Patriot or Traitor? Hard to tell?
newer see 2015 ninjapundit: About Glenn Greenwald
Summary: American (who lives in Brazil) spokesman for Edward Snowden. An iranapologist Salon columnist who "likes" 9/11 truthers, Fights for torture whistleblower. He seems distinctly pro-Muslim, pro-communist, anti-US/Israel "Terrorism is just a word for any Muslim who fights against or argues against the United States and Israel." He gives interviews to Iran's PressTV. It's very obvious which side of the "War on Terror" he is on, he's against the US, UK and Israel, and an apologist even for the Woolwich butchers.
For bad guys:
newer see 2015 ninjapundit: About Glenn Greenwald
Summary: American (who lives in Brazil) spokesman for Edward Snowden. An iranapologist Salon columnist who "likes" 9/11 truthers, Fights for torture whistleblower. He seems distinctly pro-Muslim, pro-communist, anti-US/Israel "Terrorism is just a word for any Muslim who fights against or argues against the United States and Israel." He gives interviews to Iran's PressTV. It's very obvious which side of the "War on Terror" he is on, he's against the US, UK and Israel, and an apologist even for the Woolwich butchers.
For bad guys:
- 9/11 was not a big deal
- Alex Jones
- Anwar al-Awlaki
- China
- Ecuador - drops free trade agreement in support of Snowden
- Edward Snowden
- Guardian (UK)
- Hamas
- Hezbollah
- Iran
- Muslims "who fight against or argues against the United States and Israel"
- Nidal Hasan is not a terrorist
- Porn
- PressTV
- .Raw Story
- .Ron Paul spokesman for Patriots for Palestine and Iran
- .Russia
- Salon
- Terrorists "expresses sympathy for even the most violent, reactionary Islamist movements"
- .Veterans Today pro-Iran neo-Nazi anti-semitic conspiracy website
- Woolwich killers are not terrorists
Against good guys
- Cliff Kincaid
- Israel
- UK
- US "excoriates the U.S. for all number of ‘imperialist’ crimes against the Arab world"
- USAsurvival
“The term (terrorism) has virtually nothing to do with the act itself and everything to do with the identity of the actor especially his or her religious identity. It has really come to mean: “A Muslim who fight against or even express hostility towards United States, Israel and their allies….,” Glenn Greenwald in, February 19, 2010.
On Woolwich: the Islamist butchers were not terrorists, but the US and UK are the real terrorists, and terrorists in Guantanamo are merely patriots who are fighting against invaders of their country. It is very clear which side of the jihad Mr. Greenwald is on , and it's NOT the US, UK or Israel.
May 23, 2013 – Glenn Greenwald: What definition of the term includes this horrific act... A man appearing to be holding holding a knife following the Woolwich ...
On Woolwich: the Islamist butchers were not terrorists, but the US and UK are the real terrorists, and terrorists in Guantanamo are merely patriots who are fighting against invaders of their country. It is very clear which side of the jihad Mr. Greenwald is on , and it's NOT the US, UK or Israel.
Was the London killing of a British soldier 'terrorism ... - The Guardian › ... › Glenn Greenwald on security and liberty
What definition of the term includes this horrific act of violence but excludes the acts of the US, the UK and its allies?
But here, just as was true for Nidal Hasan's attack on a Fort Hood military base, the victim of the violence was a soldier of a nation at war, not a civilian. He was stationed at an army barracks quite close to the attack. The killer made clear that he knew he had attacked a soldier when he said afterward: "this British soldier is an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth."
The US, the UK and its allies have repeatedly killed Muslim civilians over the past decade (and before that), but defenders of those governments insist that this cannot be "terrorism" because it is combatants, not civilians, who are the targets. Can it really be the case that when western nations continuously kill Muslim civilians, that's not "terrorism", but when Muslims kill western soldiers, that is terrorism? Amazingly, the US has even imprisoned people at Guantanamo and elsewhere on accusations of "terrorism" who are accused of nothing more than engaging in violence against US soldiers who invaded their country.
- .Anwar al-Awlaki defended American al-Qaeda operative Anwar al-Awlaki,
- .Hamas is not terrorist
- .Hezbollah is not terrorist
- .Nidal Hasan was not a terrorist because he targeted soldiers
- .wikipedia
.Supports bad
● Alan Hart
- Edward Snowden
● Iran shill
- Nidal Hasan was not a terrorist because he targeted soldiers
○ US is afraid Iran nukes will deter attacks
○ Graph on Iran nuclear weapons is a hoax
○ Sanctions cause food insecurity, mass suffering
● John Kiriakou torture whistleblower
- .Marxism conference
● Miranda
- .Porn
● "Israel-firster" and "Likudnik" are favorites of ...Salon's Glenn Greenwald, one of America's most popular liberal bloggers,
James Kirchick is a fellow of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and a contributing editor for The New Republic.
.Adam holland
Posted: 30 Sep 2010 01:02 PM PDT
What does it mean to "like" someone on Facebook? Salon Columnist Glenn Greenwald says that he is a fan of anti-Israel conspiracy theorist Alan Hart. I wonder why. (See screenshot from Hart's website above. Hart's Facebook widget featuring Greenwald's image is located on the right side.)
Does Greenwald share Alan Hart's belief that, on 9/11, Israeli agents controlled the planes that crashed into the World Trade Center via remote control devices hidden in cell phones? Does he agree with Hart that Israel has stolen nuclear weapons from a U.S. military base and intends to use them to destroy an American city? (Read my column documenting Hart's conspiracy theories here.) In May, Hart not only made those bizarre assertions, he also claimed in radio/podcast interviews with conspiracy mongers Kevin Barrett and Alex Jones that he had proof that the World Trade towers were destroyed by controlled demolition, i.e. that explosives had been planted within the buildings and were detonated after the plane crashes to bring down the towers. (This implausible belief is an essential part of truther conspiracy theories.) Hart said in those interviews that his proof for this controlled demolition conspiracy, which he claimed came from a source within "one of the world's leading engineering firms", resided on a laptop to which he didn't then have access because he was away from home on a U.S. speaking tour. That was more than four months ago, and Hart has still not come forward with the computer file that, if it actually existed, would undoubtedly provide him with the biggest scoop of his career as a journalist. Maybe Hart just hasn't gotten around to looking for it.
