James Earl Ray Innocent Wacky Conspiracy theory --- ===
See William Pepper Who Really Killed RFK And MLK --- Truther or Russian Propagandist Front?Most media sources promoting idea that James Earl Ray is innocent are associated with Russian propaganda conspiracy theory sites like Global Research, Islam Times, Ron Paul, Alfred Lambremont Webre, William Pepper has been a buddy to communists since he was a writer for the anti-war Catholic Ramparts magazine which had editors who were communists that had traveled to Russia and China in the 1950. Pepper even calls Ho Chih Minh a man who reveres Lincoln as is the rightful father of a unified Vietnam. He was not just against the war, he was for communist victory. James Earl Ray recanted his guilty plee and came up the story he had been set up in the King murder by a shadowy gunrunner named Raul. 1988, James Earl Ray claimed the FBI agents threatened to jail his father and one of his brothers if he did not confess to King’s murder. Ray died in prison in 1998.
The theory has been debunked by Gerald Posner, Snopes and the US Justice Department looked at the 1999 lawsuit and all concluded that there isn't evidence to back up anything that Pepper has to say.
Sepp Dietrich offers this explanation of the government conclusions:
Mark Lane represented the killer of MLK, James Earl Ray, at the House Select Committee on Assassinations and his arguments failed to convince the members that his client was not guilty and now he blames an organization he hates just as in the past he blamed the CIA for the JFK assassination.
Here are the conclusions of the HSCA:
The Task Force concluded, however, that the evidence was overwhelming that Ray was a lone assassin, and it found no evidence of FBI involvement.
There is zero evidence and zero people who have suggested Russian involvement but the Russians are defintely trying to muddy the waters if not cover things up with Pepper's conspiracy theory. Other Russian conspiracy theories - MH-17, Skripal assasination attempt, JFK conspiracy, 9-11, syria false flag, Boston marathon false flag, Sandy Hook hoax/ false flag, 2016 election facebook instagram trolls
Who Says James Earl Ray is Innocent?
- James Earl Ray recanted his confession said he had been framed to cover up an FBI plot to kill King.
- Mark Lane is JFK RFK MLK Conspiracy Theorist, in 1993 wrote the first conspiracy book. He worked with Soviet the KGB, racist neo-nazi Willis Carto and his Liberty Lobby, and Jonestown. Mark Lane represented the killer of MLK, James Earl Ray, at the House Select Committee on Assassinations and wrote 1993 Murder in Memphis: The FBI and the Assassination of Martin Luther King which also mirrors William Pepper's books goodreads: Coinciding with the 25th anniversary, Murder in Memphis provides explosive information and invites readers to decide for themselves what really happened google books Although James Earl Ray was arrested & charged with the murder, his hearing-conducted without cross-examination or challenge by defense-raised more questions than it answered. In Murder in Memphis (previously titled Code Name "Zorro"), authors Mark Lane & Dick Gregory examine these questions & more: Why was Dr. King's police protection removed on the day of the assassination-and by whom? Why was the same FBI squad, originally assigned to "destroy" King, then directed to investigate his murder? What did the ballistics tests reveal-or fail to reveal-about the alleged murder weapon? How has the most reliable witness been prevented, perhaps forever, from testifying in court? From an extraordinary assemblage of evidence-exclusive documents & interviews with former FBI agents, King's security guards, eyewitnesses, & James Ear Ray himself-Mark Lane & Dick Gregory present the case as it really was, so that the American public can decide for themselves. Mark Lane is the author of bestsellers Plausible Denial & Rush to Justice. Dick Gregory is a writer & activist who was a friend & co-worker of Dr. King during the 1960s.
- The Trial of James Earl Ray : a docu-drama / written by Mark Lane ... April 1978 https://www.pacificaradioarchives.org/recording/kz0405 A dramatization of the trial for the accussed assassin of Martin Luther King; which proves innocence but most of his points have since been debunked as frauds.
- William F. Pepper, who wrote 3 books convinced the King family that Ray is innocent and King was killed by government conspiracy involving city, state and federal government.
- HBO broadcast Pepper behind 1993 HBO show trial, Ray acquitted.
- Ralph Abernathy, who replaced King as head of the SCLC, claimed that he had been killed “by someone trained or hired by the FBI and acting under the orders from J. Edgar Hoover”
- Alfred Lambremont Webre Jesse Jackson key FBI operative Ole Dammegard: Jesse Jackson was key covert FBI operative responsible for April 4, 1968 Martin Luther King assassination.Jesse Jackson continued as a post-King, US “black leader”, including as 1984-88 Manchurian US Presidential candidate & 1991-1997 US Senator from DC PRESSTV: Alfred Lambremont Webre - ISIS-driven Syria refugee crisis is covert Zionist-Israel-UK-US plan to destabilize Middle East, Europe and North America in wars interview with PressTV from Teheran, Iran,Alfred Lambremont Webre, Judge on the 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal
- Citizens Against Political Assassinations. Facebook Coretta Scott King described “a major, high-level conspiracy in the assassination of my husband.
- Commercial Appeal MARCH 21, 1993, THE CA PUBlished Tompkins' 6,274-word story across the top of the front page, headlined "Army Feared King, Secretly Watched Him." The story stopped short of flatly stating that the Army took part in the King assassination. memphis flyer five paragraphs from the end of the story came this sensational, tantalizingly ambiguous claim, spiced with fresh military jargon: "Eight Green Beret soldiers from an `Operation Detachment Alpha 184 Team' were also in Memphis carrying out an unknown mission" on April 4, 1968, the day King was killed. The nature of the "unknown mission" was not explained t Alpha 184 did not exist in 1968, Gresham said. It was part of a 1960 Louisiana company. Pepper ... allege that the rifle that was recovered was a "throwdown" used to frame Ray. told ABC it was "impossible" that Green Berets from 20th SFG were in Memphis. Tompkins and Pepper crossed paths in 1993. Pepper's book was published in 1995. In it, Tompkins is nothing less than a hero.
- corbettreport Truth At Last: The Assassination of Martin Luther King 2018 Video Podcast: Play 50 years after that fateful day, the truth about the assassination... more russian propaganda: Who Really Killed MLK pro-Russian propaganda? “PropOrNot” Skripal Russia Poison Story non evidence White Helmets Propaganda MH17 Ukraine FALSE FLAG features Russian conspiracy theory that shot down by ukraine Could This Old Warplane Really Shoot Down MH17? | Popular Science Ukrainian Air Force Su-25 jet fighter fighter was at 33,000 feet, within 3 miles of MH17 probably shot down MH17. Russian media RT, Russian RIA Novosti, and Pravda.ru [and Corbett]) focusing a lot on Sukhoi Su-25 "Frogfoot" designed to support ground troops really shot down jetliner.. only fly 23,000 feet, well below MH17's 33,000 for anti-tank plane, that's not a problem, but it poses a challenge to theories that Ukraine used one to down an airliner. not just absurd that a Ukrainian Su-25 shot down the airliner, it's almost technically impossible.
- Coretta Scott King, ...Her family filed a civil suit in 1999 to force more information into the public eye, and a Memphis jury ruled that the local, state and federal governments were liable for King’s death. abundant evidence,” Coretta King said after the verdict, “of a major, high-level conspiracy in the assassination of my husband.” The jury found the mafia and various government agencies “were deeply involved in the assassination. … Mr. Ray was set up to take the blame.” wpost
- Global Research (on propornot) “Government Agencies” Found Guilty in Fake Trial Martin Luther King's four weeks of testimony and over 70 witnesses in a civil trial in Memphis, Tennessee, twelve jurors reached a unanimous verdict on December 8, 1999 after about an hour of deliberations that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated as a result of a conspiracy.
- The Plot to Kill Martin Luther King: Survived Shooting, Was Murdered ... Craig McKee Jan 21, 2018 Pepper Plot to Kill King King was still alive when he arrived at St. Joseph'sHospital an d that he was killed by a doctor who was supposed to be trying to save his life. McKee also on TRUTH JIHAD: Ex-CIA Robert David Steele: Zionism strikes out ... Craig McKee, “What we should have learned fromIsrael's attack on the USS Liberty,” Fetzer: Craig McKee: How can ‘journalists' dismiss everything they are supposed to stand for when it comes to 9/11? contains nothing but conspiracy theories, one after the other, and many memes from a site called “Truth and Shadows.” Craig also
- draws heavily on material from the Centre for Global Research, which contains, among other nonsense, filthy anti-Semitic articles disguised as anti-Zionist.
- HBO wapo Pepper defended Ray in a mock trial on HBO in 1993 It was not until 1993, during a meeting with the producer of a televised HBO mock trial of James Earl Ray, that Jowers first publicly disclosed the details of the alleged plot, At the Bar; HBO's trial of James Earl Ray may stir sensation, but will it ... ny times Home Box Office puts James Earl Ray on trial for the 1968 killing of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Everything about the ersatz trial, which will last for 10 days, is scrupulously genuine. It will take place in a genuine courtroom, feature a genuine prosecutor and defense lawyer appearing ...Mr. Neuborne selected the lawyers, Mr. Pepper for the defense and, as prosecutor, W. Hickman Ewing, a former United States Attorney in Memphis. The MLK Case: A Timeline - CBS News March 1993: A mock trial for Ray is held on the HBO cable TV channel, raising many of the conspiracy theories later presented to the jury that heard King family's suit against Jowers. Ray is acquitted. ratical: In 1992 I got the idea: Why don’t we try to do this trial on television? So HBO in this country and Thames Television in the U.K. sponsored a television trial called “The Trial of James Earl Ray.” The trial was prepared in 1992 and it began and was tried in 1993, the 25th anniversary of the assassination of Martin King. The Judge was a former federal Judge, Marvin Frankel out of New York, a very tough judge.,,,The Prosecutor was Hickman Ewing Jr., a former U.S. attorney who had won 200 straight prosecution cases as a U.S. attorney. Some of you may know him and know the name. He was Ken Starr’s Number 2 in the Whitewater investigations for a number of months if not years....witnesses were not scripted in any way. took the jury about seven hours after that television trial to come back with a verdict of Not Guilty, James Earl Ray. You probably never heard of that. Because it was not reported anywhere and if it was it was mentioned once or twice in a couple of media entities. It was called “entertainment.” It wasn’t really serious you see. It was a form of entertainment. four witnesses whose testimony would have caused the indictment of a man called Lyod Jowers who owned Jim’s Grill which was a café on the ground floor of the rooming house from which the shot supposedly was fired from the bathroom window.
