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- .OpEdNewsMichael Collins is a DC area writer and researcher. He is also the Editor in Chief of theAgonist(.org). Collins has been a contributor to OpEdNews.com since the .

Baffling Boehner - Who owns this guy?
(1 comments) The Speaker of the United States House of Representatives has the power to end the government shutdown and avoid the U.S. entering into default on October 17. Speaker John Boehner refuses to exercise that power. Why? Who will save us?

Welcome to the New Syria - Reprise
The predictions of disaster in Syria were made over a year ago. They turned out to be accurate. The Western powers and oil oligarchs knew this would happen, yet they pursued the attack on Syria. Shame on them.

Republicans on Crack, Democrats Forget their Job
(19 comments) The congressional Republican are on crack. Their euphoria, paranoia, and general craziness is florid. The Democrats forgot their job, helping the people, which is the only reason the republicans get away with this craziness.

To win dirty war in Syria, Obama admin ignores Al Qaeda chemical weapons program
(28 comments) Al Qaeda now has a chemical weapons program. Al Qaeda was caught buying chemicals to make sarin gas in Turkey. The administration must stop supporting the Syrian rebels since Al Qaeda dominates that group. How hard is it for Obama and Kerry to grasp this?

Syria, Chemical Weapons, Ban Ki-moon, the UN - and the Real Story
Leaks and the UN created disaster in Libya compromise the UN's report on chemical weapons in Syria. Military conflict by miscalculation is the real danger.

The people spoke through the eloquence of unity on Syria
(2 comments) The people spoke through the eloquence of unity to stop the attack on Syria and focus on problems at home. The war merchants will not give up. Vigilance and strength are the keys to defeating them again.

Obama's speech on Syria - analysis
(22 comments) The president was saved from political catastrophe by Russian president Vladimir Putin's offer to take Syrian chemical weapons. That wasn't acknowledged in his speech. We were told the military threat made it all happen and he'd ask for it again if Syria doesn't cooperate.

Senate gives Obama 60 day free fire zone for Syria
(16 comments) The Obama administration finally got what it wants, a free fire zone at Syria to tip the civil war in the favor of Christian killing, jihadist, Al Qaeda dominated Syrian rebels. Mission accomplished.

A serious question for Democrats on Syria
Congress must obey the will of the people and realities of restraint by stopping the authorization to attack Syria. The House of Representatives is the place to stop the madness.

Obama's weak evidence for Syria attack
(1 comments) President Obama's assessment that the Syrian government used chemical weapons is classified. As a result, we get only assertions. "Trust me" he says. That's not enough.

'Insider Threats' Sabotage Obama's Syria Attack
(1 comments) President Obama couldn't launch even one cruise missile before multiple U.S. officials began undermining the intelligence report that was to form the basis for confidence in military action against the Syrian government.

A rush to judgment is a rush to war
(4 comments) It is not "too late" to investigate the chemical weapons incident in Syria. To say otherwise, is a rush to judgment and a deliberate, premeditated rush to war.

Throw your wife under the bus
(1 comments) Virginia governor Bob McDonnell is under investigation for taking $145,000 in gifts and favorable loans from a CEO looking for help. Now that things are heating up, it looks like the right-wing protege of Pat Robertson is going to blame his wife. Not nice.

Christians under siege in Egypt and Syria
(1 comments) The president and Congress are united about supporting the invasion of Syria and doing little other than whine about Egypt. They fail to mention the full scale assault on Egyptian and Syrian Christians. Where's the outrage?

Work is the new retirement - Saving Social Security
(7 comments) Working trumps retirement by choice and necessity. With more and more citizens working right through their retirement, the trend may make Social Security stronger than ever.

Is Obama losing it?
(7 comments) President Obama's behavior toward Russia is petulant. He's erratic in the Middle East by supporting Al Qaeda aligned groups. Prism is pure paranoia. Is he losing it?

Syrian Support Group Stumbles, Falls - The Empire Project Failing
(3 comments) The Syrian Support Group was the 'go to' NGO for funding Syrian rebels. Sanctioned by the U.S. Department of the Treasury, the group had it all. Then the curtain was lifted and it turned out it was about oil.

We are the enemy Manning and Snowden aided
(9 comments) The government fears the release of information by Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden. They say it aids the enemy. As it turns out, we the people are the enemy the government fears most getting this information.

