tags: Muslim Suspect, terrorist attack, ISIS, twitter, Texas, Pam Geller, anti-Islamist, counterjihad, bomb, automatic weapons, shooting, guards, foiled, tactical vest, pseudo commando, Asian suspect
2 killed 1 injured May 3, 2015 ISIS Claims Credit For Texas Cartoon Conference Attack Two gunmen opened fire outside the Curtis Culwell Center during an art exhibit in Garland, Texas. Muslim convert and convicted terrorist Elton Simpson and Nadir Hamid Soofi who were roommates living in an apartment in Phoenix, Arizona, were the assailants in the attack. Soofi's father is Pakistani, The center was hosting a contest for cartoons depicting the Muslim prophet Muhammad. Both suspects were killed by police. A Garland school district police officer was injured by a shot to the leg, and was released from hospital. (wikipedia) The FBI in December 2015 said that one of two gunman had exchanged 109 electronic messages with "an overseas terrorist" that morning, but the messages were encrypted. Both suspects were wearing heavy-duty tactical vests.
Islamic State claimed responsibility for the plot. ISIS supporters had called for threats: ABC News says ISIS followers were calling for attacks leading up to the Garland event. "The brothers from the Charlie Hebdo attack did their part. It's time for brothers in the US to do their part," one supporter wrote. "Brothers in Garland Texas Please go to there with your weapons, bombs or with your knives. Threaten your enemies and the enemies of Allaah," another wrote last week.
- Heavy Elton Simpson: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com heavy.com/.../elton-simpson-garland-texas-muhammad-cartoon-shooter-... hours ago - Elton Simpson has been identified as one of the Nadir Hamid Soofi: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
- Curtis Culwell Center attack - Wikipedia
- FBI involvement (Kincaid) FBI involvement in the attempted assassination of Pamela Geller in Garland, Texas (an FBI undercover agent was among the Jihadists). The Garland case is very troubling. The FBI has been sued. "The FBI helped the terrorists obtain a weapon that was used in the attack by lifting a hold during a background check, incited the terrorist to attack the Garland event, and even sent an agent to accompany the terrorists as they carried out the attack," a court filing in the case says. The Washington Examiner adds: The filing also alleged that former FBI Director Jim Comey lied in a "post-attack cover-up" about the bureau's knowledge of how the attack unfolded and what Comey and the bureau knew about what was likely to transpire.
Feb 9, 2016 FBI can't figure out how to unlock encrypted phone in San Bernardino investigation - LA Times December, Comey said that one of two gunman who sought to attack a Muhammad cartoon contest in Garland, Texas, last May 3 had exchanged 109 electronic messages with "an overseas terrorist" that morning. "We have no idea what he said, because those messages were encrypted," he told the Senate Judiciary Committee at the time. Both gunmen were killed by police. Islamic State claimed responsibility for the plot.
Nadir Hamid Soofi: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know According to his Facebook page, Soofi spent a considerable amount of time with his little brother. He’s a graduate of the University of Utah and the International School of Islamabad in Pakistan. His page also shows multiple posts featuring Palestinian and anti-police propaganda. Frequently, he posts the phrase “Eid Mubarak” meaning celebration to the blessed. Soofi was the owner of Effinity Solutions, a carpet cleaning business in Phoenix. In July 2013, he called himself a “newbie to the carpet cleaning industry.” Garland cops stopped short of calling the attack a terrorist incident.
Willyloman1 Islamist apologist
Garland Texas Shooting – “Terrorists” Killed 200 Feet from Building?wp.me/p5oOK-8UR1 hour ago
Xenophobic Hate-monger P. J. Watson from Di$info Jone$ Having Race-baiting Meltdown on Twitter Over#garlandshootingwp.me/p5oOK-8UP2 hours ago
#garlandshooting Anti-Islam Propaganda Production – Was The Garland Texas Shooting “military grade” Activism? wp.me/p5oOK-8UD 2 hours ago
Xenophobic Hate-monger P. J. Watson from Di$info Jone$ Having Race-baiting Meltdown on Twitter Over#garlandshootingwp.me/p5oOK-8UP2 hours ago
#garlandshooting Anti-Islam Propaganda Production – Was The Garland Texas Shooting “military grade” Activism? wp.me/p5oOK-8UD 2 hours ago
“Muslim” Terrorist in Garland Texas was a Balding White Guy? May 4, 2015 by willyloman by Scott Creighton has been identified as Nadir Soofi, a guy who owns a carpet cleaning business in Phoenix and lived with the other suspect. His Facebook page, which hasn’t been updated since Oct. 4th of 2014, has a lot of stuff on it about the plight of the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank, but nothing that seems too “radicalized” to me. of course, that info will suit the likes of Pam Geller just fine.
