tags: kills family, military suspect, Christian Suspect, standoff, shoots at police, execution style, adopted suspect, school staff victim, Terrorist-Style Attack
Motive? adopted "perfect" son starts getting punished for breaking computer rules and snaps?
Baltimore - later scene of riots, on a mission to get shot by Baltimore cops before Freddie?
4 killed 1 injured suspect killed February 11, 2015 Jason Hendrix Christian ROTC Slays Family, Killed in Police Shootout In Corbin, Kentucky, adopted son member of high school ROTC and Christian youth group ambushes and slays his family, mother who is a college professor, father and their daughter age 12, execution style in the head. Father was shot twice in head, mother was shot twice in the face and the girl twice in the head and once in the arm. Then he goes to his church youth group as if nothing happened, tells them he found his father's guns. He packs up an arsenal four .38-caliber handguns, a 9mm handgun and a shotgun, including two loaded handguns, and a backpack full of ammunition. Police didn’t know why the suspect drove to Baltimore as he has no family or connections there. Three days later on Feb 14, police try to stop a suspicious car with Kentucky plates for speeding, and chase it until the green Honda Pilot crashed into a silver sedan. The suspect gets out and starts shooting at six police officer swho fire back and kill him. One officer is hit but saved by his vest. Observers blame the son getting upset over having computer and phone privileges taken away after visiting banned gaming sites, one expert believes he could have suffered in shame in trying to be a perfect adopted son. On Feb 15, his family is found dead after Baltimore police suspect something may be wrong in Kentucky.
Family Slaying Sunday, . A couple and a young girl were reportedly found dead in the home on Saturday. Police are investigating to see if the case is connected to the shooting death of a young man in Baltimore on Saturday. CORBIN, Ky.16-year-old boy killed in a shootout with police in Maryland... faithful churchgoer and high school ROTC student could end up as the suspect in the slaying of his parents and younger sister in Kentucky. Jason Hendrix was suspected of killing his family execution-style last week before fleeing to east coast. Saturday's shootout led police to search the teen's home more than 500 miles away in Corbin, Kentucky. There, authorities found the bodies of Kevin and Sarah Hendrix and their daughter, Grace, about age 12 Police said they believe the victims were gunned down Wednesday afternoon, Campbell said. Jason Hendrix then fled in his parent's car, armed with four weapons and a backpack full of ammunition, Campbell added. The officer injured in the shootout was treated at a local hospital and released. "His ballistic vest stopped the round. Sarah Hendrix was a professor at the Union College in Barbourville.

The crash site ... police investigate the crash after the shootout. Picture: CBS Baltimore Source: Supplied
At the 3 year old church, Jason would arrive at the theatre every Sunday at 7am to help set up the church’s equipment and was baptised at a service in December.
Before: Pastor Mahan said he recently counseled Jason (suspect) and (father) Kevin Hendrix through a problem in their relationship, but it was a typical teenager disagreement and both seemed eager to work through it. The Hendrixes recently caught Jason circumventing parental controls on his computer to access gaming sites. They were angry at him and took his computer and phone privileges away, Munke said. possible rage over that punishment led to the killings....Munke, a professor of social work and mental health, believes it was shame, not fury... fostering Jason when he was barely over 1-year-old and adopted him soon after, she said. Adopted children often feel a deeper sense of obligation to their parents,..."used to being an almost perfect kid, he didn't know how to handle it when his parents were disappointed in him," Munke said. "And he snapped. Sometimes there are no explanations."
At the 3 year old church, Jason would arrive at the theatre every Sunday at 7am to help set up the church’s equipment and was baptised at a service in December.
