Judyth Vary Baker "Oswald is Innocent" ex lover
Book website: http://meandlee.com/
Supported by great American conspiracy theorists like
- Jesse Ventura (quoted by PressTV)
- James Fetzer (PressTV)
- Robert Groden
- Veterans Today (PressTV)
.Lee Harvey Oswald
New Orleans
19-year-old Baker arrived in New Orleans two weeks early due to UF's new trimester system, but to her dismay, both Ochsner and Sherman were out of town. Her fiancé, who only knew that Baker had "plans to work" in New Orleans, was not due to arrive until May, at which time an elopement was planned, but in the meantime, Baker needed emergency funds. Unwilling to ask for help from her parents, she began temporary work at a Royal Castle near the airport. This restaurant was then being used by a government surveillance team to spy on the powerful Mafia leader, Carlos Marcello, whose office behind the Town & Country Motel was just next door. Robert Kennedy had forcibly deported Marcello, who had defiantly returned to the US and was now involved in a deportation court case that he would win on November 22nd, the same day Kennedy was shot.
By April 26, Lee Harvey Oswald had met Baker, who in November would be accused of killing President Kennedy. Researchers believe his meeting with Baker was not accidental. Baker says Oswald concluded she was involved in clandestine operations due to the many people she knew who were linked to the CIA, her employment at that particular Royal Castle, her closeness to Ochsner, her knowledge of Dr. Sherman, and a mix-up of names. By the time Oswald realized the truth, the 23-year-old had already introduced Baker to the clandestine side of Ochsner's cancer research project, exposing Dr. Sherman and her friend David W. Ferrie as among the participants.
Baker learned that Oswald was working with former FBI Chicago chief Guy Banister in anti-Castro operations where Oswald eventually posed as pro-Castro to help ferret out pro-Castro spies in New Orleans. After Oswald introduced Baker to Banister, her fears about Oswald, who told her he had been a "defector" to the USSR, were assuaged. She now looked upon Oswald as a hero who had been a successful spy in the USSR. The fact that Oswald had not been arrested upon his return, and his use by Banister, increased her trust in him. Ochsner's secret project, Baker learned, was being spied upon by Oswald, to make sure "the product" as it was called, which would be used to try to kill Castro, remained under CIA control.
After her new husband immediately left town after their marriage without providing contact information, and with Ochsner and Sherman still unavailable, on May 4, 1963 Baker turned to Oswald after she was evicted in the middle of the night due to a police raid from her rented room. Baker told witnesses of her plans to enter Tulane Medical School in New Orleans in the Fall, unaware that she would spend the summer helping to develop a biological weapon using cancer under Ochsner's and Sherman's direction.
In 2008 the CIA officially admitted that at this time many unusual plans and attempts were made to assassinate Castro, some involving biological agents, such as creating a diving suit infected with a deadly fungus, using poisoned cigars, and employing cancer-causing agents such as thallium.[22]In the book Doublecross, about the Giancana Mafia family in Chicago, the public learned that the mafia was aware of these efforts by the CIA, and was also involved in them.
Baker says Lee Harvey Oswald acted as an assistant and courier in the project.
Cover Jobs and a Love Affair
Baker documented how cover jobs were arranged for herself and Oswald, where they spent approximately half their time. Though she was a slow typist, Baker said arrangements were made to hire her as a secretary for former FBI agent William I. Monaghan, Wm. B. Reily Coffe Company's Vice President of Security, Finance and Field Sales. After moving into nearby apartments the same week, Baker and Oswald rode the same bus to and from work together the next eleven weeks. Both Baker and Oswald began their employment on the same day, at a (then) small subsidiary company, Standard Coffee, owned by Reily, where their background reports were laundered and Baker was taught how to handle the Vice President's secretarial duties. A week later, the two new employees were transferred together to Reily's main company. WC documents support these facts.
Baker's initial "J" is legible on five of Oswald's eleven Reily time cards (recently two "J's" were discovered to have been erased from Oswald's Reily Time Cards, on exhibit at the Mary Ferrell Foundation website: however, they can be clearly seen on NARA documents posted years earlier, elsewhere).
On July 19, 1963, an ad to replace Baker was ordered -- the same day Oswald was fired. Baker herself was fired August 9th, the same day Oswald was arrested for handing out flyers in New Orleans. Baker says she was fired prematurely because she was seen with Oswald that day. These events are documented by paycheck stubs, bank deposits, letters and newspaper ads and articles which have been seen by many researchers.
