Some kind of neo-nazi german nationlist revionist published by Willis Carto's Barne's Review. Condemned by Southern Povery Law Center.
(goodreads) Carolyn Yeager is a Texas-based neo-Nazi and Holocaust denier who runs her own eponymously-named website previously known as She also had a radio station, now defunct,The White Network. The site is filled with racist and anti-Semitic material, as well as essays promoting motherhood and home-schooling. From April through August 2007, Yeager was the Texas state leader of neo-Nazi American National Socialist Workers Party (ANSWP), a group that descended from the National Socialist Movement, the largest neo-Nazi group in the country. She also assumed the position of Assistant Editor at the ANSWP's magazine, National Socialist, in July 2007. In a 2007 profile in National Socialist, she is quoted as praising Hitler, advocating the supremacy of the Aryan "race," and claiming that the Jews' "long-term plan is to drive us off the land and alienate us from our roots so that we will not fight."
- Antisemitism is here to stay (anti-semitic rant) "Antisemitism (dislike of Jews) will never go away. It's here to stay because it's caused by Jews themselves. antisemitism is a phony issue being used by Jews to get more laws on the books to protect Jews from the consequences of their actions. It is a cynical campaign devised by high-level Jewish strategists to further their entry into places, perhaps previously partly closed off, where they can make money"
- Barne's Review (Willis Carto)
- Mama's Sh*t Saturday Afternoon with Carolyn Yeager 2012.09.01 Bill Finck of is Carolyn’s guest in the first hour to discuss the ADL-directed campaign to bully and bribe Internet Service Providers (ISP’s) to deny service to White Nationalist, Holocaust Revisionist and Christian web sites that expose the truth about the Jews. Yeager has gone after Mike Conner, Mark Weber, Tom Sunic, Thomas Dalton, Ingrid Rimland-Zundel, Greg Johnson and Matt Parrot
- Veterans Today (Russprop) Carolyn Yeager's defense of "anti-Semitism": A critique By Kevin Barrett (Russprop) Today, virtually nobody hates Jews due to their spuriously “Semitic” racial heritage. It is Arabs and Muslims who are hated for their connection to a Semitic language Antisemitism is here to stay Antisemitism (dislike of Jews) will never go away. It's here to stay because it's caused by Jews themselves.
- Willis Carto: Barne's Review
- Jhate The Voice of Reason network hosts a stable of anti-Semitic commentators (including Mark Weber, Tom Sunic, Paul Fromm, Stan Hess, and Carolyn Yeager)
Carolyn Elizabeth Yeager was born 1941 to Stephen A. Yeager and Barbara J. Schillinger. On her website she provides an extensive family genealogy, which shows that her family are racially German.
Carolyn Yeager is a Texas-based neo-Nazi and Holocaust denier who runs her own eponymously-named website previously known as She also had a radio station, now defunct,The White Network. The site is filled with racist and anti-Semitic material, as well as essays promoting motherhood and home-schooling.
From April through August 2007, Yeager was the Texas state leader of neo-Nazi American National Socialist Workers Party (ANSWP), a group that descended from the National Socialist Movement, the largest neo-Nazi group in the country. She also assumed the position of Assistant Editor at the ANSWP's magazine, National Socialist, in July 2007. In a 2007 profile in National Socialist, she is quoted as praising Hitler, advocating the supremacy of the Aryan "race," and claiming that the Jews' "long-term plan is to drive us off the land and alienate us from our roots so that we will not fight."
Yeager has tried to promote National Socialism to women. On the neo-Nazi White Knights of America Web site, she is the author of a section on "Women and National Socialism." In attempting to win over today's women to a neo-Nazi ideology, she claims that they will not have a second-class status under a National Socialist regime, they will be honored as mothers, and they will find themselves happy to couple with men who are fighting against the extinction of their race. (less)
Petra X
Sep 12, 2015 Petra X rated it did not like it
Shelves: 2015-reviews, reviewed, dnf-or-never-read, awful-boring-racist-or-nasty-books
"You probably thought you knew a thing or two about Auschwitz: It was a nightmarish Nazi extermination camp in Poland where more than 1 million people were murdered, most of them gassed to death with Zyklon-B and then cremated. Dr. Josef Mengele performed horrible medical experiments on live humans there, including twins and those with blue eyes. At the end, as the Soviets closed in, the SS guards murdered thousands more as they marched starving survivors west.
