Plummeting enrollment prompts $6M budget cut at Evergreen State
https://www.campusreform.org/?ID=10910 May 16, 2018 Evergreen State College is preparing to cut $5.9 million from its budget in response to rapidly declining enrollment following last year's protests.
Evergreen State College predicts nearly 20 percent drop in student ...
Feb 16, 2018 - The president of the embattled Evergreen State College — where racial ... But the notion that the decline in enrollment is entirely related to last ...
Missing: plummet
Enrollment Drops At Evergreen State College, Hiring Freeze Coming ...
Aug 31, 2017 - File photo of Evergreen students and supporters making signs before a counter protest on campus last spring. ... The Evergreen State College in Olympia begins this school year with a drop inenrollment and an imminent hiring freeze. ... A memo sent this week to faculty and staff at ...
The Evergreen State College: No safety, no learning, no future | The ...
https://www.seattletimes.com/.../the-evergreen-state-college-no-safety-no-learning-no-fut...Jun 5, 2017 - The Evergreen State College's internal chaos is now intertwined with falling enrollment.
Does a school's enrollment really go down when students protest en ...
Sep 12, 2017 - Washington's Evergreen State College, where raucous student ... It's true enrollment plummeted at the University of Missouri in the fall of 2016, ...
The Evergreen Meltdown - Quillette
Feb 22, 2018 - Earlier this month, in his annual State of the College address, ... next year's projectedenrollment for Evergreen will be 3100 students. .... Mike Paros is a Professor of Biology at TheEvergreen State College .... There is another reason for the plummeting enrollment beyond students not wanting to be silenced ...
Long After Protests, Students Shun the University of Missouri - The ...
https://www.nytimes.com/2017/.../university-of-missouri-enrollment-protests-fallout.htm...Jul 9, 2017 - Freshman enrollment at the Columbia campus has plummeted by more than ... Berkeley, and The Evergreen State College in Olympia, Wash.
Enrollment at Evergreen State College drops 5%, hiring freeze to follow
Sep 1, 2017 - What did they expect? After last year's fiasco in which students shouted at police, demanded professors resign, and briefly carried baseball bats ...
Censorious George and the Fall of Evergreen College - YouTube
Feb 17, 2018 - Uploaded by Benjamin A BoyceCensorious George and the Fall of Evergreen College .... Evergreen State College Facing $2 1 Million Budget ...
Report: Low Enrollment at Evergreen State College Could Jeopardize ...
Jun 9, 2017 - Prior to this spring's chaos, enrollment issues at Evergreen State College had already placed the college in jeopardy of losing its public funding ...
April 2017 Powers says that about 200 staff, faculty and students — out of roughly 4,800 at Evergreen — left campus to take part in this year’s Day of Absence. Previous to this year, the Day of Absence has involved some students, faculty and staff of color voluntarily gathering off campus for activities related to that cause, while white students, staff and faculty were able to voluntarily participate in related activities on campus. request was made to change things up to allow participants of color to hold Day of Absence activities on campus, while white participants who chose to participate were asked to remain off campus.Olympian
As Lisa Pemberton of The Olympian reported, hundreds of students took part in a demonstration on the Wednesday, May 24. They filled the third floor of Evergreen’s library building and surrounded president George Bridges’ office. To say things got heated and that language not fit for publication here was used probably is an understatement. Olympian
Evergreen State students demand professor resign for ...
Washington Times ·May 25, 2017 · (Evergreen State College ... a “Day of Absence & Day of Presence ... students later that day, university President George S. …Over the last 72 hours, students have taken over a small liberal arts college in Washington state, and only one adult has tried to stop them.
Students at Evergreen State College in Olympia, who filmed their exploits and posted the videos on social media, have occupied and barricaded the library, shouting down anyone who disagrees with them or shows insufficient passion for racial justice.
Biology professor Bret Weinstein was berated by dozens of students outside of his classroom Tuesday morning for refusing to participate in an event in which white people were invited to leave campus for a day. Now, he says police have told him to hold his classes off campus due to safety concerns.
Things are “out of control at Evergreen,” he said.
“Police told me protesters stopped cars yesterday, demanding information about occupants,” Mr. Weinstein told The Washington Times. “They believe I was being sought
His email took issue with a “Day of Absence & Day of Presence” demonstration, for which white students, faculty and staff were asked to leave campus for one day.
He wrote: “On a college campus, one’s right to speak — or to be — should never be based on skin color.”
“The students, fearful for their lives, began retreating towards the library and ultimately ended up in the Trans & Queer Center/Unity Lounge, trying to stay safe,” Mr. Vincent said in a Facebook post Tuesday
“there have been and will be more walk-ins into different faculty’s classrooms.”
