tags: right wing extremist, Christian identify, suicide mission, white suspect, lone wolf terrorist, government target, diplomatic target, mass shooting, bombing, arson, Texas, Ron Paul supporter, anti-government, Breitbart, right wing hero, lone gunman, conspiracy theorist, ied, building bombing attempt, rental car, van, fireworks, declared terrorist by local law enforcement, ak-47, .22 gun, assault rifle, pseudocommando
3 government buildings attacked November 28, 2014 Larry Steven McQuilliams Austin Texas Shooting Rampage hits federal courthouse, police, Mexican embassy 49-year-old Larry Steven McQuilliams fired more than 100 rounds at a federal courthouse, a Mexican consulate building (which he also tried to set on fire), and a police station in Austin, Texas, before dying of a gunshot wound. He was armed with .22 and AK-47 assault rifle guns McQuilliams's shooting rampage was stopped when Austin Police Department Mounted Patrol Sgt. Adam Johnson fired a single, one-handed shot, while holding the reins of the horses he was putting away in the other hand, from 312' away, striking McQuilliams in the heart and killing him.[3] McQuilliams was reportedly affiliated with the Phineas Priesthood or Phineas Priests (also spelled Phinehas) is a Christian Identity movement in the Pacific Northwest that opposes interracial intercourse, the mixing of races, homosexuality, and abortion. It is also marked by its anti-Semitism, anti-multiculturalism, and opposition to taxation. Austin Police Chief Art Acevedo described McQuilliams, a convicted felon, as a "homegrown, American extremist" and "terrorist." There was a similar October 5, 2014 shooting spree in Snohomish county Washington which damaged police cars and police buildings in 3 cities and threatened a military installation.
- Apartment search:officers at his apartment were seen removing about a dozen small tanks of propane,
- Austin Texas
- Bombing with propane tanks
- comment: Cop is a heck of a shot to hit a man at 100 yards with a pistol and holding two horses at the same time.
- Federal Prison Served about seven years in federal prison for bank robbery released in 2000.
- Convicted felon
- Could not legally possess the firearms
- Fireworks
- IED propane tanks as bombs
- Lone gunman - no evidence of help or conspiracy
- Mexican consulate
- Mounted police An officer who was putting horses back into the stable shot the gunman.
- Propane tanks
- Terrorist
- historical re-enactor
- theatrical personality’s specific motive
- hostile outlook toward progress
- vest Police found the shooter was wearing some kind of vest that they first feared was a detonation device,
- angry, far-right ideology
- shooting spree may have fueled by harsh anti-immigration rhetoric.harsh anti-immigration rhetoric... officials are looking into whether possible anti-government sentiments over recent developments in U.S. immigration issues played a role, according to the Washington Post. President Barack Obama last week unilaterally changed immigration policy to allow as many as 5 million undocumented immigrants temporary amnesty
Austin Right Wing Shooter: ‘Stop Buying Other People Stuff With MY TAX MONEY!’
6Around one o’ clock in the morning the day after Thanksgiving, and about an hour prior to going on a shooting rampage on that targeted law enforcement and the Mexican Consolate, (Larry) Steve Mcquilliams changed his avatar on Facebook to a tarot card symbolizing conservatism, social conventions and tradition — The Hierophant.
The 49-year-old historical re-enactor/theatrical personality’s specific motive isn’t quite clear yet, but experts and sources familiar with the case say his social media interactions show an increasingly hostile outlook toward progress and a propensity for angry, far-right ideology — and that his shooting spree may have fueled by harsh anti-immigration rhetoric...
Ron paul fan:
to which Mcquilliams said: - hopes ron paul runs 3rd party
Here’s some more recent commentary I was able to dig up, too:
to which Mcqualliams responded:
...page features the obligatory posting in celebration of gun nuts everywhere:
Mcquilliams fired over 100 rounds in his shooting spree targeting government officials, police, and the Mexican Consulate in Austin, Texas. The 49-year-old has a criminal record that authorities have not yet released. Fearing that he had rigged explosives, police searched both his vehicle and home, and officers at his apartment were seen removing about a dozen small tanks of propane, the type police said was used in the attempt to set fire to the Mexican Consulate.
It’s still not clear if Mcquilliams took his own life or was struck by police gunfire, but officers have expressed gratitude that the suspect was the only one injured during the shooting spree.
