter Anwar al-Awlaki.[66][67] An FBI spokesman stated that "[t]here are some pretty radicalized thoughts" in the writings.[68]
- Ash Carter vs Biden “perverted jihadist” description the podium shortly before him. (CBS News) “The few who threaten or incite harm to Americans – violent extremists or terrorists, wherever they are – will surely, very surely, no matter how long it takes, come to feel the long arm and the hard fist of justice,” Carter said. Carter was sticking at least somewhat closer to the usual White House line, where the words “Islamic terror” never cross the lips of the President or his Press Secretary.
- blog: described his existence in an online blog as a “prison” of monotony and routine. SITE Intelligence Group, which monitors online postings by radical Islamist organizations, Abdulazeez was the author of “MYABDULAZEEZ,” which was first posted on July 13 and included two entries.In the first, “A Prison Called Dunya,” Abdulazeez described everyday life as a prison and the Koran as a means of transcending it. In Arabic, “Dunya” refers to earthly concerns as opposed to spiritual ones. served their faith by bringing it to the world, sometimes through warfare.“Every one of them fought Jihad for the sake of Allah,” but nothing indicated he would engage in killing people or warfare. (really?)
- Database terror: Abdulazeez was not in any U.S. databases of suspected terrorists, a U.S. official said.Declaration of war: Hours before the shooting, he texted an Islamic verse to a friend that read, "Whosoever shows enmity to a friend of mine, then I have declared war against him."[45][63][67]
- Depression: family says “For many years, our son suffered from depression"
- Diary: shooter's diary -- along with his parents' interviews with authorities -- showed he struggled with mental instability, drug use and money problems and faced an appearance in criminal court, (ibtimes)
- Divorce: divorce documents, the father was quoted as saying that he intended to take a second wife, as permitted “under Islamic law” and “in the parties’ native State of Palestine.”
- Dizdarevic can't believe Abdulazeez was radicalized through anyone in Chattanooga. Any extremism influence would have had to come from somewhere else, he said.
- Drugs: May 20, 2013 let go from Perry Nuclear Generating Station in North Perry, Ohio, after failing a drug test. FirstEnergy spokesperson Todd Schneider, it was determined that Abdulazeez did not meet minimum requirements for ongoing employment. said to have abused various types of drugs, both prescription and recreational,
- Drunk Driving: arrested for driving under the influence in April. A mugshot at the time is said to have shown the man smirking, due for court in July 30. arrested on April 20 -- the day popularly celebrated by marijuana enthusiasts. police officer stopped Abdulazeez for failing to maintain his lane, driving slowly and stopping at green lights. According to a police affidavit, the officer "noticed an odor commonly associated with an alcoholic beverage and the odor of burnt marijuana" coming from Abdulazeez.He was unsteady, with droopy eyelids and slurred speech, and had a white powdery residue under his nose, police wrote, adding that Abdulazeez said the white substance was crushed caffeine pills.
- Engineering degree from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga in 2012
- Father Youssef, was employed by Chattanooga’s Public Works Department FBI investigated the elder Abdulazeez twice, before and then just after the 9/11 attacks, for making financial contributions to a charity allegedly associated with a radical Palestinian terror group, U.S. officials said. He was put on the watch list after the second investigation, and later was removed. Numerous other Palestinian Americans were investigated and cleared for making similar contributions. [In any case it's clear he is pro-Palestine, anti-Israel/US in war on terror] Wash Post
- Father finances: financial interest in a failing restaurant outside of Atlanta forced Abdulazeez’s father to declare bankruptcy in 2002. At the time, he was making about $23,000 a year as a state pesticide inspector and had debts in excess of $215,000, according to the documents.
- Finance problems: in significant debt and considering filing for bankruptcy.
- Friends shared views critical of US middle east policy but nothing like terorists
- Ford Mustang rented for joyriding, but he had money problems. one of his neighbors noticed he was in a new rental car, instead of the beat-up vehicle he normally drove. Drove his friends around. Abdulazeez rented a silver Ford Mustang, which he bragged about, and he took a friend Tuesday from the local mosque on a "joy ride" until 3 a.m., the family representative told ABC News.
- Guns: Abulazeez owned a number of guns, often going hunting and shooting at ranges, and FBI agents recently focused on a Walmart in Hixson, Tennessee, where he bought ammunition July 11,
- Hamas sympathizer Following his 2014 visit to Jordan, Abdulazeez told friends that Jordan, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia ought to have sent more help to Hamas during the 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict. They also noted a change in his behavior and that he made critical statements against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant
- Home run down: peeling paint, warped clapboards and knee-high weeds, is unmistakably different.Some neighbors assumed the rundown home and overgrown lawn was the product of cultural differences.
- ISIS critic: ibtimes: Abdulazeez told his friend James Petty that the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, was “doing wrong” through its use of violence,” Petty told CNN Monday. Abdulazeez also described ISIS as a “stupid group” whose actions were “completely against Islam,” Petty added. Petty said Abdulazeez trained him to use an AR-15 assault rifle,
- ISIS tweets About Chattanooga Shooting | Heavy.com ISIS supporters and affiliated accounts praised the shooter, calling the killings a successful ISIS operation. The organization has not claimed responsibility, .... O muslim morons, you can only tug on the tail of the lion so many times before you're the lions dinner. ISIS sympathizers on Twitter called him“a soldier of the Islamic State” and “an individual lion.”.
- Lone Wolf: Called one of a pack of lone wolves
- Kuwait: naturalized U.S. citizen originally from Kuwait
- Joe Biden: Chattanooga shooter a "perverted jihadist" - CBS ... called it the act of a "perverted jihadist."at a memorial to the five servicemen killed in a shooting rampage by 24-year-old homegrown violent extremist. "These perverse ideologues, warped theocrats, they may be able to inspire a single lone wolf to commit a savage act, but they can never, never threaten who we are," Biden said. "When this perverted jihadist struck, everyone responded.
- Job hopping: bouncing from job to job, he had recently taken a position with a wire adn cable manufacturing company in Superior Essex Franklin, Tenn., about two hours from his home.He’d only been there for about three months as a shift supervisor, and appears to have skipped work there earlier this week. called in sick Monday and Tuesday and was scheduled to be off Wednesday and Thursday.
- Jordan: frequent trips to Jordan visiting his grandmother and an uncle. He made such four trips, including one between April and November 2014, but no proof the trips were connected to attempts to enter Syria or establish contact with a terrorist group. [which means they probably were]
- Martyr: wrote about “becoming a martyr” after he lost his job, ABC News reported.
- Marijuana abuser
- Mass attacks and shootings
- Mike Huckabee: This administration has bent over backwards to protect the image of Islam
- Mixed-martial-arts circuit, training at the Chattanooga Fight Factory, a local gym
- Muslim: came from a middle-class Muslim family
- Nuclear plant: On May 20, 2013, he began working as an engineer at the Perry Nuclear Generating Station in North Perry, Ohio, but was let go after ten days after failing a drug test.
- Palestine: father considers himself from "native State of Palestine.”
- Phoenix, AZ: CBS News reports that he was from Phoenix, Arizona. gunmen in the Texas cartoon contest shootings were also from there.
