Short summary: The mainstream narrative is that Martin Luther King was killed by a lone gunman James Earl Ray, a man who hated blacks but had the skills of a secret agent to get out of prison, hunt down King's hotel, kill him with a sniper shot, getaway in a white mustang with some help from a man on the radio giving false sightings, slips into Canada, steals a man's identity to get a passport to London and Lisbon, and arrested before trying to get to Brussels where he hopes to travel and collect a reward in white African states of Rhodesia or South Africa.
Conspiracy theorists with connections to Russian-connected fake news sites cite lawyer W.F. Pepper who wrote for the Communist Ramparts magazine that not only Robert F. Kennedy's alleged shooter Sirhan Sirhan was innocent, but so was Ray who was framed in a deep state conspiracy that was probably approved by LBJ. Pepper has written 3 books that brought out the "truth" in a civil trial verdict King Family versus Jowers reached by twelve jurors in the Memphis, Tennessee courtroom on December 8, 1999 in wrongful death lawsuit against Jowers and "other unknown co-conspirators". Coretta Scott King stated that "there is abundant evidence of a major high level conspiracy in the assassination of my husband, Martin Luther King, Jr... the Mafia, local, state and federal government agencies, were deeply involved in the assassination of my husband. The jury also affirmed overwhelming evidence that identified someone else, not James Earl Ray, as the shooter, and that Mr. Ray was set up to take the blame."
It's usually assumed that conspiracy theorists are just stupid and crazy to believe in JFK and 911 conspiracy theories, but the recent Skripal spy poisoning case brings up one reason Russia loves to promote crazy theories. Every western government and media outlet is convinced that double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia Skripal were poisoned with a Russian military grade Novichok nerve agent. Yet Moscow disputed that is was responsible for the poisoning, and Alexander Yakovenko, the Russian ambassador to Britain, said in an interview “We have very serious suspicion that this provocation was done by British intelligence” to discredit Putin. Every media source backing the Russian viewpoint appears to be linked to Russia. One such American website is Veterans Today [9] which contains content from Russian Academy of Sciences journal, and state Department experts in Russian influence believes is a Russian front, and described by a University of Washington professor as an “active partner” in the dissemination of Russian propaganda. American Jonas E. Alexis deliver's Russia's response to Theresa May: We ain’t scared of you, explaining that New World Order agents like May are desperate because Russia has humiliated them in Syria. So one reason for posting completely made up lies to cover up for their own crimes.
So if the small number of people who believe that the Russians were involved not only with the killing of John F. Kennedy (Lee Harvey Oswald was a killer as proficient as any KGB agent had returned from defecting to Russia and tried to vist Russian and Cuban embassies) and Robert F. Kennedy (shot by a Palestinian who was a communist with Cuban sympathies, and defended by communist-leaning lawyer Pepper), then the effort to create conspiracy theories might be to obscure Russian involvement and not just random craziness.
Dylan Roof like Ray also admired Rhodesia and South Africa even though both nations were defunct by the time of the June 17, 2015 shootings at a black church. He called for a race war, but who else has been trying to start race wars in America? Atlantic magazine has noted the 80-plus years of Russian meddling in the History of Russian Involvement in America's Race Wars from propaganda posters to Facebook ads. Internet users were quick to spot that he used a Russian Yandex e-mail address to register his "last rhodesian" manifesto website on a russian web hosting service. Even more strange, in his manifesto he used the archaic term "negro" when "almost every White person has a small amount of racial awareness, simply beause of the numbers of negroes in this part of the country." Nobody has used the term "negro" since the 1960s in the United States, though one might expect an author in a foreign nation to make such an obvious mistake. Now James Earl Ray might have no obvious connections to Russia, but his attack bears the same DNA as Dylan Roof who does have a number red flags pointing to connections.
Who really killed Martin Luther King? History tells us that King was assasinated by James Earl Ray, a man who spent most of his life in prison. He hated blacks and Dr. King's movement[1], [2] He used the skills of a 007 secret agent to track down the location of King's hotel, set up a snipers nest in a nearby hotel. When he fled, he was aided by false radio transmissions which mislead authorities away from his trail. Ray fled to Toronto, where he skillfully got a Canadian passport by stealing the identity of a man named Ramon George Sneyd. Then like an international agent, he left Toronto for England on May 6. then Lisbon, Portugal, then returned to England on May 17 On May 6, he flew to London with the aim of going to Africa to fight for white regimes in Angola, Rhodesia, Congo, or South Africa was finally arrested at London's Heathrow Airport on June 8 while attempting to fly to Brussels, where he hoped to find passage to South Africa, Rhodesia or some other white-ruled African nation where he imagined he could claim sanctuary [3][4].
