tags; security, bomb threat, Mideast or Muslim Suspect, school incident, Ramsi Yousef, bomb maker, fake bomb
1 false bomb threat, 1 suspect detained and invited to White House September 16, 2015 Muslim Student Wrongly Accused Of Bringing Beeping Fake Bomb Clock To School 14 year old Muslim teenager, son of african Sudanese immigrants Ahmed Mohamed decided on Sunday night before school to spend about 20 minutes just before bedtime to assemble a clock using a circuit board with buttons, battery power supply wired to a digital display and other items, brought it in a briefcase that beeped inside his backpack during class. He says he brought it to show to his engineering teacher, but his english teacher thought it looked a lot like a bomb mechanism, took it away. When police looked at the device, they determined it resembled a hoax bomb, and the student would only say he had made a simple clock and not give any real answers as to what it really was, why he built it, and why he decided to bring to school. Civil rights activists condemn the overreaction as result of prejudice and fear because of his religion and race. Officials concluded it was a homemade experiment, found no evidence to support the perception he intended to create alarm" and was just a “naive accident.”
The CAIR muslim civil rights organization stated they believed he was accused and detained because of his religion and race, while his father defended his son, saying "He just wants to invent good things for mankind,” Ahmed’s father, Mohamed Elhassan Mohamed, told the newspaper. “But because his name is Mohamed and because of Sept. 11, I think my son got mistreated.” Social media slammed the school's overreaction, and the White House invited the youth to visit the white house. Mohamed has been suspended for three days, local police are still considering bomb hoax charges. Writing for Gawker, Glenn Greenwald described Mohamed’s arrest as a “natural, inevitable byproduct of the culture of fear and demonization that has festered and been continuously inflamed for many years.”
Common wisdom: It was an honest or mistake or naked prejudice against African muslims.
Alternative theory: There is only one reason youths of his background to experiment with tearing down clocks and radio remote controls. Ramsi Yousef comes to mind as another young genius that revolutionized the world. Political support from Glenn "Fort hood and Woolwich were not terrorist attacks" Greenwald also points to this being intended to be spotted as a fake bomb as a security test. Father claims that his kid 20 minutes before going to bed on Sunday before school he is inspired to design an invention with an alarm in a briefcase by tearing down a clock with USB ports and surprise his engineering teacher (high schools have physics and chemistry, not engineering teachers). That's quite a story
Unrelated in Palestine: the reason most muslims experiment with clocks: Hamas TV: “Palestinian” boy wants to become engineer “so that I can blow up the Jews” SEPTEMBER 16, 2015 Their children are raised to love hatred and violence, while our children are constantly propagandized with the idea that what is really hateful is to oppose this hate.
And you, Zakariya, what would you like to be?
Palestinian child, guest on the show, Zakariya: An engineer.
Palestinian girl, host of the show: An engineer? Why do you want to become an engineer?
Palestinian child, Zakariya: So that I can blow up the Jews.
Wissam, child guest host: Keep waging Jihad, and Allah willing, when you grow up, you will wage resistance against the Jews
- Dallas News
- Pam Geller
- Wikipedia Ahmed_Mohamed
- Activist: Ahmed’s father Mohamed ElHassan Mohamed, is a well-known Muslim activist and rabble-rouser, taking on Koran-burner Terry Jones, and debating radical Islam-critic Robert Spencer — neither of which has been reported by the media. This would tend to support the contention that the Ahmed clock incident was a “setup” or “lawsuit bait” — one backed up by this Tweet put out by Mohammed toprightnews
- Air India 182 used similar alarm clock as timer
- Dead man switch: tied a cable through the lock, because that's how he wanted to close it. Only problem I have is if you wanted to create a dead man switch, this is exactly how it would be done. The cable would be tied to your arm, then when you dropped the bomb, it would blow up.
- Father: philosophy degree from Cairo University wasn't accepted in the states, so he had to start from the ground up — first hitting the streets of New York as a vendor before moving his family to Dallas and working as a taxi driver, all while taking classes at a community college. Texas, he started out as a pizza delivery man before becoming a taxi driver and ultimately launching his own business ventures– he owns a computer repair shop in Irving, Texas (perhaps where his son gets his tech acuity from), a cab company called Jet Taxi, a medical emergency transport company called Paradise Prime Investments, and the solar energy business AlSufi International in Sudan. He also served as self-elected president of the small Sufi Muslim AlSufi center in Irving.
- Hoax:
- Glenn Greenwald: pro-muslim civil rights activist: The Arrest of a 14-Year-Old For Making a Clock Is the End Result of a Decade of Anti-Muslim Fearmongering Glenn Greenwald, co-founder of The Intercept. There are sprawling industries and self-proclaimed career “terrorism experts” in the U.S. that profit greatly by deliberately exaggerating the threat of Terrorism and keeping Americans in a state of abject fear of “radical Islam.”
- Irving, TX recently in the news as the first city in America to bar Muslim Sharia Law (among all international law structures) from use, after Muslim “scholars” announced a “Sharia Tribunal” in January — sparking outrage among Americans. The Irving, TX anti-Sharia vote infuriated Muslims worldwide, making it perhaps a target for a setup.
- Islamist activist father
- Lawyers: The family has hired attorneys to get back the homemade clock hoax that administrators mistook for a bomb.
- Legal fund: family is collecting money to sue;
- Makezine Just an innocent project
- Mayor: summer Irving Mayor Beth Van Duyne became a national celebrity in anti-Islamic circles, fueling rumors in speeches that the religious minority was plotting to usurp American laws.
- Media whore: he's a well known media whore in his community
- Microsoft: 14-year-old clockmaker Ahmed Mohamed, arrested for 'hoax bomb', receives 3D printer from Microsoft Now, to Mohamed’s further delight, tech giants Microsoft have pledged their allegiance to the whizz-kid in generous fashion. The multinational technology firm expressed their support for Ahmed, not through kind words, but by sending the young engineer a huge hamper of tech goodies, including a Cube 3D printer
- Plugged it in: bizarre behavior of Ahmed himself when he brought his “invention” to school. After he showed it to his engineering teacher…the teacher said it resembled a bomb, and asked him not to show it to any other teachers. But Ahmed then brought it into his English class, plugged it in, set an alarm to go off, and did not mention to the teacher who felt “threatened” by it that he already showed it to the engineering teacher, and to ask him about it…which could have easily resolved the security concerns.
- Puppet: sister was feeding him his lines when he spoke to Mark Cuban;
- Sanctions: Sudan presidential contender vows to lift US sanctions Lifting US Digital Technology Sanctions on the Sudanese. AhmedMohamed Elhassan father had his own nasty run-in with ... vox.com promising to negotiate lifting the sanctions on Sudan, ...Backstory Behind #IStandWithAhmed okayafrica My country is going through economic hardship because of the embargo, and I would like to lift it.” ... he would negotiate the lifting of sanctions the U.S. imposed in the late 1990s because of ... My country is going through economic hardship because of the embargo, and I would like to lift it.” the would-be Sudanese president pledged that within 100 days of being elected he would negotiate the lifting of sanctions the U.S. imposed in the late 1990s because of alleged sponsorship of terrorism
- Sister s sister had been previously suspended for allegedly threatening to blow up the school; that his sister was feeding him his lines when he spoke to Mark Cuban;
- Sudan - hosted Bin Laden. innocent child of dad has run for President of Sudan a few times...no political motive there.
- Suspension: been suspended previously The Dallas Morning News described Mohamed as having “racked up weeks of suspension” and pranking the “classroom projector.” His former Sam Houston Middle School 7th grade Texas History teacher, Ralph Kubiak, admitted that Mohamed’s First Amendment appeal when trying to wiggle out of trouble, although clever, backfired. The principal doled out Saturday detention …..He claimed this was self-defense during a hallway fight……..more here.-
- He told the Dallas Observer that he appreciated Jones for giving him the opportunity to defend the Quran on Sufi terms. “I admire Terry Jones for doing that,” he said. “From my heart, I feel very OK. But I have some people who don’t like that from my Muslim brothers. I see their faces, they don’t want me to go and talk. But this is my opinion. I’m not living in Sudan, or Saudi Arabia. I’m living in a free land.”
- USB hub invention: Redditors also claimed that Ahmed’s claimed USB hub “invention” pictured in the video still above is simply a Best Buy USB hub with its plastic cover removed, with no modifications made to it. NOT an “invention” of any kind.
- White house press secretary: Obama’s press secretary Josh Earnest attacked teachers at a briefing on Wednesday for calling in authorities to investigate Mohamed. "at least some teachers failed him"
- White powder packet: Notice the nondescript packet of unidentified white powder.
- TheIntercept (pro-Muslim) Ahmed Mohamed’s Clock Was “Half a Bomb,” Says Anti-Muslim Group With Ties to Trump, Cruz Lee Fang Sep. 18 2015, 8:14 a.m.The Center for Security Policy, a think tank that routinely partners with prominent Republican politicians, including many of the current presidential contenders, is defending the arrest of 14-year-old Muslim high school student Ahmed Mohamed for bringing a homemade clock to school.
- Terry Jones: worked with Quran burning, anti-Muslim video promoting pastor as Islamic defence in mock trial
- Young Turks (muslim) MIT sasy ideal student (pro-Muslim)
- AmericanThinker Suspicious Pop-Tart guns versus scientific suitcase clock The crux of the issue here is why schools’ “zero tolerance” safety policy suddenly has two different standards. Why, in the midst of the War on Terror, should a 14-year-old boy of Middle Eastern descent bringing a ticking circuit board to school in a metal suitcase be exempted from scrutiny?
- Andrew Napolitano is now openly saying he believes the current evidence points to this being a deliberate hoax -- and that the police's theory was right.
- Artvoice Reverse engineered fake bomb from photo, found similar Radio shack alarm clock on ebay
- Conspiracyclub BOMBSHELL: Ahmed’s “Clock” Made By His Politician Father To Push An Agenda: this “homemade clock” is not the tinkering of a child or teen. It was never Ahmed’s idea to begin with. This isn’t some innocent science project. The picture of the clock exposes the lie. What you see is the guts from a manufactured digital clock, right down to the 9 volt memory backup, and the prefab button board. Absolutely nothing was made. The whole package is vaguely sinister, and it’s intentional. Notice the nondescript packet of unidentified white powder. Look at the shoddy taping and the twisted wire used to close the case. It’s almost as if someone designed this clock to look like a questionable object. Ahmed, you didn’t build a clock. You’re a pawn to your Dad’s political and social agenda. This is all a creation of your father. (tunacrab takes credit)
- Daily Mail Waking you up with a bang! Alarm clock that looks like a bomb is sure to get you out of bed
- Frank Gaffney In September 2015, Gaffney suggested that the controversy over student Ahmed Mohamed being arrested over a homemade clock that he brought to school appeared to be an "influence operation" by the Council on American-Islamic Relations.[19] Gaffney's colleague, Jim Hansen, agreed and ran an article with photos showing how the so-called clock was a circuit board that resembled an IED.[20] The website of Irving, Texas TV station WFAA cited Mohamed as saying police told him, "They arrested me and told me I committed a crime of a hoax bomb - a fake bomb."[21] Pamela Geller wrote in Breitbart.com and Nina Golgowski wrote in the New York Daily News that Mohamed's father is an Islamist activist who has been involved in pro-Islamist protests in he past. Geller agreed with Gaffney that this incident appeared to be an Islamist influence operation arranged by the Council on American-Islamic Relations.[22][23]
- Gateway Pundit Hoax Exposed: Muslim Student Ahmed Mohamed’s ‘Briefcase Clock’ is 1980s Digital Alarm Clock
- Infidel Bloggers UPDATED - Ahmed Mohammed Did Not "Invent" a Clock - He Didn't Even Build a Clock - He Just Took a Clock Apart and Put It Part of the Way Back Together
- IJReview Dawkins says we are fooled
- Jihad Watch Texas: Muslim student arrested for bringing clock that looks like bomb ridiculous brouhaha will be that Muslim students will now be exempted from scrutiny for bringing suspicious objects to school: Will some enterprising young jihadi take advantage of this favorable new situation?
- Jonathan Langdale: Micronta clock has previously been used as the clock part of a bomb in bombings in the past, for example this bombing of an Air India flight on the way to Canada, killing 329 people.
- Pam Geller smells a setup Texas: Muslim teen blames his “BOMB HOAX” on .Islamophobia.
- Richard Dawkins agrees with Talbot video it's a fraud I'm putting down myself & the rest of us for being fooled. And the police for arresting him for nothing..
- Thomas Talbot clock is a fraud youtube
- toprightnews Ahmed’s father Mohamed ElHassan Mohamed, is a well-known Muslim activist and rabble-rouser, taking on Koran-burner Terry Jones, and debating radical Islam-critic Robert Spencer — neither of which has been reported by the media. This would tend to support the contention that the Ahmed clock incident was a “setup” or “lawsuit bait” — one backed up by this Tweet put out by Mohammed
- Tunacrab Ahmed, you didn’t build a clock. You’re a pawn to your Dad’s political and social agenda. This is all a creation of your father.
- Weaselzippers Psst, Looks Like Ahmed Didn’t Actually ‘Invent’ A Clock…
- Heavy: Ahmed Mohamed: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
high school:
middle school: Retired, Kubiak admits a fondness for Mohamed yet dubbed him a “weird little kid” who could either wind up the CEO of a company or “head of a gang.” Kubiak recalls a chatty budding clockmeister. “He just went on and on.” [talked too much annoying people]
suspended for several weeks during sixth grade. "Kids are kids,” said Anthony Bond, a Mohamed family friend and vocal Irving activist about a middle school incident where Ahmed and his cousin got busted for blowing soap bubbles in the bathroom. Bond, founder of the local NAACP, insisted the school overreacted. “He was a little boy in a new environment, and they were acting out.”
*Air India 182
That's rich - a Sikh with a time bomb.
Does he know who was responsible for:
Air India bombing?
Canadian Airlines bomb at Narita?
Date: September 19th, 2015 3:15 PM
Author: ,.,.,.,.,.,.,,,,.,,.,.,.,.,.,.
Lots more has come out since I called this.
His dad is an activist and attention seeker for the cause of fighting anti-Islamophobia.
He was called a bomb thrower at school before it all went down. He says that when he build the clock he took steps to make it less suspicious. That means he knew in advance that it could cause suspicion. The first teacher who saw it confirmed that by telling him not to let other see it.
He didn't really build a clock. He bought (or did his parent buy it?) an old electronic clock, presumably off of eBay. Coincidentally, a clock of that type was the one used in the Air India 182 bombing, which killed hundreds.
That's rich - a Sikh with a time bomb.
Does he know who was responsible for:
Air India bombing?
Canadian Airlines bomb at Narita?
Ahmed Mohamed: Calling Bullshit on Clock Kid
Date: September 19th, 2015 3:15 PM
Author: ,.,.,.,.,.,.,,,,.,,.,.,.,.,.,.
Lots more has come out since I called this.
His dad is an activist and attention seeker for the cause of fighting anti-Islamophobia.
He was called a bomb thrower at school before it all went down. He says that when he build the clock he took steps to make it less suspicious. That means he knew in advance that it could cause suspicion. The first teacher who saw it confirmed that by telling him not to let other see it.
He didn't really build a clock. He bought (or did his parent buy it?) an old electronic clock, presumably off of eBay. Coincidentally, a clock of that type was the one used in the Air India 182 bombing, which killed hundreds.
To: cynwoody
“And why would anyone suspect a crude contraption that needed to be plugged into AC to be a bomb? “
Because it only needed a blasting cap and explosive to be one.
Because it easily could be a bomb.
Because if there is an outlet, why bother going through the trouble of rigging internal power, especially since it is a micronta clock.
Much like the one in Air India 182.
It was a test and desensitization run.
Guarantee nobody will dare question anything this twerp brings in again.
Because it only needed a blasting cap and explosive to be one.
Because it easily could be a bomb.
Because if there is an outlet, why bother going through the trouble of rigging internal power, especially since it is a micronta clock.
Much like the one in Air India 182.
It was a test and desensitization run.
Guarantee nobody will dare question anything this twerp brings in again.
What could go wrong:
Custom made housings for nasty surprises.
Custom made housings for nasty surprises.
all 5 comments
*Terry Jones
- Terry Jones: worked with Quran burning, anti-Muslim video promoting pastor as Islamic defence in mock trial In 2012, when the Florida pastor made good on his threat to burn a Quran in his Gainesville church and put the Quran on “trial,” Mohamed, who refers to himself as a sheik, was apparently the one Muslim willing to play along as the defense in the mock trial. okayafrica: bizarre role in Rev. Terry Jones’ incendiary Quran trial. In 2012, when the Florida pastor made good on his threat to burn a Quran in his Gainesville church and put the Quran on “trial,” Mohamed, who refers to himself as a sheik, was apparently the one Muslim willing to play along as the defense in the mock trial. “[The church] put an ad on their channel: ‘Whoever feels in himself he has the power to defend Quran is welcome,'” he told the Dallas Observer. Muslim leaders in Texas, meanwhile, doubted his claims to religious and scholarly leadership. “This so-called leader, we have never heard of this person,” Imam Zia ul Haque Sheikh, head of the Islamic Center of Irving, told the Seattle Times. “I believe the whole thing is made up.” In that same interview, Mohamed, who refers to himself as a sheikh, elaborated on his motivations for getting involved with Jones. “He said he agreed to serve as the defense attorney at Jones’ mock trial because the Quran teaches that Muslims should engage in peaceful dialogue with Christians,” the Seattle Times’ Annie Gowen wrote. “But there was also a more pragmatic reason. It was spring break and he wanted to take his wife and five kids to Disney World: to ‘kill two birds with one stone,’ as he put it.” He also claims he didn’t know the trial– in which the Quran was “found guilty” of “crimes against humanity”– would result in the Quran actually being set on fire. According to the Seattle Times, some of Mohamed’s small group of followers asked that he no longer lead prayers, while others refused to drive for his taxi company.
In September 2015, Ahmed Mohamed, a Muslim Sudanese-American high school freshman, was detained by police at school in Irving, Texas, under suspicion of possessing a hoax bomb. He had brought a home project, where he had reassembled a commercialdigital clock inside a locking pencil box, to school to show to his teachers. His English teacher, believing the clock resembled a bomb, confiscated the project and reported him to the school principal's office. The police were called and Mohamed was questioned for an hour and a half. He was taken into custody, handcuffed, transported to a juvenile detention facility, fingerprinted, and his mug shot was taken. He was then released with no charges filed but was suspended from school for three days.
News of the incident went viral on Twitter, and sparked a debate on racial profiling and Islamophobia, as well as raising a number of conspiracy theories and hoax allegations. Politicians, technology company executives, and media personalities remarked on the incident.
In September 2015, Ahmed Mohamed, a Muslim Sudanese-American high school freshman, was detained by police at school in Irving, Texas, under suspicion of possessing a hoax bomb. He had brought a home project, where he had reassembled a commercialdigital clock inside a locking pencil box, to school to show to his teachers. His English teacher, believing the clock resembled a bomb, confiscated the project and reported him to the school principal's office. The police were called and Mohamed was questioned for an hour and a half. He was taken into custody, handcuffed, transported to a juvenile detention facility, fingerprinted, and his mug shot was taken. He was then released with no charges filed but was suspended from school for three days.
News of the incident went viral on Twitter, and sparked a debate on racial profiling and Islamophobia, as well as raising a number of conspiracy theories and hoax allegations. Politicians, technology company executives, and media personalities remarked on the incident.
