- .Anders Breivik posed in a characteristic Masonic apron, sometime he had become a Freemason
- Anti-semitism In some countries anti-Masonry is often related to antisemitism and anti-Zionism
- .Constitution federalism created is identical to the federalism of the Grand Lodge system of Masonic government
- .Dianne Reidy's outcry against Freemasonry
- .Gladio The CIA/NATO cover name for this Masonic terror organization was Gladio.
- .Gordon Duff
- .Harun Yahya prominent Turkish intellectual on Zionist racism and Freemasonry
- .Illuminati Freemasonry overlaps with, or is controlled by, the Illuminati. The Knights Templar and Jews are also part of the supposed plan for universal control of society
- .Islamic Freeemason theory
- .Koran exposes Illuminati, Freemasons
- ..Mark Dice Statue of Liberty was given to America by the French but orchestrated by Freemasons
- .jewishracism Freemasons and Zionists Are the Devil's Fifth
- .PressTV documentary "what are they hiding?"
- Watch Unto Prayer Christian anti-mason website
- .Statue of Liberty was given to America by the French but orchestrated by Freemasons
- .Texe Marrs the forbidden, secret of the Masonic Jews who run Israel and, by extension, the United States and the world.
- .War on Islam
April 28, 2013 Four people in the choir were stabbed at the St. Jude Thaddeus Catholic Church in Albuquerque, New Mexico. When people started to greet each other in the pews, a young man Lawrence Capener who came with his mother jumped up and stabbed the choir leader, who required surgery, and injured others who tried to stop him including flute player stabbed five times as he held Capener in a bear hug. He shouted out rants about a “false preacher” and “the mason”. He told police who found his hands stained by paint that he apologized but was really only after the leader who he was "99 percent sure" the singer was a mason who was involved in a conspiracy that he had to stop. He stabbed the others because he didn't know if they were also masons. He confessed that just hours before he had vandalized a nearby Masonic Lodge with red and blue spray paint, leaving the message, "I hope you guess who I am." Police could not establish any motive for the spree. Capener had recently graduated from community college. He had gotten a job at Walmart after quitting another job about wearing a sun cap, but some believed he was under a lot of pressure and struggling with mental health issues
.Anders Breivik posed in a characteristic Masonic apron, sometime he had become a Freemason
'Zionist trail in Norway terror attacks'
PressTV: There's no question at all that this man was a very devout Christian Zionist with strong links to Israel and he had visited there a several times and I think also that he was a Freemason, which puts him in line with what we call the “New World Order
Prison Planet.com » Was Norway Killer Anders Behring Breivik a ...
- Jul 23, 2011 · Prison Planet Saturday, July 23, 2011. FLASHBACK: Dunblane killer Thomas Hamilton was also a Freemason, police investigated claims of a “Masonic ...
- Jul 23, 2011 · Infowars Saturday, July 23, 2011 FLASHBACK: Dunblane killer Thomas Hamilton was also a Freemason, police investigated claims of a “Masonic conspiracy”.
- Anders Behring Breivik (born 13 February 1979) is the perpetrator of the 2011 Norway attacks. In a sequential bombing and mass shooting on 22 July 2011, he bombed ...
- Aug 01, 2011 · Among the bizarre photographs that the Norwegian mass killer, AndersBreivik, displayed of himself on the internet, posing in different uniforms, was one ...Among the bizarre photographs that the Norwegian mass killer, Anders Breivik, displayed of himself on the internet, posing in different uniforms, was one in which he was wearing the characteristic Masonic apron. It appears that sometime during his twisted career he had become a Freemason
.Constitution federalism created is identical to the federalism of the Grand Lodge system of Masonic government created in Anderson's Constitutions of 1723."
Of the 39 men who signed the US Constitution, 13 are believed to have been Freemasons, members of a fraternal organization that dates back to medieval times. newsmax
From an Anti-semitic disinformation site
Of the 39 men who signed the US Constitution, 13 are believed to have been Freemasons, members of a fraternal organization that dates back to medieval times. newsmax
From an Anti-semitic disinformation site
- The Zionists are presently gathering the Zionist Jews to Israel but excluding true Torah Jews. During the Tribulation period, they will attempt to destroy the state of Palestine in order to establish the headquarters of the Antichrist in Israel.