- Radicalization: Abdulazeez's parents reportedly told the bureau there were no outward signs of radicalization. The family representative told ABC News Sunday that Abdulazeez, a devout Muslim, didn't display signs of radicalization but "was susceptible to bad influences” and was affected by news reports about “children being killed in Syria.” (ibtimes)
- Ramadan: coincided with the end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, a time when Islamic extremists have targeted rival sects in past years and Islamic State militants have sought to strike symbolic blows against Western enemies
- Self-radicalization: no evidence that Abdulazeez was in contact with any social media recruiters working for ISIS, [besides coming back from middle east supporting Hamas, or having ISIS issue supporting tweets before it hit the news] explaining, "This case appears to be much more like the old model, where he was interested in radical Islam and sought to learn more about it online by looking at videos and readings."[69]
- Shift work: family's representative told ABC that he most recently had difficulty dealing with a 12-hour overnight shift and started taking sleeping pills. (ibtimes)
- Sister: sister, Dalia, taught fourth grade at Woodmore Elementary School. quit her job, telling colleagues she was leaving the country to marry a man, over her conservative parents’ objections.
- Suicidal urges Abdulazeez’s family said the Chattanooga shooter expressed suicidal urges as early as 2013 (ibtimes)
- Syria war: was affected by news reports about “children being killed in Syria.” (ibtimes)
- Terrorist ties: Authorities said they found no initial evidence to suggest Abdulazeez was tied to the Islamic State or any other foreign group,
- Yearbook: senior yearbook entry “My name causes national security alerts. What does yours do?”
- Weapons terrorist style multiple guns Abdulazeez carried at least two “long guns” and one pistol during the attack,
- War on Terror: Against War on Terror mean he was for terrorists? Investigators had purportedly obtained several of Abdulazeez’s personal writings by Monday, some of which discussed his disapproval with the United States’ war on [Islamist] terror, (ibtimes)
*Pack of Lone Wolves
Biased BBCJul 17, 2015 - The Chattanooga murders admit of only two possibilities. .... Don't all be so cynical it was a lone wolf… part of a very large pack of lone wolves!
Could There Be a Pack of Lone Wolves? -- Security Today
Mar 1, 2011 - Could There Be a Pack of Lone Wolves? ... Military Has Security Tightened After Chattanooga Shooting · Military Has Security Tightened After ...
Possible Boston Bomber Muslim Conspirator Shot Dead by ...
FrontPage MagazineMay 22, 2013 - Maybe it even counts as a pack of lone wolves. The Florida story is ...Activist Isa Hodge vs. Ex-Imam Mark Christian on Jihad in Chattanooga ...
Jihad in America: List of Muslim Terror Attacks since 9/11 ...
Pamela GellerJul 18, 2015 - Chattanooga Mayor Andy Berke said five people died in all, including .....A worldwide pack of “lone wolves” whose organizing principle is Islam ...
Center for Security Policy | | Page: 118
Center for Security PolicyChattanooga Shooter's Mosque Fundraised on Behalf of Jihad in 2009. Kyle Shideler ...Free Fire Zone: A Pack of Lone Wolves. October 29, 2014 ...
TWO MUSLIM women connected to ISIS/al-Qaeda arrested ...
Apr 2, 2015 - two more muslims join the pack of lone wolves. ... Chattanooga woman fired from job and banned from Northgate mall for insulting Islam and ...
JessieAnn (@JessieAnn1924) | Twitter
Chattanooga terror attack claims 5th victim as sailor, 26, dies from gunshot wounds ....The formerly rare sight of a pack of 'lone wolves' - very hard to distinguish ...
Chiheb Esseghaier | The Counter Jihad Report
Feb 17, 2014 - Pack of 'Lone Wolves' in thwarted Canadian terror plot just grew by .....Immigration Should Be Halted in Wake of Chattanooga Terror Attack ...
Friend: Mideast visit changed Chattanooga shooter - CNN ...
CNNJul 20, 2015 - By using this site, you agree to the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.... Chattanooga shooter changed after Mideast visit, friend says ... Authorities say Mohammad Youssuf Abdulazeez, 24, opened fire first on the recruiting ..... citizen, but rather a Palestinian who carried a Jordanian travel document.. He visited Kuwait and Jordan in 2010, Kuwait's Interior Ministry said.
Abdulazeez had guns, Pirzada said, and would go shooting as a hobby. When the childhood friends saw each other last weekend at the Islamic Society of Greater Chattanooga, Abdulazeez was his normal self and was positive, Pirzada said.
devout Muslim who kept in touch with his roots in the Middle East.
"We will treat this as a terrorism investigation until it can be determined that it is not," FBI Special Agent Edward Reinhold said.
Abdulazeez was born in Kuwait in September 1990, during the Iraqi invasion of that country, Kuwait's Interior Ministry said. The ministry didn't explain how Abdulazeez came to be born there but said he holds Jordanian citizenship.
Jordanian sources, however, denied that he was a Jordanian citizen, but rather a Palestinian who carried a Jordanian travel document
Fox News channel: O’Reilley guest Mike Huckabee This administration has bent over backwards to protect the image of Islam Now a pack of lone wolves compared to Little Rock attack, soldier just got purple heart and declared terrorism careful not to identify the real enemy probably isis or global jihad attack difference without distinction doesn’t matter whether he belongs to isis or not need to push back ideology feds now leaning towards inspired by Islamic terrorism - end of Ramadan
funny nobody is noting the religion or ethnicity of the suspect,
This ISIS supporter tweeted about the shooting 15 minutes before the shootings occured:
Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez was the shooter citizen from Kuwait
from kuwait
LIVE COVERAGE: Chattanooga shooting suspect identified as ...
Raw Story-3 hours ago
Citing law enforcement sources, CBS News reported Thursday that Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez is the name of the suspected gunman ...
Live-shooter event at recruiting station in Chattanooga, suspect ...
Hot Air-1 hour ago
Chattanooga shooting: 4 Marines killed in Tennessee - CNN.com
Highly Cited-CNN-17 minutes ago
Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez: Chattanooga Shooting Suspect’s Name Identified, Three U.S. Marines Dead
The Inquisitr46 minutes ago
UPDATE: Gunman Identified as Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez
NBC 10 - FOX 14 Monroemoments ago
Official: Gunman in deadly Tennessee shooting ID'd as 24-year-old man
WPVI 6abc Philadelphia9 minutes ago
More "Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez" Motive Headlines
Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez: 5 Fast Facts You...
Jul 15, 2015 · Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez was the shooter who fatally shot four Marines and wounded a police officer at a Chattanooga, Tennessee before he was killed.
Tennessee. (April Grimmett/Twitter)
Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez has been identified by CBS News as the gunman who fatally shot four Marines and wounded a police officer on Thursday in shootings at two military recruiting and training centers in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
Abdulazeez is also dead.
At least two others were injured, including one in critical condition. The officer is in stable condition.
The shootings happened at separate military reserve centers on Lee Highway and Amnicola Highway.
Not much is known so far about Abdulazeez.
Here’s what we know so far:
1. He Was a Naturalized U.S. Citizen Originally From Kuwait
NBC News reports that Abdulazeez is a naturalized U.S. citizen originally from Kuwait.
Authorities said the gunman lived in the Chattanooga area recently, but CBS News reports that he was from Phoenix, Arizona. The Associated Press says he lived in Hixson, Tennessee, which is a few miles from Chattanooga.
There are also differing reports of his age. CBS News says he was 41, while the AP reports that he was 24.
2. An ISIS-Affiliated Account Tweeted #Chattanooga Just Before the Shooting Occurred Along With a Warning to Americans An ISIS-related account tweeted “O American dogs soon YOU will see the wonders,” and used #Chattanooga, at 10:34 a.m., just about the same time police say the shooting began, according to JihadWatch.org. The tweet is similar to one sent out moments before two ISIS-inspired gunmen opened fire outside the “Draw Muhammad” event in Garland, Texas, in May. gunmen in the Texas shooting were also from the Phoenix, Arizona, area.