Student takeover of Evergreen State College - YouTube
May 27, 2017 · ... “We demand that the video created for Day of Absence and Day of Presence ... Evergreen State University students threaten Professor for ...
May 31 Evergreen State Activists Demand Humiliating Video Be ...
Student activists at Evergreen State College have been ... and demanded the university to launch an ... Day of Absence at Evergreen typically involves ...tudent activists at Evergreen State College have been campaigning to get one of the school’s professors fired for his refusal to support a proposed Day of Absence, in which white students would be banned from attending the school for a day.
This week, the activists demanded that the video of their campaign be taken down from the Internet—because they claim it was “stolen” by “white supremacists.”
The video of the students’ shrieking arguments and attempts to bully the professor into agreeing with them made the rounds on social media, causing humiliation for both Evergreen and the student activists involved in the debacle. The mob demanded his resignation following the spread of the video. Police told Prof. Bret Weinstein that he would not be safe on campus if he returned, prompting him to teach class at a nearby park.
“We demand that the video created for Day of Absence and Day of Presence that was stolen by white supremacists and edited to expose and ridicule the students and staff be taken down by the administration by this Friday,” the students demanded from college president George Bridges, the College Fix reports.
Day of Absence at Evergreen typically involves one gender or race deciding that it wants to remove itself from campus for a day—to show the remaining students what life is like without them. But this year, there was a twist: Black students, instead of removing themselves, demanded that white students leave for the day. Prof. Weinstein denounced the idea, which led to him being bullied and threatened.
Ian Miles Cheong is a journalist and outspoken media critic. You can reach him through social media at @stillgray on Twitter and on Facebook.
May 31, 2017 Mainstream Media Silent on Evergreen State College’s ‘Day of Absence’ Chaos Breitbart News A conservative-leaning legal blog at the Washington Post covered the story, expressing concern over the inaction of the Evergreen State College administration in protecting …
e story of Professor Bret Weinstein, who has been forced to hold his biology class sessions off campus due to security concerns as a result of the backlash, has yet to be reported in many major news outlets. Fox News’ Tucker Carlson has interviewed Weinstein, but at the time of this writing the New York Times, the Associated Press, NBC News, and CNN are amongst the outlets that have yet to cover the protests that are calling for the suspension of a progressive biology professor who refused to participate in an activist event. A conservative-leaning legal blog at the Washington Post covered the story, expressing concern over the inaction of the Evergreen State College administration in protecting their professor from the security threat posed by the student protesters who are demanding his resignation.
rage against Weinstein on campus is the result of an email he sent opposing the school’s “Day of Absence” event, which, this year, involves asking white community members to leave campus. Weinstein argued in the email that the event’s structure, which asks a group that did not participate in the event’s planning to leave campus, is “an act of oppression in and of itself.”
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This is the email that Evergreen State College Professor Bret Weinstein might be fired for sending.
6:13 PM - 25 May 2017
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Most PoC are not interested in oppressing people. But the minority that are interested in a race based hierarchy appear to be driving here
1:08 PM - 27 May 2017
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Weinstein appeared on a live episode of The Rubin Report to discuss the controversy. In the interview, Weinstein claims that the student protesters allegedly discussed the possibility of kidnapping him.
Evergreen State College closes after ‘direct threat to campus safety’ Originally published June 1, 2017 at 11:22 am Updated June 1, 2017 at 12:56 pm
Students leave The Evergreen State College campus in Olympia after a threat prompted a student alert and evacuation on Thursday. Everyone was asked to leave the Olympia campus or return to residence halls for instructions, the college announced about 11 a.m. Thursday.
Someone called a local law-enforcement agency with a threat to the campus, Evergreen spokesman Zach Powers said.
The threat comes a week after hundreds of Evergreen students began protests over what they say is institutional racism at the college. The campus has experienced mounting racial tension that puts students of color at risk, a student group wrote in a news release last week.
Students cited several incidents, including alleged police assaults and an email from a professor who objected to the school’s “day of absence.” [which asked for all white persons leave the campus for a day instead of the usual interested minority students leaving for a day]
June 1, 2017 Matt Driscoll: There’s more to race protests at Evergreen than biology professor and viral videos BY MATT DRISCOLL My alma mater — The Evergreen State College in Olympia — has been in the news this week. Perhaps you’ve heard. This year’s annual Day of Absence in April followed by tense demonstrations on Tuesday, May 23 and Wednesday, May 24, have raised eyebrows and the ire of many around the country.
Lawmakers seek to strip public funds from Evergreen College over ‘racist’ protests
Fox Business Lawmakers in Washington State are looking to strip funds from Evergreen StateCollege in the wake of chaotic ... according to The Washington Post. “These …
June 2, 2017
Washington Post At at Evergreen State College in Washington state, As reported by KING-5, a Washington TV station: “I have been told by the Chief of Police it’s not safe for me to be on campus,” said [Evergreen State College ..