I don't believe that Greenwald shares Alan Hart's belief in these bizarre theories, but his "liking" Hart does raise the question: how crazy does an anti-Zionist have to be to be too crazy for Glenn to like?
(The Facebook widget featuring Greenwald's image was found here: Obama speaks at the UN… Goodbye to peace - Alan Hart)
.Anwar al-Awlaki
- .Anwar al-Awlaki defended American al-Qaeda operative Anwar al-Awlaki,
Glenn Greenwald: Hamas and Hezbollah are NOT terrorist movements
We reported recently that Guardian’s Glenn Greenwald has been speaking at the annual Marxist-Leninist conference, and we posted a few clips of his 2011 appearance at the conference, held in Chicago. During his talk (titled ‘Civil Liberties under Obama’), the CiF columnist defended American al-Qaeda operative Anwar al-Awlaki, and downplayed the “scope” of the 9/11 attacks – which he suggested were much more limited (in the scale of violence) than what the U.S. has perpetrated in the Arab world.
Greenwald’s involvement in the “Socialism 2013” conference on Friday has gotten the attention of the website, which had previously been sympathetic to the Guardian columnist. Jeremy Segal reports, “Greenwald’s associations with radical Marxist organizations, such as the International Socialist Organization, and his participation in their revolutionary conferences, while at the same time, protecting his source, Eric Snowden, who has been on the run in Communist China and Russia, certainly raises eyebrows about Greenwald’s intentions.”
Read more: Glenn Greenwald's Gay Porn Business: Blowing the Whistle on a "Whistleblower
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- Commentators slam Glenn Greenwald for claiming ‘it’s our fault’ when Islamist terrorists attack(
- Glenn Greenwald at Marxism Conference: Defends Anwar Al-Awaki, calls 9/11 attacks “minimal in scope” (
- Glenn Greenwald’s latest diatribe against Israel’s supporters, and others he detests(
Glenn Greenwald, (Iran shill)
US is afraid Iran nukes will deter attacks
Graph on Iran nuclear weapons is a hoax
Sanctions cause food insecurity, mass suffering
Nov 29, 2012 – Glenn Greenwald: Evidence proves that the graph trumpeted by AP as evidence of Iran's nuclear weapons program is an obvious sham.
Iran sanctions now causing food insecurity, mass suffering | Glenn ...
Oct 7, 2012 – Glenn Greenwald:: Yet again, the US and its allies spread mass human... An Iranian man counts his banknotes after Iran's currency, the rial, ...
The true reason US fears Iranian nukes: they can deter US attacks ...
Oct 2, 2012 – Glenn Greenwald: GOP Senator Lindsey Graham echoes a long line of US policymakers: Iran must not be allowed to deter US aggression.
U.S. media takes the lead on Iran -
Feb 14, 2012 – By Glenn Greenwald ... We're told that if the U.S. ends up in a war with Iran, then “the U.S. Navy's Fifth Fleet would be the world's first line of ...
The incomplete media debate on Iran -
Mar 2, 2012 – The incomplete media debate on Iran ... By Glenn Greenwald ...Israel's goal is an American attack on Iran, but it seems unlikely to wait till it no ...
.Marxism conference
as we previously reported in our column, “Glenn Greenwald Regularly Attends Marxist-Leninist Conferences,” Greenwald works hand-in-glove with the International Marxist movement against the United States and its allies and this fact helps explain why China, Russia and other American adversaries and enemies stand to benefit from his disclosures.
A website for the “Socialism 2013” conference quotes Greenwald as saying, “I’m unable to attend due to matters relating to the work I’m doing on the NSA stories,” but he “still very much wants to speak at the [Socialism] conference,” and will Skype in.
Read more: Glenn Greenwald's Gay Porn Business: Blowing the Whistle on a "Whistleblower
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wants to mirandize terrorists
5>> Beck Argues For Mirandizing Times Square Bombing Suspect
The Right Scoop caught the exchange this morning, which featured a determined Beck squaring off against Brian Kilmeade, who wanted to make an exception. “He’s a citizen of the United States, so I say we uphold the laws and the Constitution on citizens,” said Beck.
“He’s a threat to the country, that’s different,” countered Kilmeade.
“If you’re a citizen you obey the law and follow the Constitution,” said Beck. “He has all the rights under the Constitution.”
Later, the money quote from Beck: “We don’t shred the Constitution when it’s popular. We do the right thing.”
It will be interesting to see if Beck expands on this theory on his 5pmET show tonight, which will surely dismay some of his conservative viewership. But Beck has proven himself to be a Constitutional stickler…even when, as he says, it may be unpopular (with his base audience).
Seeing Beck, who is notoriously tough on terrorists (including the Christmas Day crotch bomber), push so strongly for this terrorists Miranda rights highlights the discrepancy in his mind – when it comes to American citizens, the Constitution trumps all. Still, he did let a caveat slip in that in times of officially declared war, his mind could change.
On Twitter, Glenn Greenwald wrote, “What makes the Right’s yelling about Mirandizing even more twisted than usual is that the suspect is as much of a U.S.citizen as they are.”
Well Greenwald has found an unlikely ally in another Glenn.