- We are former Roman Catholics who left the Catholic Church after discovering in the Bible that salvation is obtained through faith in Jesus Christ, and not through personal good works or membership in a church.
The mainstream news media has been debunking as "conspiracy theory” the fact that weather modification is being done for destructive purposes
THE MASONIC FOUNDATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES . The Founding Fathers. ... the Articles of Confederation and the U. S. Constitution were Deists, Theists andFreemasons.THE FOUNDING FATHERS Christians have been led to believe that the government of the United States of America is based on the basic principles of Christian morality, which have their origin in the Scriptures. Notable for propagating this misinformation are D. James Kennedy, author of a book promoting astrology, and Peter Marshall, Jr. (son of the late U.S. Senate Chaplain) who wrote The Light and The Glory. However, both of these ministers are members of the Council for National Policy, a secret organization founded by the globalist Council on Foreign Relations which has an anti-Christian agenda.Historical evidence militates against the view that those who formulated the fundamental documents of American government were Christians. To the contrary, not a few who wrote and signed the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation and the U. S. Constitution were Deists, Theists and Freemasons. Webster's Dictionary defines "theism" and "deism":
- Our Masonic Constitution . by J B CAMPBELL Opinion Piece The US Constitution was a betrayal of the Declaration of Independence.
Our Masonic Constitution From J B Campbell '
.Dianne Reidy
- International Business Times - by Roxanne Palmer - 3 days agoDianne Reidy's outcry against Freemasonry on the floor of Congress echoed centuries of such conspiracy theories throughout American ...
- .Gladio The CIA/NATO cover name for this Masonic terror organization was Gladio.
How many Americans have heard of Operation Gladio? Many ask, how could simple Arabs or even Israel, put together an organization capable of 9/11? If, as 78% of Australians indicate, in a recent Herald Sun poll, America planned 9/11 herself, how did a democracy lose its way? How did America’s intelligence and defense groups become terrorists? When did it happen and why? The answer isn’t simple, it started decades ago, when the world was at the edge of obliteration and two systems, or what we then believed were systems, fought for the hearts and minds of the world.
Today, all that sounds childish. A mature look at the Cold War looks more like two rats fighting over a corpse. Then, however, some saw it as “light and dark,” clear as that. Many believed the Soviet Union would drive its tanks through Europe like a knife through hot butter. To fight this “eventuality,” NATO built a terrorist organization of massive proportions. The remaining cells of Operation Gladio, one of the greatest disasters of military ignorance in history, are busy today.
We call some of them “Al Qaeda.”
Operation Gladio is the heart of world terrorism, alive and well, and built by NATO, built by the United States and used against America and the world. Gladio, created to save us from communism, quickly became a terrorist organization itself, murdering political leaders, rigging elections, terror attacks to blame on one group or another. The “medicine” became the disease. It is now killing us.
.Gordon Duff
anders breivik
President John F. Kennedy, in a speech on press censorship, did something very unexpected. He warned America and the world of the extreme dangers of Freemasonry.
Dimitri Khalezov, the Russian nuclear intelligence expert, told me there was a Masonic terror organization in Europe, closely aligned with Israel, one that penetrated security services, ran police and counter-terrorism forces and used them more than once to perpetrate acts of terror, London 7/7, Madrid, now Norway.
when the 9/11 Commission Report came out, it was written by Freemason’s too.
Today, as we look back on those heady times, we see a Russia run by a gangster elite, utterly corrupt but powerful, as technologically advanced as ever, better rockets, better air defense systems, better small arms, unimaginable secret weapons, awash in cash, power centralized in one man.
Russia is run by Freemasons. I didn’t liste
A major theme in British conspiracy lore is Freemasonry. Freemasons run the police and security services, they run the Home Office kind of like “Homeland Security” on steroids, a government bureaucracy that has its hands in everything. Freemasonry in Britain and Norway is a secret government, the organs that manage everything from political terror to fixing a parking ticket.
you have to look at Italy after World War II and the Masonic Lodge, now defunct, known as “P2.”
Established in 1877 as a secret government lodge, “Propaganda Massonica” or “P” became “Propaganda Due” or “P2″ after the war. Mussolini had crushed the Masonic lodges during his reign but they reemerged in 1945 and became fervently anti-communist. About a third of Italy is Communist, then and toda
, the anti-communist Freemasons became the “go to” secret society for, not only political dirty tricks but terrorism as well, terrorism orchestrated to bring down governments that the United States and CIA were uncomfortable with. The CIA/NATO cover name for this Masonic terror organization was Gladio.
