Main: Timeline of Security Incidents
1886: bloomberg: The initial wave of terrorism was largely carried out by European immigrants: Italians, Germans and Russians. In 1886, an unknown anarchist killed seven policemen with a homemade grenade in Chicago’s Haymarket Square. In the ensuing hysteria, four radicals were hanged (a fifth committed suicide in prison), despite a lack of evidence connecting them directly to the crime. Yet the reprisals did nothing to slow the campaign of violence.
* 1910s
Wikipedia pages in category "Terrorist incidents in the 1910s" 5 pages are in this category
- Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria June 28, 1914. Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
- Black Tom explosion The Black Tom explosion on July 30, 1916, in Jersey City, New Jersey, was an act of sabotage by German agents to destroy American-made munitions that were to be supplied to the Allies in World War I.[1]
- Los Angeles Times bombing The Los Angeles Times bombing was the purposeful dynamiting of the Los Angeles Times building in Los Angeles, California, on October 1, 1910 by a union member belonging to the International Association of Bridge and Structural Iron Workers. The explosion started a fire which killed 21 newspaper employees and injured 100 more. It was termed the "crime of the century" by the Times; brothers John J. ("J.J.") and James B. ("J.B.") McNamara were arrested in April 1911 for the bombing. Their trial became a cause célèbre for the American labor movement. J.B. admitted to setting the explosive, and was convicted and sentenced to life in prison. J.J. was sentenced to 15 years in prison for bombing a local iron manufacturing plant, and returned to the Iron Workers union as an organizer.
- Preparedness Day Bombing The Preparedness Day Bombing was a bombing in San Francisco, California on July 22, 1916, when the city held a parade in honor of Preparedness Day, in anticipation of the United States' imminent entry into World War I. During the parade a suitcase bomb was detonated, killing ten and wounding forty[1] in the worst such attack in San Francisco's history. Two labor leaders, Thomas Mooney and Warren K Billings, were convicted in separate trials and sentenced to be hanged. Rena Mooney and Israel Weinberg were acquitted.[citation needed] Isolationism remained strong in San Francisco, not only among radicals such as the Industrial Workers of the World ("the Wobblies"), but also among mainstream labor leaders. At the same time, with the rise of Bolshevism and labor unrest, San Francisco's business community was nervous.
1901 Fears about domestic terrorism reached new heights when President William McKinley was assassinated by an anarchist in Buffalo, New York. In response, Congress enacted a sweeping immigration law known as the Anarchist Exclusion Act of 1903. The legislation was the first to cite ideological justifications as a valid reason to bar foreigners from entering the U.S
In 1902, silk workers at a factory in Paterson went on strike and Galleani spoke on their behalf, urging workers to declare a general strike and overthrow U.S. capitalist society. When police opened fire on the strikers, Galleani was wounded in the face. He was later indicted for inciting a riot. He fled to Canada and was apprehended by authorities there, who expelled him by escorting him just across the U.S. border.
1906: Harvard Crimson Muenter, Once German Teacher Here, Killed Wife, Shot Morgan, Sabotaged in World War 1 Opposed Slaughter, Wanted To End Conflict by Himself February 14, 1942
Year 1914
wikipedia: Luigi Galleani (Italian: [luˈidʒi ɡalleˈani]; August 12, 1861 – November 4, 1931) was an Italian anarchist active in the United States from 1901 to 1919, viewed by historians as an insurrectionary anarchist. He is best known for his enthusiastic advocacy of "propaganda of the deed", i.e. the use of violence to eliminate tyrants and oppressors and to act as a catalyst to the overthrow of existing government institutions.[1][2][3] From 1914 to 1932, Galleani's followers in the United States (known as i Galleanisti), carried out a series of bombings and assassination attempts against institutions and persons they viewed as class enemies.[1] After Galleani was deported from the United States to Italy in June 1919, his colleagues are alleged to have carried out the Wall Street bombing of 1920, which resulted in the deaths of 38 people. Galleani attracted numerous radical friends and followers known as "Galleanisti", including Frank Abarno, Gabriella Segata Antolini, Pietro Angelo, Luigi Bacchetti, Mario Buda also known as "Mike Boda", Carmine Carbone, Andrea Ciofalo, Ferrucio Coacci, Emilio Coda, Alfredo Conti, Nestor Dondoglio also known as "Jean Crones", Roberto Elia, Luigi Falzini, Frank Mandese, Riccardo Orciani, Nicola Recchi, Giuseppe Sberna, Andrea Salsedo, Raffaele Schiavina, Carlo Valdinoci, and, most notably, Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti.[1] Historians believe that Galleani's followers began their bombing attacks in 1914. Galleanists were involved in at least two bombings in New York after police forcibly dispersed a protest at John D. Rockefeller's home in Tarrytown. Over the next several months, bombings took place at several New York City sites, including police stations, churches, and courthouses. 1914: From 1914 to 1932, Galleani's followers in the United States (known as i Galleanisti), carried out a series of bombings and assassination attempts against institutions and persons they viewed as class enemies.[1] Luigi Galleani (Italian: [luˈidʒi ɡalleˈani]; August 12, 1861 – November 4, 1931) was an Italian anarchist active in the United States from 1901 to 1919, viewed by historians as an anarcho-communist and an insurrectionary anarchist. He is best known for his enthusiastic advocacy of "propaganda of the deed", i.e. the use of violence to eliminate "tyrants" and "oppressors" and to act as a catalyst to the overthrow of existing government institutions.[1][2][3] After Galleani was deported from the United States to Italy in June 1919, his colleagues are alleged to have carried the Wall Street bombing of 1920, which resulted in the deaths of 38 people. Carlo Buda, the brother of Galleanist bombmaker Mario Buda, said of him, "You heard Galleani speak, and you were ready to shoot the first policeman you saw". The foremost proponent of "propaganda by the deed" in the United States, Galleani was the founder and editor of the anarchist newsletter Cronaca Sovversiva (Subversive Chronicle), which he published and mailed from offices in Barre.[2] Galleani published the anarchist newsletter for fifteen years until the United States government closed it down under the Sedition Act of 1918. wikipedia
July 7, 1914 — Count von Bernstorff sailed for Germany to meet Maj. Walter Nicolai, Abteilung IIIB, the kaiser’s secret service Count Johann von Bernstorff was not surprised in July 1914 when he was summoned from his ambassadorial post in Washington back to Berlin for “consultations.” Two weeks earlier, he had been dining at the Metropolitan Club when word arrived of the murder of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the Austrian heir-apparent, and his wife in Sarajevo. However, van Bernstorff was confident that an intricate mesh of alliances between the European powers would prevent war. Thus, von Bernstorff was stunned when, upon arrival in Berlin, he was directed to Maj. Walter Nicolai, the spymaster heading the “political section” of Abteilung IIIB, the kaiser’s secret service, The name was misleading: The section had nothing to do with politics. Its agenda was spying, as von Bernstorff soon learned from Nicolai. (spyinggame) . The first year, he was said to have distributed $30 million “to ragtag cells of agents to fuel their clandestine operations.”
Franz von Rintelen - Wikipedia He also organized the Labor's National Peace Council to foster strikes and work slowdowns among munitions workers to inhibit American aid to the Allies.
spyinggame To further hamper munitions shipments, a German agent named Capt. Franz von Rintelen recruited a con man named David Lamar to form something called “Labor’s National Peace Council,” which sought to discourage stevedores from handling shipments of munitions. (The front group, Mr Blum writes, also “attracted a collection of theologians, university professors, members of Congress, and even a former attorney general,” a forerunner of the “useful idiots” of whom the Soviet KGB made effective use during the Cold War.) However, press exposure of Lamar’s background, and a campaign by American Federation of Labor President Samuel Gompers brought the stevedores back to their senses.
World War I: On July 28 1914, the Austro-Hungarians fired the first shots in preparation for the invasion of Serbia.[16][17] As Russia mobilised, Germany invaded neutral Belgium and Luxembourgbefore moving towards France, leading Britain to declare war on Germany. After the German march on Paris was halted, what became known as the Western Front settled into abattle of attrition, with a trench line that would change little until 1917. Meanwhile, on theEastern Front, the Russian army was successful against the Austro-Hungarians, but was stopped in its invasion of East Prussia by the Germans. In November 1914, the Ottoman Empire joined the war, opening fronts in theCaucasus, Mesopotamia and the Sinai. Italy and Bulgaria went to war in 1915, Romania in 1916, and the United States in 1917.
July 4, 1914 Lexington Avenue bombing was the July 4, 1914 explosion of a bomb in an apartment at 1626 Lexington Avenue in New York City, killing four people and injuring dozens. A large quantity of dynamite which was believed was being made into a bomb to blow up John D. Rockefeller's Tarrytown home, exploded prematurely at a new seven-story model tenement. The bomb intended for Rockefeller had exploded prematurely at Berger's apartment, killing 3 conspirators and another renter.
August 2, 1914 Count von Bernstorff started his return journey to America. (landau)
Fall of 1914: During the fall of 1914 a rash of bombings occurred in
different parts of the city. On the afternoon of Octover 13, the anniversary of the
execution of Ferrer, a bomb exploded in St. Patrick's Cathedral, causing minor damage.
That same evening dynamite was found outside St. Alphonsus's Church, where Frank
Tannenbaum had been arrested in March. A week later a bomb exploded in the rectory
of the church, causing slight damage.
October 13, 1914: Bombing of St. Patricks, Communists celebrate: Communists celebrated church bombings onetube radios: "Bomb thrown into cathedral starts panic in St. Patrick's" A hundred years ago this evening, a bomb exploded in St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York. One person was injured, and the New York Evening World had an extra edition with this banner headline on the street the same evening. rector of the Cathedral, Msgr. Michael Lavelle, (1856-1939) is quoted as describing it as “a small bomb. It did little actual damage outside of splintering some of the pews and tearing a hold in the floor about two feet square. October 15 issue of the New York Tribune reported that the Reds were rejoicing over this and other church bombings, and that the police were seeking an I.W.W. plot that “menaced many.” That same evening dynamite was found outside St. Alphonsus's Church, where Frank Tannenbaum had been arrested in March. A week later a bomb exploded in the rectory of the church, causing slight damage.
New York Times: BOMBS EXPLODED IN ST. PATRICK'S AND AT A CHURCH; Attempt to Wreck Cathedral Is Followed by Another at St. Alphonsus's. PRIEST AND A BOY INJURED Fifth Avenue Edifice Suffers Little ;- $1,000 Damage to West Broadway Rectory. I.W.W. ARRESTS RECALLED Tannenbaum Was Seized at Downtown Sanctuary ;- Two Infernal Machines Identical. BOMBS IN CHURCHES, ONE IN CATHEDRAL dynamite bomb was exploded in the nave of St. Patrick's Cathedral, Fifth Avenue and Fiftieth Street, a few minutes past 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon, and another of similar nature was exploded at ten minutes after 12 o'clock this morning in front of the rectory, adjoining the Roman Catholic Church of St. Alphonsus in West Broadway near Canal Street.
