February 14, 2018 Parkland Florida School Shooting , a mass shooting occurred at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, in the Miami metropolitan area. Seventeen people were killed and fourteen more hospitalized, making it one of the world's deadliest school massacres and the deadliest high school shooting in modern U.S. history. Nikolas Cruz, man arrested as the shooter, is in custody of the Broward County Sheriff's Office, charged with 17 counts of premeditated murder. 17 killed Nikolas de Jesus Cruz, opened fire with an AR-15 rifle inside and outside the school. Cruz, 19, was taken into police custody after he fled the school on foot. ederal authorities don't believe it was related to terrorism. instagram post before that one showed a Google search for "Allahu Akbar." Same day as NSA gate ramming attack and shooting at Fort Meade that had no motive and was "not related to terrorism"
People don't know why somebody would want to kill students but Ex-college student Tnuza Jamal Hassan was indicted on federal terrorism charges for setting fires at St. Catherine University in St. Paul, Jan. 17, 2018 to kill students because of US wars against muslims after trying to fly to Al Qaeda in Afghanistan.
- Heavy: https://heavy.com/news/2018/02/nicolas-nikolas-nick-cruz-florida-school-shooter-gunman-instagram/
- autism: The family member said Nikolas Cruz had been diagnosed with autism and Lynda had sought counseling for him from a young age.
- ben the bondsman reported to fbi YouTube User Claims Nikolas Cruz Posted he previously alerted the FBI to a school shooting comment left on one of his videos by user Nikolas Cruz.
- black: “Girls thought he was creepy and weird,” Milan Parodie told The Daily Beast. “He wore a lot of black and was always alone... I don’t know how to put it but, like, he never seemed depressed or sad. He was always a little crazy is the best way to put it.”
- bomb making videos: Police received a tip that the suspect was possibly watching videos on Youtube about how to make bombs, according to police scanner transmissions. Police were searching the building as a precaution after learning about that information, but it is not known if there were any bombs left in the school.
- The person who gave police the tip also had messages exchanged with the suspect.
- classmate family: moved in with guns Cruz eventually moved in with a classmate’s family after he was unhappy with where he was living after his mother’s death. lawyer who says he represents the family that lives here says the accused shooter, Nikolas Cruz lived here the last three months. He says Cruz had his own room at the home. He says the family he represents is fully cooperating with investigators
- expelled: Cruz was expelled last school year after getting into a fight with his ex-girlfriend's new boyfriend. The 17-year-old said that Cruz was abusive while they were together. false flag Alex Jones on Florida high school shooting: It may be a false flag, and ... media matters ALEX JONES (HOST): The Democrats have been caught in false flags before. I'm not saying this is a false flag but they've been talking about massacres and things if people don't leave them alone, and release the memo. So, if there are massacres and they keep threatening massacres, that makes them ...
- family: family member told ABC News that Cruz and his younger brother were adopted and that his adoptive parents are now deceased. His father, Roger Cruz died a few years ago, ABC reported, and his mother, Lynda, died last November. Family members told the Orlando Sentinel that Cruz had emotional problems and other issues growing up, and said that his mother tried her best to get him counseling and help after his father died. "He was being a problem. I know he did have some issues and he may have been taking medication. [He] did have some kind of emotional or difficulties,” Barbara Kumbatovich, a relative, told the paper. “[Lynda] kept a really close handle on both boys. They were not major issues, as far as I know, just things teenagers do like not coming home on time, maybe being disrespectful.” Cruz was living with a friend’s family after his adoptive mother died. Cruz was adopted by his parents, Roger and Lynda Cruz, as a young child, a family member told ABC News. Both of his adopted parents are dead. Lynda Cruz died last year, ABC News reports. An obituary shows she died in November. She is pictured on that obituary page holding her young son.
- police calls: Christine and Malcolm Roxburgh, who lived next door to the Cruz family in Parkland, also told the Sentinel that police had been called to the home "many times."
- purchase gun CNN reports that Cruz purchased the gun himself in the past year and passed a background check.
- Cruz already owned the AR-15 used in the shooting before he moved in with the family. “It was his gun,” Lewis told the newspaper. “The family made him keep it in a locked gun cabinet in the house but he had a key.”
- gas mask wearing a gas mask, began tossing smoke bombs and shooting people as they ran through the haze.miami herald
- girlfriend: Victoria Olvera told the AP that Cruz was abusive toward his ex-girlfriend. Gard told the New York Times, Cruz was obsessed with a girl at the school, “to the point of stalking her.”
- Islam Cruz always had his hair short and had a penchant for wearing patriotic shirts that “seemed really extreme, like hating on” Islam, Parodie said. The suspected gunman would also deride Muslims as “terrorists and bombers.” 2015, he posted a screenshot of a Google search for the phrase, “what does allahu akbar.” He then wrote a caption that included an anti-Muslim slur, “Well at least we now know what it means when a sand durka says “allahu Akbar” ??????” While some have been using that post to claim that he was pro-ISIS or supporter of Islamic terrorism, comments he made on the Instagram post indicated he wanted to kill terrorists and made jokes about terrorism.
- “Durka durka Mohamed jihad .. how do I work this oh oh I mess up cooo booom!!” he wrote. He then added, “durka durka … bam boom explosions,” with a series of bomb smilies.
- job: “After he got expelled he worked at a Dollar Store next to the movie theater,” Parodie said. “I went there and asked him what happened once. He said he was expelled and was happy that he was thrown out.
- financial problems: told her his family had been forced to sell their house in the upscale neighborhood because of money problems. She also told the paper both Cruz and his brother were adopted and their adoptive father had died.Their mother, Lynda Cruz, would call the police to try to help deal with the boys’ behavioral problems, Pasciolla told the Times.
- instagram: He Posted Photos of Guns & Knives on Instagram, Calling His Weapons an ‘Arsenal’
- JROTC was reportedly part of the US military-sponsored Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corp (JROTC) program at the school, but “no one ever took him seriously,”
- mental health: Cruz was a client at a mental health clinic and had been “dealing with mental health issues.” He had been undergoing some treatment, Furr said, but he did not go into detail about that. He had not been back to the clinic for over a year. So there’s been a time he was receiving treatment and then stopped,” they should not be able to buy, surround themselves, purchase or carry a handgun,”
- Parodie showed sympathy: Parodie realized the outcast he had pitied was the person who had just executed his schoolmates.
- prediction: Honestly, a lot of people were saying that it was gonna be him,” one student told WJXT of Cruz. “Actually, a lot of kids joked... saying that he was gonna be the one to shoot up the school, but it turns out, you know, everyone predicted it, that’s crazy.