ISIS Tweets About Chattanooga Shooting Before Attack
An Islamic State affiliated Twitter account tweeted about the Chattanooga military reserve center shootings by Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez before they began.
Click here to read more
3. His Motive Is Not Yet Known
Police have not yet released a motive for why the gunman targeted the two military facilities and military personnel.
Authorities said he did not work at the military centers. The case is being investigated as possible “domestic terrorism” and the FBI is leading the probe.
4. A Witness Said the Gunman Fired From a Mustang Outside a Recruiting Center in a Shopping Mall
chattanooga shooting
A woman who worked at a restaurant next to the recruiting office on Lee Highway told CNN she saw the shooting.
“I looked out of our window and I seen the guy in his car, a silver Mustang, drop top, a white guy and he had a high-powered rifle and was just firing shots into the Air Force, Navy and Marines office,” Gina Mule told CNN. “I don’t even know how many shots he fired, but it was a lot. … After he got done opening fire, he pulled out really quick.”
Chattanooga shooting
(Google Maps)
The two military facilities are about eight miles apart. Police say the shooter went to the Amnicola Highway location after opening fire on Lee Highway. The four Marines were killed there and Abdulazeez also died there, but authorities haven’t said if he was fatally shot or killed himself.
Read more coverage about the shooting and investigation at the link below:
Chattanooga Shooting: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
A gunman fatally shot four Marines and wounded a police officer in shootings at two military reserve centers in Chattanooga, Tennessee. The gunman was killed.
Click here to read more
5. Police Do Not Believe There Is a Second Shooter
chattanooga shooting
Police believe the gunman acted alone and they are not actively searching for another shooter.
Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez Chattanooga shooter |...
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Jul 15, 2015 · Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez has been identified as the Chattanooga shooter. Four Marines were killed by Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez before he got popped.
Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez: Chattanooga Shooting...
Jul 15, 2015 · Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez is the name of the Chattanooga shooting suspect according to the latest reports by CBS. The Chattanooga Police Department had the
Answering Muslims: Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez...
Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez Identified as Chattanooga Jihadist ... Authorities say they're searching for a motive. I can think of one, but if I say it, ...
Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez Identified as...
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Jul 15, 2015 · Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez Identified as Chattanooga Jihadist. Thursday, ... Authorities say they’re searching for a motive. I can think of one, ...
UPDATE: Gunman Identified as Muhammad Youssef...
The gunman was identified as Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez. ... Authorities offered no immediate information on a motive. Bill Killian, ...
BREAKING: Chattanooga Gunman Identified as...
... Chattanooga Gunman Identified as Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez. ... FBI Special Agent in Charge Ed Reinhold said authorities were still investigating a motive.
ISIS Tweets About Chattanooga Shooting Before Attack
Published 4:26 pm EDT, July 16, 2015 Updated 4:35 pm EDT, July 16, 2015 Comment By Sam Prince
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An Islamic State affiliated Twitter account tweeted about the Chattanooga military reserve center shootings by Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez as they began. The account has since been deleted, but the above screen cap was taken and shared by Twitter-user Jack Dawkins. The time stamp reads 10:34 a.m.
The shootings were reported between 10 and 11 a.m. The situation was under control by about 1 p.m. The shooting started at the recruiting center on Lee Highway. The shooter then drove to another facility about eight miles away. The four Marines were killed there at a reserve recruiting and training facility on Amnicola Highway. The shooter was also killed on Amnicola Highway. Police have not said if the shooter was killed by police or killed himself.
The tweet is similar to one sent out moments before two ISIS-inspired gunmen opened fire outside the “Draw Muhammad” event in Garland, Texas, in May.
To read more about the shootings, click here.
For more information about Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, click here.
Answering Muslims: Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez...
Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez Identified as Chattanooga Jihadist ... Jews under Islam(2) Jihad (67) Jihad Jane (1) Jihad Matchmaker (1) Jihadi John (1) Jimmy Carter (1)
Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez Identified as Chattanooga Jihadist
Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez shot and killed four U.S. Marines at two military facilities in Chattanooga, Tennessee. A police officer was also shot, but is in stable condition.
Authorities say they're searching for a motive. I can think of one, but if I say it, I'll be called a racist.
Reuters—Five people were killed on Thursday including a suspected gunman who opened fire at two military-related facilities in Chattanooga, Tennessee in an attack local officials described as brazen, brutal and an act of domestic terrorism.
CBS News quoted two law enforcement officials as saying the suspect was Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez. No motive has yet been given. The suspected shooter, who has not been officially identified, is believed to have lived in the area and acted alone, local police said.
The other four killed were Marines at a Naval Reserve Center, a military official said in Washington, DC.
"We are treating this as an act of domestic terrorism," said Bill Killian, the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Tennessee, adding that no official determination of the nature of the crime had yet been made.
The suspect, seen driving in an open-top Mustang, is believed to have first gone to a joint military recruiting center in a strip mall, and peppered the facility with gunfire. No one was injured in the attack.
"Everybody was at a standstill and as soon as he pulled away everyone scrabbled trying to make sure everyone was OK," said Erica Wright, who works two doors down from the center.
The gunman then drove off to a Naval Reserve Center about 6 miles (10 km) away, fatally shooting the four Marines before being fatally shot himself in a firefight with police.
Three others were wounded in the attacks, including a police officer and a Marine. The shootings began at about 10:45 a.m. local time and ended about 30 minutes later.
Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez Identified as Mass ...
Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez has been identified by CBS News as the gunman who fatally shot four Marines and ... Chattanooga islamic jihad Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez.
Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez Identified as Mass Jihad Murderer in #Chattanooga Ramadan Kill-A-Thon
ByPAMELA GELLER on July 16, 2015
Four Marines shot dead in cold blood, one office wounded (more here). The war is here. Any attack on a US soldier is an attack on us.
Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez has been identified by CBS News as the gunman who fatally shot four Marines and wounded a police officer on Thursday in shootings at two military recruiting and training centers in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
At least two others were injured, including one in critical condition, according to the Huffington Post. The officer is in stable condition.
The shootings happened at separate military reserve centers on Lee Highway and Amnicola Highway.
This ISIS supporter tweeted about the shooting 15 minutes before the shootings occured:
- See more at: http://pamelageller.com/2015/07/muhammad-youssef-abdulazeez-identified-as-mass-jihad-murderer-in-chattanooga-ramadan-kill-a-thon.html/#sthash.s9MMRlVR.dpuf
CHATTANOOGA Islamist Shooter: Muhammad Youssef...
Islamist Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez was identified by CBS News as the gunman who fatally shot four Marines and ... Islam in Europe; Israel ... Jihad Watch; Matt ...
Jul 15, 2015 · ... TN shooting suspect identified as Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, ...Jihad Watch; Human Events ... kenya mccain military mortgage muslim national news ...
Ambush Attack at Recruitment Center: Suspect...
Jul 15, 2015 · CBS reports that law enforcement have identified the suspect asMuhammad Youssef Abdulazeez ... Jihad Watch; Laura Ingram; Le ... Islamic preaching and ...
Obama’s Failed Policies Produce More Domestic...
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... the man suspected of murdering four U.S. Marines at a recruiting station in Tennessee is Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez. ... Muslim name suspected of ... jihad in ...
ISIS tweets “Chattanooga” as gunman begins...
KEYWORDS: govtabuse; guncontrol; isil; isis; islam; jihad; mediabias; military; obama; terrorism; terrorist. ... “Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez. ...