Niraj Warikoo @nwarikoo
The Twitter account that reports say may belong to 1 of the 2 gunmen in Texas today appears to be a convert to Islam. pic.twitter.com/fAJOopvhS3
Texas gunman was convicted for lying about going to Africa to join terror group, but judge said: not enough evidence http://abcnews.go.com/US/official-texas-shooting-supsects-ided/story?id=30782088 …
7:16 AM - 4 May 2015

Garland Shooting Suspect’s Father: ‘My Son Made a Bad Choice’
By Randy Kreider @RandyKreider
The father of one of the suspected gunman in the Garland, Texas shooting told ABC News today that his son “made a bad choice.” “We are Americans and we believe in America,” Dunston Simpson said....View on web Dunston Simpson said his son worked at a dentist’s office but was “on vacation” for the last few weeks and that the two last spoke three weeks ago. But they “had not much to talk about, because we had some very serious differences.” Still, the elder Simpson said that while he was a strict father, Elton was "always a good kid." Lawyer says he was not a threat: Kristina Sitton, who represented Simpson in the 2010 trial, said her former client had been on a no-fly list and that the FBI had attempted to get Simpson to cooperate with them, even after his conviction. She saw him, she said, as "harmless." Converting to Islam seemed like a good thing for him. He had been going down a bad path and then he found Islam... never struck me as someone who would do this sort of thing... I've seen some pretty bad guys and he seemed pretty normal.
2 Men Shot Dead After Opening Fire Outside Muhammad Art Exhibit In Garland, Texas
Huffington Post - 18 hours agoTwo men were shot dead after opening fire outside an exhibit of caricatures of the Prophet ...
Garland, Texas, Shooting Suspect Identified As Elton Simpson (UPDATED) Huffington Post
Muslims React To Garland Shooting With Strong Condemnation of violence
May 4, 2015 Rush Limbaugh Suggests President Obama Gave "Green Light" To Shooters In Garland, Texas | Video | Media Matters attacks Rush before Obama speaks on terror attack.
May 4, 2015 gateway pundit Silence From Obama on Islamic Terror Attack in Texas Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind! A check of media reports shows that as of 11 p.m. Central time there has been no statement from President Barack Obama or the White House on the terror attack in Garland, Texas that occurred shortly before 7 p.m. Central time. Usually with terror attacks on U.S. soil, the White House will issue a statement condemning the attack and saying the president had been notified and was monitoring the situation. Four hours after the attack that has been claimed by ISIS jihadis, silence from Obama.
'Draw Muhammad' Shooting in Garland: What We Know About Texas Attack
NBCNews.com - 8 hours agoMore news for garland texas obama
Silence From Obama on Islamic Terror Attack in Texas | The ...
14 hours ago - Silence From Obama on Islamic Terror Attack in Texas ... BarackObama or the White House on the terror attack in Garland, Texas that occurred ...
Breaking news on Shooting outside Garland, Texas, center ...
White House: Obama briefed on situation in Texas last night after shootings at ... Blast heard near Garland, Texas, center after FBI bomb squad uses electric ...
Silence From Obama on Islamic Terror Attack in Texas Alex ...
Alex Jones9 hours ago - Silence From Obama on Islamic Terror Attack in Texas ... Barack Obamaor the White House on the terror attack in Garland, Texas that occurred ...