.Nidal Hasan
Read more: Glenn Greenwald's Gay Porn Business: Blowing the Whistle on a "Whistleblower
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Glenn Greenwald: Hamas and Hezbollah are NOT terrorist movements
We reported recently that Guardian’s Glenn Greenwald has been speaking at the annual Marxist-Leninist conference, and we posted a few clips of his 2011 appearance at the conference, held in Chicago. During his talk (titled ‘Civil Liberties under Obama’), the CiF columnist defended American al-Qaeda operative Anwar al-Awlaki, and downplayed the “scope” of the 9/11 attacks – which he suggested were much more limited (in the scale of violence) than what the U.S. has perpetrated in the Arab world. As Greenwald would have you believe that the sole objectives of Hamas and Hezbollah is to protect the citizens of Gaza and Lebanon respectively,
Glenn Greenwald: Hamas and Hezbollah are NOT terrorist movements
We reported recently that Guardian’s Glenn Greenwald has been speaking at the annual Marxist-Leninist conference, and we posted a few clips of his 2011 appearance at the conference, held in Chicago. During his talk (titled ‘Civil Liberties under Obama’), the CiF columnist defended American al-Qaeda operative Anwar al-Awlaki, and downplayed the “scope” of the 9/11 attacks – which he suggested were much more limited (in the scale of violence) than what the U.S. has perpetrated in the Arab world.As Greenwald would have you believe that the sole objectives of Hamas and Hezbollah is to protect the citizens of Gaza and Lebanon respectively,
.Nidal Hasan
- Nidal Hasan was not a terrorist because he targeted soldiers
Can attacks on a military base constitute “terrorism”? -
The mouthpiece for NSA “whistleblower” Edward Snowden is having the whistle blown on him, and he doesn’t like it. Glenn Greenwald of the Guardian says “smears” are being circulated about him owing back taxes, financial debts, and investing in a homosexual pornography business.
The New York Daily News reports, “The reporter who broke the story about the National Security Agency’s secret surveillance programs has a little secret of his own.”

“Before he was a reporter and commentator for The Guardian newspaper, Glenn Greenwald was a lawyer—and had a part-time job in the porn business,” the paper reports.
Greenwald, an American who is gay and lives in Brazil with his “husband,” is accused of involvement in a business marketing videos on such sites as “” and “”
Greenwald claims the allegations are “personal attacks and smears” and calls the gay pornography “adult videos.”
He says, “I’m 46 years old and, like most people, have lived a complicated and varied adult life. I didn’t manage my life from the age of 18 onward with the intention of being a Family Values U.S. senator. My personal life, like pretty much everyone’s, is complex and sometimes messy.”
Read more: Glenn Greenwald's Gay Porn Business: Blowing the Whistle on a "Whistleblower
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Press TV US places dictatorships in Muslim countries: American author Press TV In an interview with the Global Research, Glenn Greenwald said all the US administrations including the government of President Barack Obama have been trying to
.Raw Story
Glenn Greenwald rips Obama on ‘Fox & Friends’ for trying to ‘intimidate’ whistleblowers
The Guardian columnist who broke the story of Edward Snowden’s National Security Agency leaks told Fox & Friends on Tuesday that President Barack Obama was pursuing the leaker to “intimidate future whistleblowers.”
Glenn Greenwald explained to Fox News host Eric Bolling that more NSA leaks were coming soon and that there were “vast programs of both domestic and international spying that the world will be shocked to learn about that the NSA is engaged in without democratic accountability.”
Bolling wondered if the Obama administration even wanted Snowden to return to the U.S. “or is that going to look bad for them to have him in a U.S. court?” “I think what the Obama administration wants and has been trying to establish for almost five years now with the unprecedented war on whistleblowers that it is waging is to make it so that everybody is petrified of coming forward with information about what our political officials are doing in the dark that is deceitful, illegal or corrupt,” Greenwald said. “They don’t care about Edward Snowden at this point. He can no longer do anything that that he hasn’t already done.
1. Adam's Zionist Journey: Glenn Greenwald vs. "someone named Adam ...
Apr 16, 2010 ... Or, for that matter, should Glenn Greenwald, due to the fact that he splits his time living in both the U.S. and Brazil, recuse himself from ... - Cached►
Apr 16, 2010 ... Or, for that matter, should Glenn Greenwald, due to the fact that he splits his time living in both the U.S. and Brazil, recuse himself from ... - Cached►
2. Zionist Lobby Paid Off U.S. Journalists To Sell Israeli Foreign Policy
Aug 20, 2010 ... Zionist Lobby Paid Off U.S. Journalists To Sell Israeli Foreign Policy ... Salon's Glenn Greenwald savages the article, pointing out that it ... - Cached
Aug 20, 2010 ... Zionist Lobby Paid Off U.S. Journalists To Sell Israeli Foreign Policy ... Salon's Glenn Greenwald savages the article, pointing out that it ... - Cached
4. Zionist Media Destroyed by Glenn Greenwald!
| ||||||
5. - 6 min - Jun 2, 2010 - Uploaded by brennanclan
Afterwards, Glenn Greenwald had to say this about the biased Media; I was just on MSNBC talking about Israel, the Gaza blockade and the ... - more videos » |
Get more video results
7. The Connection Between Zionism & Organized Islamophobia – The ...
Sep 8, 2010 ... Please do not call great Jewish men like Glenn Greenwald and Max Blumenthal Zionists, utterly laughable. And Bloomberg is Zionist douche, ... - Cached
Sep 8, 2010 ... Please do not call great Jewish men like Glenn Greenwald and Max Blumenthal Zionists, utterly laughable. And Bloomberg is Zionist douche, ... - Cached
8. YouTube - glenn greenwald tells it like it is
Oct 3, 2009 ... why didn't people on the left see Bill Maher was a zionist? ... queue Glenn Greenwald on How the Media Covers Up for ... - Cached - Similar
Oct 3, 2009 ... why didn't people on the left see Bill Maher was a zionist? ... queue Glenn Greenwald on How the Media Covers Up for ... - Cached - Similar
9. Glenn Greenwald Destroys MSNBC's Israeli lapdog Apologist
Zionist Media Destroyed by Glenn Greenwald! Рейтинг Просмотров: 930. Afterwards, Glenn Greenwald had to say this about the biased Media; I was just on MSNBC ... - Russia - Cached
Zionist Media Destroyed by Glenn Greenwald! Рейтинг Просмотров: 930. Afterwards, Glenn Greenwald had to say this about the biased Media; I was just on MSNBC ... - Russia - Cached