In interviews with local media, Mohamed said he wanted to show the engineering teacher at school what he had done over the weekend: take apart a clock and rebuild it inside a pencil case.[1] His father, Mohamed Elhassan Mohamed, said that on Monday morning, September 14, 2015, he drove his son to school and encouraged him to display his technological ability.[2]
In an interview on Al Jazeera's Ali Velshi on Target, Mohamed said the clock was "built from scrap around the house" and that "some of the boards were already manufactured".[3] He told Larry Wilmore on The Nightly Showthat it took him "10 or 20 minutes" to make the clock. and that he has built more complicated stuff "like CPUs and soldering them", but that the clock was simple, using some parts that were scrapped off so that it was easier.[4]According to the initial report in The Dallas Morning News, he had done this "before bed on Sunday. [September 13, 2015]"[5]
Ralph Kubiak, Mohamed's seventh-grade history teacher, said that Mohammed was known to have dabbled in electronics in middle school, pranking the classroom projector with a hand-made remote control, and that he also built a jerry-rigged battery charger."[6] The Dallas Morning News commented that "[s]ome of these creations looked much like the infamous clock — a mess of wires and exposed circuits stuffed inside a hinged case, perhaps suspicious to some."[6] According to The Guardian, everybody in middle school knew Mohamed as "the kid who makes crazy contraptions", and who fixed electronics classmates brought to him, earning him the nickname "Inventor Kid".[7]
In interviews with local media, Mohamed said he wanted to show the engineering teacher at school what he had done over the weekend: take apart a clock and rebuild it inside a pencil case.[1] His father, Mohamed Elhassan Mohamed, said that on Monday morning, September 14, 2015, he drove his son to school and encouraged him to display his technological ability.[2]
In an interview on Al Jazeera's Ali Velshi on Target, Mohamed said the clock was "built from scrap around the house" and that "some of the boards were already manufactured".[3] He told Larry Wilmore on The Nightly Showthat it took him "10 or 20 minutes" to make the clock. and that he has built more complicated stuff "like CPUs and soldering them", but that the clock was simple, using some parts that were scrapped off so that it was easier.[4]According to the initial report in The Dallas Morning News, he had done this "before bed on Sunday. [September 13, 2015]"[5]
Ralph Kubiak, Mohamed's seventh-grade history teacher, said that Mohammed was known to have dabbled in electronics in middle school, pranking the classroom projector with a hand-made remote control, and that he also built a jerry-rigged battery charger."[6] The Dallas Morning News commented that "[s]ome of these creations looked much like the infamous clock — a mess of wires and exposed circuits stuffed inside a hinged case, perhaps suspicious to some."[6] According to The Guardian, everybody in middle school knew Mohamed as "the kid who makes crazy contraptions", and who fixed electronics classmates brought to him, earning him the nickname "Inventor Kid".[7]
Mohamed brought the clock to his school, MacArthur High School, because he "wanted to impress all of his teachers".[3] His engineering teacher, upon seeing the clock said, "That's really nice", but advised him to keep the device in his backpack for the rest of the school day.[5] However, Mohamed later plugged it in during his English class, and "set a time" on the clock.[3] When its alarm started beeping, the English teacher requested to see it, and said, "Well, it looks like a bomb. Don't show it to anyone else."[2] In an interview posted on KXAS-TV (NBC 5), Mohamed said he "closed it with a cable ... 'cause I didn't want to lock it to make it seem like a threat, so I just used a simple cable so it won't look that much suspicious."[8] The English teacher confiscated the clock and reported him to the school principal's office, and the police were called. The principal and a police officer then took him out of class and led him to a room where four other officers were waiting.[5] After interrogating him for about an hour and a half, he was taken out of the school in handcuffs and into police custody. Following his arrival at a juvenile detention center, Mohamed was fingerprinted, his mugshot taken, and further questioned before being released to his parents.[5][9][10][11][12][13][14][15]According to Mohamed, he was not allowed to contact his family during the questioning and he was threatened by the principal with being expelled unless he would sign a written statement.[5] After releasing Mohamed, police continued to question his clock's purpose, saying, "He kept maintaining it was a clock, but there was no broader explanation."[5][16]
Mohamed brought the clock to his school, MacArthur High School, because he "wanted to impress all of his teachers".[3] His engineering teacher, upon seeing the clock said, "That's really nice", but advised him to keep the device in his backpack for the rest of the school day.[5] However, Mohamed later plugged it in during his English class, and "set a time" on the clock.[3] When its alarm started beeping, the English teacher requested to see it, and said, "Well, it looks like a bomb. Don't show it to anyone else."[2] In an interview posted on KXAS-TV (NBC 5), Mohamed said he "closed it with a cable ... 'cause I didn't want to lock it to make it seem like a threat, so I just used a simple cable so it won't look that much suspicious."[8] The English teacher confiscated the clock and reported him to the school principal's office, and the police were called. The principal and a police officer then took him out of class and led him to a room where four other officers were waiting.[5] After interrogating him for about an hour and a half, he was taken out of the school in handcuffs and into police custody. Following his arrival at a juvenile detention center, Mohamed was fingerprinted, his mugshot taken, and further questioned before being released to his parents.[5][9][10][11][12][13][14][15]According to Mohamed, he was not allowed to contact his family during the questioning and he was threatened by the principal with being expelled unless he would sign a written statement.[5] After releasing Mohamed, police continued to question his clock's purpose, saying, "He kept maintaining it was a clock, but there was no broader explanation."[5][16]
Mohamed was suspended from school for three days.[17] Police determined that he had no malicious intent, and he was not charged with any crime.[9][18] Irving Police Chief Larry Boyd said that "the officers pretty quickly determined that they weren't investigating an explosive device", and that Mohammed was arrested over the prospect that it was a "hoax bomb".[19] Under Texas law, it is illegal to possess a "hoax bomb" with an intent to "make another believe that the hoax bomb is an explosive or incendiary device" or to "cause [an] alarm or reaction of any type by an official of a public safety agency or volunteer agency organized to deal with emergencies."[20]
In interviews after the incident, Mohammed said that when questioned by the school principal if he tried to make a bomb, he responded, "I told them no, I was trying to make a clock."[21] He also said that he tried to make a phone call to his father, but that police told him he could not do that as he was being interrogated.[2] He also questioned the fairness of the situation "because I brought something to school that wasn't a threat to anyone. I didn't do anything wrong. I just showed my teachers something and I end up being arrested later that day."[2]
Mohamed's school said he was welcome to return after his suspension, and defended its actions.[22] Police indicated that he was interrogated only in order to clarify his intentions when he brought the clock to school.[9] His supporters have speculated that the questioning and subsequent transfer by police to a juvenile center exemplifies Islamophobia in the United States.[9]
School district spokeswoman Lesley Weaver said, "We are never going to take any chances for any of their safety [...] It doesn't matter what child would have brought a suspicious looking item. We still would have taken the same actions." She further said "If the family is willing to give us written permission, we would be happy to share with the public the other side of the story so they can understand the actions we took."[2] Irving Mayor Beth Van Duyne defended the actions of the police and the Irving Independent School District, stating that they were following the procedure set when a potential threat of criminal act is discovered.[23] Van Duyne, appearing on Glenn Beck's TheBlaze TV, said there was one-sided reporting of the interaction between Mohammed and police, saying that they are unable to release records because Mohammed is a juvenile and his family has refused to allow it. Van Duyne said that from the information she had seen, Mohammed had been "non-responsive" and "passive aggressive" in response to questions from police officers.[24]
Mohamed was suspended from school for three days.[17] Police determined that he had no malicious intent, and he was not charged with any crime.[9][18] Irving Police Chief Larry Boyd said that "the officers pretty quickly determined that they weren't investigating an explosive device", and that Mohammed was arrested over the prospect that it was a "hoax bomb".[19] Under Texas law, it is illegal to possess a "hoax bomb" with an intent to "make another believe that the hoax bomb is an explosive or incendiary device" or to "cause [an] alarm or reaction of any type by an official of a public safety agency or volunteer agency organized to deal with emergencies."[20]
In interviews after the incident, Mohammed said that when questioned by the school principal if he tried to make a bomb, he responded, "I told them no, I was trying to make a clock."[21] He also said that he tried to make a phone call to his father, but that police told him he could not do that as he was being interrogated.[2] He also questioned the fairness of the situation "because I brought something to school that wasn't a threat to anyone. I didn't do anything wrong. I just showed my teachers something and I end up being arrested later that day."[2]
Mohamed's school said he was welcome to return after his suspension, and defended its actions.[22] Police indicated that he was interrogated only in order to clarify his intentions when he brought the clock to school.[9] His supporters have speculated that the questioning and subsequent transfer by police to a juvenile center exemplifies Islamophobia in the United States.[9]
School district spokeswoman Lesley Weaver said, "We are never going to take any chances for any of their safety [...] It doesn't matter what child would have brought a suspicious looking item. We still would have taken the same actions." She further said "If the family is willing to give us written permission, we would be happy to share with the public the other side of the story so they can understand the actions we took."[2] Irving Mayor Beth Van Duyne defended the actions of the police and the Irving Independent School District, stating that they were following the procedure set when a potential threat of criminal act is discovered.[23] Van Duyne, appearing on Glenn Beck's TheBlaze TV, said there was one-sided reporting of the interaction between Mohammed and police, saying that they are unable to release records because Mohammed is a juvenile and his family has refused to allow it. Van Duyne said that from the information she had seen, Mohammed had been "non-responsive" and "passive aggressive" in response to questions from police officers.[24]
Mohamed family's response
On September 18, Mohamed Elhassan Mohamed, Ahmed Mohamed's father, announced that his son would either be transferring either to a private school or be home-schooled.[25] The family has since withdrawn all of its children from schools in the Irving Independent School District, and the father said the recent events emotionally affected his son, who was not eating well and having trouble sleeping. He said, "It's torn the family and makes us very confused."[26] While many schools offered to enroll Mohamed, his father said he wanted to give his son time before making a decision.[26] According to the elder Mohamed, the family was invited to the headquarters of the United Nations in New York City where, he said, UN officials want to meet his son.[26] On 25 September 2015, Ahmed Mohamed met with Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu, who was in New York attending UN meetings.[27]
The family hired legal counsel "to pursue Ahmed's legal rights and regain his science project from the Irving Police Department."[28] The police issued a statement saying that they had made the clock available shortly after the incident and were awaiting pick-up by "the student's father, or his designated representative."[29]
On September 18, Mohamed Elhassan Mohamed, Ahmed Mohamed's father, announced that his son would either be transferring either to a private school or be home-schooled.[25] The family has since withdrawn all of its children from schools in the Irving Independent School District, and the father said the recent events emotionally affected his son, who was not eating well and having trouble sleeping. He said, "It's torn the family and makes us very confused."[26] While many schools offered to enroll Mohamed, his father said he wanted to give his son time before making a decision.[26] According to the elder Mohamed, the family was invited to the headquarters of the United Nations in New York City where, he said, UN officials want to meet his son.[26] On 25 September 2015, Ahmed Mohamed met with Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu, who was in New York attending UN meetings.[27]
The family hired legal counsel "to pursue Ahmed's legal rights and regain his science project from the Irving Police Department."[28] The police issued a statement saying that they had made the clock available shortly after the incident and were awaiting pick-up by "the student's father, or his designated representative."[29]
After the initial report in The Dallas Morning News caught his attention, tech blogger Anil Dash created an online form for people to send supportive messages and offer ideas about how to encourage Mohamed. Dash, with more than 500,000 followers on Twitter, was among the earliest to widely publicize the story through social media, and was first to tweet the photo of Mohamed handcuffed, wearing a faded NASA T-shirt. Within hours, the hashtag #IStandWithAhmed began trending on Twitter and Dash had received thousands of responses.[30][31]
Following the incident, Mohamed received support from President Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Mark Zuckerberg. On Obama's Twitter feed, a post said "Cool clock, Ahmed", and asked "Want to bring it to the White House?" continuing "We should inspire more kids like you to like science. It's what makes America great." Zuckerberg invited Mohamed to Facebook headquarters. Mohamed and his family announced that he was going to the White House for its annual Astronomy Night, where he would have the opportunity to meet other aspiring young scientists.[32][33]
Google invited Mohamed to attend its science fair, urging him to bring the clock along; when he arrived he "received a warm welcome, touring the booths and taking pictures with finalists."[34][35]Twitter offered him a chance to intern with them.[36] Retired Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield invited Mohamed to his science show in Toronto.[37]
After the initial report in The Dallas Morning News caught his attention, tech blogger Anil Dash created an online form for people to send supportive messages and offer ideas about how to encourage Mohamed. Dash, with more than 500,000 followers on Twitter, was among the earliest to widely publicize the story through social media, and was first to tweet the photo of Mohamed handcuffed, wearing a faded NASA T-shirt. Within hours, the hashtag #IStandWithAhmed began trending on Twitter and Dash had received thousands of responses.[30][31]
Following the incident, Mohamed received support from President Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Mark Zuckerberg. On Obama's Twitter feed, a post said "Cool clock, Ahmed", and asked "Want to bring it to the White House?" continuing "We should inspire more kids like you to like science. It's what makes America great." Zuckerberg invited Mohamed to Facebook headquarters. Mohamed and his family announced that he was going to the White House for its annual Astronomy Night, where he would have the opportunity to meet other aspiring young scientists.[32][33]
Google invited Mohamed to attend its science fair, urging him to bring the clock along; when he arrived he "received a warm welcome, touring the booths and taking pictures with finalists."[34][35]Twitter offered him a chance to intern with them.[36] Retired Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield invited Mohamed to his science show in Toronto.[37]
In a debate among 2016 Republican presidential candidates, Governor Bobby Jindal said that he did not think that a 14-year-old should ever be arrested for bringing a clock to school but defended the police who were "worried about security and safety issues."[40]
Twenty-nine members of the Congress, including Asian-American and Muslim-American members, sent a letter to the U.S. Attorney General at the Department of Justice requesting an investigation on "the civil rights violations that took place during the unjust arrest of Ahmed Mohamed." The letter said "Ahmed was denied his civil rights on numerous occasions as he was consistently refused his right to speak with his father. Texas Family Code clearly states 'a child may not be left unattended in a juvenile processing office and is entitled to be accompanied by the child's parent, guardian, or other custodian or by the child's attorney.' (Section 52.025)"[41]
White House press secretary Josh Earnest said that the incident "is a good illustration of how pernicious stereotypes can prevent even good-hearted people who have dedicated their lives to educating young people from doing the good work that they set out to do", and that Mohamed was invited the White House South Lawn for Astronomy Night on October 19.[38][42]
Irving Mayor Beth Van Duyne said that Irving's police chief and other police officers, as well as teachers and school administrators, were receiving death threats as a result of the controversy.[24] Van Duyne had attracted questions of Islamophobia earlier in 2015 when she supported a bill which would "prohibit judges from letting agreements reached under foreign laws stand if they would trump someone's rights." Although the bill did not name any particular religion, Muslims in Irving felt that it could interfere with Sharia dispute counseling services offered by local imams.[43][44]
In a debate among 2016 Republican presidential candidates, Governor Bobby Jindal said that he did not think that a 14-year-old should ever be arrested for bringing a clock to school but defended the police who were "worried about security and safety issues."[40]
Twenty-nine members of the Congress, including Asian-American and Muslim-American members, sent a letter to the U.S. Attorney General at the Department of Justice requesting an investigation on "the civil rights violations that took place during the unjust arrest of Ahmed Mohamed." The letter said "Ahmed was denied his civil rights on numerous occasions as he was consistently refused his right to speak with his father. Texas Family Code clearly states 'a child may not be left unattended in a juvenile processing office and is entitled to be accompanied by the child's parent, guardian, or other custodian or by the child's attorney.' (Section 52.025)"[41]
White House press secretary Josh Earnest said that the incident "is a good illustration of how pernicious stereotypes can prevent even good-hearted people who have dedicated their lives to educating young people from doing the good work that they set out to do", and that Mohamed was invited the White House South Lawn for Astronomy Night on October 19.[38][42]
Irving Mayor Beth Van Duyne said that Irving's police chief and other police officers, as well as teachers and school administrators, were receiving death threats as a result of the controversy.[24] Van Duyne had attracted questions of Islamophobia earlier in 2015 when she supported a bill which would "prohibit judges from letting agreements reached under foreign laws stand if they would trump someone's rights." Although the bill did not name any particular religion, Muslims in Irving felt that it could interfere with Sharia dispute counseling services offered by local imams.[43][44]
Techdirt writer Tim Cushing wrote that the Texas "hoax bomb" law Mohamed was accused under was too loosely worded, as a mere reaction by a public safety official was enough to fall under it (regardless of whether he had intentionally meant to do so), and that it could theoretically apply to other legitimate devices (such as phones and road flares) because they can "cause alarm or reaction of any type" from a public safety officer. At the same time, he wrote that the school itself may have also violated the same law, as they presented the clock to police as potentially being an explosive device.[20]
An article on Salon described the incident as a part of a "school to prison" pipeline. It also made comparisons to various instances of white males perpetrating high school shootings.[45]
Wall Street Journal commentator James Taranto said he believes what happened to Mohamed is not uncommon; he points to a similar story from 2001 in New Jersey, in which Jason Anagnos, a nine-year-old non-Muslim boy, was arrested, charged and convicted for having brought a fake bomb along on a gifted-and-talented class field trip.[46]
George Takei, the Japanese-American actor who played Sulu on Star Trek, wrote an open letter to Mohamed, offering his support and comparing the cause of being taken into custody by police to the same mindset that led to the Japanese internment in the United States during World War II.[47]
Kevin D. Williamson, a correspondent for the conservative magazine National Review, argued that the media was pushing a case for exaggerated Islamophobia, "because it can be used to further a story that the media already want to tell: that the United States is morally corrupt and irredeemably racist; that Muslims are under siege; that white privilege blinds the majority of Americans to the corruption at the heart of everything red, white, and blue", stating we now live in a time of "race-hustling and grievance-mongering." He contrasted the high level of media coverage for the incident with that of a lesser-reported incident involving the arrest of an eighth-grader for refusing to remove a National Rifle Association T-shirt in class.[48]
Techdirt writer Tim Cushing wrote that the Texas "hoax bomb" law Mohamed was accused under was too loosely worded, as a mere reaction by a public safety official was enough to fall under it (regardless of whether he had intentionally meant to do so), and that it could theoretically apply to other legitimate devices (such as phones and road flares) because they can "cause alarm or reaction of any type" from a public safety officer. At the same time, he wrote that the school itself may have also violated the same law, as they presented the clock to police as potentially being an explosive device.[20]
An article on Salon described the incident as a part of a "school to prison" pipeline. It also made comparisons to various instances of white males perpetrating high school shootings.[45]
Wall Street Journal commentator James Taranto said he believes what happened to Mohamed is not uncommon; he points to a similar story from 2001 in New Jersey, in which Jason Anagnos, a nine-year-old non-Muslim boy, was arrested, charged and convicted for having brought a fake bomb along on a gifted-and-talented class field trip.[46]
George Takei, the Japanese-American actor who played Sulu on Star Trek, wrote an open letter to Mohamed, offering his support and comparing the cause of being taken into custody by police to the same mindset that led to the Japanese internment in the United States during World War II.[47]
Kevin D. Williamson, a correspondent for the conservative magazine National Review, argued that the media was pushing a case for exaggerated Islamophobia, "because it can be used to further a story that the media already want to tell: that the United States is morally corrupt and irredeemably racist; that Muslims are under siege; that white privilege blinds the majority of Americans to the corruption at the heart of everything red, white, and blue", stating we now live in a time of "race-hustling and grievance-mongering." He contrasted the high level of media coverage for the incident with that of a lesser-reported incident involving the arrest of an eighth-grader for refusing to remove a National Rifle Association T-shirt in class.[48]
Bill Maher, who hosts HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher, said on the program that Mohamed deserves an apology but that his clock "looks exactly like a fucking bomb." He also suggested that some Muslim adult should tell Mohamed that "maybe one of the reasons why it happened to you is that in our religion we're responsible for 9/11, the Madrid bombing, the London bombing, the Bali discotheque bombings, the Kenya mall...."[49] He continued, "It's not the color of his skin. ... For the last 30 years, it's been one culture that has been blowing shit up over and over again."[50]
In Pakistan, Danish Ali created a video in which Muslims thank the world for allowing them to take their unwieldy appliances, like large clocks and panini sandwich presses, with them in public.[51]
Bill Maher, who hosts HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher, said on the program that Mohamed deserves an apology but that his clock "looks exactly like a fucking bomb." He also suggested that some Muslim adult should tell Mohamed that "maybe one of the reasons why it happened to you is that in our religion we're responsible for 9/11, the Madrid bombing, the London bombing, the Bali discotheque bombings, the Kenya mall...."[49] He continued, "It's not the color of his skin. ... For the last 30 years, it's been one culture that has been blowing shit up over and over again."[50]
In Pakistan, Danish Ali created a video in which Muslims thank the world for allowing them to take their unwieldy appliances, like large clocks and panini sandwich presses, with them in public.[51]
Terri Burke, Executive Director of the ACLU of Texas, stated, "Islamophobia, and probably racism, certainly played a role in Ahmed's ordeal, but the fact is overzealous administrators, zero-tolerance policies, and law enforcement officers ill-equipped to deal with schoolchildren have compromised educational environments throughout the country. [...] Ahmed suffered through a terrifying, traumatizing, and unjust ordeal. Yet because of the mass exposure of what he endured, he's received invitations to the White House, Facebook headquarters, and the Google science fair. [...] For too many others – the ones whose stories won't go viral – the possibility of the American nightmare remains too real."[52]
On Real Time with Bill Maher, Dallas entrepreneur Mark Cuban stated he had spoken with Mohamed by telephone and that the boy seemed quite comfortable when talking about tinkering with technology. Cuban further stated that when he asked, "Tell me what happened because I'm curious?", he could hear Mohamed's sister in the background telling him how to answer.[53][relevant? ]
According to an article in The Observer, the widely circulated photograph of Ahmed in handcuffs wearing a NASA T-shirt, "[has] catapulted the topic of STEM education in America back into the spotlight. And now, children will be inspired to study STEM thanks to Ahmed's continued interest in it beyond all odds."[54]
Terri Burke, Executive Director of the ACLU of Texas, stated, "Islamophobia, and probably racism, certainly played a role in Ahmed's ordeal, but the fact is overzealous administrators, zero-tolerance policies, and law enforcement officers ill-equipped to deal with schoolchildren have compromised educational environments throughout the country. [...] Ahmed suffered through a terrifying, traumatizing, and unjust ordeal. Yet because of the mass exposure of what he endured, he's received invitations to the White House, Facebook headquarters, and the Google science fair. [...] For too many others – the ones whose stories won't go viral – the possibility of the American nightmare remains too real."[52]
On Real Time with Bill Maher, Dallas entrepreneur Mark Cuban stated he had spoken with Mohamed by telephone and that the boy seemed quite comfortable when talking about tinkering with technology. Cuban further stated that when he asked, "Tell me what happened because I'm curious?", he could hear Mohamed's sister in the background telling him how to answer.[53][relevant? ]
According to an article in The Observer, the widely circulated photograph of Ahmed in handcuffs wearing a NASA T-shirt, "[has] catapulted the topic of STEM education in America back into the spotlight. And now, children will be inspired to study STEM thanks to Ahmed's continued interest in it beyond all odds."[54]
Clock photo analysis
After the release of a photo of the clock by the Irving police department, a number of commentators analyzed the photo and provided possible explanations of how the clock was put together.[55]
According to a blog post in Artvoice that described the the police released photo of the clock, the device was a Micronta[56] digital clock assembled in a Vaultz locking pencil box.[57]
Mike Senese, Executive Editor of Make: magazine said that they were "charmed by the innocence of the build" and commented that the clock was "less as a combination of miscellaneous parts wired together into a timepiece, and more so as simply the guts of a standard digital alarm clock", and that Mohammed should be proud of his build.[58]
Thomas Talbot, an adjunct professor at the University of Southern California,[59] posted a YouTube video where he discussed a photo of the clock, in which he said Mohamed "never built a clock" but removed the plastic case from a commercial alarm clock and put it into a pencil case.[60]
An article in The Daily Beast describes the Internet as "lit aflame by claims of conspiracy", and pondered why putting a teenager in handcuffs over his clock was less of a concern to proponents of these theories, than the "apparently shoddy engineering of the 'invention' in question".[55]
After the release of a photo of the clock by the Irving police department, a number of commentators analyzed the photo and provided possible explanations of how the clock was put together.[55]
According to a blog post in Artvoice that described the the police released photo of the clock, the device was a Micronta[56] digital clock assembled in a Vaultz locking pencil box.[57]
Mike Senese, Executive Editor of Make: magazine said that they were "charmed by the innocence of the build" and commented that the clock was "less as a combination of miscellaneous parts wired together into a timepiece, and more so as simply the guts of a standard digital alarm clock", and that Mohammed should be proud of his build.[58]
Thomas Talbot, an adjunct professor at the University of Southern California,[59] posted a YouTube video where he discussed a photo of the clock, in which he said Mohamed "never built a clock" but removed the plastic case from a commercial alarm clock and put it into a pencil case.[60]
An article in The Daily Beast describes the Internet as "lit aflame by claims of conspiracy", and pondered why putting a teenager in handcuffs over his clock was less of a concern to proponents of these theories, than the "apparently shoddy engineering of the 'invention' in question".[55]
Hoax allegations and conspiracy theories
The The Dallas Morning News has referred to some comments that emerged in the aftermath of the incident as conspiracy theories, reporting that most them "cited no evidence, contradicted each other, or clashed with known facts". These included assertions of commentators such as Glenn Beck, who said that "for some reason Irving is important to the Islamists", and the incident was a "dog whistle". Other observations asserted that Mohamed's clock was not just a clock, but a countdown clock and theories have cast suspicion on Mohamed's family and Muslim groups supporting Mohamed since his detainment.[61] Others rejected the notion that the clock was an original build or an invention, and speculated the incident could have been a staged hoax intended to provoke a response.[55]
The progressive The Intercept condemned attempts by the Center for Security Policy to justify the arrest. Frank Gaffney, the center’s founder and president suggested that the controversy over student Ahmed Mohamed being arrested over a homemade clock that he brought to school appeared to be an "influence operation" by the Council on American-Islamic Relations.[62][63] Gaffney's colleague, Jim Hansen, agreed and ran an article with photos showing how the so-called clock was a circuit board that resembled Iranian-made IED triggers used to kill US troops in Iraq.[64] Conservative blog Weasel Zippers brought up information that a Micronta clock was previously been used in the 1985 bombing of two Air India 747 flights from Canada killing 329 people aboard and baggage handlers in Japan.[65]
Anti Islamic commentator Pamela Geller wrote in Breitbart.com and Nina Golgowski wrote in the New York Daily News that Mohamed's father is an Islamist activist who has been involved in pro-Islamist protests in the past. Geller agreed with Gaffney that this incident appeared to be an Islamist influence operation arranged by the Council on American-Islamic Relations.[66][67]
Fox News Senior Judicial Analyst Andrew Napolitano speculated Mohamed and his parents may have committed a "purposeful hoax" by referring to the clock as an invention, and that electronic experts have said the clock looks similar to a 1980s clock sold by Radio Shack.[68][69]
Other theories posit that Mohamed planned to get arrested to embarrass police, and speculated the incident was a plot orchestrated by Islamists. Conservative national columnist Mark Steyn referred to Mohamed’s father as "a belligerent Muslim activist".[61]
Biologist-author Richard Dawkins accused Mohamed of staging a hoax by referring to the clock as an invention, writing on Twitter and citing a video and blog by Anthony DiPasquale, an engineer working in IT for a Buffalo newspaper, who wrote in his blog that he believed Mohamed's clock to be a "factory-produced clock" originally made by Radio Shack "that was just taken out of its enclosure, and placed in a pencil box",[70][71] although Dawkins qualified his remarks with "OK, fraudulent claiming of an 'invention' is not heinous".[71] Dawkins further speculated that Mohamed's intention may have been to get arrested, and said "If the reassembled components did something more than the original clock, that's creative. If not, it looks like hoax" and, "You have to ask the question: Why would a boy take a screwdriver to a clock, take the works out, and put it in a box?"[71][72] Dawkins, however, has maintained that Mohamed should not have been taken into custody.[71][73][74] Dawkins later said that his concerns stemmed from his impression that Mohamed was claiming to have "invented" the clock, but that "it's possible he doesn't know the meaning of 'invention'".[75] Dawkins has been criticized for labeling Muslims as scientific underachievers, and for referring to Islam as irrevocably violent.[76]
The Dallas Morning News, after reviewing these theories, found no evidence that Mohamed planned to get handcuffed and be in the news.[61]
Ben Shapiro, writing for Breitbart, said he suspects the Obama Administration was behind the controversy, using it as political propaganda. Steve Watson fromInfowars.com, said: "[a]t the very least this situation was quickly seized on by special interest groups and the White House to push their agendas, and at worst it seems it was a complete setup".[77]
Heath Wester, the President of the Texas Municipal Patrolman's Association, said that after speaking with the officers involved and Irving Police Chief, his conclusion was that it was a hoax bomb and that Mohamed knew exactly what he was doing, stating that "I think his intent was to see how far he could get with the device and to see what kind of alarmant [sic] he could get".[78]
See also
- ^ "Texas High School Student Shows Off Homemade Clock, Gets Handcuffed". NPR. Retrieved 26 September 2015.