Baker had arrived in New Orleans in April. So did Oswald. She left New Orleans in September: so did Oswald. Both Baker and Oswald were unhappily married, and they eventually commenced a love affair. "I could speak some Russian, and Lee said I resembled his Russian wife," Baker says. "Just as Lee did, I played chess, loved to travel, was deeply interested in religion and politics, and, just as Lee, I loved classical music and was well-read in philosophy, science fiction and Russian novels. My family called me 'Juduffski' because of my fascination with all things Russian. As for Lee, he called me 'Juduffki.' We were immediately attracted to each other."
Baker has described Oswald's involvement in other undercover projects in New Orleans and elsewhere. She said Oswald also volunteered to provide technical and courier assistance for the "get-Castro project", as well as functioning as her bodyguard and protector in the city.
Oswald eventually told Baker about his efforts to infiltrate a developing JFK assassination plot, even while fearing that he was being lured into thje ring in order to be positioned to take the blame, since he was a returned (but fake) defector from the USSR and had been assigned to portray himself as pro-Castro. Baker says Oswald confided he realized he was being passed over for advancement "because he wasn't trusted, since he did not return from the USSR in a casket."
Statements made by Oswald's wife, Marina, in the biography Marina and Lee by Priscilla Johnson MacMillan, as well as close readings of witness testimonies - too numerous to mention here -- provide circumstantial evidence that Baker and Oswald planned to divorce and marry in Mexico. One such piece of evidence is the fact that Oswald left his wedding ring behind on the morning of the assassination.
, Oswald was ordered back to Dallas after all his efforts to hand off the biological weapon were blocked. Oswald was now increasingly suspicious of how he was being handled, despite assurances that Hurricane Flora had been responsible for the aborted attempt against Castro.
When Oswald, who gathered information on an assassination ring first in New Orleans, and then in Dallas, told Baker had been invited to be a shooter (he had posed as anti-Kennedy to allay suspicions) he told her "You may think I'm a good shot, but I'm not that good."
From then on, Baker says, Oswald believed he was a doomed man and even anticipated becoming a patsy. Despite the dangers, he pretended blind obedience, Baker says, and a lot of stupidity, to keep on gathering information, which he passed, when possible, on to the FBI. When they last spoke only 37 ½ hours before the assassination, Baker begged Oswald to run for his life. But Oswald refused, saying, "If I stay, that will be one less bullet aimed at Kennedy" meaning he would be quickly replaced with someone willing to shoot at the President.
"Oswald had to be in the building and to appear apparently ready to take his position on the sixth floor," Baker says, "so he wouldn't be replaced. Lee considered himself a dead man by this time, because if he fled, they'd kill everyone he loved, and eventually track him down, too."
"If he stayed," Baker added, "and didn't shoot, Lee believed there would be enough circumstantial evidence against him to make him a patsy for the crime --which is exactly what happened." Baker noted that "Oswald expected to be shot dead. He was quite intelligent, however, and managed to be taken alive, but the CIA and FBI had to hope he wouldn't tell anybody about his connections to the CIA and FBI. They believed that if he did so, his CIA contacts in the USSR would have been executed." But, Baker adds, "Lee was faithful to his country. He knew what would happen to others if he revealed his true identity as a former spy and an anti-Castro operative borrowed from the ONI for use by the CIA and FBI. He never betrayed those who were risking their lives for us in the USSR."
Oswald, arrested only 69 minutes after the JFK assassination, was immediately charged with two murders--that of Dallas police officer J.D. Tippit, and of President John F. Kennedy. He was next declared the sole assassin - that there was no conspiracy -- only a few hours later by John Edgar Hoover of the FBI, who directed his Dallas FBI agents not to look for anybody else.
[vetted by a number of people of questionable motives]
vetted and published since 1999 by researchers such as Edward T. Haslam (Dr. Mary's Monkey, Trine Day, 2007), by author-researcher Jim Marrs (author of Crossfire, on which the film JFK was largely based), by Dutch researcher Wim Dankbaar, by Dutch crime investigator Peter DeVries, by British researcher/producer Nigel Turner (The Men Who Killed Kennedy documentary series), by Harrison Livingstone (author-researcher, co-author of High Treason), by veteran researcher Martin Shackelford, by Dr. James Fetzer, by expert researcher Robert Groden, and by "The Governor" Jesse Ventura, among others.