- school shootings: There have been 17 other shootings on school campuses around the country already this year. heavy
- youtube comment YouTube user named “BentheBondsman” posted a video Wednesday night saying that the FBI visited him to talk about Cruz because a user named Nikolas Cruz commented on one of his videos recently. he reported the comment, “Im going to be a professional school shooter,” after seeing it in September. He submitted a report to Youtube and it was deleted, and he submitted a tip of it to the FBI. He said two agents visited him in September about the post. BentheBondsman said he talked to agents again after the shooting.
- smoke bomb U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson told reporters that Cruz pulled a fire alarm and then, wearing a gas mask, began tossing smoke bombs and shooting people as they ran through the haze.miami herald
- terrorism motive for the shooting, which he said doesn't immediately appear to have been prompted by any confrontation; federal authorities don't believe it was related to terrorism. miami herald
- trump hat - he wore one
- valentines day Cruz, Who Told a Friend ‘I Don’t Go to School on Valentine’s Day, An attorney representing that family told the Miami Herald that Cruz slept in Wednesday morning and didn’t go to school, telling his friend, “‘It’s Valentine’s Day and I don’t go to school on Valentine’s Day,’” the lawyer said.
- window shot: the next thing we know the school shooter shot the window, glass went everywhere. We all put our heads down, he put the gun inside the window, turned his gun and shot three or four bullets, I heard a kid in my class with his knee shot and another school got shot and she was just bleeding everywhere. It was horrifying.”
- youtube: nine months before Wednesday’s Florida school shooting, Nikolaz Cruz YouTube account, with nine subscribers and no publicly visible video uploads, belonged to the shooter, but it was suspended for “violent content” hours after the Florida shooting, apparently following the discovery of the comment. documentary on a 1966 mass shooting, saying he wanted to do the same. “I am going to what he did,” (sic) the now-deleted comment read. It was posted under a Discovery UK documentary about the 1966 Texas University shooting,
- Alex Jones on Florida school shooting: May be a false flag, Democrats ...
- CODE RED: PARKLAND HOAX | COALITION OF THE OBVIOUS Dead Hero Coach of Parkland Shooting Hoax Aaron Feis Found Alive at Funeral?
- global research prorussian “Stooge Time” for America. Florida School Killer Nikolas Cruz Diagnosed with Depression, Autism and ADHD By Philip A Farruggio so he wasn't a terrorist on a mission from a hostile nation-state.
- Henry Makow Another False Flag Shooting in Florida? "mom" claiming to have been in the 2017 Fort Lauderdale, Florida airport shooting now says that her "kids" were part of this shooting. ... In short, the shooting was done by Jesus, the NRA, and Trump--everyone the left-wing Zionist MSM wants you to hate. all the markings of a government-sponsored false flag event: Propornot = prorussian The List - PropOrNot henrymakow.com
- molesite https://themolesite.wordpress.com/2018/03/03/the-parkland-school-florida-shooting/comment-page-1/
- Nodisinfo: Zionist Criminal Agents Orchestrate Florida Parkland Shooting Hoax for Gun Control: February 15, 2018 (pro-russian/anti-semitic) Zionist Criminal Agents Orchestrate Florida Parkland Shooting Hoax for Gun Control Make no mistake the Zionists are up to their [...] Dead Hero Coach of Parkland Shooting Hoax Aaron Feis Found Alive at Funeral? https://nodisinfo.com/dead-hero-coach-parkland-shooting-hoax-found-alive-funeral/.
- Ole Dammegard 5 Reasons To Question The Official Narrative Of The Florida School Shooting distracted from the fact that France and many other nations including the U.S. are preparing for war in Syria ande U.S. has destroyed a Russian tank in “self-defense” as well as blaming Russia for the chemical weapons inching us closer to WW3 with Moscow.
- Paul Craig Roberts The Shooting At Marjory Stoneman Douglas High students who say they were told there would be a drill with police firing blanks with people screaming, the purpose of which was to prepare the students in the event a real shooting occurred. not sufficient time for the suspect to have put on his bulletproof vest, helmet, gasmask, go up a stairwell and shoot up 3 different floors. https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-02-26/questions-emerge-over-florida-shooters-full-metal-garb completely clear that the Boston bombing was a staged hoax by hired crisis actors: https://truthandshadows.wordpress.com/2013/05/08/false-flag-theatre-boston-bombing-involves-clearly-staged-carnage/ Architects, engineers, and physicists have conclusively proven that WTC 7 was brought down by controlled demolition
- PressTV-At least 17 dead in Florida school shooting Iran media blames culture of mass shootings 18th shooting at an school since the beginning of 2018, that is, one shooting every 60 hours. There has been over 6,500 shooting incidents across the US so far, leading to the death of over 1,820 people and injuring more than 3,100 other. PressTV-Gun nightmare: A US school shooting every 60hrsThe US has averaged one school shooting every 60 hours since the beginning of 2018, data shows. anti-american troll comments: Why is it that when something small happens in the US the whole world get's shocked and these very governments are killing and raping millions of women and children all over the Middle East and elsewhere and nobody talks about that it so slow and decades go by in the useless UN? /This is a hoax, a distraction the jooz are terrified of our guns. / white American is involved in mass shouting, after Las Vegas ,FBI have been saying most of killings is done by white population / how D.T. does NOT EVER twits about ANY U.S. born citizen shootings and killing innocent people in Schools, Concert/Hotel, Churches, Offices, Shopping centers, Movie Theaters........., just like terrorists do. I guess as long as they are U.S. born citizens it makes it ok, and they will call or label them as a "Lone Wolf" (NEVER EVER a Terrorist), and then they just let it go. Arabic/Muslim name, and happen to be Muslim(Most of these people that kill innocent people are NOT Muslim at all), well we all know what happens them. 1st, twitter gets blown away by D.T RIGHT AWAY. 2nd, he or she does NOT get "Lone Wolf" label, he or she will be called and labeled as a "Terrorist". Although He or she acted along and on their own. / Zio-USA and their wild gun culture! USA nutjobs want to act like their USA Military in murdering people. USA is such a screwed up country! / I just can't feel sympathy for things that are happening in America, not after all the evil they are involved in. So something like "We cannot live in a world that's built on fear." is pure hypocrisy, for real. / another BS hoax they do this garbage all the time / This guy is just a Murderer as those sponsored by the Saudis called ISIS . / ANGELA NINKOVIC 100% ITS TRUTH .TWO WEEKS AGO US, MILITARY DID THE SAME . TO DAY THE SAME US, MILATRY .THEY ARE FREE MURDER .THEY TRAIND TO KILL .IT WAS I THINK 12 YEARS AGO ONE MAN HAD 22 CASESS AND GARB NEIGHBORS, 7 YEARS OLD GIRL MANY TIMES TURTURE AND RAPE HER .AND LIFE BURIED HER .INNOCENT PEOPLE ARE SUFFERD BY EVIL ./ United states of mass murderers, model nation for the world, leader of human rights, in God they trust while sending people to God. / shooter is a 18 year old "white" Christian terrorist named Nicholas Cruz, who hated immigrants. Wonder whether the orange racist moron will tweet anyting? / Where are the bodies where is the blood?