^ Jump up to:a b c d e Kalthoff, Ken; Bryan, Ellen (September 15, 2015)."Irving Teen Says He's Falsely Accused of Making a 'Hoax Bomb'". nbcdfw.com (NBC 5 - KXAS). RetrievedSeptember 25, 2015.
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Jump up^ Seemangal, Robin (September 28, 2015). "NASA Is the Unlikeliest 'Design Firm' in Human History". Archived from the original on September 28, 2015. Retrieved September 28,2015. Earlier this month, a young maker named Ahmed Mohamed was arrested while wearing a NASA t-shirt after bringing a homemade clock to his high school. Photographs of Ahmed in handcuffs circulated around the globe along with the space agency’s logo creating a new context for its design and purpose. ...Ahmed, and the NASA logo, have catapulted the topic of STEM education in America back into the spotlight. And now, children will be inspired to study STEM thanks to Ahmed’s continued interest in it beyond all odds.
^ Jump up to:a b c "Nerds Rage Over Ahmed Mohamed's Clock". The Daily Beast. Retrieved 26 September 2015.
Jump up^ Chase, Anthony (September 17, 2015). "Reverse Engineering Ahmed Mohamed's Clock… and Ourselves.". Artvoice. Khansama Publications, Inc. Retrieved September 24, 2015.
Jump up^ Whitely, Jason (September 16, 2015). "Irving ISD student detained for 'suspicious device'". WFAA News (Dallas, Texas). Retrieved September 24, 2015.
Jump up^ Mike Senese; Jordan Bunker (September 16, 2015). "This Is Ahmed Mohamed's Clock". Makezine. Retrieved 25 September2015.
Jump up^ Talbot, Thomas. "USC Biography". USC Institute for Creative Technologies. Retrieved 22 September 2015.
Jump up^ Hunter, Derek (September 22, 2015). "Professor Calls Ahmed Mohamed's Clock A 'Fraud'". The Daily Caller. Retrieved22 September 2015.
^ Jump up to:a b c d "Craze over teen clockmaker from Irving shifts from celebrity to conspiracy". The Dallas Morning News. Archived from the original on 23 September 2015. Retrieved27 September 2015.
Jump up^ Harris, Julia (September 22, 2015). "Ahmed Mohamed Clock a 'Purposeful Hoax', Potential Fraud Case, Says Judge Napolitano". Latin Post. Retrieved 22 September 2015.
Jump up^ "New Twist: Tech Experts Raise Questions About TX Teen's 'Homemade Clock'". Fox News Insider. September 21, 2015. Retrieved September 26, 2015.
Jump up^ Ayer, Kavita (September 21, 2015). "Richard Dawkins sparks backlash after questioning Ahmed Mohamed's 'motives'". TechWorm. Retrieved 22 September 2015.
^ Jump up to:a b c d Vale, Richard (September 20, 2015). "Richard Dawkins Accuses Ahmed Mohamed Of Committing 'Fraud'". Huffington Post. Retrieved September 22, 2015.
Jump up^ Heather Saul (24 September 2015). "Richard Dawkins defends Ahmed Mohamed comments and dismisses Islamophobia as a 'non-word'". The Independent. Retrieved 24 September 2015.
Jump up^ Dawkins, Richard, "If this is true, what was his motive? Whether or not he wanted the police to arrest him, they shouldn't have done so youtube.com/watch?v=CEmSwJ...", Twitter, 20 September 2015
Jump up^ Chen, Cathaleen, "Was concern over Ahmed Mohamed wholly unjustified? Some critics aren't so sure", Christian Science Monitor/Yahoo! News, 20 September 2015
Jump up^ Gryboski, Michael, "Richard Dawkins Says he now Believes Muslim Bomb Clock Student Ahmed Mohamed", The Christian Post, September 21, 2015,
Jump up^ Francis, Matthew R. (September 25, 2015). "A Rationalist's Irrationality". Slate. Retrieved 26 September 2015.
Jump up^ "Top Conspiracy Theories On Ahmed Mohamed Clock". Mornning News USA. Archived from the original on 27 September 2015. Retrieved 27 September 2015.
Jump up^ "Mayor shares more about Ahmed Mohamed case". Fox 4 News. Archived from the original on 26 September 2015. Retrieved 28 September 2015.
External links
Media related to Ahmed Mohamed clock incident at Wikimedia Commons
Works related to We Stand with Ahmed - and We Hope He'll Join Us for Astronomy Night at Wikisource
News related to Texas student Ahmed Mohamed inspires social movement at Wikinews
MacArthur Student Will Not Face Charges Related To Device (Archive) - Irving Police Department
- ^ "Texas High School Student Shows Off Homemade Clock, Gets Handcuffed". NPR. Retrieved 26 September 2015.
^ Jump up to:a b c d e Kalthoff, Ken; Bryan, Ellen (September 15, 2015)."Irving Teen Says He's Falsely Accused of Making a 'Hoax Bomb'". nbcdfw.com (NBC 5 - KXAS). RetrievedSeptember 25, 2015.
^ Jump up to:a b c "'I felt like a terrorist'". Al Jazeera. September 21, 2015. Retrieved 24 September 2015.
Jump up^ Blistein, Jon (September 24, 2015). "Ahmed Mohamed Explains 'Really Simple' Clock on 'Nightly Show". Rolling Stone. Retrieved 24 September 2015.
^ Jump up to:a b c d e f Selk, Avi (September 15, 2015). "Irving 9th-grader arrested after taking homemade clock to school: 'So you tried to make a bomb?'". The Dallas Morning News. Archived from the original on September 16, 2015. Retrieved September 20,2015.
^ Jump up to:a b Selk, Avi (September 26, 2015). "Before Ahmed’s fame".The Dallas Morning News. Archived from the original on September 27, 2015. Retrieved September 27, 2015.
Jump up^ "Ahmed Mohamed is tired, excited to meet Obama – and wants his clock back". The Guardian. Retrieved 28 September 2015.
Jump up^ Heller, Corinne (16 September 2015). "Barack Obama Supports Ahmed Mohamed, 14, Who Brought to School Homemade Clock That Teachers Mistook for Bomb". Eonline. Retrieved21 September 2015.
^ Jump up to:a b c d Wang, Frances Kai-Hwa (September 16, 2015). "No Charges For Ahmed Mohamed, Teen Arrested After Bringing Homemade Clock to School". NBC News. RetrievedSeptember 17, 2015. According to NBC Dallas-Fort Worth, Ahmed was questioned, handcuffed and taken to Irving police headquarters for interrogation, fingerprinting and mug shots, even though he repeatedly insisted that it was a clock.
Jump up^ Patrick McGee; Christine Hauser; Daniel Victor (September 18, 2015). "Irving Police Chief Defends Response to Ahmed Mohamed's Clock". The New York Times. RetrievedSeptember 20, 2015.
Jump up^ Dickson, Caitlan (September 17, 2015). "Ahmed Mohamed's parents serve pizza to a crowd of reporters outside their house". Yahoo News. Retrieved September 20, 2015.
Jump up^ "Muslim teen cuffed over clock mistaken for bomb speaks out". CBS News. Associated Press (AP). September 16, 2015. Retrieved September 20, 2015.
Jump up^ Mehdi Hasan (September 17, 2015). "Was Ahmed Mohamed arrested because he is Muslim?". Al-Jazeera UpFront. Retrieved September 18, 2015. Mehdi Hasan speaks with the 14-year-old student arrested over a homemade clock
Jump up^ Ashley Fantz; Steve Almasy; AnneClaire Stapleton (September 16, 2015). "Muslim teen Ahmed Mohamed creates clock, shows teachers, gets arrested". CNN. Retrieved September 17, 2015.
Jump up^ Abby Philip, Sarah Kaplan (September 16, 2015). "'They thought it was a bomb': 9th-grader arrested after bringing a home-built clock to school". Washington Post. RetrievedSeptember 17, 2015.
Jump up^ O'Malley, Nick (September 17, 2015). "Ahmed Mohamed's handmade clock led to his arrest, then White House invite".Sydney Morning Herald (Washington DC). RetrievedSeptember 17, 2015.
Jump up^ Glenza, J., and Woolf, N., Texas Schoolboy Arrested over Clock to Visit Obama as Authorities Defend Action, The Guardian, September 17, 2015.
Jump up^ "Muslim teen arrested for clock pulled from Texas school". Asia One. Agence France-Presse (AFP). September 24, 2015. Retrieved 25 September 2015.
Jump up^ Zachary Davies Boren (18 September 2015). "Ahmed Mohamed: Texas police knew he didn't have a bomb but arrested him anyway". The Independent. Retrieved 25 September 2015.Police Chief Larry Boyd said they thought it was a 'hoax bomb' designed to scare the school
^ Jump up to:a b Cushing, Tim. "Here's The Ridiculous Texas Law That Allows Law Enforcement To Pretend A Digital Clock Is A Hoax Bomb". Techdirt. Retrieved September 17, 2015.
Jump up^ Murdock, Sebastian (September 18, 2015). "Police Knew Ahmed Didn't Have A Bomb, Arrested The Teen Anyway".Huffington Post. Retrieved September 25, 2015.
Jump up^ Pelletiere, Nicole (September 17, 2015). "Ahmed Mohamed's High School Says He's Welcome Back, But Supports Teacher Who Reported Clock". ABC News. Retrieved September 17,2015.
Jump up^ Ferner, Matt (September 16, 2015). "Irving Mayor Defends School And Cops, Doesn't Apologize For Arrest Of Muslim Teen Over Clock". Huffington Post. Retrieved September 17, 2015.
^ Jump up to:a b Shideler, Kyle (September 22, 2015). "Irving Mayor: Ahmed Mohamed's Family Blocking Release of Records; Obama Tweeted Support Even Before 'Clock' Pic Released". Town Hall. Retrieved 23 September 2015.
Jump up^ Luckerson, Victor (September 18, 2015). "Ahmed Mohamed's Dad Says he Won't Return to Public School". Time. RetrievedSeptember 18, 2015.
^ Jump up to:a b c "Ahmed Mohamed withdraws from Texas school that suspended him over clock". The Guardian. Associated Press (AP). 21 September 2015. Retrieved 22 September 2015. After his homemade clock was mistaken for a possible bomb by a teacher, Ahmed says 'I don't want to go to MacArthur high school any more'
Jump up^ Turkish PM Davutoğlu meets US Muslim teen Ahmed Mohamed arrested over clock, Daily Sabah, 26 September 2015. Retrieved 28 September 2015.
Jump up^ Elizabeth Chuck (September 23, 2015). "Ahmed Mohamed: Texas Boy's Family Hires Legal Counsel to Get Clock Back". NBC News. Retrieved September 26, 2015.
Jump up^ "Irving police: no one has picked up Ahmed Mohamed's clock". Retrieved 24 September 2015.
Jump up^ Kaplan, Sarah; Phillip, Abby (September 16, 2015). "Why some Muslims don't want Ahmed Mohamed's blackness to be ignored". Washington Post. Retrieved September 17, 2015.
Jump up^ Vara, Vauhini (September 17, 2015). "How Will Ahmed Mohamned's Story Play Out in Texas". The New Yorker. Retrieved September 20, 2015.
Jump up^ Manny Fernandez; Christine Hauser (September 16, 2015). Written at Houston. "Handcuffed for Making Clock, Ahmed Mohamed, 14, Wins Time With Obama". The New York Times(New York). Retrieved September 17, 2015.
Jump up^ Thomas, Dexter (September 16, 2015). "#IStandWithAhmed lesson: Curiosity is for white kids". Los Angeles Times. Retrieved September 17, 2015.
Jump up^ Vincent, James, Ahmed Mohamed hangs out with Sergey Brin at Google Science Fair, The Verge, 22 September 2015. Retrieved 22 September 2015.
Jump up^ Guynn, Jessica "Ahmed Mohamed is VIP at Google Science Fair", 21 September 2015, USA Today. Retrieved 22 September 2015. "Mohamed visited the booths of finalists whose faces lit up when they recognized him. He also mingled with local students visiting the science fair being held on Google's campus in Mountain View, Calif. Exclaimed one student from Oakland, Calif.: 'We learned about you in school!' Mohamed even got to meet Google co-founder Sergey Brin."
Jump up^ Guynn, Jessica (September 17, 2015). "Facebook, Google roll out welcome mat to Ahmed Mohamed". USA Today (San Francisco). Retrieved September 17, 2015.
Jump up^ "Chris Hadfield invites Ahmed Mohamed to Toronto science show". CBC News (Toronto). September 16, 2015. RetrievedSeptember 17, 2015.
^ Jump up to:a b "How student Ahmed Mohamed went from suspected bomb maker to overnight celebrity". Los Angeles Times. RetrievedSeptember 17, 2015.
Jump up^ "Why #IStandWithAhmed is about more than a Muslim boy in Texas". Christian Science Monitor. Retrieved 28 September2015.
Jump up^ Condon, Stephanie (September 16, 2015). "Early Republican debate turns to Ahmed Mohamed, Kim Davis". CBS News. Retrieved September 17, 2015.
Jump up^ Frances Kai-Hwa Wang (September 23, 2015)."#IStandWithAhmed: Congressional Leaders Plead for Investigation". NBC News. Archived from the original on September 24, 2015. Retrieved September 25, 2015.
Jump up^ "White House Astronomy Night: A Celebration of Science, Technology, and Space". The White House. Archived from the original on September 17, 2015. Retrieved September 17,2015.
Jump up^ Ayala, Eva-Marie (March 24, 2015). "Debate on Shariah law goes to Austin". Dallas Morning News. Retrieved24 September 2015.
Jump up^ Selk, Avi (March 19, 2015). "Irving City Council backs state bill Muslims say targets them". Dallas Morning News. Retrieved24 September 2015.
Jump up^ Devega, Chauncey (September 23, 2015). "There's one aspect of the Ahmed Mohamed outrage that we aren't talking about nearly enough". Salon (website). Retrieved Sep 23, 2015.
Jump up^ Taranto, James (September 18, 2015). "Stand With Ahmed: But against the 'Islamophobia' myth-makers.". Wall Street Journal. Retrieved September 18, 2015.
Jump up^ Kurp, Josh. "'Keep On Keeping On': George Takei Wrote Ahmed Mohamed An Inspiring Note". Uproxx. RetrievedSeptember 17, 2015.
Jump up^ "Kevin D. Williamson: Ahmed's clock is a phony case of Islamophobia". dallasnews.com. September 18, 2015. Retrieved September 26, 2015.
Jump up^ Feldman, Josh, "Maher Battles Guests on Ahmed Mohamed: Be Cautions When Young Muslims Are 'Blowing Sh*t Up'",Mediaite, September 18, 2015.
Jump up^ Jessie Schiewe (September 19, 2015). "Bill Maher Does Not Stand With Ahmed Mohamed". Yahoo! News. Complex Media. Retrieved September 23, 2015.
Jump up^ Carol Hills (25 September 2015). "'Thank you so much for giving us Muslims the freedom to take our giant cumbersome clocks to school'". The World (Public Radio International). Retrieved 25 September 2015.
Jump up^ Burke, Terri (September 18, 2015). "Let's Assume the Kids (and Ahmed) Are Alright, Not Criminals". Huffington Post. RetrievedSeptember 19, 2015.
Jump up^ "Mavericks owner Mark Cuban on conversation with Irving teen Ahmed Mohamed and what he should have done".SportsDayDFW.com. Dallas Morning News. September 21, 2015. Retrieved September 23, 2015.
