November 14, 2017 Rancho Tehama Mass Shooting Not Terrorist Attack Kevin Neal The shooting rampage started at a home where he killed his wife Barbara Glisan. and 3 neighbors and moved to the elementary school in Tehama County at around 8 am. The shooter was killed by law enforcement. A man reported that his truck was stolen and his roommate was shot and killed by the gunman earlier in the morning. Authorities announced they believe he as angry at his neighbors and was not a terrorist attack.
List of victims:
Killed |
Targeted shootings:
Random killings:
Wounded |
By bullets:
By broken glass:

Alternative theory: He is terrorist hiding a motive. Killing wife and mad at neighbors is cover story for mass killing attack on US city. Terrorist theory: The mass shooting in the last three months are not random but well organized terror attacks to avenge the killing of taliban fighters at the hands of U.S. Stephen paddock, omar mateen and saifulla saipov all lived in the tampa-orlando, florida area between 2013- 2015 and then all them committed mass murder in within a span of 1 year
- Five dead in mass shooting in California: Gunman who was - Daily Mail ... Neal eventually arrived at the Rancho Tehama Elementary School and .... deadly when Neal fired at several people, killing one man in his driveway. Revealed: California shooter was a gun-obsessed drug addict out on bail for stabbing a neighbor in ongoing feud Officials say Kevin Hanson Neal, 43, began firing at 7.52am on Tuesday He opened fire near his home on Bobcat Lane in Rancho Tehama then drove off On his way through the town, he shot a woman and her child in their truck The mother suffered life-threatening wounds and remains in hospital A second child was hurt at Rancho Tehama Elementary School and airlifted He was identified as Alejandro Hernandez, 6, and is expected to recover Neal attempted to gain entry to the school, but it was on lockdown Police shot the gunman was found dead near the school after a brief gunfight Ten people, including the two children injured, remain in the hospital In January Neal stabbed a neighbor; he was to face trial in January 2018 His sister says she believes he was addicted to drugs
- anti-government "Mom said his delusions and anti-government rhetoric was getting worse and worse," Orr said. cnn
- arrests arrested numerous times in California and North Carolina for such crimes as drug sales and hit-and-run driving, Tehama County District Attorney Gregg Cohen said.
- armor house: Neal draped a giant metal awning across the front of the house as if to armor himself from the outside world.
- attorney Leo Barone, a Red Bluff attorney who said he was hired by Neal after his arrest, said Neal and the neighbor would often call the authorities on each other. Barone said Neal frequently made strange comments but never hinted at violence. latimes
- bail for january arrest
- duration 45 min
- cal fire complaint Cal Fire to complain that the two women were making methamphetamine.
- Camouflage uniform
- carjacking
- Camouflage uniform
- carjacking
- charges charged with assaulting — with a gun and a — and falsely imprisoning two women in Tehama County.
- crash bus gate
- crime scenes - 7
- deliberately crash into bus gate, another car
- delusional
- dispute: was in a long-running dispute with neighbors he believed were cooking methamphetamine.
- drug addiction Family sister believes her brother was addicted to drugs.
- drug sales arrested numerous times in California and North Carolina for such crimes as drug sales and hit-and-run driving
- duration 45 min
- guns: Neal was armed with one semiautomatic AR assault-style rifle and two handguns and that a second rifle was later discovered during a search.
- gun ban: Court documents show Northern California shooter was prohibited from having guns as part of restraining order.
- hospital Three people were being treated at a hospital in Redding, about 50 miles north of the shootings, Mercy Medical Center spokeswoman
- illegal guns latimes Tehama County judgeordered Neal to surrender all firearms. He did not legally own any of the guns, Johnston said. The two rifles were “manufactured illegally by him in his home” and unregistered, and the pistols were registered to another person, he said.
- load bearing vest like soldier
- madman:
- mariuana wife's body Neal worked as a pot farmer
- mental illness needed mental help, sister says had long struggled with mental illness. suffered from paranoia ...
- military style - vest, guns, shooting through walls, windshield, ramming cars, gates, carjack, multiple targets
- mother:
- motive in the shooting is unclear “I think the motive of getting even with his neighbors and when it went that far — he just went on a rampage,” Johnston said
- restraining order
- walls - shoot into walls and windows like Texas church
- sister Sheridan Orr
- suspect: suspect was Kevin Janson Neal, 43.
- terror attack Independent scene of a terror attack
- Tehama school: . About 100 students attend Rancho Tehama School, only 4 teachers.
- terrorist Tehama Terrorism requires a political or ...Tehama- Mass shootings are a form of domestic terror. gunman he doesn't think there is any connection to terrorism.
- victims 5
- 1 wife found under floorboards
- 2 neighbor roommate shot in driveway returning truck
- 3 woman 33-year-old Hailey Suzanne Poland Two people were found dead at the first shooting scene
- 4 shot in driveway near original house?
- 5 Michelle McFadyen another person was killed after the suspect rammed their crown victoria vehicle and fired at the occupants
- 6 suspect shot by police after gunfight
- wife: wife's body Neal worked as a pot farmer and had recently married his wife unidentified. Found under floorboards on wed found dead believes his nephew had gottenmarried after moving to California. shot several times, was hidden beneath the floor. “We believe that’s what probably started this whole event,” Tehama County Asst. Sheriff Phil Johnston told reporters Wednesday. Barbara Glisan.
- windshield - shoots through pickup windshield
- History of mental illness.
History of violence.
Stabbed neighbor, out on bail.
Domestic violence complant.
Restraining order in effect.
Shooting guns at night.
Screaming outbursts.
Neighbors call Sheriff Department.
Sheriff told them to contact the HOA. - Two people were found dead at the first shooting scene and another person was killed after the suspect rammed their vehicle and fired at the occupants, Johnston said.
- deliberate crashed into fence at school
- drive by shootings at homes
- military vest: 'wearing a load bearing vest — similar to what soldiers wear to carry ...
- on bail
- assault with deadly weapon
- school fired into classrooms but could not get into door - students wounded
- guns - semi-auto rifle and two handguns
- carjacked
- threatened neighbors and shooting guns
- shooting lots of bullets recently
- living near him has been hell.
- one man commando army team
- pseudocommando
- terrorism ruled out
- staff at the school heard gunshots around a quarter-mile away and initiated a lockdown.
- took his vehicle and rammed their fence and gate, entered the grounds on foot with a semiautomatic rifle,"
- gave it up and reentered the vehicle and then went on his killing spree and took it to the streets of Rancho Tehama,
- was spotted chasing a vehicle and firing at it, he then shot at a police, police rammed the gunman’s vehicle and ran it off the road, and the suspect was killed by officers
- domestic violence terrorist spree charged with assault with a deadly weapon against a woman in January, and that woman is among the four people killed Tuesday, Johnston said.
- his neighbor, whom he knows only as Kevin, was the gunman and that his roommate was among the victims. He said the shooter also stole his truck.
- gunman shot the child in the vehicle as the child was being driven to school, Johnston said. Their vehicle passed the gunman's and "he opened fire on them
- unman was wearing “a load bearing vest that you sometimes see soldiers wear that have the clips embedded in the chest," Johnston said.
- shot at a number of classrooms, he said.
- Johnston said the shooting is not believed to be terrorism related, and "this is an individual that armed himself, I think with the motive of getting even with his neighbors."
- a couple bullets struck one of the students that was underneath a desk,
- dispute: was in a long-running dispute with neighbors he believed were cooking methamphetamine.
- drug addiction Family sister believes her brother was addicted to drugs.
- felony - no conviction Neal did not have a felony conviction against him that would have prevented him from owning a gun, Johnston said.
- guns: Neal was armed with one semiautomatic AR assault-style rifle and two handguns and that a second rifle was later discovered during a search. At least three weapons were used in the shooting, Johnston said. Johnston said there was another gun found in the pickup the shooter was driving.
- gun ban: Court documents show Northern California shooter was prohibited from having guns as part of restraining order.
- hospital Three people were being treated at a hospital in Redding, about 50 miles north of the shootings, Mercy Medical Center spokeswoman
- illegal guns latimes Tehama County judgeordered Neal to surrender all firearms. He did not legally own any of the guns, Johnston said. The two rifles were “manufactured illegally by him in his home” and unregistered, and the pistols were registered to another person, he said.
- load bearing vest like soldier
- madman:
- mariuana wife's body Neal worked as a pot farmer
- mental illness needed mental help, sister says had long struggled with mental illness. suffered from paranoia ...
- military style - vest, guns, shooting through walls, windshield, ramming cars, gates, carjack, multiple targets
- mother:
- motive in the shooting is unclear “I think the motive of getting even with his neighbors and when it went that far — he just went on a rampage,” Johnston said "This man was very, very intent on completing what he set out to do today," Johnston said. "The shooter was bent on killing and shooting people at random."
- protective order Rancho Tehama gunman targeted wife, neighbor before attacking ... latimes Neal and his wife, Barbara Glisan, obtained a protective order against a male neighbor, whom they accused of threatening them with a gun and m anufacturing methamphetamine.
- restraining order restraining order was issued after Neal continued to harass his two victims after he got out of jail, Cohen said. The harassment included calling Cal Fire to complain that the two women were making methamphetamine.
- walls - shoot into walls and windows like Texas church
- sister Sheridan Orr
- suspect: suspect was Kevin Janson Neal, 43.
- stepson Court Neal had verbally abused each of them, including the stepson.
- terror attack Independent scene of a terror attack
- Rancho Tehama elementary school school: . About 100 students attend Rancho Tehama School, only 4 teachers.
- terrorist Tehama Terrorism requires a political or ...Tehama- Mass shootings are a form of domestic terror. gunman he doesn't think there is any connection to terrorism.
- victims 6
- Barbara Ann Gilsan, 38 Neal's wife, shot at their home) (in court records, her name is listed as Barbara Glisan) Barbara Ann Glisan, 38 years old, a woman who loved her dogs and worked at a local pizza shop. Killed day before
- Killed at home at start of spree Danny Lee Elliot, 38 Poland's boyfriend. Lived with mother Diana Lee Steele and father-in-law (in court records, his name is listed as Danny Lee Elliott II) Who are the Victims of the Rancho Tehama Shooting? | FOX40 dad to his young son Gage Elliott and a man devoted to his ... Rancho Tehama shooter neighbor describes tensions redding Elliot, 38, and his mother, Diana Lee Steele, 68, were among the first Neal killed before he went on his rampage, firing at people randomly on ...Kevin Janson Neal before Tuesday's deadly assault, had threatened out loud he was going to kill his neighbor and after would kill his 7-year-old son at school. Johnny Phommathep said the threats made to Danny Lee Elliot may reveal Neal's motive for shooting up the classrooms at Rancho Tehama Elementary School. cbsnews Victims Danny Elliot and Diana Steele, a mother and her adult son, were gunned down in their home, according to a fundraising page for Elliot's son Gage, 7, who attended the elementary school Neal targeted. The boy was not injured. / Named as protected Poland's mother and father-in-law, who both lived with Poland on Bobcat Lane, Poland's 38-year-old boyfriend Danny Lee Elliot, 38 years old and his 7-year-old son, who was also Poland's stepson. Elliot's girlfriend, Hailey Suzanne Poland 'I will kill you': Neighbor recalls California shooter's threats - CNN Volunteer firefighter Johnny Phommathep could hear the trouble next door loud and clear. The screaming. The threats.
- Killed at home at start of spree Diana Lee Steele, 68 mother of Danny Lee Elliot Neal had reportedly assaulted Steele, who was his neighbor, in January in an incident in which he also stabbed Elliot's girlfriend, Hailey Suzanne Poland. Elliot's mom, Diana Lee Steele, 68, was also killed.
- Joseph Edward McHugh III, age 56 - Gun Memorial (shot in unknown location) New York Times Brian Flint let his roommate borrow his truck, and the man was returning it when he was shot in the driveway. roommate had just turned 57-years-old Brian Flint said he got a call in the morning that his roommate was injured and that his truck had been stolen. It turned out his neighbor was the gunman. Brian Flint He lived two doors down from suspect Flint described Kevin as a crazy dangerous man and spoke about how Kevin would shoot up to 100 rounds of gunfire every night and morning. "All I know is that the guy shoots a lot of shots and it's just crazy. I would hope that there would be more effort into preventing things like this. The police came around my house a lot recently, maybe it was for gunshots, maybe not, not sure but you know, there just needs to be more of an effort for things like this to be prevented," said Flint. Flint said that his roommate had just turned 57-years-old and was a very nice man. He said he felt guilty knowing that the suspect used his car to carry out such a horrendous act. Flint learned of the shooting via a phone call early Tuesday. When asked how he was feeling, he replied: "I just feel like maybe there should’ve been more effort put into potentially stopping things like this."
- Michelle McFadyen another person was killed after the suspect rammed their crown victoria vehicle and fired at the occupants Michelle Iris McFadyen, 55
- Kevin Neal killed by police suspect shot by police after gunfight To neighbors, Neal was known as "Meth Head Kevin," who bragged about having a wealthy family in the South, Prommathep said
- Not killed woman 33-year-old Hailey Suzanne Poland (Poland wasn't there during Tuesday's attack and wasn't harmed, CBS News' Jamie Yuccas reports. cbsnews)Two people were found dead at the first shooting scene. Named as protected Poland's mother Diana Lee Steele (killed) and father-in-law, who both lived with Poland on Bobcat Lane, Poland's 38-year-old boyfriend (killed) and his 7-year-old son, (threatened) who was also Poland's stepson. Court records said Neal had verbally abused each of them, including the stepson
- 4? after school continued his spree, driving around and killing another three people in the town before he encountered police
- A “semi-automatic rifle and two handguns” have been recovered by authorities, he added.
- wife: wife's body Neal worked as a pot farmer and had recently married his wife unidentified. Found under floorboards on wed found dead believes his nephew had gottenmarried after moving to California. shot several times, was hidden beneath the floor. “We believe that’s what probably started this whole event,” Tehama County Asst. Sheriff Phil Johnston told reporters Wednesday. Barbara Glisan.
- windshield - shoots through pickup windshield
- wounded: The people injured were:
- Tiffany Nai Phommathep, 31 driving kids in pickup truck wife, Tiffany Nai Phommathep, 31, was on her way to drop off their children at school when Neal pulled up next to her and sprayed bullets into her pickup. rs ( told CBS affiliate KHSL from her hospital room that she was driving with her three young sons to the school, where she was to drop off the two oldest, when the gunman pulled alongside their truck. She said she recognized the gunman as Neal, her neighbor, and at first thought he was in a rush and trying to get past her. But he pulled out a gun and opened fire. Phommathep's oldest son, 10, was struck in the calf; another son, 7, was struck in the foot; and her youngest son, 2, was scratched by flying glass, KHSL reported. Phommathep was the most severly injured. She was struck five times while trying to shield her oldest son, who was in the front passenger seat, according to a GoFundMe page. she tried multiple times to flag down passersby but no one would help her. Eventually she was able to flag down a sheriff's official who called for ambulances. cbs)
- James A. Wood I, 43 James Woods Sr. and James Woods Jr. were also doing a simple chore when mayhem hit. They were checking for mail when the gunman fired from behind, according to Ashley Oleane Paez, James Woods Jr.'s girlfriend. usatoday (James Woods Sr. and James Woods II were in their car at the post office when the gunman opened fire through the driver's side window and the windshield. The elder Woods was grazed on the face by a bullet and glass fragments. The younger Woods was struck by a bullet that went though his cheek, shattering bone and knocking out his teeth. The fundraising page says the younger Woods, a father of two young children, is hospitalized in critical condition and has a "very long road to recovery. cbs)
- Jame A. Wood II, 20
- Troy Lee McFadyen, 47 wife killed when truck rammed them got out and shot them
- Jessie Allen Sanders, 39
- Francisco Gudino Cardenas, 34
- ? roommate who returned truck was shot???
- History of mental illness.
History of violence.
Stabbed neighbor, out on bail.
Domestic violence complant.
Restraining order in effect.
Shooting guns at night.
Screaming outbursts.
Neighbors call Sheriff Department.
Sheriff told them to contact the HOA. - Two people were found dead at the first shooting scene and another person was killed after the suspect rammed their vehicle and fired at the occupants, Johnston said.
- deliberate crashed into fence at school
- drive by shootings at homes
- military vest: 'wearing a load bearing vest — similar to what soldiers wear to carry ...