Romney Unloads on Obama for Calling Egyptian and...
ISLAMIC JIHAD: Chattanooga Mass Shooting Suspect Who Murdered 4 Marines Id AsMuhammad Youssef Abdulazeez UPDATE: Naval Reserve Center Shooting in Chattanooga, 4 ...
Posted in: News Posted: July 16, 2015
Chattanooga Shooting: ISIS Twitter Account Takes Credit For Deadly Attack, Authorities Calling It Terrorism
image: http://cdn.inquisitr.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Chattanooga-Shooting-665x385.jpg
Chattanooga Shooting: ISIS Twitter Account Warned Of Attack Minutes Before Shooting, Authorities Calling It Terrorism
A Chattanooga shooting may be linked to ISIS, as a Twitter account connected to the Islamic terror group appears to have taken credit for the of bloodshed of Thursday’s deadly shooting.
On Thursday morning around 10:45 a.m., a suspect identified as Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez opened fire, killing four individuals and injuring three others, ABC News reported. The gunman was also killed, the city’s mayor said.
The shooting took place across two locations, including a Naval Operation Support Center and an Armed Forces Recruiting Center includes recruiting offices for the Army and Marine recruiting office. The locations are about 5 minutes apart, which the FBI said takes about 15 miles to travel by car.
Though authorities initially said there was no indication of terrorism, that changed once more details came to light.
It appears that a Twitter account linked to ISIS may appears to have taken credit for the Chattanooga shooting. It is not immediately clear if the threat is legitimate or simply trying to steal credit for the deadly attack.
image: http://cdn.inquisitr.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Chattanooga-ISIS.jpg
Chattanooga Shooting: ISIS Twitter Account Warns Of Attack Minutes Before Shooting, Authorities Now Calling It Terrorism
The Twitter account also appeared to make threats against other locations, including Berlin.
“A Message SOON SOON SOON #Berlin #merkelstreichelt #ISIS #Hennigsdorf #Bachelorette #newsrw”
The suspect, who was reportedly killed, has been identified as Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez. Witnesses say the shooter was a white male driving a silver Ford Mustang convertible.
“He had a big, big high-powered rifle. He was opening fire, the Air Force, Marines and Navy offices,” witness Gina Mule told CNN.
The Guardian had other details of the Chattanooga shootings:
“Law enforcement officials told recruiters that they were attacked by a shooter in a car. The shooter stopped in front of the recruiting facility, shot at the building and drove off, said Brian Lepley, a spokesman with the US army recruiting command in Fort Knox, Kentucky.
“Television images of a door to the center in a strip mall showed more than a dozen bullet holes in the glass.”
It is still unclear just how long the shooting may have lasted, but one recruiter told the Guardian that he heard 20 or 30 shots.
“We heard one single shot, which kind of sparked our attention. Shortly after that, just a few seconds, the shooter began shooting more rounds,” he said. “We realized it was an actual shooting, so we then initiated our active shooter drill: getting down low to the ground, moving to a safe location. And we waited until everything seemed to be clear.”
FBI special agent Ed Reinhold said the Chattanooga shootings were being treated as an act of domestic terrorism, but the FBI has reportedly not ruled out an international attack. It is unclear the background for shooting suspect Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez.
[Image via Twitter]
Read more at http://www.inquisitr.com/2257852/chattanooga-shooting-isis-twitter-account-warned-of-attack-minutes-before-shooting-authorities-calling-it-terrorism/#LFb1VahZ6W2bHiix.99
Breaking Now===> # ISIS Linked Islamist Account...
Breaking Now===> #ISIS Linked Islamist Account TWEETS About ChattanoogaShootings. Jim Hoft Jul 16th, 2015 1:15 pm 12 Comments
Enough is enough. Tired of posting, tired of sharing comments, and
videos and pointing the finger out our government and POS POTUS. These
fktards just killed FOUR of our fellow brothers/sisters in OUR COUNTRY.
Let's start acting like fcking Americans at take our country back. Fck
anyone who stands in our way.
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Darrell Standing • 2 hours ago
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ISIS tweets “ Chattanooga” as gunman begins...
According to AP, the shooting started “around 10:30 or 10:45 a.m.” The Islamic State tweet warning of the attack or crowing about the attack was posted at 10:34AM.
ISIS Tweets About Chattanooga Shooting Before...
An Islamic State affiliated Twitter account tweeted about the Chattanooga military reserve center shootings by Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez as they began.
Policeman, Four Marines Shot Down in Chattanooga:...
A policeman and at least four Marines were shot in downtown Chattanooga today. Is ISISto blame? When will Congress allow service members to arm themselves?
# ISIS Linked Twitter Account Tweets About # ...
O Americans Dogs soon YOU Will see wonders #Chattanooga #USA #ISIS
Does this warning Tweet link ISIS to Chattanooga...
A tweet by account @K_H_O7777777777 posted at 10:34 am on Thursday attempts to link the Chattanooga military recruiting state killings to ISIS. The attack that killed ...
ISIS tweets “Chattanooga” as gunman begins shooting there; 4 murdered (See Screen shot in story)
Jihad Watch ^ | 7/16/15 | Robert Spencer
Posted on 7/16/2015, 2:42:59 PM by blueyon
According to AP, the shooting started “around 10:30 or 10:45 a.m.” The Islamic State tweet warning of the attack or crowing about the attack was posted at 10:34AM. “Gunshots were fired at a military recruiting center and a Navy Reserve center in different parts of Chattanooga, Tennessee.” And the Islamic State has called on Muslims to murder American military personnel here in the U.S.
(Tweet image thanks to Pamela Geller.)
“Chattanooga shooting: 4 killed,” by Jason Hanna and Greg Botelho, CNN, July 16, 2015:
Four people were killed in shootings in Chattanooga, Tennessee, on Thursday morning, Mayor Andy Berke said. The suspected shooter is also dead, he said.
Investigators “have not determined whether it was an act of terrorism or whether it was a criminal act,” FBI special agent in charge Ed Reinhold told reporters.
(Excerpt) Read more at jihadwatch.org ...
TOPICS: Breaking News; Foreign Affairs; Miscellaneous; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: chattanooga; govtabuse; guncontrol; isil; isis; islam; islamofacism; jihad; mediabias; military; muslimcancer; muslims; obama; obamalegacy; tennessee; terrorism; terrorist
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ISIS tweets “Chattanooga” while shooting happens......WOW, you will not hear this in the news!
1 posted on 7/16/2015, 2:42:59 PM by blueyon
To: Sarah Barracuda
Odd thing - the Fort Hood shooter was only “workplace violence” ... as he shouted out praising his Muslim god while he was killing our (unarmed, disarmed) troops based here in the US.
As were the (unarmed) recruiters across the lower midwest (Arkansas, etc.)
6 posted on 7/16/2015, 2:46:21 PM by Robert A. Cook, PE (I can only donate monthly, but socialists' ABBCNNBCBS continue to lie every day!)
2015 Chattanooga shootings
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This article documents a current event. Information may change rapidly as the event progresses, and initial news reports may be unreliable. (July 2015)
Chattanooga shootings
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Military installations inChattanooga, Tennessee
July 16, 2015
c. 10:30 a.m.