Countering his mainstream narrative however, we have the same bunch of conspiracy theorists who blame the John F. Kenneday assasination and Robert F. Kennedy assasinations on US government conspiracies. What people have failed to notice with the recent reveal of Russian meddling with the 2016 elections on internet social media like Facebook and Instagram is how many of these theories have been floated on websites that have also been linked to Russian propaganda by Propornot and others.
Dylan Roof case
[6] Unlike James Earl Ray, Dylann Roof left a trail that leads to Russia. His "manifesto" was discovered to be hosted by a Russian provider using derekjeeter88 at the Russian email/websearch provider [8] Like Ray, Roof confessed to hatred of blacks "was big into segregation" and wanted to start a civil race war.
Skirpal case
John F. Kennedy was killed by Lee Harvey Oswald, a man who somehow either on his own or with the assistance of some government defected to the Soviet Union, and returned with a Russian KGB princess as a wife, and on April 10, 1963 seven months before shot President John F. Kennedy, he took his Mannlicher-Carcano rifle to Major General Edwin Walker‘s house, stood by the fence, aimed but only hit a window frame and fragmented.
Convinced by the Communists? Some theorize Soviets or Castro inspired Oswald to kill JFK by Elisha Fieldstadt, NBC News / Nov.02.2015 Updated Nov.19.2013 /
Nov 19, 2013 - So after JFK was shot, some couldn't help but make a connection. “Right wing activists very shortly after the assassination started blaming communism and Castro,” said John McAdams, the author of “JFK Assassination Logic: How to Think about Claims of Conspiracy.” Both Castro and Krushchev provide a ...
Right wing activists very shortly after the assassination started blaming communism and Castro,” said John McAdams, the author of “JFK Assassination Logic: How to Think about Claims of Conspiracy.”
recent Gallup poll, 61 percent of Americans believe that Lee Harvey Oswald, the man ID'd by the Warren Commission as the lone gunman who killed Kennedy, did not act alone or at least conspired with a person or group of people to kill the president on Nov. 22, 1963. While a majority believes that the mob or sects of the U.S. government were involved, 5 percent believe Castro was to blame, and 3 percent continue to implicate the Soviet Union.
Accuracy in Media is convinced that the Communists in Russia and Cuba were behind killing Kennedy Why the Communists Killed Kennedy - Accuracy in Media by Cliff Kincaid on November 19, 2013. [media ignoring] the communist role in the Kennedy assassination would be prominently noted during the 50th anniversary coverage of theJFK ... Castro Hated America and Killed Kennedy - Accuracy in Media Castro not only had foreknowledge of the plot to kill JFK but was actually behind it, most likely with Soviet Cliff Kincaid on November 28, 2016 In our column, “Why the Communists Killed Kennedy,” we examined the evidence of the Castro role in themurder of JFK. The Communists Killed Kennedy - Accuracy in Media Jul 2, 2012 - by Cliff Kincaid on July 2, 2012 ... Castro's role in the JFK murder has been the subject of controversy for decades. ... The answer, as Latell's book makes clear, is that Kennedy was considered early on to be an enemy of the Cuban communist revolution, and that the Kennedy brothers had tried to kill Castro.
[1] Findings on Martin Luther King, Jr. Assassination | National Archives The Committee Believes, on the Basis of the Circumstantial Evidence Available to it, that there is a Likelihood that James Earl Ray Assassinated Dr. Martin Luther King, JR., as a Result of a Conspiracy. ... He told Morales he hated Blacks, and he went over to their table and insulted one of them.
It had been reported, for example, that while at Missouri State Penitentiary, Ray exhibited extreme hatred for Black prisoners and for Martin Luther King as well. (5) To verify this allegation, the committee reviewed some 70 FBI inmate interviews, compiling a smaller list of inmates who had worked with Ray, celled near or with him, or who professed knowledge of his personal life and habits. The committee then interviewed approximately 30 prison associates of Ray.(6) While some recalled that Ray had demonstrated anti-Black feelings, the majority said he was not a racist. On balance, therefore, the committee viewed the inmate testimony as essentially inconclusive. It could not be relied on as proof that Ray harbored the kind of deep-seated, racial animosity that might, on its own, trigger the assassination of Dr. King.