10. The Magnes Zionist: George W. Obama and the Israeli Spin Machine ...
Jun 2, 2010 ... The Magnes Zionist. Self-Criticism from an Israeli, American, ... followed by journalist and blogger Glenn Greenwald for "balance". ... - Cached
Jun 2, 2010 ... The Magnes Zionist. Self-Criticism from an Israeli, American, ... followed by journalist and blogger Glenn Greenwald for "balance". ... - Cached
11. Glenn Greenwald on “Israel-centric” Neocons
Jun 25, 2007 ... I just got hold of a copy of Glenn Greenwald's new book, A Tragic ... Arabs–a permanent Zionist-Crusader war against any and all of them? ... - Cached - Similar
Jun 25, 2007 ... I just got hold of a copy of Glenn Greenwald's new book, A Tragic ... Arabs–a permanent Zionist-Crusader war against any and all of them? ... - Cached - Similar
12. Top 10 Zionist Israeli Obfuscations! « Socio-Economics History Blog
May 6, 2010 ... Anti-Semitism is Zionism's Bread and Butter! A Short [...] Pingback by Glenn Greenwald Destroys MSNBC's Israeli Lapdog Apologist ! ... - Cached
May 6, 2010 ... Anti-Semitism is Zionism's Bread and Butter! A Short [...] Pingback by Glenn Greenwald Destroys MSNBC's Israeli Lapdog Apologist ! ... - Cached
13. Cordoba House Advisers Include Liberal-Zionist Rabbis « P U L S E
Aug 23, 2010 ... Now we learn that a Liberal-Zionist rabbi who supports the Apartheid Wall .... Israelis Holding back Execution Footage · Glenn Greenwald vs. ... - Cached
Aug 23, 2010 ... Now we learn that a Liberal-Zionist rabbi who supports the Apartheid Wall .... Israelis Holding back Execution Footage · Glenn Greenwald vs. ... - Cached
.USA Survival
Read more: Edward Snowden hero or a traitor?
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Read more: Edward Snowden hero or a traitor?
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike
Glenn Greenwald (born March 6, 1967) is an American political journalist, lawyer, columnist, blogger, and author. He has been a columnist for the US edition of The Guardian since August 2012.[1][2] Prior to that he was a columnist for and an occasional contributor to The Guardian.[3][4][5]
Greenwald worked as a constitutional and civil rights litigator before becoming a contributor (columnist and blogger) to, where he focused on political and legal topics.[6] He has also contributed to other newspapers and political news magazines, including The New York Times,[7][8][9] the Los Angeles Times,[10] The American Conservative,[11] The National Interest,[12] and In These Times.[13][14]
Greenwald has written four books, three of which have been New York Timesbestsellers: How Would a Patriot Act? (2006); A Tragic Legacy (2007), and With Liberty and Justice for Some: How the Law Is Used to Destroy Equality and Protect the Powerful, released in October 2011. He also wrote Great American Hypocrites(2008).
Greenwald has received awards including the first Izzy Award for independent journalism, in 2009,[15] and the 2010 Online Journalism Award for Best Commentary.[16] Greenwald is a frequent speaker on college campuses, includingHarvard Law School, Yale Law School, the University of Pennsylvania, Brown University, UCLA School of Law, the University of Wisconsin, the University of Maryland and others. He also appears on various radio and television programs as a guest political pundit.
Contents[hide] |
Early life[edit]
Greenwald was born on March 6, 1967, in Queens, New York City, the son of Arlene and Daniel Greenwald.[17] Shortly after his birth Greenwald moved with his family to South Florida.[6][18] He earned a B.A. from George Washington University in 1990 and a J.D.from New York University Law School in 1994.[6]
Litigation attorney[edit]
Greenwald practiced law in the Litigation Department at Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz (1994–1995); in 1996 he co-founded his own litigation firm, called Greenwald Christoph & Holland (later renamed Greenwald Christoph PC), where he litigated cases concerning issues of U.S. constitutional law and civil rights.[6][18] According to Greenwald, "I decided voluntarily to wind down my practice in 2005 because I could, and because, after ten years, I was bored with litigating full-time and wanted to do other things which I thought were more engaging and could make more of an impact, including political writing."[18]
Unclaimed Territory[edit]
Greenwald started his blog Unclaimed Territory in October 2005, focusing on the investigation pertaining to the Valerie Plame affair, the CIA leak grand jury investigation, the federal indictment of I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby and the NSA warrantless surveillance controversy. In April 2006, Unclaimed Territory received the 2005 Koufax Award for "Best New Blog".[6]
In February 2007, Greenwald became a contributing writer at, and the new column and blog superseded Unclaimed Territory, though prominently features hyperlinks to it in Greenwald's dedicated biographical section.[19][20]
Among the frequent topics of his Salon articles were the investigation of the 2001 anthrax attacks, and the candidacy of former CIA official John O. Brennan for the jobs of either Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (D/CIA) or the next Director of National Intelligence (DNI) after the election of Barack Obama. Brennan withdrew his name from consideration for the post after opposition centered in liberal blogs and led by Greenwald.[21][22][23][23][24][25]
Greenwald's criticism of the conditions in which U.S. Army Private Bradley Manning, the accused WikiLeaks leaker, was being held ultimately led to a formal investigation by the U.N. high official on torture,[26][27] denunciations by Amnesty International,[28] and the resignation of State Department spokesman Philip J. Crowley after he publicly criticized Manning's detention conditions.[29] Since then, Greenwald has been a strong supporter of Manning. He calls Manning "a whistle-blower acting with the noblest of motives", and "a national hero similar to Daniel Ellsberg."[30]
The Guardian[edit]
Greenwald left on August 20, 2012 for The Guardian, citing "the opportunity to reach a new audience, to further internationalize my readership, and to be re-invigorated by a different environment" as reasons for the move.[31]
On June 5, 2013, Greenwald helped scoop the story on the top-secret FISA court order requiring Verizon to provide the National Security Agency with telephone metadata for all calls between the US and abroad, as well as all domestic calls.[32][33][34]
Further information: Verizon Communications: NSA Collection of Phone Records
Guest appearances[edit]