Evergreen State, caught up in racial turmoil, remains closed Friday after threat of violence
Washington Post Evergreen State College remained closed Friday after county officials received an anonymous call Thursday morning from someone claiming to be armed and headed …no threat found
June 2, 2017 Seattle Times The Evergreen State College remains closed today after a "direct threat to campus safety." It’s unclear whether that's connected to recent protests by hundreds of students over what they call institutional racism, including a confrontation with a professor that gained national attention. Meanwhile, a Princeton professor who called Trump a "racist and sexist megalomaniac" has canceled her Seattle talk after death threats.
Caller threatens to ‘murder as many people as I can’ at Evergreen State College Seattle Times June 2, 2017 caller on Thursday threatened to “execute as many people on the campus as I can get ahold of,” and referred to Olympia as a “communist scumbag town.” The caller’s identity remains unknown. Thurston County Communications has released a recording of the threatening call that prompted the closure of The Evergreen State College on Thursday and Friday. “I’m on my way to Evergreen University (sic) now with a .44 Magnum,” the caller says in audio obtained by KIRO 7. “I’m going to execute as many people on the campus as I can get ahold of. You have that, what’s going on here, you communist scumbag town? I’m going to murder as many people on that campus as I can. Just keep your eyes open, scumbag.
Day of Absence & Day of Presence - The Evergreen State ...
Wednesday, April 12 and Friday, April 14, 2017
Day of Absence
History and Origins
The idea for the first Day of Absence came from a play of the same name by African American playwright, Douglas Turner Ward. Presented in 1965 as a “reverse minstrel show” (black actors in whiteface), the play is a social commentary on race relations in the U.S., and satirizes the South’s refusal to see African Americans as equal members of the community. In the play, a town wakes up to find all of its African American citizens have disappeared, leaving those left to reflect on the meaning of their community without these essential members.
The Day of Absence, as it was originally known, began in the 1970s when Faculty member Maxine Mimms, inspired by the play, approached administrator Stone Thomas about the idea of joining with other faculty and staff of color in spending a work day away from campus as a grassroots collective action. In the decades following, Day of Absence grew to become an opportunity for all students, faculty and staff at Evergreen to explore and celebrate the richness of our diversity by facilitating conversations about issues of difference. In 1992, Day of Presence was added in order to reunite the college community and honor diversity and unity as a whole campus.
Day of Absence and Day of Presence Today
Currently, although we still celebrate Day of Absence and Day of Presence with two full days of activities every Spring quarter, we also sponsor a variety of events and activities throughout the year created to hone our discussion and analytical skills in regards to the complex and vital issues of race, inclusion, diversity, privilege, allyship and their intersections.
Each year, the Day of Absence and Day of Presence Planning Committee develops a new program of events and workshops to address current issues surrounding race at Evergreen and beyond. This committee is open to the entire campus, and anyone who is interested is invited to participate.
At at Evergreen State College in Washington state,
‘Professor told he’s not safe on campus after college protests’ at Evergreen State University ... (the theme of the Douglas Turner Ward play Day of Absence, ...
Students at Evergreen State College Demand Professor be ...
forums.spacebattles.com › … › Non Sci-fi Debates
May 26, 2017 · Students at Evergreen State College Demand Professor be Fired after "Day of Absence" protest. ... If a university is prestigious enough, ...
Professor at Evergreen State College Chased Off Campus by ...
Mediaite6 days ago
Professor Bret Weinstein of Evergreen State ... proposal that would change the “Day of Absence” from an initiative where “black ... at a university.
Evergreen college institutes white absence day | MacRumors ...
forums.macrumors.com › … › Politics, Religion, Social Issues
May 29, 2017 · ... sts-at-evergreen-state-university ... racist for not participating in a white absence day. ... On Day of Absence, members of the Evergreen community …
"All White People Leave Campus OR ELSE!!" Tucker Covers INSANE Evergreen State College Story
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Evergreen State College Students Are Not EmployableThe Common Sense Show29,498 views

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Stalinist Student Mob Takes Over Evergreen State College (Tucker Carlson 5.26.17)Libertarian Media Critic1,824 views

Students Demand Professor’s Resignation After Objecting to Kicking Whites Off CampusThe Unplugged Podcast66,673 views

My Live Reaction As SJWs Overthrow President At Evergreen CollegeRed Pill Philosophy37,759 views

How Right-Wing Media Has Tried to Stifle Student Speech at ...
Pacific Standard-Jun 14, 2018
If you believe that there is an illiberal trend against free speech on campus, Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington, is exhibit A.