Garland police: Suspects were 'there to shoot people' WFAA Police in Garland say they believe the two men killed outside a controversial art show Sunday night were there to shoot the approximately 200 people attending the event before a traffic officer intervened. ... . Both suspects were wearing heavy-duty tactical vests. One of the suspects has been identified as Nadir Soofi. The other, identified as Elton Simpson, 30, was previously convicted in a terror investigation but received probation.
May 4, 2015 A Terror Attack in Texas / Terrorist Attack in Garland The Atlantic Two gunmen were killed by police on Sunday night at an exhibition of cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad. DAM CHANDLER On Sunday night, two gunmen opened fire outside a complex in Garland, Texas, that was hosting a contest featuring cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad. Both gunmen were killed and one security officer was injured in the shootout. hosted by anti-Islam activist Pamela Geller, once labeled a "clinical paranoid" and a "wildly prejudiced person" by The Atlantic's Jeffrey Goldberg, and featured a speech by the anti-Islam Dutch politician Geert Wilders. hoted by American Freedom Defense Initiative, a group widely characterized as Islamaphobic... prosecuted in 2010 for false statements about going to Somalia to engage in jihad," ... found guilty of making the false statements but insufficient evidence to conclude that the crime was directly involved to 'international terrorism.'" Simpson was given a small fine and placed on three years' probation.
May 3, 2015 Texas Governor makes statement, calls Garland shooting attack, senseless, but not terrorist therightscoop Texas Governor makes statement on Garland terrorist attack, White House remains silent. Last night Texas Governor Greg Abbott released this statement on the Garland terrorist attack: Governor Greg Abbott issued the following statement on the shooting what took place in Garland, TX earlier this evening: “Texas officials are actively investigating to determine the cause and scope of the senseless attack in Garland, Texas. This is a crime that was quickly ended thanks to the swift action by Garland law enforcement. Our thoughts and prayers remain with all those affected tonight.”
FBI searching Phoenix home of suspected Garland gunmen
WFAA.com - 59 mins ago... two men were shot and killed outside a provocative contest for cartoon depictions of the ... Elton Simpson; Scene in Garland; FBI searches Phoenix apartment of suspects. ... Ominous tweets about attack sent before Garland shooting ... Multiple SWAT teams and an FBI bomb squad searched the suspects' ...
Shots Fired at Mohammed Art Contest: Officer Down, Two Suspects Dead, Reports Claims Explosives in Area Breitbart News
Breaking: Gunfire reported at anti-Islam event at Garland ISD facility Dallas Morning News - 15 hours agoMore news for "Elton Simpson" cartoon attack shooting bomb killed
Officer and two suspects down in gunfight at islamic cartoon ... Breitbart15 hours ago - UPDATE, 9:20 AM: ABC News has this photo of suspected shooter Elton Simpson: ... The Bomb Squad unit is working to find out if there is in fact abomb in the ... The bodies of the two shooting suspects have not been touched since the ... In January, 12 people were killed by gunmen in an attack against the ...
One gunman reportedly ID'd in shootings outside ... The Dallas Morning News15 hours ago - Two men who opened fire outside a contest for cartoons depicting the Muslim prophet Muhammad were killed by police ... A senior FBI official confirmed that one of the suspects in the attack has been identified as Elton Simpson, an ... FBI agents and a bomb squad reportedly converged on Simpson's ...
Gunmen shot dead in Texas after opening fire outside ... The Washington Post12 hours ago - Two gunmen in Garland, Tex., attacked a contest for cartoons ... But ABC News, citing FBI sources, identified one of the gunmen as Elton Simpson, an Arizona .... #garlandshooting cop shot – two suspects dead, awaiting bomb ...
Garland shooting: Texas gunman named as Elton Simpson ...
www.telegraph.co.uk › ... › North America › USA
The Daily Telegraph2 hours ago - One of the two gunmen killed before they could attack an anti-Islam event in Texas has been named as Elton Simpson. ... which included a $10,000 prize for the best cartoon of the Prophet ... He said he was inspired by "people fighting and killingyour kids, and dropping bombs on people that have nothing ...
The Gateway Pundit Alleged Shooter Elton Simpson in Garland, Texas Terror Attack a Radical Muslim .... that was hosting an event displaying cartoons of the prophet Muhammad. .... #garlandshooting cop shot – two suspects dead, awaiting bomb squad for ...
