June 19: Beheading of Muslim in UK / TWA 800 Shot Down / Nova Boston
June 19, 2013 | June 18 | June 20
- 01. Muslim woman Reema Ramzan beheaded in UK by Aras Hussein
- 02. "Whistleblowers" conclude TWA 800 was shot down - same old conspiracy theory to draw attention away from Ramsi Yousef bombing plot counter-conspiracy theory
- 03. Terrorists Bomb College Girls Bus and Then Bomb The Hospital: Quetta Attacks
- 04. NOVA PBS - Boston Bombers Video
- 05. Connecticut police detain 4 with combat style weapons
- 06. Obama backs talks with the Taliban who must renounce Al Qaeda
- 07. The Taliban is Sunni
- 08. Special Operations Ground Vehicles - Sub-Humvee trucks, quad and side-by-cycles
- 09. Afghanistan Reporter Michael Hastings dies at 33 in mysterious one car crash
- 10. FBI director acknowledges domestic drone use FBI Director Robert Mueller acknowledged that the bureau uses unmanned drones for surveillance on U.S. soil. .such as bunker hostage crisis...
- 11. Hyper-parents can make college aged children depressed-study
- 12. Man arrested after car jumps curb in New York City, injuring 8 on Manhattan sidewalk Traffic Terrorism? 2 cars weaving around traffic, one with drunk driver Shaun Martin, of Queens slams into people on sidewalk
- 13. 2 upstate NY men tried to make X-ray weapon so they could secretly harm Israel foes
- 14. FOX News: Hours after peace talks announceme
nt, Taliban claim responsibi Taliban claimed responsibility for a rocket attack on the Bagram Air Base that killed four American soldierslity for attack that killed 4 American troops - 15. Girls prove Wifi Routers kill sprouting seeds? Need a double-blind study so students don't know which ones were affected by wifi
- 16. 2010 study: wifi hurts the trees is bogus
- 17. (disinfo) Salon calls Scott Creighton a Snowden Truther along with Webster Tarpley’, Lyndon LaRouche, Jon Rappoport and Alex Jones, Conspiracy site Before its News | leak scandal
- 18. (disinfo)How to identify CIA limited hangout op by Webster Tarpley
- 19. My creeping concern that the NSA leaker is not who he purports to be ...by Naomi Wolf on Friday, June 14.
- 20. Glenn Beck Against Arming Syrian al Qaeda Rebels
- 21. If Barney Sang About the Los Angeles Rodney King riots
- 22. Pro-Iran progressives all support Edward Snowden
- 23. PRISM: wikipedia
- 24. Fake WMD “Intelligence” and Orwellian Double-speak : Paul Craig Roberts (Global Research Veterans Today pro-Iran disinfo)
- 25. Israel to be Among First Recipients of New F-35 Stealth Fighter Jet
- 26. ADL Blasts Anti-Israel Author Walker: She is ‘Unabashedly Infected With Anti-Semitism’
- 27. Al Shabaab suicide attack on UN office in Somali capital Mogadishu leaves 16 dead seven Shabaab fighters took part in the attack, all of whom either detonated suicide vests or were shot dead.
- 28. IBD: In Afghanistan, Obama Repeating Big Vietnam Mistake
- 29. I-5 Skagit River bridge reopens less than 4 weeks after collapse
- 30. Anti-Lincoln Ron Paul Neo-Confederates Wrong Right
- 31. Fukushima ground water 30X legal limit Groundwater samples .. 100-fold jump in strontium-90 levels since December 2012
=====================================================================01. Muslim woman beheaded in UK http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2344066/Man-20-appears-court-accused-beheading-18-year-old-woman-attacking-people-treated-hospital.html The religion and ethnicity of the victim and attacker was not released, but it's pretty obvious it had something to do with the nature of the crime and possible motivations.
A 20-year-old man has appeared in court charged with the murder of a young woman who was beheaded in a knife attack.
Aras Hussein appeared at Sheffield Magistrates' Court today accused of murdering Reema Ramzan, 18.
Miss Ramzan, who was from the Darnall area of Sheffield, died on June 4 following an incident at a property on Herries Road, in the city.
Detectives said she suffered a severe knife attack resulting in fatal injuries, including the severing of her head.
Hussein, of Sheffield, is also charged with assaulting five people at Sheffield’s Northern General Hospital, where he was taken following his arrest by police.
He stood in the glass-fronted dock today flanked by two uniformed police officers.
Sporting full beard and short, dark hair, he wore a navy blue T-shirt and spoke only to confirm his personal details and that he understood the charge. h/t UK: Muslim beheads young woman, assaults 5 others
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2344066/Man-20-appears-court-accused-beheading-18-year-old-woman-attacking-people-treated-hospital.html#ixzz2WfpneJfg
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02. "Whistleblowers" conclude TWA 800 was shot down - same old conspiracy theory to draw attention away from Ramsi Yousef bombing plot counter-conspiracy theory
This is a conspiracy theory to throw you off from the real story - 1993 World Trade Center bomber Ramsi Yousef engineered this explosion placed in a seat above the fuselage fuel tank. Probably not hard to tie these guys to 9-11 conspiracy theorists.
..This team of investigators who actually handled the wreckage and victims’ bodies, prove that the officially proposed fuel-air explosion did not cause the crash,” reads a statement by the producers of the film, which will debut on cable network EPIX next month. “They also provide radar and forensic evidence proving that one or more ordnance explosions outside the aircraft caused the crash.” However, the statement said they did not speculate about the source or sources of any ordnance explosions.
The whistle-blower team, which includes investigators -- at the time -- from the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), TWA, and the Airline Pilots Association, have since retired from their positions. They claim that at the time, they were placed under a gag order by the NTSB, which they charged falsified the official conclusion of the cause of the crash. They indicated they would elaborate more in a Wednesday media briefing.
