The media and jihad apologists point to Timothy McVeigh as proof that whites are terrorists and muslims are not, but the government has dismissed evidence that there was a third mideastern terrorist working for Iran and that the Nichols went to the Phillipines and brought back not just a wife, but met with WTC bomber Ramsi Yousef to learn how to make a truck bomb that works. The Wikipedia article has been thoroughly whitewashed of this theory and any connection to Yousef, Al Qaeda or Iran. One of plotters to blow up the 12 U.S. jetliners convicted in September 1996 Wali Khan Amin Shah, was acquainted with Nichols' wife, Marife Torres Nichols, a Filipino by birth.
Did Terry Nichols and Ramzi Yousef Meet? | ...
Jump to EARLY PHILIPPINES TIES - Terry Nichols first traveled to the Philippines after leaving the Army in 1989. He signed up with an illegal ...
Vindication on the Ramzi Yousef-Terry Nichols connection | Peter Lance
During the meeting Angeles swore that they'd discussed bomb making and ... b) Ramzi Yousef andTerry Nichols would be in the Philippines in an obscure city ...
The Oklahoma City Bomb Trial: The Denver Post Online - Post Home
... that co-defendant Terry Nichols met with Ramzi Yousef, an Iraqi intelligence ... of Mindanao in thePhilippines, a "hotbed of fundamentalist Muslim activity. Wild theories spun in book
By Howard Pankratz
Denver Post Legal Affairs Writers
Oct. 12 - In his new book, the lawyer for convicted bomber Timothy McVeigh claims that co-defendant Terry Nichols met with Ramzi Yousef, an Iraqi intelligence operative who masterminded the World Trade Center bombing and was behind a plot to blow up 12 U.S. jets.
In Stephen Jones' "Others Unknown," he claims the meeting occurred sometime in the early 1990s on the island of Mindanao in the Philippines, a "hotbed of fundamentalist Muslim activity." The 331-page book will be in bookstores Nov. 9.
Present were Nichols - who referred to himself as the as "The Farmer" - and Yousef, Abdul Hakim Murad, and Wali Khan Amin Shah, according to Jones.
The subject of the meeting was terrorism. Specifically, three topics were discussed: bombing activities; providing firearms and ammunition; and training in the making and handling of bombs, claimed Jones.
But Nichols' lawyer, Michael Tigar, and Larry Mackey, the former federal prosecutor who spearheaded the government's case against Nichols, say there is no evidence to support Jones' claim.
"It is false, it is defamatory and he (Jones) knows it," said Tigar of the Yousef-Nichols allegation. "From the beginning, one of his (Jones') tactics has been to create a smoke screen by seeking to divert attention from the real serious issues that had to be decided in this case.
federal investigators "left no stone unturned" and could find nothing indicating a Nichols-Iraqi-Muslim link.
Jones said it is credible.
Jones said that after their meeting with Nichols, Abdul Hakim Murad, Wali Khan Amin Shah and Ramzi Yousef were charged in the plot to blow up the 12 U.S. jetliners. They were convicted in September 1996, and are serving time in U.S. prisons, said the Enid, Okla., lawyer.
Jones claimed that an extensive investigation by his office in the Philippines, aided by Filipino officials, indicated that one of the convicted plotters, Wali Khan Amin Shah, was acquainted with Nichols' wife, Marife Torres Nichols, a Filipino by birth.
Jones also claimed that Nichols' marriage to Marife was little more than a cover for Nichols as he made his way six times to the Philippines to perfect bomb-making techniques he originally tried to develop on the Nichols farm at Decker, Mich.
The Oklahoma City Bomb Trial: The Denver Post Online - Post Home
Present were Nichols - who referred to himself as the as "The Farmer" - and Yousef, ... Wali Khan Amin Shah, was acquainted with Nichols' wife, Marife Torres ...
Vindication on the Ramzi Yousef-Terry Nichols connection | Peter Lance
On that trip, Nichols met Marife Torres, a “mail order bride,” from the southern ... “The Farmer”) along with Yousef, Abdul Hakim Murad and Wali Khan Amin Shah; ...
Terry Nichols - Metapedia
Mar 23, 2014 - In 1995, Nichols resided in Herington with his wife Marife Torres and ... when Yousef members, Abdul Hakim Murad, Wali Khan Amin Shah and ...