- Ho Chih Minh: but on April 4, 1967, in his speech at Riverside Church in Manhattan, Dr. King declared his formal opposition to the increasing barbarities in Vietnam
- Islam Times US Deep State murdered Martin Luther King: Ron Paul
- jforpeace Plot to Kill Martin Luther King: Survived Shooting
- Judge Joe James Earl Ray Didn't Assassinate Martin Luther King Jr ... . youtube 2 man team with M21 rifle Brown was presiding over James Earl Ray's last appeal of Ray's conviction for the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. Brown was removed from the reopened investigation of King's murder due to alleged bias—former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney of Georgia wrote that Brown told her and the Congressional Black Caucus, unequivocally, that the so-called murder rifle was not the weapon that killed Martin Luther King, Jr. Flashback: Judge Joe: James Earl Ray Didn't Assassinate Martin ...Vlad TV this clip used on Corbett Remington is not the murder weapon. It’s not even close. ... modern scientific methodology excluded that rifle from being the murder weapon. The bullet they pulled out of King’s body has a rate of rifling twist of one turn in every eleven and a quarter inches. The rifle that Ray had had a rate of rifling twist of one turn in every ten inches, and a bad manufacturing defect that is not apparent on the death slug. He was shot with an XM-21, it’s a 7.62 by 51 millimeter NATO caliber weapon with a special stainless steel barrel. 3:9 telescopic sight modified by a company known as Netherwood. It was a red field site, and they used special [ Subsonic ammunitionavoids the supersonic shockwave or "crack" for suppressed firearms, influences the loudness of the shot.] with a suppressor on the end to reduce the velocity of the bullet to below supersonic to confuse the sound signature. shot came from the dormitory in the fire station through a window that had been slightly parted they were several feet inside it was a two man team a spotter and a shooter that's what he got killed by
- Judge in King Case Removed - The New York Times www.nytimes.com/1998/03/08/us/judge-in-king-case-removed.html Mar 8, 1998 - Judge Joe Brown, who gave James Earl Ray hope of getting retrial in assassination of Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr, is taken off case for appearing to be biased toward Ray (S) ... The tests failed to prove whether the hunting rifle was the murder weapon, though Dr. King was killed by the same kind ofgun. Judge Brown allowed new tests last year on Mr. Ray's rifle, which was found near the murder scene with Mr. Ray's fingerprints on it.The tests failed to prove whether the hunting rifle was the murder weapon, though Dr. King was killed by the same kind of gun. Similar tests by the Federal Bureau of Investigation in 1968 and a United States House committee in 1978 were also inconclusive.
- Judge Joe Brown, Martin Luther King Assassination Conspiracy Exposed in Memphis by ... ratical who had presided over two years of hearings on the rifle, testified that "67% of the bullets from my tests did not match the Ray rifle." He added that the unfired bullets found wrapped with it in a blanket were metallurgically different from the bullet taken from King's body, and therefore were from a different lot of ammunition. And because the rifle's scope had not been sited, Brown said, "This weapon literally could not have hit the broad side of a barn." Holding up the 30.06 Remington 760 Gamemaster rifle, Judge Brown told the jury, "It is my opinion that this is not the murder weapon."
- Justice Integrity Project mainstream media has refused to cover the truth about the murder of Dr. King." WikispooksThe Justice Integrity Project "researches official misconduct", according to its website. Staff. Andrew Krieg was editor major contributor is anti-semitic pro-north korea 911 conspiracy theorist Wayne Madsen.
- Kevin Barrett: the Deep State did it Dr. Barrett, an editor at Veterans Today and founding member of the Scientific Panel for the Investigation of 9/11, made the remarks in an interview with Press TV on Tuesday while commenting on a statement by US congressman and presidential candidate Ron Paul, who said on Monday that the Deep State murdered the American civil rights leader because of his heroic opposition to the Vietnam War.
- The King family hired Pepper and bought into his crazy made up conspiracy theory, and stands by it to this day.
- knowledgeiswhatsup part 2 part of Evidence Of Revision - Conspiritus Ubiquitus also posts Jason Bermas
- L33TGUY Judge joe, other videos by propagandist Icke and anti-israel USS Liberty attack from firehouse dormitory, flophouse view was blocked tree was cut down
- Malcolm X King’s death came after the killings of John F. Kennedy and Malcolm X and just months before the slaying of Robert F. Kennedy.We were living in the period of assassinations,” Young said. wpost
- Memphis Civil Suit - sham crazy conspiracy theory show trial tried by Pepper
- Transcripts, Proceedings and Documents on the 1999 Martin Luther King Jr. Assassination Trial
- Dr. King's Slaying Finally Draws A Jury Verdict, but to Little Effect with key players dead, with confessions recanted and altered, and with a vast conspiracy alleged but not proved, Wednesday's verdict in the civil trial of Loyd Jowers seems unlikely, ultimately, to untangle the knot of fact and theory King family was convinced by Mr. Ray's lawyer, William F. Pepper, that the assassination had been planned and executed by a government conspiracy reaching from the F.B.I. and the C.I.A. to Lyndon B. Johnson's White House. The federal government, Mr. Pepper maintains, feared Dr. King's growing denunciations of the Vietnam War and his threats to clog Washington with massive protests by the poor. after ray's death Dr. King's family filed a wrongful-death lawsuit against Mr. Jowers, who said in a 1993 television interview that he hired a man to kill Dr. King at the behest of a Memphis grocery owner named Frank Liberto. Mr. Pepper maintains that Mr. Liberto was working for a Mafia boss in New Orleans.
- No Agenda News NetworkUS government murdered Martin Luther King Jr.: William Pepper
- Paksitan News US Deep State murdered Martin Luther King: Ron Paul pk.shafaqna.com Islam Times - The US Deep State murdered American civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. because of his heroic opposition to the Vietnam War, according to former US congressman and presidential candidate Ron Paul. Read on the original site
- Paul DeRienzo The attorney for the family of Martin Luther King Jr., talks about the assassinations of JFK, RFK and MLK, the role of the government, CIA and other intelligence agencies and the innocence of Sirhan Sirhan, Lee Harvey Oswald and James Earl Ray. pro-communist russian Russian Revolution Lives Today Russian people stood up and overthrew centuries of rule by Czars, all powerful kings who kept millions of Russians in the bondage of serfdom. Led by Lenin and his Bolshevik cohortsbrought peace, land and bread to Russia
- Paul Craig Roberts Martin Luther King Like all false flag attacks and assassinations, the 1968 murder of Martin Luther King was covered up. it took the jury one hour to conclude that Martin Luther King was murdered by a conspiracy that included governmental agencies. globalresearch
- Peoples Trust Toronto US government murdered Martin Luther King Jr.: William Pepper
- Political American US government murdered
- PressTV (Iran) Why was Martin Luther King murdered? 2017 Pepper attorney for the Martin Luther King family who won two jury trials proving that the US government murdered Dr.King,”
- Quartz Media Who really killed Martin Luther King Jr.? His family says the wrong man went to prison Ray was a low-level criminal on the run after escaping from a Missouri prison in 1967 while serving time for a holdup. purchased a Remington .30-06 Gamemaster rifle (the same make and model used to kill King) in Birmingham, Alabama six days prior, and had been renting a room in the Memphis boarding house under an alias at the time of the murder.
- Paul Craig Roberts Martin Luther King Like all false flag attacks and assassinations (Boston marathon was crisis actor hoax) murder of Martin Luther King was covered up. see: Jowers case http://www.globalresearch.ca/court-decision-u-s-government-agencies-found-guilty-in-martin-luther-kings-assassination/5320024 John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King were murdered. Robert Kennedy was murdered, because he knew who the government operatives were who murdered his brother. FBI convinced itself that King had communist connections and that the movement he led would develop into a national security threat. In those days, emphasis on civil rights implied criticism of America that many confused with communist propaganda. book In my view Paul Craig Roberts former Assistant Treasury secretary under Reagan... assertion that representative democracy in America has yielded to an oligarchic system of government
- Ramparts - The New York Times Peppers' magazine: grown from a Catholic lay journal into a publication with a staff of more than fifty people in New York, Paris, and Munich, including two active members of the U.S. Communist Party The Nation NSA insider leaked the CIA story to Ramparts magazine in 1967 Secrets: The CIA's War at Home none of his men could find any foreign funding of Ramparts... implied that Ramparts's exposes were Communist-inspired: A few days ago a brief, cryptic report out of Prague, Czechoslovakia, was passed among a handful of top officials in Washington. It said that an editor of Ramparts magazine had come to Prague and held a long, secret session with ... Life of Ramparts ... former CIA agent Willam F; Buckley closed as follows: “Here is a man who when he ran for election used as a campaign manager a Communist whose magazine defends a lot of positions that are uniquely defended by Communists 'Ramparts' Magazine in the Campaign Against ... - New Oxford Review CATHOLIC FRONT FOR COMMUNIST AGITATION The Role of 'Ramparts' Magazine in the Campaign Against Pius XII The ramparts of Ramparts were used for attacking the Church, rather than defending it.” -- Ramparts editor Warren Hinkle charge that Pius XII was overly tolerant of the Nazi regime was leveled by communist leaders and their agents toward the end of World War II and in the years immediately thereafter. CIA Robett Scheer foreign editor research director for Fair Play for Cuba, 1964 visited Cube in defiance of travel restrictions, denouncing Vietnam policy Vietnam Day committee. UC Berkeley paper reported visited Cambodia to meet representatives of North Vietnam and Viet Cong, says Cambodia not being used by Viet Cong. Carl Rowan reported Scheer made secret trip to Prague Czechoslovakia to meet with Communist International Union of Students. Jessica Mitford Treuhaft identified as member of Communist party USA. Donald Duncan said South Vietnam would be better under Ho Chi Minh. Saul Landau (filmmaker) visited Cuba in 1960 making propaganda films for Castro, defending Castro in US since 1960 wife US delegation to World Youth Festival in Moscow in 1957, and then China.