- on bail
- assault with deadly weapon
- school fired into classrooms but could not get into door - students wounded
- guns - semi-auto rifle and two handguns
- carjacked
- threatened neighbors and shooting guns
- shooting lots of bullets recently
- living near him has been hell.
- one man commando army team
- pseudocommando
- terrorism ruled out
- staff at the school heard gunshots around a quarter-mile away and initiated a lockdown.
- took his vehicle and rammed their fence and gate, entered the grounds on foot with a semiautomatic rifle,"
- gave it up and reentered the vehicle and then went on his killing spree and took it to the streets of Rancho Tehama,
- was spotted chasing a vehicle and firing at it, he then shot at a police, police rammed the gunman’s vehicle and ran it off the road, and the suspect was killed by officers
- domestic violence terrorist spree charged with assault with a deadly weapon against a woman in January, and that woman is among the four people killed Tuesday, Johnston said.
- his neighbor, whom he knows only as Kevin, was the gunman and that his roommate was among the victims. He said the shooter also stole his truck.
- gunman shot the child in the vehicle as the child was being driven to school, Johnston said. Their vehicle passed the gunman's and "he opened fire on them
- unman was wearing “a load bearing vest that you sometimes see soldiers wear that have the clips embedded in the chest," Johnston said.
- shot at a number of classrooms, he said.
- Johnston said the shooting is not believed to be terrorism related, and "this is an individual that armed himself, I think with the motive of getting even with his neighbors."
- a couple bullets struck one of the students that was underneath a desk,
- kron4 was raised in Cary and went to East Carolina University. family told CBS North Carolina that Neal was very smart, but “troubled.” sister, Sheridan Orr, told the Associated Press her brother had struggled with mental illness throughout his life and at times had a violent temper.
- Family members told CBS North Carolina that Neal had a long criminal history in Wake County. in North Carolina kron4
- 12 years kron4 The gunman moved to California about 12 years ago mother spoke by phone from Raleigh, North Carolina, where she lives and where Neal grew up before moving to California, where he was working as a pot farmer and had recently married his longtime girlfriend CBS
- Records from the Wake County Justice Center show Neal, had a criminal record as recent as 2009. He was charged with several traffic violations and was arrested for possession of marijuana. Romero said, “He moved to start over and have a fresh start.”
- 5 years: kron4 Neal and his mother had not seen each other in 5 years but talked daily and were close.
- Court records also show Neal had misdemeanor hit and run case in 2013. redding
- january: judge had issued a restraining order against the gunman after the dispute with the neighbor in January. Neal was arrested on Jan. 31 for the incident with his neighbors in which he reportedly shot through a fence at two women, according to the Red Bluff Daily News.
- In December 2015, a then-43-year-old woman was arrested after a school employee called law enforcement because she allegedly was walking around with a sawed-off shotgun. The woman also was arrested, in part, because deputies said they found a stolen pickup in her yard.
- Neal opened fire on the neighbors as they walked along a wooden fence. He jumped over the fence, stabbed one of the women and then took the other's cellphone, the prosecutor said. accused of stabbing a female neighbor in the abdomen. The charges — which include assault with a deadly weapon and second-degree robbery — were pending, and the neighbor was among the first to be killed Tuesday. Mother says he was threatened cut after Neal grabbed a steak knife she was using to threaten him. mother asked that only her first name, Anne, be used because she feared for her safety due to her son’s feuding with neighbors he claimed were involved with gangs. She was unaware of her son’s role in the rampage until contacted by AP.her last few talks with her son, Neal’s mother said he sounded desperate and despairing over his relationship with his neighbors, who he said were cooking meth and creating fumes that were harming his nine dogs. Neal’s mother said her son told her the neighbor was only slightly cut after Neal grabbed a steak knife she was using to threaten him.
- January 31, 2017. the neighbor, 33-year-old Hailey Suzanne Poland, in February sought a civil restraining order against Neal, writing that he “attacked me and my mother-in-law stabbing me with a knife and beating her and myself.” Neal, she wrote, threatened the household with a gun. She described being stabbed with a 7-inch knife and being punched in the face. Without naming her, sheriff’s officials confirmed that the woman seeking the protective order was killed by Neal. latimes Hailey Suzanne Poland had a civil restraining order against Neal and lived two houses down from him on Bobcat Lane in Rancho Tehama. A police report states she was stabbed by Neal in the upper stomach with a seven inch knife krcrtv
- cal fire complaint Neal called Cal Fire to complain that the two women were making methamphetamine. protective order Rancho Tehama gunman targeted wife, neighbor before attacking ... latimes Neal and his wife, Barbara Glisan, obtained a protective order against a male neighbor, whom they accused of threatening them with a gun and manufacturing methamphetamine.
- Neal had been arrested in January for stabbing a woman and robbing another woman, both of who later got a restraining order against him. Johnston said the woman Neal stabbed was killed in Tuesday's rampage. Neal was released on $160,000 bail after that arrest. Prosecutors also alleged Neal fired a gun - possibly an AR-15 Bushmaster rifle - during the attack, according to court documents. The rifle was specifically mentioned as illegal in a criminal complaint filed earlier this year. redding
- February 2, 2017 Neal was arraigned on six felony counts and one misdemeanor. The counts read; second degree robbery, assault with a deadly weapon, two counts of false imprisonment by violence, discharge of a firearm with gross negligence, possession of an assault weapon, an AR-15, and battery as a misdemeanor.Officials said this led to two restraining orders, one civil and one state. Court records claimed that during that altercation, Neal punched Poland and her mother-in-law, Diane Steele, in the face, then threw them to the ground and continued to beat them. krcrtv he had an AR-15 Bushmaster rifle
- May 22, 2017 Neal made bail of $160,000 on His next court date would have been December 15, 2017, where he would have faced up to sixteen and a half years in prison krcrtv mother paid for lawyer and bail Family mother posted his $160,000 bail and spent $10,000 on a lawyer after he was arrested in January for stabbing a neighbor.
- restraining order specified that he must not own, possess, buy, receive, use in any way or try and obtain any type of gun or ammunition. KRCR confirmed with Discreet Defense in Red Bluff Wednesday that Neal surrendered one firearm on the day he made bail, which was a 9-millimeter handgun that was registered in his name. krcrtv
- four people were also listed as protected persons. Poland's mother and father-in-law, who both lived with Poland on Bobcat Lane, Poland's 38-year-old boyfriend [Elliot ]and his 7-year-old son, who was also Poland's stepson. Court records said Neal had verbally abused each of them, including the stepson
- mother told The Associated Press her son, who was a marijuana grower, was in a long-running dispute with neighbors he believed were cooking methamphetamine.
- feb Tehama County judge then ordered Neal to surrender all firearms. Court records show that he turned in one gun in February and claimed he didn’t own any more. latimes
- Neal and his wife, Barbara Glisan, obtained a protective order against a male neighbor, whom they accused of threatening them with a gun and manufacturing methamphetamine. latimes
- days before one woman told the Times she summoned officers a week ago after hearing screaming, followed by gunfire, from the general vicinity of his house. latimes
- Police try to follow up on gun complaints: Neighbors had also complained about Neal shooting guns at his home on Bobcat Lane in Rancho Tehama, about 15 miles southwest of Red Bluff.
- Johnston said deputies went to Neal’s home more than once but were unable to find him. They also set up surveillance outside his home hoping to catch him redding Neal was well-known to local authorities who watched him but could not talk to him. His neighbors, on multiple occasions, reported shots coming from his house. At least twice, Johnston, said, officers put the house under surveillance. “We can’t anticipate what people are going to do,” Johnston said. “We don’t have a crystal ball…. We wanted to make contact. He is not law enforcement friendly, and he [knew] not to come to his door. latimes is about a 45-minute response to the reserve, he said. "They would come past my house and it had already stopped," he said. "This guy was intelligent and strategic. I don't know how he did it, but he always knew before (law enforcement) came." cnn: deputies did go out to Neal's a few times after being called due to gunfire or disturbances. They knocked on the door. He didn't open it. They staked out his house but left when they heard no signs of gunfire. "He was a smart guy. He was playing a game of chess with police," Phommathep said. "Someone would call because he was shooting. And Neal would stop just before police got there. When the cops were gone, he'd start again."
- built guns himself : apparently built two semiautomatic rifles from parts he purchased, Johnston said.“He can get parts through a number of variety of sources and they come together and they can build them in their shop or they can build them in their garage,” redding it is legal in California to purchase the lower receiver — the part that takes the trigger mechanism. Other parts, such as barrel, stock, etc., are purchased separately to complete an AR-15 type rifle, he said. shooter may not have had a serial number put on the gun, which would make it illegal
- 4 or 5 days before: Four or five days before Tuesday's shootings that left five people dead and 12 others injured, Phommathep remembers a heated conversation between a husband and wife who lived next door. cnn"We heard a scream," he recalls. "Why did you shoot my dog, Kevin?"
- days before attack: mother phone call: “Mom it’s all over now,” she said he told her. “I have done everything I could do and I am fighting against everyone who lives in this area.” She said Neal apologized to her during their brief conversation, she thought for all the money she had spent on him, saying he was “on a cliff” and the people around him were trying to “execute” him. told her he tried to take away knife from woman who was threatening
- 2 days before: couple of days after that incident, Phommathep says, he heard the same next-door neighbor, Kevin Neal, screaming threats at another neighbor, Danny Elliot. "He was screaming at Danny, 'I will kill you and I'm going to kill Gage, too,' " Phommathep says. Gage was Danny's 7-year-old son. "I told him, 'You have to do something. Keep calling the cops,' " he said cnn
- subject of a domestic violence call the day before the attack. Police had also visited Neal’s house a day before the shootings on a domestic violence call, authorities said, but gave no details.
- We believe this is what started the whole event,” Johnston said of Neal’s wife’s murder, and the subsequent rampage the man later went on.
- monday night shot his wife hid under floor boards CNN deadly shooting rampage in Northern California may have been prompted by the fatal shooting of his wife, Tehama County ...
- Neal shot and killed Gage's father, Elliot, and grandmother, Diana Steele, before heading to the school. But the boy was already scared of Neal. Gage recalled that Neal previously shot at his home "three times a day." cnn 8 a.m. near Bobcat and Fawn lanes where Neal shot two people dead and stole a car.
- Stefanie Romero was neighbor called the neighbor living on the other side of Neal. “He was just in tears telling me that he had shot his wife in front of him,” said Romero of the other neighbor. “He was so emotional he said there was a dispute and he went outside and saw Kevin lift the gun and shoot his [Diana Steele and Elliot?] wife and his step-son in front of him.” “He was so emotional he said there was a dispute and he went outside and saw Kevin lift the gun and shoot his wife and his step-son in front of him.”
- Neal began his rampage near his home on Bobcat Lane in the Rancho Tehama Reserve at 7.52am, shooting people at random before stealing a truck and performing drive-by shootings on homes, pedestrians and other drivers.
- he had let his roommate borrow his truck, and the man was returning it when he was shot in the driveway. “My truck was stolen, used in the crime,” stole a white Ford F-150 pickup truck Neal fired at several people, killing one man in his driveway. dailymail
- 20-year-old James Woods II, was sitting at a stop sign Tuesday with his father when the gunman shot him in the face. Her husband was grazed by a bullet, also in the face. sacbee
- sacbee Francisco Cardenas, the husband of her cousin, who was shot in the leg and up through the groin, striking an artery. Cardenas had been on his way to the post office that morning and pulled to the side of the road when he heard police sirens, according to the campaign page. The shooter pulled alongside him and shot into the car. Cardenas fled on foot despite the injury and managed to escape. He was later airlifted to Mercy Medical Center in Redding, where he underwent surgery. The last update said he was breathing on his own but is still hospitalized.
- Tiffany Phommathep was driving her three boys, Johnny, 10, Jake, 7, and Nikos, 2, when Neal fired into her truck. Tiffany Phommathep’s sister-in-law Karen said on Facebook that “Mama Bear mode turned right on when everything happened,” and Tiffany attempted to shield Johnny, who was riding in the front passenger seat, according to an account on the family’s GoFundMe page. The boy was still hit twice in his calf. Jake, in the back passenger seat, was struck in the foot. Nikos was cut from flying glass. Tiffany was hit five times, one shot hitting her intestines and another in her shoulder. She also remains hospitalized and the fundraiser has brought in $6,255 of a $70,000 goal as of Thursday evening. sacbee
- Brian Flint got call about shooting, drove home to see police man staying in his house was one of those killed and that some of his neighbors were among those who were shot. boyfriend?
- One man who lives on the street where the shooting began claims it was his roommate who was killed. 'I got a call to say the person who stays in my house had been shot. 'I drove home and the police have everything blocked off. I heard there was a shooting and I'm getting more information that my other neighbors were shot. 'My truck was stolen and used today in the crime and it's terrible,' Brian Flint told KHSLTV. dailymail
- property Neal lived at is a collection of mobile homes scattered around a home. Google Earth images show numerous marijuana grows in the neighborhood. Resident Brian Flint said he got a call in the morning that his roommate was injured and that his truck had been stolen. It turned out his neighbor was the gunman, Flint redding
- He crashed the car, and a man stopped to ask whether he was OK, Johnston said. Neal shot at that man but didn't hit him. He did steal his vehicle. redding (which car was stolen? Was pickup truck the one borrowed? ) Neal used one of his neighbor's vehicles to drive into town where he crashed it. Before going to the school, he stole another person's car and used that to get to the school. dailymailThe school was the shooter's third stop,
- 8 a.m. law enforcement called to tell them to lock their doors and shelter in place.
- driving up and down the street shooting at passersby and uninvolved residences, he did several random drive-by shootings of residences” before reaching the school,
- Bobcat lane Neal fired at several people, killing one man in his driveway.
- officials received multiple 911 calls about gunfire at an intersection of two dirt roads. Minutes later, more calls reporting shots flooded in from different locations, including the school.
- person shot at corner of stagecoach rd and oak park road
- the gunman drove 1.3 miles before opening fire again on a person at the corner of Stagecoach Road and Oak Park Road. dailymail
- On his way through the town, he shot a woman and her child in their F-250 truck rancho tehama rd The mother suffered life-threatening wounds and remains in hospital, towed away with bullet holes in door. latimes Neal fired eight rounds into a Ford F-250 occupied by a mother and her son who were headed to school. The boy suffered non-life-threatening wounds, but the mother was seriously injured, Johnston said. The mother, who had a concealed carry permit, pulled out her own handgun but was unable to fire it before Neal drove away, Johnston said. A child in the backseat of the car was shot and suffered injuries that Johnston described as “not life threatening.” The woman driving the vehicle, however, sustained “very life threatening” injuries, Johnston said. The woman was attempting to drive herself to the hospital when she encountered Johnston. She told him she didn’t know the suspect, but he opened fire when she was passing by him. The child’s injury was either the result of a gunshot or shrapnel from the bullet hitting the car, Johnston said.
- Neal performed a series drive-by shootings at homes in this stolen truck with black bed rack and bullet holes on windshield before smashing into school gates
- arrived at school as people were driving their children to school
- school’s staff heard gunshots half a mile away, they put the school on immediate lockdown “without having to be told to do so by law enforcement.” rt school went into lockdown mode 8 to 10 seconds before Neal got to the doors of the school. cnn
- shooter then rammed his vehicle into the chain link fence school gate
- entered the grounds with a semi-automatic rifle that had a multi-round clip and a load-bearing vest that had clips embedded in the chest. rt
- he suspect was able to enter a bathroom, the only unlocked door in the school. rt
- spent about six minutes shooting into Rancho Tehama Elementary School before driving off to continue shooting. School was NOT a random target.
- crashed into chain link fence bus gate:
- Stephanie Turner, who was dropping off her children, aged six and seven, at the time, told the Sacramento Bee of Neal's assault on the school gates. 'I pulled into the school and heard gunshots. I told my kids to get down onto the floor. Then I saw a guy in the back of the school with a rifle. As soon as he saw us, he started shooting at us. I just took off.'
- firing as many as 100 bullets through windows and walls, hitting one child, and trying to enter classrooms Neal shot through windows and walls, hitting one child in a classroom,
- Teachers at the Rancho Tehama Elementary School locked the school doors and had students hide under desks
- Custodian, staff praised custodian is being credited with diverting the attention of Tuesday's shooter just long enough to give teachers the seconds they needed to protect their students and save ...