Nichols has been married twice, first to Lana Padilla then to Marife Torres. Nichols was introduced to the latter woman, who came from Cebu City in the Philippines, by Paradise Shelton Tours of Scottsdale, Arizona. She was 17 when they married in 1991.
Marife Torres was the mother of an infant son when she married Nichols. The child suffocated in a plastic bag while the couple was residing at the Nichols family farm in Michigan. The November 22, 1993 death shortly followed the birth of a son fathered by Nichols. Nichols and his wife frequently visited the Philippines, where she was working on a degree in physical therapy. He sometimes travelled to the Philippines alone while she remained in Kansas.
Cebu City at the time was a reputed base for several militant organizations, including Liberation Army of the Philippines, the Communist Huk, and the Al-Qaida affiliate Abu Sayyaf.
Stephen Jones, the trial attorney who first represented Tim McVeigh, cited evidence of a meeting in Davao City, in Mindanao in 1992 or 1993, when Yousef members, Abdul Hakim Murad, Wali Khan Amin Shah and a "farmer" met to discuss the Oklahoma bombing. Jones said the FBI was aware of the meeting.
Nichols had left a cryptic note for his first wife during one of his many visits to the Philippines. Upon returning from one visit to learn that she had prematurely opened a letter instructing her what to do in the event of his death, he made a series of telephone calls to a Cebu City boarding house. Witnesses, including Marife's brother said the boarding house is often used by residents from Mindanao. Other witnesses said Nichols may have been trying to reach his wife during the numerous repeated 30-second telephone calls.
In his affidavit, Nichols says he wants to bring closure to the survivors and families of the attack on the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, which took 168 lives. He alleges he wrote then-Attorney General John Ashcroft in 2004, offering to help identify all parties who played a role in the bombing but never got a reply.
McVeigh and Nichols were the only defendants indicted in the bombing. However, Nichols alleges others were involved. McVeigh told him he was recruited for undercover missions while serving in the military, according to Nichols. He says he learned sometime in 1995 that there had been a change in the bombing target and that McVeigh was upset by that.
Others Unknown Timothy Mcveigh And The Oklahoma City Bombing Conspiracy
Stephen Jones, Peter Israel - 2001 - History... Abdul Hakim Murad, Yousefs friend since childhood, and one Wali Khan Amin Shah (who, we had reason to believe, had known Marife Torres Nichols and ...
Wali Khan Amin Shah - Wikipedia
Jump to Attack on Philippines - Shah bombed the Greenbelt Theatre in Manila on December 1, injuring several people. In January 1995 Shah traveled ...
Wali Khan Amin Shah - History Commons › Entities
In January 1992, Khalifa and future Bojinka bombers Wali Khan Amin Shah and Ramzi Yousef meet with Abdurajak Janjalani, the head of the Abu Sayyaf.
Wali Khan Amin Shah News - The New York Times
Commentary and archival information about Wali Khan Amin Shah from The New York ... U.S. JURY CONVICTS 3 IN A CONSPIRACY TO BOMB AIRLINERS.
Images for Wali Khan Amin Shah bombing

Bomb-Plot Defendants Fight Evidence of Plan to Harm Pope - The ... 2, 1996 - Bomb-Plot Defendants Fight Evidence of Plan to Harm Pope ... Yousef and two co-defendants, Abdul Hakim Murad and Wali Khan Amin Shah, ...
Author links man arrested in Quincy to the subject of her book on ...
Mar 11, 2011 - The author of a book on the Oklahoma City bombing says a man ... Hussain Alhussaini,a 45-year-old homeless man, was arrested after ...