- Ron Paul Ron Paul and Kevin Barrett agree: the Deep State did it recently made a very provocative statement on Martin Luther King Day stating that he thinks that the CIA killed Dr. King, or rather the Deep State, Why was Martin Luther King murdered? Ron Paul ... - Veterans Today Press TV. Martin Luther King Jr. was killed by the US Deep State because he had planned to lead half a million people to a permanent occupation of Washington, D.C. and demand an end to funding to the American military empire, according to Kevin Barrett a pro-Iranian American Paul is pro-Assad/russia Chemical Attack in Syria May Have Been False Flag by Deep State
- Ron Paul Institute Who Killed Martin Luther King...And Why? - Ron Paul Institute Martin Luther King, Jr.'s own closest advisors begged him to avoid focusing on the Vietnam war. It will alienate President Johnson, who is doing so much for the civil rights movement at home, they argued. MLK ignored them, vocally opposed the war, and found much of the liberal establishment had turned ..
- Salon (left) Was James Earl Ray innocent? Salon quest to uncover the truth about Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination WILLIAM F. PEPPER Excerpted from “The Plot to Kill King” by Dr. William F. Pepper, Esq. Dr. Benjamin Spock, the pediatrician and antiwar activist, and I traveled to Memphis for the memorial march on April 8, 1968, four days after the assassination, rumors of a conspiracy in which James Earl Ray was framed for Dr. King’s murder.
- Steve Tompkins commercial appeal article Army feared King, secretly watched him Spying on blacks started 75 years ago By Stephen G. Tompkins The Commercial Appeal, Memphis Tennessee Sunday, March 21, 1993 This is one of a set of four articles published on March 21, 1993. The author a was former naval intelligence operative named Steve Tompkins, who at one point had also been an assistant to the governor of Tennessee. He had conducted a 16-month investigation dealing with the infiltration of the civil rights movement and black leaders throughout the U.S. by military intelligence going back to the second decade of the 20th century. It was to have been the first of eight installments. Instead, the Sunday paper edition contained the very lengthy page one article centering on Martin Luther King as well as three related articles also written by Tompkins: “In 1917, spy target was black America” detailed how Lt. Col. Ralph Van Deman created the Army’s black spy network out of the Military Intelligence Division beginning in 1917 and how he continued to influence spying on American citizens until his death in 1952. “Top spy feared current below surface unrest” described Lt. Gen. William P. Yarborough’s role as Army assistant chief of staff for intelligence beginning in December 1966 and his concern that anarchy and treason lay behind the anti-war and civil rights movements. “Spying linked Carmichael to Chinese, Cuba,” listed 1967 surveillance of Stokely Carmichael by Army Intelligence and its alarm of growing militancy among anti-war and civil rights groups and Carmichael’s willingness to turn to violence and possible foreign influence. next morning, after the ABC Prime Time Live program, there is no coverage at all of this. In March, about March 20th or 21st, after the trial was over, a journalist named Steve Tompkins wrote an article in the Memphis Commercial Appeal traced the history of military intelligence’s concern and surveillance of black community leaders and brought it all the way down (of course) to the COINTELPRO operations[3] in the ’50s and ’60s, particularly against Martin King.[4] just a continuation of what had been going on since around the time of the Russian Revolution. Because blacks were regarded as prime candidates for recruitment to the Communist Party after the Russian Revolution. So they had to be watched and surveilled.
Who Really Killed Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.? - Expendable Elite Information provided William Pepper's consultant, Steve Tompkins, by two former Special Forces NCOs whom he called Warren and Murphy to hide their real identity, told the author of the activation and deployment of U.S. Army Special Forces personnel, including snipers, from the Reserve's 20th Special Forces Group ... MLK Day: Who Killed Martin Luther King? The Cover-Up of the ... global research (propaganda) Jan 13, 2018 - In a series of articles in the “Memphis Commercial Appeal” in March 1993, reporter Steve Tompkins detailed the “increasing hysteria”of Army intelligence chiefs over the national security threat they thought King posed. Tompkins stated that army intelligence was “…desperately searching for a way to stop ...
the execution of Martin Luther King by William F. Pepper - Third World Traveler there was a Special Forces Alpha 184 sniper team in Memphis on the day of the killing [of Martin Luther King]. p63 [Steve Tomkins] had come to believe... - Trial: Because Ray suddenly pleaded guilty in 1969, less than a year after the shooting, there was no trial. wpost
- Trillions Magazine Who Really Killed MLK and Why it still matters. According to the U.S. government and its vast disinformation complex... King was also not killed by the rifle shot. He was murdered later, in the hospital's emergency room same issue: The “Sonic Attacks” in Cuba Aren’t What They Say They Are U.S. diplomats in Havana suffered a series of neurological attacks between late 2016 and August 2017, but the American government is doing its best to keep the truth of what happened quiet. they did eliminate the whole “sonic attack” theory. pro-Russia Russia Fails to Stop U.S. Attack on Syria U.S., UK and France illegally targeted several sites in Syria over an alleged chemical attack.
- truth-out An Interview With William F. Pepper PropOrNot truth-out.org
- truthandshadows survived shooting, was murdered in hospital truthandshadows also says Boston Marathon Bombing was hoax with crisis actors reference by Paul Craig Roberts
- Veterans Today Why was Martin Luther King murdered? Ron Paul and Kevin Barrett agree: the Deep State did it
- Washington Post Who killed Martin Luther King Jr.? His family believes James Earl Ray was framed. his children are unanimous on one key point: James Earl Ray did not kill Martin Luther King.
- We Are Change The Global Truth & Liberty Movement https://books.google.com/books?isbn=1634241401 Brian Kenny, Cynthia McKinney it would be the Deep State that would have planned and carried out the operation to kill Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. We Are Change included on PropOrNot's list
- William Pepper Who Really Killed RFK And MLK William F. Pepper is a human rights lawyer most known for his defense of James Earl Ray in the trial for the murder of Martin Luther King Jr., a longtime friend of Pepper's, and of Sirhan Sirhan in the trial for the murder of Senator Robert Kennedy. Pepper is the author of Orders to Kill and An Act of State, has been active in government conspiracy cases, including the 9/11 Truth Movement, and in attempts to charge George W. Bush with war crimes. He was appointed a barrister of the United Kingdom, but now primarily resides in New York IPFS Martin Luther King Jr. contacted Pepper after seeing Pepper's photo essay, The Children of Vietnam, which was published in the January 1967 issue of Ramparts wapo: Astride all this controversy for the last 40 years has been William Pepper, a New York lawyer and civil rights activist who knew and worked with King. Pepper first visited Ray in prison in 1978 along with Ralph Abernathy, one of King’s closest associates. Pepper became convinced of Ray’s innocence and continued to investigate the case even after Ray died. Pepper wrote three books outlining the conspiracy, most recently “The Plot to Kill King” in 2016, which were largely ignored by the media. tried the Memphis civil suit that found the government liable for King’s death.
- Loyd Jowers' MLK Assassination Conspiracy: Fact vs. Fiction allthatsinteresting.com Dec 15, 2017 In 1999, 31 years after the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., 12 jurors returned a verdict against a man connected to the killing, the first time a jury had ever done so on this historic matter. defendant, a man named Loyd Jowers, had hired a Memphis police officer to kill King — and that “government agencies” and other unnamed entities (Jowers himself cited the Mafia) had been involved in a wider conspiracy to kill the civil rights activist. helped give rise to a seemingly endless stream of conspiracy theories. As part of James Earl Ray’s defense, his lawyer, William F. Pepper, contacted the King family. He told them that while his client was not guilty, there were members of the American. government who were. He claimed that the assassination had been a long-planned conspiracy that reached all the way from the F.B.I. to the C.I.A. to President Lyndon B. Johnson himself motive, Pepper said, was to silence King due to his very public denouncements of the Vietnam War. Though Pepper was a noted conspiracy theorist at the time, and despite the fact that Ray had openly admitted to perpetrating the MLK assassination, the King family believed Pepper The New York Times among other sources, quickly painted the trial as something of a sham. "with key players dead, with confessions recanted and altered, and with a vast conspiracy alleged but not proved, Wednesday's verdict in the civil trial of Loyd Jowers seems unlikely, ultimately, to untangle the knot of fact and theory " Jowers himself never testified and the inconsistencies in his claims were kept from the jury, and the ballistics authority was judge-turned-television-host Joe Brown.
- Was James Earl Ray innocent? Salon quest to uncover the truth about Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination WILLIAM F. PEPPER Excerpted from “The Plot to Kill King” by Dr. William F. Pepper, Esq. Dr. Benjamin Spock, the pediatrician and antiwar activist, and I traveled to Memphis for the memorial march on April 8, 1968, four days after the assassination, rumors of a conspiracy in which James Earl Ray was framed for Dr. King’s murder.
- Plot to Kill King on google books
- The Plot to Kill King: The Truth Behind the Assassination of Martin ... Pepper continues to adamantly argue Ray's innocence. This myth-shattering expose is a revised, updated, and heavily expanded volume of Pepper's original best-selling s original best-selling and critically-acclaimed Orders to Kill, review: plot by high-level criminals in the FBI, with help from the local Memphis police, the CIA and the leaders of the Dixie Mafia, along with a cover up that repeated the same patterns as the JFK and RFK assassinations, as well the that of the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty in 1967, it is no stretch to complete the circle: That it was all done with either the blessing, the instigation or at least the acquiescence of the POTUS himself: LBJ.
