Controversial and unproven theory has attracted some attentionl While researching the history of the Arabian Peninsula, Dan Gibson of noticed that anumber of early mosques did not point to Mecca. Theory presented in the book “Quranic Geography” By Dan Gibson who is an expert on Nabatean studies and spent his life researching in Jordan.

He was not out to study Islam but this is something he found out while he was there and decided to spend some time looking into it. He is a not just a respectable historian, but his father was a historian too.
Is this a joke? -
While researching the history of the Arabian Peninsula, Dan Gibson of noticed that anumber of early mosques did not point to Mecca. He carefully ...
The Mecca Question | Dan R Gibson -
His website: has gained worldwide attention, both for its scope .... II In the book Qur'anic Geography, Gibson lists as many early mosques as he could .... Gibson aptly points out that Mecca today does not have thaniyas or city walls. .... The following year (65 AH) Ibn Zubayr claimed hediscovered the real ...
From Petra back to Makka – From “Pibla” back to Qibla | Muslim Heritage
critique of Dan Gibson, Early Islamic Qiblas: A Survey of mosques built between ... The author and Muslim Heritage are grateful to Mr. Gibson for pointing out an error ... Gibson was inspired to undertake his survey of early mosques not only ..... in numbers will recognise that Gibson has “discovered” that certain mosques ...
(PDF) Suggested Solutions for Issues Concerning The Location of ...
Some point to Macoraba (73 20 22 -AP) and some point to Centos village (69 20 21 30 AP) ... The Geography is composed of eight books with the first volume explaining the method ... Dan Gibson, 2013 ... As far as we know Ptolemy did not draw a map, but rather .... (See for more information).
PDF | Response to David King with attached article from http ... 9, 2017 - PDF | Response to David King. by Dan Gibson September 2017. ... undertaking a study to discover how many mosques pointed to ... Gibson is not competent to write on early Islamic history and often ..... website over the past few years. ...... knew already what we had justdiscovered.
Makkah is the centre of a cult created after Muhammad • Quranite › Blog › ARTICLE
Sep 9, 2015 - Dan Gibson is a historian and a Middle-East specialist. ... line of Ismāʿīl. He convincingly places Muḥammad in Nabatea at Petra – at least ... He points to Petra, not Makkah as both the place of the origin of the .... In their Internet article Islamic Awareness, The Qibla of Early Mosques, Jerusalem or Makkah?
[PDF]Supporting Evidence that Petra was the original ... - The Sacred City
Dan Gibson ... Many of the early Islamic writers mention the original city of Mecca. ... Since all early mosque Qiblas pointed to Petra in Jordan, and ... The twenty four points below are not arranged in any particular order but are numbered to ...... group of us tried to catalogue our own findings at website:.
Dan Gibson (author) - Wikipedia
Daniel "Dan" Gibson (born 1956) is a self-published Canadian author studying the early history ... Gibson has developed the theory that Islam's prophet Muhammad did not ... whether Gibson's central claim ofearly mosques pointing towards Petra is ... Research page of various researchers on the Nabatean ...
Missing: noticed
Early Islamic Qiblas: A survey of mosques built between 1AH/622 C.E. ...
Early Islamic Qiblas: A survey of mosques built between 1AH/622 C.E. and 263 ... that early Islamicmosques were not erroneously oriented as previously thought. ... Canadian historian Dan Gibson hasdiscovered that early Islamic mosques were ... The Nabataeans: Builders Of Petra by Dan GibsonPaperback $21.99.
Qibla - IslamiCity Forum - Islamic Discussion Forum - Page 3
Oct 13, 2014 - Whenever the "Sacred Mosque" is mentioned, the context always shows ... This article I found explains a lot in that regard, but that is not how I found it. ... While there is little evidence of anearly shrine at Mecca, Gibson points out that ... were always made to the Nabataean city of Petra, which was known as ...