Greenwald has appeared as a round table guest on ABC's Sunday morning news show "This Week", HBO's "Real Time with Bill Maher", Comedy Central's "The Colbert Report", NPR's "All Things Considered", as well as numerous times on C-SPAN'sWashington Journal; Pacifica Radio's syndicated series Democracy Now! with Amy Goodman;[35] on Public Radio International'sTo the Point; MSNBC's Rachel Maddow Show, "Morning Joe", The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell, Up with Chris Hayes, andDylan Ratigan's "Morning Meeting"; Fox News' Special Report with Brit Hume;.[36] Greenwald has been a regular guest on the Hugh Hewitt Show (and was a friend and favorite guest of Hewitt's frequent guest host, Dean Barnett) and on PBS's Bill Moyers Journal.[37][38][39]
Greenwald has been placed on numerous 'top 50' and 'top 25' lists of columnists in the United States.[40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48] In June, 2012, Newsweek magazine named him one of America's Top 10 Opinionists, saying that "a righteous, controlled, and razor-sharp fury runs through a great deal" of his writing, and: "His independent persuasion can make him a danger or an asset to both sides of the aisle."[49]
Around 2010/2011, Aaron Barr of HBGary and Team Themis planned to damage Greenwald's career as a way to respond to a potential dump of Bank of America documents by Wikileaks, saying that "Without the support of people like Glenn WikiLeaks would fold." [50]
In 2013 congressman Peter King suggested Greenwald should be arrested for his reporting on the NSA PRISM program and NSA leaker/whistleblower Edward Snowden. [51] Journalist Andrew Ross Sorkin said "I would arrest [Snowden] and now I’d almost arrest Glenn Greenwald"[52] Sorkin later apologized for his statement, to which Greenwald accepted. Journalist David Gregory accused Greenwald of aiding and abetting Snowden before asking "why shouldn’t you, Mr. Greenwald, be charged with a crime?". [53]
Personal life[edit]
Greenwald is gay, and lives most of the time in Rio de Janeiro, the hometown of his Brazilian partner, David Michael Miranda.[18][54][55][56][57] In a profile in Out magazine, Greenwald explained that his residence in Brazil is due to the fact that American law, the Defense of Marriage Act, bars the federal recognition of same-sex marriages and thus prevents his partner from obtaining immigration rights in the US.[54]
Greenwald and his partner have 11 dogs, all rescued from the street,[54][58] and he frequently picks up dogs from the street and uses his platforms to find homes for them.[59][60][61]
Greenwald's first book, How Would a Patriot Act? Defending American Values From a President Run Amok, was published byWorking Assets in 2006. It was a New York Times bestseller,[62] and ranked #1 on both before its publication (due to pre-orders based on attention from 'UT' readers and other bloggers) and for several days after its release, ending its first week at #293.[63]
A Tragic Legacy, his second book, examines the presidency of George W. Bush "with an emphasis on his personality traits and beliefs that drove the presidency (along with an emphasis on how and why those personality traits have led to a presidency that has failed to historic proportions)."[64] Published in hardback by Crown (a division of Random House) on June 26, 2007 and reprinted in a paperback edition by Three Rivers Press on April 8, 2008, it too was a New York Times Best Seller, also ranking #1 for a day on's Non-Fiction Best Seller List and #2 the next day (also due to heavy "discussions and promotions by blogs—a campaign catalyzed by Jane Hamsher [at FireDogLake]", according to Greenwald).[65]
His third book, entitled Great American Hypocrites: Toppling the Big Myths of Republican Politics, was published by Random House in April 2008, the same month that Three Rivers Press reissued A Tragic Legacy in paperback.[66][67]
His fourth book, With Liberty and Justice for Some: How the Law Is Used to Destroy Equality and Protect the Powerful, was released by Metropolitan Books (of Henry Holt and Company) in October 2011.
Political views[edit]
Greenwald is critical of actions jointly supported by Democrats and Republicans, writing: "the worst and most tyrannical government actions in Washington are equally supported on a fully bipartisan basis."[68] In the preface to his first book, How Would a Patriot Act?(2006), Greenwald opens with some of his own personal political history, describing his 'pre-political' self as neither liberal norconservative as a whole, voting neither for George W. Bush nor for any of his rivals (indeed, not voting at all).[69]
Bush's ascendancy to the U.S. presidency "changed" Greenwald's previous uninvolved political attitude toward the electoral process "completely":
Over the past five years, a creeping extremism has taken hold of our federal government, and it is threatening to radically alter our system of government and who we are as a nation. This extremism is neither conservative nor liberal in nature, but is instead driven by theories of unlimited presidential power that are wholly alien, and antithetical, to the core political values that have governed this country since its founding"; for, "the fact that this seizure of ever-expanding presidential power is largely justified through endless, rank fear-mongering—fear of terrorists, specifically—means that not only our system of government is radically changing, but so, too, are our national character, our national identity, and what it means to be American."[69]
Believing that "It is incumbent upon all Americans who believe in that system, bequeathed to us by the founders, to defend it when it is under assault and in jeopardy. And today it is", he stresses: "I did not arrive at these conclusions eagerly or because I was predisposed by any previous partisan viewpoint. Quite the contrary."[69]
Resistant to applying ideological labels to himself, he emphasizes repeatedly that he is a strong advocate for U.S. constitutional"balance of powers"[14] and for constitutionally-protected civil and political rights in his writings and public appearances.[6]
Throughout his work he has relentlessly criticized the policies of the George W. Bush administration and those who support or enable it, arguing that most of the American "Corporate News Media" excuse Bush's policies and echo administration talking points rather than asking hard questions.[35][56]
Regarding civil liberties in the age of Obama, he elaborated on his conception of change when he said, "I think the only means of true political change will come from people working outside of that [two-party electoral] system to undermine it, and subvert it, and weaken it, and destroy it; not try to work within it to change it."[70] He did, however, raise money for Russ Feingold's 2010 Senate re-election bid,[71] Bill Halter's 2010 primary challenge to Democratic Sen. Blanche Lincoln,[72] as well as several Congressional candidates in 2012 he described as "unique".[73]
Greenwald is critical of Israel's foreign policy and influence on U.S. politics.[74][75][76][77][78]
- ^ Greenwald, Glenn (2012-07-19)."Glenn Greenwald Moves From Salon to Guardian U.S.". New York Times. Retrieved 2012-12-09.