Jump up^ Seemangal, Robin (September 28, 2015). "NASA Is the Unlikeliest 'Design Firm' in Human History". Archived from the original on September 28, 2015. Retrieved September 28,2015. Earlier this month, a young maker named Ahmed Mohamed was arrested while wearing a NASA t-shirt after bringing a homemade clock to his high school. Photographs of Ahmed in handcuffs circulated around the globe along with the space agency’s logo creating a new context for its design and purpose. ...Ahmed, and the NASA logo, have catapulted the topic of STEM education in America back into the spotlight. And now, children will be inspired to study STEM thanks to Ahmed’s continued interest in it beyond all odds.
^ Jump up to:a b c "Nerds Rage Over Ahmed Mohamed's Clock". The Daily Beast. Retrieved 26 September 2015.
Jump up^ Chase, Anthony (September 17, 2015). "Reverse Engineering Ahmed Mohamed's Clock… and Ourselves.". Artvoice. Khansama Publications, Inc. Retrieved September 24, 2015.
Jump up^ Whitely, Jason (September 16, 2015). "Irving ISD student detained for 'suspicious device'". WFAA News (Dallas, Texas). Retrieved September 24, 2015.
Jump up^ Mike Senese; Jordan Bunker (September 16, 2015). "This Is Ahmed Mohamed's Clock". Makezine. Retrieved 25 September2015.
Jump up^ Talbot, Thomas. "USC Biography". USC Institute for Creative Technologies. Retrieved 22 September 2015.
Jump up^ Hunter, Derek (September 22, 2015). "Professor Calls Ahmed Mohamed's Clock A 'Fraud'". The Daily Caller. Retrieved22 September 2015.
^ Jump up to:a b c d "Craze over teen clockmaker from Irving shifts from celebrity to conspiracy". The Dallas Morning News. Archived from the original on 23 September 2015. Retrieved27 September 2015.
Jump up^ Harris, Julia (September 22, 2015). "Ahmed Mohamed Clock a 'Purposeful Hoax', Potential Fraud Case, Says Judge Napolitano". Latin Post. Retrieved 22 September 2015.
Jump up^ "New Twist: Tech Experts Raise Questions About TX Teen's 'Homemade Clock'". Fox News Insider. September 21, 2015. Retrieved September 26, 2015.
Jump up^ Ayer, Kavita (September 21, 2015). "Richard Dawkins sparks backlash after questioning Ahmed Mohamed's 'motives'". TechWorm. Retrieved 22 September 2015.
^ Jump up to:a b c d Vale, Richard (September 20, 2015). "Richard Dawkins Accuses Ahmed Mohamed Of Committing 'Fraud'". Huffington Post. Retrieved September 22, 2015.
Jump up^ Heather Saul (24 September 2015). "Richard Dawkins defends Ahmed Mohamed comments and dismisses Islamophobia as a 'non-word'". The Independent. Retrieved 24 September 2015.
Jump up^ Dawkins, Richard, "If this is true, what was his motive? Whether or not he wanted the police to arrest him, they shouldn't have done so youtube.com/watch?v=CEmSwJ...", Twitter, 20 September 2015
Jump up^ Chen, Cathaleen, "Was concern over Ahmed Mohamed wholly unjustified? Some critics aren't so sure", Christian Science Monitor/Yahoo! News, 20 September 2015
Jump up^ Gryboski, Michael, "Richard Dawkins Says he now Believes Muslim Bomb Clock Student Ahmed Mohamed", The Christian Post, September 21, 2015,
Jump up^ Francis, Matthew R. (September 25, 2015). "A Rationalist's Irrationality". Slate. Retrieved 26 September 2015.
Jump up^ "Top Conspiracy Theories On Ahmed Mohamed Clock". Mornning News USA. Archived from the original on 27 September 2015. Retrieved 27 September 2015.
Jump up^ "Mayor shares more about Ahmed Mohamed case". Fox 4 News. Archived from the original on 26 September 2015. Retrieved 28 September 2015.
External links
Media related to Ahmed Mohamed clock incident at Wikimedia Commons
Works related to We Stand with Ahmed - and We Hope He'll Join Us for Astronomy Night at Wikisource
News related to Texas student Ahmed Mohamed inspires social movement at Wikinews
MacArthur Student Will Not Face Charges Related To Device (Archive) - Irving Police Department
Ahmed Mohamed clock incident
A substantial number of sources have described some rumors and speculation as conspiracy theories and allegations of hoax, but two editors DHeyward and Cla68are of the opinion that these are just contrary opinions, and have replaced the "Conspiracy theories and hoax allegations" heading with "Contrary opinions" and added an opening sentence to the section. "A number of those observing and analyzing the incident have questioned or criticized the original narrative" [14](which I believe is a good example of WP:OR). They also added scare quotes ("conspiracy theories") when describing them in the article.
There are no sources that describe these comments as "contrary opinions". Any disinterested observer would clearly see that these are indeed fringe and conspiracy theories, and we should follow the sources and call them for what they are.
[hide]Theories |
[hide]Sources referring to these as conspiracy theories |
If these are conspiracy theories as described in reliable sources, Wikipedia should not attempt to present these any any other ways than fringe theories. I'd appreciate comments from uninvolved editors- Cwobeel (talk) 01:44, 28 September 2015 (UTC)
- I'd love to get into this but I have my hands full with the Center for Security Policy (above), at the moment. Suffice to say, WP is on LoonWatch Level 5 right now.LavaBaron (talk) 01:56, 28 September 2015 (UTC)
- I think we need to start taking more care with the use of "conspiracy theory" and "conspiracy theorist". I've noticed that the term is clearly being used more frequently on both sides of the political spectrum — see the previous FTN discussion — due to the negative connotation it implies. "Hoax allegations" seems appropriate for the section title. In-text attribution for who believes others are pushing a "conspiracy theory" is warranted. - Location (talk) 01:59, 28 September 2015 (UTC)
- Thank you. "Hoax allegations" may work to some extent, but there are some theories that are not about a hoax. But most definitively better than "Contrary views". - Cwobeel (talk) 02:47, 28 September 2015 (UTC)
- Conspiracy theory describes exactly that, a theory about an alleged conspiracy (that is, a group of people working in secret to accomplish some shadowy goal). The term has picked up a negative connotation due to all the bonkers groups out there getting media attention every time they run their mouths (birthers, truthers, etc.). But it's still an accurate label, especially since people like Dawkins think the motive here was to neuter criticism of Muslims in order to allow extremism to flourish. It's not just that they think Mohamed pulled a prank, but that they think he did it for some ulterior and nefarious motive: getting access to the president, loosening security restrictions in schools, etc. etc. clpo13(talk) 05:30, 28 September 2015 (UTC)
- Thank you. "Hoax allegations" may work to some extent, but there are some theories that are not about a hoax. But most definitively better than "Contrary views". - Cwobeel (talk) 02:47, 28 September 2015 (UTC)
The conspiracy theory is that Breitbart, WashingtonPost, Foxnews, Dawkins and Bill Maher all got together to make something up. Please. There are many that question motives. --DHeyward (talk) 02:02, 28 September 2015 (UTC)
- Not really. Bill Maher is not included in that section, neither is WaPo (pleas take some time to read the material and the sources above). So why are you not addressing the issue at hand? These are indeed fringe theories and should be described as such. - Cwobeel (talk) 02:44, 28 September 2015 (UTC)
- Comment: This source discusses the problem the best -- additional secondary sources listed above confirm the same:
- Selk, Avi (September 23, 2015). "Craze over teen clockmaker from Irving shifts from celebrity to conspiracy". The Dallas Morning News. Archived from the original on September 23, 2015. Retrieved September 24, 2015.
Conspiracy theories about Ahmed Mohamed are spreading nearly as fast as the boy’s celebrity.
- Selk, Avi (September 23, 2015). "Craze over teen clockmaker from Irving shifts from celebrity to conspiracy". The Dallas Morning News. Archived from the original on September 23, 2015. Retrieved September 24, 2015.
- The solution is to prune the article of sources that fail WP:RS and espouse WP:FRINGE views. If such fringe views are indeed identified as "conspiracy theores" by multiple secondary sources that meet WP:RS, then they should be identified as such, in the article. Good luck, — Cirt (talk) 02:22, 28 September 2015 (UTC)
- Anything that doesn't tow the PC line is fringe. Raquel Baranow (talk) 05:06, 28 September 2015 (UTC)
- Bit of a WP:REDFLAG comment there if I've ever heard one. LOL. — Cirt (talk) 05:08, 28 September 2015 (UTC)
- Anything that doesn't tow the PC line is fringe. Raquel Baranow (talk) 05:06, 28 September 2015 (UTC)
- The term "conspiracy theory" has a negative connotation suggesting lack of credibility. We might want to make the distinction between what are called conspiracy theories and reasonable questions of Ahmed Mohamed's version of the story. I don't think we should imply that all questions of his version are conspiracy theories. --Bob K31416 (talk) 12:21, 28 September 2015 (UTC)
- I'm just taking a wild stab in the dark here, but is Glenn Beck the one promoting conspiracist bullshit? Guy (Help!) 12:55, 28 September 2015 (UTC)
- JzG, Glen Beck, Infowars, Ben Shapiro at Breitbart, Andrew Napolitano, Mark Styen, and others. See above collapsed section "Theories". - Cwobeel (talk)13:46, 28 September 2015 (UTC)
- Who could possibly have predicted that? And in what universe is it remotely controversial to call these nutters conspiracy theorists? Guy (Help!) 14:02, 28 September 2015 (UTC)
- We are following the sources, and sources call them conspiracy theories. But there are some editors that are forwarding the notion that this incident was distorted by the media, believe these "alternative narratives" have more weight than the one covered by a preponderance of sources, and object to being labelled conspiracy theories. If they have issues with how these narratives are being depicted, they should complain to the media. WP is not the place to correct perceived wrongs. - Cwobeel (talk) 14:30, 28 September 2015 (UTC)
- A good example of that posture, is Raquel Baranow's above: Anything that doesn't tow the PC line is fringe. I am glad I brought this issue to this noticeboard. - Cwobeel (talk) 14:34, 28 September 2015 (UTC)
- These responses contain straw man fallacies that imply, for example, that I am disputing that Glen Beck's comments are conspiracy theories, which I'm not. --Bob K31416 (talk) 14:57, 28 September 2015 (UTC)
- You are right, sorry. I think a good compromise would be using "Conspiracy theories and alternate narratives" as the sub-head for that section, and use inline attribution as suggested earlier above. - Cwobeel (talk) 15:07, 28 September 2015 (UTC)
- "Alternate narratives"? Srsly? The "alternate narratives" are all speculative and all driven by motivated reasoning. "Right-wing speculation" would be better but is also not good really. "Racist bullshit" is what I would say if this were not Wikipedia... Guy (Help!)15:17, 28 September 2015 (UTC)
- We could use "Hoax allegations and conspiracy theories", which would be accurate for all the included content in that section. BTW, the section being discussed is this: [15] - Cwobeel (talk) 15:25, 28 September 2015 (UTC)
- Nice. I think that is perfect. Guy (Help!) 15:58, 28 September 2015 (UTC)
- Maybe better, to avoid WP:ALLEGED: "Conspiracy theories and hoax claims" - Cwobeel (talk) 16:24, 28 September 2015 (UTC)
- You might need to talk to Winkelvi about that, since he put "alleged conspiracy theories". Alleged in that case is definitely a problem since the allegations are being made by WP:RS] and calling them "alleged" gives our editorial view more weight than the sources. Guy (Help!) 16:36, 28 September 2015 (UTC)
- Normally "said" or "stated" can be used in place of "alleged", however, I think "allegation" (i.e. a claim or assertion that someone has done something illegal or wrong, typically one made without proof) is generally OK to use in this context. -Location (talk) 16:43, 28 September 2015 (UTC)
- Maybe better, to avoid WP:ALLEGED: "Conspiracy theories and hoax claims" - Cwobeel (talk) 16:24, 28 September 2015 (UTC)
- Nice. I think that is perfect. Guy (Help!) 15:58, 28 September 2015 (UTC)
- We could use "Hoax allegations and conspiracy theories", which would be accurate for all the included content in that section. BTW, the section being discussed is this: [15] - Cwobeel (talk) 15:25, 28 September 2015 (UTC)
- "Alternate narratives"? Srsly? The "alternate narratives" are all speculative and all driven by motivated reasoning. "Right-wing speculation" would be better but is also not good really. "Racist bullshit" is what I would say if this were not Wikipedia... Guy (Help!)15:17, 28 September 2015 (UTC)
- You are right, sorry. I think a good compromise would be using "Conspiracy theories and alternate narratives" as the sub-head for that section, and use inline attribution as suggested earlier above. - Cwobeel (talk) 15:07, 28 September 2015 (UTC)
- These responses contain straw man fallacies that imply, for example, that I am disputing that Glen Beck's comments are conspiracy theories, which I'm not. --Bob K31416 (talk) 14:57, 28 September 2015 (UTC)
- Who could possibly have predicted that? And in what universe is it remotely controversial to call these nutters conspiracy theorists? Guy (Help!) 14:02, 28 September 2015 (UTC)
- JzG, Glen Beck, Infowars, Ben Shapiro at Breitbart, Andrew Napolitano, Mark Styen, and others. See above collapsed section "Theories". - Cwobeel (talk)13:46, 28 September 2015 (UTC)
- I'm just taking a wild stab in the dark here, but is Glenn Beck the one promoting conspiracist bullshit? Guy (Help!) 12:55, 28 September 2015 (UTC)
I'm disappointed about Richard Dawkins. Older British scientists have a stereotypical tendency to dismiss anything done by someone who is not of the appropriate class or who has not spent an appropriate amount of time doing menial tasks. They tend to furiously discourage young people from pursuing STEM work. They should know better, but it does happen. (This is forum-y, but I really wanted to say it.)
Overall, I think the article currently has an appropriate amount of content on the conspiracy theories. They all fail to consider that Ahmed might not have seen any movies that show bombs that look like that. It's not at all a design for a real bomb, and I think anyone who says it is is probably motivated to arrive at the conclusion that it's a viable bomb. I would like to see more about Islam in Ahmed's life. Fundamentally, this is racist rather than Islamophobic because it appears we are assuming that Ahmed Mohammed is a radical Muslim because of his name and ethnic origin; he may not be a Muslim at all. Also, what are the "reasonable questions" about his version? Roches (talk) 15:49, 28 September 2015 (UTC)
- Mohamed is indeed Muslim, according to many reports. - Cwobeel (talk) 16:21, 28 September 2015 (UTC)
This issue seems frustrating because the news doesn't seem to say basic obvious things. I mean, why would he put a disassembled clock in a pencil case? Maybe so he has more control over when the internal wiring is exposed. Why would he take apart a clock and think it was special? Maybe he wanted to see what happens when you short this pin to ground, that pin to positive voltage. But the mainstream news doesn't explain the obvious, while the fringe news says the loony, and so the loonies get a sort of majority. Best in this case to listen if someone calls something 'conspiracy', but it's less than satisfactory. Wnt (talk) 16:15, 28 September 2015 (UTC)
- We can speculate all we want, but that is not our role as editors, which is to report significant viewpoints based on reliable sources. (I will not engage in a discussion about what was or was not "obvious" per WP:NOTFORUM. - Cwobeel (talk) 16:21, 28 September 2015 (UTC)
- Have you seen Dean Burnett's Dawkins decision tree? And that about sums it up. Guy (Help!) 16:22, 28 September 2015 (UTC)
- Cwobeel (talk) 16:27, 28 September 2015 (UTC)
- Ha! - Location (talk) 16:33, 28 September 2015 (UTC)
- Dawkins is very rational: “You have to ask the question: Why would a boy take a screwdriver to a clock, take the works out, and put it in a box?” I don't think that's funny. Raquel Baranow (talk) 04:43, 29 September 2015 (UTC)
- Comment: Perhaps also consider the amount of weight given to Conspiracy theories at the much larger article, the WP:GA rated page, September 11 attacks. — Cirt (talk) 17:05, 28 September 2015 (UTC)
- We give no weight to CT in that article...nor should any be given in this article. I think the term speculation(s) should be the heading, for conspiracy theories involve beliefs that have zero basis in fact and insinuate that numerous persons were behind it. It important to not edit from within a wall garden, and while it definitely seems preposterous to imagine the boy in question here or any of his family members wished him to be arrested to make a point, the media sure has taken advantage of this event to try and make a point for them...that's a storyline in itself.--MONGO 17:24, 28 September 2015 (UTC)
The problem with the currently named "Hoax allegations and conspiracy theories" section is that it almost entirely consists of various people attempting to debunk the claim that the clock was an invention rather then a re-organisation of parts. This is completely absurd as the article itself claims the clock is merely a re-organisation of parts which makes the article cast itself as part of the 'conspiracy theory'. If you wish to have a 'conspiracy theory' section you should make sure it actually contains the conspiracy theory claims. For that purpose the list on this page is a vastly better selection then the ones currently present on the Ahmed Mohamed clock incident page. Zironic (talk) 17:27, 28 September 2015 (UTC)
- Have you read that section? It does not seem you have ... the section contains a number of fringe theories and speculations, unrelated to the build itself. -Cwobeel (talk) 17:40, 28 September 2015 (UTC)
- On the current version of that section. 1852 characters are spent on things that are not the build while 2127 characters are spent on the build. Out of those 2127 characters, 275 are a hoax allegation by Andrew Napolitano and 1309 are about Richard Dawkins making an ass out of himself like usual. Zironic (talk) 18:00, 28 September 2015 (UTC)
Now, we have some editors piling on, this time with dubious sources: DIFF and DIFF. - Cwobeel (talk) 21:17, 28 September 2015 (UTC)
The CTs are mostly about either Islamists or the vast left wing conspiracy drawing attention to the incident. Criticizing the invention is pointless and doesn't really belong in the article. I'm not sure if we need multiple expert opinions on the lack of innovation in this device, since I don't think Mohamed said it was anything other than a clock.
I don't like the use of quotation marks in "impress all his teachers", "set a time", and so on, because they look like scare/sarcasm quotes even though they are intended to indicate a direct quotation.
Is there any RS evidence whatsoever that Mohamed had any explosives, pyrotechnics, chemicals or the like? If there's not, look out for it, as the police would've tested for explosives during their investigation. Roches (talk) 22:54, 28 September 2015 (UTC)
- I think the point regarding the clock is that if he just took a clock apart by taking it out of its case and putting it in a pencil box and mounting the digital display there, why would he want to show something like that to his teachers? It doesn't show any electronic skill on his part. --Bob K31416 (talk) 00:45, 29 September 2015 (UTC)
- Read the article, there is no need to speculate. The background section explains it quite well, IMO. - Cwobeel (talk) 00:50, 29 September 2015 (UTC)
- That's the exact thing that Richard Dawkins says, hope it's still in the article: “You have to ask the question: Why would a boy take a screwdriver to a clock, take the works out, and put it in a box?” Raquel Baranow (talk) 01:00, 29 September 2015 (UTC)
- (edit conflict) Cwobeel, I think you're referring to the first paragraph of that Background section,
- "In interviews with local media, Mohamed said he wanted to show the engineering teacher at school what he had done over the weekend: take apart a clock and rebuild it inside a pencil case.[1] His father, Mohamed Elhassan Mohamed, said that on Monday morning, September 14, 2015, he drove his son to school and encouraged him to display his technological ability.[2]
- (edit conflict) Cwobeel, I think you're referring to the first paragraph of that Background section,
- ^ "Texas High School Student Shows Off Homemade Clock, Gets Handcuffed". NPR. Retrieved 26 September 2015.
- ^ Kalthoff, Ken; Bryan, Ellen (September 15, 2015). "Irving Teen Says He's Falsely Accused of Making a 'Hoax Bomb'". nbcdfw.com (NBC 5 - KXAS). Retrieved September 25,2015.
- I was aware of that. In fact I moved that paragraph there from within the section. I was ready to invoke that item in this discussion, but I'm not sure the reporting is correct. Do you know of any confirming sources?
- Anyhow, here's an example of what's involved in taking a similar clock apart and putting it in a pencil case.[16] There's nothing there to display regarding electronic skill. So why would he want to show something like that, if that is what he did? --Bob K31416 (talk) 01:09, 29 September 2015 (UTC)
- What are you implying, if anything? Our role as editors is not to speculate, but to report significant viewpoints. Let's focus on the task at hand, shall we? - Cwobeel (talk) 02:03, 29 September 2015 (UTC)
- See my message below. --Bob K31416 (talk) 05:51, 29 September 2015 (UTC)
- What are you implying, if anything? Our role as editors is not to speculate, but to report significant viewpoints. Let's focus on the task at hand, shall we? - Cwobeel (talk) 02:03, 29 September 2015 (UTC)
@Cwobeel: Please consider a different wording for "our role as editors", "we go with what the sources say" and discussions about speculation; it has a condescending tone.
"Technological skill" is relative here, as is "impress" when used about teachers. Mohamed was in his second week of high school, unless I'm mistaken. He wasn't intending for his skill to be compared with either professional engineers or with the whole body of 14-year-old inventors. The idea was to stand out among his classmates. This may be speculative, but I think it's important to consider a perspective like this. Roches (talk) 03:13, 29 September 2015 (UTC)
- He also ignored the directive of his engineering teacher to keep it in his backpack. There is an unrevealing question of "Why?" Every adult that saw it seemed to be uncomfortable and it's not Islamaphobia, it's Columbinophobia when they brought bombs to school. His father has a rather checkered past for stunts as well. --DHeyward (talk) 04:22, 29 September 2015 (UTC)
- Condescending is in the eye of the beholder. We are indeed here not to pass judgement or to speculate on motives, rather, we are here to report on what sources say (or at least last time I checked). - Cwobeel (talk) 04:50, 29 September 2015 (UTC)
- Cwobeel, It wasn't my speculation. As Raquel Baranow pointed out above, this was essentially Dawkins's question which was in a reliable source. For reference, here's Dawkins's question again along with first a quote from him that was in the same reliable source.[17]
- "He got a clock, got a screwdriver, opened the clock, took the works out and put them in the box. He did nothing else whatever. There was no creative act in that at all, he took it to school, as an invention, and then a teacher was afraid it might be a bomb. It wasn't a bomb, it was an unaltered clock which he had taken out of its case."
