Nov 28, 2014 - Brandon Orlando Baldwin, also known as Brandon Muhammad, and Olajuwon Davis, who also goes by Olajuwon Ali, were indicted Nov. headed to federal prison for seven years each for planning a bomb attack targeting the Ferguson police chief and other officials after an officer killed Michael Brown there last year. Olajuwon Davis and Brandon Orlando Baldwin pleaded guilty in June to felony counts of conspiring to use explosives and making false written statements while buying firearms.
- ADL: According to the Anti-Defamation League, “Ali apparently converted to Islam in college, according to a YouTube video he posted in October 2012, although it is unclear if he still considers himself a Muslim.”
- Black Nationalist: Facebook likes:Nation of Islam, the New Black Panther Party, the Black Riders Liberation Party, the African-American Defense League, and other black nationalist individuals, causes, and groups,” according to ADL.
- Black Islamic radicals: Are the media pointing out that Black Lives Matter, F**k The Police, Ferguson, Saint Louis, Baltimore et al, are all connected by the New Black Panthers and Nation of Islam – Both who support ISIS jihad ?
- Facebook likes: Baldwin’s various pages related to Islam, the Nation of Islam, the New Black Panther Party, the Black Riders Liberation Party, the African-American Defense League, and other black nationalist individuals, causes, and groups,” according to ADL.
- ISIS: both suspects are also admitted Islamist Radicals and believers in ISIS jihad
- Muslim: According to the Anti-Defamation League, “Ali apparently converted to Islam in college, according to a YouTube video he posted in October 2012, although it is unclear if he still considers himself a Muslim. Facebook likes various pages related to Islam, the Nation of Islam,
- New Black Panthers Party
- PLO: Baldwin wears Kaffiyeh head scarf in photo
- Two men affiliated with the New Black Panther Party – one of whom identified himself as a “terrorist” to a confidential informer
- Plot involved blowing up cars using remotely triggered bombs and also using bombs to blow up a police station.
- Terrorist: one of whom identified himself as a “terrorist” to a confidential informer
- illegal purchase of firearms from a Cabela’s store where they worked for other criminals
No mainstream coverage of jihad aspects of terrorist plot.
- Clarion American Islamists Arrested in Ferguson Bomb Plot Clarion Project Dec 2, 2014 - Brandon Orlando Baldwin and Olajuwon Davis, two members of the New Black ... to buy a pipe bomb in order to attack the Gateway Arch. They had also planned ... prison in 1979 when other domestic terrorists broke in to rescue her. ... for Islamic State-type jihadists to radicalize quickly from non-religious to ..
- Conservative Treehouse: Two Black Panthers, Advocates for ISIS, Admit Plot To Bomb Both Saint Louis suspects are admitted members of the New Black Panther organization; both suspects are also admitted Islamist Radicals and believers in ISIS jihad….You’ll have a hard time finding the connection between NBPP and ISIS in any media article. noted the avoidance of linking “Black Lives Matter” protests to the New Black Panthers, and the short trip to ISIS advocacy within both groups as exemplified by Eric Sheppard Jr at Valdosta State University. We saw it again in Baltimore. Ferguson “Mike Brown Protests”, the actual agitating forces behind the protest were/are of Islamic origin. An example is the “Operation Ferguson” movement itself actually being coordinated by an Islamic group in Pakistan. When you peel back the layers of inter-connected activity what you find is Arab Muslims exploiting black sentiment in the U.S. to further what would be best called a “social jihad”. Young black populations throughout various communities in the U.S. are being indoctrinated to rail against Christianity in favor of Islam, radical Islam pair met in August in Ferguson, during the protests over the fatal shooting of Michael Brown, 18, by then-Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson. They started talking about buying guns and organizing protesters to “be like an army” and fight back against police, their plea agreement says.For weeks as federal agents and police tracked them and their calls and texts, Baldwin and Davis discussed using Baldwin, who was at the time an employee of Cabela’s in Hazelwood, to buy guns for felons and others. And Baldwin admitted that he did buy three guns. They also talked about buying bombs
- Frontpage Muslim Black Panther Plot to Bomb Gateway Arch Fails Due ... FrontPage Magazine Nov 27, 2014 - Muslim Black Panther Plot to Bomb Gateway Arch Fails Due to Welfare Cuts ... he hoped to exploit Ferguson tensions to the next stage by engaging interrorism against Americans
- Gateway Ferguson Black Panther Leaders Plotted to BOMB ST ... Nov 26, 2014 - Olajuwon Ali is the local leader of the New Black Panther Party in St. Louis. ... Black Panther leaders were plotting to bomb the St. Louis Arch.