The Unlikely Bipartisan Coalition
(2 comments) House Republicans and Democrats voted together to limit military options in Syria and a bipartisan resistance to NSA cyber spying nearly succeeded in limiting that program. This is an unlikely but useful bipartisan coalition.

Decline and Fall - Skyjacking Edition - 7/8/13
(5 comments) Was the forced landing of the Bolivian plane of Evo Morales skyjacking? Is there nothing the Obama administration won't do to capture Edward Snowden?

Snowden asylum in Ecuador dead - the intrigue
(6 comments) Biden talks to Ecuador's president and as if by magic, the asylum opportunity vanishes. Assange is then blamed by his protector, President Correa of Ecuador, for snookering Correa into helping Snowden in the first place. What a mess.

Obama is as embarrassing as Bush
(19 comments) The unrelenting warrior Obama tends to Wall Street while the people struggle amidst a flat economy and a polluted landscape. He's reminding us of Bush.

Decline and Fall - Snoop Daddy ECHELON, Real Unemployment, Syria
(1 comments) A weekly update on our decline and fall as a society. This week features the original cyber spying program, ECHELON, real unemployment numbers, and Syria.

Captain Queeg Commands the Good Ship Obama?
(6 comments) Before Snowden blew his whistle, President Obama had a full spectrum dominance anti-leak program in place. The details are chilling. McClatchy's Washington Bureau did a great job of breaking the story.

Tropical Spring: One Million Protest in Brazil
(18 comments) One million mostly young, mostly college educated, mostly first time demonstrators sent a message in Brazil last night. Govern properly. Stop the graft!

Obama - save yourself! Serve the people and survive
(5 comments) President Obama is beginning a long slide into oblivion. He can turn things around by serving the people instead of the financial elite. Five programs for a rapid change in his standing with the public.

'Lies and the lying liars that tell them' - Al Franken and the so-called liberals
(26 comments) Al Franken and other liberals say it's OK for Obama to spy on us illegally. But wait, it wasn't OK when Bush did it. What utter hypocracy.

Aleppo, Istanbul, and London
(1 comments) The stage is set for the next battle for Aleppo. The Syrian Army and Hezbollah announced an imminent attack. Will the rebels survive. Will the Western powers join in? Will it be too late if they do?

Assault on Wall Street - A Review
(6 comments) Assault on Wall Street is an all-American revenge movie with shoot outs that will unsettle those at the center of financial power.

Last Chance - Stop Florida's HB 87 and ForeclosureGate II
(4 comments) Governor Scott must veto the big bank friendly foreclosure bill, HB 87. Florida is #1 in foreclosures and about to get out of control if this bill stands.

Florida HB 87, Homeowners, and the Foreclosure Inferno
(4 comments) The Florida legislature passed HB 87 which gives huge advantages to banks in foreclosure hearings. It may well cause a new wave of lost homes to the banks.

Goliath Wins Big - Facebook spikes activist ad
(13 comments) How smart can Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg be if he has his minions censor an ad from an upstart activist group called CREDO?

What's so funny Mr. President?
(2 comments) The president and the Washington in-crowd got together at the annual correspondents dinner and had lots of laughs. Do they now what's going on in the country? What's so funny?

Where did they find the money to send troops to Jordan?
(4 comments) We're sending 200 troops with another 20,000 that may go soon. If we're broke, where did they find the money to do this?

"They have no souls"
(2 comments) Another epic fail by Congress... Background check legislation for criminals and others who should never own a weapon failed. The inside the Beltway tricks prevented a majority vote on the legislation.

The Only Public Comment Kerry Needs to Make-- Deny Keystone XL
(1 comments) The environmental impact statement on the Keystone XL pipeline leaves out the most important impact -- toxic oil 17% worse than what we have now.

How Congress let Monsanto off the hook
(14 comments) A backroom deal by the Senate gives biotech firms, Monsanto for example, the green light to produce and sell genetically modified crops and organisms without restraint by law and science.

Rumors of Assad's Assassination Greatly Exaggerated
The reports from "Arab news" outlets on the assassination of Syrian President Assad are, it turns out, from Israeli sources with an Arabic look. What's going on?