- “You have to ask the question: Why would a boy take a screwdriver to a clock, take the works out, and put it in a box?”
- I think the video that I showed before [18] will help explain what Dawkins meant. For comparison, here is an image of Ahmed Mohamed's clock [19] .
- BTW, Dawkins's question was in this version of the Wikipedia article [20] before it was removed [21]. You restored part of the paragraph, but not Dawkins's question.[22] --Bob K31416 (talk) 05:51, 29 September 2015 (UTC)
- How about adding this to break up a wall of text:
- Cwobeel, It wasn't my speculation. As Raquel Baranow pointed out above, this was essentially Dawkins's question which was in a reliable source. For reference, here's Dawkins's question again along with first a quote from him that was in the same reliable source.[17]
- IMO the kid is autistic and wanted attention. Raquel Baranow (talk) 14:34, 29 September 2015 (UTC)
- ^ Cite error: The named reference
was invoked but never defined (see the help page). - ^ ">Saul, Heather (24 September 2015). "Richard Dawkins defends Ahmed Mohamed comments and dismisses Islamophobia as a 'non-word'". The Independent. Retrieved24 September 2015.
This isn't headed towards resolution. Most fringe issues have a viewpoint that reflects a scientific consensus or at least a consensus reality, while this seems to be a mix of opinions. Here, the majority viewpoint appears to consist of speculation just as much as the minority viewpoint does. If the claim was that the clock could run without electricity, that's WP:FRINGE. This may be more of a WP:RS issue.
My reading of NPOV 1:1-3 does not allow substitution of "carefully and critically analyzing" by "reporting." Roches (talk) 14:21, 29 September 2015 (UTC)
RfC on "Conspiracy Theorist"
A RfC here asks whether Frank Gaffney can be identified as a "conspiracy theorist" in his BLP or not. LavaBaron (talk) 16:23, 28 September 2015 (UTC)
sept 29
Ahmed Mohamed's School Discipline Problems Started ...
BreitbartThe principal doled out Saturday detention. Retired, Kubiak admits a fondness for Mohamed yet dubbed him a “weird little kid” who could either ...
The Dallas Morning News described Mohamed as having “racked up weeks of suspension” and pranking the “classroom projector.” His former Sam Houston Middle School 7th grade Texas History teacher, Ralph Kubiak, admitted that Mohamed’s First Amendment appeal when trying to wiggle out of trouble, although clever, backfired. The principal doled out Saturday detention.
Retired, Kubiak admits a fondness for Mohamed yet dubbed him a “weird little kid” who could either wind up the CEO of a company or “head of a gang.” Kubiak recalls a chatty budding clockmeister. “He just went on and on.” Mohamed learned English as a second language while in middle school. Kubiak said once Mohamed mastered it, “he had a habit of overusing it — trying to impress classmates with a nonstop stream of chatter, teachers said, and often annoying them instead.”
Talking too much is not a crime but the Texas Education Code gives school districts the latitude to refer students for punishment on “discretionary” offenses that generally include use of profanity, failure to turn in work, or behavior that teachers label “disruptive.” The problem is, “disruptive” is a discretionary term in today’s choke-hold-compliance-seeking times.
“While [Mohamed’s] discipline record is confidential and his father didn’t want to discuss it, the file was thick by some accounts,” the Dallas Morning News noted. The Sudanese-American sensation du jour said he was suspended for several weeks during sixth grade.
“Kids are kids,” said Anthony Bond, a Mohamed family friend and vocal Irving activist about a middle school incident where Ahmed and his cousin got busted for blowing soap bubbles in the bathroom. Bond, founder of the local NAACP, insisted the school overreacted. “He was a little boy in a new environment, and they were acting out.”
During an eighth grade fracas, Bond intervened, writing a letter to the Irving Independent School District (ISD) superintendent, school board president and other officials, protesting Ahmed’s suspension as wrongful. He claimed this was self-defense during a hallway fight.
Kubiak also complained to the superintendent that the school was too quick to suspend children. It used a new student evaluation system that he said “wrote some kids off.” Today’s zero tolerance policies can do just that. They are the backbone of federal safe schools and threat assessment plans in response to Columbine (1999) and Sandy Hook (2012), culminating as the Safe School Initiative, a joint project of the U.S. Department of Education and the U.S. Secret Service, intended to prevent school shootings. No, kids do not get to be kids anymore.
State policies vary but in Texas, public school student codes of conduct address threats, hoaxes, plus perceived and discretionary threats. In 2011, Texas A&M University identified that 30 percent of Texas students in grades 7-12 received out-of-school suspension (OSS), while 15 percent were either suspended or expelled at least 11 times.
Advocacy groups pushed Texas legislators to downgrade or eliminate charges against chewing gum in schools, disrupting class, profanity, fighting with other students, back talking, failure to follow school rules and the reckless damaging of school property. This year, lawmakers decriminalized truancy. Still, the disciplinary alternative educational program (DAEP) offsite placement remains a repository for students who commit “virtually any disciplinary violation or certain criminal offenses” in Chapter 37 of the Texas Education Code, Breitbart Texas reported.
All students face the same stringent zero tolerance policies as did Ahmed Mohamed and sometimes, for far lesser reasons. Breitbart Texas covers the school-to-prison pipeline, the result of suffocating zero tolerance policies that cut across racial, religious, and socio-economic lines to criminalize kid and teen behavior nationwide. These zero tolerance policies, not racism or Islamophobia as the family maintains, resulted in Mohamed’s Sept. 14 arrest.
sept 29
Ahmed Mohamed's School Discipline Problems Started ...
BreitbartThe principal doled out Saturday detention. Retired, Kubiak admits a fondness for Mohamed yet dubbed him a “weird little kid” who could either ...
The Dallas Morning News described Mohamed as having “racked up weeks of suspension” and pranking the “classroom projector.” His former Sam Houston Middle School 7th grade Texas History teacher, Ralph Kubiak, admitted that Mohamed’s First Amendment appeal when trying to wiggle out of trouble, although clever, backfired. The principal doled out Saturday detention.
Retired, Kubiak admits a fondness for Mohamed yet dubbed him a “weird little kid” who could either wind up the CEO of a company or “head of a gang.” Kubiak recalls a chatty budding clockmeister. “He just went on and on.” Mohamed learned English as a second language while in middle school. Kubiak said once Mohamed mastered it, “he had a habit of overusing it — trying to impress classmates with a nonstop stream of chatter, teachers said, and often annoying them instead.”
Talking too much is not a crime but the Texas Education Code gives school districts the latitude to refer students for punishment on “discretionary” offenses that generally include use of profanity, failure to turn in work, or behavior that teachers label “disruptive.” The problem is, “disruptive” is a discretionary term in today’s choke-hold-compliance-seeking times.
“While [Mohamed’s] discipline record is confidential and his father didn’t want to discuss it, the file was thick by some accounts,” the Dallas Morning News noted. The Sudanese-American sensation du jour said he was suspended for several weeks during sixth grade.
“Kids are kids,” said Anthony Bond, a Mohamed family friend and vocal Irving activist about a middle school incident where Ahmed and his cousin got busted for blowing soap bubbles in the bathroom. Bond, founder of the local NAACP, insisted the school overreacted. “He was a little boy in a new environment, and they were acting out.”
During an eighth grade fracas, Bond intervened, writing a letter to the Irving Independent School District (ISD) superintendent, school board president and other officials, protesting Ahmed’s suspension as wrongful. He claimed this was self-defense during a hallway fight.
Kubiak also complained to the superintendent that the school was too quick to suspend children. It used a new student evaluation system that he said “wrote some kids off.” Today’s zero tolerance policies can do just that. They are the backbone of federal safe schools and threat assessment plans in response to Columbine (1999) and Sandy Hook (2012), culminating as the Safe School Initiative, a joint project of the U.S. Department of Education and the U.S. Secret Service, intended to prevent school shootings. No, kids do not get to be kids anymore.
State policies vary but in Texas, public school student codes of conduct address threats, hoaxes, plus perceived and discretionary threats. In 2011, Texas A&M University identified that 30 percent of Texas students in grades 7-12 received out-of-school suspension (OSS), while 15 percent were either suspended or expelled at least 11 times.
Advocacy groups pushed Texas legislators to downgrade or eliminate charges against chewing gum in schools, disrupting class, profanity, fighting with other students, back talking, failure to follow school rules and the reckless damaging of school property. This year, lawmakers decriminalized truancy. Still, the disciplinary alternative educational program (DAEP) offsite placement remains a repository for students who commit “virtually any disciplinary violation or certain criminal offenses” in Chapter 37 of the Texas Education Code, Breitbart Texas reported.
All students face the same stringent zero tolerance policies as did Ahmed Mohamed and sometimes, for far lesser reasons. Breitbart Texas covers the school-to-prison pipeline, the result of suffocating zero tolerance policies that cut across racial, religious, and socio-economic lines to criminalize kid and teen behavior nationwide. These zero tolerance policies, not racism or Islamophobia as the family maintains, resulted in Mohamed’s Sept. 14 arrest.
'Clock Boy' Has Been Causing Trouble in School For a Long ...
The principal doled out Saturday detention. “While [Mohamed's] discipline record is confidential and his father didn't want to discuss it, the file was thick by some ...
School Discipline Problems Started for Ahmed Mohamed ...
The principal doled out Saturday detention. Retired, Kubiak admits a fondness for Mohamed yet dubbed him a “weird little kid” who could either ...
sept 23
lockmed’s sister told MSNBC:
“I got suspended from school for three days from this stupid same district, from this girl saying I wanted to blow up the school, something I had nothing to do with.”
So now we find that this is a pattern with this belligerent Muslim family. They have experience with threats to the school. Ahmed said that he thought his “project” might look like “a threat” and “suspicious.” Ahmed first showed the “clock” to a male teacher. This teacher told him not to show it to anyone else.
The 14-year old all-American schoolboy clockmaker who didn’t make a clock at all and is the son of a belligerent Muslim activist and perennial Sudanese presidential candidate whose brother runs a trucking company amusingly called Twin Towers Transportation. (Mark Steyn)
His father acted as “defense attorney” for the quran in a mock trial opposing Terry Jones.
This professional islamophobia huckster will not go quietly. The scam continues. The family has hired attorneys to get back the homemade clock hoax that administrators mistook for a bomb. Why? The police have been trying to meet with the family since the incident happened.
“We had tried to reach out to the family a number of times; this was before it ever even hit the papers on Wednesday,” Van Duyne said pointing out that the family repeatedly canceled attempts to discuss the matter.“At the exact same time they were supposed to be meeting with us, they were on their front lawn with a press conference,“ she said.
When Mark Cuban, another tool taken in by this scam, called Ahmed to offer support, Cuban said Ahmed’s sister whispered every answer to Ahmed before he answered Mark Cuban’s questions about the incident.
“Shark Tank” investor and Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban claimed on Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time” that he heard Ahmed Mohamed’s sister giving him answers during their phone conversation.“I talked to the kid — he’s from Dallas — and I’ve talked to the people in the school district. The kid is a super smart kid, science geek. We talked about science, but while I’m talking to him on the phone, as I ask him a question, ‘Tell me what happened,’ because I’m curious, right? His sister, over his shoulder, you could hear listening to the question, giving him the answer.
- Ahmed was a puppet (his sister was feeding him answers).
- Ahmed showed the “clock” to every teacher until he finally got the desired response. (source)
There’s more:
Why did Ahmed keep showing the “clock” to teachers? Was he perhaps trolling for an overreaction?Ahmed was arrested by a black police officer. (Does this mean black police officers should not be hired? Again, if you want to make this story about simple narratives, then that’s a fair question.)Who is the racist in this picture?
- See more at: http://pamelageller.com/2015/09/clockmeister-ahmed-mohameds-sister-was-once-suspended-from-school-for-threatening-to-blow-it-up.html/#sthash.sG9AhpmD.dpuf
Dallas News revealed they are in NY hoping to obtain travel visas to Mecca (likely hoping to enter with some celebrity recognition).
“So on Wednesday, the entire family plans to fly to New York, where Mohamed said dignitaries with the United Nations want to meet the boy.
After that, if they can get a visa, Mohamed wants to take Ahmed on a pilgrimage to Mecca, Saudi Arabia. He hopes the family can better plan the future from holy ground.“
Perhaps an open investigation could hinder their VISA application process. On the other hand, I don’t know that I would want to hinder their permanent exit from this nation. (thanks to WTD)
“Clockmaker Ahmed Mohamed’s sister was once suspended from school for threatening to blow it up,” thanks to Jihadwatch, September 23, 2015 By
“I got suspended from school for three days from this stupid same district, from this girl saying I wanted to blow up the school, something I had nothing to do with…I got suspended and I didn’t do anything about it and so when I heard about Ahmed, I was so mad because it happened to me and I didn’t get to stand up.”She had nothing to do with the threat and yet did nothing about being suspended? Where were her parents? If I had a child in school who was suspended over a false accusation, I’d be at the principal’s office in a matter of minutes. And would the school really suspend her on a hearsay accusation from one other girl — even in what The Daily Beast hysterically calls “a hotbed of Islamophobia”? It is unlikely, given the risk of complaints and even litigation from the parents, that they would have taken such a step without substantial evidence.And so the plot thickens further. Why didn’t Ahmed’s father exploit this accusation in his ongoing quest to fight “Islamophobia”? Could it be because the accusation was true?“‘Man, I Went Viral’: My Day With Ahmed Mohamed, the Most Famous Boy on Earth,” by Randy R. Potts, Daily Beast, September 17, 2015 (thanks to all who sent this in):…After the MSNBC segment, Eyman and I sit down in the hallway where she says the same thing happened to her as Ahmed.“I got suspended from school for three days from this stupid same district, from this girl saying I wanted to blow up the school, something I had nothing to do with.”Eyman talks with the slightest lisp, almost imperceptible, but it becomes stronger as she gets emotional.“I got suspended and I didn’t do anything about it and so when I heard about Ahmed, I was so mad because it happened to me and I didn’t get to stand up, so I’m making sure he’s standing up because it’s not right. So I’m not jealous, I’m kinda like—it’s like he’s standing for me.”Eyman said her suspension was in her first year of middle school, “my first year of attempting middle school in America. I knew English, but the culture was different, the people were different.”This part of Texas is a hotbed of Islamophobia. Irving Mayor Beth Van Duyne in March claimed Muslim clergy were “bypassing American courts” by offering to mediate disputes between worshippers according to Islamic law. Residents of Farmersville last month fought against creation of a Muslim cemetery in their town. Garland was the site of a “draw Muhammad” contest hosted by anti-Islam activist Pamela Geller that was subsequently attacked by two gunmen inspired by ISIS….
Fox News: Obama Might Catch Backfire for Ahmad-the-Gentle-Clockmaker Story
I figured this was a blogosphere only story, and that we were all just talking to each other.
I was wrong.
Andrew Napolitano is now openly saying he believes the current evidence points to this being a deliberate hoax -- and that the police's theory was right.
He says this having himself been one of the early critics of police (as I was -- though, I always insisted that it was proper to ask this kid questions and confiscate the clock; I only questioned the arrest angle).
The rest of the media continues pretending these questions have not been raised, because that's their job -- advancing Social Justice Warrior Narratives for purposes of political advocacy, not investigating or reporting the truth.
The series of disclosures -- that Ahmad did not "invent" a clock, but merely took a Radio Shack clock out of its casing and stuck it in a pencil box; that his sister had been previously suspended for allegedly threatening to blow up the school; that his sister was feeding him his lines when he spoke to Mark Cuban; that the family is collecting money to sue; that Ahmad's dad is a committed activist:that Irving's mayor has been targeted by Muslim activists for rejecting Sharia -- all of these disclosures are, taken together, suggesting this was a deliberate stunt, a provocation intended to trick the very gullible and leftwing and America-hating into adding their support to The Cause.
And of course it worked:
Sept 17 Townhall | Columnists | Jim Hanson A Clock or a Bomb Trigger?Jim Hanson | Sep 17, 2015

Source: Photo courtesy of Center for Security Policy
The latest outrage being used to promote the false narrative about unfair treatment of Muslims is the teenager, Ahmed Mohamed, in Irving Texas arrested for bringing a homemade clock to school. If you just skimmed the surface and saw the picture of the skinny nerd in the NASA t-shirt in handcuffs it would be easy to see a problem.
And there is one, but it’s not discrimination against a Muslim kid that wouldn’t have happened to a non-Muslim. It’s nanny state, zero tolerance policies that take away the ability to apply common
sense to complicated situations. In this case, whether or not to put cuffs on a 14 year old when he brings something to school that causes questions to be asked.. But as far as the other question, was the clock device he brought to school a legitimate cause for concern, the answer is an unequivocal yes. I have built and taught classes on improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and the clock he brought to school is a dead ringer for the trigger used on many of these homemade bombs.
Bristol Palin Is Wrong: It's A Good Thing That Obama Invited Ahmed Mohamed To The White House
As usual, Palin misses the mark.
Posted: 09/18/2015 12:50 PM EDT | Edited: 09/18/2015 12:52 PM EDT
Bristol Palin, former reality television star and daughter of former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R), criticized President Barack Obama on Thursday for inviting a Muslim teenager to the White House. Fourteen-year-old Ahmed Mohamed, a 9th-grader at MacArthur High School in Irving, Texas, was arrested on Monday after showing a homemade clock to a teacher. He says he was asked whether he had "tried to make a bomb." Later in the week, Obama tweeted to Ahmed and invited him to the White House:
Palin argued in a post on her blog that Obama should "STAY out" (emphasis hers) of the situation with Ahmed.
“This encourages more racial strife that is already going on with the 'Black Lives Matter' crowd and encourages victimhood,” she wrote. The police, she acknowledged, "clearly" made a mistake by taking Ahmed to juvenile detention.
"But why put more people against [the police]?" Palin asked. "Why egg it on? Childish games like this from our president have divided our country… even more today than when he was elected."
Palin has made off-base comments like this before, but what she never seems to have is useful context. Obama isn't "egging on" anti-police sentiment by inviting Ahmed to the White House. He's acknowledging a very real problem of racism and attempting to combat the harmful stereotypes that led to the boy's arrest.
His gesture is a small acknowledgment that maybe, just maybe, divisiveness in the country comes from those who automatically assume Muslims are terrorists and black people are thugs.
Megyn Kelly Laughs at Guest Who Blames ‘Passive Aggressive’ Muslim Teen for His Own Arrest
September 19, 2015
A former police officer — who was booted off the force for racist comments and perjury — was on the receiving end of some mockery from Fox News host Megyn Kelly after he said that 14-year-old Ahmed Mohamed was to blame for his arrest by Texas police because he was “passive aggressive.”
While Kelly attempted to play both sides of the story– feeling sorry for the teen while defending school officials for being overly cautious — guest Mark Fuhrman laid all the blame on the teen for bring the clock he built to school in the first place.
"Mark, I mean, you’ve got to feel bad for the kid. The kid not do anything wrong. But did the cops do anything wrong?” Kelly asked. “Did the school do anything wrong? To a person, everybody who I’ve talked to says the thing looked like a bomb. It looked like a bomb.”
Sarah Palin: Ahmed Was Asking For It When He Brought His Clock To School
"Right. That's a clock, and I'm the Queen of England."
Posted: 09/19/2015 12:23 PM EDT
[video at link]
Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R) said on Saturday that arresting and suspending Ahmed Mohamed, the ninth grader who brought a homemade clock to school, was totally reasonable.
Palin called initial media reports of Mohamed's arrest "fishy" and said that school officials were totally justified in thinking that his clock, made out of a pencil box, was a bomb.
"Yep, believing that's a clock in a school pencil box is like believing Barack Obama is ruling over the most transparent administration in history," she wrote in a Facebook post in which she shared pictures of her kids' pencil boxes. "Right. That's a clock, and I'm the Queen of England."
Palin also compared the incident to others in which students were suspended and said that Mohamed was obviously an "obstinate-answering student."
"Friends, consider the kids disciplined and/or kicked out of school for bringing squirt guns to school or taking bites out of a pop tart until it resembled (to some politically correct yahoo) a gun. Or the student out deer hunting with his dad early one morning who forgot he had a box of ammo in his truck when he parked in the school's lot later that day," she wrote. "Whereas Ahmed Muhammad, an evidently obstinate-answering student bringing in a homemade 'clock' that obviously could be seen by conscientious teachers as a dangerous wired-up bomb-looking contraption (teachers who are told 'if you see something, say something!') gets invited to the White House."
In 2013, a Maryland school suspended a 7-year-old after he chewed his Pop Tart into the shape of a gun and began waving it around. School officials said that the suspension was prompted by the boy's disruptive behavior and not the Pop Tart.
In 2010, six students at a Michigan high school were suspended after school officials found firearms in their car that they had used on a deer hunt earlier that morning. School policy and signs clearly forbade the students from bringing the firearms onto school property.
In Mohamed's case, police knew that the clock wasn't a bomb but arrested him anyway.
Like her daughter Bristol, the former Alaska governor also criticized Obama for inviting the teen to the White House.