October 17, 1914. Seattle Times: Armed bandits in 1914 rob the First National Bank of Sedro-Wooley of $11,649 in gold coins and currency. Bandits rob the First National Bank in Sedro-Woolley, killing one bystander and wounding two, on October 17, 1914. During a 15-minute barrage, the gang fires more than 100 rounds to intimidate residents and the town’s small police force. Four bystanders are seriously wounded, and a boy later dies of his wounds. Four days later, five men believed to be the robbers are seen north of the Canadian border, and in the ensuing gunbattle two fugitives and a Canadian immigration officer are killed. On Oct. 24, 2016 three robbers are trapped on the Great Northern Railway bridge at Ferndale, Whatcom County. Two are killed, but one escapes on foot. A $1,000 reward is offered, but neither the robber nor the missing loot are ever found.
November 11 1914: the anniversary of the Haymarket executions, a bomb was placed in the Tombs police court beneath the seat of Magistrate Campbell, who had sentenced Tannenbaum and the
others. He was just about to ascend the bench when the device was noticed and disarmed. On November 14, 1914, a bomb was placed in the Tombs police court, under the chair of Magistrate Campbell, who had sentenced an anarchist for inciting to riot.
Year 1915
David Lamar Lamar (circa 1877 - January 12, 1934) was a con man known as the "Wolf of Wall Street". During 1915, Lamar acted as an agent for Franz von Rintelen, an agent for the German Navy intelligence in New York City. He promoted strikes and work slowdowns in munitions plants by means of the Labor's National Peace Council. From offices at 55 Liberty Street, von Rintelen spent US$500,000, most of which went to Lamar, whose reports of success were exaggerated. wikipedia Captain and, with Heinrich Albert, set up a dummy corporation called Bridgeport Projectile Company, through which he purchased gunpowder, which he then destroyed. The goal was to create shortages of smokeless powder on the American market which was to prevent the Entente from purchasing munitions. He also set up another company, the Austrian-subsidized Transatlantic Trust Company at 57 William Street in Manhattan,[7] where he had deposited a large amount of money on his arrival from Germany.[8] He also attempted to buy the du Pont powder factory, without success.[4]
Von Rintelen worked with a chemist, Dr. Scheele,[7] to develop time-delayed incendiary devices known as pencil bombs, which were then placed in the holds of merchant ships trading to Britain to cause fires in the ships' holds so that the crew would throw the munitions overboard.[2] Several were planted successfully.[7] He found enthusiastic support among Irish dock workers, who made much effort to sabotage British ships. However when they attempted to plant bombs on the passenger mail boat Ancona, von Rintelen looked for other supporters.[9]
He also organized the Labor's National Peace Council to foster strikes and work slowdowns among munitions workers[10] to inhibit American aid to the Allies. From offices at 55 Liberty Street in New York City (around the corner from Transatlantic Trust, where he was Hansen), he spent US$500,000 doing so,[10] most of which went to his U.S. agent, David Lamar; known as the "Wolf of Wall Street", Lamar's reports of success were exaggerated.[10]
During 1915, he negotiated with Victoriano Huerta for money to purchase weapons and U-boat landings to provide support, while hoping to persuade Mexico to make war on the U.S., which Germany hoped would end munitions supplies to the Allies.[11] Their meetings, held at the Manhattan Hotel (as well as another New York hotel, "probably the Holland House" at Fifth Avenue and 30th Street)[12] were observed by Secret Servicemen, and von Rintelen's telephone conversations were routinely intercepted and recorded.[12] It is probable Room 40, which could read at least two of the ciphers he used, was also recording von Rintelen's activities.[13]
His work was largely successful and probably included some part in the Black Tom explosion in 1916. Also in 1915 he bought ammunition and supplied money to the deposed Mexican dictator Huerta and encouraged him to try to seize back power in Mexico.[14]
His colleagues were not all pleased with his success, and Franz von Papen (later Chancellor of Germany) sent a telegram to Berlin complaining about him. The telegram was intercepted and decrypted by Room 40. He received a telegram, ostensibly from his Admiralty (in a cypher Room 40 could read; it remains unclear if Room 40 originated it, or merely intercepted it),[15] and sailed back to Germany on 3 August, on the neutral Holland America liner Noordam.[16] He was arrested at Southampton, England, but protested his innocence so convincingly that both the Swiss Minister in London and Scotland Yard police were persuaded.[5] At a further meeting, the head of Room 40, Admiral W. R. "Blinker" Hall, was not, and von Rintelen confessed;[5] he was interned at Donnington Hall for twenty-one months.[5] He was then extradited to the United States, tried and found guilty on Federal charges in New York, and imprisoned in Atlanta, Georgia for three years, after the U.S. entered the war.[5] He returned to Germany in 1920, a forgotten man. He moved to England, where he died on 30 May 1949. Von Rintelen wrote The Dark Invader: War-Time Reminiscences Of A German Naval Intelligence Officer which was published in 1933.[17] The scanned version of the original Penguin Books 1933 edition is available on line at Project Gutenberg Australia
January 3, 1915 Mysterious explosion on the S.S. Orton in Erie Basin
First American battleground of World War I? Or Jan 3?
January 18, 1915 Incendiary fire at the John A. Roebling Company plant at Trenton (landau) blackwell: Roebling supplied the anti-submarine netting, artillery chains and other armaments they needed to defeat the Germans. On the night of Jan. 18, 1915, someone decided to put an end to Roebling's war-fueled prosperity. He — or, more likely, they — sneaked in while 300 people were at work, cut the wires of the fire-alarm system and started a series of small fires in rubbish heaps and piles of cotton and jute. Within a few hours, eight acres of factory were destroyed, together with a block of workers' houses. Washington Roebling, the engineering genius behind Roebling's Sons and the man who built the Brooklyn Bridge, thought he knew who was responsible for the sabotage. "Disaffected foreigners," he said, probably riled up by labor troubles. when a second arson fire broke out in the Roebling factory in November, it appeared more sinister forces were at work. For blame, the press and the rumor mill turned overseas, to the country with the best motive — Imperial Germany. Was this theory true? If so, it was an extraordinary German act of war against a neutral power — making Trenton, in effect, the first American battleground of World War I.
January 18, 1915 Captain von Papen paid Werner Horn $700 by check Number 87 for his
work in attempting to destroy the Vanceboro Bridge in Maine. (landau)
January 26, 1915 Radio from the General Staff in Germany, signed Zimmermann, to the
German Embassy, in Washington, for the Military Attache. See page 8. (landau)
February 1915 Werner Horn attempted to blow up the Vanceboro bridge at Machias, Maine. (landau)
Feb 9, 1915 Former Officer of Labor's National Peace Council makes startling disclosure Lewiston Daily Sun Feb 11. W.h. Kramer former vice president of Labor's National Peace Council today
told the House Judiciary sub-committee investigating Representative Buchanan's impeachment charges against United States Attorney Marshall at New York that the council's funds came from German sources. Several officials of the American Federation of Labor and other labor organizations resigned from the Peace Council soon after its organization. Soon afterwards the Department of Justice began investigation on the theory that German money was behind the council and that its chief purpose was to embarass the movement of munitions and supplies and the making of loans for the entente Allies in this country. (Peace as a psyop, this was when the Department of Justice investigated terrorists instead of local police response to terroristic attacks)
Toward the end of February, 191 5 — The S.S. Carlton took fire mysteriously.
March 1915
March 1915 — Carl Schmidt was first employed by Kaltschmidt in Detroit for sabotage activities.
March 1915 — Gustave Steven was employed by Kaltschmidt to blow up bridges on the
Canadian Pacific Railway.
March 2, 1915 - a bomb was discovered in the church of St Patrick's cathedral in New York City, at the time anarchism was a constant threat. daytoninmanhattan Later: In January 1951 a letter was received announcing that a bomb would be set off at a Sunday mass. And between December 1951 and July 1952 there would be five more bomb threats. On July 12, a deep-voiced male voice ordered the Rev. Edward Connors “get them out,” referring to worshipers in the Cathedral. Thirty minutes later he phoned again, warning “your beautiful cathedral will be blown up before midnight.” See October 13, 1914: Bombing of St. Patricks,
In January 1915 Inspector Tunney, head of the bomb squad, ordered a bilingual officer, Dectective
Amedeo Polignani, to infiltrate the Italian anarchist Bresci Group. There Polignani met two young anarchists, Frank Abarno and Carmine Carbone, Frank Mandese. Carbone, a cobbler, had lost the fingers of his right hand in the act of preparing bombs, possibly linked with the incidents of the previous fall. Winning their confidence, Polignani plotted with Abarno and Carbone to blow up St. Patrick's Cathedral. Following instructions in La Salute the three made a number of bombs, and on See march 2 bombing
In 1915 Frank Abarno and Carmine Carbone were arrested in a
clear case of entrapment by the New York Police who wanted to show
they where doing something about foreign anarchists in the city.
March 2, 1915 Abarno and Polignani went to the cathedral. Abarno placed a bomb by a pillar. He was just about to light the fuse when he was seized by the police. Moments later Carbone was arrested at his home. Both men were charged with conspiracy to bomb the cathedral and brought before Judge Charles C. Nott, Jr. of the Court of General Sessions of New York. A copy of La Salute � in voi!, taken from Carbone's room, was introduced as evidence during the trial. The Bresci Group maintained that this was a blatant case of entrapment Carmine Carbone and Frank Abarno, the anarchists were both found guilty Apr 12, but were recommended to mercy. Sentences of from 6 to 12 years each were imposed Apr 19.
Frank Abarno From Wikipedia Frank Abarno

Frank Abarno (6 May 1891 – 5 January 1978) was an Italian anarchist, and a Galleanist who were accused and convicted of an anarchist plot to blow up St. Patrick’s Cathedral in March 1915.[1][2][3]
March 5, 1915 — Explosion at Du Pont Plant at Haskell, N. J.
July 2, 1915, Muenter hid a package containing three sticks of dynamite with a timing mechanism set for nearly midnight under a telephone switchboard in the Senate reception room in the United States Capitol, Washington, D.C. His original target had been the Senate chamber, which he found locked. The bomb exploded at approximately 11:40 PM resulting in no casualties. Muenter wrote a letter to The Washington Star under an pseudonym explaining his actions that was published after the bombing, in it he said he hoped the explosion would "make enough noise to be heard above the voices that clamor for war. This explosion is an exclamation point in my appeal for peace."[7]
May 8, 1915 — Two bombs were found in cargo the S.S. Bank.dde.
May 10, 1915 Explosion in Du Pont plant at Carney's Point, N. J.
May 11, 1 915 Captain von Papen sent the German Consulate at Seattle $500.
May 13, 19 15 — The S.S. Samland took fire at sea.
May 15, 1915 — Two explosions occurred at the Du Pont plant, Carney's Point, N. J.
May 21, 1915 — A bomb was found on board the S.S. Anglo-Saxon.
May 25, 1915 — An explosion occurred at Du Pont plant, Carney's Point, N. J.