.Illuminati Freemasonry overlaps with, or is controlled by, the Illuminati. The Knights Templar and Jews are also part of the supposed plan for universal control of society
Illuminati conspiracies

Because of Freemasonry's inadvertent involvement and the misuse of Freemasonry by the Illuminati's founder who had become a Mason, the legends of its continued existence (and influence) persist into the twenty-first century tying the organizations somehow together. In fact, Weishaupt founded the organization and then tried to get the Freemasons involved. He achieved a very limited success in a couple of lodges but was soon seen as a 'user' and his group removed - not unlike the 'fake Masonry' of today, actually!
In the 1950s and 1960s, members of the John Birch Society made much of this supposed 'shadow' organization, using it as an effective substitute for their anti-Semitism. Perhaps some of the confusion regarding the organization is due to the fact that over time, the word illuminati came to be used more expansively for many enthusiasts of Enlightenment, including but not limited to the followers of Emmanuel Swedenborg. Nevertheless, the Illuminati's connection with Freemasonry was date-specific (the late 1700s) and place-specific (what is now Germany); it had NO involvement in Freemasonry elsewhere despite fanciful claims. Even the oft-mentioned 'Proofs of A Conspiracy' written in 1797 by Robison (and the root cause of so much furor in the United States as a result of one Boston Minister's fanciful claims made based on that book) notes that the Illuminati's brand of Freemasonry was NOT the same Freemasonry as found in England and from which all other legitimate Masonic lodges today can trace their ancestry.
That Freemasonry overlaps with, or is controlled by, the Illuminati, especially in the higher degrees; Illuminati Freemasons secretly control many major aspects of society and government and are working to establish the New World Order.[15][16][17][18][19][20] Some conspiracy theories involving the Freemasons and the Illuminati also include the Knights Templar and Jews as part of the supposed plan for universal control of society. This type of conspiracy theory was described as early as 1792 by multiple authors, beginning in France and Scotland.[1]
.Mark Dice Statue of Liberty was given to America by the French but orchestrated by Freemasons
What Brad Meltzer’s Decoded Missed About The REAL Meaning of the Statue of Liberty’s Symbols and the Illuminati Secret Society December 17, 2010 By Mark Dice See the Show Here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxaahEuzewE
So, I appeared in a show on the History Channel. I’m honored, but I still need to point out how incorrect they where and I need to show how the three investigators barely scratched the surface of the Statue of Liberty’s symbolism, let alone the Illuminati.
The promo for the show asked ‘Does the Statue of Liberty hold a secret message?’ Are there secret symbols built into it? Is she herself one giant secret symbol? Does it actually represent Lucifer? The answer to these questions is yes.
Before the ‘Statue of Liberty’ episode of Brad Meltzer’s Decodedfirst aired on the History Channel December 16th 2010, if you asked the average American what the Statue of Liberty represented, they couldn’t say anything other than “America,” “freedom” or “democracy.”
Some may know that it was given to America by the French, but few know it was orchestrated by Freemasons, the secret society, not the government of France.