"By the way, President Obama's practice of jumping in cases prematurely to interject himself as the cool savior, wanting so badly to attach himself to the issue-of-the-day, got old years ago," she wrote. "Remember him accusing police officers doing their job as "acting stupid"; claiming if he had a son, he'd look like Trayvon Martin; claiming he needed to know who was a fault in an industrial accident so he'd 'know who's a** to kick'; etc., etc. Those actions are about as presidential as his selfie stick."
But as HuffPost's Julia Craven wrote Friday, that kind of criticism of Obama is flat-out wrong.
The Growing Smear Campaign Against Ahmed Mohamed

After the story of his arrest for a homemade clock went viral, 14-year-old Ahmed Mohamedreceived an outpouring of support on social media. He also drew the attention of President Obama, Mark Zuckerberg, and NASA scientists — each of whom invited the teen to tour their facilities.
“Thank you for your support! I really didn’t think people would care about a muslim boy,” the teen posted on Twitter. “Thank you fellow supporters. We can ban together to stop this racial inequality and prevent this from happening again[.]”
But some high-profile figures maintain the Muslim student’s new-found fame is baseless, and that school administrators acted reasonably.
Taking her outrage to Facebook on Saturday, former governor-turned-reality-tv-star Sarah Palin wrote that Mohamed’s actions were suspicious and Obama’s expression of support was inappropriate.
On his talk show, Real Time With Bill Maher, the host said Mohamed deserved an apology but teachers reacted reasonably in targeting the boy.
“People at the school thought it might be a bomb … because it looks exactly like a f*cking bomb,” he said during a panel discussion with Mark Cuban, Jorge Ramos, George Pataki, and Chris Matthews. “It’s not the color of his skin. Somebody look me in the eye right now and tell me. Over the last 30 years, if so many young Muslim men … and he’s young, 14, but that’s not like it’s never happened before, hasn’t blown up a lot of sh*t around the world. And this kid deserves an apology, because he wasn’t one of them… Over the last 30 years, it’s been one culture that has been been blowing sh*t up over and over again.”
He also pointed out that the idea that Mohamed could’ve brought a bomb to school wasn’t unfounded, as several American teenagers have joined ISIS to the shock of people who knew them well.
Famous atheist and biologist Richard Dawkins agrees that Mohamed suffered an injustice, but the praise he received was uncalled for.
“If the reassembled components did something more than the original clock, that’s creative. If not, it looks like hoax,” he tweeted. “Disassembling & reassembling is great. But you shouldn’t then claim it was your “invention.”
Ahmed Mohamed’s Clock Was “Half a Bomb,” Says Anti-Muslim Group With Ties to Trump, Cruz
Lee Fang Sep. 18 2015
In a column posted on Thursday, Hanson, the center’s vice president, argued again that Mohamed’s clock looked like “an Iranian-made IED trigger used to kill U.S. troops in Iraq.” He concluded: “We stand with the Mayor of Irving and her police and school officials who acted appropriately.”
[UPDATE: Social media reaction to this story has been intense. See our follow-up story: #Halfabomb Explodes on Twitter After Think Tank Calls Boy’s Clock a Threat]
Tony Schwatyz
Sep. 22 2015, 7:22 a.m.
This is very serious. I think we all need to understand how serious this is. Essentially all the moron did, yes made for TV moron who intercept is ranting and raving about. He took a clock out of its case and put it into a pencil box or some other carrying case. I wonder how much the CIA, Obama or whoever hires such actors paid him to do this 😛
SERIOUSLY THOUGH! This means, and it really does, I believe. That if you have a digital clock in your home – you have half a bomb. Everyone knows according to modern law. If it is constitutionally permissible or not. “Terrorists” have no constitutional rights. Anyone with 1/2 a bomb could clearly be a potential terrorist. To make the bomb all they need is the other half. It kind of makes sense now why the media hit so hard on this story. Or more like the government promoted its signal (narrative) so loudly through the media. Anyone who takes apart a digital clock or has a digital clock. The FBI or any other “Federal Agency/Mafia” now has some type of precedent or pseudo “expert opinion” to support their arrest someone. The fact the comparison is worthless & ignorant trite drivel. It can most likely now be used as justification to investigate or arrest humans. I say to the government BRAVO! Well Played! Truthfully, I would have never thought of it. Also, open clocks can also be planted or given to “entrapped” ‘targets’.
The latest wrinkle.
Sarah Palin, Bill Maher and Richard Dawkins. Not a consensus, perhaps three people who thrive on attention anyway, but let’s see if this maim takes off.
Posted 17 September 2015 - 09:11 AM
Guys, I'm sure many have heard of this story, which is blowing up on social media. I saw it a couple of days ago and just struck me as bullshit from the start.
Well if you do some investigating, you will find out that this "kid"'s dad is a nutjob who is obsessed with becoming the President of Sudan. Yes, one of 3 countries on the DOS's list of state sponsors of terrorism. Now, does this make him a bad guy? No, but he's a well known media whore in his community, and even bought the press pizzas when they were on his front lawn.
Think about the timing of this stunt. The following school day after 9/11 you bring in a "project" when there was no assignment?? I wonder if there was school in TX that day.. or , maybe the teacher said something that cause the kid's dad to come up with this machination over the weekend.
Read this..
RE: Ahmed’s completely innocent homemade clock.
When I first heard about Ahmed, the kid who made the news for his “bomb” clock project, I took his side....
decided to do what he’s always done: He built something.
Ahmed’s clock was hardly his most elaborate creation. He said he threw it together in about 20 minutes before bedtime on Sunday: a circuit board and power supply wired to a digital display, all strapped inside a case with a tiger hologram on the front.
He showed it to his engineering teacher first thing Monday morning and didn’t get quite the reaction he’d hoped for.
“He was like, ‘That’s really nice,’” Ahmed said. “‘I would advise you not to show any other teachers.’”
He kept the clock inside his school bag in English class, but the teacher complained when the alarm beeped in the middle of a lesson. Ahmed brought his invention up to show her afterward.
“She was like, it looks like a bomb,” he said.
“I told her, ‘It doesn’t look like a bomb to me.’”
The teacher kept the clock. When the principal and a police officer pulled Ahmed out of sixth period, he suspected he wouldn’t get it back.
Ahmed felt suddenly conscious of his brown skin and his name — one of the most common in the Muslim religion. But the police kept him busy with questions.
“They were like, ‘So you tried to make a bomb?’” Ahmed said.
“I told them no, I was trying to make a clock.”
“He said, ‘It looks like a movie bomb to me.’”
“He just wants to invent good things for mankind,” said Ahmed’s father, Mohamed Elhassan Mohamed, who immigrated from Sudan and occasionally returns there to run for president. “But because his name is Mohamed and because of Sept. 11, I think my son got mistreated.”
Mohamed is familiar with anti-Islamic politics. He once made national headlines for debating a Florida pastor who burned a Quran.
Actually, he did not make a homemade clock. He got a clock and took it apart, put it in a briefcase to make it Look like he made it and to make it look suspicious. He went thru many different classes until one called the cops. The cops knew it wasn't one, and shouldn't have arrested him -- but he should have been called out for what he did. What did he do? He was trying to draw status-quo society "offsides" and he did so marvelously. Get the authorities to bite to make headlines, get the liberals to bite Harder, and get the conservatives to bite hard in the opposite direction even thinking it was homemade! His dad is an advocate for relatively conservative Islam, and stirs things up. Everyone got caught in this -- hook, line and sinker.
This poor kid was put up to this by his CAIR-activist father. This was a deliberate stunt.
If it's homemade, where's the breadboard? It's a countdown timer, disassembled, and reassembled in another case.
why has the dallas morning news ended their coverage of this issue? why won't they report the kid's claims being false?
It is really all coming together. He knew it would look like a bomb before he brought it to school (admitted), he said it was his invention yet it looks like it was just a clock he put in another case. Being told not to show it, and yet showing it again anyway. Father is an outspoken muslim on anti-islamic issues. Wouldn't it help his father's agenda and give him a lot of publicity if he made a hoax bomb, not to scare people with, but to get in trouble over in order to gain media attention and further his families cause? I know this kid is being deceptive. I would put him, and his father, under a lie detector. Not because I think they have anything to do with terrorism, but because I suspect they could be involved in an extreme agenda to promote themselves and their anti-anti-islamic cause.
* All he did was take a clock out of its case and put it in a pencil box that looks like a brief case. GENIUS.
He didn't invent anything, it wasn't a school project. He had to have plugged it into a wall to power it to beep. WTF is going on? We only have Ahmed"s side. And what a story.
The Dad is a self described anti-Islamophobe activist with an established publicity-stunt bent. (Terry Jones Koran debate and 2011 and 2015 run for President of Sudan from his home in
Irving, Tx )
Dad sends his kid off to school carrying what looks like a "24 " mini movie prop in his BACKPACK! A week after a bomb scare in Plano on the anniversary of 9/11.So what does he expect???
What's mind boggling is Dad has lived in the USA for thirty years. He was living in NYC during the first World Trade Center attack. He has been here since Oklahoma City, Ted Kaczinski, Columbine, Aurora, Boston Marathon, ad infinitum. Are his parent so oblivious? Are they nuts? They seem to be crazier than cows on crack.
Or is there something else going on? Something is not adding up.
What's even more mind boggling is the kid and his siblings has gone to Irving, Tx. Schools for years and has had to have read the Irving ISD Student Code of Conduct. You don't bring items to school that might be construed as a weapon or will disrupt class. Ahmed cries "the kids called me a bomb maker in jr. high school." Ahmed said in a video taped interview he was concerned it might be construed as a IED so he tied a cable on the latch. So why did you bring it to school? What the hell is going on here?
*This story has been poorly researched and reported by news media. Rather than reasoned researched reporting we have been given a very manipulative human interest story.
It shame this happened after a really good journalist as Steve Blow was let go by the Dallas Morning News.
*I have to admit, at first I heard about this through Progressive media. I believed that it was a sign of horrible bigotry. However, a day later I actually looked at the device and couldn't believe it. He had said that he invented a clock. Before the now famous youtube video describing everything wrong with the device I saw it too. I saw the "cable" used to close the device as a drop dead switch.
This looks like a bomb from the movies, minus the explosives.
Nobody really talks about how dangerous this thing is, electrical AC current will kill someone. Originally I thought it probably was done with an Arduino or something similar, no he simply took a Radio Shack clock out of its container and put it in this box. Nothing scientific about it, this is an artistic project if anything.
*Even Bill Maher thinks that the clock looks like a bomb and that the teacher did right by reporting it.
It is also very interesting that Mark Cuban thinks there is something strange after talking to Ahmed. He said that when he asked Ahmed what happened Ahmed's sister was coaching him over the phone what to say.
* He is not a lawyer nor is he law enforcement. I think that is too soon to tell. But maybe instead of the apology he can go to the White House, Facebook, get all this swag from microsoft and other places, get a scholarship to MIT and get tons of legal help. Maybe his father could run a third time against Bashir and this time actually deliver on his promise to get the US to remove sanctions on the Sudan. This might make him win the presidency. Yes, actually seems like there might have been some motivation. People questioning why this went viral so fast, and how did pictures end up on the internet are right to ask. This seems like a "lawsuit bait" but now I am thinking it is something else.
* Veet Vivarto He is not a particularly bright kid. He also was provoking the English teacher by plugging this clock into the outlet and sounding Alarm in ENGLISH class. (Not in science class).
Obvious provocation. An obnoxious kid. His Muhammadan "faith" definitely was part of his motivation.
*jlineberry The boy says he tied a cable through the lock, because that's how he wanted to close it. Only problem I have is if you wanted to create a dead man switch, this is exactly how it would be done. The cable would be tied to your arm, then when you dropped the bomb, it would blow up. I think he wanted people to believe it was a bomb. He wanted to get arrested, as did his political father who has ran twice for president of the Sudan.
The boy says he tied a cable through the lock, because that's how he wanted to close it. Only problem I have is if you wanted to create a dead man switch, this is exactly how it would be done. The cable would be tied to your arm, then when you dropped the bomb, it would blow up. I think he wanted people to believe it was a bomb. He wanted to get arrested, as did his political father who has ran twice for president of the Sudan.
Sourcing this video interview for example: https://youtu.be/3mW4w0Y1OXE
-Ahmed did not "invent" the clock as he has claimed. He took the clock's case off and put it into a small metal box from Target. He says he put a cable around the case to secure it so that it *wouldn't* look suspicious, but the case has a normal clasp.
-Ahmed has subsequently lied about every other one of his supposed inventions. He claimed to have "invented" a usb hub, which has now been widely reported, but in fact it's just an existing usb hub he took the case off of.
-He demonstrates some sort of invention briefly and highlights a transformer et al (the bundle of wires and whatnot), but that is confirmed to just be a karaoke machine taken out of its case and put into a big pile.
-He also later claimed to have invented bluetooth speakers, but says he doesn't have them anymore. And "an invention that harnesses power by using neodymium magnets."
Every one of his claimed inventions is fraudulent.
His initial motivations regarding bringing the clock to school? Unknown. Could have just been showing off to try to get cool points. It's clear that at no point did the school administration take the metal box as a legitimate bomb threat, though, since no precautions were taken and a bomb squad wasn't called in and an evacuation didn't take place.
Rather it was immediately taken as an attempt at a bomb *hoax*, which is why he was arrested. Now, the arrest itself seems to be overboard/illegal and the validity of the accusations (whether he did anything to insinuate it was an actual bomb) are all in question, and potentially the result of racial profiling.
Fact remains, though, that the kid is caught up in a string of lies and is going all the way with it. It's good that we can leverage this case into broader societal concerns, but Ahmed shouldn't be propped up as a prodigy inventor in any way, and his personal statements have zero credibility.

Ahmed truthers are on a mission to prove his story was a hoax
What's the truth? (AP/Brandon Wade)
WRITTEN BYAamna Mohdin
September 21, 2015
“Wake up, sheeple! That clock 14-year-old Ahmed Mohamed built is a fraud, and his father has probably hoodwinked us all.”
That’s the conclusion of the bizarre series of tweets by noted atheist Richard Dawkins, who questions Ahmed’s motive for bringing the clock to school, where he was arrested because his teacher thought it was a bomb. Barack Obama, Mark Zuckerberg, and tens of thousands of people online stood up for Ahmed following his treatment at his school and the police station. While Dawkins condemned the arrest, he’s critical of the support Ahmed has received.
He links to a blog post titled “Reverse Engineering Ahmed Mohamed’s Clock… and Ourselves” as well as a YouTube video explaining why the clock is a “hoax.” The general gist of their argument is that Ahmed didn’t invent a clock, or even build one, he just took apart an existing clock and put bits and pieces into a pencil box.
Others have gone even further, suggesting Ahmed’s story is a scam by his father for political point-scoring. Some point out that Ahmed’s father, Mohamed Elhassan Mohamed, is a Sudanese immigrant, who ran for president in Sudan twice. Mohamed had previously made headlines while trying fight against Islamophobia. He defended the Quran in a mock trial against a Florida pastor, who eventually burnt the Muslim holy book.
That said, there are some inconsistencies. Mohamed told CNN “it was an alarm clock that he made. He wakes up with it most mornings,” while Ahmed told Dallas News he made the clock in 20 minutes the night before taking it to school. But does this amount to a hoax? Dawkinsquestions whether Ahmed “deliberately want to be suspected of making a bomb” and arrested, just so he can be seen as a “victim of Islamophobia.”
The response to Dawkins has largely been negative, with some criticizing him for failing to confront the effects of Islamophobia. Dawkins eventually backtracked, beginning to question the authorities’ motives for arresting the school boy and retweeting Obama’s White House invitation to Ahmed.
phloog • 3 days ago
Wow, Make....Please stay out of politics or I am so freaking done with you. Or maybe next month you can devote a whole issue to removing the guts from existing equipment and claiming it as an invention. The kid took the bits out of an old clock, stuck it in a box with no alteration, and suddenly he's Wozniak because it helps feed a political point. Also, if you'll check the poor, maligned kid's family and background, I think it is arguable that this hubbub is actually what he or his dad was hoping for....cuz he's just an ordinary child whose dad has run for President of Sudan a few times...no political motive there.
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NoJeb phloog • 2 days ago
I would have been disappointed if the 'clock' was made with an Arduino. This prop bomb made from an off the shelf alarm clock is beyond insane, much like the unending defense of this kid from Make.
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phloog brian_x • 13 hours ago
What they did was just what the President did and what is becoming a ridiculous trend in America--starting a cause before you have all the facts...like in this case the background of the family-which puts the innocent intent in doubt, and the fact that Make is not celebrating a genius young inventor, but a kid who tried to take credit for inventing a clock he took apart and stuffed in a case
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NoJeb • 2 days ago
Oddly enough, these are all actual clock projects. Why isn't one of these projects showing us how to disassemble an off the shelf alarm clock and install it in a suitcase to mimic a Hollywood style bomb like little Ahmed did?
Joel A. Ohmer • 5 days ago
Ah, a press conference ... this is looking more and more like an intentional ploy for media coverage by a zealous former politician father.
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Carol Boudreau Joel A. Ohmer • 4 days ago
I agree..
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salman sheikh Joel A. Ohmer • 4 days ago
Zuckerberg bit into the ploy, Joel..
blackcatsoda • 5 days ago
This seems like a set up and I do not support Ahmed. The school did what they had to do to err on the side of caution. Too many lunatics, ie Boston Marathon with the Backpacks. This boy with a pencil case and a PWB, a screen, wires, battery, etc. While I do not want to live in this type of world, I did not create it. The people from these foreign countries have brought it to us. We have terrorists living here and we all know it. To sit in hindsight and say shame on the school, well you would be singing a different tune if that clock had been a bomb. Going to their lawyer...Who did not see that coming. You owe them NOTHING! He needs to be charged for a bomb hoax and if Ahmed does not get it, then maybe he is not as smart as you think he is,
Carol Boudreau blackcatsoda • 4 days ago
I think adults put him up to this..I agree the teacher and police were right to make sure it wasn't a bomb..fishy is right..

DryHopp • 5 days ago
After learning more about this story and seeing the clock set up, I think there is something really fishy about this whole story.
Anyone who is not a trained engineer that does amateur electrical engineering knows that nothing this complex takes 20 minutes to make (as claimed in news stories) unless you are slightly modifying a previous iteration.
I still think the school personnel are idiots for not being able to identify the absence of explosives in the case.
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John DryHopp • 3 days ago
Because they could see through the case to check for explosives? It wasn't because they thought he actually built a bomb, it was because they thought it was a bomb hoax. And it probably took about 20 minutes for him to take the casing off a digital clock and put it in a briefcase.
Angel bluu • 2 hours ago
An invitation to the White House? Come on for what,the lady who save her son from being hit down by a car,she wasn't recognized. But this kid who pulled a Catfish gets praised smh,going to a lawyer for what? For compensation for the school actions,I bet you that lawyer is putting things in their head about suing. I hope no more of my tax money is used to pay for his publicity stunt.
Turns out, it doesn’t look much like a bomb at all. Unless of course, you’ve never seen an actual bomb
best comment: Tunacrab • 5 days ago
RE: Ahmed’s completely innocent homemade clock.
When I first heard about Ahmed, the kid who made the news for his “bomb” clock project, I took his side. I played with discrete electronics as a kid. I built breadboards, I soldered, and I experimented with early robotics... In this STEM obsessed educational system, why couldn’t the school officials quickly dismiss this scare as a science project? Why did this make the news? I just didn’t get it… and then I saw a picture of the clock.
From CNN: “A teenager with dreams of becoming an engineer, he wanted to show his teacher the digital clock he'd made from a pencil case.”
Anyone with an understanding of electronics will immediately see this “homemade clock” is not the tinkering of a child or teen. It was never Ahmed’s idea to begin with. This isn’t some innocent science project. The picture of the clock exposes the lie. Ahmed did not lovingly patch together IC chips and resistors, as the media would like you to believe. What you see is the guts from a manufactured digital clock, right down to the 9 volt memory backup, and the prefab button board. Absolutely nothing was made. It’s the equivalent of taking the plastic surround off of your TV and claiming you “made” a TV.
Look at the case itself. CNN calls it a “pencil case.” Please. The whole package is vaguely sinister, and it’s intentional. Notice the nondescript packet of unidentified white powder. See that nice dent in the side? I wonder if you could stash plastic explosives behind that huge LED. Why is the lining so bumpy? Look at the shoddy taping and the twisted wire used to close the case. It’s almost as if someone designed this clock to look like a questionable object.
Again, from CNN: “"I built a clock to impress my teacher but when I showed it to her, she thought it was a threat to her," Ahmed told reporters Wednesday.” It was really sad that she took the wrong impression of it."”
Ahmed, you didn’t build a clock. You’re a pawn to your Dad’s political and social agenda. This is all a creation of your father. I’m sure he involved you in the process, and made you feel as though you were truly making something, but you didn’t. It’s a clock without its case. Everything in the “pencil case” was made in a factory. See, a legitimate electronics project full of diodes and resistors looks innocent. It usually runs off of a battery, not an exposed AC to DC transformer… speaking of science projects, Ahmed, why again did you bring this to class? Was it part of an assignment? Oh, you just wanted to impress your teacher with a clock you rearranged inside a small briefcase? Hmm…
From dallasnews.com: ““He fixed my phone, my car, my computer,” Mohamed Elhassan Mohamed said. “He is a very smart, brilliant kid.”