Homeless Muslim Arrest Revisits OK City Bombing Islam Connection
Mar 11, 2011 - Comcowich said the Hussain Al-Hussaini the FBI investigated had been seen withbomber Timothy McVeigh before the April 19, 1995, ...Over the years, Muslims have pointed to Timothy McVeigh’s bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City as evidence that non-Muslims commit major terrorist attacks against America. Anti-Christian bigots have also used it to make similar points against Christians, even though McVeigh was–for all intents and purposes–an atheist. But, as Oklahoma City investigative television reporter and author Jayna Davis has pointed out over the years, McVeigh was repeatedly seen with an Iraqi Muslim, Hussain Al-Hussaini, believed to be a then-agent of Saddam Hussein or some other anti-American Muslim force. She’s done excellent investigative journalism on this matter, despite many threats and unwarranted attacks on her character, as well as serious health problems. Her books, articles, and reports–which my late father shared with me–document this connection and a determined approach by the federal government to avoid discussing this. Davis has made a pretty good case over the years, especially in her exhaustive book, “The Third Terrorist: The Middle East Connection to the Oklahoma City Bombing,” that Al-Hussaini a/k/a “John Doe #2” (as the FBI referred to him in its investigations) was connected to the attacks on the Murrah Building and that the bombing was not the work of a lone, disgruntled anti-government White guy and his militia buddies, but rather the work of foreign Islamic interests who desired to attack America. No one has been able to refute the evidence that Jayna Davis has presented in making this case.This week’s arrest of Al-Hussaini in Quincy, Massachusetts brings the story–and the alleged cover-up–back to light, and even the Boston FBI spokesman, who repeats the denial that Al-Hussaini was involved in the Murrah attacks, confirms that Al-Hussaini was seen with McVeigh. That much is not mere conspiracy theory, and it’s enough to tell us a lot more was going
“Homeless” Man Hussain Hashem al-Hussaini is “John Doe #2 in ...
Mar 11, 2011 - Hussain Hashem al-HUSSAINI, Oklahoma City, Third Suspect, John Doe ... time of thebombing, identified al HUSSAINI as the “John Doe #2” in ...
The Third Terrorist - Wikipedia
The Third Terrorist: The Middle East Connection to the Oklahoma City Bombing is a book by ... that links the Oklahoma City bombers to agents of Iraq and Al-Qaeda, operating under Iranian state sponsorship. ... Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) visited Terry Nichols in prison in 2005 and Rohrabacher claims Nichols would not ...
Terry Nichols - Wikipedia
Terry Lynn Nichols (born April 1, 1955) is an American convicted of being an accomplice in the ..... American Terrorist: Timothy McVeigh & The Oklahoma City Bombing. ... investigation into links to Al Queda, Iraq and Iran; The Third Terrorist by Jayna Davis Investigative book into possible links to Al Queda, Iraq and Iran ...
The Third Terrorist: The Middle East Connection to the Oklahoma City ...
The Third Terrorist and over one million other books are available for .... +. Others Unknown: Timothy McVeigh and the Oklahoma City Bombing Conspiracy. +.
The Real Story of the Oklahoma City Bombing - Accuracy in Media › AIM Column
Apr 27, 2010 - The third terrorist, in addition to the two, McVeigh and Terry Nichols, who were convicted, was an Arab. This was the mysterious “John Doe” ...
The Third Terrorist -,13190,JDavis_052704,00.html
May 27, 2004 - Commentary by Jayna Davis: The Third Terrorist ... its first story in which the disgruntled Gulf War veteran, Timothy McVeigh, was .... There was ample evidence that an international terrorism offensive, sponsored by Iran and ...
Articles: The Tea Party, Timothy McVeigh, and Tainted History
Apr 23, 2010 - The Tea Party, Timothy McVeigh, and Tainted History .... outlined in my book The Third Terrorist: The Middle East Connection to the Oklahoma ... that Osama bin Laden, Iraq, and Iransponsored the Oklahoma City operation.
OKC bombing case about to be blown open? -
Jul 30, 2014 - Get “The Third Terrorist” now at the WND Superstore. ... Hussaini was part of a terrorist cell that operated with the support of Iran as its state sponsor. ... over the trials of Timothy McVeigh andTerry Nichols, Judge Matsch.
The Middle East Connection to the Oklahoma City Bombing, The Third ...
The New York Times best-seller, The Third Terrorist - The Middle East Connection to the Oklahoma City Bombing, reveals why bomber Terry Nichols says the ...
Oklahoma City Bombing - Endorsements - Jayna Davis
Learn why Terry Nichols admitted the book's evidence "could be correct. ... “The Third Terrorist is among the most important books ever written in our country's history. ... (The Third Terrorist) establishes the longstanding Iraqi, Iranian, and other ...
McVeigh & The Missing Link | Winds of Jihad
Mar 11, 2011 - What a price that would be:Â The Third Man ... What will Islamic supremacist whiners like Keith Ellison do if their favorite non-Muslim terrorist, Tim McVeigh, turns out to have ... You have two witnesses that put Tim McVeigh with Hussain .... But Iran was a livable and prosperous place under the Pahlevis, the ...
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Next › Entities
In January 1992, Khalifa and future Bojinka bombers Wali Khan Amin Shah and Ramzi Yousef meet with Abdurajak Janjalani, the head of the Abu Sayyaf.