Attack type
Mass murder, spree shooting,terrorism (suspected)
High-powered rifle
5 (including the perpetrator)[1]
Non-fatal injuries
Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez
Currently unknown
On July 16, 2015, a gunman opened fire on two military installations in Chattanooga, Tennessee, killing four people,[1]all of them members of the United States Marine Corps. Three others, including a police officer, were also wounded. The gunman, Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, was killed.[2] The event is being treated by investigators as an act of domestic terrorism.[3]
1 Shootings
2 Perpetrator
3 Reactions
4 References
The shootings began shortly after 10:30 a.m. at a U.S. National Guard office in a strip mall located on Lee Highway. There, a gunman fired around 20 shots into the office before escaping in a silver Ford Mustang convertible. He drove seven miles to the naval center in Chattanooga, where he fired repeatedly from a purported high-powered rifle into recruiting offices, killing four U.S. Marines. The gunman was then killed at the scene. Officials claimed that several weapons were seized from the convertible.[3]
Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, a 24-year-old resident of Hixson, was identified as the gunman. He was believed to have been born in Kuwait, though it was unclear if he was a U.S. or Kuwaiti citizen.[4]
Chattanooga Mayor Andy Berke issued a statement following the shootings, saying, "It is incomprehensible to see what happened. This is a nightmare for the city of Chattanooga."[3]
^ Jump up to:a b Pete Williams (July 16, 2015). "Chattanooga Shootings: Four Marines and Gunman Dead in Rampage at Tennessee Military Facilities". NBC News. Retrieved July 16,2015.
Jump up^ "Gunman kills four Marines in attacks at military recruiting centers in Chattanooga". WJHL. July 16, 2015. Retrieved July 16, 2015.
^ Jump up to:a b c "Shootings at Chattanooga military facilities leave 4 Marines, gunman dead". Yahoo! News. July 16, 2015. Retrieved July 16, 2015.
Jump up^ "Chattanooga shootings: the latest". Associated Press. July 16, 2015. Retrieved July 16, 2015.
2015 murders in the United States
Spree shootings in the United States
Mass murder in the United States
Murder in Tennessee
2015 in Tennessee
Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, a Muslim immigrant (legally here?) murdered four U.S. Marines and wounded a police officer today at recruiting and training centers in Chattanooga, Tennessee, in a Fort Hood massacre repeat that never should have happened because our military men and women should have been allowed to keep and bear arms (but First-Lady-wannabe Bill Clinton stopped them from doing so). And, of course, because his name is Muhammad, political correctness keeps all of the media from mentioning his religion and “forces” them to utter the repeated disclaimer that the “motive is unknown.” Um, religion: Islam. Motive: Islam. It’s quite simple. Quite obvious, actually. You know, just more “workplace violence.” More on this sparkling Muslim immigrant:
A U.S. official says the gunman in the shootings in Tennessee has been identified as 24-year-old Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez.
He was believed to have been born in Kuwait, and it was unclear whether he was a U.S. or Kuwaiti citizen. The official was speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss the ongoing, sensitive investigation. It was not immediately clear whether the gunman’s first name was spelled Muhammad or Mohammad.
He is from Hixson, Tennessee, which is just a few miles across the river from Chattanooga.
Yup, another beautiful American immigration story!
More peaceful Muslim behavior. I’m sure we’ll hear the usual empty lip service baloney from HAMAS CAIR denouncing this. And, yet, just weeks ago on Memorial Day, CAIR official Dawud Walid a/k/a Delano Anthony Willis, Jr. (with a long criminal rap sheet) questioned honoring and remembering American soldiers who died in service to the country and, instead, denounced them. The CAIR frauds have these Marines’ blood on their hands, too.
This is not about “Islamism” or “radical Islam,” fictional concepts created by the politically correct, cowardly, intellectually dishonest people to avoid telling the truth about Islam. There is no religion called Islamism, no mosques that are of the “radical Islamic” religion. There is only Islam, which is radical. A religion which says it is okay to murder non-Muslims a/k/a “infidels.” Especially American soldiers.
How did this guy get to America? Who let him in and gave him citizenship? Why?
And why won’t we allow our military people to be armed at all times like any other American in most places on U.S. soil?
Disgusting because we know this could have been prevented. Prevented if we gave a crap about whom we let into this country and restricted Muslim immigration. Prevented if we allowed our military men to defend themselves by being armed.
Bill Clinton has American blood on his hands. So does Barack Obama. And so does President Bush because both of the latter two let plenty of Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeezes into this country and gave them citizenship at the drop of a kufi.
Say a prayer for the four Marines who were murdered in cold blood by this Islamic terrorist. And for Daily Maill
Pictured: Gunman Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, 24, who killed four Marines and injured one cop after shooting up two Tennessee military centers with a 'high-powered rifle' - before being shot dead
GUILTY! James Holmes faces death penalty after he is found guilty of first-degree murder in Colorado movie theater shooting
Pictured: Gunman Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, 24, who killed four Marines and injured one cop after shooting up two Tennessee military centers with a 'high-powered rifle' - before being shot dead
Marines were killed after the suspect opened fire in Chattanooga, Tennessee
At least three others, including a police officer, were also injured
The now-deceased suspect is 24-year-old Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez
He was a college graduate with a degree in electrical engineering
Abdulazeez is reportedly a naturalized U.S. citizen originally from Kuwait
Shots were fired at a strip mall on Lee Highway just before 11am
Situation then moved several miles north to a U.S. Naval Reserve Center
Abdulazeez was then shot dead by members of the local police department
Homeland Security has stepped up security at buildings across the country
PUBLISHED: 11:17 EST, 16 July 2015 | UPDATED: 18:40 EST, 16 July 2015
Smirking: Muhammad Abdulazeez, 24 (pictured), has been identified as the gunman behind a shooting that killed four in Chattanooga on Thursday. He smiles in a mugshot following his arrest for driving under the influence in April
Smirking: Muhammad Abdulazeez, 24 (pictured), has been identified as the gunman behind a shooting that killed four in Chattanooga on Thursday. He smiles in a mugshot following his arrest for driving under the influence in April
Four Marines were killed this morning, when a heavily-armed gunman opened fire on two military centers in Chattanooga, Tennessee in what is being described as an 'act of domestic terrorism'.
Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, originally from Kuwait, first opened fire at a recruitment center before driving eight miles north in a Ford Mustang to a U.S. Naval Reserve Center.
There he fatally shot the four Marines before a local police officer shot and killed him.
At least three others - including Chattanooga Police Officer Dennis Pedigo - were also injured. Pedigo is said to be in a stable condition.
Law enforcement have swarmed the house in a neighborhood around a 15-minute drive away from the scene, believed to belong to Abdulazeez's family.
Witnesses saw officers with weapons drawn at the house and two unidentified females were led away in handcuffs.
Government agencies are now trying to determine the motives behind his attack and whether he was inspired by ISIS.
The attack came on the last day of the holy Muslim festival Ramadan, a period during which leaders of the terrorist group asked for more lone wolf attacks.
Homeland Security has stepped up security at military buildings across the country as a result. The NYPD have also increased their presence at 'sensitive areas' - including recruitment centers and landmarks.
Abdulazeez was a naturalized citizen who was brought up in Jordan and came to the United States with his family in 1996.
A spokesman for the University of Tennessee, Chattanooga, said that a man named Youssuf Abdulazeez attended the school and graduated in 2012 with a degree in electrical engineering.
Pictures on social media have emerged of him at his graduation and celebrating with members of his family in 2012.
The 24-year old, who lived just a few miles across the river in the beautiful neighborhood of Hixson, Tennessee, smirked in his mugshot when he was arrested for driving under the influence in April.
In his yearbook entry for Red Bank High School, where he was a starter for the varsity wrestling team, he wrote between two pictures of himself: 'My name causes national security alerts. What does yours do?'