Austin Shooting Spree: Larry Steve McQuilliams Killed After ...
6 days ago - Larry Steve McQuilliams, suspect in the Austin shooting spree that ... Spree: Larry Steve McQuilliams Killed After '10 Minutes Of Terror'. Larry ...Austin Police Chief On Larry Mcquilliams: 'He's Just An ...
www.breitbartunmasked.com › Patriot Movement
2 days ago - Previous information revealed that McQuilliams was a Ron Paul fan with ...Austin domestic terror Larry Steve Mcquilliams spree shooting ...the man who terrorized the city of Austin last week by going on a shooting spree in the wee hours of black Friday, armed with a .22 and an AK-47.Previous information revealed that McQuilliams was a Ron Paul fan with conservative leanings.
- See more at: http://www.breitbartunmasked.com/2014/12/02/austin-police-chief-on-larry-mcquilliams-hes-just-an-american-terrorist/#sthash.W6JNjpg0.dpufAddicting Info – Right Wing Celebrates Terrorist Attack On ...
5 days ago - A right-wing media outlet has dubbed Larry Steve McQuilliams a “white hero.” McQuilliams was identified as the 49-year-old man who waged a ...Who Was Larry Steve McQuilliams? - Time Warner Cable ...
3 days ago - When 49-year-old Larry Steven McQuilliams opened fire in several different ... He's just an American terrorist trying to terrorize our people.".Larry McQuilliams, Shooter In Austin, Had Extremist Views ...
3 days ago - Larry McQuilliams had multiple weapons, hundreds of rounds of ammunition ... a convicted felon, as a "homegrown, American extremist" and "terrorist."... Austin Texas Shooter Identified as Larry Steve McQuilliams - Breitbart.A Texas man who shot up downtown Austin buildings and tried to burn the Mexican Consulate before he was gunned down by police harbored extremist right-wing views and appeared to be planning a broader attack against churches and government facilities, law enforcement officials said Monday.The Huffington Post
Larry McQuilliams had multiple weapons, hundreds of rounds of ammunition and a map of 34 downtown buildings that likely were potential targets .. book describes the Phineas Priesthood as Christian guerrillas who avenge Judeo-Christian traitors. Inside the book was a handwritten note that referred to McQuilliams as a "priest in the fight against anti-God people," Acevedo said.
hey are confident McQuilliams acted alone.
"No one helped him. There's not a larger conspiracy at all,"
rented a van that was parked outside the police station and was loaded with ammunition and propane fuel canisters typically used for camping. McQuilliams tried to use fireworks with the canisters to make crude but ineffective bombs and used some at the Mexican Consulate, causing a fire that was quickly extinguished.
comments : Marcus D'Truth · Top Commenter · Northern Arizona University
America has come under attack by Domestic Right-Wing Extremists 100's of times. Many more times than we have been attacked by foreign terrorists. This is a list of right-wing terrorist attacks on America since the attack in Oklahoma by Timothy McVeigh. This is a somewhat dated list as there have been several others since it was compiled. http://www.splcenter.org/get-informed/publications/terror-from-the-right#.UXdhlqX-jPP
Austin Mounted Police Officer Dropped "Homegrown Terrorist"
2 days ago - “He is a homegrown American terrorist trying to terrorize our people.” ...Acevedo described Larry Steve McQuilliams as being heavily armed ...Beware of White, Disgruntled, Homegrown Anti-Government ...
2 days ago - Last week, in about ten minutes time, Larry Steve McQuilliams, 49, of Austin, ... In a recent Foreign Policy piece titled Terrorists Among Us, ...Truthout
Larry McQuilliams: According to Media He's a "Gunman ...
4 days ago - It's not terrorism when an extremist White, Right-Winger goes on a ... That is why an individual such as Larry McQuilliams, who attempted to ...larry steven mcquilliams | Tumblr
6 days ago - Larry Steven McQuilliams, who went on a planned shooting rampage in ... Yet you'll see that McQuilliams is labelled a terrorist and a religious ...Tumblr
Suspect in Snohomish Co. police shooting spree jailed ...
Oct 19, 2014 - Man opens fire on police stations, cars in Snohomish County · Man ... following Wednesday's shooting spree in the towns of Granite Falls, Lake ...KOMO‑TV
Suspect in Snohomish County shooting spree angry police ...