The committee also closely examined the facts surrounding two incidents with alleged racial overtones that occurred within a year before the assassination. They occurred in Canada and Mexico. William Bradford Huie, author of "He Slew the Dreamer," had written that a female companion of Ray in Canada in the summer of 1967 told him that Ray spoke disparagingly of Blacks during a dinner conversation. According to Huie, she said:
I can't remember how the subject came up. But he said something like, "You got to live near niggers to know 'em." He meant that he had no patience with the racial views of people like me who don't "know niggers" and that all people who "know niggers" hate them. (7)
Despite the assistance of the Canadian authorities, the woman, a Canadian citizen living in Canada in 1978, declined to be interviewed, so the committee was able only to review the files of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), which were attained by committee subpoena from local authorities. During her RCMP interview, the woman said Ray never indicated any hatred of Blacks and never mentioned Dr. King in her presence. Once more, therefore, the committee's evidence tended to pull in opposite directions.
The second incident that had been cited to show Ray's racism occurred when he was in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, in October 1967. Manuela Aguirre Medrano who, using the professional name of Irma Morales, worked at a brothel named the Casa Susana, allegedly told in 1968 of an incident involving Ray, or "Galt," as he was calling himself at the time. Galt reportedly arrived at the Casa Susana about 9 p.m. on a Sunday. He and Morales drank together. At a nearby table, there was a group that included four Blacks, sailors who worked on a private yacht. Morales said Galt became angered at the Blacks, one or more of whom were laughing noisily. He told Morales he hated Blacks, and he went over to their table and insulted one of them. Then, he went to his car, returned and stopped to berate the Blacks again. When he got back to his own table, he asked Morales to feel his pocket. She noted he was carrying a pistol. Galt said he intended to kill the Blacks. When one of them came over to Galt's table to try to make peace, Galt muttered another insult. When the Blacks left, Galt appeared to want to go after them, but Morales told him it was about time for the police to pay a 10 p.m. visit. Galt said he wanted nothing to do with the
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police. (8) This incident had since been reported in the writings of popular authors(9) and was often cited as support for the proposition that Ray harbored racial hatred toward Blacks.
When investigated by the committee, the evidence was contradictory With the assistance of the Mexican authorities, the committee reinterviewed Morales in Puerto Vallarta. (10) Her recollection of her association with Ray and of her period of employment at the Casa Susana seemed clear and exact; further, her memory on many subjects was corroborated by other evidence and testimony taken by the committee. Yet her description of the alleged incident varied significantly from the published reports.
Morales explained that she and "Galt" had been seated in the club when a Black sailor from a nearby table of both Black and white sailors touched her as he was attempting to maneuver past them. She recalled thinking that the sailor was drunk, causing him to stumble as he passed her. He reached out and touched her, she explained, in an effort to break his fall. Morales added that the sailor was escorted out by another sailor and that Galt did become angry. Nevertheless, it was her opinion that Galt's anger was prompted by the sailor touching her, and not because of his race. She said further that Ray never mentioned his feelings about Blacks to her. Indeed, she said that conversation had been quite limited because of the language barrier.
The committee found that Morales was a reliable witness on this point, who was certain of her recollections of the Casa Susana incident. It would appear, therefore, that the racial overtones of this incident were seriously distorted, both in the original reports and in subsequent popularized versions of the event. (11)
While two of the most widely circulated stories of Ray's racism did not withstand careful scrutiny, the committee noted that a number of Ray's reported actions or statements did tend to manifest racist attitudes. In sworn testimony before the committee, Alexander Anthony Eist, a former member of Scotland Yard who had extensive contact with Ray during the first hours of his confinement in London, as well as during trips between prison and the extradition hearings, recalled specific examples of anti-Black sentiments expressed by Ray. (12)3 In addition, Ray's interests in emigration to the white supremist nations of Rhodesia and South Africa, while probably just an effort to reach a country where English was spoken and where there might be sympathy for the assassination, could also be evidence of Ray's support of the general notion of white supremacy. (13)
The committee saw a need to scrutinize closely the evidence bearing on Ray's racial attitudes. In light of the contradictory evidence, the committee was unwilling to conclude that deepseated hatred of Blacks
3The committee conducted an investigation of Eist's background in an attempt to establish his reliability as a witness. It learned that in 1976, Eist had been charged with conspiracy to commit corruption and conspiracy to prevent the course of justice. In 1978, however, Eist was found not guilty on all counts in a directed verdict. (See MLK Exhibit F-136, certificate of acquittal, IV HSCA-MLK Hearings, 28.) The committee further learned that Eist had given his account of conversations with Ray to three other persons previously, a London newspaper reporter in 1968 (see MLK Exhibit F-131, Owen Summers' statement, Nov. 2, 1978, IV HSCA-MLK Hearings, 46) and an American serviceman and his wife in 1977. (See MLK Exhibit F-132, 133, statements of David and Connie Meurinas, Nov. 2, 1978, IV HSCA-MLK Hearings, 49, 52.) The committee also noted that Eist was honorably retired with full pension from Scotland Yard. (See MLK Exhibit F-137, certificate of retirement, IV HSCA-MLK Hearings, 12) The committee determined that Eist had testified in good faith and to the best of his recollection.