- child was hurt at Rancho Tehama Elementary School and airlifted Alejandro Hernandez, 6, and is expected to recover shot twice shot in the chest and foot as Neal sprayed the Rancho Tehama Elementary School classroom through wooden walls with up to 100 rounds KRCR 6-year-old Alejandro Hernandez, who was shot twice, once in the chest remains in critical condition at UC Davis. londra Cruz-Mendoza is Hernandez's cousin. She said that about 8 a.m. law enforcement called to tell them to lock their doors and shelter in place. At the same time she said they were still unsure of what was going on, so she called a family member who said she had heard gunshots when she was near the school. "He was hit two times. He was hit on his right foot and in his chest and he still has a bullet in his chest
- continued his spree, driving around and killing another three people in the town before he encountered police rt
- heard multiple shots, starting with about 10, and proceeding to about 90 shots, of a high powered some kind of rifle sounding.
- 'We heard a man and children screaming from my location, I'm about three blocks from the school, I could hear people screaming at the school,' one witness, who gave her name only as Tiffany, told ABC affiliate KRCTV. dailymail
- Witnesses have since described seeing the gunman drive through the town and selecting victims at random, firing his weapon at them from behind the wheel of his car. dailymail
- One told how he saw a woman shot dead in the street next to her husband. dailymail Neal left the school, he went to a different location and intentionally crashed the pickup into a ford crown victoria left rear car,ran off road and exited the vehicle. He proceeded to gun down [two killing woman ] at that location. redding Mike McFadyen, 59, spoke to the Record Searchlight his brother and sister-in-law Troy and Michelle McFadyen were forced off the road and into a ditch by a vehicle coming at them head-on. The gunman then parked the vehicle, walked toward them and fired into their car , his brother and sister-in-law were forced off the road and into a ditch by a vehicle coming at them head-on. The gunman then parked the vehicle, walked toward them and fired into their car. With no way of defending themselves, they ran for their lives, said Eric McFadyen, their nephew and Mike's son, on a GoFundMe page. But the gunman ran them down until they fell to the ground. Rancho Tehama shooting: ‘Run! Run! Let’s go!’ man told wife before being hit Detroit free press still vividly remembers the shooter running him off the road, methodically killing his wife, Michelle, shooting him twice and leaving them both in a ditch by the side of the road. truck coming toward me, just missing me,” McFadyen said. “And being shot and watching my wife.”said he and his wife were driving out of town Tuesday morning for a doctor’s appointment when they saw a white pickup coming down the road toward them. The driver crossed into the oncoming lane, as if to crash head-on into the McFadyens. We’re panicked and the gunfire is just coming, he’s coming up the hill, firing his gun,” he said. McFadyen and his wife became separated. She fell in a ditch, while he headed up Stagecoach Road on foot. He looked up and saw the man firing at him. One of the bullets hit his left leg and went through his thigh. The shot stung, but he could still walk. A car drove by and McFadyen tried to get them to let him in, but they locked their doors and drove off, he said. As McFadyen ran, Neal shot him in the right lower leg, shattering bones. He fell in the road and tried to sit up. At that point, Michelle McFadyen came up the road toward him and Neal began firing at her. She falls in the ditch and he walks up rather casually and puts two rounds in her. All the while I’m screaming, ‘Please don’t! Please don’t!’” McFadyen said. Michelle made a noise, so he turned back and shot her at least two more times, he said. “So after he shoots her a second time he turns around and starts coming toward me again. At which point I lay back on my back and I say ‘I’m dead! I’m dead! I’m dead!'” McFadyen said.ppeared to lose interest and walked back down the road and got into a gray car. McFadyen said he wasn’t sure where the gray car came from.Neal drove up the road in the gray car toward McFadden as if he was going to run him over. McFadyen, however, was able to pull himself off the road and down into the ditch near his wife. “We’re finally left alone, and I’m screaming for somebody to help because it seemed like I could have been on the moon.” Neal drove off out of sight. The gunman's next stop was the Rancho Tehama Elementary School, according to the sheriff's office. (probably before because he rammed school first with pickup , he abandoned pickup after this attack )
- downtown post office: (James Woods Sr. and James Woods II were in their car at the post office when the gunman opened fire through the driver's side window and the windshield. The elder Woods was grazed on the face by a bullet and glass fragments. The younger Woods was struck by a bullet that went though his cheek, shattering bone and knocking out his teeth. The fundraising page says the younger Woods, a father of two young children, is hospitalized in critical condition and has a "very long road to recovery. cbs)
- Neal then got back on the road, where he chased a couple in another car and crashed into their vehicle, authorities said. When they got out, Neal shot them, killing one.
- A man who saw the crash pulled over to help, and Neal shot at him. The man ran off and Neal stole his car. latimes went on to steal another person’s sedan and “went back on his rampage,” according to Johnston. Neal took the lives of three other people, rt
- Resident Salvador Tello said he was taking his three children to Rancho Tehama Elementary School when the gunman fired at a truck in front of him. Tello saw bullets hit the truck in front of him, so he made his children get down and put his truck in reverse. As he left, Tello said, he saw a woman lying dead in the street with her husband next to her, McFadyen, apparently wounded.
- continued to shoot at people in various parts of the community, including at a pickup with a woman and two kids inside. The woman was seriously injured, and one child received minor injuries. (the f-250?) redding
- (Francisco Gudino Cardenas, according to a GoFundMe page, was in his car on his way to the post office when he pulled over to make way for sheriff's officials, who unbeknownst to him were in pursuit of the gunman. The shooter pulled up next to Cardenas and shot him in the leg, striking an artery that caused major blood loss, the page said.
Despite the injury, he managed to get out of the car and run as the shooter pursued him, attempting to shoot him again. Seconds later, police engaged the suspect and shot him to death. cbsnews) - As Neal was chasing and firing at the two police officers spotted him. (in stolen camry?)
- Law enforcement saw Neal shooting at the pickup and gave chase
- When the gunman began shooting at police officers, they rammed his car and ran it off the road. rt ramming his vehicle, forcing it off the road, and then two deputies killed him in a shootout. A shootout ensued, and Neal was killed.
- Johnston said the deputies, who weren't injured, found the gunman dead inside a car. They also found the semiautomatic rifle and two handguns they say he used. A second long gun was also recovered. One of the long guns appeared to be an AR-15, Johnston said. redding
- FBI also "is sending some teams up to assist at the request of Tehama County authorities," redding
- When the children were finally free to go home, Gage waited for his father or grandmother to pick him up. They never came. Gage soon found out the gunman who had just caused fear and havoc at his school had also destroyed his home life. Gage, whose mother died when he was 22 months, will now be raised by his maternal grandparents. cnn
- After the mass shooting, Orr learned from their mom that Neal had deteriorated drastically over the past year. "Mom said his delusions and anti-government rhetoric was getting worse and worse," Orr said. cnn
- tue night wife's body Neal worked as a pot farmer and had recently married his wife unidentified. Found under floorboards on wed found dead believes his nephew had gottenmarried after moving to California. shot several times, was hidden beneath the floor. “We believe that’s what probably started this whole event,” Tehama County Asst. Sheriff Phil Johnston told reporters Wednesday.
Rancho Tehama Reserve shootings - Wikipedia
Rancho Tehama Reserve shootings
Rancho Tehama Reserve shootings | |
![]() | |
Location | Rancho Tehama Reserve, Tehama County, California |
Coordinates | 40.0010077°N 122.3997226°WCoordinates: 40.0010077°N 122.3997226°W (Neal's home) |
Date | November 13–14, 2017 7:54 – 8:19 (Pacific Time Zone) |
Target | Neighbors, random people, schoolchildren |
Attack type
| Spousal murder, mass shooting, shooting spree |
Weapons | .40-caliber Smith & Wessonpistol, .45-caliber Glock pistol, two semi-automatic rifles[1] |
Deaths | 6 (including the perpetrator) |
Non-fatal injuries
| 18 (11 from direct gunfire) |
Perpetrator | Kevin Janson Neal |
Coroner | Tehama County Coroner's Office |
On November 13/14, 2017, a series of shootings occurred in Rancho Tehama Reserve, an unincorporated community in Tehama County, California located 120 miles (190 kilometers) northwest of Sacramento.[2] The gunman, 44-year-old Kevin Janson Neal, died by suicide after a Corning police officer rammed and stopped his stolen vehicle.
During the shooting spree, five people were killed and 18 others were injured at eight separate crime scenes, including an elementary school. Ten people suffered bullet wounds and eight were cut by flying glass caused by the gunfire. The injured victims were transported to several area clinics and hospitals.
At the time of the spree, Neal had been freed on bail pending trial for two alleged felonies, and five alleged misdemeanors. Nine months before the shooting rampage, a judge had issued Neal a restraining order at a neighbor's request and ordered him to surrender his guns.[1] The restraining order expired in September, but was renewed before the shootings. He manufactured the rifle and possessed the handguns in violation of that restraining order. At least one unregistered semi-automatic ghost rifle and two borrowed semi-automatic pistols were used.[1] The shootings led to domestic and international debate over the control of ghost guns and gun-licensing law in the United States.
The killings started on November 13 at Neal's home in Rancho Tehama Reserve, 6970 Bobcat Lane at Fawn Lane, when Neal shot his wife, Barbara Glisan (aka Gilsan) and hid her body under some floorboards.[3][4][5]
The next day Neal went on a shooting rampage, first killing a man and a woman, both neighbors with whom he had an ongoing feud over their suspected methamphetamine dealing.[6][7][5]
After killing his neighbors, Neal stole a pickup truck that belonged to one of his victims.[7] He then began firing at random vehicles and pedestrians.[2] At an intersection, he bumped the truck into a vehicle carrying a woman and her three sons. He then drove up to the driver's side, and fired into it, injuring all of them with gunshots or flying glass.[8] The woman was shot five times, four near her heart. She was carrying a gun and had a license to carry, but she was unable to shoot at Neal because he drove away quickly. She stopped four motorists to help her get to the hospital, but they drove off. She finally received aid from an assistant deputy sheriff who called for an ambulance.[9]
At the Rancho Tehama Elementary School, Sarah Lobdell, the school's secretary, heard the gunfire near the school and quickly ordered the school to go on lockdown. A school custodian and the teachers put it into action.[10][11][12] Neal crashed the pickup truck through the front gates of the school. He exited the vehicle with a self-assembled AR-15-type semi-automatic rifle, ran into the center of the school's quadrangle, and fired repeatedly at windows and walls. One of Neal's neighbors later claimed that Neal was targeting the seven-year-old son of the neighbor he killed earlier.[13] One student hiding under a classroom desk was shot and injured by a bullet that penetrated a wall.[6][14] A six-year-old student was also injured by a gunshot to the chest.[15][5] A woman was also shot when she attempted to distract Neal from the school.[10][16]Nearly 100 rounds of ammunition were fired into the school.[4] Recorded video shows Neal going into a field behind the school and firing into the air, apparently in frustration at being locked out of the classrooms. Afterwards, Neal apparently discarded the rifle outside the school.[11][14]
After fleeing the school, Neal crashed the pickup truck into another vehicle and fired at the two occupants as they tried to flee; the female driver was killed, and her husband was wounded in the legs. The man survived after pleading with Neal for his life.[17] A passerby, unaware of the shootings, stopped his car and asked Neal if he was okay; Neal shot and wounded him, stole his car, and continued the rampage, killing another person.[7][18]
As Neal was chasing an innocent victim and shooting at them from his car, he was being pursued by law enforcement. The stolen truck was ultimately rammed by two law enforcement officers, one from the Corning Police Department, who responded from the city of Corning to assist the sheriff's office, and a Tehama County Sheriff's deputy. As the truck came to a stop Neal attempted to ambush and kill the officers who exchanged heavy gunfire with him. Neal then killed himself with a shot above his left eye.[19][20][21] The 25-minute attack took place at eight crime scenes using one semi-automatic ghost rifle and two semi-automatic pistols.[1][5] His motive is unclear.[22][23][24][25][26] Two handguns and another AR-15-type rifle were recovered near his body.[14] The handguns were not registered to him.[27][1] The first shooting report to 9-1-1 was placed at 7:54 a.m., and Neal died at 8:19 a.m.—a duration of 25 minutes.[28]
hideCasualties[16][29] | |
Killed | |
Targeted shootings:
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Random killings:
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Wounded | |
By bullets:
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By broken glass:
Five people were killed on the day of the shooting spree, including Neal, who died by suicide after a confrontation with a police officer and a deputy sheriff.[3] A sixth body, that of Neal's wife 38-year-old Barbara Glisan, was later discovered under the floorboards of their home;[3][8] she is believed to have been killed the day before.[4] Neal's first two victims killed on November 14 were his neighbors, 38-year-old Danny Elliott and 68-year-old Diana Steele, with whom he had had previous conflicts.[2][8][30] The other victims were 56-year-old Joseph McHugh III and 55-year-old Michelle McFadyen;[8] police believe they were randomly selected.[6][5]
Eleven other people—six adults and five children—were also shot, but survived.[8] They were taken to Enloe Medical Center in Chico, Saint Elizabeth Community Hospital in Red Bluff,[31] Mercy Medical Center in Redding, or UC Davis Medical Center in Davis for treatment.[2][15][23][24][25][26] The victims included two students at Rancho Tehama Elementary School and Michelle McFadyen's husband.[6][15][17] One of the injured students, six-year-old Alejandro Hernandez, was the youngest victim; he was shot in the chest and leg, had to be airlifted to UC Davis, and required multiple surgeries.[2] In addition, seven children suffered injuries from shattered glass.[14]
Victims' families were left struggling to pay for medical expenses and some turned to online fundraisers.[2][32]
Kevin Janson Neal
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2017 mugshot of Neal
| |
Born | 1973 |
Died | November 14, 2017 (aged 44) |
Cause of death | Self-inflicted gunshot wound |
Residence | Rancho Tehama Reserve |
Education | East Carolina University |
Occupation | Cannabis grower |
Details | |
Target(s) | Spouse and local residents |
Killed | 6 (including himself) |
Injured | 18 |
Kevin Janson Neal (1973 – November 14, 2017) was raised in Cary, North Carolina. He attended East Carolina University from August 2001 to May 2004 but did not qualify for a degree and never declared a major. Relatives said Neal, who moved to California in 2005, had a history of mental illness and anger management issues, as well as an obsession with conspiracy theories.[6][33] His mother had reportedly noticed a decline in his mental health since 2016.
Neighbors complained to police about Neal firing guns from his property, but whenever sheriff's deputies visited his doorstep, Neal would not respond to their knocking.[27][5] A neighbor later said he believed Neal might have been testing the response time of law enforcement.[8] In total, deputies were called to Neal's Bobcat Lane home 21 times for various reasons in 2016 and 2017.[34]
On January 31, 2017, Neal was arrested and charged with two felonies, and five misdemeanors, after stabbing neighbor Hailey Poland, assaulting her mother-in-law, and snatching a mobile phone away from them.[30] He was held on a US$160,000 bail bond, which was posted by his mother. His mother also spent $10,000 on legal fees to secure his release.[7][22] Following his release, Neal continued to harass the neighbors, causing them to successfully seek a restraining order that required him to surrender his firearms and not purchase additional guns.[1] He handed over a single pistol and attested that he had no other guns.[1][35] Police said that, despite this, he illegally manufactured the guns he used in the shootings.[27] Ghost guns are currently legal to manufacture in California, but the terms of Neal's restraining order made it illegal for him to possess them, or any other guns. Since January 31, 2018, ghost guns require a serial number in California.[36] The two handguns that Neal possessed during his shooting rampage were not registered to him.[27]
The day before the shootings, Neal called his mother to tell her he was "fed up" with his neighbors, whom he suspected of making methamphetamine.[7] He had previously attempted to report his neighbors to the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection.[27][37] One of the neighbors involved in the January 31 incident later became one of those killed in the shootings.[30] Although Danny Elliott had meth in his system when Neal killed him and had been put on probation in 2016 for a misdemeanor charge of possessing drug paraphernalia, sheriff's deputies and California Fire officials said they never found evidence of a meth operation, despite multiple visits to Bobcat Lane.[19]
Rancho Tehama Reserve, California is a remote, sparsely populated, rural community that had a population of 1,485 in 2010.[38] The community is located 120 miles (190 kilometers) northwest of Sacramento, 25 miles (40 km) southwest of Red Bluff, and 25 miles (40 km) northwest of Corning. Forty-three percent of the town's residents fall below the federal poverty level.[39] The community lies amidst rolling hills of oak and pine trees with views of Mount Shasta and Lassen Peak. The area has a variety of wildlife with scattered domestic cattle grazing.[22] Major stores, social services, and medical care—including a hospital emergency room—are in Red Bluff and Corning.[2]
Aftermath and reactions[edit]
Governor Jerry Brown, and his wife Anne, offered condolences to all the victims and their families, saying, "Anne and I are saddened to hear about today's violence in Tehama County, which shockingly involved schoolchildren."[6][40]
The shootings renewed attention on the legality and control of ghost guns, such as the semi-automatic rifle used by Neal.[41]
Due to the shooting spree, Rancho Tehama Elementary School was closed earlier than planned for the Thanksgiving holiday break[2] and reopened on November 27.[11]
Despite widespread criticism of the Sheriff's Department's handling of the case, incumbent Sheriff Dave Hencratt was the winner of the June 2018 primary race with 63.96 percent of the vote.[42][19]
See also[edit]
- Gun violence in the United States
- List of rampage killers (Americas)
- List of school mass shootings in the United States
- List of school shootings in the United States
- List of school-related attacks
- Never Again MSD
- ^ Jump up to:a b c d e f g Serna, Joseph (November 21, 2017). "Northern California shooter exploited 'honor system' in telling court he had no guns". Los Angeles Times. Retrieved February 1, 2018.