New Orleans
19-year-old Baker arrived in New Orleans two weeks early due to UF's new trimester system, but to her dismay, both Ochsner and Sherman were out of town. Her fiancé, who only knew that Baker had "plans to work" in New Orleans, was not due to arrive until May, at which time an elopement was planned, but in the meantime, Baker needed emergency funds. Unwilling to ask for help from her parents, she began temporary work at a Royal Castle near the airport. This restaurant was then being used by a government surveillance team to spy on the powerful Mafia leader, Carlos Marcello, whose office behind the Town & Country Motel was just next door. Robert Kennedy had forcibly deported Marcello, who had defiantly returned to the US and was now involved in a deportation court case that he would win on November 22nd, the same day Kennedy was shot.
By April 26, Lee Harvey Oswald had met Baker, who in November would be accused of killing President Kennedy. Researchers believe his meeting with Baker was not accidental. Baker says Oswald concluded she was involved in clandestine operations due to the many people she knew who were linked to the CIA, her employment at that particular Royal Castle, her closeness to Ochsner, her knowledge of Dr. Sherman, and a mix-up of names. By the time Oswald realized the truth, the 23-year-old had already introduced Baker to the clandestine side of Ochsner's cancer research project, exposing Dr. Sherman and her friend David W. Ferrie as among the participants.
Baker learned that Oswald was working with former FBI Chicago chief Guy Banister in anti-Castro operations where Oswald eventually posed as pro-Castro to help ferret out pro-Castro spies in New Orleans. After Oswald introduced Baker to Banister, her fears about Oswald, who told her he had been a "defector" to the USSR, were assuaged. She now looked upon Oswald as a hero who had been a successful spy in the USSR. The fact that Oswald had not been arrested upon his return, and his use by Banister, increased her trust in him. Ochsner's secret project, Baker learned, was being spied upon by Oswald, to make sure "the product" as it was called, which would be used to try to kill Castro, remained under CIA control.
After her new husband immediately left town after their marriage without providing contact information, and with Ochsner and Sherman still unavailable, on May 4, 1963 Baker turned to Oswald after she was evicted in the middle of the night due to a police raid from her rented room. Baker told witnesses of her plans to enter Tulane Medical School in New Orleans in the Fall, unaware that she would spend the summer helping to develop a biological weapon using cancer under Ochsner's and Sherman's direction.
In 2008 the CIA officially admitted that at this time many unusual plans and attempts were made to assassinate Castro, some involving biological agents, such as creating a diving suit infected with a deadly fungus, using poisoned cigars, and employing cancer-causing agents such as thallium.[22]In the book Doublecross, about the Giancana Mafia family in Chicago, the public learned that the mafia was aware of these efforts by the CIA, and was also involved in them.
Baker says Lee Harvey Oswald acted as an assistant and courier in the project.
Cover Jobs and a Love Affair
Baker documented how cover jobs were arranged for herself and Oswald, where they spent approximately half their time. Though she was a slow typist, Baker said arrangements were made to hire her as a secretary for former FBI agent William I. Monaghan, Wm. B. Reily Coffe Company's Vice President of Security, Finance and Field Sales. After moving into nearby apartments the same week, Baker and Oswald rode the same bus to and from work together the next eleven weeks. Both Baker and Oswald began their employment on the same day, at a (then) small subsidiary company, Standard Coffee, owned by Reily, where their background reports were laundered and Baker was taught how to handle the Vice President's secretarial duties. A week later, the two new employees were transferred together to Reily's main company. WC documents support these facts.
Baker's initial "J" is legible on five of Oswald's eleven Reily time cards (recently two "J's" were discovered to have been erased from Oswald's Reily Time Cards, on exhibit at the Mary Ferrell Foundation website: however, they can be clearly seen on NARA documents posted years earlier, elsewhere).
On July 19, 1963, an ad to replace Baker was ordered -- the same day Oswald was fired. Baker herself was fired August 9th, the same day Oswald was arrested for handing out flyers in New Orleans. Baker says she was fired prematurely because she was seen with Oswald that day. These events are documented by paycheck stubs, bank deposits, letters and newspaper ads and articles which have been seen by many researchers.