- ^ Greenwald, Glenn (2012-07-19). "I'll be writing in a new venue beginning next month". Retrieved 2012-12-09.
- ^ Greenwald, Glenn (2011-12-14)."Bradley Manning deserves a medal". The Guardian (London).
- ^ Greenwald, Glenn (2011-07-21)."Barack Obama is gutting the core principles of the Democratic party".The Guardian (London).
- ^ Greenwald, Glenn (2011-10-07)."The CIA's impunity on 'torture tapes'". The Guardian (London).
- ^ a b c d e f "Glenn Greenwald" Retrieved 2008-12-13.
- ^ "What Kind of Democrat Will Specter Be?". The New York Times. 2009-04-28. Retrieved 2009-04-28.
- ^ "Does Bipartisanship Matter?".The New York Times. 2009-02-23. Retrieved 2009-02-23.
- ^ "When Bonus Contracts Can Be Broken". The New York Times. 2009-03-17. Retrieved 2009-03-17.
- ^ "Bush's final days". Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 2009-01-14.
- ^ "Author Search: Glenn Greenwald". The American Conservative. Retrieved 2008-12-14.The Search facility (which times out after linking) lists 4 articles when "Glenn Greenwald" is provided as a search term selecting the "author" field: (1) "Madness of Crowds" ("Loyalty to Bush is the criterion for conservatism."); (2) "Selective Amnesia" ("Being a pro-war pundit means never having to say you're wrong."); (3) "Watching the Detectives" (a review of State of War: The Secret History of the CIA and the Bush Administration, by James Risen); and (4) "Authoritarian Temptation" ("In an age of expansive executive power, the take-no-prisoners style that madeGiuliani a respected mayor might be taken literally.")
- ^ Greenwald, Glenn (2008-04-25)."The Perilous Punditocracy". The National Interest. The Nixon Center. Retrieved 2008-12-14.
- ^ Greenwald, Glenn (2006-07-21)."Author Profile:Glenn Greenwald". In These Times. Retrieved 2008-12-14.
- ^ a b Greenwald, Glenn (2006-07-21)."Rechecking the Balance of Powers". In These Times 30 (8). Retrieved 2008-12-14.
- ^ "Glenn Greenwald And Amy Goodman Share Inaugural Izzy Award For Independent Media". Ithaca News Release. Ithaca College. 2009-03-05. Retrieved 2009-03-12.
- ^ "Online Journalism Awards, 2010".Online Journalism Awards. 2010-10-31. Retrieved 2010-10-31.
- ^ Stein, Gary (1985-03-13). "At 18, Future Holds Promise". Sun Sentinel.
- ^ a b c d Greenwald, Glenn (2006-07-20). "Response to Right-wing Personal Attacks: My Law Practice; My Sexual Orientation; Where I Live".Unclaimed Territory. Retrieved 2007-02-02. In the entry, he describes and sets the record straight about his legal career and related professional and personal matters.
- ^ Greenwald, Glenn (2007-02-01)."Blog News". Unclaimed Territory. Glenn Greenwald. Retrieved 2007-02-02.
- ^ Singal, Jesse (2007-09-17). "Glenn Greenwald: On Terrorism, Civil Rights, and Building a Blog". Campus Progress (Blog). Retrieved 2008-04-05.
- ^ Ambinder, Marc (2008-11-20)."Brennan, Harding Slated for Top Intelligence Jobs". The Atlantic Monthly.
- ^ Greenwald, Glenn (2008-11-16)."John Brennan and Bush's interrogation/detention policies" Retrieved 2008-12-12.
- ^ a b Sullivan, Andrew (2008-11-21)."No Way. No How. No Brennan". The Daily Dish of No Party or Clique (Blog) Retrieved 2008-12-12.
- ^ "Brennan Out Of Running for Top Intelligence Post". International Herald Tribune (The New York Times Company). 2008-11-25. Retrieved 2008-12-15.
- ^ Hamsher, Jane (2008-11-25). "'The Rachel Maddow Show' for Tuesday November 25, 2008: Transcript".The Rachel Maddow Show. MSNBC. Retrieved 2008-12-12. "I think asAtrios said, 'Behold the power of Glenn Greenwald.' ... Glenn, writing at, had made a singular case against Brennan and said really, 'this is unacceptable.'"
- ^ Greenwald, Glenn (2010-12-15)."The inhumane conditions of Bradley Manning's detention". Retrieved 2011-03-20.
- ^ MacAskill, Ewen (2010-12-23). "UN to investigate treatment of jailed leaks suspect Bradley Manningx" (London). Retrieved 2010-12-23.
- ^ "Amnesty International condemns ‘inhumane’ treatment of Bradley Manning". The Raw Story. Raw Story. 2011-01-24.
- ^ "Amnesty International condemns ‘inhumane’ treatment of Bradley Manning". Politiconewspaper.Politico. 2011-03-13.
- ^ Greenwald, Glenn (2010-06-18)."The strange and consequential case of Bradley Manning, Adrian Lamo and WikiLeaks". Retrieved 2011-03-20.
- ^ Byers, Dylan (19 July 2012). "Glenn Greenwald to move to The Guardian". Politico. Retrieved 21 July 2012.
- ^ Greenwald, Glenn; Ewen MacAskill; Spencer Ackerman (June 5 2013)."NSA collecting phone records of millions of Verizon customers daily".The Guardian. Retrieved 6 June 2013.