May 30, 1915 — Explosion in Seattle Harbor of dynamite manufactured at Pinole, California,
which was then located on a barge in Seattle Harbor. The evidence establishes the relations of
the German Consul General at San Francisco and also the fact that Captain von Papen was in
Seattle shortly before this explosion and paid money to the German Consul there apparently for
use in connection with it.
May 1915 — The S.S. Kirl Oswald out of New York laden with supplies for France docked at
Marseilles and in four sugar bags in her hold were found bombs.
June 2, 1 915 — The S.S. Strathway mysteriously took fire at sea.
July 7 or June 4, 1915 — A bomb exploded on the S.S. Minnehaha while she was at sea. Eric Muenter was charged and soon after committed suicide in jail. On July 7, just two days after his jail cell suicide, the bomb he had planted on Minnehaha exploded. It had been placed far away from the munitions, and the resulting fire only caused minor damage. SS Minnehaha - Wikipedia Days after his jail-cell suicide, Muenter's bomb exploded, setting off a fire, though the explosion did not reach the munitions and caused minimal ...S.S. Minnehaha, Atlantic Transport Line Steamship In the summer of 1915 survived a fire-bomb planted in New York by the German ... In the summer of 1915 survived a fire-bomb planted in New York by the German activist Erich Muenter after he had exploded a device in the Capitol building in Washington D.C. Having been warned by wireless that there might be a device planted on his ship Captain Claret had the crew search the vessel. Nothing was found, but at 12:30 the bomb detonated. It caused considerable damage and started a fire that the crew could control but not extinguish, but miraculously it had been placed with harmless general cargo and did not detonate the many tons of high explosive on board.
June 26, 1 915 — Incendiary fire at the Aetna Powder plant at Pittsburgh.
Summer of 1915 — Kaltschmidt and his associates were engaged in sabotage activities in
July 2, 1 915 — Eric Muenter plants bomb in US capitol with anti-war note In a corridor of the main floor of the Senate wing of the United States Capitol at Washington used to stand a telephone switchboard — on the night of Friday, July 2, 191 5, an explosion near it blew fragments of the board through the walls of the telephone booths adjoining . . . Plaster was rent from the walls and ceilings, every door near by was blown open . . . (one was a door into the Vice President's office) . . . The east reception room was wrecked. A hole was torn in the wall and fragments of windows, mirrors, crystal chandeliers and other crystal apparatus flew in every direction.
Holt Terrorist attack spree: npr He goes down to Mexico and reinvents himself as Frank Holt. Six years later, this Frank Holt is now teaching in Cornell University. He's married again. With his beard shaved, he looked very much like Goebbels, and very little like Muenter. He settled in Texas, took a college degree and the name "Frank Holt" and worked his way up the academic ladder till he was a professor of German at Cornell. he wife's name again is Leona. And as war breaks out in Europe, he is recruited by the German government to be in effect, their Lee Harvey Oswald. He will, given the assignment of shooting JPMorgan. He breaks into JPMorgan's home on July 4th weekend. The day before he's been up in Washington where he's planted a bomb in the U.S. Capitol building. He then breaks into JPMorgan's home where he's lead in under the guise of working at New York's social register and tracks Morgan down and shoots them three times before he is apprehended by Morgan's butler, who crashes a coal bin over his head. He reminds one so much of Lee Harvey Oswald not admitting anything and just revealing his sort of superior attitude to the investigators. He's put into jail and in jail he mysteriously dies. At first they say he's shot, then they say he committed suicide by jumping from his jail cell. It's never truly resolved. Tunney always felt he was shot and it was covered up and the mystery is allowed to go on.
Among the more spectacular events happened within a few - two of them - within a few days of one another, an explosion in the U.S. capital, a bomb was planted near the Senate chambers, I guess. And then an assassination attempt at the house of JPMorgan. First of all, why was JPMorgan a target? JPMorgan and his companies were loaning close to $900 million directly to the Allied cause so the Allied cause could buy weapons, food, whatever, to keep the war going. They were also underwriting the factories that were making the weapons that the Allies were buying. So his involvement was very much a part of the Allied war effort, even though the United States was neutral. kuvo
On 3 July 1915, an intruder, Eric Muenter, entered Morgan's Long Island mansion and shot him twice in an attempt to assassinate him. This was ostensibly to bring about an embargo on arms, and in protest of his profiteering from war. Morgan, however, quickly recovered from his wounds. wikip New York Tribune's front page headline screams: "JPMorgan Shot By Pro-German Fanatic Who Set Senate Bomb." This was a huge story. July 3, 191 5 — An attempt was made to assassinate J. Pierpont Morgan at his home on Long Island by a man named Holt, who was identified as of "German origin" and who also apparently participated in the placing of dynamite on ships. In running Holt down the authorities discovered, as part of his property, a trunk filled with 134 sticks of dynamite ... several botdes of sulphuric acid and nitric acid and 197 detonating caps.
After setting off the bomb in the Capitol, he fled to New York City, where he hid a device on the SS Minnehaha, a ship which had been loaded with munitions bound for Britain, and then made his way to the home of American financier J. P. Morgan, Jr..[8] Muenter was also angry with those who were aiding Great Britain against Germany in World War I, in particular Morgan. Muenter shot Morgan twice in the groin at Morgan's house in Glen Cove, New York. Muenter was thwarted and captured in this attack. He was charged with both assaults and soon after committed suicide (or was assasinated) while in prison.
July 1915:
July 7, 1915 just two days after Muenter's jail cell suicide, the device he had planted or knew about on the Minnehaha exploded, though it had been placed far away from the munitions, and the resulting fire only caused minor damage.[8]
July 7, 1 91 5 — ^Explosion at the Philadelphia Benzol plant at Harrison Brothers.
July 7, 1915 — Incendiary explosion at the Du Pont plant at Pompton Lakes.
July 9, 1915 ASKS U.S. TO STOP WAR SUPPLY SHIPS; Labor's National Peace Council Charges Government Is Violating Neutrality. PUBLIC INQUIRY IS URGED Gives List of Seven Liners at New York Whose Cargoes They Want Investigated. The New York Times.
July 13, 1915 — The S.S. Touraine took fire mysteriously while at sea.
July 14, 1915 — The S.S. Lord Downshire took fire mysteriously while at sea.
July 15, 1915 — Incendiary fire Central Railroad grain elevator at Weehawken.
July 16, 1915 — Incendiary explosion and fire at the Aetna plant at Sinnemahoning, Pennsyl-
vania, costing five lives.
July 19, 1915 — Incendiary explosion at the Du Pont plant at Wilmington.
July 20, 1915 — A mysterious fire was discovered in the hold of the S.S. Knutford.
July 20, 1915 — Report by Paul Koenig to Captain von Papen with respect to the payment
of $150 secured by cashing check of Captain von Papen's, Number 146, on the Riggs National
Bank, in Washington, dated July 16, 191 5, which funds were paid to a man who had exhibited
a sample bomb, of a kind previously described by Captain von Papen to Paul Koenig, made to
resemble a lump of coal.
July 21, 1915 — Dr. Albert's letter to his wife refers to his collaboration with Herr von
Papen "in the field known to you."
July 24, 1915 — Five mysterious fires started in the hold of the S.S. Craigside.
July 25, 1915 — Munitions train mysteriously wrecked at Metuchen, N. J.
July 27, 1915 — Two bombs were found on board the S.S. Arabic.
* The detailed dates in connection with this piece of sabotage work have been omitted from
this chronology. The German Consul and Vice Consuls in San Francisco were indicted and convicted in connection with this matter.
July 28, 1915 —Mysterious explosion at the Du Pont works in Wilmington.
July 29, 1915 — Mysterious destruction of a glaze mill in the American Powder Company at
Acton, Massachusetts.
August 1, 1915 — Wolf von Igel rented offices at 60 Wall Street, New York, under a lease
extending to May 1, 1916, which was later renewed to May 1, 1917.
From these offices much of the sabotage work was directed. They were known as the head-
quarters of the "War Intelligence Center" or "Bureau of the Military Attaches" in German
official circles. The owner of the building was told at the time of the renewal of the lease that
von Igel was engaged in the "advertising business."
August 9, 1915 — The S.S. Asuncion de Lamn mysteriously took fire at sea.
November 19, 1915, another bomb plot was discovered, this time against John D. Archbold, President of the Standard Oil Company, at his home in Tarrytown. Police theorized the bomb was planted by anarchists and IWW radicals as a protest against the execution of IWW member Joseph Hillstrom in Salt Lake City. The bomb was discovered by a gardener, who found four sticks of dynamite, weighing a pound each, half hidden in a rut in a driveway fifty feet from the front entrance of the residence. The dynamite sticks were bound together by a length of wire, fitted with percussion caps, and wrapped with a piece of paper matching the color of the driveway, a path used by Archbold in going to or from his home by automobile. The bomb was later defused by police.
August 11, 1915 — Incendiary fire Westinghouse Electric Plant, Turtle Creek, Pennsylvania.
August 13, 1915 — Bombs were found in the cargo of the S.S, Williston.
August 16, 1915 — The denial of the participation of the German Embassy in the work of
fomenting strikes in munition factories, found in Dr. Albert's files, bears this date.
August 27, 1915 — Johannes Hendrickus Koolbergen, in a sworn statement, confesses to the
sabotage work for which he was employed by Mr. Franz Bopp, the German Consul at San
August 27, 1915 — The lighter Dixie mysteriously took fire while being loaded.
August 29, 1915 — Explosion in Du Pont Plant at Wilmington, Delaware.
August 30, 1915 — Michael Kristoff was convicted at Rye, New York, for carrying a revolver.
August 1915 — Train loaded with 7,000 pounds of dynamite was destroyed at Pinole, California.
September 1, 1915 — The S.S. Rotterdam took fire mysteriously at sea.
September 2, 1915 — The S.S. Santa Ana took fire mysteriously at sea.
September 29, 1915 — Dynamite was found on the pier where the S.S. San Guglielmo was
about to depart.
Early Part of October 1915 — Captain von Papen's office telephoned Robert Fay to come to 60 Wall Street, and Captain von Papen gave Fay orders regarding the destruction of a "plant somewhere in the southern part of Kentucky."
Year 1916
On 30 July 1916, a Black Tom explosion occurred when German agents set fire to a complex of warehouses and ships in Jersey City, New Jersey that held munitions, fuel, and explosives bound to aid the Allies in their fight.
10 killed 40 wounded Preparedness Day Bombing The Preparedness Day Bombing was a bombing in San Francisco, California on July 22, 1916, when the city held a parade in honor of Preparedness Day, in anticipation of the United States' imminent entry into World War I. During the parade a suitcase bomb was detonated, killing ten and wounding forty[1] in the worst such attack in San Francisco's history. Two labor leaders, Thomas Mooney and Warren K Billings, were convicted in separate trials and sentenced to be hanged. Rena Mooney and Israel Weinberg were acquitted.[citation needed] Isolationism remained strong in San Francisco, not only among radicals such as the Industrial Workers of the World ("the Wobblies"), but also among mainstream labor leaders. At the same time, with the rise of Bolshevism and labor unrest, San Francisco's business community was nervous.