Oct 20, 2014 - The man accused of going on a shooting rampage last week by driving around and firing on police in Granite Falls, Lake Stevens and ...The Seattle Times
Snohomish County shooting spree targets police, sergeant ...
Oct 16, 2014 - Investigators are piecing together the shooting spree that started in Granite Falls, targeted the Lake Stevens Police Department and ended with ...
Man goes on shooting rampage against police in 3 cities ...
Oct 15, 2014 - The shooting spree began around 9:15 p.m. Wednesday when a man in a ... The Snohomish County Sheriff's office said that the suspect is a ...KCPQ
Snohomish County shooting spree targets police, sergeant injured ...
Oct 16, 2014 - 6 posts - 5 authors
A shooting spree stretched across three Snohomish County cities Wednesday evening. A sergeant from the Marysville Police Department and ...*Reference
- Wikipedia Phineas Priesthood
- APD Chief calls downtown Austin shooter "home grown American extremist"MyFox Austin - 3 days ago
- Larry Steven McQuilliamsSearch - The Austin Chronicle - 10 hours ago
Police: Austin gunman had ties to religious extremism ...
kxan.com/.../police-austin-gunman-had-ties-to-religious-extr...3 days ago - Austin gunman dead after downtown shooting rampage ... 20 years ago started with a story about Larry Steven McQuilliams and another crime.
KXAN‑TVAPD Chief calls downtown Austin shooter "home grown ...
www.myfoxaustin.com/.../apd-chief-calls-downtown-austin-shooter-...3 days ago - Larry Steven McQuilliams, the man who went on a shooting rampage inAustin Friday morning, was part of an anti-government, religious ...
KTBCSources: Larry Steven McQuilliams killed by Austin officer's ...
www.mystatesman.com/news/...larry-steven-mcquilliams...austin-/njH2K/5 days ago - An Austin police officer fired the bullet that killed Larry Steven McQuilliams, the gunman who went on a shooting rampage in downtown Austin ...
Gunman opens fire on Austin Mexican consulate, police HQ ...
www.nydailynews.com/.../austin-gunman-targets-downtown-bui...6 days ago - Gunman identified as Larry Steven McQuilliams shoots more than 100 bullets at Austin Mexican consulate, police headquarters: cops.
Daily NewsExclusive: Police bullet to heart kills downtown shooter
www.kvue.com/story/news/local/2014/11/.../19641717/4 days ago - ... a single shot to the heart killed 49-year old Larry Steven McQuilliams.... AUSTIN -- New exclusive information has been released about the ...
KVUEOfficials identify suspect in downtown shooting - KVUE.com
www.kvue.com/story/news/local/2014/11/28/.../19605941/6 days ago - Larry Steven McQuilliams (Photo: Larry Steven McQuilliams/ Facebook) ... AUSTIN -- Police are investigating after they said a shooter targeted ...
KVUEWho Was Larry Steve McQuilliams? - Time Warner ... - Austin
austin.twcnews.com/content/news/.../who-was-larry-steve-mcquilliams-/3 days ago - During Monday's press conference, Austin police Chief Art Acevedo ...When 49-
year-old Larry Steven McQuilliams opened fire in several ...Austin gunman has criminal history - WFAA.com
www.wfaa.com/story/news/local/texas...austin.../19606665/5 days ago - Larry McQuilliams; Shots fired at three downtown Austin buildings, including ... station KVUE says the suspect is Larry Steven McQuilliams, 49.
WFAAAustin police - Los Angeles Times
www.latimes.com/.../la-na-austin-shooter-20141201-s...3 days ago - Larry Steven McQuilliams, who fired more than 100 gunshots at government offices in Austin, Texas, last week until he was killed by police, was ...