.Islamic Freemason theory Islam and Freemasonry
Many Islamic anti-Masonic arguments are closely tied to both antisemitism and Anti-Zionism, though other criticisms are made such as linking Freemasonry to Dajjal.[105][106] Some Muslim anti-Masons argue that Freemasonry promotes the interests of the Jews around the world and that one of its aims is to rebuild theTemple of Solomon in Jerusalem after destroying the Al-Aqsa Mosque.[107] In article 28 of its Covenant, Hamas states that Freemasonry, Rotary, and other similar groups "work in the interest of Zionism and according to its instructions ..."[108] Many countries with a significant Muslim population do not allow Masonic establishments within their jurisdictions. However, countries such as Turkey and Morocco have established Grand Lodges,[109] while in countries such asMalaysia[110] and Lebanon[111] there are District Grand Lodges operating under a warrant from an established Grand Lodge. In Pakistan in 1972 Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, then Prime Minister of Pakistan, placed a ban on Freemasonry and confiscated all the literature. The lodges were then disbanded.[citation needed] Masonic lodges existed in Iraq as early as 1919, when the first lodge under the UGLE was opened in Basra,[citation needed] and later on when the country was under British Mandatejust after the First World War. However the position changed in July 1958 following the Revolution, with the abolition of the Monarchy and Iraq being declared a republic, under General Qasim. The licences permitting lodges to meet were rescinded and later laws were introduced banning any further meetings. This position was later reinforced under Saddam Hussein, the death penalty was "prescribed" for those who "promote or acclaim Zionist principles, including freemasonry, or who associate [themselves] with Zionist organisations."[105]
In some countries anti-Masonry is often related to antisemitism and anti-Zionism. For example, In 1980, the Iraqi legal and penal code was changed by Saddam Hussein's ruling Ba'ath Party, making it a felony to "promote or acclaim Zionist principles, including Freemasonry, or who associate [themselves] with Zionist organisations".[105] Professor Andrew Prescott of the University of Sheffield writes: "Since at least the time of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, antisemitism has gone hand in hand with anti-masonry, so it is not surprising that allegations that 11 September was a Zionist plot have been accompanied by suggestions that the attacks were inspired by a masonic world order".[120] Created by Halaqah Media Halaqah Media
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Halaqah Media Group (Halaqah Films) is a multimedia publishing company founded in 1998, located in London, with offices in South Africa, USA and Ethiopia. Halaqah Media is a Film documentary and Feature Film Production and distribution company. They focus on the production of works about social justice. Their movies are intended for both institutional and commercial use.
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Sep 08, 2010 · The Masonic west has long realized that the control of oil is vital to their economies, one of the main reasons is their reliance on cars and road transport
For as the Earth cries out because of the corruption and injustice they have spread over the land, through the agonizing centuries of their dominion, the world is witnessing the reawakening of an old noble warrior "Islam". Since Islam stand against injustice and discrimination, freemasons now trying to portraits Islam an enemy through their media and by spreading misinformation about this great religion. During World War One the Freemasonic governments managed to destroy the Islamic caliphate and annex all its territories. The part now called Iraq was put to British mandate and current borders were defined by them and through the Iran Iraq War.
After its independence the USA took over interest in Iraq. In fear of a DEMOCRATIC uprising the CIA aided the Baath party rise to power, making Saddam Hussein the leader of Iraq and an ally to the Masonic states.
FREEMASONS AND THE DAJJALThe last Prophet of God - Muhammad (SAW) said that a man will appear first as a tyrannical king, then he will claim to be a prophet, finally he will claim to be the lord god himself. The Prophet (SAW) further foretold that this liar would start to conquer the world and no place would remain unscathed except the two Holy Cities of Makkah and Madina. He will call to a false religion. He is the Dajjal, meaning "impostor" and he will be born with one eye. It is also known that before the appearance of the Dajjal, a group of people will pave the way for setting up a system to prepare the world for his arrival. In other words, the forerunner to the Dajjal will bear all the characteristics of the Dajjal. The forerunners to the Dajjal are none other than the freemasons
ending: CONCLUSION The Gulf wars served many purposes to promote Western unity, to create divides among the Muslim nations, to act as a testing ground for an entire arsenal of military weapons and cocktails of chemicals and drugs. But most of all, it served to ensure a strong military presence in the Middle East. The forerunners to the Dajjal have placed a stronghold in the very heart of Islam itself and laid a firm grip on the Muslim Holy Lands. But although they plan, Allah also plans, and Allah is the Best of Planners. The final victory will be to the Muslims. Allah is Greatest! Courtesy: Halaqah Media |
- "FREEMASONS - DAJJAL - ANTICHRIST IN URDU", a playlist created by Haider Ali
- The Muslims have already been forewarned about an enemy that they would face them. The last Prophet of God, Muhammad (PBUH) said ...
- a forwarded mail Free Mason Invasion You would have heard much about DAJJAL-THE ANTICHRIST from the christian and Jewish authorities. But what..
- Resolved ·
- 10 total answers ·
- Published Oct 21, 2008
Oct 21, 2008 · Salam. No dajjal is not the same withfreemasons.Dajjal as stated in the hadits will come as a sign that qiyamah is nearing.Dajjal …No. Its not the same thing!