- James Earl Ray's Undying Appeal for Freedom : NPR Joe Brown, of the syndicated television program, "Judge Joe Brown," and attorney, William Pepper, author of An Act of State: The Execution of Martin Luther King. There were about 82 barrels custom-made that had that rate of rifling twist and it certainly wasn't the one that James Earl Ray was using. Now, I'm going to tell you what my investigation over the last ten years has revealed. Dr. King was shot with an M-21 accurized sniper rifle version built to closer tolerances than the standard M14.
- CNN - Ray attorney: Bullets fired from Ray's gun don't match fatal ... Jul 11, 1997 said Criminal Court Judge Joseph Brown. Instead ... William Pepper, an attorney for Ray, said test-firings in May showed that 12 bullets fired from Ray's rifle bore a "unique and gross characteristic signature." slug that killed King was broken into three pieces, there were enough marks on it to allow a comparison Should the rifle prove not to be the murder weapon, the way would be clear for a trial.
- The Plot to Kill King - National Civil Rights Museum brings attorney and MLK assassination conspiracy theorist, Dr. William F. Pepper, to speak on his recent book The Plot to Kill King
- Russia Today https://www.rt.com/shows/redacted-tonight-summary/388060-luther-king-us-rights/ interview Pepper; naming the shooter and the emergency room physician said to have smothered King at St Joseph's Hospital
- After four weeks of testimony and over 70 witnesses, a jury in ... reddit The rifle that Ray had had a rate of rifling twist of one turn in every ten inches and a bad manufacturing defect that is not apparent on the death slug. .... I
- Gallagher: Race and Racism in the United States: An Encyclopedia Charles A. Gallagher, Cameron D. Lippard - 2014 The key elements of Pepper's story were disproved, although Coretta Scott King and several of the King children announced their belief in Ray's innocence and the existence of a government plot. In 1997, Martin Luther King's son, Dexter, met with Ray in prison and publicly ...William F. Pepper, Ray's last attorney promoted the conspiracy notion.. in his 1995 book Orders to Kill.. CIA, Memphis police, FBI and Army intelligence was involved. 1998 attention paid by Judge Joe Brown's court in Memphis.. King's family publicly stated their belief Ray did not kill.. Aug 1998 Reno reopened a limited investigation. 1998 Donald Wilson claimed to have scrap of paper with Raul on it.. he was not part of team and was fabricated
- Memphis Flyer
The Memphis Flyer: Cover Story - July 17, 1997 https://www.memphisflyer.com/backissues/issue439/cover439.htm How a Reporter's "Scoop" in the King Assassination Turned Into a Prime-time Embarrassment John Branston Steve Tompkins, a former reporter for The Commercial Appeal, found himself in that position last month on the ABC program Turning Point. The subject matter was nothing less than the biggest Memphis news story of the century. The segment was titled "Who Killed Martin Luther King?" Tompkins wound up backpedaling from his conspiracy collaborator, Dr. William Pepper, attorney for James Earl Ray and author of the now discredited Orders to Kill: The Truth Behind the Murder of Martin Luther King. He also disavowed an affidavit he signed vouching for the accuracy of sections of Pepper's book... the King assassination from others (including the killing of Robert Kennedy and the attempt on the life of former Alabama governor GeorgeWallace) is that the ... Pepper's sensational claims. He alleges that Ray is innocent and that Green Beret snipers with the 20th Special Forces Group were literally peering down the barrels of their rifles at King and Andrew Young when King was shot, although the fatal shot came from someone else. Pepper also claims the Army officer who ordered the King hit was dead or killed. Turning Point produced the man, very much alive and ornery, on camera, and icily refusing to shake Pepper's hand. Green Berets and Army officers connected to the 20th Special Forces Group, including a Congressional Medal of Honor winner, also deny that Green Berets were even in Memphis Tompkins,...collaborated with Pepper on Orders to Kill. Now that the story is unraveling, they are pointing fingers at each other. "Pepper took my series and embellished the hell out of it," Tompkins told the Flyer Tompkins' series. It took solidly sourced reporting about the Army's spying on three generations of King's family and embellished it with a farrago of innuendo, intrigue, and unattributed charges. - Snopes FACT CHECK: Was the U.S. Government Found Guilty of ... snopes mostly false The U.S. government was sued and found culpable for the murder of Martin Luther King, Jr., but the news media refused to report it. Jowers had long asserted he had no involvement in the event before suddenly and bizarrely claiming, twenty-five years after the fact, he had been paid to hire a hit man to kill Martin Luther King. He then repudiated his claims when required to testify to them under oath: Jowers, however, has never made his conspiracy claims under oath. In fact, he did not testify in King v. Jowers, despite the fact that he was the party being sued. Jowers characterized a central feature of his story — that someone besides Ray shot Dr. King with a rifle other than the one recovered at the crime scene — as “bullshit.” U.S. Department of Justice found Jowers’ claims were without merit and explained that he’d never been able to provide any support for later assertions about his involvement in King’s death: , he has contradicted himself on virtually every key point about the alleged conspiracy. Justice Department’s investigation determined no physical evidence whatsoever supported Jowers’ multiple and conflicting accounts we have determined that Jowers’ claims about an alleged conspiracy are materially contradictory and unsubstantiated
- UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE INVESTIGATION OF RECENT ALLEGATIONS REGARDING THE ASSASSINATION OF DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. August 26, 1998, the Attorney General directed the Civil Rights Division of the United States Department of Justice, assisted by the Criminal Division, to investigate two separate, recent allegations related to the April 4, 1968 assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. These allegations emanate from Loyd Jowers, a former Memphis tavern owner, and Donald Wilson, a former agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). In 1993, 25 years after the murder, Jowers claimed that he participated in a conspiracy to kill Dr. King, along with an alleged Mafia figure, Memphis police officers, and a man named Raoul. According to Jowers, one of the conspirators shot Dr. King from behind his tavern. After original investigation and analysis of the historical record, we have concluded that neither the Jowers nor the Wilson allegations are substantiated or credible. We likewise have determined that the allegations relating to Raoul's participation in the assassination, which originated with James Earl Ray, have no merit. Finally, we find that there is no reliable evidence to support the allegations presented in King v. Jowers of a government-directed conspiracy involving the Mafia and Dr. King's associates. Accordingly, no further investigation is warranted. . It was not until 1993, during a meeting with the producer of a televised HBO mock trial of James Earl Ray, that Jowers first publicly disclosed the details of the alleged plot,
- Washington Post he Washington Post wrote immediately afterward: persistent effort of the Kings to help Pepper exonerate Ray and to charge instead that much of the federal government killed Dr. King, will only diminish their standing as the first family of civil rights and permanently damage their credibility.” all
- 9/11 conspiracy crackpot: William F. Pepper is active in government conspiracy cases, including the 9/11 Truth Movement,
- Africa Authorities and Pepper agree he was headed to africa Corbett Raul would provide Ray with the travel documents that he was seeking to allow him to reach Africa, where he believed he would be safe.
- Army: 2008 CNN left out Ray as in US Army: James Earl Ray came back to Amercia with a WW2 Victory Medal and an Army of Occupation Medal. I'm not sure why CNN left this information out. dailykos
- ballistic test not proof: wapo "Ballistics tests could not prove that the rifle dropped outside the boardinghouse, a Remington .30-06 Gamemaster, either did or didn’t fire the fatal shot, because the gun did not create distinctive grooves on the bullet, as most guns do." Typical sloppy reporting. The rifle most certainly did create rifling marks on the bullet. The forensics examiner concluded that the bullet was too badly damaged for him to positively say it came from that particular rifle, but it also was not excluded. It's not unusual for a bullet to be badly deformed or fragmented so a positive match is not possible.
- bounty investigation, led by the House Select Committee on Assassinations under chief counsel Robert Blakey, theorized in 1979 that Ray committed the killing in the hope of collecting a $50,000 bounty offered by supporters of then-presidential candidate George Wallace in St. Louis, where Ray’s brothers lived. no definitive evidence to prove the theory, and the Wallace supporters were dead by 1979 wapo
- Bushes Alternate gunman theory the real gunman was not in the bathroom but behidn bushes washblog Memphis police ordered the scene where multiple witnesses reported as the source of shooting cut down of their bushes that would have hid a sniper team. saga69 The planted rifle pulled them away from searching the bushes behind the rooming house. statement from Buttermilk Buford and from Solomon Jones, indicates there was a gunman in the bushes. broke down his gun and threw the stock away later found in a pile of junk in the vacant lot now in bank vault. Solomon Jones, the chauffeur for Dr. King saw a man creep down from the thicket of bushes across the street. Another said shot “probably came from the thicket.” He also saw a man leave the bushes." (this man only mentioned in 1969 Saga fiction) “Statement of ‘Buttermilk Buford,’ to Renfro Hays on what he saw loud shot from the bushes ...saw this man running away, north.
- Conspiracy debunked: John Campbell, district attorney for Shelby County in Tennessee, spent years investigating the case and is certain of Ray’s guilt. “I’m not saying he didn’t have help. But he didn’t have the FBI, the CIA, the Memphis police or the mafia,” he told the Washington Post in March. Quartz
- Dead on arrival:
- review pepper book MLK was not dead on arrival at the hospital to which he was taken after the shooting, but allegedly murdered there by a prominent doctor, after being spat upon. Riveting reading, for those who care.