Los Angeles Times
Phineas Priesthood - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phineas_PriesthoodOn November 28, 2014, 49-year-old Larry Steven McQuilliams fired more than 100 rounds at a federal courthouse, a Mexican consulate building (which he also
Wikipedia... - The Phineas Priesthood or Phineas Priests (also spelled Phinehas) is a Christian Identity movement in the Pacific Northwest that opposes interracial intercourse, the mixing of races, homosexuality, andabortion. It is also marked by its anti-Semitism, anti-multiculturalism, and opposition to taxation. It is not considered an organization because it is not led by a governing body, there are no gatherings, and there is no membership process. One becomes a Phineas Priest by simply adopting the beliefs of the Priesthood and acting upon those beliefs. Members of the Priesthood are considered terrorists for, among other things, various 1996 abortion clinic bombings, the bombing in Spokane of The Spokesman-Review newspaper, bank robberies, and plans to blow up FBI buildings.[1] Four members of this organization were convicted of crimes including bank robbery and bombing, with each sentenced in 1997 and 1998 to life in prison.[2]The Phineas Priesthood is named for the Israelite Phinehas, grandson of Aaron.Numbers 25:7 According to Numbers 25, Phineas personally executed an Israelite man and a Midianite woman while they were together in the man's tent, running a spear through the two and ending a plague sent by God to punish the Israelites for intermingling sexually and religiously with the Midianite Baal-worshipers. Phineas is commended for having stopped Israel's fall to idolatrous practices brought in by Midianite women, as well as for stopping the desecration of God's sanctuary. Yahweh commends Phineas through Moses as zealous, gives him a "covenant of peace," and grants him and "his seed" an everlasting priesthood. Today, members of the Phineas Priesthood cite this chapter as a justification for using violent means against interracial relationships and other forms of alleged immorality.The term appears to have originated with author Richard Kelly Hoskins, who introduced the name and concept in his 1990 book, Vigilantes of Christendom: The Story of the Phineas Priesthood (ISBN 1881867056).[1]On November 28, 2014, 49-year-old Larry Steven McQuilliams fired more than 100 rounds at a federal courthouse, a Mexican consulate building (which he also tried to set on fire), and a police station in Austin, Texas, before dying of a gunshot wound. McQuilliams's shooting rampage was stopped when Austin Police Department Mounted Patrol Sgt. Adam Johnson fired a single, one-handed shot, while holding the reins of the horses he was putting away in the other hand, from 312' away, striking McQuilliams in the heart and killing him.[3] McQuilliams was reportedly affiliated with the movement.[4]Federal Correctional Institution, Texarkana - Wikipedia, the ...en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Correctional_Institution,_Texar...Add Larry Steven McQuilliams to notable persons: http://www.statesman.com/
Wikipedianews/news/local/facebook-page-provides-glimpse-of-shooters-mind/njHZW/ ...
White Hero Larry McQuilliams Austin TX Hits Mexican ...
www.podblanc.guru/larry-mcquilliams-one-man-black-friday-war-again...6 days ago - Larry Klayman jew (check Wiki) Sues To Deport Obama&See WND Piece... Larry Steven McQuilliams, the shooter who opened fire on several ...
Twilight Language: Gunman McQuilliams Targets 3 Major ...
copycateffect.blogspot.com/2014/11/Austin.html6 days ago - Therefore, Larry Steven McQuilliams, literally is a triple name specifically linked to the covering of the head in laurels, ... From Wikipedia:
Austin American-Statesman - Austin, TX - Newspaper ...
https://www.facebook.com/statesman?v=wiki&rf=106151842753573Downtown shooter Larry Steven McQuilliams was a lone wolf extremist who aligned himself with an ultraconservative Christian movement that was based on... The Austin - Webfinder.hol.es
webfinder.hol.es/cari/The_Austin.htmlAustin, Texas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... A gunman in Austin, Texas, identified as Larry Steven McQuilliams, tried to burn down the Mexican consulate
... Official Church of Satan Website | churchofsatan.com
churchofsatan.com/Larry Steven McQuilliams, who went on a planned shooting rampage in Austin Texas, apparently supported views found in a book titled Vigilantes of ...
What Is Apd 2014 | Scholarship Guides 2015 - 2016
scholarshipguides.org/tag/what-is-apdAuditory processing disorder - Wikipedia, the free · Auditory processing ... A gunman, 49-year-old Larry Steven McQuilliams, opened fire at four [read more...]
... Shooter Larry McQuilliams had 'hate in his heart' - WorldNews
article.wn.com/.../Shooter_Larry_McQuilliams_had_hate_in_his_heart/2 days ago - Downtown shooter Larry Steven McQuilliams was a lone wolf extremist who aligned himself with an ... News; Videos; Video Details; Wikipedia.
New Nation News
www.newnation.org/KVUE says the suspect is Larry Steven McQuilliams, 49. Police say it all started ..... Aimee Willard From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. With DNA evidence ...
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