Cave in Obama puts Social Security and Medicare in budget deal
(4 comments) The big cave in has started. Obama put Social Security and Medicare on the table. We knew he'd do it, didn't we?

Leave the British Press Alone -- No "Royal' Charter, No Regulation
The back room deal o press regulation by the three political parties in Great Britain is a scandal. Just enforce the laws on the books and leave it there.

"I told you so..."
(1 comments) If President Obama had listened to General Karl Eikenberry in 2009, we would be out of Afghanistan and Karzai's craziness would not be an issue.

Big Loss for Fat Cat Executives Out of ... Switzerland!
(4 comments) Thanks to Swiss voters, shareholders at all publicly traded companies in Switzerland have the right to vote on executive and board compensation.

Targeting US Citizens for Assassination - We're through the looking glass
(1 comments) The shock of using drones for assassinations of United States citizens abroad was bad enough. Now we find out that it could happen here, right in the "homeland", as they call it.

Citizens Tell Obama to Stop Pipeline and Get Busy on Environment
(2 comments) 40,000 citizens sent the president a message - stop the Keystone XL pipeline and get serious about climate change. Our survival is at stake.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Hagel on Israel's Nukes - The issue that cannot be mentioned
(1 comments) Views stated in 2008 video of Chuck Hagel commenting on the existence and dangers of Israel's nuclear weapons may be the soure of the brutal campaign against his nomination as Secretary of Defense.

Hagel on Israel's Nukes - The issue that cannot be mentioned
(1 comments) Views stated in 2008 video of Chuck Hagel commenting on the existence and dangers of Israel's nuclear weapons may be the soure of the brutal campaign against his nomination as Secretary of Defense.

''It is about time to stop lying to us and treating people like imbeciles." Laurent Louis, MP Belgium
(19 comments) "Around the world, military actions and regime's destabilization are becoming more and more frequent. Preventive war has become the rule. "And today, in the name of democracy and the fight against terrorism, our states grant themselves the right to violate the sovereignty of independent countries and to overthrow legitimate leaders." Laurenet Louis

Empire Project Failing in Syria Says French Foreign Minister
(10 comments) NATO leaders are now admitting that the Syrian government of Bashar Assad will be around for a lot longer than predicted. What now for the empire project?

Goldman, Other Welfare Queens Tell Us Forget Social Security-Medicare Until 70
(37 comments) Goldman's CEO and his pals want to increase the eligibility age for Social Security and Medicare to 70. That would seriously harm, maybe kill many seniors.

Kill for Peace - US and EU Sanctions Deny Medicine to the Critically Ill
(13 comments) The United States - European Union sanctions against Iran deny innocent Iranians access to life saving medicine. This is well known to leaders of the EU and to the Obama administration. Nothing is done to correct the situation

Debt Ceiling Disaster - Crazy or Criminal?
(7 comments) The House Republicans are engaged in a conspiracy t commit fraud by threatening default on the debt while, at the same time, allowing expenditures to continue.

Syrian rebels threaten Christian towns
(4 comments) On August 27 I asked, what happens when they starting killing Christians. Thanks to the Syrian rebels, it is not a matter of when but how many Christians have to die to "bring democracy" to Syria.

Liar's Poker - Obama and Cameron on Syrian WMD
(3 comments) President Obama and British Prime Minister Cameron claim that the Syrians have chemical WMD and plan to use them. Supported by only secret evidence, this looks like a replay of the Bush-Blair game on Iraqi WMD that justified the 2003 invasion. Could it be?

Susan Rice's Conflict of Interest - Major Holdings in Tar Sands Oil, Keystone XL Pipeline, and Canadian Financiers
(18 comments) Susan Rice has millions of dollars in holdings in tar sands oil extraction, transport, and financing. As Secretary of State, she would have approval for the Keystone XL pipeline. Now, that's conflict of interest.

Fake Pharaoh's Feet of Clay - Morsy Reign Imperiled
(11 comments) Egypt's fake pharaoh is a fraud. Mohamed Morsy declared himself maximum leader of Egypt. His dirty secret is that he only got the votes of 10% of Egypt's eligible voters. Some pharaoh.

Nothing Lasts Forever - Do the Math!
(15 comments) Human beings are driving over the cliff in a vehicle packed with CO2. The oil companies are making sure the landing will be fatal.