But Carolyn Yeager wants to set the record straight.
The aim of the thoughtful Germans who ran the place actually was “reform, re-education and rehabilitation.” Inmates were taught trades there. Townspeople in the surrounding area saw life at Auschwitz as “luxurious,” what with the inmates’ “attractive red-brick sleeping quarters,” complete with “bunk beds with mattresses … flush toilets, porcelain-covered stoves for cozy heating, and double-paned casement windows.” The paths were “tree-lined,” there were flowers planted before every barracks, and the Nazis regularly showed movies to the inmates.
Yes, Auschwitz had an art museum, a library, regular concerts and sporting events, a “theater for music and drama,” a swimming pool (sometimes used for water polo) and a brothel for lonely inmates — all round, as Yeager writes, “a flourishing cultural life.” It also had two fine post offices because “the Geneva Convention rules, strictly followed by the Germans, ensured the sending and receiving of mail by all prisoners.” Why, the kindly Nazis even provided special pre-printed cards and letter forms! And their health care system was world class — after all, for the Nazis, “the health of the labor force was a prime concern.”
This, at least, is the view of Carolyn Yeager, a woman of leaden stupidity who took a walking tour of Auschwitz last year and decided that the accounts of thousands of victims, perpetrators, camp liberators and Nazi officials including Auschwitz’s most infamous commandant were all hogwash — a transparent ploy by post-war propagandists to say ugly things about caring Germans.
Her comments are brought to us courtesy of The Barnes Review, America’s leading Holocaust denial journal and a gathering point for anti-Semites and Nazi sympathizers from around the country. They were published earlier this year in a slick, 48-page booklet entitled, Auschwitz: The Underground Guided Tour: What the Tour Guides Don’t Tell You at Auschwitz-Birkenau.
It’s true! As this author can attest after two lengthy tours of Auschwitz and its adjoining Birkenau camp since 1988, the guides will tell you none of this.
Perhaps that’s because it’s all false. Long-time Auschwitz commandant Rudolf Hoess, in the autobiography he wrote shortly before his execution, described how Heinrich Himmler in 1941 “himself gave me the order to prepare installations at Auschwitz where mass exterminations could take place,” and then detailed the entire horrifying process, including gassings he personally witnessed. Filip Muller, a prisoner who worked for more than a year in the crematoria but survived, described unbelievably brutal exterminations. And so did thousands of others.
But Carolyn Yeager did stroll through Auschwitz and Birkenau seven decades later, and she’s pretty sure the guides didn’t give her the real lowdown. One Auschwitz gas chamber was “really a morgue,” later turned into an air raid shelter. Over at Birkenau, there was a “beautiful, modern hygiene building” where arriving prisoners had their hair shorn, but that also occasionally doubled “as a ballroom.” SS guards there regularly socialized with prisoners, with a number of love affairs resulting in postwar marriages. Do you think this is where Kate Breslin got her inspiration for her Nazi/Jew romance, For Such a Time? Guards and inmates “enjoyed friendly competition on Saturday afternoons and Sundays, with enthusiastic cheering sections.”
Actually, Yeager, a relatively new face in denialist circles, seems to have had something of an attitude long before she brought her analytical abilities to Auschwitz. On her website, she describes growing up in a “white home town” in the Midwest, the daughter of a German-American father who complained about “the dishonest Jews who cheated him and the Negroes who stole from him.”
She says she was a liberal for a time, “sympathetic to the plight of the coloreds,” but in the late 1990s began to read conspiracist literature and “learned the truth” about the takeover of the American monetary system “by mainly Jewish and foreign bankers.” She “let go” her fear of being called an anti-Semite. “Finally,” she writes, “I was drawn to National Socialism as a viable alternative, learning about its true nature as opposed to the lies I had been taught.”