Baker had arrived in New Orleans in April. So did Oswald. She left New Orleans in September: so did Oswald. Both Baker and Oswald were unhappily married, and they eventually commenced a love affair. "I could speak some Russian, and Lee said I resembled his Russian wife," Baker says. "Just as Lee did, I played chess, loved to travel, was deeply interested in religion and politics, and, just as Lee, I loved classical music and was well-read in philosophy, science fiction and Russian novels. My family called me 'Juduffski' because of my fascination with all things Russian. As for Lee, he called me 'Juduffki.' We were immediately attracted to each other."
Baker has described Oswald's involvement in other undercover projects in New Orleans and elsewhere. She said Oswald also volunteered to provide technical and courier assistance for the "get-Castro project", as well as functioning as her bodyguard and protector in the city.
Oswald eventually told Baker about his efforts to infiltrate a developing JFK assassination plot, even while fearing that he was being lured into thje ring in order to be positioned to take the blame, since he was a returned (but fake) defector from the USSR and had been assigned to portray himself as pro-Castro. Baker says Oswald confided he realized he was being passed over for advancement "because he wasn't trusted, since he did not return from the USSR in a casket."
Statements made by Oswald's wife, Marina, in the biography Marina and Lee by Priscilla Johnson MacMillan, as well as close readings of witness testimonies - too numerous to mention here -- provide circumstantial evidence that Baker and Oswald planned to divorce and marry in Mexico. One such piece of evidence is the fact that Oswald left his wedding ring behind on the morning of the assassination.
, Oswald was ordered back to Dallas after all his efforts to hand off the biological weapon were blocked. Oswald was now increasingly suspicious of how he was being handled, despite assurances that Hurricane Flora had been responsible for the aborted attempt against Castro.
When Oswald, who gathered information on an assassination ring first in New Orleans, and then in Dallas, told Baker had been invited to be a shooter (he had posed as anti-Kennedy to allay suspicions) he told her "You may think I'm a good shot, but I'm not that good."
From then on, Baker says, Oswald believed he was a doomed man and even anticipated becoming a patsy. Despite the dangers, he pretended blind obedience, Baker says, and a lot of stupidity, to keep on gathering information, which he passed, when possible, on to the FBI. When they last spoke only 37 ½ hours before the assassination, Baker begged Oswald to run for his life. But Oswald refused, saying, "If I stay, that will be one less bullet aimed at Kennedy" meaning he would be quickly replaced with someone willing to shoot at the President.
"Oswald had to be in the building and to appear apparently ready to take his position on the sixth floor," Baker says, "so he wouldn't be replaced. Lee considered himself a dead man by this time, because if he fled, they'd kill everyone he loved, and eventually track him down, too."
"If he stayed," Baker added, "and didn't shoot, Lee believed there would be enough circumstantial evidence against him to make him a patsy for the crime --which is exactly what happened." Baker noted that "Oswald expected to be shot dead. He was quite intelligent, however, and managed to be taken alive, but the CIA and FBI had to hope he wouldn't tell anybody about his connections to the CIA and FBI. They believed that if he did so, his CIA contacts in the USSR would have been executed." But, Baker adds, "Lee was faithful to his country. He knew what would happen to others if he revealed his true identity as a former spy and an anti-Castro operative borrowed from the ONI for use by the CIA and FBI. He never betrayed those who were risking their lives for us in the USSR."
Oswald, arrested only 69 minutes after the JFK assassination, was immediately charged with two murders--that of Dallas police officer J.D. Tippit, and of President John F. Kennedy. He was next declared the sole assassin - that there was no conspiracy -- only a few hours later by John Edgar Hoover of the FBI, who directed his Dallas FBI agents not to look for anybody else.
[vetted by a number of people of questionable motives]
vetted and published since 1999 by researchers such as Edward T. Haslam (Dr. Mary's Monkey, Trine Day, 2007), by author-researcher Jim Marrs (author of Crossfire, on which the film JFK was largely based), by Dutch researcher Wim Dankbaar, by Dutch crime investigator Peter DeVries, by British researcher/producer Nigel Turner (The Men Who Killed Kennedy documentary series), by Harrison Livingstone (author-researcher, co-author of High Treason), by veteran researcher Martin Shackelford, by Dr. James Fetzer, by expert researcher Robert Groden, and by "The Governor" Jesse Ventura, among others.
Judyth Vary Baker -- Claims to Have Been Oswald's Girlfriend in ...