If he were so smart, he’d know the difference between creating a circuit and stripping the guts from a manufactured clock. His dad helped him “make” this, and dad helped to make this “project” look as questionable as possible, within the realm of plausible deniability.
The dad is a politician. He made this happen. Whatever agenda he’s advancing, it just further demonizes western society, and reminds us all to be guilty for how racist we all are. Maybe that’s the agenda.
It’s propaganda.
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frankyburns Tunacrab • 4 days ago
I have to agree with you. The initial reports implied that he had built a clock, when all he did was rearrange a clock into a case. Kids should be encouraged to build things, but this is a pretty faux electronics project. I have built electronics with my kid, about the same age, and we are smart enough to know that this is not something you can say you built, or to be proud of.
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Gayla Recktenwald Tunacrab • 5 days ago
I did notice that the father has political aspirations. I have seen numerous stunts in recent years that are simply designed to ' make the news', so i try to take these stories with a grain of salt and research the players a bit. Particularly when politically motivated organizations become involved.
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To: cynwoody
The Radio Shack Micronta clock radio Ahmed Mohammed disassembled and stuffed into the Vaultz case is the same IED design terrorists used to bomb and destroy an Air India flight with all souls aboard. All you had to do was add a detonator and explosives to the device Ahmed Mohammed and/or his father reassembled in the Vaultz case to have a working IED in a Vaultz case. The device has no usefulness as the clock it was before Ahmed Mohammed disassembled it other than as a potential IED clock assembly inside a case large enough to also hold a substantial charge of explosives. The device was essentially an IED awaiting the loading of explosives (initiator and explosive charge).
The same kind of IED design with the explosives loaded was used to kill 268 Canadians, 27 Britons, and 24 Indians aboard Air India Flight 182; so how much more lethal does Ahmed Mohammed’s IED have to be before you’ll acknowledge it to be threatening?
To: GraceG
Lazy bastard could have at least got rid of the power cord and transformer and installed a battery pack. The thing also was set up to run of a 9v back up battery,all he had to do was splice in an on off switch.
Typical raghead dope like these guys.
o: silverleaf
UPDATED - Ahmed Mohammed Did Not “Invent” a Clock - He Didn’t Even Build a Clock - He Just Took a Clock Apart and Put It Part of the Way Back Together
Here’s another interesting factoid, from Jonathan Langdale. The Micronta clock has previously been used as the clock part of a bomb in bombings in the past, for example this bombing of, an Air India flight on the way to Canada killing 329 people.
Air India Flight 182
It was the first bombing of a 747 jumbo jet. A total of 329 people were killed, including 268 Canadian citizens, 27 Britons, and 24 Indians.[1] The majority of the victims were Canadian citizens of Indian ancestry. The incident was the largest mass murder in Canadian history. It was the deadliest terrorist attack involving an airplane until the September 11, 2001, attacks.
Explosives and clocks[edit]
In April 1985, a Canadian familiar with blasting was asked by Reyat how much dynamite it would take to blow up a tree stump. Another friend who listened in recalled that Reyat was very agitated about “getting even for the sacrilege at Amritsar, he was almost talking like Hitler.”[30] Reyat was not shy about telling everyone he knew around Duncan about the need for revenge, or asking about explosives. Reyat sought cases of dynamite and did not care if he had to pay three times the normal price. He eventually confided it was not about stumps, but “trouble in the old country”, that he needed “explosives to help my countrymen.”[30] One friend declined to get him dynamite, but did lend him a 400-page manual on mining with explosives.[30]
On 8 May 1985, Reyat bought a Micronta digital automobile clock at the Radio Shack store in Duncan.[31] Designed for a 12-volt automobile electrical system, it could also be powered by a 12-volt lantern battery. The 24-hour alarm activated a buzzer, but he returned a week later for an electrical relay after asking how to get the buzzer signal to power another device....
Ahmed Mohammed Clock is a FRAUD
Published on Sep 18, 2015
This video shows that the supposed clock invention by a 14 year old is in fact not an invention. The ‘clock’ is a commercial bedside alarm clock removed from its casing. There is nothing to indicate that the clock was even assembled by the child. I suspect this was brought into school to create an alarmed reaction
Here’s another interesting factoid, from Jonathan Langdale. The Micronta clock has previously been used as the clock part of a bomb in bombings in the past, for example this bombing of, an Air India flight on the way to Canada killing 329 people.
Air India Flight 182
It was the first bombing of a 747 jumbo jet. A total of 329 people were killed, including 268 Canadian citizens, 27 Britons, and 24 Indians.[1] The majority of the victims were Canadian citizens of Indian ancestry. The incident was the largest mass murder in Canadian history. It was the deadliest terrorist attack involving an airplane until the September 11, 2001, attacks.
Explosives and clocks[edit]
In April 1985, a Canadian familiar with blasting was asked by Reyat how much dynamite it would take to blow up a tree stump. Another friend who listened in recalled that Reyat was very agitated about “getting even for the sacrilege at Amritsar, he was almost talking like Hitler.”[30] Reyat was not shy about telling everyone he knew around Duncan about the need for revenge, or asking about explosives. Reyat sought cases of dynamite and did not care if he had to pay three times the normal price. He eventually confided it was not about stumps, but “trouble in the old country”, that he needed “explosives to help my countrymen.”[30] One friend declined to get him dynamite, but did lend him a 400-page manual on mining with explosives.[30]
On 8 May 1985, Reyat bought a Micronta digital automobile clock at the Radio Shack store in Duncan.[31] Designed for a 12-volt automobile electrical system, it could also be powered by a 12-volt lantern battery. The 24-hour alarm activated a buzzer, but he returned a week later for an electrical relay after asking how to get the buzzer signal to power another device....
Ahmed Mohammed Clock is a FRAUD
Published on Sep 18, 2015
This video shows that the supposed clock invention by a 14 year old is in fact not an invention. The ‘clock’ is a commercial bedside alarm clock removed from its casing. There is nothing to indicate that the clock was even assembled by the child. I suspect this was brought into school to create an alarmed reaction
Ahmed Mohamed Implies He Knew His Clock Could ‘Seem Like a Threat’Breitbart
In a telling admission on video, Ahmed Mohammed—the MacArthur High School freshman student in Texas who was arrested for bringing what school officials and police believed was a “hoax bomb” to school—implied that he knew that the clock he had built would look suspicious and threatening.
by WILLIAM BIGELOW21 Sep 2015,
Ahmed asserted, “I closed [the ‘clock’] with a cable, I didn’t want to lock it to make it seem like a threat. So I just used a simple cable so it won’t look that much suspicious.” Ahmed’s assessment would juxtapose nicely with police chief Larry Boyd, who had stated that the clock was “certainly suspicious in nature.”
unaware of Ahmed’s belief that that the clock could look suspicious, even allowed that Ahmed had no idea of the clock’s ripple effect, saying, “The follow-up investigation revealed the device apparently was a homemade experiment, and there’s no evidence to support the perception he intended to create alarm,” adding that the incident was a “naive accident.”
Ahmed just can’t seem to make up his mind; he acknowledged in the video that the clock could look suspicious, yet admitted that when the clock beeped in class and the teacher told him it looked like a bomb, he responded, “It doesn’t look like a bomb to me.’”
hitemwereitworks COPAcetic1 • 22 minutes ago
It appears he made an IED timer in a box that is ready to add explosives to complete the bomb. I suspect if asked to reproduce it Ahmed would be unable to as his FATHER built it for him from IED plans published by Islamic Terrorist.
Father of Muslim teen arrested for clock previously battled Fla. Koran burner, has run for president of Sudan twice BY NINA GOLGOWSKI NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Updated: Wednesday, September 16, 2015 The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. The father of the Muslim teenager, who was arrested for bringing a homemade clock to school, is a Sudanese immigrant who went from selling New York City hot dogs to twice running for president in his native country.
.... "Once I realized my dream was bigger than what Sudan had to offer I immigrated to America in the mid-1980s," the father of seven told the paper in February.
Though college educated, the hardworking dad said his philosophy degree from Cairo University wasn't accepted in the states, so he had to start from the ground up — first hitting the streets of New York as a vendor before moving his family to Dallas and working as a taxi driver, all while taking classes at a community college.
We’ve All Been ‘Fooled’: Richard Dawkins Peeks Inside Ahmed’s Clock & Finds a ‘Hoax’
Love him or hate him, Richard Dawkins is one of the most famous names in science.
The British biologist, well-known for his hardline stance against religion and strong support for atheism and the theory of evolution, is no strangerto controversy.
On Sunday, Dawkins again found himself in a heated debate on social media. This time, however, it had little to do with biology or God, but instead concerned a 14-year-old ‘clock kid’ that seems to have become a household name nearly overnight.
The fracas began after Dawkins posted this to Twitter, along with a YouTube video:
Dawkins’ post reads:
This man seems to know what he’s talking about…If he’s right, Ahmed didn’t build a clock. He simply took one out of its casing.Did he deliberately want to be suspected of making a bomb? Did he want to be arrested, to be seen as a victim of “Islamophobia”? If so, Texas police played right into his hands and most of us (including me) fell for it.
In the accompanying video, YouTube user Thomas Talbot breaks down an image of Mohamed’s clock, saying that it clearly indicates that the boy did not “invent” the timepiece.
Instead, Talbot claims that the ‘invention’ is a “commercial alarm clock” that could be purchased “in any department store.” Talbot goes on to say “all that [Mohamed] did was remove the plastic case from the alarm clock.”
Many attacked Dawkins over the tweet, angry that he seemed to be discrediting the 14-year-old and saying that whether the clock’s invention was a hoax or not is beside the point.
Dawkins’ response:
See Talbot’s full video, whe
FRAUD, which would explain why Obama would want him to come to the White House...since they have so much in common, and all.
Like · Reply · 71 · 3 hrs
Michael Evans · California State University, Long Beach
Arron,and you are NOT a some low informed fraud?????
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Jack Ciri · Creator at AdWhois.com
And of course obama was right at the center of all this. Picking sides and weighing in on something he shouldn't have without any facts.
Like · Reply · 65 · 4 hrs
David R. McClain
..and yet remain silent over the murders of several policemen that have occurred recently. Some "leader" we have in the oval office.
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Doreen Yatko
The key is to jump in before all the facts surface. They may contradict your purpose.
Like · Reply · 18 · 3 hrs
Aaron King
..that hasn't stopped him before!!!
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Miki Minic
but of course he wanted publicity. that is why he brought it to school in the first place. IT's a crude Radio Shack dismantled clock stuffed in a briefcase. daaaahhhh !? If he showed it to his mother she would probably say "meehh" nice work and that would be the end of it. But now it's a national news. he should not only be suspended but also put on the watch list ... Give him couple of years to perfect his "invention".. "nice" highschool kid .. so were the Tsarnayev brothers in Boston..
Like · Reply · 8 · 2 hrs
Gene Hilliard · Rome, Georgia
if we took finger prints, would his father's prints be on the parts?
Like · Reply · 8 · 3 hrs
Keith Whisler
Well not for nothing, bringing a hoax bomb to school is also a major offense.
Like · Reply · 7 · 3 hrs
Christopher Citty · Computer Tech / I.T. Specialist at Freelance
"Many attacked Dawkins over the tweet, angry that he seemed to be discrediting the 14-year-old and saying that whether the clock’s invention was a hoax or not is beside the point."
That's the problem. If the boy lied, and it is arguably very likely he did, why did he lie? What motivated him to pretend he built a clock, and bring it to school? The growing consensus on alternate explanations (beside him being victimized by the school and police) is that his father being an activist came up with a plan to get attention. Whether that was to stage a terrorist scare to make Muslims look victimized, or was a personal attempt at getting the boy on the news and possibly a scholarship of some kind, no one knows at this point in time. But, it is at least plausible that the boy lied, the clock was a hoax, and he and his family could be using all this for media attention.
One thing I want to know is, why didn't President Obama offer a visit to the White House to any of the non-Muslim students who have ever been suspended or detained by police over what was thought to be a weapon?
Like · Reply · 6 · 1 hr
Brett Allen · Technician at One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning
We will be forced into a situation where we have to be so politically correct, it will be racist to point out suspicious behavior. That's my thoughts on what's happening.
Like · Reply · 6 · 1 hr
Dann Anthony Maurno
As time passes, I'm coming to believe Ahmed got just the reaction he wanted.
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Judi Gladden · Wayne County Community College District
just praying this is not going to start people to think they can do this for REAL!!! Wish it did not make media it gave others some sick ideal!!!! Serious
Like · Reply · 4 · 3 hrs
Thomas K Kessey · Indiana University Northwest
And last week, the kid and his dad, who is known as an Islamic agitator, went to get a lawyer to sue the school system and police dept. Looks like they're trying to make a little extra $ to go on another vacation after they stop by the White House.
Like · Reply · 5 · 3 hrs
Jane Studley Loiacono · Sheepshead Bay High School
One hoax inviting another hoax to the WH. We have become a nation of low expectations and we honor traitors and religious groups to lift their prominence amongst us. True heroes are ignorned, the Benghazi 4, Chris Kyle Marcus Luttrel. How's that change working for you liberals oh wait they love this a--kissiung of what the perseve as the underdog.
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Sean Walker · Works at MidWest Collision Center
I agree. I dismantled an alarm clock to replace the clock in an old beer sign that was no longer functional. It looked EXACTLY like this. I can take pics of my repair to show anyone if they would like to see it.
Like · Reply · 3 · 2 hrs
Jim Schwalbe
Anybody defending this kid is a freeking moron that has no clue what a suitcase bomb looks like. That case could have had 10 pounds of C-4 explosives molded into it, maybe more. It would have been enough to blow the hell out of a classroom and kill everyone in it. It may have just been a clock, but he went to a hell of a lot of trouble to make it look like a bomb. Have any of you ever seen a "clock" with that big a circuit board, all that wiring? If ANYONE tried to bring that into ANY government building in the country, the guards would have seized it, called the bomb squad and placed this moron kid in cuffs till it all got sorted out. JUST LIKE IT DID.
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Katrina Bryant Tucker · Appomattox County High
Look at the size compared to the plug ,its not a briefcase its a pencil box
Like · Reply · 1 hr
Katrina Bryant Tucker · Appomattox County High
Oh and I must say that other than that I am starting to think this whole thing was planned.Just wanted to point out its not that big,only a pencil box
Like · Reply · 1 hr
Kay Walsh
Hoax Exposed: Muslim Student Ahmed Mohamed's ... www.thegatewaypundit.com September 18, 2015 Hoax Exposed: Muslim Student Ahmed Mohamed's 'Briefcase Clock' is ...for bringing a hoax bomb to MacArthur High School in Irving, Texas on Monday. .
Hoax Exposed: Muslim Student Ahmed Mohamed’s ‘Briefcase Clock’ is 1980s Digital Alarm Clock
““Cool clock, Ahmed. Want to bring it to the White House? We should inspire more kids like you to like science. It’s what makes America great.”
President Barack Obama, September 16, 2015
President Barack Obama, September 16, 2015
It was a Hoax.
Ahmed Mohamed’s claims that he assembled a clock at home that he took to school is starting to unravel.
Ahmed Mohamed’s claims that he assembled a clock at home that he took to school is starting to unravel.
Two investigators who have studied the image of Mohamed’s device provided by Irving, Texas police have concluded that Mohamed did not make the clock. Both conclude that Mohamed disassembled a manufactured clock and installed it in a large pencil box without its casing. And both say it is possible it was done to provoke suspicion or to resemble a bomb.
Update: Clock has been identified as being sold in a 1986 Radio Shack catalogue by an Art Voice reader. The headline and text for this article has been changed to reflect the update.
...This was a dry run to gauge reaction......
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Pa Bell Dick Turpin • 3 days ago
Your assessment could be absolutely correct. It also could have been perpetrated to garner sympathy for small desert rats and it was most likely perpetrated for fundraising purposes. I understand the little rodent was uncooperative with the police and sassed them at every turn while repeatedly smiling and mugging for the cameras of the fawning media.
his was a trial run. . to test the system and to cause distraction. . .
The family knew what they were doing. . .
Make it look like a bomb. . why?
"I cannot see any credible evidence that is a disassembled clock."
Translation: ".........could be a bomb.........."
"No one with knowledge of bombs..........."
Let's hear from a professional with bomb experience........
"....or electronic technology could see a bomb there..."
Wrong. Experience with electronic technology does not guarantee experience with bomb technology.
"You don't keep a bomb in a room and the kids at class for hours if you have any doubts at all."
Depends on who 'you' is.
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Kuff Guest • a day ago
Phil, you are an idiot. Nobody thought it was a bomb. The kid didn't build a bomb...he built a hoax bomb meant to cause alarm.
http://toprightnews.com/uh-oh-this-is-what-happened-when-ahmeds-clock-invention-was-reverse-engineered/ It was a setup - lawsuit bait.
compare school alarm clock to this device:
Waking you up with a bang! Alarm clock that looks like a bomb is sure to get you out of bed
The Defusable Alarm Clock, is aptly designed that its victim has but a few seconds to pull the correct wire before an automatic trigger causes the alarm to 'explode'.
The functions of each wire changes randomly every morning so users must distinguish between the two redundant cables and the fourth which triggers a series of flashing LEDs.

The alarm looks similar to a real bomb and even 'detonates' if you don't pull the correct wire in time
Designer Michael Krumpus, 41, was inspired to make the clock after seeing bombs feature in Hollywood films.
He said: 'I thought it would be fun to build an alarm clock that looks just like the type of bomb that we always see in Hollywood movies.have sticks of dynamite strapped together, a red digital readout and a bunch of curly wires.
'Instead of just building an ordinary clock, I thought it should have a detonation sequence with a scary countdown just like in the movies.
'And why not make it 'defusable' so I an try to stop the countdown by cutting the correct wire?'
A randomly chosen wire defuses the 'bomb' whilst another 'detonates' it immediately
The clock is so realistic that Michael had to put a message on his website telling security services that it is not a real bomb.
It says: 'Dear Federal Agents and other Law Enforcement, this is only a clock. It is no more dangerous than any other clock.
'I don't know anything about explosives beyond what I've seen in movies.
'So, if you are with the FBI, Department of Homeland Security, CIA, ATF, Department of Defense, National Counter-terrorism Center, Interpol, or SEAL Team Six, please know that I am on your side!
'So, we're cool, right?'
Those Moderate Academics!
According to Simran Jeet Singh, he's an Asst. Professor of Religion @Trinity_U, Senior Religion Fellow @Sikh_Coalition, Natl. Security Fellow @TrumanProject, Alum @Harvard & @Columbia, Marathoner
Brought my clock to work today. #IStandWithAhmed #Solidarity
Want to be daring, Ahmed? Take your engineering hobby clock to an airport and wave it around.
Little Ahmed's clock was not any great work of creativity. He did not build the clock from scratch, nor did he buy a kit (readily available for a few dollars) and solder a bunch of components onto a board to make a clock. He simply gutted a store-bought clock and mounted the guts of it in a "pencil case", making a pretty good facsimile of a time bomb, leastwise as such are depicted in countless movies and TV shows.
It was more a case of "deconstructing" a clock than of making one, and given the kid's family background and religion, only a total fool would believe this stunt is anything other than a deliberate provocation intended to provoke an over-reaction by the school authorities.
And this Sikh goof is a goof. A disgrace to his co-religionists. That clock of his dirty, isn't it?
the really disturbing thing about this is barack hussein obama internationally shaming law enforcement for doing their job.
the really disturbing thing about this is barack hussein obama internationally shaming law enforcement for doing their job.
if i simply said the word "bomb" at a canadian airport, it would be good for an overnight stay at the crowbar motel, an aggressive cavity search and being added to the no-fly list.
in obama's new america, this kid gets added to the list of sons he never had.
before voting next month, remember that both justin & tommy trotsky campaigned to free omar khadr.
My kid had a nail clipper taken away at school. Some kid named Mohammed shows up with a fake bomb. What is the school supposed to do?
Someone brought a radio aboard Air India flight 182.
Will Professor Singh duplicate that bit of calamity (sans the bomb, of course) just so he be a part of the Great Happening?
It would be too much to ask leftists to stop being juvenile. Air-lift every one of them to Syria and leave them there. They can tweet about how much ISIS rapists are phone-charger hogs.
I hope Federal agents used the probability of the incident to do a search of his home and run security checks on all the relatives and detain those for questioning with suspicious association - oh, forgot - this is the Obumbles caliphate and this only happens to Christian right to lifers, veterans and gun owners.
That 9-11 thing was no coincidence. And for the record, the kid did not
take a clock to school, it was a timer with a remote trigger.
take a clock to school, it was a timer with a remote trigger.
This man believes the "invention" is just a Micronta clock taken apart:
www.ijreview.com/.../425460-scientist-richard-dawkins-drops-twitter-bo..."Did he deliberately want to be suspected of making a bomb? ... saying that whether the clock's invention was a hoax or not is beside the point.

Briefcase Clock Maker Ahmed Mohamed Is Son of Muslim Activist – UPDATE: Kid admits forethought – knew it was ...
The Last Refuge

Mohamed Elhassan, a Sufi imam and business owner here in Dallas, lost his case for the Koran last month in Terry Jones' Florida church.
There is a Dallas man involved in all of this: Sheik Mohamed Elhassan, who played defense attorney in Jones's mock trial and failed to sway the "court" at the Dove World Outreach Center. He's the man referred to in most news reports simply as "a Dallas imam." And he's not shying away from the controversy. As a matter of fact, he says, he is looking for a local church where he can mount an appeal.
Reached by phone this afternoon, Elhassan told Unfair Park that while he doesn't feel Jones gave him enough time to make his case, he's still "proud to be a defender of the Holy Quran."