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was the sole or even the primary motivating factor in Ray's decision to murder Dr. King. While the committee was satisfied that Ray's lack of sympathy toward Blacks and the civil rights movement permitted him to undertake the assassination, it was equally convinced that the murder did not stem from racism alone.
[2] James Earl Ray, 70, Killer of Dr. King, Dies in Nashville - The New ... Apr 24, 1998 - James Earl Ray dies at Columbia Nashville Memorial Hospital while serving 99-year sentence for assassination of Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr; he was ... By the accounts of family and associates, he was intensely passionate in his hatred of blacks and especially of Dr. King, who had become the nation's ...
[3] Dept. of Correction James Earl Ray Inmate Records ... - Amazon AWS
James E. Ray, relating to the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. The next folder contains documents from a second Tennessee case titled State v. James E. ... the aim of going to Africa to fight for white regimes in Angola, Rhodesia, Congo, or South Africa. Ray was arrested at London's Heathrow Airport on June 8 while. On March 30, 1968, he bought a rifle and scope at Aeromarine Supply Company in Birmingham, Alabama. On April 4, he used the rifle to assassinate Martin Luther King Jr. in Memphis. After killing King, Ray fled to Toronto, where he acquired a Canadian passport using an alias. On May 6, he flew to London with the aim of going to Africa to fight for white regimes in Angola, Rhodesia, Congo, or South Africa. Ray was arrested at London's Heathrow Airport on June 8 while attempting to fly to Brussels, Belgium. He was extradited to the U.S. and arrived back in Memphis on July 19
[4] June 8, 1968: James Earl Ray is captured - ABA Journal In Brussels he had hoped to find passage to South Africa, Rhodesia or some other white-ruled African nation where he imagined he could claim sanctuary
[6] Dylann Roof's "manifesto" nigamajiga Twitter user @HenryKrinkIe reportedly stumbled across a website he claimed was registered by Dylann Roof whois reveals it is hosted by a Russian provider . When Twitter user @HenryKrinkIe was asked why Roofs "manifesto" was hosted on a Russian web provider and seemingly registered by a person living in Australia he responded with. ite was registered by a one Dyllan Roof on 2015-02-09 using the Email address Two consistent facts about this website are perfectly clear. One, being its hosted on a Russian Web host and two the email used not only implies the registrar's admiration for the New York Yankees former professional baseball shortstop Derek Jeeter but is another Russian email/websearch provider similar to Google.
[6] Dylann Roof's "manifesto" nigamajiga Twitter user @HenryKrinkIe reportedly stumbled across a website he claimed was registered by Dylann Roof whois reveals it is hosted by a Russian provider . When Twitter user @HenryKrinkIe was asked why Roofs "manifesto" was hosted on a Russian web provider and seemingly registered by a person living in Australia he responded with. ite was registered by a one Dyllan Roof on 2015-02-09 using the Email address Two consistent facts about this website are perfectly clear. One, being its hosted on a Russian Web host and two the email used not only implies the registrar's admiration for the New York Yankees former professional baseball shortstop Derek Jeeter but is another Russian email/websearch provider similar to Google.
[7] Was James Earl Ray innocent? Salon quest to uncover the truth about Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination WILLIAM F. PEPPER Excerpted from “The Plot to Kill King” by Dr. William F. Pepper,
[8] Dylann Roof Confesses: Says He Wanted to Start 'Race War' Newsweek During his confession, one of the officials said Roof told authorities he wanted to start a “race war.” “He was big into segregation and other stuff. He said he wanted to start a civil war. He said he was going to do something like that and then kill himself,” Dalton Tyler, Roof’s roommate, told ABC News.
[9] How Russia Targets the U.S. Military - POLITICO Magazine Jun 12, 2017 -fall of 2013, Veterans Today, a fringe American news site that also offers former service members help finding jobs and paying medical bills, struck up a new partnership. It began posting content from New Eastern Outlook, a geopolitical journal published by the government-chartered Russian Academy of Sciences. A state Department expert in Russian influence campaigns who was not authorized to speak on the record said he had taken note of Veterans Today’s partnership with New Eastern Outlook and that Southfront appears to be a Russian front that deliberately obscures its origins. Kate Starbird, a professor at the University of Washington who has studied the role of Veterans Today in the Russia-aligned “alternative media ecosystem,” described the website as an “active partner” in the dissemination of Russian propaganda.
nice one olly