- The Plot to Kill Martin Luther King: Survived Shooting, Was Murdered ... Craig McKee Jan 21, 2018 Pepper Plot to Kill King King was still alive when he arrived at St. Joseph's Hospital killed by a doctor who was supposed to be trying to save his life. told to Pepper by a man named Johnton Shelby, whose mother, Lula Mae Shelby, had been a surgical aide at St. Joseph’s that night. Shelby told Pepper the story of how his mother came home the morning after the shooting (she hadn’t been allowed to go home the night before) and gathered the family together. He remembers her saying to them, “I can’t believe they took his life.” She described chief of surgery Dr. Breen Bland entering the emergency room with two men in suits. Seeing doctors working on King, Bland commanded, “Stop working on the nigger and let him die! Now, all of you get out of here, right now. Everybody get out.”
- Martin Luther King survived shooting, was murdered in hospital: an ... truthandshadows chief of surgery Dr. Breen Bland entering the emergency room with two men in suits. Seeing doctors working on King, Bland commanded, “Stop working on the nigger and let him die! Now, all of you get out of here, right now. truthandshadows also says Boston Marathon Bombing was hoax with crisis actors.
- The Plot to Kill Martin Luther King: Survived Shooting, Was Murdered ... Global Research 2018 Breen Bland saying to his father, 'If he's not killed by the shot, just make sure he gets to St. Joseph Hospital, and we'll make sure that he doesn't leave.'
- James Lawson, spartacus James Lawson, the leader of the strike in Memphis remarked that: “I have no doubt that the government viewed all this (the Poor People’s Campaign and the anti-Vietnam War speeches) seriously enough to plan his assassination.” fb King's friend and an organizer with SCLC, testified that King's stands on Vietnam and the Poor People's Campaign had created enemies in Washington. "I have no doubt," Lawson said, "that the government viewed all this seriously enough to plan his assassination." James Lawson (activist) - Wikipedia James Morris Lawson, Jr. was a leading theoretician and tactician of nonviolence within the Civil Rights Movement. During the 1960s, he served as a mentor to the Nashville Student Movement and the Student Nonviolent
The King assassination: After three decades, another verdict Christian Century In December a jury in Memphis, Tennessee, concluded that Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated by a .... “I have no doubt,” Lawson said, “that the government viewed all this seriously enough to plan his assassination.”. - Jesse Jackson
- review pepper book allegedly complicit in the assassination of MLK The family alleges that the Reverends Jesse L. Jackson and Samuel Billy Kyles are complicit in the assassination of Dr. King." was wrongfully and erroneously attributed to the King Family.
- Final Call retracts this statement as having no basis in fact or proof. LIBRadio.net The Martin King Assassination Coverup Martin Luther King III is a Big Fat Liar! “My family never accused Rev. Jesse Jackson and Rev. Billy Kyles of complicity in the murder of Martin Luther King Jr.” editor of the Nation of Islam's weekly newspaper Final Call has resigned in the wake of the publication of a story asserting that the family of Martin Luther King suspects that the Rev. Jesse Jackson was "complicit" in the 1968 assassination of the civil rights leader. James G. Muhammad submitted his resignation after issuing a public apology, ending his 11-year tenure at the Final Call, the paper published by Louis Farrakhan and his Nation of Islam. Mr. Muhammad declined to talk about the retraction yesterday.
- Jesse Jackson key FBI operative Ole Dammegard: Jesse Jackson was key covert FBI operative
- Colonel John Downie, the man in charge of the military part of the plot met pepper gr
- Defamation: Pepper was sued once for defamation, by an Army soldier he accused of participating in the conspiracy, and a South Carolina judge entered an $11 million default judgment against him in 2000. $11 Million Awarded in King Libel Suit - ABC News judge has awarded $11 million . Billy Ray Eidson sued London lawyer William F. Pepper and his publishers in 1997 for writing that Eidson was part of . a Special Forces unit sent to Memphis on to kill King. Eidson was a firefighter in Birmingham, Ala., at the time and said in a deposition he had never been to Memphis. Life Changed Forever Pepper, in Orders to Kill: The Truth About the Murder of Martin Luther King, wrote that Eidson was killed to ensure secrecy. Eidson, alive and well and living in Costa Rica, surprised Pepper in June 1997
- disinformation: Pepper chronicles in detail how a disinformation campaign has featured the collaboration of many mainstream journalists over almost half a century. gr
- Firehouse wapo troll Why were members of the 111th Military Intelligence Group based at Fort McPherson in Atlanta, Georgia, on the roof of the firehouse (Station 2) near the Lorraine Hotel? Were they conducting surveillance on Dr. King? https://that1archive.neocities.org/subfolder1/MLK-assassination-trial.html
The Orchestrated Assassination of Martin King Frontline Magazine removal of Ed Redditt, a black Memphis Police Department detective, from his Fire Station 2 surveillance ... The 111th Military Intelligence Group based at Fort McPherson in Atlanta, Georgia had Martin King under surveillance, including wiretaps.8 April 3, 1968, . - LBJ approved it: Pepper’s three books on the King slaying, you see very clearly that Ray is not a killer at all. Instead, he was a petty criminal who was a perfect “follower.” Like Oswald and Sirhan, Ray was set up to take the fall for an assassination that originated within the American deep state. In fact, Pepper says he’s convinced that knowledge of the plot went all the way to the top. “The whole thing would have been part of Lyndon Johnson’s playbook,” Pepper says. truth and shadows also: ‘NO 757 HIT THE PENTAGON ON 9/11’
- King family innocence of James Earl Ray: wapo: King family disagrees, with Martin King III adopting Pepper’s theory of Hoover directing the assassination.“Hoover was so angry, he had hate in his heart. Certainly he hated Dad. He had a vehement hatred of folks of color.”not all agree full extent of Pepper’s investigation, but they agree that Ray was framed.
- Loyd Jowers, owner of a bar on the first floor of the boarding house, who told ABC-TV’s Primetime Live in 1993 that he had been involved in a conspiracy to kill King that involved organized crime and the US government. Jowers said he hired a crooked Memphis police lieutenant to commit the murder as a favor to a local mobster friend and was paid $100,000. Quartz 1999, the King family filed suit against Jowers, seeking to get more information into the public record. After hearing four weeks of testimony from over 70 witnesses, a Shelby County jury unanimously found Jowers and unnamed “others, including governmental agencies,” responsible for King’s death. symbolic $100 in damages. Jowers had repeatedly changed his story and wasn’t credible. It was also revealed that Jowers had confessed to fabricating his claim in the hopes of receiving a $300,000 book deal.
- Memphis police member of the Memphis Police Department fired the fatal shot gr
- passport fraud: wapo comments: conspiracy 1)Ray fled to Canada and England using not one but two phony passports. He was a two bit burglar with a limited education. He needed money and help to get those passports.
- political views left out of CNN Jimmy was about the only Republican in Ewing. He was very strong for Wilkie, but mostly he was against Roosevelt. He kept saying all that stuff Roosevelt was saying about Hitler wasn't true at all (pages 83-84). After watching the McCarthy hearings, he became a passionate supporter of McCarthy (page 142). Ray got angry that Kennedy was killed before he could do it (page 208). read a lot and was especially interested in Barry Goldwarter and Ayn Rand (page 205). McMillian makes the claim that Ray used the alias Galt because Galt was the hero in Rand's book "Atlas Shrugged". reoccupied, if not obsessed with the presidential candidacy of George Wallace. By December 15, 1967, Ray was well known at Wallace headquarters in North Hollywood (page 278).
- Russell Adkins Sr. JUSTICE DENIED in the Martin ... garyrevel 2014 - The money was delivered by FBI's Clyde Tolson to Dixie Mafia soldier Russell Adkins Sr.James Earl Ray did not know the details of this arrangement until years later corbett FBI bribed the warden with $25,000 delivered from Director Hoover to his right-hand man, Clyde Tolson, and taken to the prison by the Bureau’s Dixie Mafia collaborator, Russell Adkins, Plot Global Research invaluable source was Ron Adkins, whose father, Russell Adkins Sr., was a local Dixie Mafia gangster and conspirator in the planning .. Trillions: 2018-04-01 - Who Really Killed MLK and Why ... 2018 Hoover was given Ray's name, he sent Clive Tolson, his number two man at the bureau, to visit his friend Russell Adkins Sr.
- Raoul while on the run in Montreal in 1967, a man he knew only as “Raoul” lured him into a small gun-running scheme, and instructed him to buy the rifle in Birmingham as well as rent the room in the Memphis boarding house. Quartz
- fb Summer of 1967, Montreal, Canada. Three months after escaping from a Missouri prison, James Earl Ray meets a man named Raul in Montreal. Raul guides Ray's movements and gives him money for the Mustang car and a rifle. Ray later believed that this had been a set-up.2 One of the most significant developments in the Memphis trial was the emergence of the mysterious Raul through the testimony of a series of witnesses. In a 1995 deposition by James Earl Ray that was read to the jury, Ray told of meeting Raul in Montreal in the summer of 1967, three months after Ray had escaped from a Missouri prison. According to Ray, Raul guided Ray's movements, gave him money for the Mustang car and the rifle, and used both to set him up in Memphis. Saltman and Pepper, working on independent investigations, located Raul in 1995
- Robert F Kennedy William F. Pepper known for his defense of James Earl Ray in the trial for the murder of Martin Luther King Jr., a longtime friend of Pepper's, and of Sirhan Sirhan in the trial for the murder of Senator Robert Kennedy. [He is common link the two cases]
- Ralph Abernathy spartacus People close to King were convinced that the government was behind the assassination. Ralph Abernathy, who replaced King as head of the SCLC, claimed that he had been killed “by someone trained or hired by the FBI and acting under the orders from J. Edgar Hoover”.
- Reward motive 1977 US House Select Committee investigation put forth the theory that Ray assassinated King in the hope of collecting a reward from the supporters of then-presidential candidate George Wallace, though there was little supporting evidence. Quartz
- Russia conspiracy: wapo comment most assassination or terror did involve others, i.e. Oklahoma city bombing, shooting and bombing of abortion clinics and doctors, Boston bombing,(by russians) the Russian political assassinations in England and the US, Letelier in DC, etc.
