A terrorist? wikipedia talk: I am increasingly of the opinion that Mr. Franklin should be characterized as a "terrorist," rather than a "serial killer," based on the clearly enunciated, socio-political motivation behind his crimes. I have yet to take any action to address either of the two issues I've raised about this article here on its Talk page, but barring some input from other people, I think I shall soon be moving forward in moving this article in, what very much seems to be, a more objectively accurate, NPOV direction. KevinOKeeffe (talk) 23:51, 10 January 2009 (UTC)
- .reference
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Joseph Paul Franklin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
What will America look like in 2050? - CNN.com - Page 6 - Stormfront
Jul 5, 2010 - 10 posts - 7 authorsJoseph Paul Franklin is a real American hero and a White patriot we can all look up to. Instead of just talking he actually took action. For those ...
franklin & company inc. - CJOnline.com - Topeka Capital-Journal
- Larry Flynt weighs in on Missouri killer set for execution
ST. LOUIS - Serial killer Joseph Paul Franklin is getting support from an unlikely source: Hustler...who was paralyzed by a bullet apparently fired by Franklin 35 years ago.Franklin is set for execution Nov. 20 in Missouri for a 1977...He admitted shooting Flynt in 1978 but was never charged. The American Civil Liberties Union filed a court motion Saturday on Flynt’s behalf, arguing that Missouri’s execution process is too secretive and demanding more information be made public.
Flynt recently wrote a column in the Hollywood Reporter, saying execution was vengeance, not justice.Franklin has been convicted in five murders. He was given the death penalty for killing Gerald Gordon outside a St. Louis-area synagogue in 1977.
How Hate Groups Influenced Racist Killer Joseph Paul Franklin
- In 1977 Franklin, a self-proclaimed racist and anti-Semite, began his murder spree after concluding the organizations he had joined—the American Nazi Party, the States Rights Party and the Ku Klux Klan—were not serious enough in putting their extremist and violent beliefs into practice. Between 1977 and 1980 Franklin acted as a “lone wolf” assassin roaming the length and breadth of the United States in pursuit of Jews, African Americans and especially interracial couples who he believed were “beasts ready for the slaughter.” In a three-year period he bombed the home of a Jewish lobbyist in a Washington D.C. suburb and a synagogue in Chattanooga, Tennessee; used a sniper rifle to kill a congregant outside a St Louis synagogue; shot and wounded civil rights leader Vernon Jordan; shot and paralyzed magazine publisher Larry Flynt; killed two African American joggers in a sniper shooting in Salt Lake City; shot and killed two young African American boys in a sniper shooting Cincinnati, Ohio; successfully targeted with his sniper rifle interracial couples in Pennsylvania, Oklahoma, Georgia and Wisconsin; and shot and killed African American men in Doraville, Georgia, Falls Church, Virginia and Indianapolis, Indiana. He also murdered four young women who had confessed to him they had had sexual relationships with black men. Eventually, he was sentenced to numerous life sentences but received the death penalty only once, for the 1977 murder of Gerald Gordon in Richmond Heights, St Louis. - See more at: http://hnn.us/article/139368#sthash.sl2B1bB7.dpuf
How Hate Groups Influence Racist Killer Joseph Paul Franklin
- www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread966647/pg1
Aug 24, 2013 - 20 posts - 10 authorsThe Holocaust 'conspiracy' took it's full form with the 1964 ... Pierce's second novel, 'Hunter', is dedicated to serial killer Joseph Paul Franklin.