- RT youtube comments: Vladimir Ramirez Welcome to the J€w World Order. What will you call it ?? CHRISTIAN TERRORIST ATTACK ?? False flag. scoldedcat Nothing new here. This happens once a month in the United Toilets of America. Notice how RT goes right along with the false narrative never really questioning the validity of these shootings. They always have even before they were widely criticized in the west. False flag distraction! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They want the guns too / false flag distraction: timing fascinates me, with so much coming out, with regards 'Steele Dossier' and intelligence involvement. Funny, how whatever tragedies happen, my first thought is always false flag and who gains?
- Russia Twitter troll bots PRO-GUN RUSSIAN BOTS FLOOD TWITTER AFTER PARKLAND SHOOTING Hamilton 68, a website created by Alliance for Securing Democracy, tracks Twitter activity from accounts it has identified as linked to Russian influence campaigns. As of morning, shooting-related terms dominated the site’s trending hashtags and topics, including Parkland, guncontrolnow, Florida, guncontrol, and Nikolas Cruz, the top link shared by Russia-linked accounts...deranged” Instagram account of the shooter, showing images of him holding guns and knives, wearing army hats, and a screenshot of a Google search of the phrase “Allahu Akbar.” spreading misinformation about the shooter's ties to far-left group Antifa, even though the Associated Press reported that he was a member of a local white nationalist group. The Twitter account Education4Libs... spike in shooting-related posts from Russia-linked bots is in line with what his group observed after last year's shootings in Las Vegas and Texas... appear at first to show the Russian strategy of promoting discord on both sides of a debate. Russian-linked Twitter accounts have attempted to spread confusion and angst on topics ranging from police violence against black people, to NFL player protests, to Al Franken’s sexual misconduct accusations.
- Southland Russian military site trolls: American Culture is the Planet Cancer ! Your chances of dying as a student at a school is greater in the United States than if you were a soldier in the Armed Forces. America's greatest export to the world is violence which is as American as apple pie and baseball. / I'm a 59 year old American. Mass shootings were almost unheard of in the US when I was younger. 95% occurred after psycho shooter drugs were legalized and pumped into society in mass quantities by big pharma and pusher shrinks writing scripts to fuel their income. 10% of the civilian and 17% of the military population have them in their medical history. Almost every mass shooter is on them. The US is the most J-- infested nation on the planet. It needs to be dejudified and these evil cultists gotten out of government, media, finance and academia where they do so much harm. / He is nazi. The insult is OK. FSB should go after him. / FSB, the Russian security agency, why would they possibly want to go after me? You're crazy. There's been a 95% dejudification in Russia over the past 100+ years. And Russia is much better off for it. - Rabbi’s expulsion rattles Russian Jews fearful of Kremlin crackdown - / Judaism should be outlawed and Israel delisted from the UN. It's an evil pedophile mass rape cult and the source of many of humanity's problems. Particularly in the US and middle east. - the true causes of “antisemitism” - 24 cases of herpes have been linked to circumcision since 2000. Two of the infants died and two others suffered brain damage." / America doesn't need to combat foreign-based terrorists. Good percentage of US population are well-armed terrorists, fully prepared to carry out terrorist acts against other Americans. US needs to start dealing with the thousands and hundreds of thousands of demented and well-armed terrorists among its own population. / Americans are Paranoiac due to their permanent Genocide abroad since the US exist ! But the Jews running Hollywood are obsessed by the Holocaust business to ransack Europe, and are applying the Gobbles doctrine "repeat thousands time a lie and it's become true" Since 9/11 Civilians exterminations promoted by Israel in-between Afghanistan and Libya is beating the NAZI supposed Shoah ! Madeleine Albright said she was proud to be responsible of 500'000 Children's death in Iraq ! / big part of the problem is J-- We need to get rid of them. Inside the DC beltway and a 50 mile radius of NYC is J-- occupied territory. They're huge trouble makers. Much of what's wrong with the US is caused by J--. / J-- did it: Why is it these mass shootings always happen where there is a large population of "the chosen people", funny that Mateen was buddies with Clinton. Las Vegas, New York, etc....I call BS, again. More "deep state" shenanigans if you ask me. CIA/Mossad/MIC need to find some new hobbies. I expect soon we'll be seeing some false flags blamed on "white supremacists" "nazis" or m ybe even russians, seems to be the narrative lately.... I'm not saying that no one is being killed, just who they are blaming for doing the killing.
- YouTube user ‘Nikolas Cruz’ said he wanted to go on a mass ...RT
A user with the name ‘Nikolas Cruz’ – the name of the shooter who killed 17 people in a Florida high school on Wednesday – posted a comment under a ...user with the name ‘Nikolas Cruz’ – the name of the shooter who killed 17 people in a Florida high school on Wednesday – posted a comment under a documentary on a 1966 mass shooting, saying he wanted to do the same. “I am going to what he did,” (sic) the now-deleted comment read. It was posted under a Discovery UK documentary about the 1966 Texas University shooting, in which a former marine shot dead 18 and injured over 30 others from atop the main building tower at the University of Texas at Austin. - Willyloman https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOknGdKKyn0 Parkland School Shooting: Gun-Grabbers Off to the Races Some of the parents of those kids from that school are still looking for info on the dead and wounded while gun-grabbers are busy politicizing the event just as fast as they can.Hell, it’s almost as if they look forward to these things… as long as it’s someone else’s kids.
- Ziggy Kelleher Parkland Florida School Shooting Hoax .The Twists and Turns of the Spun Yarns of Guns.Youlube. everything is a hoax outube user reposts other user with nick cruze comment who called fbi after comment left in 2014 , posts las vegas shooting hoax ernst zundel saved 3 million jews ghost dog pile on Qatari zionists synagogue of satan santa rose fires they are fixing burned cars
NIKOLAS CRUZ Florida's mass shooting gunmans' instagram shows years of the killers mind youtube what does allah ackbar mean
Global research prorussian propaganda:
Seventeen Killed in Mass Shooting at Florida High School | Global ...
Seventeen people were killed and at least 14 more wounded Wednesday afternoon in the latest horrific school shooting in the United States. The tragedy unfolded at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, located some 30 miles northwest of Fort Lauderdale, in Broward County.
Are Dead Children the Price of Freedom? | Global Research ...
When the news broke on Valentine's Day that 17 people—mostly young students —had lost their lives in Parkland, Florida, one could be forgiven for being numb. Of the 10 deadliest mass shootings in US history, six have come after 2012. Of those six, three have occurred in the last 5 months, including the ...