So the mind of one Carolyn Yeager has been liberated. It’s a shame the same can’t be said of the millions murdered by people who think like she does."I didn't write a single word of this, I couldn't have said it better. It came from Southern Poverty Law Center (less)
Sep 13, 2015 Manybooks rated it did not like it
Shelves: extremistischer-fanatischer-unrat, kommt-nicht-in-frage, rassistische-schweinereien, stupid-racists, book-reviews
I do not often think that a book should be univocally and universally condemned, but this racist drivel, this anti-Semitic dreck of blatant Holocaust denial really should never have been published, and on a purely personal level, I vehemently wish that it were removed from publication. And for anyone now intent on braying about freedom of speech, please note that even though I personally would like to see this garbage relegated to the rejected book pile, and the so-called author also officially investigated for hate speech and the like, I am NOT actually advocating that the authorities engage in officially banning and censoring Carolyn Yeager's Auschwitz: The underground Guided Tour, this tirade of hatred (although it sure does deserve this on all imaginable levels), just what my personal feelings, what my personal reactions are and were when I realised that books such as this are readily available and seemingly popular and even flourishing in certain quarters, amongst certain hate groups. Auschwitz: The Underground Guided Tour is vile racism, bigotry and fear mongering par excellence, it is the kind of "book" that makes me want to vomit and more. And while I did not manage to read the entire offering (I just could not stomach finishing it), I did read more than enough (and thankfully online) to be able to form the opinion of NO NO NO (not to be recommended to anyone, at any time, EVER). And quite frankly, this is a book that I would adamantly and dearly love to rate with negative stars! (less)
Sep 13, 2015 Christie«SHBBblogger» marked it as not-in-this-lifetime
At first glance, one might think that this "book" gives some inside information about Auschwitz that we've all been missing out on. The description says it all. "What the tour guides don't tell you at Auschwitz-Birkenau." In truth, it's a woman's nonsensical ramblings about how this camp was horribly misunderstood.
You think there might be a reason they don't tell everyone that this horrific concentration camp was more like a resort that taught important job skills? Maybe it's because THEY WERE Maybe it's because THEY WERE MONSTERS WHO KILLED INNOCENT MEN, WOMEN, AND CHILDREN. That's why. How this delusional woman can justify putting this drivel out into the world baffles me and frankly offends me more than anything has in a long time. This is ignorance at its most repulsive level
Sarah - All The Book Blog Names Are Taken
Feb 01, 2016 Sarah - All The Book Blog Names Are Taken rated it did not like it
Shelves: books-that-should-really-truly-be-b
I know we are not supposed to rate books we haven't read but I came across this one and could not believe that this is a thing. I don't understand how one can deny the murder of millions. I just can't even. It sickens me. Garbage garbage garbage.
Carolyn Yeager |
About | Carolyn Yeager
When we decide we want to know, then we begin to learn. My intention with this web site, my third and best, is to share with you what I have learned. The field of ...
Carolyn Yeager - Metapedia
Oct 27, 2017 - Carolyn Yeager is a Internet radio personality, writer and researcher specializing in World War II, National Socialist Germany and Holocaust ...
Background · Radio shows · Websites · Writings on The Third Reich
Auschwitz: The Underground Guided Tour by Carolyn Yeager
Rating: 1.9 - 14 votesAuschwitz has 14 ratings and 5 reviews. Petra X said: You probably thought you knew a thing or two about Auschwitz: It was a nightmarish Nazi exterminat...
Images for carolyn yeager

More images for carolyn yeagerReport images
Web results
Carolyn Yeager | The West's Darkest Hour
Oct 26, 2017 - Lesser personalities such as Andrew Anglin and Carolyn Yeager are no better and find it necessary to rationalize the harsh treatment of the ...
The Fake Legends of Adolf Hitler’s “Jewish Grandfather” (anti-semitic german nationalist blog) ... 2011 Carolyn Yeager The rumor that Adolf Hitler was the grandson of a Rothschild seems to have been hatched in the mind of a crypto-Jewish OSS agent .