Nabataeans - Wikipedia
An ally of the Roman Empire, the Nabataean kingdom flourished throughout the 1st century. Its power extended far into Arabia along the Red Sea to Yemen, and Petra was a cosmopolitan marketplace, though its commerce was diminished by the rise of the Eastern trade-route from Myos Hormos to Coptos on the Nile.
Origins · Religion · Agriculture · Nabataean Kingdom
Nabataean Kingdom - Wikipedia
The Nabataean Kingdom (Arabic: المملكة النبطية), also named Nabatea (/ˌnæbəˈtiːə/), was a political state of the Arab Nabataeans during classical antiquity. Nabataea remained independent from the 4th century BC until it was annexed by the Roman Empire in AD 106, which renamed it Arabia Petraea.
History · Nabataeans · Emergence · Nabataeans and ...
Nabataea: Who were the Nabataeans -
A short time later, Alexander the Great's generals divided their kingdom, with Antigonus The-One-Eyed briefly in power in Syria and Ptolemy in power in Egypt. It is against this background that the Nabataeansstep firmly into written history and begin to build their empire.
Solving the Enigma of Petra and the Nabataeans - Biblical ...
May 19, 2018 - Who were the Nabataeans, the industrious Arab people who built the city of Petra and its towering rock-cut monuments over 2000 years ago?
Jordan - History - The Mysterious Nabateans - King Hussein
Before Alexander's conquest, a thriving new civilization had emerged in southern Jordan. It appears that a nomadic tribe known as the Nabateans began ...
Nabataeans - Livius › Articles › People
Apr 12, 2018 - The first reference to Arabs of the Nabataean tribe, which may have lived as nomadic pastoralists near Hegra (modern Mada'in Salih in the ...
Nabataean | people |
Nabataean: Nabataean, member of a people of ancient Arabia whose settlements lay in the borderlands between Syria and Arabia, from the Euphrates River to ...
Nabataean religion - Wikipedia
The Nabataean religion is the form of Arab polytheism practiced in Nabataea, an ancient Arab ... Most of the deities in Nabataean religion were part of the pre-Islamic Arab pantheon, with the addition of foreign deities such as Isis and Atargatis.
Gods and goddesses · Places of worship · Betyls · Rituals
The claim that Allah historically originates as a moon god worshipped in pre-Islamic Arabia is a ... It is clear from Nabataean and other inscriptions that Allah meant 'the god'. The word "Allah" was used by Arabic-speaking Christians and Jews ...
Evidence adduced · Scholarly views · Christian proponents · Islamic tradition
The Identity of the pre-Islamic Allah at Mecca [Part 2] - Answering Islam
Now this creates problems for the Muslim assertion that Allah was the ..... A similar arrangement is met in Nabataean inscription from Petra that speaks of ...
The pagan origin of the word, "Allah". Islam is paganism in ... -
If this correspondence proved the Muslim god was the same as the Christian ...... 48); "Origin-Nabataean and Arabic: Derived from the western Semitic god Il. .
pagan origin of the word, Pre-Islamic literature has proved this." (Who Is This Allah?, G. J. O. Moshay, 1994, p 138)
"But history establishes beyond the shadow of doubt that even the pagan Arabs, before Muhammad's time, knew their chief god by the name of Allah and even, in a sense, proclaimed his unity...Among the pagan Arabs this term denoted the chief god of their pantheon, the Kaaba, with its three hundred and sixty idols." (The Moslem Doctrine of God, Samuel M. Zwemer 1905, p 24-25)
In fact, he did not at first intend to establish a new religion, but rather to reform the belief in Allah which already existed, and to show what this belief truly signified and rightfully demanded. (Mohammed: The man and his faith, Tor Andrae, 1936, Translated by Theophil Menzel, 1960, p13-30)
The pre-Islamic origin of "Allah"
There is absolutely no question that Allah was worshipped by the pagan Arabs as one of many polytheistic gods.
Allah was worshipped in the Kabah at Mecca before Muhammad was born. Muhammad merely proclaimed a god the Meccans were already familiar with. The pagan Arabs never accused Muhammad of preaching a different Allah than the one they already worshipped.