What Did Petraeus Know and When Did He Know It?
(8 comments) Why are the neocons obsessed with the president's knowledge of General Petraeus' affair? The real questions concern the misinformation provided by the Petraeus CIA to the White House on the murder of Christopher Stevens and other U.S. personnel in Libya on 9/11/2012.

Election Fraud, November 6 - Watch for Vote Flipping and Fixed Exit Polls
(5 comments) It is now acceptable to talk about election fraud in "polite company." Those who run for office to serve or care about the process of elections, despite their disappointment in the system, will have their day on November 6. Why wouldn't the immensely greedy try to steal elections? They've stolen everything else.

Part II - Rigged Elections for Romney?
(9 comments) Part II of Rigged Elections for Romney? finds two likely culprits for suspected vote flipping in the Republican primaries. Central tabulators and a complete absence of monitoring is the key.

Rigged Elections for Romney?
(44 comments) Extensive analysis of 50 state Republican primaries shows a major tend of vote flipping that favored Mitt Romney in the 2012 Republican primaries. What does this mean for the 2012 election?

Turkey Plays Lee Harvey for NATO Plotters
(37 comments) The NATO powers can't get their war on with Syria through the normal United Nations channels. They've picked Turkey to be the patsy for this very high risk operation. Turkish PM Erdogan, a willing servant, is risking the peace and well being of Turkey by taking this assignment.

About time! New York Charges JPMorgan with Mortgage Fraud
(3 comments) The big banks and Wall Street have escaped unpunished for causing the financial crisis. Now, New York Attorney General Eric Sneiderman is charging JPMorgan with mortgage fraud. It is a bold move and strong start on the path to justice.

Teaching Torture
(8 comments) The debate in Texas isn't over corporal punishment. It's about corporal punishment by male school administrators inflicted on female students. Some state education systems are modeling deviance and teaching torture.

Republicans to 47% - You are "parasites"
(13 comments) The Republicans are not only offensive, they are ignorant. Romney surrogate, Mary Matalin, called Romney's 47% "parasites." Actually, they are the elderly and large families living on around $50,000. Nice work Mitt and Mary.

Real Unemployment at 23% - Dampening the Excitement
(29 comments) Both parties are living in Fantasy Land on unemployment and inflation. Official unemployment is announced at 8.1% when it is really 23%. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is reported as less than 2% when it's really about 9%. Who do they think they are kidding?

Organic Food Debunker was Tobacco Institute Researcher in 1976
(6 comments) While the media was running wild with the stories disparaging organic foods, they failed to notice the research was done by a former Tobacco Institute researcher.

Totalitarianism in the US: An Accident Waiting to Happen
(16 comments) The display of flagrant distortions and lies at the Republican National Convention shows how close we are to a Soviet style totalitarian state. Lies are presented as truth, war is said to bring peace, and oligarchy, we are told, benefits the common man. We are dangerously close to a day when the complicity of both parties in a rigid national security state becomes a reality.

What happens when they start killing Christians?
(32 comments) The NATO-Saudi sponsored Free Syrian Army is attacking Christians in a systematic way. What were the president and Congress thinking about when they authorized aid to the rebels knowing this would happen?

Romney's Albatross
(1 comments) When you write a bill that prices millions of seniors out of Medicare with a wacky voucher program, you're asking for trouble. When you pick a guy who proposed to do that as your vice presidential candidate, you're asking for even bigger trouble. Mitt Romney did just that. It's just the start of his troubles due to Paul Ryan.

Turn out the lights, the party's over
(5 comments) Twenty seven million women have been victims of completed or attempted rape. VP candidate Paul Ryan's extremist views are highlighted by his association with Rep. Todd Akin who has vile, primitive views on the subject. This one won't go away. It may be end end of Romney.

What if the Empire Project Fails in Syria?
The Empire Project in Syria is faltering. Hardly anyone in Aleppo is signing up to fight with the Free Syria Army. That should tell anyone paying attention that the attack is an invasion. What if the entire enterprise flops?

Romney Blows It, Picks Paul Ryan
(2 comments) Mitt Romney picked the worst person possible on health care. Paul Ryan's plan for Medicare will make it unaffordable for many seniors right out of the gate. This is worse than a death panel.

Mr. President, Focus here, not over there
(3 comments) The United States is in a depression. The government has done very little to help the people. President Obama must stop his meddling in Syria and other endless wars and focus on the American people.