Carolyn Yeager Archives - Barnes Review
Lying About Auschwitz: The Barnes Review on the Nazi Death Camp ...
Sep 21, 2010 - Lying About Auschwitz: The Barnes Review on the Nazi Death Camp ... But Carolyn Yeager wants to set the record straight. The aim of the ...
Book News: “The Artist Within the Warlord” | Carolyn Yeager“-artist-within-warlord”
Jun 24, 2018 - You will have to email me at carolyn at carolynyeager dot net or use the contact ... TheBarnes Review placed it there with a special unaffiliated ...
Auschwitz: The Underground Guided Tour by Carolyn Yeager
Rating: 1.9 - 14 votesAuschwitz has 14 ratings and 5 reviews. Petra X said: You ... Carolyn Yeager. Auschwitz: The ... Published March 2010 by The Barnes Review. More Details.
The Artist Within the Warlord by Carolyn Yeager - Goodreads
Rating: 5 - 2 votesThe Artist Within the Warlord has 2 ratings and 2 reviews. Bob said: Reading the works of General Leon DeGrelle, Benton L. Bradberry, Germar Rudolf, & Ud...
Sep 23, 2010 - Her comments are brought to us courtesy of The Barnes Review, ... But Carolyn Yeager did stroll through Auschwitz and Birkenau seven ...
Auschwitz: The Underground Guided Tour by Carolyn Yeager (2010 ...
Auschwitz: The Underground Guided Tour by Carolyn Yeager (2010-05-03) [Carolyn ... Paperback: 48 pages; Publisher: The Barnes Review (2010); Language: ...
The Realist Report – Carolyn Yeager – The Realist Report
Jun 30, 2018 - The book is available from The Barnes Review. In this podcast, Carolyn and I discuss the book, the central importance of revisionism to the ...
Demolition Man: Hitler: from Braunau to the Bunker
TD Conner -Notes from Geisler, Hermann, Ein Anderer Hitler, Barnes Review Journal, Philadelphia, translated by Carolyn Yeager and Wilhelm Mann 2011
Carolyn Elizabeth Yeager was born 1941 to Stephen A. Yeager and Barbara J. Schillinger. On her website she provides an extensive family genealogy, which shows that her family are racially German.
Carolyn Yeager is a Texas-based neo-Nazi and Holocaust denier who runs her own eponymously-named website previously known as She also had a radio station, now defunct,The White Network. The site is filled with racist and anti-Semitic material, as well as essays promoting motherhood and home-schooling.
From April through August 2007, Yeager was the Texas state leader of neo-Nazi American National Socialist Workers Party (ANSWP), a group that descended from the National Socialist Movement, the largest neo-Nazi group in the country. She also assumed the position of Assistant Editor at the ANSWP's magazine, National Socialist, in July 2007. In a 2007 profile in National Socialist, she is quoted as praising Hitler, advocating the supremacy of the Aryan "race," and claiming that the Jews' "long-term plan is to drive us off the land and alienate us from our roots so that we will not fight."
Yeager has tried to promote National Socialism to women. On the neo-Nazi White Knights of America Web site, she is the author of a section on "Women and National Socialism." In attempting to win over today's women to a neo-Nazi ideology, she claims that they will not have a second-class status under a National Socialist regime, they will be honored as mothers, and they will find themselves happy to couple with men who are fighting against the extinction of their race. (less)
Petra X
Sep 12, 2015 Petra X rated it did not like it
Shelves: 2015-reviews, reviewed, dnf-or-never-read, awful-boring-racist-or-nasty-books
"You probably thought you knew a thing or two about Auschwitz: It was a nightmarish Nazi extermination camp in Poland where more than 1 million people were murdered, most of them gassed to death with Zyklon-B and then cremated. Dr. Josef Mengele performed horrible medical experiments on live humans there, including twins and those with blue eyes. At the end, as the Soviets closed in, the SS guards murdered thousands more as they marched starving survivors west.
But Carolyn Yeager wants to set the record straight.