- ^ Bazelon, Emily (6 June 2013). "Is the Government Snooping Through My Phone Calls?". Slate. Retrieved 6 June 2013.
- ^ Cohen, Noam (6 June 2013)."Blogger, With Focus on Surveillance, Is at Center of a Debate". New York Times. Retrieved 10 June 2013.
- ^ a b Goodman, Amy (2008-04-18)."Great American Hypocrites: Glenn Greenwald on the Corporate Media's Failures in the 2008 Race".Democracy Now!. Pacifica Radio. Retrieved 2008-12-12.
- ^ Greenwald, Glenn (2008-12-23)."Some observations after being involved in a Fox News report" Retrieved 2008-12-23.
- ^ "Glenn Greenwald on the High Cost of Government Secrecy". Bill Moyers & Company. 2013-04-26. Retrieved 2013-04-26.
- ^ "Interview with Glenn Greenwald". Bill Moyers' Journal. 2008-12-12. Retrieved 2008-12-12.
- ^ Moyers, Bill (2009-04-03)."Independent Journalism". PBS. Retrieved 2009-04-03.
- ^ Tunku Varadarajan; Elisabeth Eaves; Hana R. Alberts (2009-01-22). "25 Most Influential Liberals in the U.S. Media". Forbes. Retrieved 2009-08-18.
- ^ "Who's left? The top 20 US progressives". Retrieved 2012-12-09.
- ^ Amira, Dan (2008-08-24)."Intelligencer:Conventional Wisdom".New York (News & Features). Retrieved 2008-12-12. "Who's the most popular? We developed a highly[sic] scientific formula to measure their star power, counting blog, newspaper, magazine, and TV-news mentions so far this year, Google hits, and how many presidential debates (in the primaries or planned for the general election) they moderated. Then, each pundit's popularity in each category was calculated as a percentage of the highest score, and those five percentages were averaged. (So, theoretically, a dominating pundit who topped each tally would end up with a popularity score of 100.) Here's the top 40. ..."
- ^ "Power Grid: Print/Online Columnists". Mediaite. Retrieved 2009-07-06.
- ^ "Food for Thought". Paul Krugman, NYT. 2009-07-09. Retrieved 2009-07-09.
- ^ "Top 100 Blogs". Technorati. Retrieved 2008-12-16.
- ^ "What Is Authority?". Support atTechnorati. Archived from the original on 2008-04-30. Retrieved 2008-12-15.
- ^ "The Atlantic 50". Retrieved 2009-12-16.
- ^ "The Politix 50: Here Are The Only Pundits You Need To Pay Attention To Between Now And The Election". Business Insider. 2011-11-30. Retrieved 2012-12-09.
- ^ "Digital Power Index: Opinionists – Newsweek and The Daily Beast". 2012-06-24. Retrieved 2012-12-09.
- ^ Spy games: Inside the convoluted plot to bring down WikiLeaks by Nate Anderson - Feb 14 2011, Ars Technica, retrieved 6/24/2013 from
- ^ GOP's Peter King Wants Glenn Greenwald Arrested, By Josh Voorhees, June 12, 2013,, retrieved 6/24/13
- ^ Greenwald: Beltway media types are ‘courtiers to power’, Washington Post, By Erik Wemple, Published: June 24, 2013, retrieved from on 6/24/2013
- ^ David Gregory spars with Glenn Greenwald, By ASSOCIATED PRESS | 6/23/13 1:23 PM EDT Updated: 6/24/13 1:40 PM EDT, retrieved from on 6/24/2013
- ^ a b c "Glenn Greenwald: Life Beyond Borders | Out Magazine". 2011-04-18. Retrieved 2012-12-09.
- ^ "Glenn Greenwald interview – Books". The Listener. 2012-02-04. Retrieved 2012-12-09.
- ^ a b Silverstein, Ken (2008-02-21)."Six Questions for Glenn Greenwald on Campaign Coverage". Harper's Magazine. Retrieved 2008-12-15.
- ^ Art of The Possible (2006-01-16)."Interview with Glenn Greenwald".Art of the Possible Blog. Retrieved 2008-12-13.
- ^ "Glenn Greenwald interview". New Zealand Listener. 2012-02-04. Retrieved 2012-04-12.
- ^ "Insight into one of DU's most loved/hated personalities, Glenn Greenwald". Democratic Underground. 2011-08-27. Retrieved 2011-08-27.
- ^ "We are the proud parents of a Glenn Greenwald puppy...she was born early this morning". Democratic Underground. 2011-09-01. Retrieved 2011-09-01.
- ^ "Glenn Greenwald: War crimes and puppies". Citizens Radio. 2011-09-01. Retrieved 2011-09-01.
- ^ "The New York Times Book Review Best Sellers". The New York Times Book Review. The New York Times Company. 2006-06-11. Archived fromthe original on 2007-12-01. Retrieved 2008-12-12.
- ^ Garofoli, Joe (2006-05-12). "Book Tops Charts Before It's Published".San Francisco Chronicle. Retrieved 2008-12-12. "There's been no advertising for "How Would a Patriot Act." Didn't need any. It was more important to get love from a handful of key bloggers, who plugged the 144-page book on their sites, leading to a virtually overnight advance sales bump this week—and a second printing of 20,000 copies. "Patriot" remained at the peak of the Amazon charts for days. ... While "Patriot" parachuted to 293rd place by week's end after hitting No. 1, the book's publisher, the San Francisco phone company and liberal benefactor Working Assets, has been encouraged to continue its fledgling program of plucking sharp bloggers to write politically pointed books."
- ^ Greenwald, Glenn (2006-11-09)."Untitled Comments: #54519".Comments Forum (HaloScan). Retrieved 2007-12-12.
- ^ Greenwald, Glenn (2007-06-27)."Blogs and the establishment media". Retrieved 2008-12-12.
- ^ Greenwald, Glenn (2008-03-09)."Various items". Retrieved 2000-12-12.
- ^ Hamm, Theodore (May 2008). "A Party of Frauds? Glenn Greenwald in conversation with Theodore Hamm".The Brooklyn Rail.
