2 injured 1 arrested October 14, 2014 Bodio S. Hutchinson Attacks Boston Park Rangers 4:30 p.m. two national park rangers went to the Soldiers and Sailors Monument on the Boston Common park after a report of Bodio S. Hutchinson, a black homeless man was there with a knife. The rangers used pepper spray with no effect, as Hutchinson allegedly lunged, stabbing each ranger about five times and severing an artery in one ranger’s abdomen who was in critical condition. The rangers are not police officers and do not carry guns. Police chased the suspect into the Public Garden, threw a knife into the pond, and turned on officers and crouched as if to attack shouting “Shoot me, shoot me,” before he was tackled and handcuffed. Suspect pleaded not guilty to charges including armed assault with intent to murder. His lawyer says he “suffers from paranoid schizophrenia and has no memory of the attack”, and was raised by an alcoholic and abusive father, failed by his family, and left to fend for himself at a young age. It was only the latest in a long series of history of bizarre and violent attacks on strangers and law enforcement including episodes of savage biting, with 17 convictions even more arrests as of 2013. Many blame the incident on the failure of the mental health system and racism, rather than terrorist nature of the attacks including 3 attacks on police.
Comments like put blame on mental health system rather than terrorism: “This is what happens when you entirely deinstitutionalize the mental health system and then fail to fund effective alternatives, particularly for adult men. The high incidence of mental illness among the homeless is no accident.”
At a McDonalds in February of 2013, he suddenly punched a woman drinking coffee, and then beat a bystander and growled RAGGGHHHH! when asked by a bystander to stop.
- amnesia: lawyer: has no memory of the attack,
- assault on woman
- attack on police 3 times (federal park ranger) 3 attacks on police
- black suspect (left out of most media accounts)
- childhood: Lopez, arguing for $5,000 bail, said her client was raised by an alcoholic and abusive father, failed by his family, and left to fend for himself at a young age.
- criminal record: As of 2013 Hutchinson had 17 convictions — and even more arrests.
- drugs: Joss testified that Hutchinson’s extraordinary strength during the struggle likely resulted from his schizophrenic delusions combined with the effects of PCP on a person, which can include incidents of increased strength."
- homeless suspect
- jail: 4 months April 2004, Hutchinson was charged with assault and battery on police officers, which was later reduced to resisting arrest, putting it on track for dismissal. But he violated probation and was sent to jail for nine months, the court said.
- large: 6-foot-1 tall and weighs 290 pounds,
- mental: suffers from paranoid schizophrenia
- probation violatins: Hutchinson stood silently at her side, dressed in a white jumpsuit and dirty socks, periodically rolling his head from side to side.
- Boston Municipal Court Judge Robert McKenna ordered Hutchinson held without bail on a number of probation violations, including failing to comply with drug testing.
- suicidal “Come on in and kill me, I don’t want to live anymore.”
- victims: wounded rangers were identified as 46-year-old Albert Hurd, a 22-year veteran, and James Lunnin, 25, who joined the rangers this year (both white)
- white victims.
- May 1999: two Boston police officers found Hutchinson sitting in the middle of his street in Dorchester rolling a marijuana cigarette, then punched them both in the face and injuring an EMT. charged Hutchinson with assault, possessing marijuana, resisting arrest and disturbing the peace, but the case did not go to trial. A notation in the court record indicated that Hutchinson “may be depressed,” and possibly suicidal and the case was ultimately dismissed on the condition that Hutchinson cooperate with his probation officer, take his medication, and attend therapy.
- April 2004, Hutchinson was charged with assault and battery on police officers, which was later reduced to resisting arrest, putting it on track for dismissal. But he violated probation and was sent to jail for nine months, the court said.
- Nashua Street Jail in 2010, it took nine officers to restrain Hutchinson, court records show. “Throughout the altercation and its aftermath, the defendant demonstrated almost super-human strength and an indifference to pain,
- February of 2013 Newmarket Square McDonald’s one of Hutchinson’s alleged victims asked him why he had suddenly begun punching a woman drinking a cup of coffee. “Instead of answering me in words, he growled like a lion. Like a bear. No words at all. Just RAGGGHHHH!
Rangers stabbed on Common are honored - The Boston Globe The Boston Globe Dec 1, 2014 - Boston police on Monday honored the two park rangers who were stabbed
WBZ Dec 1, 2014 - Sgt. Albert Hurd nearly died after the attack. He and his partner, Ranger James Lunnin, were both stabbed but survived thanks to quick work by ...
Boston Common stabbing suspect has grim history Boston Globe October 15, 2015 homeless man accused of stabbing two Boston park rangers on Boston Common on Tuesday, critically injuring one, suffers from paranoid schizophrenia and has no memory of the attack, his defense lawyer said “He struggles every day to know what’s his reality,” said Shannon Lopez, who said her client suffers from hallucinations and fears the world around him. Bodio S. Hutchinson, 34, was ordered held on $1 million bail after pleading not guilty to charges including armed assault with intent to murder.
Man recalls brutal fight with Bodio Hutchinson at that ended ... The Boston Globe Oct 15, 2014 - When it was over, when Bodio S. Hutchinson's hands were handcuffed by Boston police, Joseph Umbro ignored the blood spilling from the bite …
Man who allegedly attacked Boston park rangers had ... The Boston Globe Oct 15, 2014 - Bodio S. Hutchinson, 34, was ordered held on $1 million bail after pleading not guilty to charges including armed assault with intent to murder.
Bodio S. Hutchinson | Daily S Demented Black Tramp Who Stabbed 2 White Rangers has Grim History of Savagery. October 17, 2014
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