Stephen Lendman wants fewer guns Gun Ownership in America: Laws in America Permit More Guns after ... https://www.globalresearch.ca/laws-in-america-permit-more.../5617387
Of relevance to this week's school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, this article first published by Global Research on November 9, 2017 addresses the issue of Gun Ownership in America. VISIT MY NEW WEB SITE: stephenlendman.org. (Home – Stephen Lendman). Yet gun ownership or possession in America is almost as easy as buying toothpaste.The framers had no such intention in mind. Constitutional revisionists claim otherwise. Loosening gun restrictions in the wake of mass shootings fails to provide people with greater protection. With more guns around, they’re likely to be less safe. Newest prorussian book: “Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony (russian terminology) Risks WW III.”
Neo-McCarthyite Hysteria at US Senate Intelligence Committee ...
The absurdity of such a statement was revealed once again on Wednesday when a mass school shooting took place in Parkland, Florida, the 18th school shooting to occur in the seven weeks of 2018. Are Russia and China responsible for the social dysfunction that produces such atrocities with horrific ...
Florida school shooting crisis actor found?? 100% Hoax false flag!! s
Florida school shooting hoax/drill. FAIR USE - YouTube
5 hours ago - Uploaded by Russ Redfern #3Student says teacher died trying to save students at Florida school - Duration: 4:00. Youtubia TV 72 views. New ...
Another crisis actor live from Parkland Florida high school shooting ...
6 hours ago - Uploaded by wutang3566Bad acting.
Douglas High School shooting - Wikipedia
On February 14, 2018, a mass shooting occurred at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, in the Miami metropolitan area. Seventeen people were killed and fourteen more hospitalized, making it one of the world's deadliest school massacres and the deadliest high school shooting in modern U.S. history.[1][2] Nikolas Cruz, man arrested as the shooter, is in custody of the Broward County Sheriff's Office, charged with 17 counts of premeditated murder.[3]
The shooting took place on February 14, 2018, at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.
At approximately 2:40 p.m. EST, near dismissal time, staff and students heard gunfire and enacted a "code red" lockdown.[4] The shooter activated a fire alarm while wearing a gas mask and carrying smoke grenades.[5][6] He was armed with a .223 caliber AR-15 style rifle and multiple magazines.[7][8] He briefly escaped by blending in with students fleeing the school before being tracked by school security camera recordings and arrested without incident in nearby Coral Springs, Florida.[9] A United States government official said the rifle used in the shooting was purchased legally after passing a background check.[10]
The shooting was the deadliest shooting to take place at a high school, surpassing the 1999 Columbine High School massacre.[11]
Seventeen students and staff were killed and many others injured, including at least fourteen (minus the shooter) who were hospitalized.[7][12] Three people remained in critical condition the next day.[13] Of those killed, twelve died in the school, two just outside the school buildings, one on the street and two at the hospital.[7]
Nikolas Jacob Cruz | |
Broward County Sheriff's Office mugshot
| |
Born | September 24, 1998 |
The suspected shooter was identified as Nikolas Cruz,[14][15] a 19-year-old former student of the school. His former math teacher said an email from the school administration had circulated among teachers, warning that Cruz had made threats against other students, leading to his ban from wearing a backpack on campus. He was later expelled for fighting with the boyfriend of his former girlfriend.[16][14][17]
Cruz was a member of the Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps (JROTC), which awarded him multiple times for outstanding academic performance.[10] A former classmate said he had a lot of anger management issues and often joked about guns and gun-related violence, including "shooting up establishments".[18] Another described him as "super stressed-out all the time and talked about guns a lot and tried to hide his face".[19] A current student said, "I think everyone had in their minds if anybody was going to do it, it was going to be him."[19] Another classmate described him as a loner without many friends, saying, "He told me how he got kicked out of two private schools. He was held back twice. He had aspirations to join the military. He enjoyed hunting."[10]
Sheriff Scott Israel of Broward County described the suspect's online profiles and accounts as "very, very disturbing." The profiles contained numerous pictures and posts of the suspect with a variety of weapons, including long knives, a shotgun, a pistol, and a BB gun. The suspect's YouTube videos included violent threats, such as "I wanna die Fighting killing s**t ton of people."[10][20] The suspect left a comment on another user's YouTube video in September 2017 stating "I'm going to be a professional school shooter" which prompted the user to report Cruz to the Federal Bureau of Investigation.[21]
Nikolas was adopted at birth by Lynda Cruz and her husband, the latter of whom died during his childhood of a heart attack. His adopted mother died on November 1, 2017 from influenza and pneumonia. He had been living with relatives and friends since her death. He had also previously been receiving mental health treatment, however he stopped going and never returned.[10][22]
Cruz has been charged with 17 counts of premeditated murder.[23] If found guilty he could face the death penalty.[24]
First responders established a triage tent outside the school.[12] The school district provided grief counseling to students and their families. Additionally, Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi said costs of funerals and counseling would be covered by the state.[25]
President Donald Trump and Governor Rick Scott were briefed on the shooting.[5] Trump offered his prayers and condolences to the victims’ families, writing that "no child, teacher or anyone else should ever feel unsafe in an American school".[26][27] Scott ordered flags at state buildings to be flown at half-staff.[28]
Confusion and controversy
The suspect was originally misreported as "Nicolas de Jesus Cruz," however officials have stated that individual is not the same as the suspect, noting the suspect's birthday is in September 1998, while the other individual's birthday is in May 1998.[20]
See also
- Assault weapons legislation in the United States
- List of attacks related to secondary schools
- List of rampage killers (school massacres)
- List of school massacres by death toll
- Federal Assault Weapons Ban
- School shootings in the United States
- ^ Laughland, Oliver; Luscombe, Richard; Yuhas, Alan (February 15, 2018). "At least 17 people dead in Florida school shooting: 'It's a horrific, horrific day'". The Guardian. Archived from the original on February 15, 2018. Retrieved February 15, 2018.
- Jump up^ Earl, Jennifer (February 14, 2018). "Florida school shooting among 10 deadliest in modern US history". Fox News. Archived from the original on February 15, 2018. Retrieved February 15, 2018.
- Jump up^ Shapiro, Emily (February 14, 2018). "Police respond to shooting at Florida high school, suspect at large". Yahoo! News. Archived from the original on February 15, 2018. Retrieved February 14, 2018.
- Jump up^ Fleshler, David; Chokey, Aric; Huriash, Lisa J.; Trischitta, Linda (February 14, 2018). "Multiple deaths in South Florida high school shooting". Sun Sentinel. Archived from the original on February 14, 2018. Retrieved February 14, 2018.
- ^ Jump up to:a b Zwirz, Elizabeth (February 14, 2018). "Parkland high school shooting: At least 17 killed, suspect in custody, Florida sheriff says". Fox News. Archived from the original on February 14, 2018. Retrieved February 14, 2018.
