Timeline of Security Incidents ---
- Mother Jones A Guide to Mass Shootings in America There have been at least 70 in the last three decades—and most of the killers got their guns legally.
- Category:Terrorist incidents in the 1980s - Wikipedia
- List of terrorist incidents in 1980 - Wikipedia
- [PDF]Terrorism in the 1980s - RAND Corporation
- Terrorist Attacks On Americans, 1979-1988 | Target America - PBS
Year 1980
List of terrorist incidents in 1980
1980 Antwerp summer camp attack 28 July 1980
Alonsotegi bombing -
Bologna massacre -
1980 Dominican Republic Embassy siege in Bogotá The Dominican Republic Embassy siege was the 1980 siege of the embassy of the Dominican Republic by M-19 guerrillas in Bogotá, Colombia. The guerrillas held nearly 60[1] people, including 14 ambassadors, hostage for 61 days.
Contents [hide]
1The Siege
3See also
5Further reading
6External links
Dunmurry train bombing
1980 Ispaster attack
1980 Markina attack
Misgav Am hostage crisis
Said Al Nasr
Oktoberfest terror attack
1980 Orio ambush
1980 Paris synagogue bombing
1980 Turkish Consulate attack in Lyon
1980 Turkish embassy attack in Athens
Union Libérale Israélite de France
1980 Zarautz attack
- Terrorist incidents in 1980 Wikipedia
- Mass Murder in 1980 Wikipedia
List of terrorist incidents in 1980
1980 Antwerp summer camp attack 28 July 1980
Alonsotegi bombing -
Bologna massacre -
1980 Dominican Republic Embassy siege in Bogotá The Dominican Republic Embassy siege was the 1980 siege of the embassy of the Dominican Republic by M-19 guerrillas in Bogotá, Colombia. The guerrillas held nearly 60[1] people, including 14 ambassadors, hostage for 61 days.
Contents [hide]
1The Siege
3See also
5Further reading
6External links
1980 Ispaster attack
1980 Markina attack
Misgav Am hostage crisis
Said Al Nasr
Oktoberfest terror attack
1980 Orio ambush
1980 Paris synagogue bombing
1980 Turkish Consulate attack in Lyon
1980 Turkish embassy attack in Athens
Union Libérale Israélite de France
1980 Zarautz attack
Mass Murder in 1980 Wikipedia
Aerolinee Itavia Flight 870 Aerolinee Itavia Flight 870 (IH 870, AJ 421) Date 27 June 1980
terror: Alonsotegi bombing 20 January 1980
terror: neo-fascist terrorist organization Nuclei Armati Rivoluzionari killed: 85 injured: 200 Bologna massacre The Bologna massacre (Italian: strage di Bologna) was a terrorist bombing of the Central Station at Bologna, Italy, on the morning of 2 August 1980, which killed 85 people and wounded more than 200. The attack was carried by the neo-fascist terrorist organization Nuclei Armati Rivoluzionari (Armed Revolutionary Nuclei), which always denied any involvement; other theories have been proposed, especially in correlation with the strategy of tension. The bombing is the fourth deadliest terrorist attack in Western Europe behind the Nice attack in 2016, Paris attacks in November 2015, and the Madrid train bombings in 2004.
terrorist style crime: mass shooting weapons: scoped, semi-automatic AR-15, an M1 carbine, and two revolvers (military or terrorist style) killed: 5 wounded: 10 date: June 22, 1980 suspect outcome: committed suicide in prison summary: The Daingerfield church shooting was a mass murder that occurred at the First Baptist Church in Daingerfield, Texas, United States on . Alvin Lee King III, a former high school teacher, armed with a , after members of the church had declined his request to appear as character witnesses in a trial in which he was charged with raping his daughter. King was arrested after shooting himself and charged with five counts of murder and ten counts of attempted murder, but committed suicide in his prison cell on January 19, 1982, before he could be convicted.[1][2][3][4] Texas Monthly March 1984 In February 6, 1966 King accidentally dropped a shotgun on the floor and injured his father's face and neck, killing him. The death was ruled accidental. His was disliked by many students who called him "Atheist", though he said he was agnostic. He "enjoyed pricking the beliefs of talkative fundamentalists". He quit teaching in 1972 for trucking, but moved back. When his house burned down in 1977 the First Baptist church donated clothing as rumors of arson circulated. There a rumour that a friend daughter had been fondled when she visited the house. In October 1979 King was accused in a 1966 incest case. While awaiting trial, he investigated how to open a Swiss bank account and wrote letters to apply fo Cuban and Soviet visas, and started collecting survivalist food and weapons. The day before the incest case trial, he bound wife Gretchen to a chair and went to the big downtown First Baptist church. They thought he was angry because they refused to be character witnesses at his trial. He left a note at home that "My name is Ozymandias, king of king: Look on my works, ye mighty and despair!" After the attack, King shot himself in a self-lobotomy though he scored 151 IQ a month later. Cynthia King's high school friend Stanley Sinclair was set upon and stabbed to death by two joggers in Houston. The victim's father was convinced he was killed by hit hired by King.