Nabataean Religion: Pantheon -
The problem with this is that Isis does not appear in any Nabataean god-lists, nor .... Even at the founding of Islam, an image of Allat, along with one of Al-'Uzza, ...
Staring at the View: Was it the Thamudians or the Nabateans?
May 19, 2009 - I recently watched Muslim Christian Dialogue About the Quran, ... They were idolaters, and Allah sent one of their own, the prophet Saleh, ...
Islam, Babylonian Religion, Exposed: “Allah” (Ba'al ...
Jul 27, 2010
The problem with this is that Isis does not appear in any Nabataean god-lists, nor .... Even at the founding of Islam, an image of Allat, along with one of Al-'Uzza, ...
Staring at the View: Was it the Thamudians or the Nabateans?
May 19, 2009 - I recently watched Muslim Christian Dialogue About the Quran, ... They were idolaters, and Allah sent one of their own, the prophet Saleh, ...
Islam, Babylonian Religion, Exposed: “Allah” (Ba'al ...
Jul 27, 2010
“The Arabs, before the time of Mohammed, accepted and worshipped, after a fashion, a supreme god called Allah” – (Encyclopedia off Islam, I:302, Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1913, Houtsma)
“The name Allah, as the Quran itself is witness, was well known in pre-Islamic Arabia. Indeed, both it and its feminine form, Allat, are found not infrequently among the theophorous names in inscriptions from North Africa” – (Islam: Muhammad, and His Religion, New York: The Liberal Arts Press, 1958, p. 85)
The word “Allah” comes from the compound Arabic word, al-ilah. Al is the definite article “the” and ilah is an Arabic word for “god.” It is not a foreign word. It is not even the Syriac word for God. It is pure Arabic. – (There is an interesting discussion of the origins of Allah, in “Arabic Lexicographical Miscellanies” by J. Blau in the Journal of Semitic Studies, Vol. XVII, #2, 1972, pp. 173-190)
Neither is Allah a Hebrew or Greek word for God as found in the Bible. Allah is a purely Arabic term used in reference to an Arabian deity. Hastings’ Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics I:326, T & T Clark, states:
‘”Allah” is a proper name, applicable only to their [Arabs’] peculiar God.’
Astral Religions
In Arabia, the sun god was viewed as a female goddess and the moon as the male god. As has been pointed out by many scholars such as Alfred Guilluame, the moon god was called by various names, one of which was Allah! – (Islam, p. 7)
The name Allah was used as the personal name of the moon god, in addition to other titles that could be given to him.
Allah, the moon god, was married to the sun goddess. Together they produced three goddesses who were called “the daughters of Allah.” These three goddesses were called Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, and Manat.
Allah – the Moon God
The Archeology of The Middle East
The religion of Islam has as its focus of worship a deity by the name of “Allah.” The Muslims claim that Allah in pre-Islamic times was the biblical God of the Patriarchs, prophets, and apostles. The issue is thus one of continuity. Was “Allah” the biblical God or a pagan god in Arabia during pre- Islamic times? The Muslim’s claim of continuity is essential to their attempt to convert Jews and Christians is Allah, appears as a Nabataean personal name in the Khirbet Tannur .... Before the rise of Islam, Arabs frequently set up and worshipped stones and ... Unlike their neighbors to the north in ancient Judea, the Nabataeans did not leave a written history of themselves, and what is known about them is mainly derived from non‐Nabataean sources: the reports of Greeks and Romans and the Jewish historian, Flavius Josephus. Our knowledge of the religion of the Nabataeans must be pieced together from fragmentary historical and epigraphic evidence as well as the mute evidence provided by the archeological record.