- Jump up^ "Suspect, Nikolaus Cruz, in custody in Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Florida today". CBS News. February 14, 2018. Retrieved February 14,2018.
- ^ Jump up to:a b c Grinberg, Emanuella; Levenson, Eric (February 14, 2018). "At least 17 dead in Florida school shooting, law enforcement says". CNN. Archived from the original on February 14, 2018. Retrieved February 14, 2018.
- Jump up^ Shapiro, Emily (February 14, 2018). "17 dead in 'horrific' Florida school shooting, suspect had 'countless magazines'". ABC News. Archived from the original on February 15, 2018. Retrieved February 15, 2018.
- Jump up^ Slayton, Ashley M. (February 14, 2018). "Doctor: Hospitals treating 16 shooting victims; 17 fatalities also confirmed". Tyler, Texas: KLTV. Archived from the original on February 15, 2018. Retrieved February 14, 2018.
- ^ Jump up to:a b c d e Park, Madison. "Florida suspect's digital profile 'very, very disturbing'". CNN. Retrieved February 15, 2018.
- Jump up^ Hanks, Douglas; Alex Harris (2018-02-14). "Worse than Columbine: This is one of the deadliest school shootings in U.S. history". Miami Herald. Retrieved 2018-02-15.
- ^ Jump up to:a b Burke, Peter; Batchelor, Amanda; Suarez, Carlos; Mohan, Neki; Seiden, Michael (February 14, 2018). "17 killed in shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School". WPLG. Miami, Florida. Archived from the original on February 15, 2018. Retrieved February 14, 2018.
- Jump up^ Micklethwaite, James (February 15, 2018). "Florida school shooter who killed 17 and injured 50 named as ex-pupil Nikolas Cruz". Daily Star.
- ^ Jump up to:a b Teproff, Carli; Herrera, Chabeli; Smiley, David (February 14, 2018). "17 dead, 15 wounded after expelled student shoots up Stoneman Douglas High in Broward". Miami Herald. Archived from the original on February 14, 2018. Retrieved February 15, 2018.
- Jump up^ Broward County Sheriff [@browardsheriff] (February 14, 2018). "Correction: suspect's name is spelled Nikolas Cruz #StonemanShooting" (Tweet). Retrieved February 14, 2018 – via Twitter.
- Jump up^ Kelli, Kennedy (February 14, 2018). "Here's what we know about Nikolas Cruz, the Florida school shooting suspect". Boston. Associated Press. Archived from the original on February 15, 2018. Retrieved February 15, 2018.
- Jump up^ De Moraes, Lisa (February 14, 2018). "Police: At Least 17 Dead In Florida High School Shooting; Ex-Student In Custody, ID'd – Update". Deadline Hollywood. Archived from the original on February 15, 2018. Retrieved February 14, 2018.
- Jump up^ "'There are really no words': 17 dead in Florida high school shooting; former student in custody". USA Today. Archived from the original on February 15, 2018. Retrieved February 15, 2018.
- ^ Jump up to:a b Darrah, Nicole (February 14, 2018). "Nikolas Cruz, identified as Florida high school shooting suspect, reportedly showed warning signs". Fox News.
- ^ Jump up to:a b McBride, Jessica (2018-02-14). "Nikolas Cruz' Social Media Posts About Guns on Instagram". Heavy.com. Retrieved 2018-02-15.
- Jump up^ "The FBI Was Warned About A School Shooting Threat From A YouTube User Named Nikolas Cruz In September". BuzzFeed. Retrieved 2018-02-15.
- Jump up^ "Nikolas Cruz: Troubled suspect had been expelled from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School". Sun-Sentinel. Archived from the original on February 15, 2018. Adopted at birth by a loving older couple, Nikolas Cruz seemed to struggle in recent years. His dad died when he was much younger and the 19-year-old’s mom died just 3 ½ months ago, neighbors, friends and family members said.
- Jump up^ "Florida Shooting: Nikolas Cruz Is Charged With 17 Counts of Murder". The New York Times. February 15, 2018. Retrieved February 15, 2018.
- Jump up^ http://www.businessinsider.com/florida-school-shooting-suspect-nikolas-cruz-could-face-death-penalty-2018-2
- Jump up^ Gonzales, Richard (February 14, 2018). "Sheriff's Office Reports 17 People Dead In South Florida High School Shooting". NPR. Archived from the original on February 15, 2018. Retrieved February 15, 2018.
- Jump up^ Schwartz, Rafi (February 14, 2018). "At Least One Dead, Dozens Injured In Florida High School Shooting (DEVELOPING)". Splinter News. Archived from the original on February 15, 2018. Retrieved February 14, 2018.
- Jump up^ Trump, Donald J. (February 14, 2018). "My prayers and condolences to the families of the victims of the terrible Florida shooting. No child, teacher or anyone else should ever feel unsafe in an American school". @realDonaldTrump. Archived from the original on February 15, 2018. Retrieved February 14, 2018.
- Jump up^ Flesher, David; Chokey, Aric; Huriash, Lisa J.; Trischitta, Linda (February 14, 2018). "Seventeen killed in South Florida high school shooting". Sun-Sentinel. Broward County, Florida. Archived from the original on February 15, 2018. Retrieved February 15, 2018.
External links
![]() | Wikimedia Commons has media related to Douglas High School shooting. |
Quotations related to Stoneman Douglas High School shooting at Wikiquote
- 2018 in Florida
- 2018 mass shootings in the United States
- Broward County, Florida
- Deaths by firearm in Florida
- February 2018 crimes
- February 2018 events in the United States
- Mass shootings in Florida
- School massacres in the United States
- School shootings committed by adults
- School shootings in the United States
In the Aftermath of the Connecticut School Tragedy: U.S. Must ...
This week's school shooting at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, brings once again to forefront the issue of gun ownership in the US, which is the object of this December 2012 article focussing on the Newton, Connecticut school shooting (December14, 2012). **. The fatal ...
Citing an ABC News report, Fox News said, “Law enforcement sources referred to the alleged voices as ‘demons,’ according to the outlet, and said Cruz, 19, claimed that they told him what he needed to do to launch the deadly assault.” The ABC News report can be found here.
instagram Looking Into The Eyes Of A Killer Parkland School Shooting*Psyop*Q https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=785yjXhm31ohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=785yjXhm31o
Mass shooting in Florida school leaves 17 dead comments dying internally like most empires. / Adolescents are targeted with inappropriate themes in all forms of media ranging from violent music lyrics and videos, popular films, and video games. They frequently access violent online pornography. Youth have less supervision than previous generations. Media has profound influence on the minds of children. Hold them accountable to setting a standard of decency. You know that the ones controlling these corporate entities do not allow their own children’s minds to be corrupted by the garbage they sell to yours.... Yeah well, my condolences if anyone died. The recent "events" was staged though and the media lost all credibility. Makes it hard to believe anything really. ya I call it the "Sandy Hook" syndrome Parents laughing and smiling before switching to sad teary faces for the media, not knowing they were already being broadcast live. Maybe he is envious of the Is raelis that can kill Palestinian kids whenever they feel like it. Like wise, this shooting is a cause of Christian Terrorism ... Any idea of Izra_el bombing schools in Gaza? Forcing religious Jooish girls into compulsory military service in 21st century?