46 killed November 7, 1916 Boston 1916 Trolley Disaster Drives Off Closed Bridge At 5:25 in the evening, an overloaded streetcar of the Boston Elevated Rail Company. ignored a stop sign and careened through a warning gate at the mouth of the Summer Street drawbridge, teetering and then falling into the river. Some riders thought the streetcar was going faster than usual. Irishman driver Motorman George Walsh (reported as Gerald in the newspapers) was indicted for manslaughter but later acquitted. Motorman Walsh was rescued out of the Channel and talking too fast, said he tried desperately to stop the car, but the brakes failed him, and said the bridge attendant had not set out red warning lanterns but later later recanted, admitting their presence. Gerald Walsh, was ultimately deemed not guilty by a jury, despite running a stop sign 200 feet before the bridge. Gerald Walsh never again drove a streetcar. This happened the same year as the July 1916 Black Tom explosion occurred when German agents set fire to a complex of warehouses and ships in Jersey City, and 10 were killed and 40 wounded Preparedness Day Bombing in San Francisco, California on July 22, 1916.
Year 1917
On 11 January 1917, Fiodore Wozniak, using a rag saturated with phosphorus or an incendiary pencil supplied by German sabotage agents, set fire to his workbench at an ammunition assembly plant near Lyndhurst, New Jersey, causing a four-hour fire that destroyed half a million 3-inch explosive shells and destroyed the plant for an estimated at 17 million in damages. Wozniak's involvement was not discovered until 1927.[16] Kingsland Explosion - Wikipedia On January 11, 1917, a fire started in Building 30 of the Canadian Car and Foundry Company in Kingsland (now Lyndhurst), Bergen County, New Jersey. In 4 hours, probably 500 000 pieces of 76 mm (3") -high explosive shells were discharged.[2] The entire plant was destroyed. It was said to have been a spectacle more magnificent than the explosion at Black Tom. From the office buildings and tall apartments, people in New York City watched with amazement. The Kingsland Explosion was an incident that took place during World War I at a munitions factory in Lyndhurst, New Jersey, United States. An arbitration commission in 1931 determined that, "In the Kingsland Case the Commission finds upon the evidence that the fire was not caused by any German agent."[1] but it is generally accepted that the acts of sabotage were carried out by the Germans although Germany never formally admitted responsibility. The Kingsland explosion was suspected in the popular media of being German sabotage, but there was no evidence implicating any German official. The U.S. was officially neutral, but American and Canadian companies supplied goods to the Allies giving an incentive for acts of sabotage on American soil. The acts were largely symbolic rather than having any real effect on the war supply efforts and only two acts were of even marginal importance, given the scale of the conflict. The Canadian Car and Foundry Company, based in Montreal, had signed large contracts with Russia and Britain for delivery of ammunition. An enormous factory was constructed in the New Jersey Meadowlands, which was then referred to as Kingsland. The company executives decided not to take any chances with security for their plant. They constructed a six-foot fence around the plant and hired security guards to conduct 24-hour patrols around the perimeter and to screen each worker as they entered the plant.
November 11, 1918 End of World War I
April 1919 April 1919 mail bomb attacks wikipedia In late April 1919, at least 36 booby trap dynamite-filled bombs were mailed to a cross-section of prominent politicians and appointees, including the Attorney General of the United States, as well as justice officials, newspaper editors and businessmen, including John D. Rockefeller. Among all the bombs addressed to high-level officials, one bomb was addressed to the home of a Department of Justice Bureau of Investigation (BOI) field agent once tasked with investigating the Italian Galleanists, Rayme Weston Finch, who in 1918 had arrested two prominent Galleanists while leading a police raid on the offices of their publication Cronaca Sovversiva.
1919-1920 bloomberg The most brazen campaign of bombings occurred in 1919 and 1920. Mail bombs sent to dozens of prominent politicians and capitalists were intercepted by alert postal workers.
June 1919 powerful bombs detonated in seven cities, including Washington, where the home of U.S. Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer was damaged. June 1919 bombings On the evening of June 2, 1919, the Galleanists managed to detonate eight large bombs nearly simultaneously in eight different U.S. cities. These bombs were much larger than those sent in April, using up to 25 pounds (11 kg) of dynamite,[4] and all were wrapped or packaged with heavy metal slugs designed to act as shrapnel.[5] Addressees included government officials who had endorsed anti-sedition laws and deportation of immigrants suspected of crimes or associated with illegal movements, as well as judges who had sentenced anarchists to prison. the bomb intended for Attorney General Palmer's home prematurely exploded and killed Carlo Valdinoci, who was a former editor of the Galleanist publication Cronaca Sovversiva and close associate of Galleani. Though not seriously injured, Palmer and his family were shaken by the blast, and the house itself was largely demolished
June 1919 The United States deported Luigi Galleani and eight of his adherents to Italy in June 1919, three weeks after the June 2 wave of bombings initiated by the Galleanisti, but not because of any connection to those bombings. Authorities identified him as a resident alien who had advocated the violent overthrow of the government and authored a bomb-making manual. After landing in Italy, Galleani returned to publishing Cronaca Sovversiva.
September 16, 1920, dynamite detonated near the Wall Street headquarters of J.P. Morgan. (JPM) It was lunch hour and the street was packed. Almost 40 people were killed and 400 were injured. bloomberg Wall Street bombing Wikipedia Attack type Horse-drawn wagon bomb Animal-borne bomb attack Deaths 38 Non-fatal injuries 143 Suspected perpetrators Galleanist anarchists
Voting Day Shootin: Takeover of Chicago / Cicero IllinoisIn 1923, Chicago voters elected a new mayor, William Dever, who proceeded to crack down on Torrio, the Capone brothers, and their South Side Gang. In response, Torrio tasked Al with creating speakeasies, brothels, and illegal gambling dens in Cicero, a Chicago suburb. In the April 1, 1924, primary election, Democratic Party politicians mounted a serious election challenge to Republican Klenha and his associates. To protect the gang's political control of Cicero, Frank unleashed a wave of terror on the city. He sent South Side gang members to the polling booths with submachine guns and sawed-off shotguns to make sure that local residents "voted right." Uncooperative voters were assaulted and blocked from voting. Frank led an attack on an opponent's campaign headquarters, ransacking his office and assaulting several campaign workers. One campaign worker was shot in both legs and detained with eight other campaign workers, to be released when Election Day was over. Capone was fatally shot by Sergeant Phillip J. McGlynn in the ensuing melee. At the end of the day, the Capone candidate Klenha had won.
1927 Bath School disaster
Year 1936
19 April 1936 The Bloody Day in Jaffa (Hebrew: יום הדמים ביפו) refers to a spate of violent attacks on Jews that began on 19 April 1936 and continued into the early hours of 20 June in the Jaffa, the event usually described as making the start of the 1936–39 Arab revolt in Palestine. On 15 April 1936 Anabta shooting Arabs set up a roadblock separating out 3 Jews from other occupants of 20 stopped vehicles. The Arabs then shot the 3 Jewish men; only 1 survived. On June 19, rumors circulated in the Arab community that "many Arabs had been killed by Jews," and Arabs began to attack Jews in the streets of Jaffa. An Arab Mob marched on the Jewish-owned Anglo-Palestine Bank, The British Mandatory police guarding the Bank defended themselves by firing into the mob, killing two of the rioters. This incited the mob to "fury" and Jews began to be killed in the streets. Rioting "broke out" first among the Haurani dockworkers in Jaffa Port. A mob of Arab men rampaged through the mixed Muslim, Christian and Jewish streets of Jaffa, killing and beating up Jews and wrecking Jewish homes and businesses. 11 people were reported dead in the first day's rioting. These included 2 Arabs "shot by British police in self-defense," and 9 Jews, with dozens of others wounded, "most of the Jewish injured bore knife woulds. The rioting went on for a total of 3 days, it was finally suppressed by the British military. Destruction of Jewish property and arson forced 12,000 Jews to flee Jaffa as refugees wikpedia
15 April 1936 1936 Tulkarm shooting of Jews for Hitler The 1936 targeted shooting of Jews on the road between Anabta and Tulkarm, "selected for death because they were Jews,"[1] took place in British Mandatory Palestine. On the evening of 15 April 1936, Arabs from the town on Anabta constructed a roadblock on the road between Nablus and Tulkarm, stopping about 20 vehicles moving along that road, and demanding arms and cash from the drivers. The Arabs separated the 3 Jewish drivers from the other drivers and occupants of the vehicles, and shot them. Two of the shooting victims died, one survived.[The Arabs shouted, "Go ahead for Hitler's sake," and told their victims that they were gathering the money and munitions to carry on the work of the "Holy Martyrs" who had worked with Izz ad-Din al-Qassam, (then recently killed,) with the goal of killing "all Jews and Britons in Palestine." One of the other drivers in the convoy, a German Christian, was left unmolested when he shouted "I am a Christian German."
Year 1939
November 8, 1989 Hitler Attempted Assassination Bombing attempt in Munich Johann Georg Elser planned and carried out an elaborate assassination attempt on Adolf Hitler and other high-ranking Nazi leaders at the Bürgerbräukeller in Munich. High-ranking Nazis accompanied Adolf Hitler to the anniversary of the Beer Hall Putsch. Hitler ended his address to the 3000-strong audience of the party faithful at 9:07 pm, 13 minutes before Elser's bomb exploded at 9:20 pm. Elser was apprehended by two border guards 25 metres from the Swiss border fence in Konstanz. When taken to the border control post and asked to empty his pockets he was found to be carrying wire cutters, numerous notes and sketches pertaining to explosive devices, firing pins and a blank colour postcard of the interior of the Bürgerbräukeller. At 11 pm, during Elser's interrogation by the Gestapo in Konstanz, news of the bombing in Munich arrived by teletype. He was held without trial as a special prisoner of Adolf Hitler for over five years until executed in Dachau concentration camp.