The aim of the thoughtful Germans who ran the place actually was “reform, re-education and rehabilitation.” Inmates were taught trades there. Townspeople in the surrounding area saw life at Auschwitz as “luxurious,” what with the inmates’ “attractive red-brick sleeping quarters,” complete with “bunk beds with mattresses … flush toilets, porcelain-covered stoves for cozy heating, and double-paned casement windows.” The paths were “tree-lined,” there were flowers planted before every barracks, and the Nazis regularly showed movies to the inmates.
Yes, Auschwitz had an art museum, a library, regular concerts and sporting events, a “theater for music and drama,” a swimming pool (sometimes used for water polo) and a brothel for lonely inmates — all round, as Yeager writes, “a flourishing cultural life.” It also had two fine post offices because “the Geneva Convention rules, strictly followed by the Germans, ensured the sending and receiving of mail by all prisoners.” Why, the kindly Nazis even provided special pre-printed cards and letter forms! And their health care system was world class — after all, for the Nazis, “the health of the labor force was a prime concern.”
This, at least, is the view of Carolyn Yeager, a woman of leaden stupidity who took a walking tour of Auschwitz last year and decided that the accounts of thousands of victims, perpetrators, camp liberators and Nazi officials including Auschwitz’s most infamous commandant were all hogwash — a transparent ploy by post-war propagandists to say ugly things about caring Germans.
Her comments are brought to us courtesy of The Barnes Review, America’s leading Holocaust denial journal and a gathering point for anti-Semites and Nazi sympathizers from around the country. They were published earlier this year in a slick, 48-page booklet entitled, Auschwitz: The Underground Guided Tour: What the Tour Guides Don’t Tell You at Auschwitz-Birkenau.
It’s true! As this author can attest after two lengthy tours of Auschwitz and its adjoining Birkenau camp since 1988, the guides will tell you none of this.
Perhaps that’s because it’s all false. Long-time Auschwitz commandant Rudolf Hoess, in the autobiography he wrote shortly before his execution, described how Heinrich Himmler in 1941 “himself gave me the order to prepare installations at Auschwitz where mass exterminations could take place,” and then detailed the entire horrifying process, including gassings he personally witnessed. Filip Muller, a prisoner who worked for more than a year in the crematoria but survived, described unbelievably brutal exterminations. And so did thousands of others.
But Carolyn Yeager did stroll through Auschwitz and Birkenau seven decades later, and she’s pretty sure the guides didn’t give her the real lowdown. One Auschwitz gas chamber was “really a morgue,” later turned into an air raid shelter. Over at Birkenau, there was a “beautiful, modern hygiene building” where arriving prisoners had their hair shorn, but that also occasionally doubled “as a ballroom.” SS guards there regularly socialized with prisoners, with a number of love affairs resulting in postwar marriages. Do you think this is where Kate Breslin got her inspiration for her Nazi/Jew romance, For Such a Time? Guards and inmates “enjoyed friendly competition on Saturday afternoons and Sundays, with enthusiastic cheering sections.”
Actually, Yeager, a relatively new face in denialist circles, seems to have had something of an attitude long before she brought her analytical abilities to Auschwitz. On her website, she describes growing up in a “white home town” in the Midwest, the daughter of a German-American father who complained about “the dishonest Jews who cheated him and the Negroes who stole from him.”
She says she was a liberal for a time, “sympathetic to the plight of the coloreds,” but in the late 1990s began to read conspiracist literature and “learned the truth” about the takeover of the American monetary system “by mainly Jewish and foreign bankers.” She “let go” her fear of being called an anti-Semite. “Finally,” she writes, “I was drawn to National Socialism as a viable alternative, learning about its true nature as opposed to the lies I had been taught.”