- ^ Jump up to:a b c d e f g h Chabria, Anita; Sabalow, Ryan (November 17, 2017). "Poor and isolated, victims of Tehama shooter turn to the internet for help". Sacramento Bee. Archived from the original on November 18, 2017. Retrieved November 17, 2017.
- ^ Jump up to:a b c "Rancho Tehama gunman killed his wife and hid her body under their home, authorities say". Los Angeles Times. November 15, 2017. Archived from the original on November 15, 2017. Retrieved November 15, 2017.
- ^ Jump up to:a b c Greene, Leonard (November 16, 2017). "Calif. rampage survivor talked gunman out of firing final shot". AOL News. Archived from the original on November 17, 2017. Retrieved November 17, 2017.
- ^ Jump up to:a b c d e f Thompson, Don; Gecker, Jocelyn (November 16, 2017). "Police knew 'madman' had guns before killing rampage". Houston Chronicle. AP News. Archived from the original on December 2, 2017. Retrieved November 30, 2017.
- ^ Jump up to:a b c d e f Shyong, Frank; Panzar, Javier; Serna, Joseph; Saint John, Paige (November 14, 2017). "Terror in Northern California town as gunman goes on rampage, sprays school will bullets". Los Angeles Times. Retrieved November 15, 2017.
- ^ Jump up to:a b c d e Kasler, Dale; Sabalow, Ryan; Chabria, Anita (November 14, 2017). "Locked out of school, Tehama County gunman shot at children from outside". The Sacramento Bee. Archived from the original on November 15, 2017. Retrieved November 15, 2017.
- ^ Jump up to:a b c d e f Branson-Potts, Hailey (November 17, 2017). "Mother driving her boys to school when Rancho Tehama gunman struck shielded her son despite her wounds". Los Angeles Times. Archived from the original on November 18, 2017. Retrieved November 17, 2017.
- ^ Wang, Frances (November 17, 2017). "Mother shot 5 times by Rancho Tehama gunman begged for help to no avail". KXTV. Archived from the original on November 17, 2017. Retrieved November 17, 2017.
- ^ Jump up to:a b St. John, Paige; Tchekmedyian, Alene (November 15, 2017). "Despite court order to give up weapons, Tehama gunman fired guns with impunity, frightening neighbors". Los Angeles Times. Archived from the original on November 16, 2017. Retrieved November 16, 2017.
- ^ Jump up to:a b c Torregano, Taylor (November 28, 2017). "Students at Rancho Tehama Elementary return to school after mass shooting". KRCR. Archived from the original on November 30, 2017. Retrieved November 30, 2017.
- ^ Farber, Madeline (March 23, 2018). "Recent school shootings in the US". Fox News. Retrieved March 29, 2018.
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- ^ Jump up to:a b c Branson-Potts, Hailey; Vives, Ruben; Serna, Joseph; St. John, Paige (November 16, 2017). "Rancho Tehama gunman targeted wife, neighbor before attacking passersby at random". Los Angeles Times. Retrieved November 17, 2017.
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- ^ Jump up to:a b Rodriguez, Olga R. (November 16, 2017). "Shooter Ran Victims Off the Road and Chased Them on Foot, Family Says". Time. Archived from the original on November 17, 2017. Retrieved November 16, 2017.
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DHS Active Shooter Preparedness Outline
- 2017 in California
- 2017 mass shootings in the United States
- 2017 murders in the United States
- Attacks in the United States in 2017
- Crimes in California
- Deaths by firearm in California
- History of Tehama County, California
- Mass murder in 2017
- Mass murder in California
- Mass shootings in California
- Murder committed by adults
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- November 2017 crimes in the United States
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- Tehama County, California
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Tehama County School Shooting | Wiki | Everipedia
2 days ago - All information for Tehama County School Shooting's wiki comes from the below links. ... Pictures, videos, biodata, and files relating to Tehama County School Shooting are also acceptable encyclopedic sources. ... Off-topic discussion not pertaining to Tehama County School Shooting or this
Tehama County School Shooting
The crime scene outside of the school
Tehama County School Shooting
November 14. 2017
Tehama County
Rancho Tehama School
Number of Casualties
5(including perpetrator)
Kevin Neal
School children
On November 14, 2017 Kevin Neal opened fire at Rancho Tehama School, killing three people.[1]
The shooting started at a home and moved to the elementary school in Tehama County at around 8 am. At least three people were killed, two people were wounded, and many were left injured. The shooter was killed by law enforcement.[1] A man reported that his truck was stolen and his roommate was shot and killed by the gunman earlier in the morning. An official at the Enloe Medical Center in Chico says they’ve received four patients, one adult and three children. The names of the victims have not been released yet.[4]
Witnesses repot hearing 90-100 shots fired. This took place around 8 a.m. at Rancho Tehama School. [10]
There were over 100 law enforcement officers at the school with up to five different crime scenes. [10]
A helicopter medical crew reported they were transporting a 6-year-old victim to Mercy Medical Center in Redding. The child had two gunshot wounds, according to emergency scanner traffic. A second child also was reported to have been shot in the right leg, according to emergency dispatch reports. A 30-year-old man was also being taken to the hospital with a gunshot wound to the right thigh, according to emergency dispatch reports.[
Kevin Janson Neal: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know -
Kevin Janson Neal was identified as the suspect accused in the Tehama ... A Witness Reported That the Gunman, Wearing Camouflage, Fired ...
fired through classroom windows after being locked out of the building,
Why? Kevin Janson Neal i'd as Rancho Tehama Shooting suspect
Kevin Janson Neal Rancho Tehama Shooting suspect: What led to a ... 'wearing a load bearing vest — similar to what soldiers wear to carry ...
Kevin Neal | Wiki & Bio | Everipedia
Kevin Neal's wiki: Kevin Janson Neal was a resident of Tehama County. [5] Criminal HistoryJanson was arrested in February 2017 at his ...
Tehama County School Shooting | Wiki | Everipedia
All information for Tehama County School Shooting's wiki comes from the below links. ... Pictures, videos, biodata, and files relating to Tehama County School Shooting are also acceptable encyclopedic sources. ... Off-topic discussion not pertaining to Tehama County School Shooting or this
Wikipedia List of school shootings November 14, 2017 Rancho Tehama Reserve, California 5 2 Northern California Elementary School: Five Students were fatally shot by a gunman who appeared to "fire at random" and "did not have motive for the attack." Authorities said the gunfire began around 8 a.m., and a semi-automatic rifle and two handguns were recovered. The gunman, whose name has not been released as of the day of the shooting, was shot and killed by the sheriff's deputies.[529]
- monday 13 wife of a gunman who went on a shooting rampage in a Northern California town was found dead inside their home, authorities announced Wednesday, raising the death toll from the attack to five. Investigators discovered the body of Kevin Janson Neal’s wife hidden under the floor.
- wed wife of a gunman who went on a shooting rampage in a Northern California town was found dead inside their home, authorities announced Wednesday
*Terrorist theory
Another person thinks this guy was trained by intelligence agency, he might actually be right. kinn sidd Dispute with neighbour is just an alby, this guy was groomed by Pakistani intelligent agents living in Yuba County and then send to carry out this rampage. There is large Pakistani community in Yuba county which is been used as a terror den by Pakistani intelligence in order to groom white men and then send them to launch attacks.
kinn sidd Please read afghanistan news like khaama press, tolo news, pajhwok, you will immediately understand and relate what is happening. The mass shooting in the last three months are not random but well organized terror attacks to avenge the killing of taliban fighters at the hands of U.S.
Stephen paddock, omar mateen and saifulla saipov all lived in the tampa-orlando, florida area between 2013- 2015 and then all them committed mass murder in within a span of 1 year this is not coincidence.
TEXAS MASS SHOOTING: 26 dies when gunman opens fire in Texas ...
kinn sidd
This shooting was orchestrated by the Pakistani Consulate in Houston in order to avenge the killing of Taliban fighters by U.S airstrikes in Afghanistan. Yesterday(4th NOV 17), 15 important Taliban fighters were killed in Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan in an U.S airstrike.
Devin Kelly was brainwashed by Pakistani intelligence agents and then send to carry out this rampage. He and Las vegas shooter both committed suicide after killing people.
The order to carry out these mass shooting is sent via encrypted messengers like whatsapp and telegram.
Small Texas Town Rocked By Horrific Church Shooting - YouTube
Nov 6, 2017 - Uploaded by CBS Los Angeles
Small Texas Town Rocked By Horrific Church Shooting ... to avenge the killing of Taliban fighters by U.S ...Texas church victims remembered at candlelight vigil - YouTube
▶ 3:35
Nov 6, 2017
kinn sidd his shooting was orchestrated by the Pakistani Consulate in Houston in order to avenge the killing of Taliban fighters by U.S airstrikes in Afghanistan. Yesterday(4th NOV 17), 15 important Taliban fighters were killed in Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan in an U.S airstrike.
Devin Kelly was brainwashed by Pakistani intelligence agents and then send to carry out this rampage. He and Las vegas shooter both committed suicide after killing people.
The order to carry out these mass shooting is sent via encrypted messengers like whatsapp and telegram.kinn sidd wow you've really have an amazing imagination
At Least 26 Dead, 20 Wounded In Texas Church Shooting - YouTube
Nov 6, 2017 - Uploaded by CBS Chicago
At Least 26 Dead, 20 Wounded In Texas Church Shooting ... avenge the killing of Taliban fighters by U.S ...California Gunman Feuded With Neighbors Before Deadly Rampage ...
2 hours ago - Uploaded by CBS Chicago
Police in northern California say the gunman in a deadly shooting ...kinn sidd
1 hour ago
This attack was carried out by pakistani intelligence, all three mass killers stephen paddock, omar mateena and saifulla saipov lived in tampa-Orlando, florida from 2013-2015 and then became mass shooter. Pakistan is killing innocent americans to avenge the killing of Taliban fighters, in U.S airstrikes.
*Conspiracy theory disinformation
comments look identical to output of russian anti-imperialist trolls
Jim Fetzer writes in his online column, published on “Press TV and “Veterans Today”: “The Sandy Hook massacre appears to have been a psy op intended to strike fear in the hearts of Americans by the sheer brutality of the massacre, where the ***killing of children is a signature of terror ops conducted by agents of Israel.”*** The act, Fetzer said in an interview with the News Tribune, “is part of an escalating series of covert operations intended to create hysteria in the American people in order to support gun control legislation twincities (Theory or killing of children is a signature of terror ops conducted by agents of an enemy nation state that supports terrorist attacks against Israel and US)
Rancho Tehama Elementary School shooting - False Flag ... - YouTube
3 days ago - Uploaded by Gematrinator_64Another day, another manufactured shooting from a small masonic community. Gematria, the code of the secret ...
Rancho Tehama Another False Flag Shooting in Trump Country false flag psy-op also posted RUSSIAN BOY WHO CLAIMS HE'S FROM MARS HAS 'OTHERWORLDLY' KNOWLEDGE OF THE UNIVERSE! from pravda, also picked up by Daily Mail. 09 Nov 2017 pravda Boriska, boy from Mars: Charlatan or genuine Indigo Child? pravdareport Nov 9, 2017 - When it was finally quiet, the little boy with a round face and big eyes, wearing a T-shirt and a baseball cap, started telling his unbelievable story about the Martian civilisation, about cities on Mars, Martian spaceships and flights to other planets. The boy, whose name is Boriska, or Boris Kipriyanovich,
RANCHO TEHAMA CA -Don't fall for these disgusting hoaxes ...
4 days ago - Uploaded by holutaRANCHO TEHAMA CA -Don't fall for these disgusting hoaxes! Shooting False FlagOp. holuta .... One of the best crisis actors ever! Who believes this? Oh yeah, 90% of americans cause their tv says it really happened. Classic.
Johnny Kay Nov 15, 2017 2:30 PM CST
The only question to ask when there is a "terrorist attack” or “mass shooting" is this: Is it a hoax attack carried out by the government in which everything is staged and no one is killed -- like the July 12, 2012 Aurora, Colorado “Joker” movie theater shooting; the December 14, 2012 Newtown, Connecticut Sandy Hook school shooting; the April 15, 2013 Boston Marathon bombing; the November 1, 2013 Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) Terminal shooting; the May 23, 2014 Isla Vista, California “Elliot Rodger” shooting; the June 13, 2015 Dallas, Texas Police Headquarters bombing; the June 17, 2015 Charleston, South Carolina church shooting; the August 26, 2015 Moneta, Virginia WDBJ “live TV” newsreporter shooting; the October 1, 2015 Roseburg, Oregon Umpqua Community College shooting; the December 2, 2015 San Bernardino Inland Regional Center shooting; the 2016 Orlando, Florida Pulse Nightclub shooting; the May 22, 2017 Manchester Arena Ariana Grande concert bombing; the October 1, 2017 Mandalay Bay shooting; and the November 5, 2017 Sutherland Springs church shooting? Or is it a false flag attack carried out by the government in which people are killed -- like the February 26, 1993 World Trade Center bombing; the April 19, 1995 Oklahoma City bombing; the September 11, 2001 World Trade Center/Pentagon attack; and the July 7, 2005 London subway bombings? The sad truth is that the government is the enforcement division of the international corporate elite, and the corporate media is the propaganda division. The government can create any fictional scenario it wants, and the corporate media will back it up completely.
BREAKING: Law enforcement says Las Vegas shooter ... - Natural News
Oct 4, 2017 - ... understand events like Mandalay Bay when one realizes that the government is the enforcement division of the international corporate elite, ...
MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: Official story of Las Vegas shooting unravels ...
Oct 2, 2017 - ... understand events like Mandalay Bay when one realizes that the government is the enforcement division of the international corporate elite, ...
Another day in schizophrenic america, WARshington must be proud Zionist did 911 39 likes
nuke jewSA
Choo Choo ot sure if this warrants news coverage. Nowadays, school shootings happen almost daily in the United States.
Plain Truth America: Get your own house in order rather than a becoming global policeman, spreading chaos, hatred and killing innocent civilians around the world.
4chan nibba Brazillian patriotism - Football
British patriotism - Colonizing and royalty
American patriotism - Not a single day without mass shootings
kookoopants This too could be staged! " “I am told at this point the suspected shooter is deceased by law enforcement bullets.” Who the heck talks like this? Its fake language used to sell a narrative. I don't buy it unless I see the bodies folks Nor should you!
Fake gun confiscation news. We learn to ignore these things.
FUSA The exceptional nation strikes again!
“There is nothing to indicate this is terrorist related” So the shooter wasn't Muslim.
Perfect example of todays double-speak: Islam is Terrorism, War is Peace, Ignorance is Strength and Freedom is Slavery
Fake.. expect more psy ops for taking the guns...
kookoopants This too could be staged! " “I am told at this point the suspected shooter is deceased by law enforcement bullets.” Who the heck talks like this? Its fake language used to sell a narrative. I don't buy it unless I see the bodies folks Nor should you!
Fake gun confiscation news. We learn to ignore these things.