Year 1942
1 killed 1 wounded attack with gun, bomb; 2 suspects killed in standoff May 27, 1942 Assassination of Reinhard Heydrich In London, the Czechoslovak government-in-exile resolved to kill Heydrich. Jan Kubiš and Jozef Gabčík headed the team chosen for the operation. Trained by the British Special Operations Executive (SOE), the pair returned to the Protectorate, parachuting from a Handley Page Halifax, on 28 December 1941. They lived in hiding, preparing for the assassination attempt. On 27 May 1942, Heydrich planned to meet Hitler in Berlin. German documents suggest that Hitler intended to transfer Heydrich to German-occupied France, where the French resistance was gaining ground.[105] Heydrich would have to pass a section where the Dresden-Prague road merged with a road to the Troja Bridge. The junction, in the Prague suburb of Libeň, was well-suited for the attack because motorists have to slow for a hairpin bend. As Heydrich's car slowed, Gabčík took aim with a Sten sub-machine gun, but it jammed and failed to fire. Instead of ordering his driver to speed away, Heydrich called his car to halt and attempted to confront the attackers. Kubiš then threw a bomb (a converted anti-tank mine) at the rear of the car as it stopped. The explosion wounded Heydrich and Kubiš. When the smoke cleared, Heydrich emerged from the wreckage with his gun in his hand; he chased Kubiš and tried to return fire. Kubiš jumped on his bicycle and pedalled away. Heydrich ran after him for half a block but became weak from shock and collapsed. He sent his driver, Klein, to chase Gabčík on foot. In the ensuing firefight, Gabčík shot Klein in the leg and escaped to a local safe house. Heydrich, still with pistol in hand, gripped his left flank, which was bleeding profusely Heydrich's assailants hid in safe houses and eventually took refuge in Ss. Cyril and Methodius Cathedral, an Orthodox church in Prague. After a traitor in the Czech resistance betrayed their location,[121] the church was surrounded by 800 members of the SS and Gestapo. Several Czechs were killed, and the remainder hid in the church's crypt. The Germans attempted to flush the men out with gunfire, tear gas, and by flooding the crypt. Eventually an entrance was made using explosives. Rather than surrender, the soldiers killed themselves. Supporters of the assassins who were killed in the wake of these events included the church's leader, Bishop Gorazd, who is now revered as a martyr of the Orthodox Church.[122]
Year 1943
23 February 1943 killed: 36 Cavan Orphanage fire Wikipedia The Cavan Orphanage fire occurred on the night of at St Joseph's Orphanage in Cavan, Ireland. 35 children and 1 adult employee died as a result.[1] Much of the attention after the fire surrounded the role of the Poor Clares, the order of nuns who ran the orphanage and the local fire service.[2]
Year 1945
1 dies in hospital, no arrest December 9, 1945 General George S. Patton's Head-On Car Accident or Assassination Tech Sgt Robert L. Thompson leads one of two trucks which have been waiting by the side of the road until the approach of General Patton's Caddilac. Thompson says he was drinking the previous night, and he and two buddies had commandeered (or possibly stolen) a duece and a half truck for joyriding. They were sixty miles from their ordered posting. He was slightly drunk when he claimed he was pulling into a depot to return the truck, and later changed his story to a side road, but neither was close to where he failed to signal, hit the gas, and acoording to Patton's driver, steered directly into the nose of Patton's car with no other possible reason other than to deliberately hit a target. Patton's driver could not avoid a collision. Patton hit the front seat, hurt his neck, and was paralyzed. He died later in the hospital on December 21, 1945. When Woodring, Patton's driver yells "Do you know who you hit? This is General Patton", Thompson grins drunkenly and tells his companions "General Patton, do you believe it?"
World War I: On July 28 1914, the Austro-Hungarians fired the first shots in preparation for the invasion of Serbia.[16][17] As Russia mobilised, Germany invaded neutral Belgium and Luxembourgbefore moving towards France, leading Britain to declare war on Germany. After the German march on Paris was halted, what became known as the Western Front settled into abattle of attrition, with a trench line that would change little until 1917. Meanwhile, on theEastern Front, the Russian army was successful against the Austro-Hungarians, but was stopped in its invasion of East Prussia by the Germans. In November 1914, the Ottoman Empire joined the war, opening fronts in theCaucasus, Mesopotamia and the Sinai. Italy and Bulgaria went to war in 1915, Romania in 1916, and the United States in 1917.
July 4, 1914 Lexington Avenue bombing was the July 4, 1914 explosion of a bomb in an apartment at 1626 Lexington Avenue in New York City, killing four people and injuring dozens. A large quantity of dynamite which was believed was being made into a bomb to blow up John D. Rockefeller's Tarrytown home, exploded prematurely at a new seven-story model tenement. The bomb intended for Rockefeller had exploded prematurely at Berger's apartment, killing 3 conspirators and another renter.
August 2, 1914 Count von Bernstorff started his return journey to America. (landau)
Fall of 1914: During the fall of 1914 a rash of bombings occurred in
different parts of the city. On the afternoon of Octover 13, the anniversary of the
execution of Ferrer, a bomb exploded in St. Patrick's Cathedral, causing minor damage.
That same evening dynamite was found outside St. Alphonsus's Church, where Frank
Tannenbaum had been arrested in March. A week later a bomb exploded in the rectory
of the church, causing slight damage.
October 13, 1914: Bombing of St. Patricks, Communists celebrate: Communists celebrated church bombings onetube radios: "Bomb thrown into cathedral starts panic in St. Patrick's" A hundred years ago this evening, a bomb exploded in St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York. One person was injured, and the New York Evening World had an extra edition with this banner headline on the street the same evening. rector of the Cathedral, Msgr. Michael Lavelle, (1856-1939) is quoted as describing it as “a small bomb. It did little actual damage outside of splintering some of the pews and tearing a hold in the floor about two feet square. October 15 issue of the New York Tribune reported that the Reds were rejoicing over this and other church bombings, and that the police were seeking an I.W.W. plot that “menaced many.” That same evening dynamite was found outside St. Alphonsus's Church, where Frank Tannenbaum had been arrested in March. A week later a bomb exploded in the rectory of the church, causing slight damage.
October 17, 1914. Seattle Times: Armed bandits in 1914 rob the First National Bank of Sedro-Wooley of $11,649 in gold coins and currency. Bandits rob the First National Bank in Sedro-Woolley, killing one bystander and wounding two, on October 17, 1914. During a 15-minute barrage, the gang fires more than 100 rounds to intimidate residents and the town’s small police force. Four bystanders are seriously wounded, and a boy later dies of his wounds. Four days later, five men believed to be the robbers are seen north of the Canadian border, and in the ensuing gunbattle two fugitives and a Canadian immigration officer are killed. On Oct. 24, 2016 three robbers are trapped on the Great Northern Railway bridge at Ferndale, Whatcom County. Two are killed, but one escapes on foot. A $1,000 reward is offered, but neither the robber nor the missing loot are ever found.
November 11 1914: the anniversary of the Haymarket executions, a bomb was placed in the Tombs police court beneath the seat of Magistrate Campbell, who had sentenced Tannenbaum and the On November 14, 1914, a bomb was placed in the Tombs police court, under the chair of Magistrate Campbell, who had sentenced an anarchist for inciting to riot.
Year 1915
David Lamar Lamar (circa 1877 - January 12, 1934) was a con man known as the "Wolf of Wall Street". During 1915, Lamar acted as an agent for Franz von Rintelen, an agent for the German Navy intelligence in New York City. He promoted strikes and work slowdowns in munitions plants by means of the Labor's National Peace Council. From offices at 55 Liberty Street, von Rintelen spent US$500,000, most of which went to Lamar, whose reports of success were exaggerated. wikipedia Captain and, with Heinrich Albert, set up a dummy corporation called Bridgeport Projectile Company, through which he purchased gunpowder, which he then destroyed. The goal was to create shortages of smokeless powder on the American market which was to prevent the Entente from purchasing munitions. He also set up another company, the Austrian-subsidized Transatlantic Trust Company at 57 William Street in Manhattan,[7] where he had deposited a large amount of money on his arrival from Germany.[8] He also attempted to buy the du Pont powder factory, without success.[4]
Von Rintelen worked with a chemist, Dr. Scheele,[7] to develop time-delayed incendiary devices known as pencil bombs, which were then placed in the holds of merchant ships trading to Britain to cause fires in the ships' holds so that the crew would throw the munitions overboard.[2] Several were planted successfully.[7] He found enthusiastic support among Irish dock workers, who made much effort to sabotage British ships. However when they attempted to plant bombs on the passenger mail boat Ancona, von Rintelen looked for other supporters.[9]
He also organized the Labor's National Peace Council to foster strikes and work slowdowns among munitions workers[10] to inhibit American aid to the Allies. From offices at 55 Liberty Street in New York City (around the corner from Transatlantic Trust, where he was Hansen), he spent US$500,000 doing so,[10] most of which went to his U.S. agent, David Lamar; known as the "Wolf of Wall Street", Lamar's reports of success were exaggerated.[10]
During 1915, he negotiated with Victoriano Huerta for money to purchase weapons and U-boat landings to provide support, while hoping to persuade Mexico to make war on the U.S., which Germany hoped would end munitions supplies to the Allies.[11] Their meetings, held at the Manhattan Hotel (as well as another New York hotel, "probably the Holland House" at Fifth Avenue and 30th Street)[12] were observed by Secret Servicemen, and von Rintelen's telephone conversations were routinely intercepted and recorded.[12] It is probable Room 40, which could read at least two of the ciphers he used, was also recording von Rintelen's activities.[13]
His work was largely successful and probably included some part in the Black Tom explosion in 1916. Also in 1915 he bought ammunition and supplied money to the deposed Mexican dictator Huerta and encouraged him to try to seize back power in Mexico.[14]
His colleagues were not all pleased with his success, and Franz von Papen (later Chancellor of Germany) sent a telegram to Berlin complaining about him. The telegram was intercepted and decrypted by Room 40. He received a telegram, ostensibly from his Admiralty (in a cypher Room 40 could read; it remains unclear if Room 40 originated it, or merely intercepted it),[15] and sailed back to Germany on 3 August, on the neutral Holland America liner Noordam.[16] He was arrested at Southampton, England, but protested his innocence so convincingly that both the Swiss Minister in London and Scotland Yard police were persuaded.[5] At a further meeting, the head of Room 40, Admiral W. R. "Blinker" Hall, was not, and von Rintelen confessed;[5] he was interned at Donnington Hall for twenty-one months.[5] He was then extradited to the United States, tried and found guilty on Federal charges in New York, and imprisoned in Atlanta, Georgia for three years, after the U.S. entered the war.[5] He returned to Germany in 1920, a forgotten man. He moved to England, where he died on 30 May 1949. Von Rintelen wrote The Dark Invader: War-Time Reminiscences Of A German Naval Intelligence Officer which was published in 1933.[17] The scanned version of the original Penguin Books 1933 edition is available on line at Project Gutenberg Australia
January 3, 1915 Mysterious explosion on the S.S. Orton in Erie Basin
First American battleground of World War I? Or Jan 3?
January 18, 1915 Incendiary fire at the John A. Roebling Company plant at Trenton (landau) blackwell: Roebling supplied the anti-submarine netting, artillery chains and other armaments they needed to defeat the Germans. On the night of Jan. 18, 1915, someone decided to put an end to Roebling's war-fueled prosperity. He — or, more likely, they — sneaked in while 300 people were at work, cut the wires of the fire-alarm system and started a series of small fires in rubbish heaps and piles of cotton and jute. Within a few hours, eight acres of factory were destroyed, together with a block of workers' houses. Washington Roebling, the engineering genius behind Roebling's Sons and the man who built the Brooklyn Bridge, thought he knew who was responsible for the sabotage. "Disaffected foreigners," he said, probably riled up by labor troubles. when a second arson fire broke out in the Roebling factory in November, it appeared more sinister forces were at work. For blame, the press and the rumor mill turned overseas, to the country with the best motive — Imperial Germany. Was this theory true? If so, it was an extraordinary German act of war against a neutral power — making Trenton, in effect, the first American battleground of World War I.
