april 14, 2017 Jewish teen arrested in Israel is suspected in Boulder JCC threats, police say The Jewish teen arrested in Israel last month on suspicion of making bomb threats against hundreds of Jewish centers in the United States and elsewhere is believed to be the suspect in the two threats to Boulder's Jewish Community Center, police said Friday. The 19-year-old, who was arrested in March and has not been publicly identified, was described as a "hacker" who holds dual citizenship in Israel and the United States. Israeli police did not give a motive and banned publication of his name, but his lawyer said he has a brain tumor that could affect his behavior. Investigators said the teen made threats to Jewish centers in the U.S., Australia and New Zealand. He allegedly used sophisticated "camouflage technologies" to disguise his voice and mask his location, and a search of the teen's home uncovered antennas and satellite equipment.
American-Israeli teen arrested in threats against Jewish centers - WABC Mar 23, 2017 - A 18-year-old with dual American-Israeli citizenship was arrested in Israel as a suspect in many of the bomb threats against Jewish centers.
- Police: Israeli-American teen used tech to mask bomb threats | Boston Herald Mar 24, 2017 - Police: Israeli-American teen used tech to mask bomb threats. Dual citizen eyed for terrorizing Jewish groups. Marie Szaniszlo Friday, March 24 ...
- Anti-Semitic Bomb Threats: A Hate Crimes Hoax | National Review Mar 23, 2017 - News comes today of an arrest in Israel pointing to an extensive pattern of hoaxes.
- Israeli-American Teen Arrested for Antisemitic Hate Crime Hoax Spree Breitbart Mar 23, 2017 - Israeli authorities have arrested a 19-year-old suspect in connection with dozens of hoax bomb threats to Jewish community centers.
3/3/2017 A look at the threats, vandalism against Jewish institutions Boston Globe Jewish community centers, schools, and cemeteries have been dealing with waves of bomb threats and vandalism this year. Most of these crimes remain unsolved
3/2/2017 threats Boston Globe ROCHESTER, N.Y. At least a dozen defaced and toppled headstones were discovered Thursday at the Waad Hakolel Cemetery in New York’s third-largest city. Jewish cemetery vandalized in New York, third case in recent weeks . CNN Andrew Cuomo said he would be launching a statewide investigation of the vandalism at theWaad Hakolel Cemetery in Rochester, New York, ...Gravestones vandalized at upstate New York cemetery - NY Daily NewsThird Jewish graveyard vandalized in two weeks as headstones damaged in upstate N.Y. ... At least 16 gravestones were damaged at the Waad Hakolel cemetery in Rochester, N.Y. ... An upstate Jewish cemetery had headstones damaged in the third act of vandalism against a graveyard during a .“Very disheartening:” 75-100 tombstones overturned, damaged at ... fox6now Between 75 and 100 tombstones were ...
The St. Louis cemetery vandalism: maybe not a hate crime?
February 22, 2017 by 5 Comments

In the news this week: a Jewish cemetery in Missouri was vandalized, with about 200 headstones toppled over.
Was this a hate crime?
That’s the operating assumption.
But apparently vandalism of cemeteries isn’t all that unusual. My google search for “headstone tipped” produced the following recent incidents:
“Headstones tipped over in Green Bay cemetery” – 100 headstones tipped over at Fort Howard Memorial Park in Green Bay, July 28, 2016.
“Teens tipped over headstones at 175-year-old Michigan cemetery ‘because they were bored’” – 30 headstones tipped over by two 15-year-old boys and a 13-year-old girl, at Lacota Cemetery in Geneva Township, Michigan, March 19, 2016.
“Vandals damage headstones at Ocean View Cemetery” – 13 headstones tipped over at Ocean View Cemetery, Astoria, Oregon, October 19, 2016.
“Vandals tip more than 40 headstones at Bellingham cemetery” – 47 monuments topped at Bayview Cemetery in Bellingham, Washington, November 20, 2015.
“30+ headstones destroyed at Sturgis cemetery” – more than 30 headstones destroyed at Oaklawn Cemetery, April 4, 2016.
“30-plus gravestones knocked over by vandals in Minnesota cemetery” – 30 gravestones knocked down at Hillcrest Cemetery, Cloquet, Minnesota, May 6, 2016.
Feb 27, 2017 threats Boston Glob eBIRMINGHAM, ALA. The Levite Jewish Community Center received its third bomb threat of the year on Feb. 27. It was among Jewish Community Centers in a dozen states, including Illinois, New York, Texas, and Florida, that were threatened
Wednesday January 18, 2017
terror: bomb threat targets: 27 centers in 17 states, mostly 1 caller Threats to Jewish Schools and Institutions In second wave of attacks since Jan 9 threats on 16 targets, over 27Jewish community centers in at least 17 states have received bomb threats. Instead of a robotic automatic c all, a woman was the live caller in most cases was a woman, making a brief call and hanging up, In some cases, calls to communities near one another came within minutes. Some connected to social media threats, particularly from the far right. “The neo-Nazi or white supremacist hate groups seem to be becoming much more vocal,”
Wave Of Bomb Threats Targets Jewish Centers, Again
NPR More than two dozen Jewish community centers across the U.S. reported receiving false bomb threats on Wednesday. It's the second wave of bomb threats in two weeks: On Jan. 9, 16 community centers received threats in a single day. No actual bombs have ...