- *Special Forces Sniper William F. Pepper, who was to spend the next forty years investigating the death of Martin Luther King, discovered evidence that Military Intelligence was involved in the assassination. In his book, Orders to Kill, Pepper names members of the 20th Special Forces Group (SFG) as being part of the conspiracy. spartacus Washingtonpost theory that a covert team of snipers--a squad called Alpha 184--tracked King is spurious. Among Pepper's critical errors: there was no Alpha 184 unit in existence in 1968 MLK Day: Global Research 2018 friend J.D. Hill who was part of the 20th Special ForcesGroup confessed to him that he had been a member of an Army sniper team in Memphis ordered to shoot an “unknown” target on April 4. Sniper teams two military sniper teams that were part of the 902nd Military Intelligence Group were sent to Memphis as back-ups should the primary shooter fail. gr assassinated by US govt: washingtonsblog 20th Special Forces Group had an 8-man sniper team at the assassination location on that day. Memphis police ordered the scene where multiple witnesses reported as the source of shooting cut ...
- U.S. government's plot to murder King To say that U.S. government agencies killed Martin Luther King on the verge of the Poor People's Campaign is a way into the deeper truth. April 4, 1967, Riverside Church, New York City, Martin Luther King, Jr. condemns the Vietnam War and identifies the U. S. government as "the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today." The Riverside Church speech provokes intense hostility in the White House and FBI. Hatred and fear of King deepens in response to King's plan to hold the Poor People's Campaign in Washington, D. C, with an intent to shut down the nation's capital in the spring of 1968. April 4, 1967, Riverside Church, New York City, Martin Luther King, Jr. condemns the Vietnam War and identifies the U. S. government as "the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today." The Riverside Church speech provokes intense hostility in the White House and FBI. Hatred and fear of King deepens in response to King's plan to hold the Poor People's Campaign in Washington, D. C, with an intent to shut down the nation's capital in the spring of 1968.1
- USS Liberty review: plot by high-level criminals in the FBI, with help from the local Memphis police, the CIA and the leaders of the Dixie Mafia, along with a cover up that repeated the same patterns as the JFK and RFK assassinations, as well the that of the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty in 1967,
- War Crimes Corbett Pepper article called “The Children of Vietnam,” which described the war crimes that America was committing in that country and the horrific loss of life, and particularly the effect on the children.
Year 1966
Freepress: Pepper was executive director of the New Rochelle Commission on Human Rights, an instructor in Political Science at Mercy College in Dobbs Ferry, New York, and director of the college’s Children’s Institute For Advanced Study and Research. On leave of absence in the spring of 1966, he spent six weeks in Vietnam as a correspondent accredited by the Military Assistance Command in that country, and by the government of Vietnam. His primary concern was the effects of the war on women and children, the role U.S. voluntary agencies performed, and the work of the military in civil action.
Year 1967
January 1967 William Pepper: The Children of Vietnam, January 1967 - Ratical.org hypertext copy has been made via OCR of the Ramparts Extra edition based on the original January 1967 essay
The Truth of The Children of Vietnam: | Freepress.org Dec 8, 2017 photographic essay by William Pepper about the children of Vietnam that Martin King first saw on January l4, l967 In January 1967, an article was published in Ramparts Magazine by William Pepper titled, “The Children Of Vietnam.” This searing essay presented vital historical truth of the toll the U.S. war inVietnam was taking both physically and psychically on that country's children. At the time Pepper was executive ...The horror or what we are doing to the children of Vietnam—“we,” because napalm and white phosphorus are the weapons of America—is staggering,
Year 1968
April 4, 1968 shooting On Thursday, April 4, 1968, King was staying in room 306 at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis.
Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy June 5, 1968
November 12, 1968 First publicized description of Raoul appeared in an article by William Bradford Huie in the November 12, 1968, edition of Look magazine. In this article, Ray was quoted as describing Raoul as a "blond Latin." (103) Huie subsequently published a book, "He slew the Dreamer" that drew heavily on correspondence from Ray. In the book, Raoul was described as a "red-haired French Canadian." (104) During his testimony, Ray explained this inconsistency by stating that he had never mentioned blond hair to Huie and that the second description was correct. (105)
Year 1969
This appears to be the first attempt to declare Ray innocent:
October 1969 Renfro Hays and Warren Smith provide witness Grace Stephens who proves that James Earl Ray did not shoot Martin Luther King, later cited by Mark Lane.
Year 1975
pacifica radio BC2220.04 Martin Luther King, Jr. : Chappaquiddick / Wayne Chastain and Robert
Chastain discusses the conspiracy to kill King and James Earl Ray's involvement. Cutler... KPFK, 2 Apr. 1975.
pacifica radio Unfinished business : the case of James Earl Ray / Wayne Chastain ; interviewed by Bob Manning. Attorney discusses the case of the man convicted of assassinated Martin Luther King.|UNFINISHED... KPFA, 1 Aug. 1975.
Year 1976
Saga Magazine Who Really Killed Martin Luther King? reprint of October 1969 text Grace Stephens is a small woman and she estimated the man who left the bathroom was not as tall as her. James Earl Ray is five feet, 10 inches in height. Grace Stephens estimated the man was in his 50’s. James Earl Ray is 40. Ray was wearing a dark suit, a narrow black tie and a white shirt that day. Grace Stephens saw a man clad in an Army (or olive drab) hunting jacket, dark pants, and a plaid sports shirt. James Earl Ray is dark haired. Mrs. Stephens distinctly remembered the salt and pepper color of the fleeing man's hair. It is apparent that Grace E. Stephens did not see James Earl Ray leave the
bathroom immediately after the shooting. She identified someone other than Ray and she is now committed to a mental institution.
Year 1976
Saga Magazine Who Really Killed Martin Luther King? reprint of October 1969 text Grace Stephens is a small woman and she estimated the man who left the bathroom was not as tall as her. James Earl Ray is five feet, 10 inches in height. Grace Stephens estimated the man was in his 50’s. James Earl Ray is 40. Ray was wearing a dark suit, a narrow black tie and a white shirt that day. Grace Stephens saw a man clad in an Army (or olive drab) hunting jacket, dark pants, and a plaid sports shirt. James Earl Ray is dark haired. Mrs. Stephens distinctly remembered the salt and pepper color of the fleeing man's hair. It is apparent that Grace E. Stephens did not see James Earl Ray leave the
bathroom immediately after the shooting. She identified someone other than Ray and she is now committed to a mental institution.
Year 1978
pacifica radio The Trial of James Earl Ray : a docu-drama / written by Mark Lane ; directed by Donald Dreed; produced by Mike Hodel and Lucia Chappelle. A dramatization of the trial for the accussed assassin of Martin Luther King; points out CIA-FBI... KPFK, Apr. 3, 1978.
The FBI gave him 2 weScript: Written by Mark LaneThe Script Savant SLAY THE DREAMER FBI wanted him in hotelt that was built like a shooting gallery Screenplay Review – Slay The Dreamer 2013 and FBI gave him 2 weeks to get out the country, reduced MLK security, the gun was not the murder weapon, Ray never watched TV in prison, was not a racist. Mark Lane was given money by KGB to develop JFK conspiracy theories.
The FBI gave him 2 weScript: Written by Mark LaneThe Script Savant SLAY THE DREAMER FBI wanted him in hotelt that was built like a shooting gallery Screenplay Review – Slay The Dreamer 2013 and FBI gave him 2 weeks to get out the country, reduced MLK security, the gun was not the murder weapon, Ray never watched TV in prison, was not a racist. Mark Lane was given money by KGB to develop JFK conspiracy theories.
Year 1993
pacifica radio A Murder in Memphis / moderated by Mark Lane and Dick Gregory. Informal speeches by Mark Lane and Dick Gregory which explores the question of who killed Martin...,
Year 1979
pacifica radio Uncovering an F.B.I. conspiracy : the story of James Earl Ray / Mark Lane ; interviewed by Charles Bell and Lucia Chappelle. Mark Lane, political activist and attorney for James Earl Ray, discusses the F.B.I. conspiracy... : KPFK
Date Recorded on: 5 Apr. 1989.
pacifica radio The Trial of James Earl Ray / Mark Lane and Donald Freed : interviewed by Mike Hodel. unanswered questions surrounding the trial of Martin Luther... KPFK, Apr. 15, 1979.
*Mainstream media
- CNN Pepper was interviewed on CNN by Larry King. CNN - Lawyer seeks liver transplant for James Earl Ray - Apr. 13, 1997 man convicted of killing civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. is in need of a new liver, his lawyer said. Appearing on CNN's "Larry King Live," attorney William Pepper said he is seeking a liver transplant for James Earl Ray. Pepper said Ray, 69, is suffering from cirrhosis of the .. Ray tells M.L. King's son he didn't kill his father - March 27, 1997
- Martin Luther King Family Martin Luther King family embraced the book. That put Gresham and other Green Berets into overdrive.
- New York Times Sales were slow, but the book was advertised prominently in The New York Times under the blurb "Did The U.S. Army Order King's Death?"
- NPR James Earl Ray's Undying Appeal for Freedom : NPR https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=89372294Apr 4, 2008 - Audio Joe Brown, of the syndicated television program, "Judge Joe Brown," discusses presiding over the final appeal of convicted King assassin James Earl Ray. Also joining the discussion is Ray's former attorney, William Pepper, author of An Act of State: The Execution of Martin Luther King. There were about 82 barrels custom-made that had that rate of rifling twist and it certainly wasn't the one that James Earl Ray was using. Now, I'm going to tell you what my investigation over the last ten years has revealed. Dr. King was shot with an M-21, which is a specially accurized(ph) edition of the ..M21 Sniper Weapon Systemsniper rifle adaptation of the M14 rifle
*timeline of conspiracy
"I have no doubt," Lawson said, "that the government viewed all this seriously enough to plan his assassination
Storeowner John McFerren said he arrived around 5:15 pm, April 4, 1968, for a produce pick-up at Frank Liberto's warehouse in Memphis. (King would be shot at 6:0l pm.) When he approached the warehouse office, McFerren overheard Liberto on the phone inside saying, "Shoot the son-of-a-bitch on the balcony."