January 18, 1915 Captain von Papen paid Werner Horn $700 by check Number 87 for his
work in attempting to destroy the Vanceboro Bridge in Maine. (landau)
January 26, 1915 Radio from the General Staff in Germany, signed Zimmermann, to the
German Embassy, in Washington, for the Military Attache. See page 8. (landau)
February 1915 Werner Horn attempted to blow up the Vanceboro bridge at Machias, Maine. (landau)
February 2, 1915 — Captain von Papen sent the German Consulate at Seattle a check for $1300.
February 2, 1915 1915 Vanceboro international bridge bombing From Wikipedia Vanceboro international bridge bombing Cause Bombing, sabotage by German spies The 1915 Vanceboro international bridge bombing was an attempt to destroy the Saint Croix-Vanceboro Railway Bridge on February 2, 1915, by Imperial German spies. This international bridge crossed the St. Croix River between the border hamlets of St. Croix in the Canadian province of New Brunswick and Vanceboro in the U.S. state of Maine. At the time of the sabotage attempt in 1915, the bridge was jointly owned and operated by the Canadian Pacific Railway (reporting mark CP) on the Canadian side and the Maine Central Railroad (reporting mark MEC) on the American side. The bombing was masterminded by then spymaster Franz von Papen and executed by Werner Horn. The bomb failed to destroy the bridge but did make it unsafe to use until minor repairs were done. The explosion did however blow out windows in nearby buildings in St. Croix and Vanceboro.
February 2, 1915 1915 Vanceboro international bridge bombing From Wikipedia Vanceboro international bridge bombing Cause Bombing, sabotage by German spies The 1915 Vanceboro international bridge bombing was an attempt to destroy the Saint Croix-Vanceboro Railway Bridge on February 2, 1915, by Imperial German spies. This international bridge crossed the St. Croix River between the border hamlets of St. Croix in the Canadian province of New Brunswick and Vanceboro in the U.S. state of Maine. At the time of the sabotage attempt in 1915, the bridge was jointly owned and operated by the Canadian Pacific Railway (reporting mark CP) on the Canadian side and the Maine Central Railroad (reporting mark MEC) on the American side. The bombing was masterminded by then spymaster Franz von Papen and executed by Werner Horn. The bomb failed to destroy the bridge but did make it unsafe to use until minor repairs were done. The explosion did however blow out windows in nearby buildings in St. Croix and Vanceboro.
February 3, 1915 — A bomb was found in the cargo of the S.S. Hennington Court.
told the House Judiciary sub-committee investigating Representative Buchanan's impeachment charges against United States Attorney Marshall at New York that the council's funds came from German sources. Several officials of the American Federation of Labor and other labor organizations resigned from the Peace Council soon after its organization. Soon afterwards the Department of Justice began investigation on the theory that German money was behind the council and that its chief purpose was to embarass the movement of munitions and supplies and the making of loans for the entente Allies in this country. (Peace as a psyop, this was when the Department of Justice investigated terrorists instead of local police response to terroristic attacks)
Toward the end of February, 191 5 — The S.S. Carlton took fire mysteriously.
March 1915
March 1915 — Carl Schmidt was first employed by Kaltschmidt in Detroit for sabotage activities.
March 1915 — Gustave Steven was employed by Kaltschmidt to blow up bridges on the
Canadian Pacific Railway.
March 2, 1915 - a bomb was discovered in the church of St Patrick's cathedral in New York City, at the time anarchism was a constant threat. daytoninmanhattan Later: In January 1951 a letter was received announcing that a bomb would be set off at a Sunday mass. And between December 1951 and July 1952 there would be five more bomb threats. On July 12, a deep-voiced male voice ordered the Rev. Edward Connors “get them out,” referring to worshipers in the Cathedral. Thirty minutes later he phoned again, warning “your beautiful cathedral will be blown up before midnight.” See October 13, 1914: Bombing of St. Patricks,
In January 1915 Inspector Tunney, head of the bomb squad, ordered a bilingual officer, Dectective
Amedeo Polignani, to infiltrate the Italian anarchist Bresci Group. There Polignani met two young anarchists, Frank Abarno and Carmine Carbone, Frank Mandese. Carbone, a cobbler, had lost the fingers of his right hand in the act of preparing bombs, possibly linked with the incidents of the previous fall. Winning their confidence, Polignani plotted with Abarno and Carbone to blow up St. Patrick's Cathedral. Following instructions in La Salute the three made a number of bombs, and on See march 2 bombing
March 5, 1915 New York bomb squad in those early days were really to deal with anarchist attacks. There was a bomb planted or about to be planted in St. Patrick's Cathedral. Tom Tunney had come up with this ingenious idea of putting a man into the group, an undercover operative, and he was able to thwart the attack on March 5, 1915, on St. Patrick's Cathedral. The bomb was literally placed, two bombs were placed in the cathedral, and they were snuffed out thanks to Tunney's work..Tunney later uncovered German spy operations and terrorist Eric Muenter npr
In 1915 Frank Abarno and Carmine Carbone were arrested in a
clear case of entrapment by the New York Police who wanted to show
they where doing something about foreign anarchists in the city.
Frank Abarno From Wikipedia Frank Abarno
Frank Abarno (6 May 1891 – 5 January 1978) was an Italian anarchist, and a Galleanist who were accused and convicted of an anarchist plot to blow up St. Patrick’s Cathedral in March 1915.[1][2][3]
March 5, 1915 — Explosion at Du Pont Plant at Haskell, N. J.
April 1915
April 1915 — Two bombs were found in the cargo of the S.S. Lord Erne.
April 1915 — A bomb was found in the hold of the S.S. Devon City.
April 1915 — Koolbergen met von Brincken in the Heidelburg Cafe in San Francisco, and
arrangements were made for his employment in sabotage activities by the German Consul and
Vice Consul in San Francisco.
April I, 1 91 5 — ^Explosion of Equitable Powder Plant at Allon, Illinois.
April 4, 1 91 5 — M}'sterious explosion of caps for shells at the New Jersey Freight Depot,
Pompton Lakes.
April 1 91 5 — Lieutenant von Rintelen arrived in the United States.
April 9, 191 5 — Letter from Captain von Papen to General von Falkenhayn regarding Lieuten-
ant von Rintelen, and expressing thanks that "the army administration is prepared to employ
large funds to curtail the supply of war materials for our enemies in every way possible."
April 13, 1915 Franz Dagobert Johannes von Rintelen (19 August 1878 – 30 May 1949) was a German Naval Intelligence officer in the United States during World War I. sent to the still-neutral United States in 1915, at age 38 on a false Swiss passport in the name of Emil V. Gasche Captain von Rintelen operated independently and received his funds and instructions directly from Berlin. His mission was to sabotage American ships carrying munitions and supplies to the Allies. Arriving in New York City, he posed as businessman Frederick Hansen
April 20, 19 1 5 — ^Dr. Albert in a letter to the State Secretary of the Interior confirmed the
understanding that "all measures necessary for the purpose" were to be taken to prevent the
shipment of munitions to the Allies.
April 23, 1915 — Robert Fay arrived in the United States from Berlin, with specific orders to
engage in sabotage activities and to report to Captain von Papen.
April 29, 1915 — The S.S. Cressington Court caught fire at sea.
May 3, 1915 Explosion at the Anderson Chemical Company at Wallington, New Jersey,
costing three lives.
May 5, 1915 Count von Bernstorff wrote to Dr. Albert asking him to place $30,000 out of
the Loan Fund at the disposal of William Wilkie, who had been employed under a formal
contract, to assist the German Government in work "to obstruct and hinder the delivery of
orders and toluol and picric acid which have been contracted for by the Allies."
This was about the beginning of a long series of mysterious unexplained incendiary fires and
explosions in properties where supplies for the Allies were being manufactured.
t As Captain Tunney says regarding the many similar occurrences which followed, "There
was a maddening certainty about it all that suggested that every ship that left port must have
nothing in her hold except hungry rats, parlor matches, oil waste and free kerosene."
May 8, 1915 — Two bombs were found in cargo the S.S. Bank.dde.
May 10, 1915 Explosion in Du Pont plant at Carney's Point, N. J.
May 11, 1 915 Captain von Papen sent the German Consulate at Seattle $500.
May 13, 19 15 — The S.S. Samland took fire at sea.
May 15, 1915 — Two explosions occurred at the Du Pont plant, Carney's Point, N. J.
May 21, 1915 — A bomb was found on board the S.S. Anglo-Saxon.
May 25, 1915 — An explosion occurred at Du Pont plant, Carney's Point, N. J.
May 30, 1915 — Explosion in Seattle Harbor of dynamite manufactured at Pinole, California,
which was then located on a barge in Seattle Harbor. The evidence establishes the relations of
the German Consul General at San Francisco and also the fact that Captain von Papen was in
Seattle shortly before this explosion and paid money to the German Consul there apparently for
use in connection with it.
May 1915 — The S.S. Kirl Oswald out of New York laden with supplies for France docked at
Marseilles and in four sugar bags in her hold were found bombs.
June 2, 1 915 — The S.S. Strathway mysteriously took fire at sea.
July 7 or June 4, 1915 — A bomb exploded on the S.S. Minnehaha while she was at sea. Eric Muenter was charged and soon after committed suicide in jail. On July 7, just two days after his jail cell suicide, the bomb he had planted on Minnehaha exploded. It had been placed far away from the munitions, and the resulting fire only caused minor damage. SS Minnehaha - Wikipedia Days after his jail-cell suicide, Muenter's bomb exploded, setting off a fire, though the explosion did not reach the munitions and caused minimal ...S.S. Minnehaha, Atlantic Transport Line Steamship In the summer of 1915 survived a fire-bomb planted in New York by the German ... In the summer of 1915 survived a fire-bomb planted in New York by the German activist Erich Muenter after he had exploded a device in the Capitol building in Washington D.C. Having been warned by wireless that there might be a device planted on his ship Captain Claret had the crew search the vessel. Nothing was found, but at 12:30 the bomb detonated. It caused considerable damage and started a fire that the crew could control but not extinguish, but miraculously it had been placed with harmless general cargo and did not detonate the many tons of high explosive on board.
June 26, 1 915 — Incendiary fire at the Aetna Powder plant at Pittsburgh.
Summer of 1915 — Kaltschmidt and his associates were engaged in sabotage activities in
July 2, 1 915 — Eric Muenter plants bomb in US capitol with anti-war note In a corridor of the main floor of the Senate wing of the United States Capitol at Washington used to stand a telephone switchboard — on the night of Friday, July 2, 191 5, an explosion near it blew fragments of the board through the walls of the telephone booths adjoining . . . Plaster was rent from the walls and ceilings, every door near by was blown open . . . (one was a door into the Vice President's office) . . . The east reception room was wrecked. A hole was torn in the wall and fragments of windows, mirrors, crystal chandeliers and other crystal apparatus flew in every direction.