Weinstein warns Congress about 'cult' of campus progressivism
Campus Reform-Jun 14, 2018
Evergreen State College is updating after protests, decline in enrollment
Seattle Times-Jun 17, 2018
The Evergreen State College is anticipating a big drop in enrollment this fall. Some point to the protests last year as a cause of the decline, ...
Evergreen State's Bias Finally Exacts a Price
Wall Street Journal-Jun 5, 2018
While accurately recounting the protest-mob politics that have put the college in a tailspin (“Rough Social Justice at Evergreen State” op-ed, ...
Judge sets bail at $500000 for gunman in Facebook-triggered fight in ...
The Olympian-17 hours ago
About 5 a.m. Sunday, in a neighborhood northeast of The Evergreen State College, Thompson, Chase and Bickle showed up at the victim's ...
Left In Denial Blames Evergreen's Bat-Wielding Student Mobs On ...
The Federalist-Jun 18, 2018
... the disgraced (but for some reason, not yet fired) president of The Evergreen State College who stood by impotently while former professor ...
Report found evidence of discrimination - against white professor- at Evergreen College ...
Hot Air-Jun 5, 2018
Evergreen State College agreed with Baumunk and agreed to revise the review and remove the language and acknowledged that the race or ...
YouTube - Jun 4, 2018
BitChute - Jun 4, 2018
Campus Argument Goes Viral As Evergreen State Is Caught In Racial ...
YouTube - Jun 16, 2017
LIVE with Bret Weinstein: Evergreen State College Racism Controversy
The Rubin Report
YouTube - May 30, 2017
قم بتنزيل فيديو مجاني و Download MP3 - Jun 4, 2018
The Ideological Collapse of the Left
Tim Pool
YouTube - Jun 3, 2018
MrRyukage YouTube - Jun 4, 2018
YouTube - Jun 26, 2018
VICE News on Evergreen State College: Pres. Bridges Stockholm ...
YouTube - Jun 18, 2017
The Evergreen Meltdown - Quillette
Feb 22, 2018 - What has transpired and continues to transpire at The Evergreen State College where I teach provides some important lessons. My college is ...
Evergreen Ranks as One of the Worst Colleges in the U.S. for Free speech The Stranger
Feb 14, 2018 - Evergreen State College—the small, progressive, public liberal arts school in Olympia that made national headlines over student protests last ...
Enrollment Drops At Evergreen State College, Hiring Freeze Coming ...
Aug 31, 2017 - The Evergreen State College in Olympia begins this school year with a drop in enrollment and an imminent hiring freeze. The conservative ...
Evergreen professor who made anti-white comments resigns, gets ...
www.foxnews.com/.../evergreen-professor-who-made-anti-white-comments-resigns-gets...Dec 14, 2017 - An Evergreen State College professor, who has been recorded publicly harassing her white co-workers, resigned amidst a settlement with the ...
Evergreen State College excuses student protesters from homework ...
www.foxnews.com/.../evergreen-state-college-excuses-student-protesters-from-homewor...Jun 2, 2017 - In this Wednesday, May 24, 2017, photo, after weeks of brewing racial tension on campus, hundreds of students at the Evergreen State College ...
Opinion | When the Left Turns on Its Own - The New York Times
https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/01/opinion/when-the-left-turns-on-its-own.htmlJun 1, 2017 - Bret Weinstein objected to a day without white people at Evergreen State College. Now the professor isn't safe on campus.
Evergreen State condemned by the Seattle Times and the New York ...
Jun 8, 2017 - In the past fortnight, the Evergreen State College mob has incited ... With the world witnessing Evergreen's Mizzou-scale collapse in real time, ...In the past fortnight, the Evergreen State College mob has incited violence against a professor, gotten said professor, Bret Weinstein, to flee campus in fear for his physical safety, inflicted $10,000 in property damage on campus, shut down classes, and forced graduation to be held off campus as a result.
Evergreen reopened its broken, vandalized doors on Tuesday to a world finally awakened to the deadly seriousness of campus fascism. Prior to going quiet after receiving mass-murder threats, Weinstein wrote an editorial in the Wall Street Journal warning: “The Campus Mob Came for Me—and You, Professor, Could Be Next.” There have been many others before him, before and since illiberal witch hunts ran Erika and Nicholas Christakis off of Yale’s campus two years ago, and this latest installment could have gone unnoticed by the nothing-to-see-here establishment. But finally, the New York Times has found a mob victim sympathetic enough in Weinstein, a liberal professor, to publicly lambaste the mobs at Evergreen, who counter every question, comment, and even a hand gesture by shouting, “RACIST.”
“It’s just the way discourse goes these days,” Evergreen president George Bridges told the Times’s Frank Bruni. Even the Seattle Times, which has previously let Bridges wax poetic on, “Why students need trigger warnings and safe places” in its editorial pages, condemned Evergreen as having “no safety, no learning, no future.”
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