05. Police seize combat-style weapon
CTPost Monday, June 17, 2013
Task Force members saw two men walking with what appeared to be a green nylon bag that contained a rifle-type weapon, moving the weapon from one vehicle to another, Kaempffer said.
Once the weapon was placed in the rear of the second vehicle, officers moved in, detained four men and found a Cobray Streetsweeper 12-gauge semi-automatic shotgun with a pistol grip, a 20-round ammunition drum and collapsible stock.
In the trunk of the other vehicle, task force officers found a .22-caliber Browning rifle with a scope, Kaempffer said.
07. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20101015114803AADLhkp
Read "The Kite Runner" to understand who the Taliban is. While it is a novel it is accurate description how the Taliban uses Shi'a La
Taliban is sunni. The war started because the Taliban had a hand in 9/11 (although it was Al Qaeda that was really behind it, they are both related groups and are associated with Osama Bin Laden). However, since Al Qaeda is a global terrorist organization, it would be extremely difficult to attack it (since it is based in many nations), so the US decided to weaken a strong base of Al Qaeda, and attack the Taliban which were fierce supporters of Al Qaeda.
In my opinion, though I usually don't support foreign wars (such as Vietnam and the War on/in Iraq), I believe the NATO operations in Afghanistan are positive and justified since Taliban is truly an evil organization that committed horrible crimes in Afghanistan, transforming that nation into one of the most backwards countries of the world, and abusing the rights of all citizens of Afghanistan especially Afghan women. So NATO decided that the time was ripe to uproot the Taliban, and they have done so rather successfully, and though the Taliban still maintains some presence in Afghanistan, it is in an extremely weakened state when compared to what it was before the 2001 Invasion.
In my opinion, though I usually don't support foreign wars (such as Vietnam and the War on/in Iraq), I believe the NATO operations in Afghanistan are positive and justified since Taliban is truly an evil organization that committed horrible crimes in Afghanistan, transforming that nation into one of the most backwards countries of the world, and abusing the rights of all citizens of Afghanistan especially Afghan women. So NATO decided that the time was ripe to uproot the Taliban, and they have done so rather successfully, and though the Taliban still maintains some presence in Afghanistan, it is in an extremely weakened state when compared to what it was before the 2001 Invasion.
More info here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taliban
- 09. Afghanistan Reporter Michael Hastings dies at 33
Award-winning journalist Michael Hastings, who wrote the Rolling Stone profile that led to Gen. Stanley McChrystal's resignation, died in a car accident early Tuesday in Los Angeles, ..
authored several books, including: The Operators: The Wild and Terrifying Inside Story of America's War in Afghanistan, which stemmed from his story on McChrystal; I Lost My Love in Baghdad: A Modern War Story, written after his then-fiance, an aide worker, was killed in a car bombing while he was covering the Iraq war for Newsweek; and a book on the election for Buzzfeed, Panic 2012.
In a memorable exchange with Hillary Clinton aide Philippe Reines in the aftermath of the Benghazi attacks, Hastings' aggressive line of questioning angered Reines. "Why do you bother to ask questions you've already decided you know the answers to?" Reines asked. "Why don't you give answers that aren't ******** for a change?" Hastings replied
- linkiconreporticonemailicon
- Michael Hastings, a 33-year-old reporter for Buzzfeed whose Rolling Stone report on comments made by aides to Army Gen. Stanley McChrystal ended McChrystal's career, died early Tuesday in an explosive one-car crash in the Hancock Park neighborhood of Los Angeles.
Video of the crash scene posted to YouTube shows an extremely fiery aftermath of the fatal wreck, with Hastings' car burning furiously at 625 N. Highland Ave. The car burns on the median strip outside the office of psychic Madam Mazale.
Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2013/06/19/journalist-michael-hastings-killed-in-fiery-l-a-crash/#ixzz2WfQPxy1j
One-car, fiery crash with no witnesses to the event, only the aftermath.
Yeah, right! - http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-michael-hastings-dies-car-crash-20130618,0,7611310.story
A witness described the accident to KTLA News: "I was just coming northbound on Highland and I seen a car, like, going really fast and all of a sudden I seen it jackknife," Luis Cortez said. "I just seen parts fly everywhere, and I slammed on my brakes and stopped and tried to call 911."
Seen on facebook:
- assassinated
- agreed, in these dark days, with a lying president whose draconian and deceitful ways surpass Bush 2, I believe Obama put a hit on Michael Hastings...it is the way it is done all over the world, when one offends/overreaches...welcome to the new Amerika...See More
21. If Barney Sang About the Los Angeles Rodney King Riots I hate you You hate me We divided racially With riot and rebellion We'll get what we're due Don't think I won't hurt you too.
American Paul Craig Roberts is very concerned about the Fall of Iran
24. Fake WMD “Intelligence” and Orwellian Double-speak : Paul Craig Roberts (Global Research Veterans Today pro-Iran disinfo) Iran is Russia’s underbelly, and for China Iran is 20% of its energy imports. Both Russian and Chinese governments know that after Iran falls, they are next. There is no other explanation for Washington surrounding Russia with missile bases and surrounding China with naval and air bases.
28. IBD: In Afghanistan, Obama Repeating Big Vietnam Mistake In 1963, President Kennedy let his ambassador to Vietnam, Henry Cabot Lodge — whom he feared would challenge him for the presidency in 1964 — launch a coup against the strongly anti-communist Diem.is there any doubt what will happen in a post-Karzai political and governmental vacuum? A preview came on Tuesday when five Afghan policemen were killed by Taliban infiltrators, a growing trend reminiscent of the Viet Cong.
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