Serial killer Joseph Paul Franklin prepares to die - Worldnews.com
Flynt Believes Franklin Only Part Of Conspiracy . - Google News
Joseph Paul Franklin.[Source: Jackson Clarion Ledger]Joseph Paul Franklin, a resident of Memphis, Tennessee, confesses to attempting to kill Larry Flynt, the publisher of Hustler magazine, and civil rights leader Vernon Jordan. Franklin’s motives are, according to his own statements, frankly racist. He admits to having been a member of the Ku Klux Klan and other white supremacist groups, a former believer in the Christian Identity theology (see 1960s and After), and for a long time considered himself a Nazi. On March 6, 1978, he shot Flynt outside a Georgia courtroom, paralyzing the publisher for life. On May 29, 1980, he shot and severely injured Jordan outside a Fort Wayne, Indiana, Marriott hotel. Franklin says he tried to kill Flynt because he published photographs of a racially mixed couple having simulated sex. He says he shot Jordan, an African-American, because he saw him with a white woman. From 1977 through 1980, Franklin says, he embarked on a “mission” to rid America of blacks, Jews, and whites who like minorities. He claims the credit for robbing a number of banks, bombing a Tennessee synagogue, killing two black men in Utah who were jogging with white women, and shooting a black man and white woman as they left a Tennessee restaurant. In total, Franklin says he may have killed 20 people in a 10-state, racially motivated shooting spree; when asked how many he’d killed, he says, “Not nearly enough.” Franklin explains why he shot so many people: “I was trying to start a race war at the time.… I figured other whites would do it, too, and eventually we’d have a full-fledged race war.” He says that in 1977 he went on the “warpath. I decided to cut loose in 1977. I was working these dead-end jobs. I thought, ‘I’m just going to go out and kill some Jews.’” Franklin says he was inspired in part by convicted serial killer Charles Manson. He is convicted of a number of crimes, including the 1977 murder of Missouri resident Gerald Gordon, and sentenced to death for Gordon’s murder. During his murder trial, Franklin calmly explains the length he went to to avoid detection: buying a rifle in Dallas through a classified ad, filing off the serial number, and carrying it in a guitar case; finding synagogues in the Yellow Pages, using a bicycle to approach and leave the scenes of his crimes quickly and without detection; and using a police scanner to keep abreast of law enforcement activities. He tells the court that he has no regrets regarding any of his crimes: asked if he feels remorse for any of his actions, he says: “I can’t say that I do. The only thing I’m sorry about is that it’s not legal.” Asked, “What’s not legal?” he replies, “Killing Jews.” Psychiatrist Dorothy Otnow Lewis, who has interviewed a large number of serial killers and spree killers, testifies that Franklin is a paranoid schizophrenic, details the brutal physical abuse he suffered as a child, and details a number of bizarre beliefs he seems to hold. Franklin denies being “stark raving mad,” but admits to a few “minor neuroses.” As to Lewis’s contention that he was unable to stop himself from committing his crimes, Franklin says: “I think it is hogwash, to tell you the truth. I knew exactly what I was doing.” Lewis later says she believes all serial and spree killers are mentally or emotionally dysfunctional and not directly responsible for their actions. [TIME, 11/16/1980; NEW YORKER, 2/24/1997; JACKSON CLARION LEDGER, 2/25/2010] The 1989 novel Hunter, by William Pierce, the author of the infamous Turner Diaries (see 1978), will be dedicated to Franklin. The main character of the novel kills interracial couples in an attempt to foment a race war.[NEW YORK TIMES, 7/24/2002] The racist, white supremacist group Aryan Nations will give Franklin a medal for his actions. [JACKSON CLARION LEDGER, 2/25/2010]
http://www.thecounterterroristmag.com/pdf/AugSep09.Andrews.LoneWolfKiller.pdf lone wolves differ from common “lone nuts” in two ways: First, their violent actions are politically, religiously, and/or ideologically motivated; and second, they make an effort not to get caught. In recent years, the advent of the Internet and numerous websites dedicated to explosives, firearms training, survivalist skills, surveillance techniques, and radical ideology has helped facilitate the creation of lone wolf terrorists. However, even with the many resources available on the Internet, the lone wolf may remain a rarity. Terrorists seek a cause that gives them emotional relief, social community, and spiritual comfort. They are drawn to like-minded people, and once among these people, the intensity of their bel ... a successful attack, including the knowledge required to build a bomb or fire a weapon accurately. Finally, the lone wolf has to have certain street skills or tradecraft that allow him to escape once the act is complete.3 One individual who met of all these criteria was Joseph Paul Franklin. Although Louis Beam’s 1992 essay “Leaderless Resistance” was written after Franklin committed his horrific crimes, Franklin’s life closely followed Beam’s description of those lone wolves who were participating in the far right’s “revolutionary struggle.” In his essay, Beam described a process involving a front group that eschews any illegal activities but provides direction for lone wolves through the dissemination of information by means of newspapers, leaflets, rallies, marches, and other organs of propaganda. (Remember, when Beam wrote his essay, the Internet was in its infancy, so its potential was unknown to him.) Beam recognized that the government would be alerted to and would investigate any organizations that represented a threat. He also knew that the government would try to infiltrate and neutralize these organizations
the synagogue shooting
in the fall of 1977 serves as a prime
example of Franklin’s detailed
planning. In his confession, Franklin
explained that he bought his rifle
in Dallas through a classified ad,
thereby insuring no chance of a
paper trail through a firearms dealer.