FUSA The exceptional nation strikes again!
“There is nothing to indicate this is terrorist related” So the shooter wasn't Muslim.
Perfect example of todays double-speak: Islam is Terrorism, War is Peace, Ignorance is Strength and Freedom is Slavery
Fake.. expect more psy ops for taking the guns...
Possible Crisis Actors - Shooting Near Rancho Tehama School In California
Charles Walton
pike Timmons As soon as I read the comment from the neighbor. "Shooting hundred of rounds" "large capacity magazine" then the coup de gras "he was a known felon" First off, If he was a known felon, and some one heard gun shots...a lot of them. The cops would have been kicking his door down. Total bullshit. 10 victims in 7 locations? Give me a break.
also posted
Las Vegas Shooter At Mandalay Bay Hotel Part Of FBI Undercover Sting Operation That Went BAD!
Charles Walton
Blakerailey Simmons It's marijuana harvest time here in California Rancho is a pot farm community.. Action Now News is our local news channel.. He looks shocked speechless after losing his friend and roommate. The reason it wasn't on main stream media is because it wasn't a planned false flag.. This actually happened and there's always people shooting each other out there because of the weed business.. It's outta town quiet a bite and sorta a wildwest type of place..
Family: Tehama County gunman apologized to mom day before shooting spree 11/14
Beowulf 762by54r
I am so sick of these crisis plays. We have enough real crime that we don't need to add to it. These news stations who push false stories should lose their FCC license.
Neve Jung
This is yet another hoax. The Vegas Mandalay Bay / Route 91 Harvest event was fake. The Sutherland Springs Church Shooting was also fake. No one died. There is already a long list of fake shootings since 2012 (Aurora, Sandy Hook, Isla Vista, Charleston, WDBJ Virginia, Orlando Pulse, the Cleveland Facebook killer, and the Bronx Hospital, to name a few.)
Glenn Kirste was a hoax.....just like sandyhook...none of the victims have social security numbers...just like the fake shooting at the texas church last funerals..just another hoax...
Shirley Bawden North Korea doesn't need to Nuk USA as they are killing themselves quite nicely
Fumbling Bumbling Idiots, California School Rancho Tehama shooting ...
8 hours ago - Uploaded by Mary GreeleyFumbling Bumbling Idiots, California School Rancho Tehama shooting 5 DEAD. Mary Greeley .... The FBI are ...
California shooting victim watched wife get murdered | Daily Mail Online nov 20 but was still able to walk and had attempted to flag down a passing car. ... He then watched in horror asNeal took aim and began firing at her. ... Plywood covers one of the windows at the Rancho Tehama .Michelle and Troy McFadyen were among the 17 people shot in Rancho Tehama
Shooter Kevin Neal killed five people and wounded at least a dozen adults and children before authorities shot him dead during a rampage on Tuesday
Troy said Neal had forced his car off the road and opened fire on him and his wife
He watched the gunman walk over to Michelle and casually shoot her
'All the while I'm screaming, 'Please don't! Please don't!' said Troy
'I'm still having moments of flashbacks thinking about that truck coming toward me, just missing me,' he said. 'And being shot and watching my wife'
The gunman also rammed a car into the gates of Rancho Tehama Elementary School and shot at its portable classrooms2.
Michelle, a former teacher who worked in social services, died after being shot at point blank range at least four times.
had been driving into town for a doctor's appointment on November 14, when they saw a white pickup bearing down on them, which crossed into the oncoming lane, as if to crash into them head on.
roy swerved to avoid the truck, but the driver barreled into the side of his Ford Crown Victoria car, T-boning it. the driver's door was so badly damaged, that they couple had to climb out through the passenger's side.
They had just clambered out the vehicle when they heard gunfire and saw Neal approaching them, with his gun drawn.
'I look over my car, (over the roof) and look down the hill and this guy is drawing a bead with his pistol … He starts firing in our direction and I say to my wife 'Run! Run! Let's go!' he told the Detroit Free Press. he told the Detroit Free Press.
Rancho Tehama shooting: ‘Run! Run! Let’s go!’ man told wife before being hit Detroit free press still vividly remembers the shooter running him off the road, methodically killing his wife, Michelle, shooting him twice and leaving them both in a ditch by the side of the road.
“I’m still having moments of flashbacks thinking about that truck coming toward me, just missing me,” McFadyen said. “And being shot and watching my wife.”said he and his wife were driving out of town Tuesday morning for a doctor’s appointment when they saw a white pickup coming down the road toward them. The driver crossed into the oncoming lane, as if to crash head-on into the McFadyens.
We’re panicked and the gunfire is just coming, he’s coming up the hill, firing his gun,” he said.
McFadyen and his wife became separated. She fell in a ditch, while he headed up Stagecoach Road on foot.
He looked up and saw the man firing at him. One of the bullets hit his left leg and went through his thigh.
The shot stung, but he could still walk. A car drove by and McFadyen tried to get them to let him in, but they locked their doors and drove off, he said.
As McFadyen ran, Neal shot him in the right lower leg, shattering bones.
He fell in the road and tried to sit up. At that point, Michelle McFadyen came up the road toward him and Neal began firing at her.
She falls in the ditch and he walks up rather casually and puts two rounds in her. All the while I’m screaming, ‘Please don’t! Please don’t!’” McFadyen said.
Michelle made a noise, so he turned back and shot her at least two more times, he said.
“So after he shoots her a second time he turns around and starts coming toward me again. At which point I lay back on my back and I say ‘I’m dead! I’m dead! I’m dead!'” McFadyen said.
ppeared to lose interest and walked back down the road and got into a gray car. McFadyen said he wasn’t sure where the gray car came from.
Neal drove up the road in the gray car toward McFadden as if he was going to run him over. McFadyen, however, was able to pull himself off the road and down into the ditch near his wife.
“We’re finally left alone, and I’m screaming for somebody to help because it seemed like I could have been on the moon.”
Troy McFadyen
Neal drove off out of sight. The gunman's next stop was the Rancho Tehama Elementary School, according to the sheriff's office.
A boy orphaned by the California shooting knew and feared the gunman
Sara Sidner-Profile-Image
By Sara Sidner, CNN
Updated 10:32 AM ET, Fri November 17, 2017 The gunman was a man Gage knew and feared: his neighbor Kevin Jason Neal.
How a school custodian helped save lives
"He shot at their house," Gage's maternal grandmother, Alma "Sissy" Feitelberg, told CNN.
"Yeah," Gage said. "He did, at least three times a day." Then Gage went silent.
Gage was just 22 months, his mother, Cher, died unexpectedly. She was 28 and battling physical pain that she tried to kill with opioids, Feitelberg said.
Neighbor shot by California gunman lived in fear of him
ellow tags mark where bullet casings found at one of the scenes of a shooting spree at Rancho Tehama Reserve, near Corning, Calif., Tuesday, Nov. 14, 2017. Law enforcement says that five
Red flags presented leading up to Rancho Tehama shooting rampage ...
“The crazy thing is that the neighbor has been shooting a lot of bullets lately, hundreds of rounds, large magazines,” said neighbor Brian Flint. “We made it aware that this guy is crazy and he's been threatening us.” The Tehama County Sheriff's Department responded but police say the man was good at avoiding officers ....
California mass shooting: Four killed, dozen injured including children ...
rs ago - Schultz quoted another witness, Casey Burnett, who said the gunman was "driving around and shooting randomly from his car." Area resident Brian Flint told local media that his roommate had been shot and killed by the gunman. Three weapons recovered. Two women embrace outside RanchoTehama Elementary School ...
Five dead in California shooting spree that ended at school - local ...
Law enforcement officers shot to death the gunman, who was among the five people who died in a series of shootings at seven or more locations, according to Redding, California, newspaper the Record Searchlight. The shooting spree began at a home and ended at Rancho Tehama School near the town of Corning, the ...
Man recounts learning roommate was killed by Rancho Tehama shooter
RANCHO TEHAMA, Calif. - Brian Flint said he was in Redding going fishing when he got a call saying his roommate had been shot. When Flint returned to his home he found that the suspect had killed his roommate and then stole his truck. Flint said that he knows the man who would go on to murder four ..He lived two doors down from him.
Flint described Kevin as a crazy dangerous man and spoke about how Kevin would shoot up to 100 rounds of gunfire every night and morning.
"All I know is that the guy shoots a lot of shots and it's just crazy. I would hope that there would be more effort into preventing things like this. The police came around my house a lot recently, maybe it was for gunshots, maybe not, not sure but you know, there just needs to be more of an effort for things like this to be prevented," said Flint.
Flint said that his roommate had just turned 57-years-old and was a very nice man. He said he felt guilty knowing that the suspect used his car to carry out such a horrendous act.
Tehama County school shooting - YouTube
4 days ago - Uploaded by KTVUInterview with the man who says his truck was stolen and his roommate was shot and killed by the alleged ...
Missing: cap
Police knew 'madman' had illegal guns before Northern California ...
A California Highway patrol officer photographs a vehicle involved in a deadly shooting rampage at the Rancho Tehama Reserve, near ...
neighbor he was accused of stabbing obtained a restraining order against him in February, writing to the court that Neal fired guns to scare people in her house and alleging that he was “very unpredictable and unstable” and that he had “anger issues,” according to court documents. “It’s almost like they think we’re lawless out here and they just don’t care,” he said.
Danny Lee Elliot, age 38 - Gun Memorial
Lost to gun violence on November 14, 2017 in Corning, California. We need your help to add a photo forDanny Lee Elliot. News sources: KRCR: Tehama Co. Sheriff's Office identifies those killed, injured in mass shooting · sacbee: 'A madman on the loose.' Tehama shooter began spree by killing his wife, hiding her body, ...
Mother shields her children during Tehama County shooting
KCRA Sacramento · 13 hours ago
More for neal tehama identified
These are the victims of the Rancho Tehama shooting rampage - LA ...
The Tehama County Sheriff's Office on Thursday released the names of the five people killed by a gunman who rampaged through Rancho Tehama on Tuesday.
additional six adults and six children — four boys and two girls — were wounded. Three of the children were treated and released at the scene, two were treated and released from a hospital and one remains hospitalized.
one of two crashed truck into car then got out and shot them Michelle Iris McFadyen, 55
Danny Lee Elliot, 38 (in court records, his name is listed as Danny Lee Elliott II)
Diana Lee Steele, 68
Joseph Edward McHugh III, 56
wife Barbara Ann Gilsan, 38 (in court records, her name is listed as Barbara Glisan
Poor and isolated, victims of Tehama shooter turn to the internet for help hours ago - Sharp said those factors mean the shootings have ramifications beyond the families directly affected. She points to the high number of kids at Rancho Tehama Elementary – more than 90 percent – who qualify for free meals. The school where the gunman, Kevin Neal, shot two children is still closed and won't reopen until ...
Woman Stabbed By Tehama County Mass Shooter In January Speaks ...
23 hours ago - RANCHO TEHAMA RESERVE, Calif. (CBS13) — A woman the Tehama County shooter is accused of stabbing in January shared her firsthand experience with CBS13. The victim, Hailey Poland, tells CBS13 she moved out of her home two months ago to get away from Neal. She says she feared for her life, and now her ...
Officials identify victims of Tehama County shooting rampage
18 hours ago - (KCRA) —. Officials released the identities of the people killed and injured in the TehamaCounty shooting rampage. Kevin Janson Neal, 44, shot and killed five people and injured 12 others during a shooting spree Tuesday morning through Rancho Tehama, a small town near Corning. Neal was shot and killed by officers.
Rancho Tehama Reserve shootings - Wikipedia
2 hours ago - Rancho Tehama Reserve is located 120 miles (190 kilometers) northwest of Sacramento. During the shooting spree, five people were killed and ten others were injured at eight separate crime scenes, including an elementary school. The gunman, later identified as 44-year-old Kevin Janson Neal, was shot and killed by ...
Rancho Tehama shooter neighbor describes tensions
18 hours ago - "He caused a lot of trouble. The last eight months, it went from zero to 100 real quick," said Johnny Phommathep, who lives near Kevin Neal.
Six GoFundMe pages are trying to help the Rancho Tehama victims
21 hours ago - The victims were the boy's grandmother and father, respectively. Sissy Feitelberg, whoidentifies as Gage's maternal grandmother in Sacramento, created the page to support the boy, who has been left an orphan. A report by KCRA-TV in Sacramento said the victims lived next to Neal and had an ongoing dispute with him.
Victims identified in Tehama County mass shooting |
6 hours ago - Officials say 44-year-old Kevin Janson Neal killed five people and injured 12 others during the shooting rampage. Neal's wife was also found dead inside their home.
Tehama shooter built his own illegal guns - Record Searchlight
wo of the guns used in the Tehama County mass shooting Tuesday were ... Despite owning numerous weapons, Neal had a restraining order filed ... Cal Fire to complain that the two women were making methamphetamine.
California man killed & buried his wife before going on fatal shooting spree RT 1 Northern California man who killed four people in a shooting rampage did so one day after killing his wife and burying her under the floor of their home. The man went on to wreak havoc, death and panic throughout a small community.
15 Nov 2017 | 10 : 23 GMT
4 dead, 10 injured after gunman goes on ‘murderous rampage’ in California
14 Nov 2017 | 18 : 42 GMT,
A school boy, couple among shooting victims - Record Searchlight
19 hours ago - In the chaos of the moment, he called Mike McFadyen and yelled into the phone, "They shot at us. Michelle is lying dead at my feet. She's dead.
photo: crown victoria wrecked on left rear fender , chain link fence crashed , bullet holes in wood paneling classroom wall.

California shooting rampage: The victims - USA Today
Troy and Michelle McFadyen became targets of a gunman while on the ... More: California mass shooting suspect killed wife, hid body day ...
photo: 2000s camry shot up
A school boy, a married couple among Rancho Tehama shooting victims
Troy and Michelle McFadyen Rancho Tehama ... The alleged gunman, Kevin Janson Neal, who is counted among the dead, was killed in a ...
Wife of Tehama County shooter found dead under the floor of their ... hours ago - Tehama shooter began spree by killing his wife, hiding her body, ... Sheridan Orr of Cary, N.C., identified her as the former Barbara Glisan.
Rancho Tehama gunman targeted wife, neighbor before attacking ...
Authorities believe Kevin Janson Neal killed his wife and hid her body in their home ... before his shooting rampage Tuesday in Rancho Tehama. .... Court records show that Neal and his wife,Barbara Glisan, obtained a ...
Woman with local ties lived next to California shooter -
Stefanie Romero was neighbor ... neighbor and we let him in our house and you know gave them food for holiday’s him and his wife, Barbara.”
Romero lived in New Bern before moving to California in 2012.
She lived right next door to shooter Kevin Neal for two and a half years.
GREENVILLE, N.C. (WNCT) – The news out of Rancho Tehama, California ... Records from the Wake County Justice Center show Neal, had a ...Records from the Wake County Justice Center show Neal, had a criminal record as recent as 2009. He was charged with several traffic violations and was arrested for possession of marijuana. Romero said, “He moved to start over and have a fresh start.”
She recalled the moment she found out the news and immediately called the neighbor living on the other side of Neal.
“He was just in tears telling me that he had shot his wife in front of him,” said Romero of the other neighbor. “He was so emotional he said there was a dispute and he went outside and saw Kevin lift the gun and shoot his wife and his step-son in front of him.”
“He was so emotional he said there was a dispute and he went outside and saw Kevin lift the gun and shoot his wife and his step-son in front of him.”
Romero said by this point, Neal had shot his own wife and two of his neighbors.
Police believe he went on a shooting spree throughout the town of nearly 1,500 people.
“He just started shooting anybody he saw he shot at,” Romero said.
Rancho Tehama shooter faced charges of shooting at, stabbing ...
Rancho Tehama >> The man who went on a shooting spree Tuesday ... Neal then jumped the fence, confronted the women, stabbed one and ...
Tehama County shooting: Kevin Neal 'off the hinges,' neighbors say
Tehama County shooting update: Gunman's wife found dead ..... He'd shot at the neighbors, then jumped a fence, stabbed one (who he killed ...
Calif. shooter previously wanted for assaulting neighbors - NY Daily ... day ago - Kevin Neal has been identified as the shooter in the Tehama, Calif. ... He jumped over thefence, stabbed one of the women and then took the ...
