25 injured, suspect arrested, motive: mental case believes he is ISIS terrorist June 21, 2016 Man with fake salt and cookies suicide belt mock terrorist at Belgian shopping mall A man identified only as J.B. claimed to have been abducted and dropped off at a Belgian shopping mall complex. He told police he had a suicide explosives belt that would be set off remotely. The belt was found to contain salt and cookies, and materials to make the belt were found in a search of his home, and suspect later admitted he had mental issues and made up the entire story. Authorities were investigating ties to terrorism.
Alternative theory: A man with clear allegiance to ISIS with a carefully prepared and scripted hoax attack is dismissed as mentally imbalanced, and common criminal already known to police but the motive appears to be to get away with a hoax attack that has the same impact if not deadly toll as a real Islamist terror attack . This operation is too carefully prepared and scripted to be a mere stunt. If it was intended to cause as much response and terror as a lethal attack, it should be treated the same as a lethal attack. Somebody had to be behind this guy to script it and give him instructions. This is no one-man operation by a mental case. It has hallmarks of planning by a controller.
Similar to shooting at German movie theater, also a hoax attack by an man authorities will not identify who shot real bullets and held real hostages with real terrorist script, equipment and tactics.
ninjapundit: 25 injured as Germany Viernheim Kinopolis Movie Shooting Only A Mock Terrorist. 3 June 2016, an unidentified man opened fire at the Kinopolis cinema complex in Viernheim, Germany, in a hostage-taking incident.
Dane Gallion Accused Drunken Accidental Renton Movie ...January 21, 2016 1 injured, 1 arrested in "accidental" movie theater shooting. Man who is afraid of mass shootings accidentally fires gun and critically injures woman when he claims somebody grabbed at his crotch. Authorities believe it is an innocent accident, not a terrorist attack scripted to look like an accident.
Prosecutors said J.B., who had recently informed police that he had been enlisted to join the Islamic State extremist group in Syria, was He has been rema
- abducted made up story: man claimed to have been abducted and dropped off at the downtown City 2 complex.
- known to police and is thought to have had psychiatric problems.
- ISIS inspired: informed police that he had been enlisted to join the Islamic State extremist group in Syria,
- man with psychiatric problems (typical cover story)
- mock terrorist clearly wanted to give impression he was a terrorist
- Movie And Theater Incidents
- suicide belt: He said that the "suicide belt" would be detonated remotely, Search of his home showed finding materials that had apparently been used to make the fake belt,
- terrorism investigation investigating whether the incident near the mall had links to terrorism
- unidentified suspect man in his twenties identified in official documents only as J.B.
Prosecutors said J.B., who had recently informed police that he had been enlisted to join the Islamic State extremist group in Syria, was He has been rema
Man with fake suicide belt filled with salt and cookies ...
Man with fake suicide belt filled with salt and cookies sparks alert ... Man with fake suicidebelt filled with salt and cookies sparks alert at Belgian mall. the man claimed to have been abducted and dropped off at the downtown City 2 complex. He said that the "suicide belt" would be detonated remotely, prompting a response that highlighted the state of frayed nerves among the security services and government. The suspect later admitted that he had made the whole story up. Police searched the home of the mother of the suspect, a man in his twenties identified in official documents only as J.B., finding materials that had apparently been used to make the fake belt, Brussels prosecutor Rym Kechiche said in a statement.
Man With Fake Suicide Belt Sparks Alert at Belgian Mall - The ...
Man With Fake Suicide Belt Sparks Alert at Belgian Mall. ... authorities were investigating whether the incident near the mall had links to terrorism or ...
Man with fake suicide belt sparks alert at Belgian...
Man with fake suicide belt sparks alert at Belgian mall. ... finding materials that had apparently been...
Man with fake suicide belt sparks alert at Belgian...
Jun 20, 2016 · Man with fake suicide belt sparks alert at Belgian mall. ... Man with fakesuicide belt sparks alert at ...
Fake Suicide Belt Belgian Mall - Image Results

Man with fake suicide belt sparks alert at Belgian...
Man with fake suicide belt sparks alert at Belgian mall. Lorne Cook and John-thor Dahlburg, Associated...
Man with fake suicide belt sparks alert at Belgian...
Man with fake suicide belt sparks alert at Belgian mall Man with fake suicide belt sparks alert at ...
Man with fake suicide belt sparks alert at Belgian...
Man with fake suicide belt sparks alert at Belgian mall. ... A man with psychiatric problems who was...
Man with fake suicide belt sparks alert at Belgian...
Jun 20, 2016 · Man with fake suicide belt sparks alert at Belgian mall. ... Man with fakesuicide belt sparks alert at ...
Man with fake suicide belt sparks alert at Belgian...
Man with fake suicide belt sparks alert at Belgian mall. Lorne Cook and John-thor Dahlburg, ... Man with ...
Man With Fake Suicide Belt Sparks Alert at Belgian...
Man With Fake Suicide Belt Sparks Alert at Belgian Mall. Sections. Sections; Top ... A man wearing a fake...
Man with fake suicide belt sparks alert at Belgian...
Man with fake suicide belt sparks alert at Belgian mall. ... that the “suicide belt” would be detonated...
Man with fake suicide belt filled with salt and cookies sparks alert ... Man with fake suicidebelt filled with salt and cookies sparks alert at Belgian mall. the man claimed to have been abducted and dropped off at the downtown City 2 complex. He said that the "suicide belt" would be detonated remotely, prompting a response that highlighted the state of frayed nerves among the security services and government. The suspect later admitted that he had made the whole story up. Police searched the home of the mother of the suspect, a man in his twenties identified in official documents only as J.B., finding materials that had apparently been used to make the fake belt, Brussels prosecutor Rym Kechiche said in a statement.
Man With Fake Suicide Belt Sparks Alert at Belgian Mall. ... authorities were investigating whether the incident near the mall had links to terrorism or ...
Man with fake suicide belt sparks alert at Belgian...
Man with fake suicide belt sparks alert at Belgian mall. ... finding materials that had apparently been...
Man with fake suicide belt sparks alert at Belgian...
Jun 20, 2016 · Man with fake suicide belt sparks alert at Belgian mall. ... Man with fakesuicide belt sparks alert at ...
Fake Suicide Belt Belgian Mall - Image Results
Man with fake suicide belt sparks alert at Belgian...
Man with fake suicide belt sparks alert at Belgian mall. Lorne Cook and John-thor Dahlburg, Associated...
Man with fake suicide belt sparks alert at Belgian...
Man with fake suicide belt sparks alert at Belgian mall Man with fake suicide belt sparks alert at ...
Man with fake suicide belt sparks alert at Belgian...
Man with fake suicide belt sparks alert at Belgian mall. ... A man with psychiatric problems who was...
Man with fake suicide belt sparks alert at Belgian...
Jun 20, 2016 · Man with fake suicide belt sparks alert at Belgian mall. ... Man with fakesuicide belt sparks alert at ...
Man with fake suicide belt sparks alert at Belgian...
Man with fake suicide belt sparks alert at Belgian mall. Lorne Cook and John-thor Dahlburg, ... Man with ...
Man With Fake Suicide Belt Sparks Alert at Belgian...
Man With Fake Suicide Belt Sparks Alert at Belgian Mall. Sections. Sections; Top ... A man wearing a fake...
Man with fake suicide belt sparks alert at Belgian...
Man with fake suicide belt sparks alert at Belgian mall. ... that the “suicide belt” would be detonated...
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