BUT! When we analyse the hadith, and islamic knowledge we have on the Dajjal topic, we quickly realize that the freemasons, and their allies(CFR group, Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission, etc....) are PAVING THE WAY for the arrival of dajjal. We are told form hadith that just before dajjals arrival, there will be some people who will make preparations/ pave the way for the coming of dajjal! And the freemasons are doing actually that!! They are doing everything contrary to islam, and are promoting anti-islamic ideals, and thereby preparing the arrival of dajjal.- Freemasons and Dajjal (the Antichrist) on Amazon.com. *FREE* super saver shipping on qualifying offers.
- By Menofcloth ·
- 52 min ·
- Added Jun 30, 2012
In this presentation, Zahack Tanvir has incredibly spoken about the emergence of Anti-Christ Dajjal before the end of times. He spoke: about the physical ...- Jul 22, 2009 · Atheistic freemasonry, the system of the antichrist (dajjal), deceives people by pretending to be devout watch video, Adnan Oktar's comments and opinions ...
- This is a beautiful series of documentary on freemasons-dajjal-america. this is specially for the peoples of subcontinent pakistan and india. This is a beautiful ...
- The Masonic west has long realized that the control of oil is vital to their economies, one of the main reasons is their reliance on cars and road transport.
- The Masonic west had long ago realize that the control of oil is vital to theireconomies, ... the Free Masonic west couldn't control the Muslim nations.
- .
- The Masonic west has long realized that the control of oil is vital to their economies, one of the main reasons is their reliance on cars and road transport.
- THE FREEMASONS AND OIL The masonic West has long realized that the control of oil is vital to their economies.
- The Masonic west has long realized that the control of oil is vital to their economies, one of the main reasons is their reliance on cars and road transport.
- The Masonic west has long realized that the control of oil is vital to their economies, one of the main reasons is their reliance on cars and road transport.
- Nov 05, 2011 · The Masonic West has long realized that the control of oil is vital to their economies. ... the wealth from oil Muslim economies would fall and .
Oct 19, 2008 · Christian Zionist John Hagee loves the Jewish State of Israel. ...Freemasons are dedicated to the construction of the third Temple of Solomon
Illuminati ,Freemason ,Zionist ,Secret society according to Islam ---Only Quran exposes Illuminati plans Illuminati according to Quran [link to www.youtube.com]
lluminati,Free Masons,Knights Templers and other Occult Societies According to Islam. What is The History of this secret societies? what is their Goal ? what is their Plan ?
what is illuminati or masonic organisations ?
Masonic Organisations, called sometimes illuminati or scientology are secret underground organisations which worship the satan ,devil.
their goal is to create a new world order without religion.they want to destroy the god and praying from your life and instead of creating an atheist world.
There are alot of tactics which they are use. for exampe
1- they indoctrine man that there is no god and the man hisself is the god like atheists (Allah cc tenzih ederiz)
2-they try to let man to worship everything except of god
worshipping sculptures (buddhism ect.),worshipping polytheist(hinduism ect.) religions.
3-they control over media and entertainment they use it and make propaganda against religion and the god especially against islam! did you ever ask yourself why they attack islam ? because islam is the unique right religion of god which didnt manipulated by man
satan wants mankind in the hell so be aware of him and be enemy of him ,
satan wants mankind in the hell so be aware of him and be enemy of him ,
Allah (God) (SWT) says, "He [Satan] said: Give me respite until the day they are raised up. [Allah] said: You are among those allowed respite. He [Satan]said: Because You have thrown me out (Of the Way), lo !, I will sit waiting for them, on Your straight path, then I will come in from before them and behind them, from their right and from their left and you will not find most of them Gratitude (for Your Mercies) ." [Quran 7:14-171]
Allah cc ( God Said) : i will fill the hell with you and all of men who follow your path.
be aware of them dont belive on jewish satanic media,watch " The Arrivals " and wake up !
what is illuminati or masonic organisations ?
Masonic Organisations, called sometimes illuminati or scientology are secret underground organisations which worship the satan ,devil.
their goal is to create a new world order without religion.they want to destroy the god and praying from your life and instead of creating an atheist world.
There are alot of tactics which they are use. for exampe
1- they indoctrine man that there is no god and the man hisself is the god like atheists (Allah cc tenzih ederiz)
2-they try to let man to worship everything except of god
worshipping sculptures (buddhism ect.),worshipping polytheist(hinduism ect.) religions.