So the mind of one Carolyn Yeager has been liberated. It’s a shame the same can’t be said of the millions murdered by people who think like she does."I didn't write a single word of this, I couldn't have said it better. It came from Southern Poverty Law Center (less)
Sep 13, 2015 Manybooks rated it did not like it
Shelves: extremistischer-fanatischer-unrat, kommt-nicht-in-frage, rassistische-schweinereien, stupid-racists, book-reviews
I do not often think that a book should be univocally and universally condemned, but this racist drivel, this anti-Semitic dreck of blatant Holocaust denial really should never have been published, and on a purely personal level, I vehemently wish that it were removed from publication. And for anyone now intent on braying about freedom of speech, please note that even though I personally would like to see this garbage relegated to the rejected book pile, and the so-called author also officially investigated for hate speech and the like, I am NOT actually advocating that the authorities engage in officially banning and censoring Carolyn Yeager's Auschwitz: The underground Guided Tour, this tirade of hatred (although it sure does deserve this on all imaginable levels), just what my personal feelings, what my personal reactions are and were when I realised that books such as this are readily available and seemingly popular and even flourishing in certain quarters, amongst certain hate groups. Auschwitz: The Underground Guided Tour is vile racism, bigotry and fear mongering par excellence, it is the kind of "book" that makes me want to vomit and more. And while I did not manage to read the entire offering (I just could not stomach finishing it), I did read more than enough (and thankfully online) to be able to form the opinion of NO NO NO (not to be recommended to anyone, at any time, EVER). And quite frankly, this is a book that I would adamantly and dearly love to rate with negative stars! (less)
Sep 13, 2015 Christie«SHBBblogger» marked it as not-in-this-lifetime
At first glance, one might think that this "book" gives some inside information about Auschwitz that we've all been missing out on. The description says it all. "What the tour guides don't tell you at Auschwitz-Birkenau." In truth, it's a woman's nonsensical ramblings about how this camp was horribly misunderstood.
You think there might be a reason they don't tell everyone that this horrific concentration camp was more like a resort that taught important job skills? Maybe it's because THEY WERE Maybe it's because THEY WERE MONSTERS WHO KILLED INNOCENT MEN, WOMEN, AND CHILDREN. That's why. How this delusional woman can justify putting this drivel out into the world baffles me and frankly offends me more than anything has in a long time. This is ignorance at its most repulsive level
Sarah - All The Book Blog Names Are Taken
Feb 01, 2016 Sarah - All The Book Blog Names Are Taken rated it did not like it
Shelves: books-that-should-really-truly-be-b
I know we are not supposed to rate books we haven't read but I came across this one and could not believe that this is a thing. I don't understand how one can deny the murder of millions. I just can't even. It sickens me. Garbage garbage garbage.
Carolyn Yeager |
About | Carolyn Yeager
When we decide we want to know, then we begin to learn. My intention with this web site, my third and best, is to share with you what I have learned. The field of ...
Carolyn Yeager - Metapedia
Oct 27, 2017 - Carolyn Yeager is a Internet radio personality, writer and researcher specializing in World War II, National Socialist Germany and Holocaust ...
Background · Radio shows · Websites · Writings on The Third Reich
Carolyn Yeager is a Internet radio personality, writer and researcher specializing in World War II, National Socialist Germany and Holocaust revisionism along with current events and free-speech issues. She is the creator of The White Network, as well as several websites and a 48-page booklet titled Auschwitz: The Underground Guided Tour.
Contents[hide] |
Carolyn Elizabeth Yeager was born c. 1941 to Stephen A. Yeager and Barbara J. Schillinger. On her website she provides an extensive family genealogy, which shows that her family are racially German; her grandparents were born in Sanktanna, while it was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and moved to Illinois, United States. The name Yeager is an Anglicisation of Jäger, which means "hunter". Germans moved into the area while it was under the sovereignty of the House of Habsburg in the 18th century. Her family background, religiously, is Catholic, evidenced by her brother Steve F. Yeager's burial at St. Mary's Church, Bloomington. Yeager was married to Theodore Kahant and had no children. Some of Yeager's critics, or opponents, have claimed that her husband has a Jewish surname, however, it is ethnically Irish, derived from Ó Catháin (more commonly Anglicised as Cahan, Kane, etc.) In her adult life, she relocated to Texas.