Jewish Centers Across US Face New Wave of Bomb ThreatsNew York Times
Photo of cribs outside Jewish community center following bomb threat goes viralMinneapolis Star Tribune
Highly Cited:Twenty-seven Jewish Centers Across US Evacuated Amid New Wave of Bomb ThreatsHaaretz
In Depth:In second wave of bomb threats at least 30 US Jewish institutions targetedJerusalem Post Israel News
Wave Of Bomb Threats Targets Jewish Centers, Again
NPR More than two dozen Jewish community centers across the U.S. reported receiving false bomb threats on Wednesday. It's the second wave of bomb threats in two weeks: On Jan. 9, 16 community centers received threats in a single day. No actual bombs have ...
Jewish Centers Across US Face New Wave of Bomb ThreatsNew York Times
Photo of cribs outside Jewish community center following bomb threat goes viralMinneapolis Star Tribune
Highly Cited:Twenty-seven Jewish Centers Across US Evacuated Amid New Wave of Bomb ThreatsHaaretz
In Depth:In second wave of bomb threats at least 30 US Jewish institutions targetedJerusalem Post Israel News
Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Jewish centres across US evacuated after hoax bomb threats
BBC News · 11 hours ago
Twenty-seven Jewish centers across U.S. evacuated amid new wave ...
www.haaretz.com Twenty-seven Jewish Centers Across U.S. Evacuated Amid New Wave of Bomb Threats read more: http://www.haaretz.com/us-news/1.765875
Jewish centers in cities across US receive bomb threats — RT America
20 hours ago - The center was evacuated and surrounding areas were on lockdown, according to police officials. The initial threat came at 8:45am local time, and Marin County sheriff's deputies are trying to identify the origin of the call, KRON reported. #BREAKING : Bomb threat at the Osher Marin Jewish Community Center.
In second wave of bomb threats at least 30 US Jewish institutions ... White nationalist far right suspcted www.jpost.com/.../In-second-wave-of-bomb-threats-at-least-18-US-Jewish-institutions...
6 hours ago - WASHINGTON — Some 30 Jewish institutions in at least 17 states have received bombthreats, Jewish security officials said, in the second ...n many cases the callers were live, Goldenberg said, as opposed to the previous threat, when calls were recorded. 30 threats were called in Wednesday to Jewish community centers. Media reported additional threats called into schools and other Jewish institutions. The JCC Association of North America in a release listed 27 JCCs in 17 states: New York, Ohio, New Jersey, Florida, Massachusetts, Maryland, Michigan, Kansas, Delaware, Connecticut, Alabama, Maine, California, Tennessee, Missouri, Minnesota and Texas. The Anti-Defamation League issued a similar list, adding South Carolina. According to the agencies and to various media, there were threats in, among other places, Miami Beach; Edison and Scotch Plains, New Jersey; Cincinnati; Alabama; Albany and Syracuse, New York; Nashville; suburban Boston and Detroit; West Hartford and Woodbridge, Connecticut; suburban Minneapolis, and the Orlando area.
BBC News · 11 hours ago
Twenty-seven Jewish centers across U.S. evacuated amid new wave ...
www.haaretz.com Twenty-seven Jewish Centers Across U.S. Evacuated Amid New Wave of Bomb Threats read more: http://www.haaretz.com/us-news/1.765875
Threats in 17 states on both coasts come just over a week after similar calls led to the evacuation of over 16 Jewish locations across the eastern U.S. 17 hours ago - FBI and Homeland Security step in after Jewish centers hit with 16 bomb threats in single day. Dozens of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S. were evacuated Wednesday, including in Manhattan and California's Bay Area, after receiving near-simultaneous bomb threats, according to ...
Jewish centers in cities across US receive bomb threats — RT America
20 hours ago - The center was evacuated and surrounding areas were on lockdown, according to police officials. The initial threat came at 8:45am local time, and Marin County sheriff's deputies are trying to identify the origin of the call, KRON reported. #BREAKING : Bomb threat at the Osher Marin Jewish Community Center.
In second wave of bomb threats at least 30 US Jewish institutions ... White nationalist far right suspcted www.jpost.com/.../In-second-wave-of-bomb-threats-at-least-18-US-Jewish-institutions...
6 hours ago - WASHINGTON — Some 30 Jewish institutions in at least 17 states have received bombthreats, Jewish security officials said, in the second ...n many cases the callers were live, Goldenberg said, as opposed to the previous threat, when calls were recorded. 30 threats were called in Wednesday to Jewish community centers. Media reported additional threats called into schools and other Jewish institutions. The JCC Association of North America in a release listed 27 JCCs in 17 states: New York, Ohio, New Jersey, Florida, Massachusetts, Maryland, Michigan, Kansas, Delaware, Connecticut, Alabama, Maine, California, Tennessee, Missouri, Minnesota and Texas. The Anti-Defamation League issued a similar list, adding South Carolina. According to the agencies and to various media, there were threats in, among other places, Miami Beach; Edison and Scotch Plains, New Jersey; Cincinnati; Alabama; Albany and Syracuse, New York; Nashville; suburban Boston and Detroit; West Hartford and Woodbridge, Connecticut; suburban Minneapolis, and the Orlando area.
caller in most cases was a woman, who kept the call brief: leveling the threat and then hanging up.