You've visited this page many times. Last visit: 4/27/15
Islamic State Partisans Take Responsibility for TX Terrorist Attack BEFORE ATTACK!, May 3, 2015, 8:59 PM TWO ISLAMISTS SHOT DEAD, OFFICER WOUNDED at Pamela Geller TX Free Speech Conference
Read more: http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2015/05/breaking-islamic-state-partisans-take-responsibility-for-tx-terrorist-attack-on-free-speech-event/#ixzz3ZBO4Y0cJ
Police shoot dead two gunmen at Texas exhibit of Prophet ... Reuters34 mins ago - ... one of the gunmen as Elton Simpson, an Arizona man who was the target of a terror investigation. FBI agents and a bomb squad were searching Simpson's Phoenix home, ABC said. ... Police shoot two dead at Mohammad cartoon exhibit. The shooting in a Dallas suburb was an echo of past attacks or ...
Elton Simpson: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com heavy.com/.../elton-simpson-garland-texas-muhammad-cartoon-shooter-... hours ago - Elton Simpson has been identified as one of the Garland, Texas shooters. ... wound, before Simpson and his accomplice were killed by police. ... #garlandshooting Suspect's vehicle has what appears to be explosion damage. ... andcartoons of the Prophet have led to violence, including the shooting in ...
Suspect identified in shooting at Mohammed cartoon contest ... New York Post3 hours ago - Phoenix resident Elton Simpson had previously been the target of a terror ... “People fighting and killing your kids, and dropping bombs on people that ...but organizers of the event called the shooting an attack on free speech.
NBCNews.com - 8 hours agoMore news for garland texas obama
Silence From Obama on Islamic Terror Attack in Texas | The ...
14 hours ago - Silence From Obama on Islamic Terror Attack in Texas ... BarackObama or the White House on the terror attack in Garland, Texas that occurred ...
Breaking news on Shooting outside Garland, Texas, center ...
White House: Obama briefed on situation in Texas last night after shootings at ... Blast heard near Garland, Texas, center after FBI bomb squad uses electric ...
Silence From Obama on Islamic Terror Attack in Texas Alex ...
Alex Jones9 hours ago - Silence From Obama on Islamic Terror Attack in Texas ... Barack Obamaor the White House on the terror attack in Garland, Texas that occurred ...
Garland police: Suspects were 'there to shoot people' WFAA Police in Garland say they believe the two men killed outside a controversial art show Sunday night were there to shoot the approximately 200 people attending the event before a traffic officer intervened. ... . Both suspects were wearing heavy-duty tactical vests. One of the suspects has been identified as Nadir Soofi. The other, identified as Elton Simpson, 30, was previously convicted in a terror investigation but received probation.
Governor Greg Abbott released the following statement on Monday: "This morning I called Mayor Athas to offer any state resources and assistance that would aid his city following this heinous attack, and praised the City of Garland's swift and effective action to stop these gunmen and protect innocent lives. I also received a briefing from the Department of Public Safety on the latest developments regarding the actions and motivations of the shooters. I instructed Director McCraw to work with federal authorities to fully investigate the assailants' ties to organized terrorist activity, and received assurances that DPS will continue to communicate with my office and the public as additional information can be released."
Dr. Nasim Rehmatullah, National Vice President of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community USA, also released a statement: "Violence is never an acceptable response to hate speech, no matter how inflammatory and uncivilized that speech is. While we do not yet know what motivated these shooters, we urge calm and defer to local, state, and federal authorities to peaceably and justly resolve this."
May 3, 2015 Texas Governor makes statement, calls Garland shooting attack, senseless, but not terrorist therightscoop Texas Governor makes statement on Garland terrorist attack, White House remains silent. Last night Texas Governor Greg Abbott released this statement on the Garland terrorist attack: Governor Greg Abbott issued the following statement on the shooting what took place in Garland, TX earlier this evening: “Texas officials are actively investigating to determine the cause and scope of the senseless attack in Garland, Texas. This is a crime that was quickly ended thanks to the swift action by Garland law enforcement. Our thoughts and prayers remain with all those affected tonight.”