Judge ordered gunman to surrender weapons before he killed wife and hid body under their Rancho Tehama homeLos Angeles Times
Rancho Tehama gunman targeted wife, neighbor before attacking passersby at random
Los Angeles Time 2 hours ago - In the wake of a rampage in which Kevin Janson Neal had already killed four adults and sprayed bullets into an elementary school, authorities pinged his wife’s cellphone, to no avail. ... The death of Neal’s wife, who has not been named by authorities, brings to five the number of ...
Gunman in Northern California shot wife before going on rampageCNN9 hours ago - (CNN)Kevin Neal's deadly shooting rampage in Northern California may have been prompted by the fatal shooting of his wife, authorities said Wednesday. Neal, identified as the gunman who killed four people in a string of shootings Tuesday, shot and killed his wife the previous ...
Wife of Tehama County shooter found dead under floorboards at ... sfgate 16 hours ago - Neal apparently killed his wife Monday night, said Tehama County Assistant Sheriff Phil Johnston. Neighbors told investigators they believed ...
Wife of Tehama County shooter found dead under the floor of their ... sacbee Kevin Janson Neal's deadly rampage in Tehama County apparently began Monday night when he shot his wife to death with multiple rounds, ...
Body of Tehama shooting suspects wife found under floorboards ... abc7
California gunman's wife found dead in home, authorities say | Fox News mother-says-was-frustrated-by-ongoing-feud-
Rancho Tehama gunman targeted wife, neighbor before attacking ...
Cars are parked in front of the home of Kevin Janson Neal in Rancho Tehama, Calif. The body of Neal's wife was found at the home, where ...
James Woods Sr. and James Woods Jr. were also doing a simple chore when mayhem hit. They were checking for mail when the gunman fired from behind, according to Ashley Oleane Paez, James Woods Jr.'s girlfriend.
Paez said the younger Woods, 20 and a father of two, had come out of his first surgery successfully.
Troy and Michelle McFadyen Rancho Tehama ... The alleged gunman, Kevin Janson Neal, who is counted among the dead, was killed in a ...
Wife of Tehama County shooter found dead under the floor of their ... hours ago - Tehama shooter began spree by killing his wife, hiding her body, ... Sheridan Orr of Cary, N.C., identified her as the former Barbara Glisan.
Rancho Tehama gunman targeted wife, neighbor before attacking ...
Authorities believe Kevin Janson Neal killed his wife and hid her body in their home ... before his shooting rampage Tuesday in Rancho Tehama. .... Court records show that Neal and his wife,Barbara Glisan, obtained a ...
Woman with local ties lived next to California shooter -
Stefanie Romero was neighbor ... neighbor and we let him in our house and you know gave them food for holiday’s him and his wife, Barbara.”
Romero lived in New Bern before moving to California in 2012.
She lived right next door to shooter Kevin Neal for two and a half years.
GREENVILLE, N.C. (WNCT) – The news out of Rancho Tehama, California ... Records from the Wake County Justice Center show Neal, had a ...Records from the Wake County Justice Center show Neal, had a criminal record as recent as 2009. He was charged with several traffic violations and was arrested for possession of marijuana. Romero said, “He moved to start over and have a fresh start.”
She recalled the moment she found out the news and immediately called the neighbor living on the other side of Neal.
“He was just in tears telling me that he had shot his wife in front of him,” said Romero of the other neighbor. “He was so emotional he said there was a dispute and he went outside and saw Kevin lift the gun and shoot his wife and his step-son in front of him.”
“He was so emotional he said there was a dispute and he went outside and saw Kevin lift the gun and shoot his wife and his step-son in front of him.”
Romero said by this point, Neal had shot his own wife and two of his neighbors.
Police believe he went on a shooting spree throughout the town of nearly 1,500 people.
“He just started shooting anybody he saw he shot at,” Romero said.
Rancho Tehama shooter faced charges of shooting at, stabbing ...
Rancho Tehama >> The man who went on a shooting spree Tuesday ... Neal then jumped the fence, confronted the women, stabbed one and ...
Tehama County shooting: Kevin Neal 'off the hinges,' neighbors say
Tehama County shooting update: Gunman's wife found dead ..... He'd shot at the neighbors, then jumped a fence, stabbed one (who he killed ...
Calif. shooter previously wanted for assaulting neighbors - NY Daily ... day ago - Kevin Neal has been identified as the shooter in the Tehama, Calif. ... He jumped over thefence, stabbed one of the women and then took the ...
Judge ordered gunman to surrender weapons before he killed wife and hid body under their Rancho Tehama homeLos Angeles Times
Rancho Tehama gunman targeted wife, neighbor before attacking passersby at random
Los Angeles Time 2 hours ago - In the wake of a rampage in which Kevin Janson Neal had already killed four adults and sprayed bullets into an elementary school, authorities pinged his wife’s cellphone, to no avail. ... The death of Neal’s wife, who has not been named by authorities, brings to five the number of ...
Gunman in Northern California shot wife before going on rampageCNN9 hours ago - (CNN)Kevin Neal's deadly shooting rampage in Northern California may have been prompted by the fatal shooting of his wife, authorities said Wednesday. Neal, identified as the gunman who killed four people in a string of shootings Tuesday, shot and killed his wife the previous ...
Wife of Tehama County shooter found dead under floorboards at ... sfgate 16 hours ago - Neal apparently killed his wife Monday night, said Tehama County Assistant Sheriff Phil Johnston. Neighbors told investigators they believed ...
Wife of Tehama County shooter found dead under the floor of their ... sacbee Kevin Janson Neal's deadly rampage in Tehama County apparently began Monday night when he shot his wife to death with multiple rounds, ...
Body of Tehama shooting suspects wife found under floorboards ... abc7
California gunman's wife found dead in home, authorities say | Fox News mother-says-was-frustrated-by-ongoing-feud-
Rancho Tehama gunman targeted wife, neighbor before attacking ...
Cars are parked in front of the home of Kevin Janson Neal in Rancho Tehama, Calif. The body of Neal's wife was found at the home, where ...
Tehama County shooting: Kevin Neal 'off the hinges,' neighbors say
Tehama County shooting update: Gunman's wife found dead. 5 dead, 10 wounded ... Warning Signs Surrounded Gunman Before Rancho Tehama Rampage. The gunman was ..... Guy LeDouche ...
Red Bluff Daily News
Rancho Tehama shooter faced charges of shooting at, stabbing neighbors
Five dead, 10 injured in Rancho Tehama shootings
Terror in Northern California town as gunman goes on rampage ...
A gunman killed four people and left at least 10 injured in a shooting rampage in TehamaCounty on Tuesday morning before he was fatally ...
California school shooting: Five dead in Rancho Tehama
Tehama County shootings: Gunman killed neighbors then continued ..... and al Qaeda) were responsible for 74% of the world's terror related ...
Gunman Kills Four, Wounds Child at School in California Shootings ...
A gunman killed four people in a series of shootings in Northern California in which targets ... Image: Rancho Tehama Reserve Shooting ... Johnston said the shooting is not believed to beterrorism related, and "this is an ...
California gunman tried to access classrooms to kill children, police ... hours ago - close. Authorities: Shooter killed at Rancho Tehama school. ... added of the shooter, noting he doesn't think there is any connection to terrorism.
Gunman targeted neighbors then continued rampage | Fox News hours ago - Tehama County Assistant Sheriff Phil Johnston said the gunman spent about six minutesshooting into Rancho Tehama Elementary School ...
5 dead in mass shooting in Northern California town; terror at ...
Nov 16, 2017 - A gunman killed four people and injured two children, in a shooting rampage in TehamaCounty on Tuesday morning before he was fatally shot ...
Terror in Northern California town has gunman goes on rampage, sprays school will bullets
Los Angeles Times
California school shooting: Five dead in Rancho Tehama
The Mercury News
5 dead in mass shooting in Northern California town; terror at elementary school
Terror in Northern California town has gunman goes on rampage ...
A gunman's deadly rampage through rural Rancho Tehama on Tuesday was stopped when police rammed his vehicle and exchanged shots in ...
California school shooting: Five dead in Rancho Tehama
11 hours ago - RANCHO TEHAMA RESERVE — A Northern California man killed two ..... and al Qaeda) were responsible for 74% of the world's terror related ...
5 dead in mass shooting in Northern California town; terror at ...
Nov 16, 2017 - AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli Two women embrace outside Rancho Tehama Elementary School, where a gunman opened fire Tuesday, Nov.
California gunman tried to access classrooms to kill children, police ... hours ago - close. Authorities: Shooter killed at Rancho Tehama school. ... added of the shooter, noting he doesn't think there is any connection to terrorism.
Gunman targeted neighbors then continued rampage | Fox News hours ago - RANCHO TEHAMA RESERVE, Calif. – A Northern California man killed two neighbors with whom he had been feuding before he went on a ...
Rancho Tehama Shooting at Elementary School: Reports -
16 hours ago - There were multiple deaths after a shooting in Rancho Tehama that ... The only thing that will stop these terrorist organizations is a bullet.
Gunman Kills Four, Wounds Child at School in California Shootings ...
4 hours ago - Image: Rancho Tehama Reserve Shooting ... Johnston said the shooting is not believed to be terrorism related, and "this is an individual that ...
California gunman identified as Kevin Janson Neal, 43
Daily Mail

Calif. shooter previously wanted for assaulting neighbors
NY Daily News
1 hour ago
Who Is Kevin Janson Neal? Gunman Kills 4 In California Shooting Rampage
International Business Times
PICTURED: California gunman Kevin Janson Neal, 43 | Daily Mail ... hours ago - Kevin Janson Neal (pictured), 43, has been named as the killer who shot ... Neal eventually arrived at the Rancho Tehama Elementary School ...
Kevin Janson Neal: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know -
According to the Sacramento Bee, “The Tehama County District’s Attorney’s Office confirmed that Kevin Janson Neal, 43, was the shooter.”. ... The shooting spree unfolded in multiple locations in the small, rural northern California community on November 14, starting near ...
Rancho Tehama Killer, Kevin Janson Neal, Had Been Charged With ...
Kevin Janson Neal had been charged with two felonies. According to the Sacramento Bee, the Ranch Tehama shooter who murdered four and ...
Kevin Janson Neal Identified As California Mass Shooter WIE - YouTube
▶ 13:42
3 hours ago - Uploaded by Taurean Reign Live EMAIL ...
Calif. shooter previously wanted for assaulting neighbors - NY Daily ... hours ago - Kevin Janson Neal, 43, was armed with a semiautomatic weapon and two handguns when he began firing — apparently at random — shortly ...
Who Is Kevin Janson Neal? Gunman Kills 4 In California Shooting ...
Identified as Kevin Janson Neal, the shooter wielded a semi-automatic rifle and two handguns during the carnage, according to the police who ...
Trevor Loudon's New Zeal Blog » Kevin Janson Neal named as ... › Uncategorized
It is being reported that Kevin Janson Neal, the suspect in the case of the horrific Rancho Tehama School shooting is a man who was being ...
PICTURED: California gunman Kevin Janson Neal, 43 | World News
53 mins ago - PICTURED: California gunman Kevin Janson Neal, 43. The gunman opened fire on Bobcat Lane at 7.52am, injuring neighbors before fleeing ...
4 dead after California shootings; gunman tried to enter school
Andy Slavitt (@ASlavitt) A gunman just shot up an elementary school in CA. Kids are dead. News isn't showing it. This is a public health crisis of epic proportion.
New York Daily News (@NYDailyNews) The suspected shooter who killed four near a California school was previously wanted for assaulting two neighbors
NBC Bay Area (@nbcbayarea) #BREAKING UPDATE: Shooting in Tehama County in Northern California leaves 5 dead, including 2 children and the suspect, and spans 7 crime scenes, sheriff's officials say.
CBS News
Gunman choosing targets at random opened fire in a rural Northern California town, killing four people at several sites and wounding others at an elementary school before police shot him dead…
49 mins ago · Twitter
Lockdown at California school credited with saving kids during shooting.
46 secs ago · Twitter
KETV NewsWatch 7
Multiple students injured in California school shooting…
4 mins ago · Twitter
Kyodo News - English
At least 4 killed, 10 injured in #shooting rampage in #California: reports
12 mins ago · Twitter
5 are dead after a gunman sprays bullets into a school while ...
3 hours ago - A gunman killed four people and left at least 10 injured in a shooting ... sprays bullets into a school while terrorizing a Northern California town.
California shooting: 4 dead; gunman tried to enter school - CNN
1 hour ago - (CNN)A gunman killed four people in a remote Northern California community on Tuesday morning, but a much bigger death toll was averted when the killer was unable to break into an elementary school. The staff at tiny Rancho Tehama Elementary School west of Corning moved quickly ...
California school shooting: At least 4 dead after gunman shoots at ... hours ago - A gunman shooting at random people and locations killed four people Tuesday in NorthernCalifornia, attacking an elementary school and a ...
Gunman Kills Four, Wounds Child at School in California Shootings ...
3 hours ago - One student was wounded at the school and another child was shot while in a car being driven by a woman, who also was wounded, Johnston ...
California gunman tried to access classrooms to kill children, police ... hours ago - Report: Multiple fatalities at school shooting in California ... The shooter was killed by police after he opened fire at multiple “random” locations ...
Shooting reported at Northern California elementary school - ABC News hours ago - The gunman who went on an apparently random shooting spree in rural NorthernCalifornia allegedly left an elementary school after he failed ...
Four dead in shooting at California elementary school | New York Post
10 hours ago - A gunman opened fire Tuesday morning at a home and elementary school in NorthernCalifornia — killing four people and wounding seveRancho Tehama Mass Shooting Not Terrorist Attack --- ===
November 14, 2017 Rancho Tehama Mass Shooting Not Terrorist Attack Kevin Neal opened fire at Rancho Tehama School in Californa , killing three people. The shooting started at a home where he killed his wife Barbara Glisan. and 3 neighbors and moved to the elementary school in Tehama County at around 8 am. At least three people were killed, two people were wounded, and many were left injured. The shooter was killed by law enforcement. A man reported that his truck was stolen and his roommate was shot and killed by the gunman earlier in the morning. Authorities announced they believe he as angry at his neighbors and was not a terrorist attack.
Terrorist theory: The mass shooting in the last three months are not random but well organized terror attacks to avenge the killing of taliban fighters at the hands of U.S. Stephen paddock, omar mateen and saifulla saipov all lived in the tampa-orlando, florida area between 2013- 2015 and then all them committed mass murder in within a span of 1 year this is not coincidence.
Five dead in mass shooting in California: Gunman who was - Daily Mail days ago - The California gunman who killed at least four people and hospitalized 10 ... Neal eventually arrived at the Rancho Tehama Elementary School and .... deadly when Neal fired at several people, killing one man in his driveway.
Revealed: California shooter was a gun-obsessed drug addict out on bail for stabbing a neighbor in ongoing feud
Officials say Kevin Hanson Neal, 43, began firing at 7.52am on Tuesday
He opened fire near his home on Bobcat Lane in Rancho Tehama then drove off
On his way through the town, he shot a woman and her child in their truck
The mother suffered life-threatening wounds and remains in hospital
A second child was hurt at Rancho Tehama Elementary School and airlifted
He was identified as Alejandro Hernandez, 6, and is expected to recover
Neal attempted to gain entry to the school, but it was on lockdown
Police shot the gunman was found dead near the school after a brief gunfight
Ten people, including the two children injured, remain in the hospital
In January Neal stabbed a neighbor; he was to face trial in January 2018
His sister says she believes he was addicted to drugs
Rancho Tehama Reserve shootings - Wikipedia
On November 14, 2017, a shooting spree took place in the unincorporated community of Rancho Tehama Reserve in California, about 120 miles (190 ...