Scroll down for video
Family: Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez (back row in orange shirt) poses for a picture with his family by the river banks of Chattanooga
Family: Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez (back row in orange shirt) poses for a picture with his family by the river banks of Chattanooga
Happy student: Youssuf Abdulazeez attended the University of Tennessee, Chattanooga and graduated in 2012 with a degree in engineering
Yearbook photo: Youssuf Abdulazeez wrote between two pictures of himself: 'My name causes national security alerts. What does yours do?'
Yearbook photo: Youssuf Abdulazeez wrote between two pictures of himself: 'My name causes national security alerts. What does yours do?'
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Today's headlinesMost Read
Pictured: Gunman Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, 24, who killed four Marines and injured one cop after shooting...
801pm Megan kelley
Father in terrorism investigation
tried to ram gate
born kuwait raised in jordan
father been under investigation ties to terrorist organization son not on radar
taking women out in handcuffs from home
msnbc rachel maddow
little rock
acted alone traveled to yemen, loudley expressed extremist views, admitted religious motive june 2009
5 months later fort hood
how many lone gunman does it take to make a war?
anti-american views muslim in army, own attorney worst on military
drive by northern va - national musem of marine cor;s coast guard recruitingcenter took same weapon. Marine reservist, arersted with bomb making material at cemetary to bomb
25 years fall 2010
sept 2013 navy yard aaron alexis mental illness low frequency waves end to the tormetnt
Ivan Lopez fort Hood angry over leave personell office building to building
2007 5 arrested fort dix assault rifles and grenades jihad
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Todays: son of city employee E engineer intern 5 yrsago not on radar. only dui arrest mugshot
was he terrorist? we don’t know (really??)
celebratory tone on ISIS networks but no tie yet
NY times father was on terrorist watchlist questions from trip over seas
801pm Megan kelley
Father of Chattanooga gunman once investigated...
Read Chattanooga Shooter’s Blog (Motivated by Islam)
The Daily beast ^ | 7/16/2015 | Katie Zavadski
Posted on 7/16/2015, 7:33:32 PM by Beave Meister
The killer of four U.S. Marines in Chattanooga maintained a short-lived blog that hinted at his religious inner life. Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez's blog had only two posts, both published July 13 and written in a popular style of Islamic religious reasoning.
The first post was entitled "A Prison Called Dunya," referring to the temporal world. In it, Abdulazeez uses the hypothetical example of a prisoner who is told he would be given a test that would either take him out of his earthly prison—or send him into a more restrictive environment.
"I would imagine that any sane person would devote their time to mastering the information on the study guide and stay patient with their studies, only giving time for the other things around to keep themselves focused on passing the exam," Abdulazeez wrote. "They would do this because they know and have been told that they will be rewarded with pleasures that they have never seen."
This life is that test, he wrote, "designed to separate the inhabitants of Paradise from the inhabitants of Hellfire."
(Excerpt) Read more at thedailybeast.com ...
From Yahoo News: (Reuters) - The father of a suspected gunman who killed four Marines in Chattanooga, Tennessee, on Thursday was investigated several years ago for ...
Father of Chattanooga gunman once investigated...
Father of Chattanooga gunman once investigated for 'terrorist' ties -NYT Source: Reuters - Fri, 17 Jul 2015 00:17 GMT
blog -
peter king - mafia italian , if you have muslim problem you have to go there
Chattanooga shooting: 4 Marines killed, a dead suspect and questions of motive
By Jason Hanna, Greg Botelho and Catherine E. Shoichet, CNN
Updated 9:08 PM ET, Thu July 16, 2015
A woman is led away in handcuffs from the area where the alleged shooter lived
Four Marines were killed; the suspected shooter is also dead
A terrorism task force involving federal and local agencies is investigating
(CNN)Who was the gunman accused of killing four Marines in a shooting rampage Thursday at two military centers in Chattanooga, Tennessee, and why did he open fire?
Suspected shooter Mohammad Youssuf Abdulazeez, 24, is dead, the FBI said. But -- publicly, at least -- investigators haven't said much more about him.
Witnesses saw Abdulazeez spray a hail of bullets at the glass doors of a military recruiting center in a strip mall. Then the gunman, who according to a law enforcement official was driving in a rented silver Ford Mustang convertible, moved on to his next target more than seven miles away: a Naval reserve center. There, he rammed into a gate at some point during his shooting rampage and was eventually killed by police, a U.S. official said.
Now, with the FBI in the lead, a terrorism task force is investigating, a law enforcement source said.
Deadly shooting in Chattanooga, Tennessee 7 photos
A police car blocks the entrances to the Navy reserve center in Chattanooga, Tennessee, on Thursday, July 16. Authorities say Mohammad Youssuf Abdulazeez, 24, opened fire first on a military recruiting station at a strip mall and then moved to an operational support center operated by the U.S. Navy seven miles away, where he killed four U.S. Marines. The gunman was also killed.
A key detail will help them make that determination: finding out the suspect's motive.
Authorities say Mohammad Youssuf Abdulazeez attacked two military centers in Tennessee. Four Marines were killed.
In the neighborhood where Abdulazeez is believed to have lived, police cars and an ambulance were on the streets. Residents were blocked from reaching their homes. A woman was escorted in handcuffs from the area, but it was unclear whether she was connected to the alleged gunman.
"We will treat this as a terrorism investigation until it can be determined that it is not," Reinhold said. U.S. Attorney Bill Killian earlier told reporters that authorities were treating the shooting as an "act of domestic terrorism."
Abdulazeez was born in Kuwait and had Jordanian citizenship, two law enforcement officials said. He was a naturalized U.S. citizen, one official said.
He graduated from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga in 2012 with a degree in electrical engineering, university spokesman Chuck Cantrell said.
Abdulazeez was not in any U.S. databases of suspected terrorists, a U.S. official said.
Kevin Emily, his former high school wrestling coach, described him as "a great student" who sometimes missed practice to pray..... he was a great kid." former mixed martial arts coach, described him as "all-American."
he headed to another location more than seven miles away, an operational support center operated by the U.S. Navy. That's where the four victims and the gunman were killed, Reinhold said.
At least three people were injured: a police officer, a Marine Corps recruiter and a sailor.
The police officer, who was injured when he was shot in the ankle, was treated at the hospital, Chattanooga Mayor Andy Berke said. Officer Dennis Pedigo was one of the first responders on the scene, a law enforcement source close to the investigation said.
The recruiter, who was wounded in the leg, was treated and released from the hospital, the U.S. Marines said.
A female sailor who was shot is in surgery and in "pretty serious condition," a Pentagon official told CNN's Barbara Starr.
What was security situation?
The shooting left the city reeling and raised questions about the security at the military centers.
"Today was a nightmare for the city of Chattanooga. ... We had someone viciously attack, at two different locations, people who proudly serve our country," Berke said.
Authorities haven't released details yet about where at the centers the victims were shot or how the gunman gained access.
U.S. President Barack Obama said the FBI director had briefed him on the shootings.
CNN's Danelle Garcia, Drew Griffin, Gary Tuchman, Brian Todd, Joshua Gaynor, Pamela Brown, Barbara Starr, Paul Vercammen, Millicent Smith, Stephanie Gallman, Evan Perez, Shimon Prokupecz, Devon Sayers, Ashley Fantz and Victor Blackwell contributed to this report.
Read Chattanooga Shooter’s Blog
The killer of four U.S. Marines in Chattanooga maintained a short-lived blog that hinted at his religious inner life. Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez's blog had only two posts, both published July 13 and written in a popular style of Islamic religious reasoning.