Jowers says that meetings to plan the assassination occurred at Jim's Grill. He said the planners included undercover Memphis Police Department officer Marrell McCollough (who now works for the Central Intelligence Agency, and who is referenced in the trial transcript as Marrell McCullough), MPD Lieutenant Earl Clark (who died in 1987), a third police officer, and two men Jowers did not know but thought were federal agents.
Jowers said he was visited the day before the murder by a man named Raul, who brought a rifle in a box
Jowers says on the tape that right after the shot was fired he received a smoking rifle at the rear door of Jim's Grill from Clark. He broke the rifle down into two pieces and wrapped it in a tablecloth. Raul picked it up the next day. Jowers said he didn't actually see who fired the shot that killed King, but thought it was Clark, the MPD's best marksman.
No Agenda News NetworkUS government murdered Martin Luther King Jr.: William Pepper relates the gory details - Veterans Today. "I had lunch with Frank Strausser, the Memphis PD sharpshooter who shot Dr. King. He didn't know at the time that Martin King wasn't killed by his bullet. The assassination actually took place in the ...
US government murdered Martin Luther King Jr.: William Pepper ...
1/15/2018 http://ift.tt/2FHqZKY "I had lunch with Frank Strausser, the Memphis PD sharpshooter who shot Dr. King. He didn't know at the time that Martin King wasn't killed by his bullet. The assassination actually took place in the hospital..." Vía Veterans Today http://ift.tt/2FEdwDJ.
BREAKING NEWS - Ole Dammegard: Probable cause evidence ...
https://newsinsideout.com › 9/11
Aug 29, 2016 - Jesse Jackson is key covert FBI operative responsible for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr assassination .... The shots that hit Dr. King were fired by Memphis Police Officer Frank Strausser, accompanied by spotter Earl Clark (another Memphis police officer), with US Army sharpshooters or other backup shooters ...
US government murdered Martin Luther King Jr ... - Political American
1/14/2018 US government murdered Martin Luther King Jr.: William Pepper relates the gory details –. “I had lunch with Frank Strausser, the Memphis PD sharpshooter who shot Dr. King. He didn't know at the time that Martin King wasn't killed by his bullet. The assassination actually took place in the
The Plot to Kill Martin Luther King: Survived Shooting, Was Murdered ... jforpeace.blogspot.com › Home › MLK › U.S. Dec 26, 2017 - We know that a member of the Memphis Police Department fired the fatal shot and that two military sniper teams that were part of the 902ndMilitary Intelligence Group were sent to Memphis as back-ups should the primary shooter fail. We have access to the fascinating account of how Pepper came to meet ... Martin Luther King was murdered in a conspiracy that was instigated by then FBI director J. Edgar Hoover. Review of William Pepper's Book By Craig McKee Global Research, December 26, 2017
The Plot to Kill Martin Luther King: Survived Shooting, Was Murdered ...
https://www.globalresearch.ca/the-plot-to-kill-martin-luther-king...in.../5544005Dec 26, 2017 - We know that a member of the Memphis Police Department fired the fatal shot and that two military sniper teams that were part of the 902ndMilitary Intelligence ... Ron told Pepper he hadoverheard Bland, who was his family's doctor, tell his father that if King did survive the shooting he hadto be taken to St.
James Earl Ray - Murderer - Biography.com
Jul 13, 2016 - James Earl Ray was the assassin of celebrated civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. Learn more at Biography.com. ... After getting laid off in 1945, Ray enlisted in the Army, eventually getting stationed in West Germany. But he found it difficult to adapt to the military's strict codes of conduct. He was ...
Judge Joe: James Earl Ray Didn't Assassinate Martin Luther King Jr ...
▶ 8:49
Jan 18, 2016 - Uploaded by djvladThis year will mark the 48th-year anniversary of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s assassination, and as the last judge ...
Judge Joe Brown On The MLK Assassination: James Earl Ray Didn't ...
▶ 9:22
Mar 2, 2015 - Uploaded by WeAllBeTVJudge Joe: James Earl Ray Didn't Assassinate Martin Luther King Jr. - Duration: 8:49. djvlad 211,557 views ...
Flashback: Judge Joe: James Earl Ray Didn't Assassinate ... - YouTube
▶ 8:18
20 hours ago - Uploaded by djvladThis year marked the 50th year anniversary since the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., and as the last ...
2 man team shot from fire station dormitory
Martin Luther King Assassination Conspiracy Exposed in Memphis by ...
The seriousness with which U.S. intelligence agencies planned the murder of Martin Luther King Jr. speaks eloquently of the threat Kingian nonviolence represented to .... In the March-April Probe, Mike Vinson described the similar removal of Ed Redditt, a black Memphis Police Department detective, from his Fire Station 2 ...
background to the ... · local conspiracy · the crime scene · the rifle
Judge Joe Brown, who had presided over two years of hearings on the rifle, testified that “67% of the bullets from my tests did not match the Ray rifle.” He added that the unfired bullets found wrapped with it in a blanket were metallurgically different from the bullet taken from King’s body, and therefore were from a different lot of ammunition. And because the rifle’s scope had not been sited, Brown said, “this weapon literally could not have hit the broadside of a barn.” Holding up the 30.06 Remington 760 Gamemaster rifle, Judge Brown told the jury, “It is my opinion that this is not the murder weapon.” Pepper said in his closing argument that the actual murder weapon had been lying “at the bottom of the Mississippi River for over thirty-one years.”
Vi. Raoul And His Alleged Participation In The Assassination | CRT ...
Aug 6, 2015 - In 1969, James Earl Ray pled guilty to murdering Dr. King. After entering his plea and until his death, Ray maintained that he did not shoot Dr. King, was not at the rooming house when the fatal shot was fired, had no prior knowledge of the assassination, and was framed by a man he knew only asRaoul.
50 Years Ago: Riverside Church and
MLK’s Final Year of Experiments With Truth
by David T. Ratcliffe
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. speaking at Riverside Church, NYC, April 4 1967
Fifty years ago today, Martin Luther King gave a paramount speech addressing the moral bankruptcy of the Vietnam war and the untenable costs to society of rampant U.S. militarism. Entering the final year of his life, the “Beyond Vietnam” address at New York City’s Riverside Church, moved Dr. King into a profoundly deeper exploration of experiments with truth akin to those that defined Mohandas Gandhi’s life.
... What Dr. King expressed at Riverside Church was an unequivocal challenge to the relentless pursuit of control and exploitation of global resources by U.S. corporate governing interests cloaked in the façade of so-called national security.
paths of Martin Luther King and William Francis Pepper were inextricably joined after King saw an article Pepper had written in the January 1967 edition of Ramparts magazine. At that time Pepper was executive director of the New Rochelle Commission on Human Rights, instructor in Political Science at Mercy College in Dobbs Ferry, New York, and director of that college’s Children’s Institute For Advanced Study and Research. On leave of absence in the spring of 1966 he spent six weeks in Vietnam as a correspondent accredited by the Military Assistance Command in that country, and by the government of Vietnam. His primary concern was the effects of the war on women and children, the role U.S. voluntary agencies performed and the work of the military in civil action. Upon his return to the U.S. Pepper wrote a number of articles including the Ramparts essay titled “The Children of Vietnam.” Speaking on the floor of the U.S. Senate on August 22, 1966, Senator Wayne Morse is quoted at the outset of the piece:
No Agenda News NetworkUS government murdered Martin Luther King Jr.: William Pepper relates the gory details - Veterans Today. "I had lunch with Frank Strausser, the Memphis PD sharpshooter who shot Dr. King. He didn't know at the time that Martin King wasn't killed by his bullet. The assassination actually took place in the ...
US government murdered Martin Luther King Jr.: William Pepper ...
1/15/2018 http://ift.tt/2FHqZKY "I had lunch with Frank Strausser, the Memphis PD sharpshooter who shot Dr. King. He didn't know at the time that Martin King wasn't killed by his bullet. The assassination actually took place in the hospital..." Vía Veterans Today http://ift.tt/2FEdwDJ.
BREAKING NEWS - Ole Dammegard: Probable cause evidence ...
https://newsinsideout.com › 9/11
Aug 29, 2016 - Jesse Jackson is key covert FBI operative responsible for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr assassination .... The shots that hit Dr. King were fired by Memphis Police Officer Frank Strausser, accompanied by spotter Earl Clark (another Memphis police officer), with US Army sharpshooters or other backup shooters ...
US government murdered Martin Luther King Jr ... - Political American
1/14/2018 US government murdered Martin Luther King Jr.: William Pepper relates the gory details –. “I had lunch with Frank Strausser, the Memphis PD sharpshooter who shot Dr. King. He didn't know at the time that Martin King wasn't killed by his bullet. The assassination actually took place in the
The Plot to Kill Martin Luther King: Survived Shooting, Was Murdered ... jforpeace.blogspot.com › Home › MLK › U.S. Dec 26, 2017 - We know that a member of the Memphis Police Department fired the fatal shot and that two military sniper teams that were part of the 902ndMilitary Intelligence Group were sent to Memphis as back-ups should the primary shooter fail. We have access to the fascinating account of how Pepper came to meet ... Martin Luther King was murdered in a conspiracy that was instigated by then FBI director J. Edgar Hoover. Review of William Pepper's Book By Craig McKee Global Research, December 26, 2017
The Plot to Kill Martin Luther King: Survived Shooting, Was Murdered ...
https://www.globalresearch.ca/the-plot-to-kill-martin-luther-king...in.../5544005Dec 26, 2017 - We know that a member of the Memphis Police Department fired the fatal shot and that two military sniper teams that were part of the 902ndMilitary Intelligence ... Ron told Pepper he hadoverheard Bland, who was his family's doctor, tell his father that if King did survive the shooting he hadto be taken to St.