He then drove to St. Louis, looked
up synagogues in the phone book,
and filed the serial numbers off the
rifle. Next, he bought a guitar case
in which to carry the weapon, and
he scouted the area near one of the
synagogues, locating a stand of bushes
from which he could fire from without
being seen. Franklin then purchased
a bike, put it in his car, and rode the
bike to the predetermined spot in the
bushes. Once there, he lay in wait for
several hours until people exited the
synagogue, at which time he fired five
shots. After that, Franklin rode the
bike back to his car, pulled out of the
parking lot, and checked his police
scanner to see whether he was being
chased. Finally, he exited the area via
Interstate 55.5
As these many steps
illustrate, this was a planned murder
carried out by an intelligent, rational
individual—a true lone wolf.
.sources- [DOC]
Lone Wolf Terrorism in America - Indiana State University
www.indstate.edu/.../Lone%20Wolf%20Terrorism%20in%20America.do... - The threat of lone wolf terrorism in America is based on a number of recent terrorist events that authorities believe were carried out by a single person. In November 2009, 13 people were killed at Fort Hood, Texas, in a shooting that led to charges against an Army psychiatrist who allegedly became an Islamic extremist. In June 2009, an avowed Islamic militant opened fire on an army recruiting center in Little Rock, Arkansas, killing one and wounding another. Also in June, an 89-year-old man with a fascination for Nazi Germany fired a weapon into the Washington, D.C. Holocaust Museum, resulting in the death of a security officer. In 2010, a tax protestor flew a small plane into an IRS office in Austin, Texas, killing himself and injuring 13 bystanders. A Christmas Day 2009 attempt to bring down a Detroit-bound jetliner with a bomb, a botched car bombing in New York’s Times Square in 2010, a 2010 attempt to blow up New York’s busy subway lines, a 2010 plot to bomb the Dallas home of former president George W. Bush, the 2011 shooting of an Arizona Congresswoman and 19 of her supporters in Tucson, and a 2012 attempt by a suicide bomber to blow himself up inside the U.S. Capitol building were also tied to one person in each instance. Not only have these episodes created grave concern at the highest levels of the American political order, but the perceived threat of standalone terrorism has prompted important changes in governmental requirements for preventing its occurrence, such as the introduction of a “lone wolf provision” into the United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (or FISA, incorporated into the Patriot Act by the Obama administration in 2011) and a 2011 diplomatic accord between the U.S. and the European Union on sharing data on air passengers for flights from Europe to America (Bazan, 2004; CNN, 2011).What, then, do we actually know about lone wolf terrorism in America?
- a 2009 DHS report on right-wing extremism concluded that “lone wolves and small terrorist cells embracing violent rightwing extremist ideology is the most dangerous domestic terrorism threat in the United States” (DHS, 2009: 7
A cursory look at the lone wolves
in the List of Cases reveals that a number of them were career criminals before
graduating to terrorism: James Earl Ray, Mark Essex, Joseph Paul Franklin and
Carlos Bledsoe are examples. Then the analysis would move to the core research
questions. They are as follows.