Holt Terrorist attack spree: npr He goes down to Mexico and reinvents himself as Frank Holt. Six years later, this Frank Holt is now teaching in Cornell University. He's married again. With his beard shaved, he looked very much like Goebbels, and very little like Muenter. He settled in Texas, took a college degree and the name "Frank Holt" and worked his way up the academic ladder till he was a professor of German at Cornell. he wife's name again is Leona. And as war breaks out in Europe, he is recruited by the German government to be in effect, their Lee Harvey Oswald. He will, given the assignment of shooting JPMorgan. He breaks into JPMorgan's home on July 4th weekend. The day before he's been up in Washington where he's planted a bomb in the U.S. Capitol building. He then breaks into JPMorgan's home where he's lead in under the guise of working at New York's social register and tracks Morgan down and shoots them three times before he is apprehended by Morgan's butler, who crashes a coal bin over his head. He reminds one so much of Lee Harvey Oswald not admitting anything and just revealing his sort of superior attitude to the investigators. He's put into jail and in jail he mysteriously dies. At first they say he's shot, then they say he committed suicide by jumping from his jail cell. It's never truly resolved. Tunney always felt he was shot and it was covered up and the mystery is allowed to go on.
Among the more spectacular events happened within a few - two of them - within a few days of one another, an explosion in the U.S. capital, a bomb was planted near the Senate chambers, I guess. And then an assassination attempt at the house of JPMorgan. First of all, why was JPMorgan a target? JPMorgan and his companies were loaning close to $900 million directly to the Allied cause so the Allied cause could buy weapons, food, whatever, to keep the war going. They were also underwriting the factories that were making the weapons that the Allies were buying. So his involvement was very much a part of the Allied war effort, even though the United States was neutral. kuvo
On 3 July 1915, an intruder, Eric Muenter, entered Morgan's Long Island mansion and shot him twice in an attempt to assassinate him. This was ostensibly to bring about an embargo on arms, and in protest of his profiteering from war. Morgan, however, quickly recovered from his wounds. wikip New York Tribune's front page headline screams: "JPMorgan Shot By Pro-German Fanatic Who Set Senate Bomb." This was a huge story. July 3, 191 5 — An attempt was made to assassinate J. Pierpont Morgan at his home on Long Island by a man named Holt, who was identified as of "German origin" and who also apparently participated in the placing of dynamite on ships. In running Holt down the authorities discovered, as part of his property, a trunk filled with 134 sticks of dynamite ... several botdes of sulphuric acid and nitric acid and 197 detonating caps.
After setting off the bomb in the Capitol, he fled to New York City, where he hid a device on the SS Minnehaha, a ship which had been loaded with munitions bound for Britain, and then made his way to the home of American financier J. P. Morgan, Jr..[8] Muenter was also angry with those who were aiding Great Britain against Germany in World War I, in particular Morgan. Muenter shot Morgan twice in the groin at Morgan's house in Glen Cove, New York. Muenter was thwarted and captured in this attack. He was charged with both assaults and soon after committed suicide (or was assasinated) while in prison.
July 1915:
July 7, 1915 just two days after Muenter's jail cell suicide, the device he had planted or knew about on the Minnehaha exploded, though it had been placed far away from the munitions, and the resulting fire only caused minor damage.[8]
July 7, 1 91 5 — ^Explosion at the Philadelphia Benzol plant at Harrison Brothers.
July 7, 1915 — Incendiary explosion at the Du Pont plant at Pompton Lakes.
July 9, 1915 ASKS U.S. TO STOP WAR SUPPLY SHIPS; Labor's National Peace Council Charges Government Is Violating Neutrality. PUBLIC INQUIRY IS URGED Gives List of Seven Liners at New York Whose Cargoes They Want Investigated. The New York Times.
July 14, 1915 — The S.S. Lord Downshire took fire mysteriously while at sea.
July 15, 1915 — Incendiary fire Central Railroad grain elevator at Weehawken.
July 16, 1915 — Incendiary explosion and fire at the Aetna plant at Sinnemahoning, Pennsyl-
vania, costing five lives.
July 19, 1915 — Incendiary explosion at the Du Pont plant at Wilmington.
July 20, 1915 — A mysterious fire was discovered in the hold of the S.S. Knutford.
July 20, 1915 — Report by Paul Koenig to Captain von Papen with respect to the payment
of $150 secured by cashing check of Captain von Papen's, Number 146, on the Riggs National
Bank, in Washington, dated July 16, 191 5, which funds were paid to a man who had exhibited
a sample bomb, of a kind previously described by Captain von Papen to Paul Koenig, made to
resemble a lump of coal.
July 21, 1915 — Dr. Albert's letter to his wife refers to his collaboration with Herr von
Papen "in the field known to you."
July 24, 1915 — Five mysterious fires started in the hold of the S.S. Craigside.
July 25, 1915 — Munitions train mysteriously wrecked at Metuchen, N. J.
July 27, 1915 — Two bombs were found on board the S.S. Arabic.
* The detailed dates in connection with this piece of sabotage work have been omitted from
this chronology. The German Consul and Vice Consuls in San Francisco were indicted and convicted in connection with this matter.
July 29, 1915 — Mysterious destruction of a glaze mill in the American Powder Company at
Acton, Massachusetts.
August 1, 1915 — Wolf von Igel rented offices at 60 Wall Street, New York, under a lease
extending to May 1, 1916, which was later renewed to May 1, 1917.
From these offices much of the sabotage work was directed. They were known as the head-
quarters of the "War Intelligence Center" or "Bureau of the Military Attaches" in German
official circles. The owner of the building was told at the time of the renewal of the lease that
von Igel was engaged in the "advertising business."
August 9, 1915 — The S.S. Asuncion de Lamn mysteriously took fire at sea.
November 19, 1915, another bomb plot was discovered, this time against John D. Archbold, President of the Standard Oil Company, at his home in Tarrytown. Police theorized the bomb was planted by anarchists and IWW radicals as a protest against the execution of IWW member Joseph Hillstrom in Salt Lake City. The bomb was discovered by a gardener, who found four sticks of dynamite, weighing a pound each, half hidden in a rut in a driveway fifty feet from the front entrance of the residence. The dynamite sticks were bound together by a length of wire, fitted with percussion caps, and wrapped with a piece of paper matching the color of the driveway, a path used by Archbold in going to or from his home by automobile. The bomb was later defused by police.
August 11, 1915 — Incendiary fire Westinghouse Electric Plant, Turtle Creek, Pennsylvania.
August 13, 1915 — Bombs were found in the cargo of the S.S, Williston.
August 16, 1915 — The denial of the participation of the German Embassy in the work of
fomenting strikes in munition factories, found in Dr. Albert's files, bears this date.
August 27, 1915 — Johannes Hendrickus Koolbergen, in a sworn statement, confesses to the
sabotage work for which he was employed by Mr. Franz Bopp, the German Consul at San
August 27, 1915 — The lighter Dixie mysteriously took fire while being loaded.
August 29, 1915 — Explosion in Du Pont Plant at Wilmington, Delaware.
August 30, 1915 — Michael Kristoff was convicted at Rye, New York, for carrying a revolver.
August 1915 — Train loaded with 7,000 pounds of dynamite was destroyed at Pinole, California.
September 1, 1915 — The S.S. Rotterdam took fire mysteriously at sea.
September 2, 1915 — The S.S. Santa Ana took fire mysteriously at sea.
September 29, 1915 — Dynamite was found on the pier where the S.S. San Guglielmo was
about to depart.
Early Part of October 1915 — Captain von Papen's office telephoned Robert Fay to come to 60 Wall Street, and Captain von Papen gave Fay orders regarding the destruction of a "plant somewhere in the southern part of Kentucky."
Year 1916
On 30 July 1916, a Black Tom explosion occurred when German agents set fire to a complex of warehouses and ships in Jersey City, New Jersey that held munitions, fuel, and explosives bound to aid the Allies in their fight.
10 killed 40 wounded Preparedness Day Bombing The Preparedness Day Bombing was a bombing in San Francisco, California on July 22, 1916, when the city held a parade in honor of Preparedness Day, in anticipation of the United States' imminent entry into World War I. During the parade a suitcase bomb was detonated, killing ten and wounding forty[1] in the worst such attack in San Francisco's history. Two labor leaders, Thomas Mooney and Warren K Billings, were convicted in separate trials and sentenced to be hanged. Rena Mooney and Israel Weinberg were acquitted.[citation needed] Isolationism remained strong in San Francisco, not only among radicals such as the Industrial Workers of the World ("the Wobblies"), but also among mainstream labor leaders. At the same time, with the rise of Bolshevism and labor unrest, San Francisco's business community was nervous.
46 killed November 7, 1916 Boston 1916 Trolley Disaster Drives Off Closed Bridge At 5:25 in the evening, an overloaded streetcar of the Boston Elevated Rail Company. ignored a stop sign and careened through a warning gate at the mouth of the Summer Street drawbridge, teetering and then falling into the river. Some riders thought the streetcar was going faster than usual. Irishman driver Motorman George Walsh (reported as Gerald in the newspapers) was indicted for manslaughter but later acquitted. Motorman Walsh was rescued out of the Channel and talking too fast, said he tried desperately to stop the car, but the brakes failed him, and said the bridge attendant had not set out red warning lanterns but later later recanted, admitting their presence. Gerald Walsh, was ultimately deemed not guilty by a jury, despite running a stop sign 200 feet before the bridge. Gerald Walsh never again drove a streetcar. This happened the same year as the July 1916 Black Tom explosion occurred when German agents set fire to a complex of warehouses and ships in Jersey City, and 10 were killed and 40 wounded Preparedness Day Bombing in San Francisco, California on July 22, 1916.
Year 1917
On 11 January 1917, Fiodore Wozniak, using a rag saturated with phosphorus or an incendiary pencil supplied by German sabotage agents, set fire to his workbench at an ammunition assembly plant near Lyndhurst, New Jersey, causing a four-hour fire that destroyed half a million 3-inch explosive shells and destroyed the plant for an estimated at 17 million in damages. Wozniak's involvement was not discovered until 1927.[16] Kingsland Explosion - Wikipedia On January 11, 1917, a fire started in Building 30 of the Canadian Car and Foundry Company in Kingsland (now Lyndhurst), Bergen County, New Jersey. In 4 hours, probably 500 000 pieces of 76 mm (3") -high explosive shells were discharged.[2] The entire plant was destroyed. It was said to have been a spectacle more magnificent than the explosion at Black Tom. From the office buildings and tall apartments, people in New York City watched with amazement. The Kingsland Explosion was an incident that took place during World War I at a munitions factory in Lyndhurst, New Jersey, United States. An arbitration commission in 1931 determined that, "In the Kingsland Case the Commission finds upon the evidence that the fire was not caused by any German agent."[1] but it is generally accepted that the acts of sabotage were carried out by the Germans although Germany never formally admitted responsibility. The Kingsland explosion was suspected in the popular media of being German sabotage, but there was no evidence implicating any German official. The U.S. was officially neutral, but American and Canadian companies supplied goods to the Allies giving an incentive for acts of sabotage on American soil. The acts were largely symbolic rather than having any real effect on the war supply efforts and only two acts were of even marginal importance, given the scale of the conflict. The Canadian Car and Foundry Company, based in Montreal, had signed large contracts with Russia and Britain for delivery of ammunition. An enormous factory was constructed in the New Jersey Meadowlands, which was then referred to as Kingsland. The company executives decided not to take any chances with security for their plant. They constructed a six-foot fence around the plant and hired security guards to conduct 24-hour patrols around the perimeter and to screen each worker as they entered the plant.