Denmark Place fire
Garissa massacre
Gwangju Uprising
1980 Ispaster attack
Jisr al-Shughour massacre (1980)
Mandai massacre
1980 Markina attack
1980 Miami riots
1980 Namita Sunita murder incident
Oktoberfest terror attack
1980 Paris synagogue bombing
Safra massacre
Siege of Aleppo (1980)
Burning of the Spanish Embassy
Wang Xiwen
Date: January 20, 1980
1980 Zarautz attack terror: Alonsotegi bombing 20 January 1980 in the town of Alonsotegi, Biscay, Basque Country. The Grupos Armados Españoles (GAE), an armed group operating in the Basque Country in the early years of the Spanish democracy, planted a bomb in a local bar which exploded that evening killing four civilians and wounding ten. The bar was targeted as it was thought to be a meeting point for Basque moderate nationalists in the area.
Date: Friday, June 13. 1980
Georgetown, Guyana, Dr. Walter Rodney, internationally acclaimed historian and political activist was blasted to death by a bomb concealed in a walkie-talkie device that he had been tricked into
testing. Ironically his murder, designed to silence his eloquent opposition, has ripped the last mask of respectability from the [American CIA supported] Guyana government of Linden Forbes Burnham. Faces Behind the Mask he After independence in 1970 US State Department and the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), along with the British government, played a strong role in influencing political control in Guyana The American government supported Forbes Burnham vs Cheddi Jagan was identified as a Marxist. secret financial support and political campaign advice to Burnham's People's National Congress, to the detriment of the Jagan-led People's Progressive Party, which was mostly supported by Guyanese of East Indian background.
Date: June 22, 1980
Daingerfield church shooting Daingerfield, Texas terrorist style crime: mass shooting weapons: scoped, semi-automatic AR-15, an M1 carbine, and two revolvers (military or terrorist style) killed: 5 wounded: 10 date: June 22, 1980 suspect outcome: committed suicide in prison summary: The Daingerfield church shooting was a mass murder that occurred at the First Baptist Church in Daingerfield, Texas, United States on . Alvin Lee King III, a former high school teacher, armed with a , after members of the church had declined his request to appear as character witnesses in a trial in which he was charged with raping his daughter. King was arrested after shooting himself and charged with five counts of murder and ten counts of attempted murder, but committed suicide in his prison cell on January 19, 1982, before he could be convicted.[1][2][3][4]
Date: June 27, 1980
Aerolinee Itavia Flight 870 Aerolinee Itavia Flight 870 (IH 870, AJ 421) Date 27 June 1980
Summary: Main theories: shot down - proposed by the Italian Government; terrorist bomb - proposed by British AAIB) was an Italian commercial flight operated by a McDonnell Douglas DC-9-15 which crashed into the Tyrrhenian Sea between Ponza and Ustica, killing all on board, while en route from Bologna, Italy, to Palermo, Italy, in 1980. Known in the Italian media as the Ustica Massacre ("Strage di Ustica") – Ustica being a small island near the crash-site – the disaster led to numerous investigations, legal actions, and accusations, and continues to be a source of speculation, including claims of conspiracy by the Italian government and others. Former Italian President Francesco Cossiga attributed the cause of the crash to a missile fired from a French Navy aircraft, despite contrary evidence presented in the Tribunale di Roma's 1994 report. On 23 January 2013 Italy's top criminal court ruled that there was "abundantly" clear evidence that the flight was brought down by a missile.[1] Mysterious Universe Although no official cause has been given for what became known as the Ustica Massacre, the widely held belief that a missile brought down the plane that night has led to speculation about a terrorist act, or even an undeclared act of war. In 2006, the Guardian reported that, “Radar evidence showed that there had been intense military activity in the area on the night Flight 870 was heading innocently towards Palermo.. Muammar Gaddafi had purportedly been aboard a transport plane on the evening in question, and one theory holds that he had been the target of an international assassination plot at the time the Ustica incident took place.In a statement by Judge Rosario Priore, an Italian expert on terrorism cases, “the passenger jet had either been brought down by a missile or had plunged into the sea after swerving to avoid a mid-air collision with one of the jetfighters Aviation Week and Space Technology, who both reported on the unfolding investigations ,damage to the airliner’s fuselage “was consistent with… a continuous-rod missile warhead as employed in air-to-air missiles.”
1980 Antwerp summer camp attack 28 July 1980, a Syria-born Palestinian, identified as Said Al Nasr, used grenades to attack a group of 40 Jewish children waiting with their families for a bus to take them to summer camp. One boy was killed and 20 other people were wounded in the attack.