- ^ Greenwald, Glenn (2010-12-14)."Attempts to prosecute WikiLeaks endanger press freedoms" Retrieved 2011-03-20.
- ^ a b c Greenwald, Glenn."Preface". How Would a Patriot Act?. San Francisco: Working Assets, 2006. pp. 1–2. Archived from the original on 2007-09-27. Retrieved 2008-12-14.
- ^ Greenwald, Glenn (2011-07-03)."Civil liberties under Obama".International Socialist Organization. Retrieved 2011-07-07.
- ^
- ^ Hamsher, Jane (2010-05-01)."Accountability Recruits First Candidate for 2010: Bill Halter".Huffington Post.
- ^ Greenwald, Glenn (29 March 2012)."Three congressional challengers very worth supporting". Salon. Retrieved 11 June 2013.
- ^ "AKUS ‘dares’ to criticize Glenn Greenwald". CIFWatch. Retrieved 2012-09-27.
- ^ Jeffrey Goldberg (2012-01-26)."More on Glenn Greenwald, 'Israel-Firsters,' and Idiot Editors (Updated)". The Atlantic. Retrieved 2012-10-26.
- ^ Adam Levick (2012-07-25). "The Guardian and Glenn Greenwald: The anti-imperialism of fools". The Times of Israel. Retrieved 2012-10-26.
- ^ David Bernstein (2010-11-06)."Greenwald: Israel has a "Higher Standard of Living" than the U.S.".The Volokhh Conspiracy. Retrieved 2012-10-26.
- ^ David Bernstein (2012-01-28)."Glenn Greenwald and the Neocons". The Volokhh Conspiracy. Retrieved 2012-10-26.
- "Glenn Greenwald Exposes Frank Gaffney". Crooks and Liars, February 16, 2007. [Includes 3-part MP3 clip of radio interview broadcast on the Alan Colmes Show, on Fox News Radio, during which Greenwald debates Frank Gaffney.]
- "Glenn Greenwald on Joe Klein, Dave Tomlin on Bilal Hussein". Counterspin, November 30, 2007 – December 6, 2007. Accessed December 12, 2008. MP3 clips hosted on Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR).]
- Bernstein, Fred A., "Glenn Greenwald: Life Beyond Borders". Out magazine, April 19, 2011. Accessed April 20, 2011.
- Goodman, Amy."Great American Hypocrites: Glenn Greenwald on the Corporate Media's Failures in the 2008 Race. Democracy Now!,Pacifica Radio, April 18, 2008. Accessed December 12, 2008. ("We speak with Glenn Greenwald, author of Great American Hypocrites: Toppling the Big Myths of Republican Politics. [includes rush transcript].")
- –––. "Obama Adviser Cass Sunstein Debates Glenn Greenwald". Democracy Now!, Pacifica Radio, July 22, 2008. Accessed December 13, 2008. (Includes rush transcript.)
- Greenwald, Glenn. "Book Forum: A Tragic Legacy: How a Good vs. Evil Mentality Destroyed the Bush Presidency". Cato Institute, August 7, 2007. [Panel discussion featuring Greenwald, "with comments by Lee Casey, Partner, Baker Hostetler." (Hyperlinked MP3 podcast andRealVideo formats.)]
- –––. "Media: Glenn Greenwald at YearlyKos"., August 7, 2007. Accessed December 13, 2008. [Video segment from Glenn Greenwald's panel at YearlyKos 2007, "where he stresses the continued need for adversarial, skeptical reporting." ("VideoDog" format.)]
- Pitney, Nico. "A Secure America: Video: Glenn Greenwald Debates Spying Program On C-Span". Online posting of clip of program broadcast on C-SPAN, February 6, 2006., February 6, 2006. Accessed December 12, 2008. [Greenwald debates University of Virginia law professor Robert Turner.]
- Silverstein, Ken. "Six Questions for Glenn Greenwald on Campaign Coverage". Harper's Magazine, February 21, 2008. Accessed December 12, 2008.
- Singal, Jesse, and Glenn Greenwald. "On Terrorism, Civil Rights, and Building a Blog". Campus Progress, September 17, 2007. Accessed December 12, 2008. [Interview.]
- Greenwald, Glenn. "Civil liberties under Obama". International Socialist Organization, July 3, 2011. Accessed July 7, 2011. [Video.]
- Greenwald, Glenn. Great American Hypocrites: Toppling the Big Myths of Republican Politics. New York: Random House, 2008. ISBN 0-307-40802-7 (10). ISBN 978-0-307-40802-0 (13). (Also available as an E-book.)
- –––. How Would a Patriot Act? Defending American Values From A President Run Amok. San Francisco: Working Assets (Distrib. by Publishers Group West), 2006. ISBN 0-9779440-0-X (10). ISBN 978-0-9779440-0-2 (13).
- –––. A Tragic Legacy: How a Good vs. Evil Mentality Destroyed the Bush Presidency. New York: Crown (Div. of Random House), 2007. ISBN 0-307-35419-9 (10). ISBN 978-0-307-35419-8 (13). (Hardback ed.) Three Rivers Press, 2008. ISBN 0-307-35428-8 (10). ISBN 978-0-307-35428-0 (13). (Paperback ed.)
- –––. With Liberty and Justice for Some: How the Law Is Used to Destroy Equality and Protect the Powerful. Metropolitan Books (Div. of Henry Holt and Company), 2011. ISBN 0-8050-9205-6 (10). ISBN 978-0-8050-9205-9 (13).
External links[edit]
- Moyers & Company: "Glenn Greenwald: Trading Democracy for National Security"
- "Glenn Greenwald" – Current column at The Guardian
- "Glenn Greenwald" – Previous column and blog hosted on
- Unclaimed Territory – Previous personal blog hosted on
- Glenn Greenwald appearances on Democracy Now!
- Appearances on C-SPAN
- Glenn Greenwald at the Internet Movie Database
About Glenn Greenwald notes iran
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