Radio shows
Carolyn began doing radio as a popular guest on the program of Michael Collins Piper in 2008 (while she was affiliated with The Barnes Review). She started her own program, The Heretics' Hour [[1]] at Voice of Reason network on March 1, 2010, making it today one of the longest continuously-running Internet programs in the alternative media. She meant at the time that it should be mainly devoted to "Holocaust" Revisionism," a subject that still was not heard on alternative radio, except for occasional references. It was she who made it possible to discuss "the holocaust" as the primary topic on a weekly radio program.
She hosted a second daily one-hour program at Republic Broadcasting Network titled The Revisionist Report from May 7 to August 25, 2011.
Carolyn left Voice of Reason in May 2012 (after giving 4 weeks notice) in order to form her own network, which she named The White Network. The network was launched in May 2012 with a partner, the blogger "Tanstaafl," who was responsible for technical operations. Carolyn transferred The Heretics Hour, which had become two-hours and the most popular program at Voice of Reason, to The White Network. She shortly created a second two-hour program, Saturday Afternoon with Carolyn Yeager. "Tanstaafl" began doing a one-half hour weekly show Age of Treason Radio, named after his blog. Carolyn added her third program, the one-hour weekly "The International Jew" Study Hour, co-hosted with Hadding Scott. Carolyn was then doing five hours of live, advertising-free radio per week, which she continued to do until the network was closed down without prior notice on April 15, 2014 when Tanstaafl locked Carolyn out the website and publicly announced there would be no more programing taking place.
Immediately after the demise of The White Network, Carolyn opened a hosting account with Blog Talk Radio [1] and began live broadcasting of The Heretics' Hour after only a one-week delay. She also restarted the newer "Hitler's Table Talk" Study Hour, co-hosted with Ray Goodwin, and then added the long-running "Saturday Afternoon" at her Blog Talk channel.
Carolyn's personal website is Carolyn Yeager Writings, Podcasts, Views at Carolyn put her first website online in summer 2007 with the domain name, which had a good deal of material directed to pro-White women. Her second website was named Writings by Carolyn Yeager. Her third and current site went online on Sept. 27, 2011.
In July 2010, she opened a web site, Elie Wiesel Cons The World under the sponsorship of Bradley Smith and CODOH (Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust) for the purpose of "exposing the false testimony of the world’s most famous Holocaust survivor." Carolyn has written well over 100 researched exposes casting doubt on Wiesel's ever having been a prisoner at Buchenwald Concentration Camp, or even at Auschwitz-Birkenau. In December 2012, she took over complete ownership of the site and domain name and continues to operate it.
The newest website Carolyn is responsible for is, commemorating "The Revisionists Who Restored Sanity to the Auschwitz "Death Camp" Narrative". With the cooperation of other revisionists, notably Germar Rudolf, Carlo Mattogno, Carlos Porter and Bradley Smith, the site was created as a response to the Jan. 27 commemmoration of the so-called liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau (A-B) put on each year by the United Nations and the A-B Memorial Museum in Poland.
Writings on The Third Reich
Beginning in 2008, Carolyn partnered with Wilhelm Mann (Kriessmann) in the translation of significant portions of Hermann Giesler's Ein Anderer Hitler[2]. These German to English translations, along with a good deal of commentary and related articles, became a series that appeared in The Barnes Review magazine from 2008 to 2011, approximately 13 issues. Still today, these remain the only translations into English that have been published. They are copyrighted and exclusively available on Carolyn's website.
Another exclusive found on her personal site is The Wenger Family Archive, consisting of diary entries and letters written by Oblt. Leopold "Poldi" Wenger between 1937-1945. It also contains articles by his brother Willy Wenger, who also served at the end of the war and fought in the Battle of Berlin.
Carolyn's article written in 2008 titled The Fake Legends of Adolf Hitler's "Jewish Grandfather" has been the most popular research piece she has written, logging almost 128,000 views as of this writing.