Date: August 2, 1980
1980 Bologna massacre terrorist attack --- ===
Bologna massacre (Italian: strage di Bologna) was a terrorist bombing of the Central Station at Bologna, Italy, on the morning of 2 August 1980, which killed 85 people and wounded more than 200. The attack was allegedly carried out by the neo-fascist terrorist organization Nuclei Armati Rivoluzionari (Armed Revolutionary Groups), which always denied any involvement; other theories have been proposed, especially in correlation with the strategy of tension. Conspiracy website Veterans Today calls it a false flag bombing was attributed to the enemy du jour, “left wing terrorists.” as part of Operation Gladio which preceded attacks blamed on phony “Islamic” terror
Date: August 2, 1980
1980 Bologna massacre terrorist attack --- ===
Bologna massacre (Italian: strage di Bologna) was a terrorist bombing of the Central Station at Bologna, Italy, on the morning of 2 August 1980, which killed 85 people and wounded more than 200. The attack was allegedly carried out by the neo-fascist terrorist organization Nuclei Armati Rivoluzionari (Armed Revolutionary Groups), which always denied any involvement; other theories have been proposed, especially in correlation with the strategy of tension. Conspiracy website Veterans Today calls it a false flag bombing was attributed to the enemy du jour, “left wing terrorists.” as part of Operation Gladio which preceded attacks blamed on phony “Islamic” terror
Date: September 19, 1980
Titan II Damascus Arkansas Missile Accident - The Military Standard Titan II Silo Accident in Damascus Arkansas. On September 19, 1980 during routine maintenance in a Titan II silo, an Air Force repairman dropped a heavy wrench socket wrench which punched a hole causing a leak from a pressurized fuel tank. The missile complex and the surrounding area were evacuated and a team of specialists was called in from Little Rock Air Force Base, the missile's main support base. About 8 1/2 hours after initial puncture, fuel vapors within the silo ignited and exploded. The explosion fatally injured one member of the team. Twenty-one other USAF personnel were injured. The missile's reentry vehicle, which contained a nuclear warhead, was recovered intact. There was no radioactive contamination. According to the Center for Defense Information(CDI): The explosion of volatile fuel blew off the 740 ton silo door of reinforced concrete and steel and catapulted the warhead 600 feet. It is estimated that Titan II ICBMs carry a 9 megaton warhead. Although it was stated that there has never been an accidental nuclear explosion, many believe that there might have been a small and real probability the 9 megaton warhead could have caused substantial and lasting damage to the region had it somehow detonated. Man who survived Titan missile explosion in 1980Florida Today Jeff Devlin is one of several Brevard men who survived a Titan II missile explosion in Arkansas that is the subject of a book and documentary. Video by Tim Shortt. Posted Jan. 7, 2016.PBS explores 1980 nuclear threat triggered by socket wrenchAssociated Press via Yahoo News For about 10 hours in 1980, the United States faced a nuclear threat of its own making after an airman performing maintenance on a Titan II missile dropped a 9-pound socket ...
Year 1981
"Mass murder in 1981"
1981 Azbakiyah bombing
El Mozote massacre
Hafte Tir bombing
1981 Hama massacre
1981 Iraqi embassy bombing
Burning of Jaffna library
Keddie murders
New Cross house fire New Cross house fire was a fire that occurred during a party at a house in New Cross, south-east London, in the early hours of Sunday, 18 January 1981. The blaze killed 13 young black people; one survivor committed suicide two years later. Nobody has ever been charged in connection to the fire, which forensic science subsequently established was started from inside the house, either by accident or deliberately. At the time, there was a fairly high degree of racial tension in the area and far-right groups including the National Front were active in the local area.
Omashaka massacre The Omashaka massacre was a mass murder that occurred in Omashaka, a village five miles north ofOndangwa in Ovamboland, South-West Africa on March 27, 1981, when a black soldier killed eight people and wounded twelve others, two of them seriously, before being arrested. The 18-year-old soldier, a member of the 101 Battalion, was reported to have shot at shoppers in a trading or liquor store, and at people sitting in front of their huts with an assault rifle, killing three soldiers and five women, and wounding two other soldiers and ten civilians.[1][2]W
Wonderland murders The Wonderland murders, also known as the Four on the Floor Murders or the Laurel Canyon Murders, are four unsolved murders that occurred in Los Angeles on July 1, 1981. Five of the six targeted to be killed in the known drug house on Wonderland Avenue were present, and four of the five died from extensive blunt-force trauma injuries: Billy DeVerell, Ron Launius, Joy Miller, and Barbara Richardson. Launius' wife, Susan Launius, survived the attack. The attack was allegedly masterminded by organized crime figure and nightclub owner Eddie Nash. Porn star John Holmes was arrested, tried, and acquitted for his involvement in the murders.Y
Yangquan theatre suicide bombing The Yangquan theatre bombing was a murder-suicide that occurred at a theatre in Yangquan,Shanxi, China on July 22, 1981, when 24-year-old Gao Haiping detonated a self-made explosive device that killed 32 people, including himself, and wounded 127 others. On July 22, 1981 Gao Haiping, together with a girl who had dumped him previously, wanted to visit a film screening at the San Kuang Club There he intended to kill them both with a bomb made of about 3 kg of ammonium nitrate with an electric detonator contained in a metal box. When the woman did not show up Gao entered the theatre alone and took his place on seat 25 in the second row. At about 8 p.m. he put the bomb on his lap and detonated it manually, killing himself and 31 other people, and wounding another 127, 44 of whom were sent to hospitals.List of terrorist incidents, 1981
category "Terrorist incidents in 1981"
- 1981 Bahraini coup d'état attempt
- 2 police, guard killed October 20, 1981 Brink's robbery (1981) was an armed robbery committed on October 20, 1981, which was carried out by Black Liberation Army members Jeral Wayne Williams (aka Mutulu Shakur), Donald Weems (aka Kuwasi Balagoon), Samuel Brown (aka Solomon Bouines), Samuel Smith, Nathaniel Burns (aka Sekou Odinga), and Cecilio "Chui" Ferguson; several former members of the Weather Underground, now belonging to the May 19th Communist Organization, including David Gilbert, Judith Alice Clark, Kathy Boudin, and Marilyn Buck; and an unknown number of accomplices. They stole $1.6 million from a Brink's armored car at the Nanuet Mall, in Nanuet, New York, killing two police officers, Edward O'Grady and Waverly Brown (the second African American member of the Nyack, New York police department) and a Brink's guard, Peter Paige.