The first post was entitled "A Prison Called Dunya," referring to the temporal world. In it, Abdulazeez uses the hypothetical example of a prisoner who is told he would be given a test that would either take him out of his earthly prison—or send him into a more restrictive environment.
"I would imagine that any sane person would devote their time to mastering the information on the study guide and stay patient with their studies, only giving time for the other things around to keep themselves focused on passing the exam," Abdulazeez wrote. "They would do this because they know and have been told that they will be rewarded with pleasures that they have never seen."
This life is that test, he wrote, "designed to separate the inhabitants of Paradise from the inhabitants of Hellfire."
The second post is called "Understanding Islam: The Story of the Three Blind Men." It suggests Abdulazeez felt his fellow Muslims had a "certain understanding of Islam and keep a tunnel vision of what we think Islam is."
He uses the example of blind men who feel an elephant but can't quite tell what the creature is. He says Muslims have a similar understanding of the earliest companions of the Prophet Muhammad. That they were "like priests living in monasteries is not true," he says; rather they were "towards the end of the lives were either a mayor of a town, governor of a state, or leader of an army at the frontlines."
"We ask Allah to make us follow their path," Abdulazeez wrote. "To give us a complete understanding of the message of Islam, and the strength the live by this knowledge, and to know what role we need to play to establish Islam in the world."
— Katie Zavadski
2015 Chattanooga shootings
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
2015 Chattanooga shootings | |
![]() Map of the shootings in Chattanooga, Tennessee | |
Location | Military installations inChattanooga, Tennessee |
Date | July 16, 2015 c. 10:45 a.m. – c. 11:15 a.m.[1] |
Target | U.S. military recruitment and reserve centers |
Attack type | Mass murder, spree shooting |
Weapons | |
Deaths | 6 (including the perpetrator)[4] |
Non-fatal injuries | 2 |
Perpetrator | Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez[a] |
Motive | Under investigation[5] |
On July 16, 2015, Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez opened fire on two military installations inChattanooga, Tennessee. He first committed a drive-by shooting at a recruiting center, then traveled to a U.S. Navy Reserve center and continued firing. He was killed by police in a gunfight. Four Marines were killed immediately. A Navy sailor, a Marine recruiter, and a police officer were wounded; the sailor died from his injuries two days later. The motive of the shootings is currently under investigation.
The shootings began shortly after 10:30 a.m. at the Armed Forces Career Center in a strip malllocated on Lee Highway. The Center recruited personnel for branches of the United States military, including the U.S. Army, the U.S. Air Force, and the Tennessee National Guard. There, Abdulazeez fired 25 to 30 shots[6] into the office from inside a silver rental Ford Mustang convertible,[7] wounding a U.S. Marine. He then escaped and led members of theChattanooga Police Department on a 6-mile pursuit.[8]
Abdulazeez drove seven miles (11 km) to a U.S. Navy Reserve center on Amnicola Highway in Chattanooga,[9][10] where he rammed his vehicle through a security gate.[8] He drove to one of the center's buildings and first fired at it, then charged inside and continued firing, fatally wounding a U.S. Navy sailor. Abdulazeez then exited the building through the back and entered a fenced motor pool area, where he shot more people. Three to five minutes after the second shooting began,[11] he reentered the building, where he fired upon responding police officers and was fatally shot by them.[12][13][14][15][11][16]
The entire incident lasted over thirty minutes,[1] and an approximate total of 100 rounds were fired by Abdulazeez.[17] Lock-downs were put into place at locations near the sites of the shootings.[18]
Following the shootings, officials stated that Abdulazeez was carrying an AK-47-style semi-automatic rifle with a 30-round magazine and a9mm handgun. A 12-gauge shotgun was also recovered from his vehicle.[11][2][3][18] He was also wearing a load carrying vest that could hold extra magazines and ammunition.[3] An additional rifle was seized at Abdulazeez's home by police.[19]
In addition to the aforementioned weapons, investigators discovered a 9mm Glock handgun that may have been privately owned by one of the slain Marines and are determining if it was used against Abdulazeez during the shootings. It was also determined that the reserve center's commanding officer used a personal firearm against Abdulazeez.[20][21][12]
Five people, excluding the gunman, died in the shootings. They included four U.S. Marines who died at the scene and one U.S. Navy sailorwho died at a hospital two days later. All of them were shot at the U.S. Navy Reserve center, one inside a building and the other four at a nearby motor pool area. Some of the victims died while returning fire at Abdulazeez, providing cover for a larger group of potential victims who were escaping over a fence. They were identified as:[15][22][23][24][14]
Name | Age | Hometown | Branch | Rank |
Carson A. Holmquist | 25 | Grantsburg, Wisconsin | Marine Corps | Sergeant |
Randall Smith | 26 | Paulding, Ohio | Navy | Logistics Specialist Second Class |
Thomas J. Sullivan | 40 | Springfield, Massachusetts | Marine Corps | Gunnery Sergeant |
Squire K. "Skip" Wells | 21 | Marietta, Georgia | Marine Corps | Lance Corporal |
David A. Wyatt | 37 | Russellville, Arkansas | Marine Corps | Staff Sergeant |
In addition, two other people were wounded. They were Sergeant DeMonte Cheeley,[25] a Marine recruiter who was shot in the leg, treated, and released; and Dennis Pedigo, Jr., a police sergeant who was shot in the ankle.[10][26]
Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez | |
Born | September 5, 1990 Kuwait |
Died | July 16, 2015 (aged 24) Chattanooga, Tennessee |
Cause of death | Multiple gunshot wounds |
Residence | Hixson, Tennessee |
Nationality | American |
Occupation | Engineer |
Religion | Islam |
Motive | Currently unknown |
Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez[a] (September 5, 1990 – July 16, 2015), a resident ofHixson, Tennessee, was identified as the gunman.
