4 shot, 1 killed, no suspect identified June 8, 2016 Dorchester MA murder and mass shooting near Jeremiah Burke High School fire alarm 17-year-old African-American student Raekwon Brown was shot to death around 1:15 p.m. at a pizza restaurant step from the entrance of Jeremiah E. Burke High School after someone accidentally pulled a fire alarm which sent students outside. Two other teens including the boy's cousin was also wounded along with a 67 year old bystander woman who was grazed. Police believe students may know why the student may have been targeted. The student reportedly " never had a run-in with police and was not involved in violence" and enjoyed making and posting videos to Youtube. ""He's a nice kid. He gets good grades. Everyone he hangs out with gets good grades. "
Alternative theory: Who pulls a fire alarm by accident??? Was it to force students outside where they could be targets for a shooting? If the boy was targeted why were so many other random persons hit? Why do bad people target good black people? Why was student at pizza shop, was he outside because of the alarm?
- black victim
- Massachusetts
- school shooting (close by)
- student victim
June 9, 2016
Have Some Courage': Witnesses To Dorchester Teen's Murder Urged To Come Forward
CBS Local
4 Shot, 1 Fatally, Near Boston High School WBUR -was a 17-year-old at the Jeremiah E. Burke High School in Dorchester. ... Evans said the shootings occurred by a pizza shop near the school.
June 8, 2016
'Student Killed, 3 Injured In Shooting Near Dorchester High School ...
WBZ The shooting happened around 1:15 p.m. at a pizza restaurant near Jeremiah E.Burke High School. Witnesses said they heard two to three ...
Student, 17, killed, three others wounded in shooting near Burke High ...
The scene near the shooting outside Burke High School around 4 p.m. on ... in ashooting on Washington Street near the Jeremiah E. Burke High ... at the Sun Pizza restaurantacross the street from the site of the shooting, told ...
One dead, three injured in Dorchester near school shooting of student The Boston Globe The man who said he was the victim's brother declined to speak to reporters, but Jackson later said the teen who was killed had never had a run-in with police and was not involved in violence. The boy's cousin also was wounded in the shooting, Jackson ire alarm went off at the Jeremiah Burke High School in Dorchester around 1 p.m. Wednesday, and students filed out into the warm afternoon, milling around for a few moments before starting back inside. And then: gunshots. Students said they heard five to seven blasts. Boston Police are not yet sure what sparked the sudden flare of violence, but when it was over, a 17-year-old student was dead, and two other students and a 67-year-old woman were wounded. ... hought the fire alarm had been deliberately pulled, a law enforcement official briefed on the case said the alarm appeared to have been accidental and not related to the shootings. not clear whether the male who was killed was the intended target... killing of the 17-year-old was the city’s 13th homicide of the year, compared with 12 at this time last year. Student killed, 3 others injured in shooting near Dorchester school WCVB boy gunned down outside a pizza shop steps from main entrance of Jeremiah E. Burke High School and nearby Dearborn STEM Academy and Lilla G. Frederick Pilot Middle School were placed into safe mode after the shootinggunfire occurred after a fire alarm went off inside the school. Boston police said a 17-year-old male was found dead at the scene. Three others, including two teenage boys and a 67-year-old woman were also injured "When a 17-year-old dies on the street, coming out of school, then we all should be outraged, and shame on anybody who does not step up and help us out with this," Evans said. "I'm calling on the community to step up and help us identify the individual who did this. friends said he was a junior at the school and enjoyed making videos with his friends and posting them to YouTube. "He's a nice kid. He gets good grades. Everyone he hangs out with gets good grades. Student killed near school identified as a junior
Boston Globe

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