Garuda Indonesia Flight 206 domestic Garuda Indonesia flight from Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, Jakarta to Polonia International Airport, Medan (with a stopover at Talang Betutu Airport, Palembang,) that was hijacked on 28 March 1981. The hijackers, an Islamist extremist group called Komando Jihad, hijacked the DC-9 named "Woyla" en route from Palembang to Medan, ordering the pilot to fly them to Colombo, Sri Lanka. Since the plane did not have enough fuel to reach Colombo, it refueled in Penang, Malaysia, then flew instead to Don Mueang Airport in Bangkok, Thailand. The hijackers demanded the release of 80 Kommando Jihad members imprisoned in Indonesia, US$1.5 million in cash, and a plane to take the released prisoners to an unspecified destination. On 29 March 1981, a group of Indonesian Army Kopassandha (now Kopassus) commandos led by Lieutenant Colonel Sintong Panjaitan and Lieutenant General Leonardus Benjamin Moerdani were flown into Bangkok with a chartered Garuda DC-10 which was disguised as a Garuda flight from Europe, and stormed the plane two days later. The recapture of the plane was a joint operation between the Royal Thai Air Force commandos and Indonesia's Kopassandha commandosP
- Puerto Rico Air National Guard n 12 January 1981
- Assassination of Anwar Sadat assassination of Anwar Sadat occurred on 6 October 1981. Anwar Sadat, the President of Egypt, was assassinated during the annual victory parade held in Cairo to celebrate Operation Badr (1973), during which the Egyptian Army had crossed the Suez Canal and taken back Sinai Peninsula from Israel at the beginning of the Yom Kippur War.[1] A fatwā approving the assassination had been obtained from Omar Abdel-Rahman, a cleric later convicted in the US for his role in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. The assassination was undertaken by members of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad.[2]
1981 Turkish consulate attack in Paris The 1981 Turkish consulate attack (also known as Van Operation,[1] Armenian: «Վան» գործողություն) was an attack on the Turkish consulate in Paris, France on September 24–25, 1981. According to a statement issued by Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia, army's militants demanded to release political prisoners in Turkey including two Armenian clergymen FatherManuel Yergatian and Pastor Hrant Guzelian and 10 non-Armenians.[2]New Cross house fire New Cross house fire was a fire that occurred during a party at a house in New Cross, south-east London, in the early hours of Sunday, 18 January 1981. The blaze killed 13 young black people; one survivor committed suicide two years later. Nobody has ever been charged in connection to the fire, which forensic science subsequently established was started from inside the house, either by accident or deliberately. At the time, there was a fairly high degree of racial tension in the area and far-right groups including the National Front were active in the local area.
2 police killed in ambush April 16, 1981.The Police Car Provides a Home on the Job, and a False Sense of Safety New York Times ...white van matched the description of a vehicle involved in a number of recent robberies...two men leapt from the van and opened fire Officer John G. Scarangella, 42, was struck three times.. partner, Richard Rainey was wounded and survived.
1 killed May 1. 1981 Assassination of Heinz Nittel a leader of the Austrian Socialist party and the president of the Austrian-Israeli Friendship League, was shot to death on outside his home in Vienna[1] by Hesham Mohammed Rajeh, 21, born in Iraq. Rajeh was also indicted for the August 29, 1981 Vienna synagogue attack.[2]

July 1981
32 killed 127 wounded July 22, 1981 Domestic violence terrorist attack. Yangquan theatre suicide bombing The Yangquan theatre bombing was a murder-suicide that occurred at a theatre in Yangquan,Shanxi, China on , when 24-year-old Gao Haiping detonated a self-made explosive device that killed 32 people, including himself, and wounded 127 others. There he intended to kill himself and ex-girlfriend with a bomb made of about 3 kg of ammonium nitrate with an electric detonator contained in a metal box. When the woman did not show up he put the bomb on his lap and detonated it manually, killing himself and 31 other people, and wounding another 127, 44 of whom were sent to hospitals.
2 killed 20 wounded Muslim terrorists attack Jews Aug. 29, 1981 - Two Arabs armed with automatic pistols and hand grenades attack a synagogue in central Vienna The attack is carried out as 200 people prepare to leave a bar mitzvah. Machine gun and grenade attack on the Stadttempel synagogue in Vienna, 1981 Vienna synagogue attack killing two people and wounding 30. Marwan Hasan and Hesham Mohammed Rajeh were convicted.[2] two Muslim terrorists armed with machine guns and grenades attacked a synagogue where a Bar Mitzvah celebration for children was taking place. Hesham Mohammed Rajeh, a mathematics student, had been living in Austria for two years. When he was later put on trial, he tried to kick the judge and shouted, “When I am out of here, I will spit on you.” Hesham Mohammed Rajeh and Marwan Hasan shouted “PLO, PLO” and began to shoot and throw their grenades. A month earlier, two terrorists had been stopped at the airport after Kalashnikov rifles and hundreds of grenades were found in their luggage.