How we know what we know about Syria
(7 comments) How dowe e know what we know about Syria? The press relies on a one man operation for news from Syria. The UN has a Saudi friendly NGO claim "crimes against humanity." NATO and the oil oligarchies own the spin. we are lied to systematically.

Welcome to the New Syria
(2 comments) The Syrian people will latest victim of the Arab Spring if NATO and Saudi efforts succeed. Torture, revenge killings, destruction of infrastructure, election fraud, and poverty are the fruits of liberation by brand democracy.

Rupert Watch, Murdoch Faces Shareholder Rebellion in UK
(1 comments) Rupert Murdoch faces a United Kingdom shareholders revolt. They want him out as chairman of News Corp. They join U.S. investors who have filed similar motions for the October shareholder meeting.

The Real Bain Capital Story
(7 comments) Mitt Romney's tenure as Bain CEO is an important concern. But the actions of Bain during his entire tenure, including the sketchy business model, are of more concern.

Hillary Clinton, Queen of Hearts
(12 comments) Hillary Clinton acts like she runs the world and is out to punish any nation that gets in her way, including Russia and China. She's hell bent on bringing NATO style democracy to Syria at any cost. Take a look at how Libya worked out to understand her agenda and that of the endless war faction.

Unanswered Question Remains about Sandusky Case
(9 comments) Sandusky behaved as if he were immune from punishment for his swaggering displays of deviance. Why else would he tempt the fates with the shower rapes unless he knew that fate wasn't involved; unless he knew that he had enough power to defy the most powerful people at the university, including Coach Joe Paterno?

Election Fraud in Egypt
(7 comments) The Egyptian presidential election was rigged to produce a winner that the military could manipulate. After removing the two leaders from the ballot, the military engineered an election that had only 15% turnout and no legitimacy. It is an example of pure election fraud.

Killer Capitalism - Greek crisis produces fatal medicine shortages
(19 comments) The financial punishment of Greece by the European Union is causing shortages of vital medicine in Greece. The bankers are now causing pain and death to get the very best deal possible.

Bilderberg Meeting a Wrap, Who Would Trust these People?
(5 comments) The Bilderberg Group ended its meeting in Chantilly, Virginia Sunday but no its mischief and damage on a global scale. This not-so-secret society comprises the wealthiest, most powerful people in the world, those to blame for our current troubles. Can we trust their failed leadership?

Mad Mitt
(6 comments) Real issues never made it to the starting gate in the 2012 presidential campaign. Now we're reduced to personality and biography. Romney has two verified stories from his past that cause real concern.

Lord Justice Damns Inquiry
Lord Justice Leveson concluded Monday's testimony by Tony Blair with an invitation to write regulations for controlling the press in Great Britain. Talk about inviting the Fox into the chicken coop. This kills any findings. But we still have Queen's Counsel Robert Jay asking tough questions. Leveson is a shill.

Rupert Watch, Tony Blair Lying at the Leveson Inquiry
(1 comments) Tony Blair's testimony at the Leveson Inquiry was interrupted when a protester screamed the obvious, Blair is a war criminal. Blair is also a liar as he demonstrated when he helped Bush invade Iraq. The behind he scenes ring master was Rupert Murdoch and his media cartel. The hearing told us all we need to know about Blair. He's a frightened victim of his own weakness and fearful that his massive crimes are obvious.

Rupert Watch, Leveson Testimony Spells Doom for Cameron and Hunt
(8 comments) Queens Counsel Robert Jay revealed a smoking gun memo from culture secretary Jeremy Hunt to Prime Minister David Cameron pushing for Murdoch's BSkyB acquisition bid. This was one month before Cameron put Hunt in charge of the bid as an objective judge of the suitability of the acquisition. They're both finished as a result of this fraud.

Rebekah Brooks, Witness for the Prosecution
(2 comments) Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation empire is crumbling. Trusted former executive and confidante Rebekah Brooks is now indicted for concealing evidence. Her testimony before the Leveson Inquiry last week provided smoking gun evidence of bigger crimes than concealing evidence. She proved to be the perfect witness for her prosecution and that of others, including members of he UK's Conservative government.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Greece left with mandate to create government says NO to bailout terms and illegal debt
(3 comments) Alexix Tsipras, a candidate of the Greek left, has a mandate to create a new government after the recent elections. He's renounced the EU bailout and debt. Why not? The debt was incurred by illegal, secretive means. Just say NO to illegal debt!