- Pamela Geller Jihad in #Ferguson - Nov 29, 2014 - Jihad in #Ferguson: Muslim plot included bombing Arch, killing St. Louis ... More on the Muslims busted in the Ferguson terror plot (more on that here). ...Olajuwon Ali and Brandon Muhammad wanted to acquire two more ...
September 3, 2015 St Louis MO Arch Ferguson bomb plotters sentenced to 7 years KSDK Arch bomb plotters sentenced to 7 years. Two St. Louis men are headed to federal prison for seven years each for planning a bomb attack targeting the Ferguson police chief and other officials after an officer killed Michael Brown there last year. Olajuwon Davis and Brandon Orlando Baldwin pleaded guilty in June to felony counts of conspiring to use explosives and making false written statements while buying firearms.

Brandon Orlando Baldwin, left in PLO terrorist style headgear , and Olajuwon Ali Davis, right
- Terrorism in the United States 2014 Brandon Orlando Baldwin and Olajuwon Ali Davis allegedly plotted to kill St. Louis County, Missouri Prosecuting Attorney Robert McCulloch and Ferguson, Missouri Police Chief Tom Jackson as well as bomb the Gateway Arch in reaction to the shooting of Michael Brown. The suspects were caught as a result of an undercover operation.[257]
September 3, 2015 St Louis MO Arch Ferguson bomb plotters sentenced to 7 years KSDK Arch bomb plotters sentenced to 7 years. Two St. Louis men are headed to federal prison for seven years each for planning a bomb attack targeting the Ferguson police chief and other officials after an officer killed Michael Brown there last year. Olajuwon Davis and Brandon Orlando Baldwin pleaded guilty in June to felony counts of conspiring to use explosives and making false written statements while buying firearms.
September 3, 2015 Black Panthers Sentenced For Ferguson Bomb Plot « CBS ... KMOX Olajuwon Davis and Brandon Baldwin bought guns for felons, tried to buy ... for his actions, calling them “reckless, irresponsible and just stupid. Davis and Baldwin used Baldwin’s job at Cabela’s to buy three firearms for convicted felons. Then, prosecutors say, they plotted to obtain bombs to target public buildings, police vehicles and police. St. Louis County Prosecutor Bob McCulloch and then-Ferguson police chief Tom Jackson were also mentioned as possible targets. The two were arrested when they bought three pipe bombs from undercover officers for $250 on Nov. 21, just days before riots ... accepted responsibility for his actions, calling them “reckless, irresponsible and just stupid.”
He apologized to his wife and three children for his “stupid” decision and called the scheme, “The most ridiculous, stupid mistake of my life.”
Depleted EBT Card Foils Black Terror Plot Jun 8, 2015 - This week the Brandon Orlando Baldwin and Olajuwon Davis admitted in
New Black Panther Members Plotted to Blow Up Ferguson Police Station But Ran Out of Cash on EBT Card
Brandon KMOV reported:
Baldwin, 22, and Davis, 22 were indicted on charges by federal agents. Twomen were indicted Thursday after being arrested by federal agents in November.BrandonBaldwin, 22, and Davis,22 were indicted on charges involving the conspiracy to maliciously damage and destroy a building, vehicle and other property with explosives and the illegal purchase of firearms from a ’s store.The indictment stated that Baldwin stated that he wanted multiple bombs to use against people, buildings, vehicles and property.Davis and Baldwin allegedly viewed a recording of the detonation of an explosive or bomb shortly after Baldwin’s statement.
after viewing the recording Davis and Baldwin traveled to a location where Davis took possession of what both men thought were explosives or bombs and were arrested and have been in federal custody since.