September 24–25, 1981 1981 Turkish consulate attack in Paris The 1981 Turkish consulate attack (also known as Van Operation,[1] Armenian: «Վան» գործողություն) was an attack on the Turkish consulate in Paris, France on September 24–25, 1981. According to a statement issued by Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia, army's militants demanded to release political prisoners in Turkey including two Armenian clergymen FatherManuel Yergatian and Pastor Hrant Guzelian and 10 non-Armenians.[2]
October 6, 1981 Islamist Assassination of Anwar Sadat was assassinated during the annual victory parade held in Cairo to celebrate Operation Badr (1973), during which the Egyptian Army had crossed the Suez Canal and taken back Sinai Peninsula from Israel at the beginning of the Yom Kippur War. A fatwā approving the assassination had been obtained from Omar Abdel-Rahman, a cleric later convicted in the US for his role in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. The assassination was undertaken by members of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad
October. 20, 1981 1981 Antwerp bombing. Three people are killed and 106 are wounded when a truck bomb explodes outside a synagogue in Antwerp, Belgium. Attackers unknown Truck bomb attack on a synagogue in Antwerp, Belgium.
2 police, guard killed October 20, 1981 Brink's robbery (1981) was an armed robbery committed on October 20, 1981, which was carried out by Black Liberation Army members Jeral Wayne Williams (aka Mutulu Shakur), Donald Weems (aka Kuwasi Balagoon), Samuel Brown (aka Solomon Bouines), Samuel Smith, Nathaniel Burns (aka Sekou Odinga), and Cecilio "Chui" Ferguson; several former members of the Weather Underground, now belonging to the May 19th Communist Organization, including David Gilbert, Judith Alice Clark, Kathy Boudin, and Marilyn Buck; and an unknown number of accomplices. They stole $1.6 million from a Brink's armored car at the Nanuet Mall, in Nanuet, New York, killing two police officers, Edward O'Grady and Waverly Brown (the second African American member of the Nyack, New York police department) and a Brink's guard, Peter Paige.

Year 1982
Oct. 9, 1982 - A 2-year-old boy is killed and 34 people are wounded in an attack on Rome's main synagogue.
sabotage: In 1982 in Honduras, a group of nine Salvadorans and Nicaraguans destroyed a main electrical power station, leaving Tegucigalpa, the capital city, for three days without power.[16]
Year 1983
List of terrorist incidents, 1983From Wikipedia
Mass Murder
Aeroflot Flight 6833
1983 Beirut barracks bombing
Church Street bombing
Dursun Aksoy
Gulf Air Flight 771
Harrods bombings
Murder of Danny Katz
1983 Kuwait bombings
Lucanamarca massacre
Orly Airport attack
Rangoon bombing
Resistance Conspiracy case
1983 Royal Artillery Barracks bombing
1983 Turkish embassy attack in Lisbon
1983 United States embassy bombing
1983 United States Senate bombing
United States April 18: 1983 United States Embassy bombing takes place. A suicide car bomber stole a van carrying 2,000 pounds of explosives and slammed into the U.S. Embassy in Beirut, Lebanon killing 63 people including 18 Americans.[1]
United States and
France October 23: Marine Barracks Bombing occurs. A suicide car bomber in a truck carrying 2500 pounds of explosives crashed through the gates of a US Marine barracks in Beirut, Lebanon killing 241 American servicemen and wounding 81. 58 French troops from the multinational force are also killed in a separate attack.[2]
Mass Murder
Aeroflot Flight 6833
1983 Beirut barracks bombing
Church Street bombing
Dursun Aksoy
Gulf Air Flight 771
Harrods bombings
Murder of Danny Katz
1983 Kuwait bombings
Lucanamarca massacre
Orly Airport attack
Rangoon bombing
Resistance Conspiracy case
1983 Royal Artillery Barracks bombing
1983 Turkish embassy attack in Lisbon
1983 United States embassy bombing
1983 United States Senate bombing

1983 United States Senate bombing The 1983 U.S. Senate bombing was a bomb explosion at the United States Senate on November 7, 1983. Six members of the "Resistance Conspiracy" were arrested in May 1988 and charged with the bombing
Year 1984
Wikipedia: List of terrorist incidents, 1984
Jan. 3, 1984 - Synagogues in Buenos Aires and Rosario in Argentina are firebombed, causing damage but no injuries.
Date | Dead | Injured | Location and description |
January 1 | 0 | 3 | ![]() |
January 1 | 0 | 0 | ![]() |
January 18 | 1 | 0 | ![]() |
January 23 | 1 | 5 | ![]() |
January 31 | 2 | 0 | ![]() |
sabotage: On 1 January 1984, the Cuscatlan bridge over Lempa river in El Salvador, critical to flow of commercial and military traffic, was destroyed by guerilla forces using explosives after using mortar fire to "scatter" the bridge's guards, causing an estimated 3.7 million dollars in required repairs, and considerably impacted El Salvadoran business and security.[16]
Date | Dead | Injured | Location and description |
February 28 | 18 | 21 | ![]() |
Date | Dead | Injured | Location and description |
March 7 | 3 | 9 | ![]() |
June 29, 1984 Dallas nightclub shooting: Dallas, Texas Abdelkrim Belachheb, 39, opened fire at an upscale nightclub after a woman rejected his advances. He was later arrested. Total injured and killed: 7. Not classified but looks like a terrorist attack staged as crime.
Casualties 41: 22 killed, 21 victims (5 children) 19 injured July 18, 1984 San Ysidro McDonald's massacre The San Ysidro McDonald's massacre was a mass murder that occurred on inSan Ysidro, California, a neighborhood in southern San Diego, California. James Oliver Huberty entered a McDonald's restaurant and fatally shot 21 people, five of them children, and injured 19 others, before fatally shot by police. It was the deadliest American spree until the 1991 Luby's massacre, and remains the deadliest shooting rampage in which the perpetrator died by police and not by self. Not classified as, but looks like a terrorist attack staged as crime.