It is proposed that this article be deleted because of the following concern:
Tehama County School Shooting | Wiki | Everipedia
2 days ago - All information for Tehama County School Shooting's wiki comes from the below links. ... Pictures, videos, biodata, and files relating to Tehama County School Shooting are also acceptable encyclopedic sources. ... Off-topic discussion not pertaining to Tehama County School Shooting or this
Tehama County School Shooting

The crime scene outside of the school
Tehama County School Shooting
November 14. 2017
Tehama County
Rancho Tehama School
Number of Casualties
5(including perpetrator)
Kevin Neal
School children
On November 14, 2017 Kevin Neal opened fire at Rancho Tehama School, killing three people.[1]
The shooting started at a home and moved to the elementary school in Tehama County at around 8 am. At least three people were killed, two people were wounded, and many were left injured. The shooter was killed by law enforcement.[1] A man reported that his truck was stolen and his roommate was shot and killed by the gunman earlier in the morning. An official at the Enloe Medical Center in Chico says they’ve received four patients, one adult and three children. The names of the victims have not been released yet.[4]
Witnesses repot hearing 90-100 shots fired. This took place around 8 a.m. at Rancho Tehama School. [10]
There were over 100 law enforcement officers at the school with up to five different crime scenes. [10]
A helicopter medical crew reported they were transporting a 6-year-old victim to Mercy Medical Center in Redding. The child had two gunshot wounds, according to emergency scanner traffic. A second child also was reported to have been shot in the right leg, according to emergency dispatch reports. A 30-year-old man was also being taken to the hospital with a gunshot wound to the right thigh, according to emergency dispatch reports.[
Kevin Janson Neal: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know -
Kevin Janson Neal was identified as the suspect accused in the Tehama ... A Witness Reported That the Gunman, Wearing Camouflage, Fired ...
fired through classroom windows after being locked out of the building,
Why? Kevin Janson Neal i'd as Rancho Tehama Shooting suspect
Kevin Janson Neal Rancho Tehama Shooting suspect: What led to a ... 'wearing a load bearing vest — similar to what soldiers wear to carry ...
Kevin Neal | Wiki & Bio | Everipedia
Kevin Neal's wiki: Kevin Janson Neal was a resident of Tehama County. [5] Criminal HistoryJanson was arrested in February 2017 at his ...
Tehama County School Shooting | Wiki | Everipedia
All information for Tehama County School Shooting's wiki comes from the below links. ... Pictures, videos, biodata, and files relating to Tehama County School Shooting are also acceptable encyclopedic sources. ... Off-topic discussion not pertaining to Tehama County School Shooting or this
Wikipedia List of school shootings November 14, 2017 Rancho Tehama Reserve, California 5 2 Northern California Elementary School: Five Students were fatally shot by a gunman who appeared to "fire at random" and "did not have motive for the attack." Authorities said the gunfire began around 8 a.m., and a semi-automatic rifle and two handguns were recovered. The gunman, whose name has not been released as of the day of the shooting, was shot and killed by the sheriff's deputies.[529]
*Terrorist theory
Another person thinks this guy was trained by intelligence agency, he might actually be right. kinn sidd Dispute with neighbour is just an alby, this guy was groomed by Pakistani intelligent agents living in Yuba County and then send to carry out this rampage. There is large Pakistani community in Yuba county which is been used as a terror den by Pakistani intelligence in order to groom white men and then send them to launch attacks.
kinn sidd Please read afghanistan news like khaama press, tolo news, pajhwok, you will immediately understand and relate what is happening. The mass shooting in the last three months are not random but well organized terror attacks to avenge the killing of taliban fighters at the hands of U.S.
Stephen paddock, omar mateen and saifulla saipov all lived in the tampa-orlando, florida area between 2013- 2015 and then all them committed mass murder in within a span of 1 year this is not coincidence.
TEXAS MASS SHOOTING: 26 dies when gunman opens fire in Texas ...
▶ 4:56
kinn sidd
This shooting was orchestrated by the Pakistani Consulate in Houston in order to avenge the killing of Taliban fighters by U.S airstrikes in Afghanistan. Yesterday(4th NOV 17), 15 important Taliban fighters were killed in Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan in an U.S airstrike.
Devin Kelly was brainwashed by Pakistani intelligence agents and then send to carry out this rampage. He and Las vegas shooter both committed suicide after killing people.
The order to carry out these mass shooting is sent via encrypted messengers like whatsapp and telegram.
Texas church victims remembered at candlelight vigil - YouTube
▶ 3:35
Nov 6, 2017
kinn sidd his shooting was orchestrated by the Pakistani Consulate in Houston in order to avenge the killing of Taliban fighters by U.S airstrikes in Afghanistan. Yesterday(4th NOV 17), 15 important Taliban fighters were killed in Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan in an U.S airstrike.
Devin Kelly was brainwashed by Pakistani intelligence agents and then send to carry out this rampage. He and Las vegas shooter both committed suicide after killing people.
The order to carry out these mass shooting is sent via encrypted messengers like whatsapp and telegram.kinn sidd wow you've really have an amazing imagination*Conspiracy theory disinformation
Possible Crisis Actors - Shooting Near Rancho Tehama School In California
Charles Walton
pike Timmons As soon as I read the comment from the neighbor. "Shooting hundred of rounds" "large capacity magazine" then the coup de gras "he was a known felon" First off, If he was a known felon, and some one heard gun shots...a lot of them. The cops would have been kicking his door down. Total bullshit. 10 victims in 7 locations? Give me a break.
also posted
Las Vegas Shooter At Mandalay Bay Hotel Part Of FBI Undercover Sting Operation That Went BAD!
Charles Walton
Blakerailey Simmons It's marijuana harvest time here in California Rancho is a pot farm community.. Action Now News is our local news channel.. He looks shocked speechless after losing his friend and roommate. The reason it wasn't on main stream media is because it wasn't a planned false flag.. This actually happened and there's always people shooting each other out there because of the weed business.. It's outta town quiet a bite and sorta a wildwest type of place..
Family: Tehama County gunman apologized to mom day before shooting spree 11/14
Beowulf 762by54r
I am so sick of these crisis plays. We have enough real crime that we don't need to add to it. These news stations who push false stories should lose their FCC license.
Neve Jung
This is yet another hoax. The Vegas Mandalay Bay / Route 91 Harvest event was fake. The Sutherland Springs Church Shooting was also fake. No one died. There is already a long list of fake shootings since 2012 (Aurora, Sandy Hook, Isla Vista, Charleston, WDBJ Virginia, Orlando Pulse, the Cleveland Facebook killer, and the Bronx Hospital, to name a few.)
Glenn Kirste was a hoax.....just like sandyhook...none of the victims have social security numbers...just like the fake shooting at the texas church last funerals..just another hoax...
Shirley Bawden North Korea doesn't need to Nuk USA as they are killing themselves quite nicely
Fumbling Bumbling Idiots, California School Rancho Tehama shooting ...
▶ 5:39
8 hours ago - Uploaded by Mary GreeleyFumbling Bumbling Idiots, California School Rancho Tehama shooting 5 DEAD. Mary Greeley .... The FBI are ...
Tehama deputies were called 21 times to gunman's neighborhood ... Tehama County sheriff's deputies were called to gunman Kevin Janson Neal's rural neighborhood 21 times in the year leading up to Neal's fatal shooting ... Law enforcement officials said they couldn't confirm the allegations, and Neal's family members have said the Tehama gunman wasdelusional and ...
Tehama gunman lived in a hellscape, then turned his anger on others ... days ago - Described as delusional by family members, Neal draped a giant metal awning across the front of the house as if to armor himself from the outside world. “It's about paranoia, I think,” said Gregg Cohen, the Tehama County district attorney. Neighbors said Neal turned unpaved Bobcat Lane into a nonstop ...
'I will kill you': Neighbor recalls California shooter's threats - CNN
The gunfire. It was all too clear what could happen. And then it did happen -- a deadly rampage in his small, remote California community of Rancho Tehama. ... Phommathep said he is certain Kevin Neal drove to Rancho Tehama Elementary School to kill Gage. The gunman didn't kill Gage, but instead left ...
Tehama County shooting: Kevin Neal 'off the hinges,' neighbors say
Nov 14, 2017 - Neal shot and killed four other people and wounded 10 at different locations around the rural community of Rancho Tehama Reserve. Police later shot ..... Yes his mom and sister, they knew he was nuts and delusional....and spent $160,000 to get him out of jail...instead of a mental hospital.
Sheriff: Tehama shooter built his own illegal guns Damon Arthur, Record Searchlight Published 3:31 p.m. PT Nov. 15, 2017 | Updated 6:55 a.m. PT Nov. 16, 2017 Two of the guns rifle long guns used in the Tehama County mass shooting on Tuesday were homemade, while the other two were not registered to the shooter, officials said.There also was a restraining order issued in February that prohibited the shooter from owning guns. Two of the guns used in the Tehama County mass shooting on Tuesday were homemade, while the other two were not registered to the shooter, officials said. two homemade AR-15 type semiautomatic rifles were made from parts the shooter, Kevin Janson Neal, 44, purchased, said Phil Johnston, Tehama County’s assistant sheriff. “These firearms were manufactured illegally, we believe, by him at his home,” Johnston said Wednesday. “So they (the guns) were obtained in an illegal manner, not through a legal process. They are not registered.”,
A school boy, couple among shooting victims - Record Searchlight
19 hours ago - In the chaos of the moment, he called Mike McFadyen and yelled into the phone, "They shot at us. Michelle is lying dead at my feet. She's dead.

California shooting rampage: The victims - USA Today
Troy and Michelle McFadyen became targets of a gunman while on the ... More: California mass shooting suspect killed wife, hid body day ...
California school shooting: Five dead in Rancho Tehama
10 hours ago - California News. Tehama County shootings: Gunman tried to storm school during deadly ... 4 dead, 10 wounded before police kill shooter ...
Tehama County shooting update: Gunman's wife found dead. 5 dead, 10 wounded ... Warning Signs Surrounded Gunman Before Rancho Tehama Rampage. The gunman was ..... Guy LeDouche ...
Red Bluff Daily News
Rancho Tehama shooter faced charges of shooting at, stabbing neighbors
Five dead, 10 injured in Rancho Tehama shootings
Terror in Northern California town as gunman goes on rampage ...
A gunman killed four people and left at least 10 injured in a shooting rampage in TehamaCounty on Tuesday morning before he was fatally ...
California school shooting: Five dead in Rancho Tehama
Tehama County shootings: Gunman killed neighbors then continued ..... and al Qaeda) were responsible for 74% of the world's terror related ...
Gunman Kills Four, Wounds Child at School in California Shootings ...
A gunman killed four people in a series of shootings in Northern California in which targets ... Image: Rancho Tehama Reserve Shooting ... Johnston said the shooting is not believed to beterrorism related, and "this is an ...
California gunman tried to access classrooms to kill children, police ... hours ago - close. Authorities: Shooter killed at Rancho Tehama school. ... added of the shooter, noting he doesn't think there is any connection to terrorism.
Gunman targeted neighbors then continued rampage | Fox News hours ago - Tehama County Assistant Sheriff Phil Johnston said the gunman spent about six minutesshooting into Rancho Tehama Elementary School ...
5 dead in mass shooting in Northern California town; terror at ...
Nov 16, 2017 - A gunman killed four people and injured two children, in a shooting rampage in TehamaCounty on Tuesday morning before he was fatally shot ...
Terror in Northern California town has gunman goes on rampage, sprays school will bullets
Los Angeles Times
California school shooting: Five dead in Rancho Tehama
The Mercury News
5 dead in mass shooting in Northern California town; terror at elementary school
Terror in Northern California town has gunman goes on rampage ...
A gunman's deadly rampage through rural Rancho Tehama on Tuesday was stopped when police rammed his vehicle and exchanged shots in ...
California school shooting: Five dead in Rancho Tehama
11 hours ago - RANCHO TEHAMA RESERVE — A Northern California man killed two ..... and al Qaeda) were responsible for 74% of the world's terror related ...
5 dead in mass shooting in Northern California town; terror at ...
Nov 16, 2017 - AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli Two women embrace outside Rancho Tehama Elementary School, where a gunman opened fire Tuesday, Nov.
California gunman tried to access classrooms to kill children, police ... hours ago - close. Authorities: Shooter killed at Rancho Tehama school. ... added of the shooter, noting he doesn't think there is any connection to terrorism.
Gunman targeted neighbors then continued rampage | Fox News hours ago - RANCHO TEHAMA RESERVE, Calif. – A Northern California man killed two neighbors with whom he had been feuding before he went on a ...
Rancho Tehama Shooting at Elementary School: Reports -
16 hours ago - There were multiple deaths after a shooting in Rancho Tehama that ... The only thing that will stop these terrorist organizations is a bullet.
Gunman Kills Four, Wounds Child at School in California Shootings ...
4 hours ago - Image: Rancho Tehama Reserve Shooting ... Johnston said the shooting is not believed to be terrorism related, and "this is an individual that ...
Tehama County Shooting: At Least 4 Victims Killed At School, Other ... hours ago - A shooter in Northern California has killed at least four people in a violent rampage that began at a home and ultimately included seven locations, including an elementary school, officials say.... At least two children are among the wounded — a student at Rancho Tehama Elementary ...
Gunman In Tehama County Shooting Rampage Identified « CBS San ...
The Tehama County District Attorney announced that the gunman was ... Tehama County shooting suspect Kevin Janson Neal (Tehama ...
Terror in Northern California town as gunman goes on rampage ...
A gunman killed four people and left at least 10 injured in a shooting rampage in TehamaCounty on Tuesday morning before he was fatally ...
California school shooting: Five dead in Rancho Tehama
Tehama County shootings: Gunman killed neighbors then continued ..... and al Qaeda) were responsible for 74% of the world's terror related ...
Gunman Kills Four, Wounds Child at School in California Shootings ...
4 hours ago - A gunman killed four people in a series of shootings in Northern California in which targets ... Image: Rancho Tehama Reserve Shooting ... Johnston said the shooting is not believed to beterrorism related, and "this is an ...
California gunman tried to access classrooms to kill children, police ... hours ago - close. Authorities: Shooter killed at Rancho Tehama school. ... added of the shooter, noting he doesn't think there is any connection to terrorism.
Gunman targeted neighbors then continued rampage | Fox News hours ago - Tehama County Assistant Sheriff Phil Johnston said the gunman spent about six minutesshooting into Rancho Tehama Elementary School ...
5 dead in mass shooting in Northern California town; terror at ...
Nov 16, 2017 - A gunman killed four people and injured two children, in a shooting rampage in TehamaCounty on Tuesday morning before he was fatally shot ... hours ago - A shooter in Northern California has killed at least four people in a violent rampage that began at a home and ultimately included seven locations, including an elementary school, officials say.... At least two children are among the wounded — a student at Rancho Tehama Elementary ...
Gunman In Tehama County Shooting Rampage Identified « CBS San ...
The Tehama County District Attorney announced that the gunman was ... Tehama County shooting suspect Kevin Janson Neal (Tehama ...
Terror in Northern California town as gunman goes on rampage ...
A gunman killed four people and left at least 10 injured in a shooting rampage in TehamaCounty on Tuesday morning before he was fatally ...
California school shooting: Five dead in Rancho Tehama
Tehama County shootings: Gunman killed neighbors then continued ..... and al Qaeda) were responsible for 74% of the world's terror related ...
Gunman Kills Four, Wounds Child at School in California Shootings ...
4 hours ago - A gunman killed four people in a series of shootings in Northern California in which targets ... Image: Rancho Tehama Reserve Shooting ... Johnston said the shooting is not believed to beterrorism related, and "this is an ...
California gunman tried to access classrooms to kill children, police ... hours ago - close. Authorities: Shooter killed at Rancho Tehama school. ... added of the shooter, noting he doesn't think there is any connection to terrorism.
Gunman targeted neighbors then continued rampage | Fox News hours ago - Tehama County Assistant Sheriff Phil Johnston said the gunman spent about six minutesshooting into Rancho Tehama Elementary School ...
5 dead in mass shooting in Northern California town; terror at ...
Nov 16, 2017 - A gunman killed four people and injured two children, in a shooting rampage in TehamaCounty on Tuesday morning before he was fatally shot ...
California gunman identified as Kevin Janson Neal, 43
Daily Mail
Calif. shooter previously wanted for assaulting neighbors
NY Daily News
1 hour ago
Who Is Kevin Janson Neal? Gunman Kills 4 In California Shooting Rampage
International Business Times
PICTURED: California gunman Kevin Janson Neal, 43 | Daily Mail ... hours ago - Kevin Janson Neal (pictured), 43, has been named as the killer who shot ... Neal eventually arrived at the Rancho Tehama Elementary School ...
Kevin Janson Neal: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know -
According to the Sacramento Bee, “The Tehama County District’s Attorney’s Office confirmed that Kevin Janson Neal, 43, was the shooter.”. ... The shooting spree unfolded in multiple locations in the small, rural northern California community on November 14, starting near ...