If Jooze are suffering just for being Jooze anywhere in the world is the State of Izra_el ForbjudenThe Antidote7h
At least you admit that being Zoinist is an insult and Talmud is source of deception. I just wonder how do you rationalize all this in your convoluted head?
RT Florida school shooter identified as 19yo former student
The death toll In the Florida school shooting has exceeded Columbine.
Students are evacuated from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School during a shootingincident in Parkland, Florida on Feb. 14, 2018. WSVN.com via REUTERS. Update February 14, 6:30 PM: At least 17 people have been killed in Wednesday's shooting at a Parkland Florida high school, according to law ...
Sen. Bill Nelson: Florida School Shooter Wore Gas Mask ... - Deadline
TV news outlets abruptly dropped Washington-centric coverage Wednesday afternoon when a shooter attacked students and staff at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland,Florida on Wednesday afternoon. Quick word of at least 20 shot in the school or on the campus triggered TV news ...
NEW: Possible explosive related to school shooting found near Lantana
3 hours ago - Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi, who was also at the scene, said they will be paying for the funeral services for all of those killed in the shooting. Broward County School District Superintendent Robert Runcie said grief counselors will be available for students at Pines Trails Park inParkland. He said ...
http://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/education/article200094039.html gunned down a dozen people inside buildings on the school’s sprawling campus, two more on the grounds, and one more on Pine Island Road as he fled. Two more died at the hospital. Many underwent surgery at Broward Health hospitals. still working to identify five of the slain after 9 p.m.
football coach and security guard, Aaron Feis, was shot when he jumped in front of several students. Broward Sheriff Scott Israel said Wednesday night that “we lost a football coach.”
Florida School Shooting Suspect Nikolas Cruz Was 'Creepy and Weird ...
Nikolas Cruz, 19, was identified by law-enforcement sources as the suspected gunman who attacked Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, on Wednesday. Cruz was taken into ... on” Islam, Parodie said. The suspected gunman would also deride Muslims as “terroristsand bombers.” ... “I’ve seen him wear a Trump hat,” the student said. “Most kids ignored him at school. They pushed him off to the side as if he was garbage. He screamed in class one time. He was upset and just started yelling at the teacher. The teacher was trying to help him and he just took it the wrong way,” Parodie continued.
Honestly, a lot of people were saying that it was gonna be him,” one student told WJXT of Cruz. “Actually, a lot of kids joked... saying that he was gonna be the one to shoot up the school, but it turns out, you know, everyone predicted it, that’s crazy.”

At least 17 dead in Florida school shooting, law enforcement says
56 mins ago

Florida School Shooting: ‘No Words’ as 17 Die in a Barrage of Bullets
The New York Times
9 hours ago

Florida school shooting: Security, training 'not enough' to stop tragedy
USA Today
37 mins agoMore for florida school shooting
Affected area
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florida school shooting on Twitter
Broward Sheriff
A news release regarding the Parkland school shooting is available on our website www.sheriff.org.
1 hour ago · Twitter
Broward Sheriff
The next media briefing will take place at 10:30 a.m. Thursday at the media staging area near the school.
1 hour ago · Twitter
Broward Schools
UPDATE – regarding Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School: grief counseling will be available tomorrow, Thursday, February 15, 2018, at the following locations: bit.ly/2o7sIkw
3 hours ago · Twitter
Broward Schools
Superintendent Robert W. Runcie shares a message regarding today’s tragedy at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. @RobertWRuncie says “There are no words to express the sorrow that we are all feeling.” Read the full message: bit.ly/2EJvLK7
3 hours ago · Twitter
Broward Sheriff
Sheriff Israel will provide a briefing at 9pm #stonemanshooting.
4 hours ago · Twitter
Broward Schools
Westglades Middle School will be open for the rest of the week. Grief counselors will be at the school for students and staff, as needed.
5 hours ago · Twitter
Broward Schools
Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School will be closed Thursday, February 15 and Friday, February 16, 2018, (for the rest of this week). All school activities are also cancelled.
5 hours ago · Twitter
Broward Sheriff
Correction: suspect’s name is spelled Nikolas Cruz #StonemanShooting
5 hours ago · Twitter
Search Results
Florida school shooting: At least 17 dead - CNN - CNN.com
57 mins ago - At least 17 people were killed Wednesday in a shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, the Broward County Sheriff's office said.
Florida School Shooting: 'No Words' as 17 Die in a Barrage of Bullets ...
https://www.nytimes.com/2018/02/14/us/parkland-school-shooting.html9 hours ago - PARKLAND, Fla. — A heavily armed young man barged into his former high school about an hour northwest of Miami on Wednesday, opening fire on terrified students and teachers and leaving a death toll of 17 that could rise even higher, the authorities said. Students huddled in horror in their classrooms, ...
Florida school shooting: Student describes teacher being shot while ...
2 hours ago - PARKLAND, Fla. — Hours after a shooting rampage at a Broward County high schoolWednesday afternoon, parents were being reunited with their children and hearing what happened inside the school. Anna Cecilia Girao was in her geography class at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High Schoolwith about ...
What We Know About The Florida School Shooting Suspect : The Two ...
https://www.npr.org/...way/.../what-we-know-about-the-florida-school-shooting-suspect4 hours ago - Updated at 8:38 p.m. ET. The Broward sheriff's office has identified the suspect in Wednesday's deadly school shooting as 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz, a former student who had been expelled for disciplinary reasons. Law enforcement says Cruz carried out the attack that killed at least 17 people at Marjory ...
17 killed in shooting at high school in Parkland, Florida, authorities say ...
43 mins ago - At least 17 people were dead after a 19-year-old man opened fire at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, on Wednesday afternoon, officials said. Fourteen others were wounded, five of whom had life-threatening injuries Wednesday night, hospital officials said. Authorities said the ...
What we know so far about the Florida school shooting suspect - ABC ...
abcnews.go.com/US/florida-school-shooting-suspect/story?id=530927532 hours ago - Nikolaus Cruz, an 18-year-old former student at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, is the suspect in the deadly school shooting in Florida today.
17 dead in 'horrific' Florida school shooting, suspect had 'countless ...
abcnews.go.com/US/17-dead-horrific-florida-school-shooting-suspect.../story?id...21 mins ago - A gunman opened fire at a South Florida high school today, killing 17 people and sending students running for their lives, according to law enforcement officers on the scene. -- 17 victims were transported to Broward Health Coral Springs, Broward Health North, Broward Health Medical Center and Boca ...