Personal life[edit]
Abdulazeez, a naturalized American citizen, was also a Jordanian citizen born in Kuwait. However, according to Jordanian sources, he was a Palestinian with Jordanian citizenship; his parents were self-described as "Palestinian".[29][30][31][32][33][34] He immigrated to the U.S. with his family in 1996 and received citizenship as a minor in 2003 under the Child Citizenship Act of 2000 when his parents became naturalized citizens themselves.[1][6][32][35][36][37] During theSecond Intifada, Abdulazeez, then fifteen, traveled with his father to Jamma'in, the village inSamaria where the father was born, with the goal of acquiring a Palestinian ID.[38]
Abdulazeez earned an engineering degree from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga in 2012 and learned to manage electrical power systems as an intern with the Tennessee Valley Authority.[39] On May 20, 2013, he began working as an engineer at the Perry Nuclear Generating Station in North Perry, Ohio, but was let go ten days later after failing a drug test.[40][41] According to a spokesperson for FirstEnergy, which runs the station, Abdulazeez only worked and received general training at an administrative office building, and did not have access to sensitive information.[42] In the three months prior to the shootings, Abdulazeez was employed with Superior Essex as a supervisor for its Franklin office.[22][43][44]
According to The Washington Post, both of Abdulazeez's parents were self-described in their divorce proceedings "as natives of 'the State of Palestine'", and they "maintained a strict, conservative Muslim lifestyle."[45] The father had been placed on a watch-list and investigated some years ago "on suspicion of donating money to an organization suspected of being a terrorist front." The investigation did not lead to any charges, and he was later removed from the watch-list.[10][46]
Mental stability and substance abuse[edit]
According to a family representative, Abdulazeez was abusing sleeping pills, opioids, painkillers, and marijuana along with alcohol. He had also been in thousands of dollars of debt and was planning to file for bankruptcy.[7] In addition, when he was twelve or thirteen years old, he had been seeing a child psychiatrist. Several years ago, relatives of Abdulazeez attempted to have him admitted into inpatient care, but were unable to after a health insurer refused to approve the expense.[47][48]
At one point, in 2012 or 2013, Abdulazeez began receiving therapy for his drug and alcohol abuse.[49] He had also received treatment for depression and often stopped taking his medication.[50] Following the shootings, Abdulazeez's parents claimed that their son had been suffering from depression.[51][52] According to a source that was provided by CNN, Abdulazeez was suffering from bipolar disorder.[11]
According to the Chattanooga Times Free Press, the FBI is "not yet" calling Abdulazeez a homegrown terrorist. Special Agent Ed Reinhold stated that "[h]e is being treated as a homegrown violent extremist" and that the FBI is exploring the idea that Abdulazeez was self-radicalized.[53] By August 15, however, the FBI was not able to determine his motives or whether he was radicalized.[54]
Abdulazeez did not attract the attention of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in the period leading up to the shootings.[55] Starting in 2003, he traveled to Jordan a total of five times. The latest was a visit to a maternal uncle between April and November 2014, which was arranged by his family, who wanted him to get away from friends they believed were bad influences on him. He also traveled to Kuwait in 2008.[23][56][57][11] His sole previous contact with law enforcement was an April 2015 arrest for driving under the influence of alcohol,[56][58]which was said by a family spokesman to have triggered a severe increase in his depression.[59] Following his 2014 visit to Jordan, Abdulazeez told friends that Jordan, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia ought to have sent more help to Hamas during the 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict. They also noted a change in his behavior and that he made critical statements against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant(ISIS).[49][60][61][62]
In recent months, he had been regularly attending Friday prayers at a mosque.[39] It was reported that in the days preceding the shooting, Abdulazeez is thought to have written a blog post in which he urges study of the Quran as a meaning to life.[45][63] According to his family, he searched online for martyrdom, and had been wondering whether becoming a martyr would absolve him of his sins.[64][65] On July 20, several writings belonging to Abdulazeez, dating as far back as 2013, were discovered. In them, he wrote about having suicidal thoughts after losing his job due to his drug use and his desire to "becom[e] a martyr".[7][48][65] Authorities searching his computer found that he owned CDs and had downloaded videos by al-Qaeda recruiter Anwar al-Awlaki.[66][67] An FBI spokesman stated that "[t]here are some pretty radicalized thoughts" in the writings.[68]
None of the writings laid out plans for an attack or spelled out a motive, however.[48][67] Motivation is surmised from the fact that on July 11, Abdulazeez bought a supply of ammunition at Walmart. On July 13, he wrote long diary entries, describing life as a kind of prison and warning, "Don't be fooled by your desires, this life is short and bitter and the opportunity to submit to Allah may pass you by." He also wrote that people mistakenly thought that the Sahaba (Companions of the Prophet) were priests "living in monasteries." This, he wrote, is untrue, and that "[e]veryone one of them fought Jihad for the sake of Allah. Everyone one of them had to make sacrifices in their lives. [sic]"[64]Hours before the shooting, he texted an Islamic verse to a friend that read, "Whosoever shows enmity to a friend of mine, then I have declared war against him."[45][63][67]
An official participating in the investigation told The New York Times there was no evidence that Abdulazeez was in contact with any social media recruiters working for ISIS, explaining, "This case appears to be much more like the old model, where he was interested in radical Islam and sought to learn more about it online by looking at videos and readings."[69] According to professor Charles Kurzman, "We are seeing a shift away from large-scale elaborate attempts to use weapons of mass destruction or other high profile plots — the hallmark of al-Qaida and its affiliates — toward a lower tech do-it-yourself strategy that is being propagated by the self declared Islamic State."[53]
- Chattanooga Mayor Andy Berke called the shootings "a nightmare for the city of Chattanooga."[70]
- Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam said, "I join all Tennesseans in being both sickened and saddened by this."[71]
- President Barack Obama called the event "heartbreaking" and expressed his condolences to the families of the victims.[72] On July 21, he ordered all flags at the White House, federal buildings and U.S. embassies overseas to be flown at half-staff. The order comes after criticism mounted from conservative and veterans groups that Obama's initial response to the shootings was inadequate.[73]
- Navy Secretary Ray Mabus called the shootings "devastating and senseless", offered his condolences to the families of the victims, and promised an investigation into future vulnerabilities.[74]
- Vice President Joe Biden, speaking at a memorial for the victims, expressed his condolences to their families and made defiant remarks against potential extremists targeting the U.S.[75]
Muslim organizations[edit]
Muslim and mosque leaders across Tennessee reacted to the shootings. Paul Galloway, representing the American Muslim Advisory Council, said that Muslims in Tennessee "express our deepest condolences to the victims and their families. Terrorists seek to divide our society, and we pray that all Americans will stand together united against their wanton violence and hatred."[76]
The National Executive Director of Council on American-Islamic Relations, Nihad Awad, said, "Such inexcusable acts of violence must be repudiated by Americans of all faiths and backgrounds."[77] The National Vice-President of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community USA stated, "While we do not yet know what motivated this man, we urge calm, defer to authorities to justly resolve this, and pray for the departed U.S. Marines."[78]
Security measures[edit]
In the wake of the shootings, Defense Secretary Ashton Carter and Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson called for increased security measures at federal facilities out of caution.[79][80] On July 29, Carter released a two-page memorandum directing military commanders and civilian leaders to develop new security plans and measures, including "the option of additional armed personnel". He put an emphasis of added security at small, unguarded facilities such as the two military installations attacked by Abdulazeez.[81][82] On August 15, during a speech at a memorial for the victims, he called for a review of domestic security procedures for military installations across the country.[54]
Senator Ron Johnson announced his intention to introduce a bill that would end the ban on firearms being carried in military installations.[79]The Navy made plans to station armed guards at all 70 reserve centers not located on military bases and is also considering providing armed protection for recruiting centers.[83]
On July 18, two days after the shootings, the governors of Florida, Texas, and Indiana ordered the arming of National Guardsmen at military offices and other facilities, along with the installation of bulletproof glass and more efficient video surveillance equipment.[84] Louisiana,Oklahoma, and Arkansas followed suit the next day.[85] Utah Governor Gary Herbert also announced that the state would "explore additional ways to protect our men and women serving in the Armed Forces". In 2014, Utah had passed legislation allowing soldiers at National Guard facilities to carry weapons.[79]
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See also[edit]
^ Jump up to:a b His name is given as Mohammad Youssuf Abdulazeez (محمد يوسف عبدالعزيز) in some sources, including his high school yearbook.[27] CNN reports his name as Mohammad Youssuf Saeed Haj-Ali (Arabic:محمد يوسف سعيد حج علي).[28]
^ Jump up to:a b c "Chattanooga shooting: 4 Marines killed, dead suspect identified". CNN. July 16, 2015. Retrieved July 16, 2015.
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2015 in Tennessee
- 2015 murders in the United States
- Attacks in the United States in 2015
- 2015 mass shootings in the United States
- Deaths by firearm in Tennessee
- History of Chattanooga, Tennessee
- History of the United States Marine Corps
- Mass murder in 2015
- Mass murder in the United States
- Military in Tennessee
- Murder in Tennessee
- People shot dead by law enforcement officers in the United States
- American people of Palestinian descent
- Spree shootings in the United States
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