Writings on Holocaust Revisionism
Carolyn has done an in-depth study of the testimony and memoir of holocaust survivor Irene Zisblatt, inspired by the original exposé of Zisblatt by Eric Hunt; it appeared as a five-part article on the Inconvenient History Revisionist Blog during January 2010, along with two follow-up articles in Jan. and Feb. Since then, other research articles by Carolyn have appeared on this blog, including some of her investigation of British Holocaust hoaxer Denis Avey
Her series on “Elie Wiesel and the Mossad” is also notable, along with “The Shadowy Origins of Night,” detailing the preposterous story by Wiesel of how, when and where the original Yiddish novel that became Night was written. They can all be found here.
Arguments and feuds
Yeager has come into public conflict with some figures in the alternative media, engaging in feuds or launching strong disagreements with known personalities including Mark Weber The Unforgivable Sins of Mark Weber, Rodney Martin The Rise and Fall of Tribal Administrator Rodney Martin.
See also
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External links
Main Websites
- Carolyn Yeager's website.
- Carolyn Yeager Uncensored
- An interesting internet radio broadcast by Carolyn Yeager in which the motives and methods of some high-profile members of the "truth community" are questioned.
- Elie Wiesel Cons The World
- Everything Greg Johnson Knows About Holocaust Revisionism He learned from Mark Weber
- Eight questions for Mark Weber
- Rodney Martin has a different take on Greg Johnson and Mark Weber
- The Heretics' Hour: The Homosexual Menace
Auschwitz: The Underground Guided Tour by Carolyn Yeager
Rating: 1.9 - 14 votesAuschwitz has 14 ratings and 5 reviews. Petra X said: You probably thought you knew a thing or two about Auschwitz: It was a nightmarish Nazi exterminat...
Images for carolyn yeager
More images for carolyn yeagerReport images
Web results
Carolyn Yeager | The West's Darkest Hour
Oct 26, 2017 - Lesser personalities such as Andrew Anglin and Carolyn Yeager are no better and find it necessary to rationalize the harsh treatment of the ...
The Fake Legends of Adolf Hitler’s “Jewish Grandfather” (anti-semitic german nationalist blog) ... 2011 Carolyn Yeager The rumor that Adolf Hitler was the grandson of a Rothschild seems to have been hatched in the mind of a crypto-Jewish OSS agent .
Carolyn Yeager Archives - Barnes Review
Lying About Auschwitz: The Barnes Review on the Nazi Death Camp ...
Sep 21, 2010 - Lying About Auschwitz: The Barnes Review on the Nazi Death Camp ... But Carolyn Yeager wants to set the record straight. The aim of the ...
Book News: “The Artist Within the Warlord” | Carolyn Yeager“-artist-within-warlord”
Jun 24, 2018 - You will have to email me at carolyn at carolynyeager dot net or use the contact ... TheBarnes Review placed it there with a special unaffiliated ...
Auschwitz: The Underground Guided Tour by Carolyn Yeager
Rating: 1.9 - 14 votesAuschwitz has 14 ratings and 5 reviews. Petra X said: You ... Carolyn Yeager. Auschwitz: The ... Published March 2010 by The Barnes Review. More Details.
The Artist Within the Warlord by Carolyn Yeager - Goodreads
Rating: 5 - 2 votesThe Artist Within the Warlord has 2 ratings and 2 reviews. Bob said: Reading the works of General Leon DeGrelle, Benton L. Bradberry, Germar Rudolf, & Ud...
Sep 23, 2010 - Her comments are brought to us courtesy of The Barnes Review, ... But Carolyn Yeager did stroll through Auschwitz and Birkenau seven ...
Auschwitz: The Underground Guided Tour by Carolyn Yeager (2010 ...
Auschwitz: The Underground Guided Tour by Carolyn Yeager (2010-05-03) [Carolyn ... Paperback: 48 pages; Publisher: The Barnes Review (2010); Language: ...
The Realist Report – Carolyn Yeager – The Realist Report
Jun 30, 2018 - The book is available from The Barnes Review. In this podcast, Carolyn and I discuss the book, the central importance of revisionism to the ...
Demolition Man: Hitler: from Braunau to the Bunker
TD Conner -Notes from Geisler, Hermann, Ein Anderer Hitler, Barnes Review Journal, Philadelphia, translated by Carolyn Yeager and Wilhelm Mann 2011
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