Wali Khan Amin Shah News - The New York Times
Commentary and archival information about Wali Khan Amin Shah from The New York ... U.S. JURY CONVICTS 3 IN A CONSPIRACY TO BOMB AIRLINERS.
Images for Wali Khan Amin Shah bombing
Bomb-Plot Defendants Fight Evidence of Plan to Harm Pope - The ... 2, 1996 - Bomb-Plot Defendants Fight Evidence of Plan to Harm Pope ... Yousef and two co-defendants, Abdul Hakim Murad and Wali Khan Amin Shah, ...
Author links man arrested in Quincy to the subject of her book on ...
Mar 11, 2011 - The author of a book on the Oklahoma City bombing says a man ... Hussain Alhussaini,a 45-year-old homeless man, was arrested after ...
Homeless Muslim Arrest Revisits OK City Bombing Islam Connection
Mar 11, 2011 - Comcowich said the Hussain Al-Hussaini the FBI investigated had been seen withbomber Timothy McVeigh before the April 19, 1995, ...Over the years, Muslims have pointed to Timothy McVeigh’s bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City as evidence that non-Muslims commit major terrorist attacks against America. Anti-Christian bigots have also used it to make similar points against Christians, even though McVeigh was–for all intents and purposes–an atheist. But, as Oklahoma City investigative television reporter and author Jayna Davis has pointed out over the years, McVeigh was repeatedly seen with an Iraqi Muslim, Hussain Al-Hussaini, believed to be a then-agent of Saddam Hussein or some other anti-American Muslim force. She’s done excellent investigative journalism on this matter, despite many threats and unwarranted attacks on her character, as well as serious health problems. Her books, articles, and reports–which my late father shared with me–document this connection and a determined approach by the federal government to avoid discussing this. Davis has made a pretty good case over the years, especially in her exhaustive book, “The Third Terrorist: The Middle East Connection to the Oklahoma City Bombing,” that Al-Hussaini a/k/a “John Doe #2” (as the FBI referred to him in its investigations) was connected to the attacks on the Murrah Building and that the bombing was not the work of a lone, disgruntled anti-government White guy and his militia buddies, but rather the work of foreign Islamic interests who desired to attack America. No one has been able to refute the evidence that Jayna Davis has presented in making this case.This week’s arrest of Al-Hussaini in Quincy, Massachusetts brings the story–and the alleged cover-up–back to light, and even the Boston FBI spokesman, who repeats the denial that Al-Hussaini was involved in the Murrah attacks, confirms that Al-Hussaini was seen with McVeigh. That much is not mere conspiracy theory, and it’s enough to tell us a lot more was going
FBI spokesman in Boston, Greg Comcowich, said Thursday night that a man named Hussain Al-Hussaini was “thoroughly investigated” in connection with the Oklahoma City bombing and “was found to not have any role whatsoever in the attack on the Murrah Federal Building in 1995.”
Comcowich said the Hussain Al-Hussaini the FBI investigated had been seen with bomber Timothy McVeigh before the April 19, 1995, bombing, which killed 168 people.
“The investigation was closed and the FBI has no further interest in that individual,” he said.
Shocker–the Islamo-pandering FBI has no interest in taking talking points away from the HAMAS-financiers at the CAIR Action Network and actually investigating whether a Muslim Iraqi had anything to do with mass-murdering 168 innocent Americans.
The Al-Hussaini questioned by the FBI was never charged in connection with the bombing. McVeigh was executed for detonating the bomb in a truck he drove up to the federal building. Co-conspirator Terry Nichols is serving a lifetime prison sentence.
And as far as the rest, the FBI has certainly gone out of its way over the years to avoid fully investigating and discussing the matter.
And, as they say, where there’s smoke, there’s fire. Read more about this in Jayna Davis’ book, The Third Terrorist: The Middle East Connection to the Oklahoma City Bombing
. (If you click on this link and/or buy the book or any other Amazon product through this link, it will help support Also, check out Jayna Davis’ website.
And as far as the rest, the FBI has certainly gone out of its way over the years to avoid fully investigating and discussing the matter.
And, as they say, where there’s smoke, there’s fire. Read more about this in Jayna Davis’ book, The Third Terrorist: The Middle East Connection to the Oklahoma City Bombing
“Homeless” Man Hussain Hashem al-Hussaini is “John Doe #2 in ...
