Persecution by Christians in modern times is usually nonviolent and consistents of complaints over not providing wedding services or field trips to christian churches or activities. participation in prayers, etc. compared to beheadings, murder or genocide, or mysterious arson or deadly attacks on churches in the west by mentally unstable people driven by voices, but mostly in Africa, Middle East and Asia by terrorists promoting other religions using arson, suicide bombs, car bombs, military weapons.
*Compare to school participation in other religions:
PA school district holds staff training, joins prayer service at Islamic mosque June 9, 2015 LEBANON, Pa. – Dozens of teachers and administrators in Pennsylvania’s Lebanon School District recently attended a taxpayer-funded in-service workshop at a local mosque to learn about Islam and Arabic culture. the group shared a Moroccan meal of lamb and rice with Mosque followers before sitting in on an afternoon devotional prayer to wrap up the day. It was the second year in a row district staff participated in the Islam workshop, and the local mosque was grateful for their visits. There was no mention of objections or threatening letters sent to the school district by atheist groups that typically scream foul with religious-themed school events.
VIDEO: ARIZONA LAWMAKER SUGGESTS LAW REQUIRING ATTENDANCE AT CHURCH MARCH 26, 2015 Republican Arizona Senator Sylvia Allen suggested this week that lawmakers should debate forcing people to attend church services once a week. Allen acknowledged such a law would never be allowed, but floated as an idea to create what she described as a much-needed "moral rebirth of this country."
A florist loses religious freedom, and much more - CNN Feb 20, 2015 - Stutzman is the Washington florist who has been sued for living out her... her flower shop and asked her to provide flowers for his gay wedding.
Oregon bakery must pay gay couple for refusing to make cake NY Daily News Feb 4, 2015 - An Oregon bakery will have to pay a gay couple up to $150000 for refusing to bake them a wedding cake two years ago.
PRO-LGBT COLORADO BAKER SLAPPED WITH RELIGIOUS DISCRIMINATION COMPLAINT 14 Jan 2015 It was an hour into her shift when Lindsay Jones, a pastry chef at Denver’s Azucar Bakery, turned her attention from the full lobby to the “older, professional-looking” gentleman who’d just walked in. the order “got a little uncomfortable,” when “He wanted us to write God hates …” she trails. “Just really radical stuff against gays.” “He wouldn’t allow me to make a copy of the message, but it was really hateful,” Marjorie adds. “I remember the words detestable, disgrace, homosexuality, and sinners.” the order “got a little uncomfortable,” says Lindsay. “He wanted us to write God hates …” she trails. “Just really radical stuff against gays.”
“He wouldn’t allow me to make a copy of the message, but it was really hateful,” Marjorie adds. “I remember the words detestable, disgrace, homosexuality, and sinners.”
Christian Man Asks Thirteen Gay Bakeries To Bake Him Pro ... Walid ShoebatDec 12, 2014 - No one targeted pro-gay bakeries, but gay activists target Christianbakeries. “Support Gay Marriage” is one Christian bakery was sued for decided to call some 13 prominent pro-gay bakers in a row. Each one denied us the right to have “Gay Marriage Is Wrong” on a cake and even used deviant insults and obscenities against us. One baker even said all sorts of profanities against Christians
Atheists Face Discrimination On A Shocking Level ... The Huffington Post Jun 26, 2014 - Atheists Face Discrimination On A Shocking Level (INFOGRAPHIC) ..... Atheists are only persecuted by Christians? Because I did not see any ...
Atheists Face Discrimination On A Shocking Level ... The Huffington Post Jun 26, 2014 - Atheists Face Discrimination On A Shocking Level (INFOGRAPHIC) ..... Atheists are only persecuted by Christians? Because I did not see any ...

Feb. 3, 2014 MINNESOTA PUBLIC SCHOOL TOLD TO END FIELD TRIPS TO CHRISTIAN CHURCH A Minnesota public school is being warned by the American Humanist Association’s Appignani Humanist Legal Center to stop sending students on unconstitutional field trips to a nearby Christian church to create “manna” packages for a Christian nonprofit group. letter from family asserts that the “school has quite clearly violated the Establishment Clause by directing students to attend a pervasively Christian, proselytizing environment.” Calvary Lutheran Church describes itself as believing “that there is one God, in three persons: Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit.” and is associated with the Feed My Starving Children program, which is committed to feeding God’s children: hand-pack meals specifically formulated for malnourished children distribution partners reached nearly 70 countries around the world in our history. Outraged parents:“We fully understand that at least one purpose of this field trip was to have the children participate in charity work intended to assist poverty-stricken people. Such good intentions, however, can be pursued in innumerable other ways that do not involve immersing the unsuspecting children into a theologically-charged environment.” School administrators refused a previous request from the family to stop the practice after their complaint was made last year.
Judge Orders Colorado Bakery to Cater for Same-Sex ... abcnews Dec 7, 2013 - A Colorado baker who refused to make a cake for a gay couple has been given an ultimatum by a judge; serve gay weddings or face fines.
The Persecution Of The Jewish People In The Middle Ages ... and Denise. THE PERSECUTION OF THE JEWISH PEOPLE IN THE MIDDLE AGES ... The Christians were afraid that the Jews would spread their teachings.
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