Date | Dead | Injured | Location and description |
April 2 | 0 | 48 | ![]() |
April 19 | 24 | 30 | ![]() |
April 20 | 0 | 22 | ![]() |
Date | Dead | Injured | Location and description |
July 6 | 12+ | 20+ | ![]() |
July 10 | 1 | 0 | ![]() |
July 12 | 5 | 26 | ![]() |
July 15 | 10 | 55 | ![]() |
July 15 | 21 | 4 | ![]() |
Washington Post: U.S. Ties 'Klan' Olympic Hate Mail to KGB By Fred Barbash August 7, 1984 The government has hard information that the Soviet intelligence agency, the KGB, sent forged racist letters in the name of the Ku Klux Klan threatening Olympic athletes from 20 Asian and African nations, Attorney General William French Smith and FBI Director William H. Webster said today.... effort to gain support from non-Communist bloc countries for their boycott of the Olympics, Reports of the letters surfaced in early July. They were reportedly mailed from U.S. locations, including Prince George's County and northern Virginia, and threatened violence to athletes. At the time, the Soviet Embassy in Washington and KKK leaders denied involvement.... letters were "openly racist and disgusting," adding that "a thorough analysis -- including linguistic and forensic techniques" -- had revealed the source of the letters as the KGB. "We're entirely satisfied" that the KGB is responsible for the letters, Webster said.
Aug. 7, 1983 - Mines explode in a Johannesburg synagogue before a visit by a South African Government official.
Date | Dead | Injured | Location and description |
August 3 | 29 | ![]() | |
August 17 | 1 | 9 | ![]() |
August 21 | 18 | 300 | ![]() |
August 29 – October 10 | 0 | 751 | ![]() |
Date | Dead | Injured | Location and description |
September 20 | 24 | ![]() |
October 19, 1984 1 priest killed by communist agents When Communists Murdered a Priest October 21, 2014, Paul Kengor The original piece was published at The American Spectator. It was October 19, 1984—30 years ago this week. A gentle, courageous, and genuinely holy priest, Jerzy Popieluszko, age 37, found himself in a ghastly spot that, though it must have horrified him, surely did not surprise him. An unholy trinity of thugs from communist Poland’s secret police had seized and pummeled him. He was bound and gagged and stuffed into the trunk of their cream-colored Fiat 125 automobile as they roamed the countryside trying to decide where to dispatch him. This kindly priest was no less than the chaplain to the Solidarity movement, the freedom fighters who would ultimately prove fatal to Soviet communism—and not without Popieluszko’s stoic inspiration.Date | Dead | Injured | Location and description |
October 12 | 5 | 31 | ![]() |
October 27 | 0 | 5 | ![]() |
October 31 | 1 | 0 | ![]() |
Date | Dead | Injured | Location and description |
November 3 | 4 | 11 | ![]() |
Date | Dead | Injured | Location and description |
December 23 | 17 | 267 | ![]() |
Year 1985
July 22, 1985 - Bombings in Copenhagen wound 27 people at Scandinavia's oldest synagogue and a Northwest Orient Airlines office.
March 29, 1985 - Eighteen people are wounded in a bombing at a Paris theater during a Jewish film festival.
Year 1986
Wikipedia: List of terrorist incidents, 1986
- This list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it.
A bomb place on a bus in the West Bank kills one and severely injures three. A Jordanian Mahmoud Mahmoud Atta is arrested, extradited to Israel, convicted, sentenced to life in prison and freed by the Israeli Supreme Court. After the September 11 attacks, he was confused with ringleader Egyptian Mohamed Atta.[1]
February 3: Paris, Claridge passage (Champs Élysées) seven injured, another bomb failed to explode in the Eiffel tower, pro-Iranian (Fouad Ali Saleh group)
February 4: Paris, Gibert book shop, seven injured, Fouad Ali Saleh
February 5: Paris, FNAC-sports, 15 injured
February 17: A bomb explode in Shaheed Fayyaz bus terminal, Iranian capital of Teheran, kills one person and injures six, which blamed on Mujahadin Khalq guerrilla group.[citation needed]
February 28: Stockholm, Olof Palme assassination
March 17: TGV Paris, nine injured
March 20: Paris, Galerie Point-Show bombed, two dead, 21 injured
April 2: TWA Flight 840 bombed on approach to Athens airport; four passengers (all of them American), including an infant, are killed.
United States and
Germany April 5: 1986 Berlin discotheque bombing. A Berlin discotheque frequented by US servicemen was bombed, killing 3 people—A Turkish woman and two US servicemen—and injuring 230 including over 50 US servicemen. Libya was held responsible for this act.
April 9: A bomb blast in Khayyam Street, Iranian capital of Teheran, with twenty-two shop and four automobile damaged, kills 17 and injures more 100, which blamed on Mujahadin Khalq guerrilla group.[citation needed]
May 3: A bomb explodes aboard a Sri Lankan airliner in Colombo, Sri Lanka, killing 21 and injuring 40
May 22: An automatic weapon bomb into Krishna Nagar shopping district erea, Amritsar, Punjab of India. Kills eleven, which blame on Sikh extremist group.[citation needed]
June 14: ANC bombs Why Not Restaurant and Magoo's Bar in Durban, South Africa, three people killed, 73 wounded.