Celebrities react to Florida school shooting | Fox News
www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2018/.../celebrities-react-to-florida-school-shooting.ht...3 hours ago - At least 17 people were killed Wednesday in a deadly shooting at a high school in Parkland, Florida, officials said.
This Is What We Know About Nikolas Cruz, The Florida High School ...
Officials identified 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz as the suspected gunman responsible for killing at least 17 people at a Florida high school. ... Nikolas Cruz is taken into police custody Wednesday after the school shooting. ... Officials identified the suspect in the shooting as Nikolas Cruz ... He was described as a troubled former student who had been flagged as a potential threat.
At least 17 dead in Florida school shooting, law enforcement says
56 mins ago
Florida School Shooting: ‘No Words’ as 17 Die in a Barrage of Bullets
The New York Times
9 hours ago
Florida school shooting: Security, training 'not enough' to stop tragedy
USA Today
37 mins agoMore for florida school shooting
Affected area
View on map
florida school shooting on Twitter
Broward Sheriff
A news release regarding the Parkland school shooting is available on our website www.sheriff.org.
1 hour ago · Twitter
Broward Sheriff
The next media briefing will take place at 10:30 a.m. Thursday at the media staging area near the school.
1 hour ago · Twitter
Broward Schools
UPDATE – regarding Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School: grief counseling will be available tomorrow, Thursday, February 15, 2018, at the following locations: bit.ly/2o7sIkw
3 hours ago · Twitter
Broward Schools
Superintendent Robert W. Runcie shares a message regarding today’s tragedy at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. @RobertWRuncie says “There are no words to express the sorrow that we are all feeling.” Read the full message: bit.ly/2EJvLK7
3 hours ago · Twitter
Broward Sheriff
Sheriff Israel will provide a briefing at 9pm #stonemanshooting.
4 hours ago · Twitter
Broward Schools
Westglades Middle School will be open for the rest of the week. Grief counselors will be at the school for students and staff, as needed.
5 hours ago · Twitter
Broward Schools
Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School will be closed Thursday, February 15 and Friday, February 16, 2018, (for the rest of this week). All school activities are also cancelled.
5 hours ago · Twitter
Broward Sheriff
Correction: suspect’s name is spelled Nikolas Cruz #StonemanShooting
5 hours ago · Twitter
Search Results
Florida school shooting: At least 17 dead - CNN - CNN.com
57 mins ago - At least 17 people were killed Wednesday in a shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, the Broward County Sheriff's office said.
Florida School Shooting: 'No Words' as 17 Die in a Barrage of Bullets ...
https://www.nytimes.com/2018/02/14/us/parkland-school-shooting.html9 hours ago - PARKLAND, Fla. — A heavily armed young man barged into his former high school about an hour northwest of Miami on Wednesday, opening fire on terrified students and teachers and leaving a death toll of 17 that could rise even higher, the authorities said. Students huddled in horror in their classrooms, ...
Florida school shooting: Student describes teacher being shot while ...
2 hours ago - PARKLAND, Fla. — Hours after a shooting rampage at a Broward County high schoolWednesday afternoon, parents were being reunited with their children and hearing what happened inside the school. Anna Cecilia Girao was in her geography class at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High Schoolwith about ...
What We Know About The Florida School Shooting Suspect : The Two ...
https://www.npr.org/...way/.../what-we-know-about-the-florida-school-shooting-suspect4 hours ago - Updated at 8:38 p.m. ET. The Broward sheriff's office has identified the suspect in Wednesday's deadly school shooting as 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz, a former student who had been expelled for disciplinary reasons. Law enforcement says Cruz carried out the attack that killed at least 17 people at Marjory ...
17 killed in shooting at high school in Parkland, Florida, authorities say ...
43 mins ago - At least 17 people were dead after a 19-year-old man opened fire at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, on Wednesday afternoon, officials said. Fourteen others were wounded, five of whom had life-threatening injuries Wednesday night, hospital officials said. Authorities said the ...
What we know so far about the Florida school shooting suspect - ABC ...
abcnews.go.com/US/florida-school-shooting-suspect/story?id=530927532 hours ago - Nikolaus Cruz, an 18-year-old former student at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, is the suspect in the deadly school shooting in Florida today.
17 dead in 'horrific' Florida school shooting, suspect had 'countless ...
abcnews.go.com/US/17-dead-horrific-florida-school-shooting-suspect.../story?id...21 mins ago - A gunman opened fire at a South Florida high school today, killing 17 people and sending students running for their lives, according to law enforcement officers on the scene. -- 17 victims were transported to Broward Health Coral Springs, Broward Health North, Broward Health Medical Center and Boca ...
Celebrities react to Florida school shooting | Fox News
www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2018/.../celebrities-react-to-florida-school-shooting.ht...3 hours ago - At least 17 people were killed Wednesday in a deadly shooting at a high school in Parkland, Florida, officials said.
This Is What We Know About Nikolas Cruz, The Florida High School ...
Officials identified 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz as the suspected gunman responsible for killing at least 17 people at a Florida high school. ... Nikolas Cruz is taken into police custody Wednesday after the school shooting. ... Officials identified the suspect in the shooting as Nikolas Cruz ... He was described as a troubled former student who had been flagged as a potential threat.
expelled for disciplinary reasons from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, where the shooting took place. He was currently enrolled at another school in the Broward County Public School District, Superintendent Robert Runcie said late Wednesday night.
Around 2:30 p.m., Cruz arrived at the school armed with a semi-automatic rifle and opened fire, Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel said. At least 17 people, including both students and teachers, died.
After firing into classrooms, Cruz was able to conceal himself in the hoards of frantic students fleeing the school, officials said.

Nikolas Cruz, identified as Florida high school shooting suspect ...
www.foxnews.com/.../nicolas-cruz-identified-as-florida-high-school-shooting-suspect-re...3 hours ago - 18-year-old suspected shooter is a former student of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School who was reportedly obsessed with guns. The suspected gunman arrested in connection with Wednesday's shooting at a Florida high school, which left at least 17 people dead, was identified by ...
Nikolas Cruz: Florida school massacre suspect 'had been flagged as a ...
www.telegraph.co.uk › News
53 mins ago - Police identified the suspect as Nikolas Cruz, a 19-year-old who had been expelled from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, about 45 .... Mutchler recalled Cruz posting onInstagram about killing animals and said he had talked about doing target practice in his backyard with a pellet gun.
Who is Nikolas Cruz? Suspect is former student; 17 dead; state to pay ...
2 hours ago - The suspect in the Parkland, Florida school shooting has been identified as Nikolas de Jesus Cruz. Cruz is a 19-year-old former student of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School and had reportedly been identified as a threat in the past. His identity was first reported by the AP and then later confirmed by ...