Petra Wikipedia
The Nabataeans worshipped Arab gods and goddesses during the pre-Islamic era as well as a few of their deified kings. One, Obodas I, was deified after his death. Dushara was the primary male god accompanied by his three female deities: Al-‘Uzzá, Allat and Manāt. Many statues carved in the rock depict these gods and goddesses. New evidence indicates that broader Edomite, and Nabataean theology had strong links to Earth-Sun relationships, often manifested in the orientation of prominent Petra structures to equinox and solstice sunrises and sunsets.[43]
A stele dedicated to Qos-Allah 'Qos is Allah' or 'Qos the god', by Qosmilk (melech – king) is found at Petra (Glueck 516). Qos is identifiable with Kaush (Qaush) the God of the older Edomites. The stele is horned and the seal from the Edomite Tawilan near Petra identified with Kaush displays a star and crescent (Browning 28), both consistent with a moon deity. It is conceivable that the latter could have resulted from trade with Harran (Bartlett 194). There is continuing debate about the nature of Qos (qaus – bow) who has been identified both with a hunting bow (hunting god) and a rainbow (weather god) although the crescent above the stele is also a bow.
Nabatean inscriptions in Sinai and other places display widespread references to names including Allah, El and Allat (god and goddess), with regional references to al-Uzza, Baaland Manutu (Manat) (Negev 11). Allat is also found in Sinai in South Arabian language. Allah occurs particularly as Garm-'allahi – god dedided (Greek Garamelos) and Aush-allahi – 'gods covenant' (Greek Ausallos). We find both Shalm-lahi 'Allah is peace' and Shalm-allat, 'the peace of the goddess'. We also find Amat-allahi 'she-servant of god' and Halaf-llahi 'the successor of Allah'.[44]
Star and crescent
The star and crescent is an iconographic symbol used in various historical contexts but most well known today as a symbol of the former Ottoman Empire and, by popular extension, the Islamic world. It develops in the iconography of the Hellenistic period (4th–1st centuries BCE) in the Kingdom of Pontus, the Bosporan Kingdom and notably the city of Byzantium by the 2nd century BCE. It is the conjoined representation of the crescent and a star, both of which constituent elements have a long prior history in the iconography of the Ancient Near East as representing either Sun and Moon or Moon and Morning Star (or their divine personifications). Coins with crescent and star symbols represented separately have a longer history, with possible ties to older Mesopotamian iconography. The star, or Sun, is often shown within the arc of the crescent (also called star in crescent, or star within crescent, for disambiguation of depictions of a star and a crescent side by side);[1] In numismatics in particular, the term crescent and pellet is used in cases where the star is simplified to a single dot.[2]
In Byzantium, the symbol became associated with its patron goddess Artemis/Hecate, and it is used as a representation of Moon goddesses (Selene/Luna or Artemis/Diana) in the Roman era. Ancient depictions of the symbol always show the crescent with horns pointing upward and with the star (often with eight rays) placed inside the crescent. This arrangement is also found on Sassanid coins beginning in the 5th or 6th century CE.
The combination is found comparatively rarely in late medieval and early modern heraldry. It rose to prominence with its adoption as the flag and emblem of the Ottoman Empire and some of its administrative divisions (eyalets and vilayets) and later in the 19th-century Westernizing tanzimat (reforms). The Ottoman flag of 1844, with a white ay-yıldız (Turkish for "crescent-star") on a red background, continues to be in use as the flag of the Republic of Turkey, with minor modifications. Other states formerly part of the Ottoman Empire also used the symbol, including Libya (1951–1969 and after 2011), Tunisia (1956) and Algeria (1958). The same symbol was used in other national flags introduced during the 20th century, including the flags of Azerbaijan (1918), Pakistan (1947), Malaysia (1948), Singapore (1959) and Mauritania (1959).
In the later 20th century, the star and crescent have acquired a popular interpretation as a "symbol of Islam",[3] occasionally embraced by Arab nationalism or Islamism in the 1970s to 1980s, but often rejected as erroneous or unfounded by Muslim commentators in more recent times.[4]
- Cyril Glassé , The New Encyclopedia of Islam (revised ed. 2001), s.v. "Moon" (p. 314).