In some cases, calls to communities near one another came within minutes.. noted an increase in social media threats, particularly from the far right.
“The neo-Nazi or white supremacist hate groups seem to be becoming much more vocal,”
January 9, 2017 bomb threats were called into 16 institutions across the Northeast and South, forcing the evacuation of hundreds.
Jewish centres across US evacuated after hoax bomb threats - BBC.com
12 hours ago - Twenty-seven Jewish community centres in 17 US states reported hoax bomb threats on Wednesday alone.
On Jan. 9, in the first wave of such threats, 15 JCCs received calls threatening bombings.
1/4/2017 Boston Globe Parents scrambled to remove their children from a preschool at the city’s Jewish Community Center after a bomb threat was called in on Jan. 4. The same day, Orlando’s Chabad center received a threatening call.
In October 2016, a month before the general election, a Jewish cemetery in New York was vandalized with anti-Semitic graffiti. wapost Independent UK Jewish cemetery in New York desecrated with Nazi graffiti It remains unclear whether or not kids desecrated the cemetery wall, but the congregation rabbi says neo-Nazism is 'alive and well' Vandals have spray-painted anti-Semitic graffiti on the gates of a Jewish cemetery in upstate New York, days before the beginning of Yom Kippur. Nazi symbols – including swastikas, the German military police letters “SS”, and “Heil Hitler – covered the stone gates of the Temple Beth Shalom cemetery in Warwick, a town 55 miles northwest of New York City. Alt-Right, stoked by the furore of the Donald Trump presidential campaign. Mr Trump has repeatedly faced denunciation for his apparent unwillingness to disavow support from supporters like former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke
Earlier that year,two Jewish cemeteries in Hartford, Conn., were targeted wapost RTFORD — Leonard J. Holtz was discussing the recent rash of vandalism in Jewish cemeteries Thursday when he stumbled upon a fresh example. Holtz, president of Congregation Ados Israel, discovered 15 monuments that had recently been knocked down in the congregation's plot at Zion Hill Cemetery as he spoke about a similar incident nearby.
12 hours ago - Twenty-seven Jewish community centres in 17 US states reported hoax bomb threats on Wednesday alone.
On Jan. 9, in the first wave of such threats, 15 JCCs received calls threatening bombings.
1/4/2017 Boston Globe Parents scrambled to remove their children from a preschool at the city’s Jewish Community Center after a bomb threat was called in on Jan. 4. The same day, Orlando’s Chabad center received a threatening call.
In October 2016, a month before the general election, a Jewish cemetery in New York was vandalized with anti-Semitic graffiti. wapost Independent UK Jewish cemetery in New York desecrated with Nazi graffiti It remains unclear whether or not kids desecrated the cemetery wall, but the congregation rabbi says neo-Nazism is 'alive and well' Vandals have spray-painted anti-Semitic graffiti on the gates of a Jewish cemetery in upstate New York, days before the beginning of Yom Kippur. Nazi symbols – including swastikas, the German military police letters “SS”, and “Heil Hitler – covered the stone gates of the Temple Beth Shalom cemetery in Warwick, a town 55 miles northwest of New York City. Alt-Right, stoked by the furore of the Donald Trump presidential campaign. Mr Trump has repeatedly faced denunciation for his apparent unwillingness to disavow support from supporters like former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke
Earlier that year,two Jewish cemeteries in Hartford, Conn., were targeted wapost RTFORD — Leonard J. Holtz was discussing the recent rash of vandalism in Jewish cemeteries Thursday when he stumbled upon a fresh example. Holtz, president of Congregation Ados Israel, discovered 15 monuments that had recently been knocked down in the congregation's plot at Zion Hill Cemetery as he spoke about a similar incident nearby.
2016, cemeteries and Holocaust memorials were vandalized in Germany, with the acts attributed to far-right groups. wapost
February 2015, graves were vandalized at a Jewish cemetery in France. wapost
wapost World War II, under the Nazi regime, many Jewish cemeteries were damaged across Europe, including in the Czech Republic (then Czechoslovakia), Poland, Germany and Greece. During Kristallnacht in November 1938, also known as the “Night of Broken Glass,” Jewish cemeteries were vandalized, along with businesses and synagogues, by anti-Semitic mobs throughout the Reich.
wapost In the 19th century there was an outburst of pogroms against Jews under the Russian empire. “One of the aspects of these pogroms, these violent outbursts against the Jewish community, is targeting Jewish property. A very common target is a synagogue or a Jewish store, but also Jewish cemeteries,” explained Michael Meng, associate professor of history at Clemson University.
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