Olajuwon Ali is the local leader of the in . Last year hereleased a video inviting local blacks to join his group.
This week the Brandon Orlando Baldwin andOlajuwon Davis admitted in court that they were planning to blow up a police station and murder
Bob McCulloch… But they didn’t have enough money on their EBT card!
Breitbart reported:
Two members of the New Black Panther Party who met in Ferguson during protests over Michael Brown’s death admitted in court Tuesday they planned to blow up a police station and kill the prosecutor involved in the case.reports 23-year-old Olajuwon Ali Davis and 24-year-old Brandon Orlando Baldwin each pleaded guilty to multiple explosive and gun related charges in federal court today. Federal agents who tracked the duo’s conversations by phone and text message say they planned to target , the prosecutor who handled the Michael Brown grand jury, and Ferguson . The plot involved blowing up cars using remotely triggered bombs and also using bombs to blow up a police station.The men were arrested last November after paying an undercover federal agent a total of $250 to purchase what they believed were three pipe bombs. Davis put up $100 and then paid another $150 three days later, when he met the agent to pick up his bombs. Baldwin said he was broke and needed to wait for his unemployment check to come in before he could contribute. In addition to buying the “bombs,” Davis and Baldwin bought guns which they intended to give to like-minded individuals in order to “be like an army.”
June 2, 2015 Ferguson: Olajuwon Davis and Brandon Baldwin Plead ... June 2, 2015 - Olajuwon Davis, 22, and Brandon Baldwin, 24, both of St. Louis, pleaded guilty in federal court to conspiracy, explosives and gun charges.
2 New Black Panthers admit plot to bomb Ferguson WorldNetDaily Jun 2, 2015 - Brandon Orlando Baldwin, left, and Olajuwon Ali Davis, right ... whom identified himself as a “terrorist” to a confidential informer – admitted Tuesday ... in October 2012, although it is unclear if he still considers himself a Muslim.
Ferguson bombing plot | New Black Panthers | DOJ plea deal
Jun 2, 2015 - New Black Panther alleged terrorists plead to 7 years; had faced decades of prison time. Olajuwon Davis (l.) and Brandon Orlando Baldwin (r.) ...
PRESS RELEASE: Two Local Men, Olajuwon Davis and ...
May 16, 2015 - LOUIS, MO—Olajuwon Davis and Brandon Orlando Baldwin were, Economy, Education, Wikipedia, local news, Press Release, ...
Black Panther Party members face new Ferguson bomb ... KTVI Apr 2, 2015 - The Department of Justice says Olajuwon Davis and Brandon Orlando Baldwin wanted to use the explosives against people, buildings, ... Two members of the New Black Panther Party face felony charges for conspiracy to use explosives to damage property during the Ferguson protests.
Orlando Baldwin and Olajuwon Ali Davis 'planned ... Daily Mail Nov 27, 2014 Indicted: Olajuwon Davis, pictured, is one of the men who allegedly had a plot to bomb the Gateway Arch. Sources have said that Davis was in ...
Feds: Arch bombing suspects bought guns for others USA Today Nov 28, 2014 - Brandon Orlando Baldwin, also known as Brandon Muhammad, and Olajuwon Davis, who also goes by Olajuwon Ali, were indicted Nov.
FBI Arrests Two Black Panthers Near Ferguson For Firearm ...
Nov 21, 2014 - ... Brandon Orlando Baldwin and Olajuwon Davis of making false statements to obtain firearms. ......
Depleted EBT Card Foils Black Terror Plot | INCOG MAN
Jun 8, 2015 - This week the Brandon Orlando Baldwin and Olajuwon Davis admitted in
US Fidelis Co-Owner Makes No Apology, Blames Others as ...
KMOXSep 18, 2012 - RT @Brpkelly: 1 of 2 who admit planning #Ferguson bombings gets 7 years. Olajuwon Davis calls actions "stupid" @kmoxnews 2nd sentencing ...
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