- ^ ab "many Muslim scholars reject using the crescent moon as a symbol of Islam. The faith of Islam historically had no symbol, and many refuse to accept it." Fiaz Fazli, Crescentmagazine, Srinagar, September 2009, p. 42.
Star and crescent[edit]
The star and crescent symbol became strongly associated with the Ottoman Empire in the 19th century, a symbol that had been used throughout the Middle East extending back to pre-Islamic times, especially in the Byzantine Empire and Crusader States which occupied the lands later assumed by the Ottoman Empire. By extension from the use in Ottoman lands, it became a symbol also for Islam as a whole, as well as representative of western Orientalism. "Star and Crescent" was used as a metaphor for the rule of the Islamic empires (Ottoman and Persian) in the late 19th century in British literature.[4] This association was apparently strengthened by the increasingly ubiquitous fashion of using the star and crescent symbol in the ornamentation of Ottoman mosques and minarets.[5] The "Red Crescent" emblem was adopted by volunteers of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) as early as 1877 during the Russo-Turkish War; it was officially adopted in 1929.
After the collapse of the Ottoman Empire in 1922, the star and crescent was used in several national flags adopted by its successor states. The star and crescent in the flag of the Kingdom of Libya (1951) was explicitly given an Islamic interpretation by associating it with "the story of Hijra (migration) of our Prophet Mohammed"[6] By the 1950s, this symbolism was embraced by movements of Arab nationalism or Islamism, such as the proposed Arab Islamic Republic (1974) and the American Nation of Islam (1973).[7]
From Petra back to Makka – From “Pibla” back to Qibla | Muslim Heritage
Gibson purports to document when the qibla was changed away from (his true) Kaaba at Petra to (everybody else's true) Kaaba at Makka. Most Muslims and ...
The Qibla Question -
Therefore the gods worshiped in Petra were not necessarily the same gods worshiped in Hijra or Tā'if. For instance, worship of the God Hubal was mostly ...
Were all the early mosques in Islam facing the Qibla of Petra ... 2, 2017 - According to Dan Gibson, the man who originated this theory, Mecca was located in what is now called Petra, was razed in an earthquake, and was subject to a ...
Why do you think that Muhammad was not from Mecca ...
Jul 10, 2017
Ataul Mukit, I have been brought up in a mix of Sunni and Sufi Spiritual environment
Jun 8, 2017
If qiblas of all known early mosques (incl. al-Aqsa) point ...
Jun 8, 2017
Why is the Qibla in Islam not dome-shaped like all other ...
Jan 27, 2017
The Facts About Islam: Refuting the Claim Petra was the Qibla Before ...
Oct 5, 2016 - The revisionist theory of Petra being an earlier qibla (prayer direction) for Muslims prior to Mecca is essentially part of a larger conspiracy theory ...
Qibla changing from Petra to Mecca: Helping Muslims to understand ...
Positron Channel
YouTube - Jun 7, 2015
YouTube - Sep 16, 2016
Shocking: Qibla Change from Petra to Mecca Only after 725 AD!!!
Positron Channel
YouTube - Oct 13, 2016
Was Petra the historical Mecca? (Dan Gibson documentary)
Abu Molhid Asscandinawi
YouTube - Jul 21, 2017
From Petra to Mecca changes to the direction of prayer response
Learn about Islam
YouTube - Sep 16, 2016
"Early mosques facing petra not mecca" Jay smith exposed
Eight Bones
YouTube - Dec 12, 2016
Scandal: Muslim Ends Jay Smith's Career - Was Petra The Original ...
Yahya Snow
YouTube - Oct 5, 2016
From Petra to Mecca - Changes to the Direction of Muslim Prayer - Jay ...
Dean Gibson - Grainstore
YouTube - Nov 14, 2016
Petra Or Mecca - Qibla From "Dome of the Rock" in Jerusalem
YouTube - Apr 21, 2018
Why Earliest Qiblas Face PETRA, NOT Mecca
Good Ground Ministries
YouTube - Sep 15, 2017
ApoLogika: Why Did the First Muslims Pray Towards Petra?