'Gun-obsessed' Florida shooter poses with rifles and knives in chilling ...
https://www.thesun.co.uk/.../gun-obsessed-florida-shooter-poses-with-rifles-and-knives-i...4 hours ago - CHILLING Instagram pictures show the "gun-obsessed" Florida shooter posing with rifles and knives - as pupils admit they "knew he would shoot up the school". Nikolaus Cruz, 19, was expelled from high school for unspecified disciplinary reasons, but today returned and went on a rampage with rifle, killing ...
Nikolas Cruz, Shooting Suspect, Had Been Expelled From School ...
https://www.nytimes.com/2018/02/14/us/nikolas-cruz-florida-shooting.html4 hours ago - Sheriff Scott Israel of Broward County, Fla., said that the man, Nikolas Cruz, 19, previously attended Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland .... Screen shots of an Instagram page said to belong to Mr. Cruz show many photos of a man holding firearms and ammunition used in a semiautomatic ...
Nikolas Cruz from Instagram via Facebook - Democratic Underground
22 hours ago - 14 posts - 11 authorsNikolas Cruz from Instagram via Facebook (Original post). underpants, 1 hr ago, OP. Line Reply Insanity. Matthew28, 1 hr ago, #1. Line Reply Yep. They push bullshit fears related to race, religion & national origin and drive people to guns. LonePirate, 1 hr ago, #3. Line Reply Here's a clear picture of him ...
Nikolas Cruz' Social Media Posts About Guns on Instagram | Heavy.com
6 hours ago - Accused Florida school shooter Nikolas Cruz showed a fixation with weaponry, posting a series of disturbing posts on Instagram about guns and knives before he allegedly shot and killed at least 17 people at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland. You can see some of his posts below, but be ...
Nikolas Cruz: Who is the Florida school shooting suspect? - CNN
1 hour ago - Nikolas Cruz, the 19-year-old man suspected of gunning down at least 17 people Wednesday at a Parkland, Florida, high school, had once been expelled from the school for disciplinary reasons, Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel said.
Nikolas Cruz: What we know about Florida school shooting suspect ...
6 hours ago - Officials have identified the Florida school shooting suspect as 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz, a former student at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School who had been expelled for disciplinary reasons.
Around 2:30 p.m., Cruz arrived at the school armed with a semi-automatic rifle and opened fire, Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel said. At least 17 people, including both students and teachers, died.
After firing into classrooms, Cruz was able to conceal himself in the hoards of frantic students fleeing the school, officials said.
rmed with one AR-15 style rifle and "countless magazines" of ammunition, Israel said Wednesday. According to the Associated Press, he was also equipped with a gas mask and smoke grenades and set off a fire alar
told last year that he wasn’t allowed on campus with a backpack on him,” Gard said. “There were problems with him last year threatening students, and I guess he was asked to leave campus.”
teacher recalled female students in his class said Cruz had "problems with other girls."
"loner" who was obsessed with weapons and "into weird stuff.
“He used to tell me he would shoot rats with his BB gun and he wanted this kind of gun
An Instagram account, which several students confirmed to the Miami Herald as belonging to Cruz, shows a teen often clad in black with his face covered. In some photos, he is seen sporting a US Army hat and wielding weapons. The account has since been deleted.
In one post, he shared an online ad for a Maverick 88 Slug shotgun. Another showed a bullet-riddled target with a caption "Group Therapy." The post before that one showed a Google search for "Allahu Akbar."

Nikolas Cruz, identified as Florida high school shooting suspect ...
www.foxnews.com/.../nicolas-cruz-identified-as-florida-high-school-shooting-suspect-re...3 hours ago - 18-year-old suspected shooter is a former student of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School who was reportedly obsessed with guns. The suspected gunman arrested in connection with Wednesday's shooting at a Florida high school, which left at least 17 people dead, was identified by ...
Nikolas Cruz: Florida school massacre suspect 'had been flagged as a ...
www.telegraph.co.uk › News
53 mins ago - Police identified the suspect as Nikolas Cruz, a 19-year-old who had been expelled from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, about 45 .... Mutchler recalled Cruz posting onInstagram about killing animals and said he had talked about doing target practice in his backyard with a pellet gun.
Who is Nikolas Cruz? Suspect is former student; 17 dead; state to pay ...
2 hours ago - The suspect in the Parkland, Florida school shooting has been identified as Nikolas de Jesus Cruz. Cruz is a 19-year-old former student of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School and had reportedly been identified as a threat in the past. His identity was first reported by the AP and then later confirmed by ...
'Gun-obsessed' Florida shooter poses with rifles and knives in chilling ...
https://www.thesun.co.uk/.../gun-obsessed-florida-shooter-poses-with-rifles-and-knives-i...4 hours ago - CHILLING Instagram pictures show the "gun-obsessed" Florida shooter posing with rifles and knives - as pupils admit they "knew he would shoot up the school". Nikolaus Cruz, 19, was expelled from high school for unspecified disciplinary reasons, but today returned and went on a rampage with rifle, killing ...
Nikolas Cruz, Shooting Suspect, Had Been Expelled From School ...
https://www.nytimes.com/2018/02/14/us/nikolas-cruz-florida-shooting.html4 hours ago - Sheriff Scott Israel of Broward County, Fla., said that the man, Nikolas Cruz, 19, previously attended Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland .... Screen shots of an Instagram page said to belong to Mr. Cruz show many photos of a man holding firearms and ammunition used in a semiautomatic ...
Nikolas Cruz from Instagram via Facebook - Democratic Underground
22 hours ago - 14 posts - 11 authorsNikolas Cruz from Instagram via Facebook (Original post). underpants, 1 hr ago, OP. Line Reply Insanity. Matthew28, 1 hr ago, #1. Line Reply Yep. They push bullshit fears related to race, religion & national origin and drive people to guns. LonePirate, 1 hr ago, #3. Line Reply Here's a clear picture of him ...
Nikolas Cruz' Social Media Posts About Guns on Instagram | Heavy.com
6 hours ago - Accused Florida school shooter Nikolas Cruz showed a fixation with weaponry, posting a series of disturbing posts on Instagram about guns and knives before he allegedly shot and killed at least 17 people at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland. You can see some of his posts below, but be ...
Nikolas Cruz: Who is the Florida school shooting suspect? - CNN
1 hour ago - Nikolas Cruz, the 19-year-old man suspected of gunning down at least 17 people Wednesday at a Parkland, Florida, high school, had once been expelled from the school for disciplinary reasons, Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel said.
Nikolas Cruz: What we know about Florida school shooting suspect ...
6 hours ago - Officials have identified the Florida school shooting suspect as 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz, a former student at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School who had been expelled for disciplinary reasons.
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