James Earl Ray - Murderer - Biography.com
Jul 13, 2016 - James Earl Ray was the assassin of celebrated civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. Learn more at Biography.com. ... After getting laid off in 1945, Ray enlisted in the Army, eventually getting stationed in West Germany. But he found it difficult to adapt to the military's strict codes of conduct. He was ...
Judge Joe: James Earl Ray Didn't Assassinate Martin Luther King Jr ...
Jan 18, 2016 - Uploaded by djvladThis year will mark the 48th-year anniversary of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s assassination, and as the last judge ...
Judge Joe Brown On The MLK Assassination: James Earl Ray Didn't ...
Mar 2, 2015 - Uploaded by WeAllBeTVJudge Joe: James Earl Ray Didn't Assassinate Martin Luther King Jr. - Duration: 8:49. djvlad 211,557 views ...
Flashback: Judge Joe: James Earl Ray Didn't Assassinate ... - YouTube
20 hours ago - Uploaded by djvladThis year marked the 50th year anniversary since the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., and as the last ...
2 man team shot from fire station dormitory
Martin Luther King Assassination Conspiracy Exposed in Memphis by ...
The seriousness with which U.S. intelligence agencies planned the murder of Martin Luther King Jr. speaks eloquently of the threat Kingian nonviolence represented to .... In the March-April Probe, Mike Vinson described the similar removal of Ed Redditt, a black Memphis Police Department detective, from his Fire Station 2 ...
background to the ... · local conspiracy · the crime scene · the rifle
Judge Joe Brown, who had presided over two years of hearings on the rifle, testified that “67% of the bullets from my tests did not match the Ray rifle.” He added that the unfired bullets found wrapped with it in a blanket were metallurgically different from the bullet taken from King’s body, and therefore were from a different lot of ammunition. And because the rifle’s scope had not been sited, Brown said, “this weapon literally could not have hit the broadside of a barn.” Holding up the 30.06 Remington 760 Gamemaster rifle, Judge Brown told the jury, “It is my opinion that this is not the murder weapon.” Pepper said in his closing argument that the actual murder weapon had been lying “at the bottom of the Mississippi River for over thirty-one years.”
emergence of the mysterious Raul through the testimony of a series of witnesses.
In a 1995 deposition by James Earl Ray that was read to the jury, Ray told of meeting Raul in Montreal in the summer of 1967, three months after Ray had escaped from a Missouri prison.
Vi. Raoul And His Alleged Participation In The Assassination | CRT ...
Aug 6, 2015 - In 1969, James Earl Ray pled guilty to murdering Dr. King. After entering his plea and until his death, Ray maintained that he did not shoot Dr. King, was not at the rooming house when the fatal shot was fired, had no prior knowledge of the assassination, and was framed by a man he knew only asRaoul.
Ray claimed that Raoul, who he thought to be a smuggler, directed him to purchase the 30.06 rifle recovered in front of Canipe's store and rent a room in the rooming house on South Main Street. Ray also contended that he gave the rifle to Raoul sometime before the assassination and left him in the rooming house hours before Dr. King was killed.
The Jowers allegations and the documents Wilson claims to have taken from Ray's car share a common thread with Ray's protestations of innocence. All suggest, in some respect, that Raoul participated in a conspiracy to assassinate Dr. King. Consequently, the investigative team reviewed materials regarding Raoul to determine whether he exists, can be identified, and actually participated in the murder.
50 Years Ago: Riverside Church and
MLK’s Final Year of Experiments With Truth
by David T. Ratcliffe
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. speaking at Riverside Church, NYC, April 4 1967
Fifty years ago today, Martin Luther King gave a paramount speech addressing the moral bankruptcy of the Vietnam war and the untenable costs to society of rampant U.S. militarism. Entering the final year of his life, the “Beyond Vietnam” address at New York City’s Riverside Church, moved Dr. King into a profoundly deeper exploration of experiments with truth akin to those that defined Mohandas Gandhi’s life.
... What Dr. King expressed at Riverside Church was an unequivocal challenge to the relentless pursuit of control and exploitation of global resources by U.S. corporate governing interests cloaked in the façade of so-called national security.
paths of Martin Luther King and William Francis Pepper were inextricably joined after King saw an article Pepper had written in the January 1967 edition of Ramparts magazine. At that time Pepper was executive director of the New Rochelle Commission on Human Rights, instructor in Political Science at Mercy College in Dobbs Ferry, New York, and director of that college’s Children’s Institute For Advanced Study and Research. On leave of absence in the spring of 1966 he spent six weeks in Vietnam as a correspondent accredited by the Military Assistance Command in that country, and by the government of Vietnam. His primary concern was the effects of the war on women and children, the role U.S. voluntary agencies performed and the work of the military in civil action. Upon his return to the U.S. Pepper wrote a number of articles including the Ramparts essay titled “The Children of Vietnam.” Speaking on the floor of the U.S. Senate on August 22, 1966, Senator Wayne Morse is quoted at the outset of the piece:
martin luther king - the fatal shot came from a different direction
www.whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/ARTICLE1/overlooked.php (russian)
Indicated at left is the actual window of the rooming house from which the government maintains that James Earl Ray shot Martin Luther King. A line has been drawn from the rooming house window back to the balcony on which the pointing witnesses were photographed. Note the end of the line near the fireextinguisher ...
Exclusive! Judge Joe Brown: James Earl Ray Didn't ... - VladTV
Jan 18, 2016 - This year will mark the 48th-year anniversary of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s assassination, and as the last judge presiding over alleged shooter, James Earl Ray's case, Judge Joe Brown still believes "he didn't kill him.
Judge in King Case Removed - The New York Times
Mar 8, 1998 - A judge who had given James Earl Ray hope of getting a retrial in the assassination of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. has been taken off the case for appearing to be biased toward Mr. Ray.Judge Joe Brown of Criminal Court has ruled on various petitions Mr. Ray has filed over ...
Exclusive! Judge Joe Brown: James Earl Ray Didn't Assassinate MLK Jr.
Jan 18, 2016 - This year will mark the 48th-year anniversary of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s assassination, and as the last judge presiding over alleged shooter, James Earl Ray's case, Judge Joe Brown still believes "he didn't kill him." In an interview with DJ Vlad, the honorable judge says he didn't believe Ray was the ...
Joe Brown (judge) - Wikipedia
Brown became the first African-American prosecutor in the city of Memphis. He would later open his own law practice before becoming a judge on the State Criminal Court of Shelby County, Tennessee.Brown was thrust into the national spotlight while presiding over James Earl Ray's last appeal of Ray's conviction for the ...Brown was thrust into the national spotlight while presiding over James Earl Ray's last appeal of Ray's conviction for the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. Brown was removed from the reopened investigation of King's murder due to alleged bias—former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney of Georgia wrote that Brown told her and the Congressional Black Caucus, unequivocally, that the so-called murder rifle was not the weapon that killed Martin Luther King, Jr.[3]
James Earl Ray's Undying Appeal for Freedom : NPR
Apr 4, 2008 - Joe Brown, of the syndicated television program, "Judge Joe Brown," discusses presiding over the final appeal of convicted King assassin James Earl Ray. Also joining the discussion is Ray's former attorney, William Pepper, author of An Act of State: The Execution of Martin Luther King." In an interview with DJ Vlad, the honorable judge says he didn't believe Ray was the ...
www.whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/ARTICLE1/overlooked.php (russian)
Indicated at left is the actual window of the rooming house from which the government maintains that James Earl Ray shot Martin Luther King. A line has been drawn from the rooming house window back to the balcony on which the pointing witnesses were photographed. Note the end of the line near the fireextinguisher ...
Exclusive! Judge Joe Brown: James Earl Ray Didn't ... - VladTV
Jan 18, 2016 - This year will mark the 48th-year anniversary of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s assassination, and as the last judge presiding over alleged shooter, James Earl Ray's case, Judge Joe Brown still believes "he didn't kill him.
Judge in King Case Removed - The New York Times
Mar 8, 1998 - A judge who had given James Earl Ray hope of getting a retrial in the assassination of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. has been taken off the case for appearing to be biased toward Mr. Ray.Judge Joe Brown of Criminal Court has ruled on various petitions Mr. Ray has filed over ...
Exclusive! Judge Joe Brown: James Earl Ray Didn't Assassinate MLK Jr.
Jan 18, 2016 - This year will mark the 48th-year anniversary of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s assassination, and as the last judge presiding over alleged shooter, James Earl Ray's case, Judge Joe Brown still believes "he didn't kill him." In an interview with DJ Vlad, the honorable judge says he didn't believe Ray was the ...
Joe Brown (judge) - Wikipedia
Brown became the first African-American prosecutor in the city of Memphis. He would later open his own law practice before becoming a judge on the State Criminal Court of Shelby County, Tennessee.Brown was thrust into the national spotlight while presiding over James Earl Ray's last appeal of Ray's conviction for the ...Brown was thrust into the national spotlight while presiding over James Earl Ray's last appeal of Ray's conviction for the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. Brown was removed from the reopened investigation of King's murder due to alleged bias—former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney of Georgia wrote that Brown told her and the Congressional Black Caucus, unequivocally, that the so-called murder rifle was not the weapon that killed Martin Luther King, Jr.[3]
James Earl Ray's Undying Appeal for Freedom : NPR
Apr 4, 2008 - Joe Brown, of the syndicated television program, "Judge Joe Brown," discusses presiding over the final appeal of convicted King assassin James Earl Ray. Also joining the discussion is Ray's former attorney, William Pepper, author of An Act of State: The Execution of Martin Luther King." In an interview with DJ Vlad, the honorable judge says he didn't believe Ray was the ...
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