FBI searching Phoenix home of suspected Garland gunmen
WFAA.com - 59 mins ago... two men were shot and killed outside a provocative contest for cartoon depictions of the ... Elton Simpson; Scene in Garland; FBI searches Phoenix apartment of suspects. ... Ominous tweets about attack sent before Garland shooting ... Multiple SWAT teams and an FBI bomb squad searched the suspects' ...
Shots Fired at Mohammed Art Contest: Officer Down, Two Suspects Dead, Reports Claims Explosives in Area Breitbart News
Breaking: Gunfire reported at anti-Islam event at Garland ISD facility Dallas Morning News - 15 hours agoMore news for "Elton Simpson" cartoon attack shooting bomb killed
Officer and two suspects down in gunfight at islamic cartoon ... Breitbart15 hours ago - UPDATE, 9:20 AM: ABC News has this photo of suspected shooter Elton Simpson: ... The Bomb Squad unit is working to find out if there is in fact abomb in the ... The bodies of the two shooting suspects have not been touched since the ... In January, 12 people were killed by gunmen in an attack against the ...
One gunman reportedly ID'd in shootings outside ... The Dallas Morning News15 hours ago - Two men who opened fire outside a contest for cartoons depicting the Muslim prophet Muhammad were killed by police ... A senior FBI official confirmed that one of the suspects in the attack has been identified as Elton Simpson, an ... FBI agents and a bomb squad reportedly converged on Simpson's ...
Gunmen shot dead in Texas after opening fire outside ... The Washington Post12 hours ago - Two gunmen in Garland, Tex., attacked a contest for cartoons ... But ABC News, citing FBI sources, identified one of the gunmen as Elton Simpson, an Arizona .... #garlandshooting cop shot – two suspects dead, awaiting bomb ...
Garland shooting: Texas gunman named as Elton Simpson ...
www.telegraph.co.uk › ... › North America › USA
The Daily Telegraph2 hours ago - One of the two gunmen killed before they could attack an anti-Islam event in Texas has been named as Elton Simpson. ... which included a $10,000 prize for the best cartoon of the Prophet ... He said he was inspired by "people fighting and killingyour kids, and dropping bombs on people that have nothing ...
The Gateway Pundit Alleged Shooter Elton Simpson in Garland, Texas Terror Attack a Radical Muslim .... that was hosting an event displaying cartoons of the prophet Muhammad. .... #garlandshooting cop shot – two suspects dead, awaiting bomb squad for ...
You've visited this page many times. Last visit: 4/27/15
Islamic State Partisans Take Responsibility for TX Terrorist Attack BEFORE ATTACK!, May 3, 2015, 8:59 PM TWO ISLAMISTS SHOT DEAD, OFFICER WOUNDED at Pamela Geller TX Free Speech Conference
Read more: http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2015/05/breaking-islamic-state-partisans-take-responsibility-for-tx-terrorist-attack-on-free-speech-event/#ixzz3ZBO4Y0cJ
Police shoot dead two gunmen at Texas exhibit of Prophet ... Reuters34 mins ago - ... one of the gunmen as Elton Simpson, an Arizona man who was the target of a terror investigation. FBI agents and a bomb squad were searching Simpson's Phoenix home, ABC said. ... Police shoot two dead at Mohammad cartoon exhibit. The shooting in a Dallas suburb was an echo of past attacks or ...
Elton Simpson: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com heavy.com/.../elton-simpson-garland-texas-muhammad-cartoon-shooter-... hours ago - Elton Simpson has been identified as one of the Garland, Texas shooters. ... wound, before Simpson and his accomplice were killed by police. ... #garlandshooting Suspect's vehicle has what appears to be explosion damage. ... andcartoons of the Prophet have led to violence, including the shooting in ...
Suspect identified in shooting at Mohammed cartoon contest ... New York Post3 hours ago - Phoenix resident Elton Simpson had previously been the target of a terror ... “People fighting and killing your kids, and dropping bombs on people that ...but organizers of the event called the shooting an attack on free speech.
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