Mar 11, 2011 - Hussain Hashem al-HUSSAINI, Oklahoma City, Third Suspect, John Doe ... time of thebombing, identified al HUSSAINI as the “John Doe #2” in ...
The Third Terrorist - Wikipedia
The Third Terrorist: The Middle East Connection to the Oklahoma City Bombing is a book by ... that links the Oklahoma City bombers to agents of Iraq and Al-Qaeda, operating under Iranian state sponsorship. ... Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) visited Terry Nichols in prison in 2005 and Rohrabacher claims Nichols would not ...
The Third Terrorist
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
![]() | |
Author | Jayna Davis |
Language | English |
Genre | Non-Fiction |
Publisher | Thomas Nelson |
Publication date
| March 8, 2005 |
Pages | 384 |
ISBN | 978-1-59555-014-9 |
The Third Terrorist: The Middle East Connection to the Oklahoma City Bombing is a book by journalist Jayna Davis about evidence of an alleged conspiracy behind the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing. The Justice Department initially sought, but then abandoned its search for, a Middle East suspect. The book was published in April 2004 by Nelson Current Publishers, and became a New York Times best-seller. In contrast to conspiracy theories that the bombing was a false flag attack perpetrated by elements of the US government, the book presents a theory that links the Oklahoma City bombers to agents of Iraq and Al-Qaeda, operating under Iranian state sponsorship.
Evidence and theory[edit]
Gathering the affidavits of twenty-two eyewitnesses and twenty-three hundred pages of corroborative documentation, the author theorizes that there was a third terrorist named Hussain Hashem Al-Hussaini, an Iraqi soldier in the first Gulf War, who was the “John Doe 2”, who allegedly accompanied McVeigh to the Murrah Federal building in the ammonia nitrate fuel oil-ladened Ryder truck. The Federal Bureau of Investigation account of April 19, 1995 is that it was simply a domestic terrorism case, however Davis cites a CNN/USA Today poll that 68 percent of Americans believe other bombing conspirators are "still out there". Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) visited Terry Nichols in prison in 2005 and Rohrabacher claims Nichols would not speculate about "John Doe 2" but claimed there were unknown others involved in the attack, a statement first made to the FBI during the investigation. Nichols stated his belief that the 1995 bombing that claimed the lives of 168 Americans was a "Middle Eastern" terrorist operation, however Nichols statements about events leading up to the attack are self-contradictory.[1] It was theorized that why Nichols would not implicate those involved by name was that he still has immediate and extended family members who could be targets of retaliation.[who?]
Chairman’s Report Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee of the House International Relations Committee[edit]
Representative Dana Rohrabacher (R - CA) cited this research in the report "The Oklahoma City Bombing: Was There A Foreign Connection?" [2] Within the report the following statements citing several pieces of real and circumstantial evidence were made, supporting the main theory laid out by Jayna Davis in her book. "...of all the cities in the world, convicted terrorist Ramzi Yousef and Terry Nichols were in Cebu City in the Philippines at the same time three months before the Oklahoma City bombing. Yousef was the perpetrator of the first World Trade Center attack as well as the mastermind behind the planning of other high-profile attacks on Americans. Furthermore, Ramzi Yousef’s phone records, from the months before he detonated the first World Trade Center bomb in early 1993, show calls placed to the Filipina neighbor and close friend of Terry Nichols’ in-laws in Queens, New York. The opportunity for interaction between American terrorist, Nichols, and al-Qaeda terrorist, Yousef, is evident." [3]
"One indicator that this terrorist act had broader implications came directly from Abdul Hakim Murad, Yousef’s roommate, childhood friend, and fellow convicted terrorist. On the day of the bombing, Murad claimed responsibility for this terrorist act from his jail cell in New York. He bragged to his prison guards, verbally and in writing, that the bombing of the Murrah federal building was the work of the “Liberation Army.” His confession was similar to the one Yousef had made two years earlier in the immediate aftermath of the first attempt to destroy the Word Trade Center. Hours after he drove a Ryder truck into the garage of the north tower of the World Trade Center and detonated the deadly bomb, Yousef called the FBI from a pay phone in Newark International Airport and boasted that the “Liberation Army” had conducted the attack. He then boarded a plane and escaped, ending up in Manila, Philippines. Note: the Oklahoma City Bombing followed a similar pattern to the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center —a rental truck loaded with ammonium-based explosives, using similar detonation devices, based on the strategy of driving a vehicle into or near a target." [4]
Another key piece of evidence that Jayna Davis used to build the case in her book for Middle Eastern involvement was the fact that Hussain Al-Hussaini "was one of a group of Iraqis hired to do odd jobs for a Palestinian landlord, Samir Khalil, who owned properties throughout the area. Khalil hired the Iraqi newcomers, supposedly refugees from the first Gulf War, to maintain his rental properties. Khalil himself served time for insurance fraud in the early 1990s. Hussaini resembles John Doe Two and was identified by witnesses on the scene." [5]
The connections by Davis in her book linking McVeigh to Murad, Yousef and the former Iraqi soldiers was made not only through Terry Nichols connection in the Philippines, but by the suspected John Doe 2, Hussain Al-Hussaini, to Samir Khalil who according to "the discovery of a published list of un-indicted coconspirators from the first World Trade Center bombing that includes the name Samir Khalil." [6]
- ^ Crogan, Jim (7 July 2005). "The Rohrabacher Test, Congressman questions Terry Nichols about Oklahoma City bombing". LA Weekly.