Greece left with mandate to create government says NO to bailout terms and illegal debt
(3 comments) Alexix Tsipras, a candidate of the Greek left, has a mandate to create a new government after the recent elections. He's renounced the EU bailout and debt. Why not? The debt was incurred by illegal, secretive means. Just say NO to illegal debt!

Connecting the Dots on May 5 - Climate Change and Extreme Weather
(2 comments) On May 5, people in countries all over the world staged local events to help "connect the dots" on climate change and the impact, including extreme weather. Created by the grassroots environmental group 350.org, the event shows the lead the people have over the politicians on the dangers of climate change.

Obama embraces populist themes in Ohio
(8 comments) President Obama ful embraced populist themes in his campaign kickoff in Ohio Saturday. He argued that he's the champion of the people. Romney represents the epitome of The Money Party, privilege and power for the very few and the expense of the many. Ge used to it, you will be hearing the same message until Election Day.

Rupert Watch - the Kiss of Death
(6 comments) The drama surrounding the latest this or that with Murdoch misses two key points. Murdoch has lost the battle for BSkyB, the pay TV network for Great Britain. That dooms him with shareholders. His loyal servant, British Prime Minister David Cameron is finished politically, done for. It's all over but the shoutin.

Rupert watch - signaling the end
(8 comments) Rupert Murdoch must know he's near the end. His prize media property, the BSkyB pay TV network, dominates the British market. But Murdoch blew a full acquisition of the network and may soon be stripped of his remaining interest. That would literally prove the shareholder lawsuits that charge him with harming News Corporation. Say "Good night" Rupert. It's going to be over very soon.

Rupert watch - Apocalypse when?
(2 comments) Rupert Murdoch has new worries. He may face phone hacking charges in the United States and cable TV piracy charges around the world. His son lost his job as chairman of the board at the lucrative British cable operation and Delaware court is hearing a shareholder sit to oust Murdoch for malfeasance. The perfect storm is forming.

The unclassified Zelikow torture memo as evidence of crimes
(4 comments) It didn't matter how much loyal servant Phillip Zelikow had done for Bush-Cheney, when he told the boss that torture was officially illegal in early 2006, the response was, destroy that memo!

War crimes in Libya and the March shift
(4 comments) Bogus wars that took decades to figure out are now spotted in advance and, surely, within weeks and months of the event's commencement. Libya is one of those, Syria another In March 2012, there was a huge shift in citizen awareness. The old stories have lost their meaning and power. The Empire Project is on the ropes.

Where's the criminal investigation of the Murdoch Empire? Shareholders to the rescue
(4 comments) Rupert Murdoch faces an entirely new challenge to his control of News Corporation. An emerging cable television piracy scandal threatens to drag the embattled patriarch through a sea of mud. Institutional shareholders are fed up and demanding an independent chairman of the board for the Fox and the rest of News Corporation.

Ray Adams is the man in the lastest Murdoch scandal
(5 comments) Ray Adams is a name you will hear more frequently as the latest and perhaps most fatal Murdoch - News Corp. scandal emerges.

Books Banned in Arizona - Latinos Fighting Thought Control
(5 comments) Latinos are fighting an Arizona state government that bans books and demolishes high school courses. It's thought control at it's worst. But Latinos have an answer - underground libraries from California to Texas with the very same banned books. Time to fight back when the right wing issues its crazy edits.

Netanyahu's pretext for war - Islamic Jihad missiles
Israeli PM Netanyahu is demanding war with Iran. His rationale is clear - Iran is behind the recent missile attacks on Israel from Gaza. The storyline is thin and the PM has a powerful detractor, the former head of Mossad, Meir Dagan. Will Obama listen to a rational analysis?

Some questions about the Obama - Cameron meeting
Michael Collins asks why not label "the special relationship" with Great Britain the predatory relationship. The bankrupt nations in southern Europe and third world countries might agree.

Santorum Hearing Voices
(18 comments) Rick Santorum is hearing voices, the voice of Satan in particular. Doesn't the senator know just little too much about the Prince of Darkness?
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