3-they control over media and entertainment they use it and make propaganda against religion and the god especially against islam! did you ever ask yourself why they attack islam ? because islam is the unique right religion of god which didnt manipulated by man
satan wants mankind in the hell so be aware of him and be enemy of him ,
satan wants mankind in the hell so be aware of him and be enemy of him ,
Allah (God) (SWT) says, "He [Satan] said: Give me respite until the day they are raised up. [Allah] said: You are among those allowed respite. He [Satan]said: Because You have thrown me out (Of the Way), lo !, I will sit waiting for them, on Your straight path, then I will come in from before them and behind them, from their right and from their left and you will not find most of them Gratitude (for Your Mercies) ." [Quran 7:14-171]
Allah cc ( God Said) : i will fill the hell with you and all of men who follow your path.
be aware of them dont belive on jewish satanic media,watch " The Arrivals " and wake up !
The Freemasons legacy
Tue Feb 21, 2012 11:26AM
Broadcast Date: 20 Feb. 2012Watch on YouTube
what is freemasonry in today’s society? It now exists in various forms all over the world, with a membership estimated at around six million, including over a quarter of a million under the jurisdiction of the United Grand Lodge of England and just under two million in the USA. Members are obligated to abide by the rules of the fraternity, to keep the "secrets of Freemasonry" and to act towards others in accordance with Masonic tradition and law. Why is it so secretive? What are they hiding?
.Statue of Liberty was given to America by the French but orchestrated by Freemasons
.Texe Marrs the forbidden, secret of the Masonic Jews who run Israel and, by extension, the United States and the world.
- Now the lid is blown off the forbidden, secret powderkeg of the Masonic Jews who run Israel and, by extension, the United States and the world.
.War on Islam
- 9 min ·
- Added Nov 09, 2007
Thanks to this, they declared WAR on Islam and when the Dajjal comes, ... 1:44 A Shriner Freemason admits to worshipping Lucifer by freedommv1 305,607 views;- By xicohtl ·
- 10 min ·
Dec 01, 2009 · The lecture at the end is from Shaykh Ahmad Ibn 'Umar Bazmool's lecture titled ''Be Careful Who You Take Your Deen FroHarun Yahya a prominent Turkish intellectual produced various works on Zionist racism and FreemasonryEurope declaring war on Islam and Quran . ... He has also produced various works on Zionist racism and Freemasonry and their negative effects on world history andIslamic moral values, this latest counter-attack, too, will merely result in a further strengthening of the Islamic faith.Harun Yahya
Born in Ankara in 1956, Adnan Oktar is a prominent Turkish intellectual. His pen-name, Harun Yahya, is formed from the names "Harun" (Aaron) and "Yahya" (John) in the esteemed memory of the two Prophets who struggled against infidelity.
Completely devoted to moral values and dedicated to communicating the sacred values he cherishes to other people, Oktar started his intellectual struggle in 1979 during his education at Mimar Sinan University's Academy of Fine Arts.
During his university years, he carried out detailed research into the prevalent materialistic philosophies and ideologies around him, to the extent of becoming even more knowledgeable about them than their advocates. As a result of his accumulation of knowledge, he has written various books on the fallacy of the theory of evolution. His dedicated intellectual effort against Darwinism and materialism has grown out to be a worldwide phenomenon. Quoting from the 22 April 2000 issue of New Scientist, Mr. Oktar became an "international hero" in communicating the fallacy of the theory of evolution and the fact of creation. His intellectual struggle against materialism and Darwinism has frequently been mentioned in such mainly evolutionist publications as National Geographic, Science, New Scientist and NSCE Reports.
Many works of Harun Yahya are being currently translated into English, French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish, Arabic, Portuguese, Albanian, Serbo-Croat (Bosnian), Polish, Urdu, Indonesian, Kazakh, Azeri, Malay and Malayalam.
The common point in all his works is that all the topics covered by his works are in full agreement with the Quran, and strongly affirmed by Quranic understanding.
Harun Yahya's books on faith-related topics communicate the existence and oneness of God and are written with the main purpose of introducing Islam to those who are strangers to religion, and reconciling their hearts to the truth. For Muslims, these books are advice as well as a reminder. The writer has published works on all the basic issues referred to in the Quran that expand the dedication and contemplation of Muslims.
A quotation from his book "The Evolution Deceit" : "The theory of evolution is nothing but a deception imposed on us by the dominators of the world system."