July 15: ETA Basque militant group bombs a Guardia Civil police truck, killing twelve.
September 5: Pan Am Flight 73, an American civilian airliner, is hijacked; 22 people die when plane is stormed in Karachi, Pakistan. A total of 359 passengers and crew survive. The attack was carried out by Muslim extremists and was possibly sponsored by Libya.
- September 6, 1986 assault on a synagogue in Istanbul, Turkey
September 8: Paris town hall's post office bombed, one dead, 16 injured
September 12: Paris La Défense, Casino Supermarket's restaurant bombed, 43 injured
September 14: Paris, Pub Renault bombed, two dead, one injured
September 14: A bomb exploded in outside of Gimpo Airport, suburb of Seoul, South Korea, kills five and injures twenty-nine, which responsible for North Korean agents.
September 15: Paris, police headquarters bombed, one dead, 45 injured
September 17: Paris, Rue de Rennes a bomb explodes in the street, seven dead, 54 injured.
- November 28, 1996 Scott Scurlock Seattle Hollywood Bandit William Scott Scurlock killed himself after police caught up to him following a botched robbery in which a chase which led to a shootout with several handguns and automatic rifles. He used Hollywood quality make-up to successfully robbed dozens of banks in the Seattle area and would escape in a van in which he could remove his makeup. The number of robberies, 18 in total, and the amounts stolen, almost $2.3 million, make Scurlock one of the most prolific bank robbers in the history of the United States. His motive for bank robberies were rooted at his anger at the government rather than just making money and he donated money to environentalist causes. His accomplices, Steven Paul Meyers and Mark John Biggins, were each sentenced to 21 years imprisonment, Not classified as terrorism, but level of effort and anti-government views point to possible terrorist motive.
December 25: Iraqi Airways Flight 163 is hijacked, and 60 passengers and 3 crew members die when it crashes after a hand grenade is detonated in the cockpit. The pro-Iranian group "Islamic Jihad" claimed responsibility.
December 31: New Year's Eve fire at the Dupont Plaza Hotel in San Juan, Puerto Rico, claimed 97 lives, mainly in the casino area. Fire set by three hotel workers, trying to make tourists stay away from Puerto Rico as a protest to their working wages.
Year 1987
No US terrorists attacks but these look close:
- August 20, 1987 United States Postal Service shooting: Edmond, Oklahoma Postal worker Patrick Sherrill, 44, opened fire at a post office before committing suicide. Total injured and killed: 2 motherjones
- 8 vehicles hit, 1 police attack, 1 arrest September 13, 1987 Suspected of Deliberate Ramming LA Police Motorcycle and 7 cars LA Times The California Highway Patrol arrested a man suspected of ramming his car into a Los Angeles police motorcycle officer and sideswiping at least seven cars Saturday afternoon on three San Fernando Valley freeways. Oscar Smith, 36, of Newhall was arrested on suspicion of attempted murder of a police officer tags: attack on police. Compare to war on police after 2016
- The Day Tom Petty's House Burned Down - Ultimate Classic Rock May 17, 2014 - Tom Petty and his family were sitting down to breakfast on the morning of May 17, 1987, when they began to smell smoke. Within moments ... Tom Petty's House Burns Down - May 17, 1987 - Music History Tom Petty and his family escape a fire that destroys their home.
Wikipedia list:
April 18:a bomb killing Spanish prime minister by man named Biel Schreuder
March 16: A bomb blast in Chennai-Tirchchirappalli of Rockfort Express, following plunged into a bridge,Ariyalur, Tamil Nadu, India, which kills 25 and injures 150. Tamil Nadu Liberation Army member of Pichai Pillai arrested by suspiction of bomb blast on March 21, 1987.[citation needed]
April 21: Car bomb at bus terminal in Colombo, Sri Lanka kills 110 people.[1] This attack was carried byLTTE.[2][page needed][3]
April 25: Bombing of Greek Air Force bus carrying American military personnel. A group calledNovember 17 claims responsibility.[4]
May 8: An assault by an IRA team on Loughgall RUC base is stopped by SAS commandos, who kill eight attackers and a civilian. See Loughgall Ambush.
June 19: Basque militant group ETA plant a bomb in the parking lot under the Hipercor hypermarket in Barcelona. It kills 21, 45 are injured. See 1987 Hipercor bombing.
July 5: A bomb blast in Lahore railroad station, following to Badami bus station, Lahore, Pakistan, which kills 10 and injures 50.
July 15: A huge bomb blast by bomb, where damage on Raja Ghazanfar Ali Road and Syedna Burhanuddin Street area, with many vehicles and shops are damaged, which kills 72 and injures 250.
September 15: A bomb blast in Kababyan Market area, Peshawar, Pakistan, with three shops and many vehicles damaged, kills 10 and injures 37.
September 20: A bomb blast in Raja bazaar area, Rawalpindi, Pakistan, where 15 shops, telephone exchange center and many vehicles damaged, kills 10 and injures 40.
November 8: Remembrance Day Bombing parade in Enniskillen, County Fermanagh by the IRA. Eleven are killed and 63 injured.
November 29: North Korean terrorists detonate a bomb aboard Korean Air Flight 858. One of the bombers, Kim Hyon Hui, was sentenced to death, but pardoned by the President of South Korea.