Star Science Student Recruited into Deadly Conspiracy
Judyth’s saga begins when she was a student at Manatee High School in Bradenton, Florida. Among fellow students who remember her, opinion is about evenly split between remembering her as “intelligent” and remembering her as “weird,”
but she appears to have been an excellent science student who conducted “cancer research” with mice.

She received a fair amount of recognition for her academic prowess, attending national workshops for science students. But her life took an important turn when she came to the attention of Dr. Canute Michaelson in 1958. Michaelson (supposedly a “CIA asset” engaged in bioweapons research) somehow targeted her for future intelligence use.
She was thus drawn into the orbit of very sinister people and eventually into a plot that had the intention of killing Castro, but ended up killing JFK instead.

The “interesting” time in her life was the summer of 1963, when she was in New Orleans. It was there that she began, she claims, a torrid sexual affair with Lee Harvey Oswald, in spite of having been recently married to Robert Baker, a student and future petroleum geologist who was working for an oil company. What brought Judyth and Lee together was a plot, centered in New Orleans, to produce a bioweapon for the purpose of killing Fidel Castro. The plotters got them both “cover” jobs at the Reily Coffee Company while they were carrying on an affair and trying to produce a “cocktail” to administer to Castro. The “cocktail” would include both a virus designed to knock out Castro’s immune system, and cancer cells that would infect him and cause his death.
Other participants in the plot included David Ferrie – every conspiracy author’s favorite suspect – and Dr. Mary Sherman, a physician at the Ochsner Clinic. The research was done in the apartments of Ferrie and Sherman.
Oswald’s famous trip to Mexico City was, according to Baker, for the purpose of delivering the poison “cocktail” to an agent who would see to it that it got into Cuba and was administered to Castro.
Oswald made it to Mexico City, but unfortunately the agent never arrived to claim the materials, and the plotters decided to kill John Kennedy instead. However, instead of using their sophisticated bioweapon concoction on him, they decided to simply shoot him. Oswald, who liked Kennedy, was an unwilling participant in the plot, but never defected nor told the authorities about the plan. He was in Dealey Plaza as a shooter, but intentionally missed Kennedy, although other shooters, of course, killed the President.
Some readers may be tempted to stop reading right now, given the sheer implausibility of the tale.
That the CIA would need to develop a bioweapon to kill Castro is farfetched, since they had a variety of poisons that would have killed him – including some that would do so without it being obvious he was in fact murdered. 

Further, when the CIA wanted scientific research done, they were able to recruit top-notch Ph.D.-level university talent. Their research on toxins was headed by a renowned biologist. For the MK/ULTRA project (dealing with “mind control”) they recruited top university scientists.
Yet we are supposed to believe that this particular project was carried out by a high-school dropout (Oswald), a college student with no advanced science classes (Baker), a fellow who had a mail order doctor’s degree from an institution in Italy (Ferrie) and a reputable doctor (Sherman) who was in fact an orthopedic surgeon. 

Ferrie, at one point, did own some mice, and told his friends he was engaged in “cancer research.” But then he also, at one point, had a large tank in his back yard which he claimed he was going to convert into a submarine to attack Castro’s Cuba. 

.Jesse Ventura
PressTV - 'US weapon caused Japan disaster'
www.presstv.ir › Asia-Pacific › More From Asia-PacificPressTV - Ex-governor doubts US killed Osama
PressTV - Conspiracy theories becoming conventional wisdom: Barrett
www.presstv.com › Society
.Robert Groden
The JFK War: The Challenging Case of Robert Groden | Veterans ...
Images for judyth vary baker
- Report images
JAMES FETZER: 14 Reasons to Believe in Judyth Vary Baker
Me & Lee – How I came to know, love and lose Lee Harvey Oswald ...
JFKfacts » Judyth Vary Baker
Amazon.com: Judyth Vary Baker: Books, Biography, Blog ...
Judyth Vary Baker : Biography - Spartacus Educational
www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKbakerJ.htmJudyth and Oswald planned to divorce and marry in Mexico after he had done all he could to help thwart the plans of an assassination ring, which he had ...
TalkingStickTV - Judyth Vary Baker - Me & Lee: How I Came to ...
Nov 25, 2012 - Uploaded by talkingsticktvInterview with Judyth Vary Baker author of "Me & Lee - How I Came to Know, Love and Lose Lee Harvey Oswald".
ME AND LEE / Judyth Vary Baker
JFK 50th Anniversary Me & Lee Book tour Bring Judyth Vary Baker ...
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