Robert Scheer Editor of Truthdig
Summary: Pro-Iran anti-Saudi anti-war critic. In Terror Con, Scheer says Saudis and Gulf states were villians in 9/11 yet US is investing in fighting Iran. Seems to be pro-Shia, anti-Saudi / Sunni. He's been dropped by the San Francisco Chronicle and Los Angeles Times, but Iran's Press TV gives him an outlet.Topics
- .Google Google’s spymasters are now worried about your secrets
- .Huffington Post
- .Iran Iranians..they’re not the enemies who attacked us on 9/11, and indeed they are Shiites, who were implacably hostile to the Sunni fanatics of al-Qaida
- .Los Angeles Times (dropped)
- .PressTV contributor
- .Saudi Arabia: explanation of how 19 hijackers, 15 from our ally Saudi Arabia, managed to legally enter this country and learn flying skills while under our government’s watch.
- .Taliban: the only three countries that recognized the Taliban government sponsors of al-Qaida were Saudi Arabia as well as our other friends in Pakistan and the United Arab Emirates
- .The Nation (liberal)
- .Truthdig editor
- Al Qaeda
- George W. Bush
- Saudi Arabia
- Talibanj
- United Arab Emirates
- Iran
- PressTV
.Google Google’s spymasters are now worried about your secrets
Google’s spymasters are now worried about your secrets
Thu May 2, 2013 10:25AM
Robert Scheer,
A recent article in The Wall Street Journal by Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt, “The Dark Side of the Digital Revolution,” makes for very scary reading. It is not so much because of what he and co-author Jared Cohen, the director of Google Ideas, have to say about how dictators can use new information technology to suppress dissent; we know those guys are evil.
.Huffington Post
Robert Scheer - Huffington Post ROBERT SCHEER is the editor of TruthDig. A journalist with over 30 years experience, Scheer has built his reputation on the strength of his social and political ...
(Los Angeles Times): Bush's blind spot on Iran ... › Discuss
Aug 16, 2005 - 4 posts - 3 authors
Truthout The Force Bush Won't Use on Iran Robert Scheer The Los Angeles Times. Tuesday 01 March 2005. U.S. policy toward Iran is now a big, dangerous mess
.Los Angeles Times
The Force Bush Won't Use on Iran
Commentary March 01, 2005|ROBERT SCHEER
.PressTV contributor
Google’s spymasters are now worried about your secrets
Thu May 2, 2013 10:25AM
Robert Scheer,
A recent article in The Wall Street Journal by Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt, “The Dark Side of the Digital Revolution,” makes for very scary reading. It is not so much because of what he and co-author Jared Cohen, the director of Google Ideas, have to say about how dictators can use new information technology to suppress dissent; we know those guys are evil.
What is truly frightening is that the techniques of the totalitarian state are the same ones pioneered by so-called democracies where commercial companies, like Google, have made a hash of the individual’s constitutionally guaranteed right to be secure in his or her private space.
The dictators, mired in more technologically primitive societies, didn’t develop the fearsome new implements of control of the National Security State. Google and other leaders in this field of massively mined and shared information did. As the authors concede and expand on in their new book:
01. The Terror Con Huffington Post - 2 days ago For defense contractors, the government officials who write them mega checks, and the hawks in the media who cheer them on, the name of the
Robert Scheer, a contributing editor to The Nation, is editor of and author of The Great American Stickup: How Reagan Republicans and Clinton ...
The latest from Robert Scheer (@Robert_Scheer). Robert Scheer has built a reputation for strong social and political writing over his 30 years as a journalist.
May 14, 2013 – Robert Scheer is Editor in Chief of Truthdig, where he publishes a weekly column, and author of a new book, The Pornography of Power: How ...
Visit's Robert Scheer Page and shop for all Robert Scheer books and other Robert Scheer related products (DVD, CDs, Apparel). Check out ...
01. The Terror Con Huffington Post - 2 days ago For defense contractors, the government officials who write them mega checks, and the hawks in the media who cheer them on, the name of the
Robert Scheer, Editor in Chief - Truthdig Robert Scheer, editor in chief of Truthdig, has built a reputation for strong social and political writing over his 30 years as a journalist. His... MORE ...
Robert Scheer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Robert Scheer (born April 4, 1936) is an American journalist who writes a column for Truthdig that is nationally syndicated by Creators Syndicate in publications ...
Robert Scheer: China Benefits From Bush's Folly - Huffington Post 4, 2013 – The United States has spent well over $3 trillion on its Iraq War, while suffering and inflicting much mayhem. Yet it is the studiously neutral ...
Robert Scheer | The Nation
Robert Scheer (Robert_Scheer) on Twitter
One American Who Isn't for Sale by Robert Scheer on ... 11, 2013 – Robert Scheer Opinion Columns - One American Who Isn't for Sale.
Stories by Robert Scheer | Alternet Robert Scheer: Books, Biography, Blog, Audiobooks ...
Robert Scheer | Common Dreams Find us on Facebook · Follow us on Twitter. Robert Scheer. Robert Scheer is editor of and a regular columnist for The San Francisco Chronicle.
Robert Scheer Editor of Truthdig notes antiwar
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