Even after the violent response to the Quran burning in Jones's church, Elhassan says he doesn't feel responsible for the backlash. "I went there to make it not happen," he says.
No charges for Muslim student after clock mistaken for bomb
Yahoo News
Ibrahim al-Asiri - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
WikipediaIbrahim al-Asiri, alleged to be AQAP's chief bomb-maker.jpg ... Ibrahim and Abdullah were named on a list of Saudi Arabia's most wanted terrorist suspects.
Bomb-making instructions on the internet - Wikipedia, the ...
The availability of bomb-making instruction on the Internet has been a cause .... online interactive 14-lesson course for Muslims on bomb-making, as part of a ...
Briefcase Clock Maker Ahmed Mohamed Is Son of Muslim ... UPDATE: Kid admits forethought – knew it was going to be “suspicious”…. Now we've gone from balloon boy to bomb boy.As many people thoroughly anticipated the back-story to the 14-year-old briefcase clockmaker reflects his father is actually a rather controversial Muslim activist. This lends further credence toward a reasonable belief that his taking a briefcase clock to school was not as innocent as the media would lead everyone to believe. update-1UPDATE: In his own words Ahmed Mohamed, 14, an Irving MacArthur High student essentially states he knew taking the device to school was controversial. Listen at 1:26 video:That’s what you call an admission of premeditation and intent. In his own words, with forethought, he knew the briefcase with wires and “a countdown clock” would be “suspicious”; especially around 9/11....
Mohamed Elhassan Mohamed, a Sudanese immigrant who has made headlines of his own over the years. A February 2015 profile in the North Dallas Gazette details the elder Mohamed’s activities.
Born in Sudan in 1961, Mohamed, a former customs worker at Khartoum International Airport, earned a degree in philosophy from Cairo University in Khartoum before emigrating to the U.S. “Once I realized my dream was bigger than what Sudan had to offer I immigrated to America in the mid-1980’s,” he told the North Dallas Gazette. In that same interview, Mohamed shared that upon arrival in the U.S.– where he says his degree was not accepted– he initially sold hot dogs, candy, and newspapers in Manhattan. “I realized this wasn’t enough for me, and I packed my bag and moved to Dallas, Texas y’all,” he told the paper.
In Texas, he started out as a pizza delivery man before becoming a taxi driver and ultimately launching his own business ventures– he owns a computer repair shop in Irving, Texas (perhaps where his son gets his tech acuity from), a cab company called Jet Taxi, a medical emergency transport company called Paradise Prime Investments, and the solar energy business AlSufi International in Sudan. He also served as self-elected president of the small Sufi Muslim AlSufi center in Irving.
Mohamed has also run for president of Sudan on two separate occasions. “When I went for the elections in 2010 they were rigid,” he told the North Dallas Gazette. “When I was there my country was worse than I had left it. I saw people starve, and babies, die, and women cry in Darfur. No peace. No justice. So I am back to save my Sudan, so help me God. I’m hope for my country to become great, and to reestablish good connections with America. My country is going through economic hardship because of the embargo, and I would like to lift it.”
[…] Aside from his presidential bids, Mohamed also made headlines for his bizarre role in Rev. Terry Jones’ incendiary Quran trial. In 2012, when the Florida pastor made good on his threat to burn a Quran in his Gainesville church and put the Quran on “trial,” Mohamed, who refers to himself as a sheik, was apparently the one Muslim willing to play along as the defense in the mock trial. “[The church] put an ad on their channel: ‘Whoever feels in himself he has the power to defend Quran is welcome,’” he told the Dallas Observer. (read more)
And here’s a five year old article explaining his relationship to the Terry Jones Koran burning episode – SEE HERE –
The kid didn’t build a clock…http://blogs.artvoice.com/techvoice/2015/09/17/reverse-engineering-ahmed-mohameds-clock-and-ourselves/
Ahmed Mohamad did not invent, nor build a clock. He took apart an existing clock, and transplanted the guts into a pencil box, and claimed it was his own creation. It all seems really fishy to me
“This wouldn’t have happened if Ahmed were white,” they say. We’re supposed to be sensitive to school violence, but apparently religious and racial sensitivity trumps that. At least we have another clue about how the sensitivity and moral outrage pecking order lies. Because, is it possible, that maybe, just maybe, this was actually a hoax bomb? A silly prank that was taken the wrong way? That the media then ran with, and everyone else got carried away? Maybe there wasn’t even any racial or religious bias on the parts of the teachers and police.
Reverse Engineering Ahmed Mohamed’s Clock… and Ourselves.
by Anthony - posted 1:23 pm, September 17, 2015
I have something in common with Ahmed Mohamed: as a youngster, I was also an electronics enthusiast. At his age and even earlier, I frequently took apart electronic devices – anything from my own toys, to broken things around the house, and even that dirty garbage-picked black and white TV my parents dragged home that they knew I’d have a blast playing with (I did.) I’d try and troubleshoot, repair, or sometimes just disassemble things and salvage components for future projects. I’d try and imagine how all those bits and pieces, lengths of wires, mazes of conductive circuit board traces all came together to produce an image, or a sound, or some other useful function. I wanted to know how it all worked.
Without dating myself – fast forward a bunch of years, and I’m the same way. I’ve even picked up an engineering degree over the course of those years. I don’t have to only imagine how things work anymore, I have a pretty good understanding now. When shopping for electronic devices, my first instinct is to see if there’s a way to build one myself (and, I frequently do!) When something of mine breaks, I don’t send it back, I take it as a personal challenge to get it working again. If I fail, I still salvage useful parts – they might come in handy to fix something else later. This aspect of myself – being both methodical, and curious – hasn’t changed a bit over the years.
So, this story about a 14 year old boy in Texas that was arrested on suspicion of creating a bomb hoax (who, apparently just wanted to show off his latest electronics project to his teachers) that has blown up (no pun intended) all over the news and social media, caught my attention immediately. Not because of his race, or his religion, the seeming absurdity of the situation, the emotionally charged photo of a young boy in a NASA t-shirt being led off in hand cuffs, the hash tags, the presidential response… no, none of that. I’m an electronics geek. I was interested in the clock! I wanted to figure out what he had come up with.
I found the highest resolution photograph of the clock I could. Instantly, I was disappointed. Somewhere in all of this – there has indeed been a hoax. Ahmed Mohamed didn’t invent his own alarm clock. He didn’t even build a clock. Now, before I go on and get accused of attacking a 14 year old kid who’s already been through enough, let me explain my purpose. I don’t want to just dissect the clock. I want to dissect our reaction as a society to the situation. Part of that is the knee-jerk responses we’re all so quick to make without facts. So, before you scroll down and leave me angry comments, please continue to the end (or not – prove my point, and miss the point, entirely!)

So I turned to eBay, searching for vintage alarm clocks. It only took a minute to locate Ahmed’s clock. See this eBay listing, up at the time of this writing. Amhed’s clock was invented, and built, by Micronta, a Radio Shack subsidary. Catalog number 63 756.
The shape and design is a dead give away. The large screen. The buttons on the front laid out horizontally would have been on a separate board – a large snooze button, four control buttons, and two switches to turn the alarm on and off, and choose two brightness levels. A second board inside would have contained the actual “brains” of the unit. The clock features a 9v battery back-up, and a switch on the rear allows the owner to choose between 12 and 24 hour time. (Features like a battery back-up, and a 24 hour time selection seems awful superfluous for a hobby project, don’t you think?) Oh, and about that “M” logo on the circuit board mentioned above? Micronta.

So there you have it folks, Ahmed Mohamad did not invent, nor build a clock. He took apart an existing clock, and transplanted the guts into a pencil box, and claimed it was his own creation. It all seems really fishy to me.
If we accept the story about “inventing” an alarm clock is made up, as I think I’ve made a pretty good case for, it’s fair to wonder what other parts of the story might be made up, not reported factually by the media, or at least, exaggerated.
I refer back again to this YouTube video interview with Ahmed. He explains that he closed up the box with a piece of cord because he didn’t want it to look suspicious. I’m curious, why would “looking suspicious” have even crossed his mind before this whole event unfolded, if he was truly showing off a hobby project, something so innocuous as an alarm clock. Why did he choose a pencil box, one that looks like a miniature briefcase no less, as an enclosure for a clock? It’s awful hard to see the clock with the case closed. On the other hand, with the case open, it’s awful dangerous to have an exposed power transformer sitting near the snooze button (unless, perhaps his invention was to stop serial-snooze-button pressers by giving them a dangerous electrical shock!)
So again, I’m pointing all this out – about the specifics of the clock – not to pick on the poor kid. I’m picking on us, our culture, and our media. I don’t even care about the clock itself at this point.
If we stop and think – was it really such a ridiculous reaction from the teacher and the police in the first place? How many school shootings and incidents of violence have we had, where we hear afterwards “this could have been prevented, if only we paid more attention to the signs!” Teachers are taught to be suspicious and vigilant. Ahmed wasn’t accused of making a bomb – he was accused of making a look-alike, a hoax. And be honest with yourself, a big red digital display with a bunch of loose wires in a brief-case looking box is awful like a Hollywood-style representation of a bomb. Everyone jumped to play the race and religion cards and try and paint the teachers and police as idiots and bigots, but in my mind, they were probably acting responsibly and erring on the side of caution to protect the rest of their students, just in case. “This wouldn’t have happened if Ahmed were white,” they say. We’re supposed to be sensitive to school violence, but apparently religious and racial sensitivity trumps that. At least we have another clue about how the sensitivity and moral outrage pecking order lies.
Because, is it possible, that maybe, just maybe, this was actually a hoax bomb? A silly prank that was taken the wrong way? That the media then ran with, and everyone else got carried away? Maybe there wasn’t even any racial or religious bias on the parts of the teachers and police.
I don’t know any of these things. But I’m intellectually mature enough to admit I don’t know, and to also be OK with that. I don’t feel a need to take the first exist to conclusionville. But I do like to find facts where I can, and prefer to let them lead me to conclusions, rather than a knee jerk judgement based on a headline or sound bite.
I think the whole event – and our collective response, with everybody up to the President chiming in, says a whole lot about us. We don’t care that none of us were there and knows what happened, we jump to conclusions and assume we’re experts. We care about the story, but we don’t care about the actual facts. Headlines and click-bait are far more interesting than thinking for ourselves. We like to point out other any bit of perceived injustice or discrimination we can find – it’s practically a new national past-time. We like playing victim, and we like talking about victims – so much so we sometimes find victims where none really existed. We also like to find somebody to blame, even when there’s nobody at fault. We like to play social justice warrior on our Facebooks and Twitters, posting memes and headlines without digging in behind the sensationalism, winning bonus sensitivity points in the forms of likes and re-tweets. Once group-think kicks in, we rally around hash tags and start shouting moral outrage in a deafeningly loud national chorus. The media plays us like a fiddle, and we don’t even notice we’ve all been had.
As for me, I’m glad to apply the lessons I’ve learned as an electronics enthusiast to other aspects of life. There’s no emotion in troubleshooting a circuit, electricity doesn’t have morals. There’s just physics, and logic, and methodology. I think we could all benefit from applying a little more of that sort of thinking to these situations.
Yahoo! News2 days ago - From Yahoo News: DALLAS (AP) — A 14-year-old Muslim student will face no criminal charges for taking a homemade clock to class that his ...
Muslim teen with mistaken clock accepts White House invite ...
Daily News2 days ago - Muslim teen who was arrested for clock mistaken for bomb says he'll ....device, prompting them to weigh charges of making a hoax bomb.
Father of Muslim bomb hoax clockster was Qur'an's defense ...
Pamela Geller1 day ago - “One of the earliest instances of the standout citizen making national news was in 2011, when he sensationally stood up to an anti-Islamic ..
hen I first posted this story, I said it smelled fishy. Now it positively stinks. Does this look like a clock to you?And now the plot thickens. In what has become one of the most egregious of the faked hate narratives, the bomb hoax clockster has a family with a history of supremacist stunts.
“One of the earliest instances of the standout citizen making national news was in 2011, when he sensationally stood up to an anti-Islamic pastor and defended the Koran as its defense attorney. That mock trial at a Florida church ended with the book’s burning, to ElHassan’s claimed shock. In an interview with the Washington Post at the time, the devoted Muslim said he’d take on Rev. Terry Jones’ challenge because the holy book teaches that Muslims should engage in peaceful dialogue with Christians.”
Also in 2011, ElHassan debated Robert Spencer on “Does Islam Respect Human Rights?” Clearly, he was trying to score against a famous “Islamophobe” and thus win a name for himself. ElHassan has been looking for publicity and chances to fight against “Islamophobia” for a considerable period. Now he has seized it, going so far as to claim his son was “tortured” by school and law enforcement officials.
School officials were being prudent, protecting the children. Irving, Texas has had its share of jihad and sharia. The Said sisters were honor-murdered by their father, execution-style. He is still at large. Irving Texas is only half an hour from Garland, Texas — site of jihad shooting on a free speech event in May. And the news is riddled with stories of young Muslims, just like Ahmed, all lovely, sweet achievers who suddenly — go jihad.
This story is pure agitprop most fatal. “If you see something, say something” is now racism.
“I’m proud of him,” he said before crediting him as “a very smart, brilliant boy.”
“He fixed my car, my electricity, my phone, my TV, his go-cart, my computer. I swear it’s the truth,” he gushed.
ElHassan recognized that all people make mistakes but said that the treatment that his son experienced, “in front of his friends and his teacher inside of his school — that is not America. That is not us. That is not like us.”
Backstory: A Muslim teen bought a strange ticking device to his high school that set off alarms and fear. The student was detained for having what resembled a bomb. Officers said the clock and wires inside his Vaultz pencil case looked like a hoax bomb to them. When questioned about the device was, the student, Ahmed Mohamed, wouldn’t answer. Now terror-tied Islamic groups like Hamas-CAIR, their media lapdogs and even President Obama are waging jihad against the school.
How student Ahmed Mohamed went from suspected bomb ...
Los Angeles Times1 day ago - How student Ahmed Mohamed went from suspected bomb maker to ... into a social-media symbol of official overreaction to his Muslim religion.
Texas: Muslim student arrested for bringing clock that ...
Jihad Watch2 days ago - Irving police spokesman James McLellan told the Morning News that police are determining whether to file a charge of making a hoax bomb.
Heavy: He kept maintaining it was a clock, but there was no broader explanation. It could reasonably be mistaken as a device if left in a bathroom or under a car. The concern was, what was this thing built for? Do we take him into custody?
Texas: Muslim student arrested for bringing clock that ...
Jihad Watch The upshot of this ridiculous brouhaha will be that Muslim students will now be ... clock to school Monday that was mistaken for a hoax bomb. ... “refugees” from SECURE refugee camps (border to Syria) with NO right .... Genius boy INVENTS the CLOCK, harassed as a potential Jihadist. .... This was a *test*.
Jihad Watch The upshot of this ridiculous brouhaha will be that Muslim students will now be ... clock to school Monday that was mistaken for a hoax bomb. ... “refugees” from SECURE refugee camps (border to Syria) with NO right .... Genius boy INVENTS the CLOCK, harassed as a potential Jihadist. .... This was a *test*.
The alert is universal: it doesn’t just single out Muslim students. The key question here is, would Ahmed Mohamed have been arrested if he had been a non-Muslim student and had brought the same contraption to school? And the answer is without any doubt yes, he would have been.
upshot of this ridiculous brouhaha will be that Muslim students will now be exempted from scrutiny for bringing suspicious objects to school: to subject them to such scrutiny would be “Islamophobic.” Will some enterprising young jihadi take advantage of this favorable new situation? “No charges for Muslim boy arrested after homemade clock mistaken for bomb in Texas school,” Chicago Tribune, September 16, 2015:
boy makes his own radios, repairs his own go-kart and on Sunday spent about 20 minutes before bedtime assembling a clock using a circuit board, power supply wired to a digital display and other items, The Dallas Morning News reported. On Monday, Ahmed showed the clock to his engineering teacher [there are no engineering classes at high school level, teacher obviously had no reason to be shown this device] and then another teacher after the clock, which was in his backpack, beeped during class. That teacher told him that it looked like a bomb, the newspaper reported.
His father, Mohamed Elhassan Mohamed, said he drove his son to school Monday morning and encouraged him to demonstrate his gift for technology. ...“He just wants to invent good things for mankind,” Ahmed’s father, Mohamed Elhassan Mohamed, told the newspaper. “But because his name is Mohamed and because of Sept. 11, I think my son got mistreated.”
boy makes his own radios, repairs his own go-kart and on Sunday spent about 20 minutes before bedtime assembling a clock using a circuit board, power supply wired to a digital display and other items, The Dallas Morning News reported. On Monday, Ahmed showed the clock to his engineering teacher [there are no engineering classes at high school level, teacher obviously had no reason to be shown this device] and then another teacher after the clock, which was in his backpack, beeped during class. That teacher told him that it looked like a bomb, the newspaper reported.
His father, Mohamed Elhassan Mohamed, said he drove his son to school Monday morning and encouraged him to demonstrate his gift for technology. ...“He just wants to invent good things for mankind,” Ahmed’s father, Mohamed Elhassan Mohamed, told the newspaper. “But because his name is Mohamed and because of Sept. 11, I think my son got mistreated.”
terror-tied groups like CAIR means to stop any reporting of suspicion of jihad. They mean to punish the vigilant.
Mohamed said police handcuffed him and took him to Irving police headquarters for interrogation, fingerprints and mug shots. He said his family surname repeatedly came up in police questioning.
“I tried making a phone call to my father. They said, ‘You’re in the middle of an interrogation. You can’t have a phone call,'” he said. “I really don’t think it’s fair, because I brought something to school that wasn’t a threat to anyone. I didn’t do anything wrong. I just showed my teachers something and I end up being arrested later that day.”

The interior of Mohamed’s clock. (Dallas Morning News)
A police spokesperson told the media that responding officers “had no reason to think [the clock] was dangerous” but still arrested Mohamed.

TSA routinely brings fake bombs to airport to test security holes
TSA failed to identify 73 workers “linked to terrorism” - Jihad ...
Jihad WatchJun 8, 2015 - It's more likely they've been focused on, “the plight of Muslims in ... LandSecurity managed to walk is with fake bombs and guns to test the ...
Pam Geller smells a setup Texas: Muslim teen blames his “BOMB HOAX” on .Islamophobia.
Pamela Geller bomb hoax. A Muslim teen bought a strange ticking device to his high school that set off alarms and fear. ... their media lapdogs and even President Obama are waging jihad against the school. ... Irving Student Says He's Falsely Accused ofHoax Bomb ..... I just reported your comment to Homeland Security.This whole thing smells like a set-up. With ISIS in America, and young moderate Muslims are fleeing to Syria to join the terror group, the Irving school’s response was rational and reasonable. I run news stories on a weekly basis of American Muslim teens arrested for trying to join ISIS. Just this week, a Philly Muslim teen was arrested for a plot to assassinate the Pope on his US visit.
Every day we are warned of new terror threats, increased threat levels. But trying to protect schoolchildren is “islamophobic.” And President Obama agrees, of course. Yes, he has weighed in.
WFAA: According to Irving police, Ahmed’s case contained a digital clock that the student had taken apart and rearranged. Police said the student had the briefcase in his English class, where he plugged it into an electrical outlet and it started to make noise.
Ahmed told WFAA that his English teacher confiscated his case. A few hours later, the student said the principal and school resource officer pulled him out of class and questioned the high school freshman.
Officers said Ahmed was being “passive aggressive” in his answers to their questions, and didn’t have a “reasonable answer” as to what he was doing with the case.
Investigators said the student told them that it was just a clock that he was messing around with.
“We attempted to question the juvenile about what it was and he would simply only say it was a clock. He didn’t offer any explanation as to what it was for, why he created this device, why he brought it to school,” said James McLellan, Irving Police.
comments: Setup. Why did the alarm go off in class? Because it was set to go off.
bet he has to leave the clock home for his presidential muslim prayer meeting
I wonder how many faux suitcase bombs the secret service allows into O's presence?
Now he has permission to bring a real bomb to school because nobody will dare to question him ever again.
And all the other little will be exempt from the harassing , bigoted school and law enforcement officials. I'm with Pam on this one. This was planned and will be milked for maximum benefit for those who wish us harm.
So, if an American kid wears a shirt with a US flag to school, he's told to remove it and if not, he is suspended. If a Moslim kid brings a "fake bomb", be get invited to the White House. What the heck is going on in this country? It's time the "silent majority" became "the loud majority". Enough Obama. You suck! He couldn't design any other gadget for the class besides a bomb?
TSA FAIL! Undercover Homeland Security agent teams ...
Jun 1, 2015 - In 2013, an agent made it through a metal detector with a fake bomb. ...made to fix the weaknesses identified by the latest Homeland Security tests. ... Why would we think protecting us from the terror of a jihad attack on an airplane ....TENNESSEE: Public Middle School is forcing non-Muslim students to ...
Rest easy, citizens: TSA finds almost 1 in 20 test bombs during
Hot AirJun 1, 2015 - “Red Team testing of the aviation security network has been part of TSA's ... of how the tests were structured, what they used to simulate the “fake bombs
President Obama Invites Teen Muslim 'Bomb-Maker' To ...
Wonkette President Obama Invites Teen Muslim 'Bomb-Maker' To Jihad The ......student carrying a homemade clock through the TSA Security ... http://www.wnd.com/2015/09/muslim-student-arrested-for-hoax-bomb-in-class/?cat_orig= ...
Missing: test