Mar 22, 2014 - Here is a satellite view of the Great Mosque of Guangzhou which was built in 630 AD, and whose Qibla points Muslims to pray towards Petra.
The First Qibla: Jerusalem or Petra? - The Search for Mecca
Did the original qibla point to Jerusalem or to Petra? ... Then Allāh ordered him to turn his face towrds the qibla (in Mecca): “And from whence-so-ever you start ...
Was Muhammad from Petra or Makkah? – Abdullah Sameer
Sep 18, 2015 - Was Prophet Muhammad living in Petra? Or was he living in what is now Mecca, Saudi Arabia? The best write up of this is in the book “Quranic ...
Abdullah, the founder of LightUponLight and VerseByVerseQuran discusses why he left Islam after promoting it for 15 years. I was Sunni last 15 years.
'The Prophet came from Jordan' | RNW Media
Islam didn’t arise in Mecca but in the Jordanian city of Petra. The Arab conquests came first, and only then the Muslims. In his new book The Fourth Beast, British historian Tom Holland makes some shocking claims.
Was Muhammad from Petra and not Mecca? - Quora 9, 2017 - Muhammad (Peace be upon him) was from Mecca. ... He belonged to the Meccan tribe of the Quraysh who were responsible for the custody of the Kabah, which is in Mecca. ... Do you think that Prophet Muhammad "escaped" from Makkah (Mecca) to Madinah (Medina)?
What evidence is there that Muhammad came from Petra rather ...
Apr 30, 2018
A group of western scholars, such as Dan Gibson and Tom Holland ...
Mar 3, 2018
Were all the early mosques in Islam facing the Qibla of Petra ...
Oct 2, 2017
Why do you think that Muhammad was not from Mecca but from ...
Jul 10, 2017
YouTube - Dec 19, 2016
Muhammad was not from Mecca
Sam Gerrans
YouTube - Oct 17, 2015
Was Petra the historical Mecca? (Dan Gibson documentary)
Abu Molhid Asscandinawi
YouTube - Jul 21, 2017
Muhammad was from Petra, Jordan NOT Mecca
Dailymotion - Sep 17, 2017
Qibla changing from Petra to Mecca: Helping Muslims to understand ...
Positron Channel
YouTube - Jun 7, 2015
Petra Was The Original Mecca
YouTube - Aug 16, 2016
YouTube - Sep 16, 2016
Shocking: Qibla Change from Petra to Mecca Only after 725 AD!!!
Positron Channel
YouTube - Oct 13, 2016
Scandal: Muslim Ends Jay Smith's Career - Was Petra The Original ...
Yahya Snow
YouTube - Oct 5, 2016
The Sacred City: Petra, Jordan is the real birth place of Islam and ...
Berber Film /// Asaru Amaziɣ
YouTube - Oct 8, 2017
Makkah is the centre of a cult created after Muhammad • Quranite › Blog › ARTICLE
Sep 9, 2015 - He points to Petra, not Makkah as both the place of the origin of the ... Where Muḥammadlived and grew up and where he received the bulk of ...
Muhammad was not from Mecca, but Petra. - Answering Christianity
Muhammad was not from Mecca, but Petra. « on: November 05, 2017, 11:58:04 am ». Peace, Firstly, I encourage you to consider the presented evidence ...
Was Muhammad From Petra? | Religious Forums › Forums › Religious Topics › Religious Debates
Feb 1, 2017 - The earliest Mosques face Petra and the Quranic geography seems to suggest Petra, among many other things. This is a good video...
Jerusalem or Petra? - The Search for Mecca
Did the original qibla point to Jerusalem or to Petra? The traditional view is that Jerusalem was the original focus of Muhammad's prayers, and that later he ...
Muhammad Was From Petra, Not From Mecca - Guided Islam
Muhammad Was From Petra, Not From Mecca. ... Muhammad Was From Petra, Not From Mecca . Picture. © 2018 Guided Islam - All rights reserved.
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