December 11: Basque militant group ETA bomb a Guardia Civil police barracks in Zaragoza, killing eleven, 88 are injured. See 1987 Zaragoza Barracks bombing.
December 26: 1987: Serviceman's Bar Attack - Catalan separatists bombed a Barcelona bar frequented by U.S. servicemen, resulting in the death of one U.S. citizen and a number of Spanish citizens.
Year 1988
Wikipedia list
February 16, 1988 ESL shooting: Sunnyvale, California Former ESL Incorporated employee Richard Farley, 39, gunned down seven people at his former workplace. He was later arrested and now sits on death row at San Quentin. Total injured and killed: 11 motherjones
Edward Byrne February 26, 1988 was a police officer in the New York City Police Department who became well known in the United States after he was murdered in the line of duty. He sat in his marked patrol car another car pulled up beside him. Two men exited and one of them knocked on the passenger side window of Byrne's cruiser while a second man crept up on the driver's side and shot Byrne in the head five times with a .38 caliber pistol. four killers were identified as Philip Copeland, Todd Scott, Scott Cobb, and David McClary all eventually convicted sentenced to 25 years to life videotaped confession indicated that the killing was ordered from jail by drug dealer Howard "Pappy" Mason.
May 14, 1988 Carrollton Kentucky wrong way truck school bus collision 27 killed In the deadliest drunk driver in the history of the United States Larry Wayne Mahoney. On the night of May 14, 1988, Mahoney, 36, a Kentucky factory worker, drove his black Toyota pickup down the wrong side of Interstate 71 head-on into a school bus carrying a church youth group. The crash started a fire, Mahoney had been arrested for DUI once before tested over twice the limit, and claimed he had no memory of the crash. There has been no speculation that it could have been a deliberate crash with a terrorist motive.
May 20, 1988 Laurie Dann - Wikipedia Laurie Dann was an American murderer and mass shooter who shot and killed one boy, Nick Corwin, and wounded two girls and three boys in a Winnetka, Illinois elementary school. She then took a family hostage and shot another man, non-fatally, before killing herself. She had called in death threats to acquaintances and mailed and delibered poisoned snacks and drinks to college dorms and fraternities. She was not described as a terrorist.
Year 1989
Wikipedia list 1989
5 killed, 30 injured January 17, 1989 mock terrorist Stockton schoolyard shooting: Stockton, California Patrick Purdy, 26, an alcoholic with a police record, launched an assault at Cleveland Elementary School, where many young Southeast Asian immigrants were enrolled. Purdy killed himself with a shot to the head. Total injured and killed: 35 motherjones Cleveland Elementary School shooting Cleveland Elementary School in Stockton, California, United States. The gunman, Patrick Purdy, who had a long criminal history, shot and killed ... Five Children Killed As Gunman Attacks A California School ... The New York TimesJan 18, 1989 - The gunman, 24-year-old Patrick West, originally of Stockton, had an ... Mr. West, who sometimes used the name Patrick E. Purdy, had lived ... Patrick Purdy | Murderpedia, the encyclopedia of murderers The Stockton Massacre refers to the killing of five schoolchildren in Stockton,California on January 17, 1989. On that date, an unknown person phoned the ..
20 killed 20 injured
8 killed 50 injured
15 April 1989. Hillsborough English Football Stadium Human Crush Disaster human crush that caused the deaths of 96 people and injured 766 others, at a football match between Liverpool and Nottingham Forest at the Hillsborough Stadium, Sheffield, England, on The match was the 1988–89 FA Cup semi-final, with Hillsborough, home ground of Sheffield Wednesday, selected as a neutral venue. In English football, most stadiums had steel fencing between the spectators and the playing field in order to prevent friendly and hostile pitch invasions. The crush occurred in pens in the Leppings Lane stand, allocated to Liverpool fans. The 1990 official inquiry into the disaster, the Taylor Report, concluded that "the main reason for the disaster was the failure of police control."[1] Entry was possible only via one of seven decrepit turnstiles, a restriction that led to dangerous overcrowding outside the ground before kick-off. I 15 April 1989: Inquiry by Lord Justice ... 96 soccer fans unlawfully killed, jury findsWGAL 8 Susquehanna Valley
July 9, 1989, Somalia’s Italian-born Roman Catholic bishop, Salvatore Colombo, was gunned down in his church in Mogadishu by an unknown assassin. The order to murder the bishop, an outspoken critic of the regime, was widely believed to have had come from the presidential palace.” center security policy
July 14, 1989 massacre Somalia Red Berets slaughtered 450 Muslims demonstrating against the arrest of their spiritual leaders. More than 2,000 were seriously injured. The next day, forty-seven people, mainly from the Isaaq clan, were taken to Jasiira Beach west of the city and summarily executed center security policy Isaaq genocide of 1988-89 exterminated between 60,000 and 100,000 Somalis.
September 14, 1989 Standard Gravure shooting: Louisville, Kentucky Sep. 14 Joseph T. Wesbecker, 47, gunned down eight people at his former workplace before committing suicide. Total injured and killed: 21. Workplace violence mock terrorist attack.
December 16, 1989 Walter Leroy Moody Jr. Serial Bomber He was convicted of killing federal judge Robert Smith Vance and of Robert E. Robinson, a black civil-rights attorney in Savannah, Georgia, at his office, and mailed bombs to Eleventh Circuit's headquarters in Atlanta and at the Jacksonville office of the NAACP. He was not called a terrorist as his motives were "unclear".
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