Lone wolf terrorists seem to mix personal frustrations
with wider political agendashttp://www.stratfor.com/weekly/domestic-terrorism-persistent-threat-united-states
- terrorism is a tactic practiced by actors from a wide array of ethnic and religious backgrounds who follow various ideologies stretching from anarchism to neo-Nazism. Terrorism does not equal jihadism. Long before jihadism reared its head in the United States, anarchist Leon Czolgosz assassinated President William McKinley, white supremacist James Earl Ray assassinated Martin Luther King Jr., and Posse Comitatus member Gordon Kahl killed three law enforcement officers in a multistate spree of violence. Indeed, as we look at all of the recent attention being paid to lone assailants and small cells, it must be remembered that anti-government and white supremacist leaders in the United States embraced the leaderless resistance model of operations long before jihadist groups began to promote it.In 1989, William Pierce wrote his novel Hunter, which detailed the exploits of a fictional lone wolf named Oscar Yeager and was loosely based upon real-life lone wolf Joseph Paul Franklin.
Read more: Domestic Terrorism: A Persistent Threat in the United States | Stratfor
Follow us: @stratfor on Twitter | Stratfor on Facebook Political Violence and Terrorism in Modern America: A Chronology
books.google.com/books?isbn=0313334188Christopher Hewitt - 2005 - HistoryWhite racist, Joseph Paul Franklin. Tomah, Wisconsin. A white female, Rebecca Bergstrom, is found shot in a secluded park near Tomah in central Wisconsin.
domestic terrorism: 1980: Avowed Racist, Anti-Semite Convicted of Murder in Killing Spree

Entity Tags: William Luther Pierce, Aryan Nations, Larry Flynt, Ku Klux Klan, Vernon Jordan, Dorothy Otnow Lewis, Gerald Gordon, Joseph Paul Franklin
Category Tags: Anti-Semitic Rhetoric and Actions, Race and Ethnic-Based Rhetoric,Court Actions and Lawsuits, Law Enforcement Actions, Aryan Nations, Christian Identity, Ku Klux Klan, Rhetorical Violence, Shooting/Guns
the synagogue shooting
in the fall of 1977 serves as a prime
example of Franklin’s detailed
planning. In his confession, Franklin
explained that he bought his rifle
in Dallas through a classified ad,
thereby insuring no chance of a
paper trail through a firearms dealer.
He then drove to St. Louis, looked
up synagogues in the phone book,
and filed the serial numbers off the
rifle. Next, he bought a guitar case
in which to carry the weapon, and
he scouted the area near one of the
synagogues, locating a stand of bushes
from which he could fire from without
being seen. Franklin then purchased
a bike, put it in his car, and rode the
bike to the predetermined spot in the
bushes. Once there, he lay in wait for
several hours until people exited the
synagogue, at which time he fired five
shots. After that, Franklin rode the
bike back to his car, pulled out of the
parking lot, and checked his police
scanner to see whether he was being
chased. Finally, he exited the area via
Interstate 55.5
As these many steps
illustrate, this was a planned murder
carried out by an intelligent, rational
individual—a true lone wolf.
- CNN - 10 hours agoJoseph Paul Franklin is unblinking and empty as he talks about his victims.
- Daily Mail - 5 hours ago
Serial killer Joseph Paul Franklin talks with FOX 2 before execution ...
Joseph Paul Franklin shows no remorse ahead of death penalty ...
Missouri governor denies clemency for serial killer Joseph Paul ...
Options low for condemned serial killer Joseph Paul Franklin | The ...
Joseph Paul Franklin Execution: Killer Gives Final Interview, Says 'It ...
Joseph Paul Franklin | Murderpedia, the encyclopedia of murderers
Serial Killer Joseph Paul Franklin Doing His Last Interview Before ...
6 hours ago - Uploaded by Jules DavisRacist Democrat KKK member.. Serial Killer Joseph Paul Franklin interviewed at the Eastern Reception ...
the Tangled Life of Joseph Paul Franklin - People
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