Before: Pastor Mahan said he recently counseled Jason (suspect) and (father) Kevin Hendrix through a problem in their relationship, but it was a typical teenager disagreement and both seemed eager to work through it. The Hendrixes recently caught Jason circumventing parental controls on his computer to access gaming sites. They were angry at him and took his computer and phone privileges away, Munke said. possible rage over that punishment led to the killings....Munke, a professor of social work and mental health, believes it was shame, not fury... fostering Jason when he was barely over 1-year-old and adopted him soon after, she said. Adopted children often feel a deeper sense of obligation to their parents,..."used to being an almost perfect kid, he didn't know how to handle it when his parents were disappointed in him," Munke said. "And he snapped. Sometimes there are no explanations."
February 11, 2015 shooting. Corbin police said each member of the family was killed between 4 and 6 p.m., according to The News-Journal in Corbin.Each was shot multiple times in the head as they entered the home. All three were shot in the head at least twice," Campbell said. "A pillow was used to try to muffle the gunshot used on all three individuals. The pillows were still on their faces."
He went to church youth group hours later. Jason Hendrix arrived at his church for youth group around 6:30 p.m. Feb. 11. Nothing seemed amiss, said Drew Mahan, pastor of Forward Community Church, a non-denominational church the Hendrix family had joined several years earlier. "He was totally normal, the same Jason we'd always known and loved," said Mahan. he'd recently bought a guitar and was trying to learn worship songs. "gave them no reason to worry, no indication that he had, according to police, just massacred his entire family and left their bodies in their tidy, suburban home." "At a church youth meeting he had told them he had found his dad's guns," Campbell said. "He didn't say if he had them in the vehicle or not."
Feb 14 shootout, the boy loaded six guns into his mom's SUV, drove to Baltimore. Police in Baltimore pursued a vehicle with Kentucky plates Saturday until it hit another vehicle. The driver opened fire on Baltimore County police, and officers returned fire. One Baltimore County police officer was injured but his vest stopped the bullet. Police do not know why he drove to Baltimore, Maryland which would later be the scene of violent riots, and charges against police who mistreated a suspect. Jason Hendrix had with him a backpack full of ammunition and six guns — four .38-caliber revolvers, a 9 mm pistol and a double-barreled shotgun. The teen died in the shootout more than 600 miles away in Baltimore Maryland
Feb. 15, 2014 search family was found slain. After the gun battle Baltimore police alerted Kentucky authorities that something might be wrong at the house.
Ky. teen kills family, flees, dies in Md. shootout: cops - NY ... ily NewsFeb 16, 2015 - Jason Hendrix, 16, died in a shootout with Maryland cops Saturday, ... He went to church hours later before he fled the state in his family's SUV.
Jason Hendrix Killed His Family, Then Went To Church ... International Business TimesFeb 16, 2015 - The six Baltimore County Police officers in Saturday's shootout with Jason Hendrix will be placed on administrative status pending a review.
Jason Hendrix 'murdered parents and sister' before being ...
Daily MailFeb 15, 2015 - Authorities suspect that Jason Hendrix (pictured) may have killed three members of his family before being fatally shot by Baltimore police.
Corbin teen killed in shootout after family slain argued with ... Lexington Herald‑LeaderFeb 15, 2015 - Jason C. Hendrix, 16, who is thought to have shot and killed his mother, father and sister in Corbin after a dispute with his parents over ...ason C. Hendrix, 16, is believed to have shot and killed his mother, father and sister after a dispute with his parents over computer use before driving from Corbin to the East Coast, where he was killed in a shootout with police in Maryland, Corbin police Chief David Campbell said Sunday.
Kentucky teen shot in Md. Saturday believed to have killed ...
The Baltimore SunFeb 15, 2015 - Kentucky teen shot in Md. Saturday believed to have killed family ...Jason C. Hendrix of Corbin, Ky., was killed Saturday morning by Baltimore ...
Jason Hendrix, Kentucky Teen, Alledgedly Murdered Parents
Feb 16, 2015 - Baltimore County Police investigators believe that Jason Hendrix, ...December, was also struggling to understand why Jason killed his family.
Teen killed in Maryland shootout; parents found dead - CNN ...