He has also produced various works on Zionist racism and Freemasonry and their negative effects on world history and politics. The Zionism criticised by him in his books is the baseless claims of Zionist extremists pretend to world sovereignty, regard other human beings as worthless entities, maintain that the Jews are the chosen people and that God is theirs alone. Yet his writings very definitely do not imply a rejection of the Jews' right to live in peace and security within the borders of their own state.
- By Dawat-us-Salafiyyah ·
- 10 min ·
- Added Jan 11, 2008
4:27 Freemasons war on Islam p-2/2 by Dawat-us-Salafiyyah 23,653 views; 1:27:31 Secret History of the Freemasons by 13activate131 220,809 views; 56:16 ...- Resolved ·
- Last updated: Jun 30, 2008 ·
- 11 posts ·
- 10 total answers
Jun 28, 2008 · Freemason. 5 years ago; Report Abuse; 50% 2 Votes. 7 people rated this as good; 0 stars - mark this as …\Best Answer - Chosen by Voters
Freemasons are not opposed to Islam or any other religion.
There is no Masonic war against anyoneWarning - Item FREEMASONS WAR ON ISLAM might contain content that is not suitable for all ages. By clicking on CONTINUE you confirm that you are 18 years and- I have come across a few good documentaries that document the war of Freemasonry / Illuminati against Islam. If you want to skip to them, jump to the bottom of the page.
- FreeMasonry. Full Show-2.5.2011 Osama Bin Laden mrtev. future focus - the gulf stream and the next ice age. ... The illuminati and the war on islam.
9/11 not done by muslims.
Reader comment on item: Islam's Future [Can Be Modern]Submitted by dr ayaz (United Kingdom), Aug 29, 2003 at 13:09Those 9/11 hijackers were muslim by name of course, but 9/11 was not done by muslims.....freemasons were the chief organisers,so that war on islam can be started.
Ataturk was a freemason,so was g.washinton,churchill,bush,yaser arafat,gen musharraf.......they are everywhere,with a single motto for satanic law.
This criticism of Islam & 9/11 is helping Islam immensely & drawing people to read & know more about it, more will read & more will come to it.
take care allah hafiz
Many conspiracy theory writers have connected Freemasons ... Some conspiracy theories involving the Freemasons and the Illuminati also include the Knights …
List of conspiracy theories associated with Freemasonry[edit]
Notable conspiracy theories involving Freemasonry include:
- That the British judiciary is heavily infiltrated with Masons, who give fellow Masons "the benefit of the doubt" in court, subverting the legal system.[13][14]
- That Freemasonry overlaps with, or is controlled by, the Illuminati, especially in the higher degrees; Illuminati Freemasons secretly control many major aspects of society and government and are working to establish the New World Order.[15][16][17][18][19][20] Some conspiracy theories involving the Freemasons and the Illuminati also include the Knights Templar and Jews as part of the supposed plan for universal control of society. This type of conspiracy theory was described as early as 1792 by multiple authors, beginning in France and Scotland.[1]
- That Freemasonry is a Jewish front for world domination, or is at least controlled by Jews for this goal. An example of this is the notorious (and fraudulent) The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Adolf Hitler believed that Freemasonry was a tool of Jewish influence,[21] and outlawed Freemasonry partially for this reason.[22]The covenant of the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas claims that Freemasonry is a "secret society" founded as part of a Zionist plot to control the world.[23]
- That Freemasons are behind income taxes in the US. One convicted tax protester has charged that law enforcement officials who surrounded his property in a standoff over his refusal to surrender after his conviction were part of a "Zionist, Illuminati, Free Mason movement".[24] The New Hampshire Union Leader also reported that "the Browns believe the IRS and the federal income tax are part of a deliberate plot perpetrated by Freemasons to control the American people and eventually the world."[25]
- That Freemasons have strong links with more selective secret and semi-secret societies such as the Bohemian Grove meeting,[26][27] the Skull and Bonessociety,[20] and Rhodes Scholars.[28]
- That right wing groups such as the Ku Klux Klan[29] and the Orange Order[30] are intimately tied to Freemasonry.
.War on Islam
- 2 min ·
- Added Feb 18, 2008
10:20 Freemasons war on Islam p-1/2 by Dawat-us-Salafiyyah 36,206 views; 10:59 New World Order, Freemasons 1/6 by adilahmedibrahim 54,545 views;.Watch unto Prayer
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