April 6, 1917, the U.S. joined its allies--Britain, France, and Russia--to fight in World War I.
November 11, 1918 End of World War I
April 1919 April 1919 mail bomb attacks wikipedia In late April 1919, at least 36 booby trap dynamite-filled bombs were mailed to a cross-section of prominent politicians and appointees, including the Attorney General of the United States, as well as justice officials, newspaper editors and businessmen, including John D. Rockefeller. Among all the bombs addressed to high-level officials, one bomb was addressed to the home of a Department of Justice Bureau of Investigation (BOI) field agent once tasked with investigating the Italian Galleanists, Rayme Weston Finch, who in 1918 had arrested two prominent Galleanists while leading a police raid on the offices of their publication Cronaca Sovversiva.
1919-1920 bloomberg The most brazen campaign of bombings occurred in 1919 and 1920. Mail bombs sent to dozens of prominent politicians and capitalists were intercepted by alert postal workers.
June 1919 powerful bombs detonated in seven cities, including Washington, where the home of U.S. Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer was damaged. June 1919 bombings On the evening of June 2, 1919, the Galleanists managed to detonate eight large bombs nearly simultaneously in eight different U.S. cities. These bombs were much larger than those sent in April, using up to 25 pounds (11 kg) of dynamite,[4] and all were wrapped or packaged with heavy metal slugs designed to act as shrapnel.[5] Addressees included government officials who had endorsed anti-sedition laws and deportation of immigrants suspected of crimes or associated with illegal movements, as well as judges who had sentenced anarchists to prison. the bomb intended for Attorney General Palmer's home prematurely exploded and killed Carlo Valdinoci, who was a former editor of the Galleanist publication Cronaca Sovversiva and close associate of Galleani. Though not seriously injured, Palmer and his family were shaken by the blast, and the house itself was largely demolished
June 1919 The United States deported Luigi Galleani and eight of his adherents to Italy in June 1919, three weeks after the June 2 wave of bombings initiated by the Galleanisti, but not because of any connection to those bombings. Authorities identified him as a resident alien who had advocated the violent overthrow of the government and authored a bomb-making manual. After landing in Italy, Galleani returned to publishing Cronaca Sovversiva.
November 1919 Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer, twice targeted by anarchist bombs, organized the nationwide series of police actions, known as the Palmer raids, in November 1919 and January 1920. Under suspicion of violating the Espionage Act, the Sedition Act, and/or the Immigration Act of 1918,[11] approximately 10,000 people were arrested, of which 3,500 were held in detention.[12] Of those held in detention, 556 resident aliens were eventually deported.
Decade 1920s
Year 1920
September 16, 1920, dynamite detonated near the Wall Street headquarters of J.P. Morgan. (JPM) It was lunch hour and the street was packed. Almost 40 people were killed and 400 were injured. bloomberg Wall Street bombing Wikipedia Attack type Horse-drawn wagon bomb Animal-borne bomb attack Deaths 38 Non-fatal injuries 143 Suspected perpetrators Galleanist anarchists
Motive Possible revenge for the arrests of Sacco and Vanzetti and/or the deportation of Luigi Galleani The Wall Street bombing occurred at 12:01 pm on Thursday, September 16, 1920, in the Financial District of New York City. The blast killed 30 people immediately, and another eight died later of wounds sustained in the blast. There were 143 seriously injured, and the total number of injured was in the hundreds.[1]:160-161[2] The bombing was never solved, although investigators and historians believe the Wall Street bombing was carried out by Galleanists (Italian anarchists), a group responsible for a series of bombings the previous year. The attack was related to postwar social unrest, labor struggles and anti-capitalist agitation in the United States. The Wall Street bomb caused more fatalities than the 1910 bombing of the Los Angeles Times, which was the deadliest act of terrorism on U.S. soil up to that point. The death toll was exceeded in the Bath School disaster in 1927.
Year 1924
Year 1936
19 April 1936 The Bloody Day in Jaffa (Hebrew: יום הדמים ביפו) refers to a spate of violent attacks on Jews that began on 19 April 1936 and continued into the early hours of 20 June in the Jaffa, the event usually described as making the start of the 1936–39 Arab revolt in Palestine. On 15 April 1936 Anabta shooting Arabs set up a roadblock separating out 3 Jews from other occupants of 20 stopped vehicles. The Arabs then shot the 3 Jewish men; only 1 survived. On June 19, rumors circulated in the Arab community that "many Arabs had been killed by Jews," and Arabs began to attack Jews in the streets of Jaffa. An Arab Mob marched on the Jewish-owned Anglo-Palestine Bank, The British Mandatory police guarding the Bank defended themselves by firing into the mob, killing two of the rioters. This incited the mob to "fury" and Jews began to be killed in the streets. Rioting "broke out" first among the Haurani dockworkers in Jaffa Port. A mob of Arab men rampaged through the mixed Muslim, Christian and Jewish streets of Jaffa, killing and beating up Jews and wrecking Jewish homes and businesses. 11 people were reported dead in the first day's rioting. These included 2 Arabs "shot by British police in self-defense," and 9 Jews, with dozens of others wounded, "most of the Jewish injured bore knife woulds. The rioting went on for a total of 3 days, it was finally suppressed by the British military. Destruction of Jewish property and arson forced 12,000 Jews to flee Jaffa as refugees wikpedia
15 April 1936 1936 Tulkarm shooting of Jews for Hitler The 1936 targeted shooting of Jews on the road between Anabta and Tulkarm, "selected for death because they were Jews,"[1] took place in British Mandatory Palestine. On the evening of 15 April 1936, Arabs from the town on Anabta constructed a roadblock on the road between Nablus and Tulkarm, stopping about 20 vehicles moving along that road, and demanding arms and cash from the drivers. The Arabs separated the 3 Jewish drivers from the other drivers and occupants of the vehicles, and shot them. Two of the shooting victims died, one survived.[The Arabs shouted, "Go ahead for Hitler's sake," and told their victims that they were gathering the money and munitions to carry on the work of the "Holy Martyrs" who had worked with Izz ad-Din al-Qassam, (then recently killed,) with the goal of killing "all Jews and Britons in Palestine." One of the other drivers in the convoy, a German Christian, was left unmolested when he shouted "I am a Christian German."
Year 1939
November 8, 1989 Hitler Attempted Assassination Bombing attempt in Munich Johann Georg Elser planned and carried out an elaborate assassination attempt on Adolf Hitler and other high-ranking Nazi leaders at the Bürgerbräukeller in Munich. High-ranking Nazis accompanied Adolf Hitler to the anniversary of the Beer Hall Putsch. Hitler ended his address to the 3000-strong audience of the party faithful at 9:07 pm, 13 minutes before Elser's bomb exploded at 9:20 pm. Elser was apprehended by two border guards 25 metres from the Swiss border fence in Konstanz. When taken to the border control post and asked to empty his pockets he was found to be carrying wire cutters, numerous notes and sketches pertaining to explosive devices, firing pins and a blank colour postcard of the interior of the Bürgerbräukeller. At 11 pm, during Elser's interrogation by the Gestapo in Konstanz, news of the bombing in Munich arrived by teletype. He was held without trial as a special prisoner of Adolf Hitler for over five years until executed in Dachau concentration camp.
Year 1942
1 killed 1 wounded attack with gun, bomb; 2 suspects killed in standoff May 27, 1942 Assassination of Reinhard Heydrich In London, the Czechoslovak government-in-exile resolved to kill Heydrich. Jan Kubiš and Jozef Gabčík headed the team chosen for the operation. Trained by the British Special Operations Executive (SOE), the pair returned to the Protectorate, parachuting from a Handley Page Halifax, on 28 December 1941. They lived in hiding, preparing for the assassination attempt. On 27 May 1942, Heydrich planned to meet Hitler in Berlin. German documents suggest that Hitler intended to transfer Heydrich to German-occupied France, where the French resistance was gaining ground.[105] Heydrich would have to pass a section where the Dresden-Prague road merged with a road to the Troja Bridge. The junction, in the Prague suburb of Libeň, was well-suited for the attack because motorists have to slow for a hairpin bend. As Heydrich's car slowed, Gabčík took aim with a Sten sub-machine gun, but it jammed and failed to fire. Instead of ordering his driver to speed away, Heydrich called his car to halt and attempted to confront the attackers. Kubiš then threw a bomb (a converted anti-tank mine) at the rear of the car as it stopped. The explosion wounded Heydrich and Kubiš. When the smoke cleared, Heydrich emerged from the wreckage with his gun in his hand; he chased Kubiš and tried to return fire. Kubiš jumped on his bicycle and pedalled away. Heydrich ran after him for half a block but became weak from shock and collapsed. He sent his driver, Klein, to chase Gabčík on foot. In the ensuing firefight, Gabčík shot Klein in the leg and escaped to a local safe house. Heydrich, still with pistol in hand, gripped his left flank, which was bleeding profusely Heydrich's assailants hid in safe houses and eventually took refuge in Ss. Cyril and Methodius Cathedral, an Orthodox church in Prague. After a traitor in the Czech resistance betrayed their location,[121] the church was surrounded by 800 members of the SS and Gestapo. Several Czechs were killed, and the remainder hid in the church's crypt. The Germans attempted to flush the men out with gunfire, tear gas, and by flooding the crypt. Eventually an entrance was made using explosives. Rather than surrender, the soldiers killed themselves. Supporters of the assassins who were killed in the wake of these events included the church's leader, Bishop Gorazd, who is now revered as a martyr of the Orthodox Church.[122]
Year 1943
23 February 1943 killed: 36 Cavan Orphanage fire Wikipedia The Cavan Orphanage fire occurred on the night of at St Joseph's Orphanage in Cavan, Ireland. 35 children and 1 adult employee died as a result.[1] Much of the attention after the fire surrounded the role of the Poor Clares, the order of nuns who ran the orphanage and the local fire service.[2]
Year 1945
1 dies in hospital, no arrest December 9, 1945 General George S. Patton's Head-On Car Accident or Assassination Tech Sgt Robert L. Thompson leads one of two trucks which have been waiting by the side of the road until the approach of General Patton's Caddilac. Thompson says he was drinking the previous night, and he and two buddies had commandeered (or possibly stolen) a duece and a half truck for joyriding. They were sixty miles from their ordered posting. He was slightly drunk when he claimed he was pulling into a depot to return the truck, and later changed his story to a side road, but neither was close to where he failed to signal, hit the gas, and acoording to Patton's driver, steered directly into the nose of Patton's car with no other possible reason other than to deliberately hit a target. Patton's driver could not avoid a collision. Patton hit the front seat, hurt his neck, and was paralyzed. He died later in the hospital on December 21, 1945. When Woodring, Patton's driver yells "Do you know who you hit? This is General Patton", Thompson grins drunkenly and tells his companions "General Patton, do you believe it?"
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