- ^ Representative Dana Rohrabacher (R - CA) The Oklahoma City Bombing: Was There A Foreign Connection?
- ^ Representative Dana Rohrabacher (R - CA) The Oklahoma City Bombing: Was There A Foreign Connection?
- ^ Representative Dana Rohrabacher (R - CA) The Oklahoma City Bombing: Was There A Foreign Connection?
- ^ Representative Dana Rohrabacher (R - CA) The Oklahoma City Bombing: Was There A Foreign Connection?
- ^ Representative Dana Rohrabacher (R - CA) The Oklahoma City Bombing: Was There A Foreign Connection?
Terry Nichols - Wikipedia
Terry Lynn Nichols (born April 1, 1955) is an American convicted of being an accomplice in the ..... American Terrorist: Timothy McVeigh & The Oklahoma City Bombing. ... investigation into links to Al Queda, Iraq and Iran; The Third Terrorist by Jayna Davis Investigative book into possible links to Al Queda, Iraq and Iran ...
The Third Terrorist: The Middle East Connection to the Oklahoma City ...
The Third Terrorist and over one million other books are available for .... +. Others Unknown: Timothy McVeigh and the Oklahoma City Bombing Conspiracy. +.
The Real Story of the Oklahoma City Bombing - Accuracy in Media › AIM Column
Apr 27, 2010 - The third terrorist, in addition to the two, McVeigh and Terry Nichols, who were convicted, was an Arab. This was the mysterious “John Doe” ...
The Third Terrorist -,13190,JDavis_052704,00.html
May 27, 2004 - Commentary by Jayna Davis: The Third Terrorist ... its first story in which the disgruntled Gulf War veteran, Timothy McVeigh, was .... There was ample evidence that an international terrorism offensive, sponsored by Iran and ...
Articles: The Tea Party, Timothy McVeigh, and Tainted History
Apr 23, 2010 - The Tea Party, Timothy McVeigh, and Tainted History .... outlined in my book The Third Terrorist: The Middle East Connection to the Oklahoma ... that Osama bin Laden, Iraq, and Iransponsored the Oklahoma City operation.
OKC bombing case about to be blown open? -
Jul 30, 2014 - Get “The Third Terrorist” now at the WND Superstore. ... Hussaini was part of a terrorist cell that operated with the support of Iran as its state sponsor. ... over the trials of Timothy McVeigh andTerry Nichols, Judge Matsch.
The Middle East Connection to the Oklahoma City Bombing, The Third ...
The New York Times best-seller, The Third Terrorist - The Middle East Connection to the Oklahoma City Bombing, reveals why bomber Terry Nichols says the ...
Oklahoma City Bombing - Endorsements - Jayna Davis
Learn why Terry Nichols admitted the book's evidence "could be correct. ... “The Third Terrorist is among the most important books ever written in our country's history. ... (The Third Terrorist) establishes the longstanding Iraqi, Iranian, and other ...
McVeigh & The Missing Link | Winds of Jihad
Mar 11, 2011 - What a price that would be:Â The Third Man ... What will Islamic supremacist whiners like Keith Ellison do if their favorite non-Muslim terrorist, Tim McVeigh, turns out to have ... You have two witnesses that put Tim McVeigh with Hussain .... But Iran was a livable and prosperous place under the Pahlevis, the ...
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Next