CNNFeb 17, 2015 - Kentucky community struggles with family slaying .... 16-year-old Jason Hendrix of Corbin, Kentucky, died in a police shootout. EXPAND IMAGE.
Teen suspected of killing family 'execution-style' dies in ...
New York PostFeb 16, 2015 - Friends and relatives of a 16-year-old boy killed in a shootout with ...Jason Hendrix was suspected of killing his family execution-style last week ...
Ky. triple homicide shocks victims' social worker friends USA Today Feb 22, 2015 - Jason Hendrix, 18, who's believed to have shot and killed his parents and ... But what happened to the Hendrix family this month sent tremors ... Sarah Hendrix built what seemed, to her closest friends, a perfect family. She was a prominent social worker and professor at Union College, dedicated to mending Kentucky's broken families. She and her husband, Kevin, were hobby beekeepers, a regular presence at their small-town farmer's market, who fell in love with two foster children, adopted them and raised them alongside their own biological children.
What made Jason Hendrix snap? - News.com.au
News.com.auFeb 18, 2015 - Teen Jason Hendrix allegedly slays family before being killed in a police shootout after losing his computer privileges at home ...
Ky. teen kills family, flees, dies in Md. shootout: cops - NY ... ily NewsFeb 16, 2015 - Jason Hendrix, 16, died in a shootout with Maryland cops Saturday, ... He went to church hours later before he fled the state in his family's SUV.
Jason Hendrix Killed His Family, Then Went To Church ... International Business TimesFeb 16, 2015 - The six Baltimore County Police officers in Saturday's shootout with Jason Hendrix will be placed on administrative status pending a review.
Jason Hendrix 'murdered parents and sister' before being ...
Daily MailFeb 15, 2015 - Authorities suspect that Jason Hendrix (pictured) may have killed three members of his family before being fatally shot by Baltimore police.
Corbin teen killed in shootout after family slain argued with ... Lexington Herald‑LeaderFeb 15, 2015 - Jason C. Hendrix, 16, who is thought to have shot and killed his mother, father and sister in Corbin after a dispute with his parents over ...ason C. Hendrix, 16, is believed to have shot and killed his mother, father and sister after a dispute with his parents over computer use before driving from Corbin to the East Coast, where he was killed in a shootout with police in Maryland, Corbin police Chief David Campbell said Sunday.
Kentucky teen shot in Md. Saturday believed to have killed ...
The Baltimore SunFeb 15, 2015 - Kentucky teen shot in Md. Saturday believed to have killed family ...Jason C. Hendrix of Corbin, Ky., was killed Saturday morning by Baltimore ...
Jason Hendrix, Kentucky Teen, Alledgedly Murdered Parents
Feb 16, 2015 - Baltimore County Police investigators believe that Jason Hendrix, ...December, was also struggling to understand why Jason killed his family.
Teen killed in Maryland shootout; parents found dead - CNN ...
CNNFeb 17, 2015 - Kentucky community struggles with family slaying .... 16-year-old Jason Hendrix of Corbin, Kentucky, died in a police shootout. EXPAND IMAGE.
Teen suspected of killing family 'execution-style' dies in ...
New York PostFeb 16, 2015 - Friends and relatives of a 16-year-old boy killed in a shootout with ...Jason Hendrix was suspected of killing his family execution-style last week ...
Ky. triple homicide shocks victims' social worker friends USA Today Feb 22, 2015 - Jason Hendrix, 18, who's believed to have shot and killed his parents and ... But what happened to the Hendrix family this month sent tremors ... Sarah Hendrix built what seemed, to her closest friends, a perfect family. She was a prominent social worker and professor at Union College, dedicated to mending Kentucky's broken families. She and her husband, Kevin, were hobby beekeepers, a regular presence at their small-town farmer's market, who fell in love with two foster children, adopted them and raised them alongside their own biological children.
What made Jason Hendrix snap? - News.com.au
News.com.auFeb 18, 2015 - Teen Jason Hendrix allegedly slays family before being killed in a police shootout after losing his computer privileges at home ...
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