Rancho Tehama Killer, Kevin Janson Neal, Had Been Charged With ...
Kevin Janson Neal had been charged with two felonies. According to the Sacramento Bee, the Ranch Tehama shooter who murdered four and ...
Kevin Janson Neal Identified As California Mass Shooter WIE - YouTube
3 hours ago - Uploaded by Taurean Reign Live EMAIL ...
Calif. shooter previously wanted for assaulting neighbors - NY Daily ... hours ago - Kevin Janson Neal, 43, was armed with a semiautomatic weapon and two handguns when he began firing — apparently at random — shortly ...
Who Is Kevin Janson Neal? Gunman Kills 4 In California Shooting ...
Identified as Kevin Janson Neal, the shooter wielded a semi-automatic rifle and two handguns during the carnage, according to the police who ...
Trevor Loudon's New Zeal Blog » Kevin Janson Neal named as ... › Uncategorized
It is being reported that Kevin Janson Neal, the suspect in the case of the horrific Rancho Tehama School shooting is a man who was being ...
PICTURED: California gunman Kevin Janson Neal, 43 | World News
53 mins ago - PICTURED: California gunman Kevin Janson Neal, 43. The gunman opened fire on Bobcat Lane at 7.52am, injuring neighbors before fleeing ...
4 dead after California shootings; gunman tried to enter school
5 are dead after a gunman sprays bullets into a school while terrorizing a Northern California town
Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles Times
At Least 4 Killed in Shooting in Northern California
The New York Times
Mark Berman (@markberman) A gunman in California killed 4 people today during a shooting rampage -- and an even greater horror may have been narrowly averted, because he couldn't get into an elementary school…
The New York Times
Mark Berman (@markberman) A gunman in California killed 4 people today during a shooting rampage -- and an even greater horror may have been narrowly averted, because he couldn't get into an elementary school…
Andy Slavitt (@ASlavitt) A gunman just shot up an elementary school in CA. Kids are dead. News isn't showing it. This is a public health crisis of epic proportion.
New York Daily News (@NYDailyNews) The suspected shooter who killed four near a California school was previously wanted for assaulting two neighbors
NBC Bay Area (@nbcbayarea) #BREAKING UPDATE: Shooting in Tehama County in Northern California leaves 5 dead, including 2 children and the suspect, and spans 7 crime scenes, sheriff's officials say.
CBS News
Gunman choosing targets at random opened fire in a rural Northern California town, killing four people at several sites and wounding others at an elementary school before police shot him dead…
49 mins ago · Twitter
Lockdown at California school credited with saving kids during shooting.
46 secs ago · Twitter
KETV NewsWatch 7
Multiple students injured in California school shooting…
4 mins ago · Twitter
Kyodo News - English
At least 4 killed, 10 injured in #shooting rampage in #California: reports
12 mins ago · Twitter
5 are dead after a gunman sprays bullets into a school while ...
3 hours ago - A gunman killed four people and left at least 10 injured in a shooting ... sprays bullets into a school while terrorizing a Northern California town.
California shooting: 4 dead; gunman tried to enter school - CNN
1 hour ago - (CNN)A gunman killed four people in a remote Northern California community on Tuesday morning, but a much bigger death toll was averted when the killer was unable to break into an elementary school. The staff at tiny Rancho Tehama Elementary School west of Corning moved quickly ...
California school shooting: At least 4 dead after gunman shoots at ... hours ago - A gunman shooting at random people and locations killed four people Tuesday in NorthernCalifornia, attacking an elementary school and a ...
Gunman Kills Four, Wounds Child at School in California Shootings ...
3 hours ago - One student was wounded at the school and another child was shot while in a car being driven by a woman, who also was wounded, Johnston ...
California gunman tried to access classrooms to kill children, police ... hours ago - Report: Multiple fatalities at school shooting in California ... The shooter was killed by police after he opened fire at multiple “random” locations ...
Shooting reported at Northern California elementary school - ABC News hours ago - The gunman who went on an apparently random shooting spree in rural NorthernCalifornia allegedly left an elementary school after he failed ...
Four dead in shooting at California elementary school | New York Post
10 hours ago - A gunman opened fire Tuesday morning at a home and elementary school in NorthernCalifornia — killing four people and wounding seveRancho Tehama Mass Shooting Not Terrorist Attack --- ===
November 14, 2017 Rancho Tehama Mass Shooting Not Terrorist Attack Kevin Neal opened fire at Rancho Tehama School in Californa , killing three people. The shooting started at a home where he killed his wife Barbara Glisan. and 3 neighbors and moved to the elementary school in Tehama County at around 8 am. At least three people were killed, two people were wounded, and many were left injured. The shooter was killed by law enforcement. A man reported that his truck was stolen and his roommate was shot and killed by the gunman earlier in the morning. Authorities announced they believe he as angry at his neighbors and was not a terrorist attack.
Terrorist theory: The mass shooting in the last three months are not random but well organized terror attacks to avenge the killing of taliban fighters at the hands of U.S. Stephen paddock, omar mateen and saifulla saipov all lived in the tampa-orlando, florida area between 2013- 2015 and then all them committed mass murder in within a span of 1 year this is not coincidence.
- kron4 was raised in Cary and went to East Carolina University. family told CBS North Carolina that Neal was very smart, but “troubled.” sister, Sheridan Orr, told the Associated Press her brother had struggled with mental illness throughout his life and at times had a violent temper.
- Family members told CBS North Carolina that Neal had a long criminal history in Wake County. in North Carolina kron4
- 12 years kron4 The gunman moved to California about 12 years ago
- Records from the Wake County Justice Center show Neal, had a criminal record as recent as 2009. He was charged with several traffic violations and was arrested for possession of marijuana. Romero said, “He moved to start over and have a fresh start.”
- 5 years: kron4 Neal and his mother had not seen each other in 5 years but talked daily and were close.
- january: judge had issued a restraining order against the gunman after the dispute with the neighbor in January. Neal was arrested on Jan. 31 for the incident with his neighbors in which he reportedly shot through a fence at two women, according to the Red Bluff Daily News. He jumped over the fence, stabbed one of the women and then took the other's cellphone, the prosecutor said. accused of stabbing a female neighbor in the abdomen. The charges — which include assault with a deadly weapon and second-degree robbery — were pending, and the neighbor was among the first to be killed Tuesday.
- the neighbor, 33-year-old Hailey Suzanne Poland, in February sought a civil restraining order against Neal, writing that he “attacked me and my mother-in-law stabbing me with a knife and beating her and myself.” Neal, she wrote, threatened the household with a gun. She described being stabbed with a 7-inch knife and being punched in the face. Without naming her, sheriff’s officials confirmed that the woman seeking the protective order was killed by Neal. latimes
- mother paid for lawyer and bail Family mother posted his $160,000 bail and spent $10,000 on a lawyer after he was arrested in January for stabbing a neighbor. Neal's mother ..
- mother told The Associated Press her son, who was a marijuana grower, was in a long-running dispute with neighbors he believed were cooking methamphetamine.
- feb Tehama County judge then ordered Neal to surrender all firearms. Court records show that he turned in one gun in February and claimed he didn’t own any more. latimes
- Neal and his wife, Barbara Glisan, obtained a protective order against a male neighbor, whom they accused of threatening them with a gun and manufacturing methamphetamine. latimes
- Neal was well-known to local authorities who watched him but could not talk to him. His neighbors, on multiple occasions, reported shots coming from his house. At least twice, Johnston, said, officers put the house under surveillance. “We can’t anticipate what people are going to do,” Johnston said. “We don’t have a crystal ball…. We wanted to make contact. He is not law enforcement friendly, and he [knew] not to come to his door. latimes
- mother phone call: “Mom it’s all over now,” she said he told her. “I have done everything I could do and I am fighting against everyone who lives in this area.” She said Neal apologized to her during their brief conversation, she thought for all the money she had spent on him, saying he was “on a cliff” and the people around him were trying to “execute” him.
- subject of a domestic violence call the day before the attack.
- monday night shot his wife hid under floor boards
- began his rampage near his home on Bobcat Lane in the Rancho Tehama Reserve at 7.52am, shooting people at random before stealing a truck and performing drive-bys on homes, pedestrians and other drivers.
- Brian Flint man staying in his house was one of those killed and that some of his neighbors were among those who were shot.
- he had let his roommate borrow his truck, and the man was returning it when he was shot in the driveway. “My truck was stolen, used in the crime,” stole a white Ford F-150 pickup truck
- driving up and down the street shooting at passersby and uninvolved residences, he did several random drive-by shootings of residences” before reaching the school,
- Neal fired at several people, killing one man in his driveway.
- officials received multiple 911 calls about gunfire at an intersection of two dirt roads. Minutes later, more calls reporting shots flooded in from different locations, including the school.
- On his way through the town, he shot a woman and her child in their F-250 truck The mother suffered life-threatening wounds and remains in hospital, towed away with bullet holes in door. latimes Neal fired eight rounds into a Ford F-250 occupied by a mother and her son who were headed to school. The boy suffered non-life-threatening wounds, but the mother was seriously injured, Johnston said. The mother, who had a concealed carry permit, pulled out her own handgun but was unable to fire it before Neal drove away, Johnston said.
- arrived at school as people were driving their children to school
- spent about six minutes shooting into Rancho Tehama Elementary School before driving off to continue shooting. School was NOT a random target.
- crashed into bus gate: Stephanie Turner, who was dropping off her children, aged six and seven, at the time, told the Sacramento Bee of Neal's assault on the school gates. 'I pulled into the school and heard gunshots. I told my kids to get down onto the floor. Then I saw a guy in the back of the school with a rifle. As soon as he saw us, he started shooting at us. I just took off.'
- firing as many as 100 bullets through windows and walls, hitting one child, and trying to enter classrooms Neal shot through windows and walls, hitting one child in a classroom,
- child was hurt at Rancho Tehama Elementary School and airlifted lejandro Hernandez, 6, and is expected to recover
- redding Mike McFadyen, 59, spoke to the Record Searchlight his brother and sister-in-law Troy and Michelle McFadyen were forced off the road and into a ditch by a vehicle coming at them head-on. The gunman then parked the vehicle, walked toward them and fired into their car , his brother and sister-in-law were forced off the road and into a ditch by a vehicle coming at them head-on. The gunman then parked the vehicle, walked toward them and fired into their car. With no way of defending themselves, they ran for their lives, said Eric McFadyen, their nephew and Mike's son, on a GoFundMe page. But the gunman ran them down until they fell to the ground.
- tue night wife's body Neal worked as a pot farmer and had recently married his wife unidentified. Found under floorboards on wed found dead believes his nephew had gottenmarried after moving to California. shot several times, was hidden beneath the floor. “We believe that’s what probably started this whole event,” Tehama County Asst. Sheriff Phil Johnston told reporters Wednesday.
Five dead in mass shooting in California: Gunman who was - Daily Mail days ago - The California gunman who killed at least four people and hospitalized 10 ... Neal eventually arrived at the Rancho Tehama Elementary School and .... deadly when Neal fired at several people, killing one man in his driveway.
Revealed: California shooter was a gun-obsessed drug addict out on bail for stabbing a neighbor in ongoing feud
Officials say Kevin Hanson Neal, 43, began firing at 7.52am on Tuesday
He opened fire near his home on Bobcat Lane in Rancho Tehama then drove off
On his way through the town, he shot a woman and her child in their truck
The mother suffered life-threatening wounds and remains in hospital
A second child was hurt at Rancho Tehama Elementary School and airlifted
He was identified as Alejandro Hernandez, 6, and is expected to recover
Neal attempted to gain entry to the school, but it was on lockdown
Police shot the gunman was found dead near the school after a brief gunfight
Ten people, including the two children injured, remain in the hospital
In January Neal stabbed a neighbor; he was to face trial in January 2018
His sister says she believes he was addicted to drugs
Rancho Tehama Reserve shootings - Wikipedia
On November 14, 2017, a shooting spree took place in the unincorporated community of Rancho Tehama Reserve in California, about 120 miles (190 ...
Rancho Tehama Reserve shootings
Rancho Tehama Reserve shootings | |
Location in California (left) and in Tehama County (right)
| |
Coordinates | 40.018753°N 122.393089°WCoordinates: 40.018753°N 122.393089°W |
Date | November 14, 2017 ≈07:52 – 08:37 a.m. (PST) |
Attack type
| Spousal murder, mass shooting, shooting spree |
Weapons | 2 semi-automatic pistols, semi-automatic rifle |
Deaths | 6 (including the perpetrator) |
Non-fatal injuries
| 10 |
Perpetrator | Kevin Janson Neal |
Motive | Unknown |
On November 14, 2017, a shooting spree took place in the unincorporated community of Rancho Tehama Reserve in California, about 120 miles (190 kilometers) northwest of Sacramento. The spree resulted in six adult deaths, including the gunman, and ten injuries. Two of the injuries occurred at the Rancho Tehama Elementary School. Further injuries and deaths were prevented after the school was placed on lockdown when shots were first heard. The shooter was later identified as 44-year-old Kevin Janson Neal.[1] His rampage started after he killed his wife and hid her body under the floorboards of their home.[2]
Kevin Neal, who had stolen a pickup truck, was shot and killed by Tehama County Sheriff deputies after a brief vehicle chase. The 45-minute attack was spread over eight crime scenes using one semi-automatic rifle and two semi-automatic pistols. His motive is unclear. Injured victims, including two children, were taken to Enloe Medical Center in Chico. No children were killed.[3][4][5][6]
Several of the shooter's relatives are missing, according to authorities.[7]
Governor Jerry Brown, and his wife Anne, offered condolences to all the victims and their families.[8]
See also[edit]
- Gun violence in the United States
- List of school-related attacks
- List of school shootings in the United States
- List of rampage killers (Americas)
- ^ St. John, Paige; Tchekmedyian, Alene (November 15, 2017). "Despite court order to give up weapons, Tehama gunman fired guns with impunity, frightening neighbors". Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 16 November 2017.
- Jump up^ "Rancho Tehama gunman killed his wife and hid her body under their home, authorities say". Los Angeles Times. November 15, 2017. Archived from the original on November 15, 2017. Retrieved November 15, 2017.
- Jump up^ Chan, Stella; Mossburg, Cheri; Sanchez, Ray; Almasy, Steve (November 14, 2017). "4 dead after California shooting; gunman tried to enter school". CNN. Archived from the original on November 14, 2017. Retrieved November 15, 2017.
- Jump up^ Helsel, Phil; Abdelkader, Rima; Dong, Shanshan (November 14, 2017). "Gunman kills four, wounds child at school in California shootings". NBC News. Archived from the original on November 14, 2017. Retrieved November 15, 2017.
- Jump up^ "Red Bluff deadly shooting: Gunman identified". ABC7 Los Angeles. November 14, 2017. Archived from the original on November 15, 2017. Retrieved November 15, 2017.
- Jump up^ Domonoske, Camila; Gonzales, Richard (November 14, 2017). "At Least 4 Victims Killed After Shooting At School, Other Locations In California". Archived from the original on November 14, 2017. Retrieved November 15, 2017.
- Jump up^ Kasler, Dale; Sabalow, Ryan; Chabria, Anita (November 14, 2017). "Locked out of school, Tehama County gunman shot at children from outside". The Sacramento Bee. Archived from the original on November 15, 2017. Retrieved November 15, 2017.
- Jump up^ Shyong, Frank; Panzar, Javier; Serna, Joseph; Saint John, Paige (November 14, 2017). "Terror in Northern California town as gunman goes on rampage, sprays school will bullets". Los Angeles Times. Retrieved November 15, 2017.
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- Crime stubs
- 2017 in California
- 2017 mass shootings in the United States
- 2017 murders in the United States
- Attacks in the United States in 2017
- Crimes in California
- Deaths by firearm in California
- Mass murder in 2017
- Mass murder in the United States
- Mass shootings in California
- Murder committed by adults
- Murder in California
- November 2017 crimes in the United States
- School shootings committed by adults
- School shootings in the United States
- Spree shootings in the United States
- Tehama County, California
- Uxoricides
It is proposed that this article be deleted because of the following concern:
Tehama County School Shooting | Wiki | Everipedia
2 days ago - All information for Tehama County School Shooting's wiki comes from the below links. ... Pictures, videos, biodata, and files relating to Tehama County School Shooting are also acceptable encyclopedic sources. ... Off-topic discussion not pertaining to Tehama County School Shooting or this
Tehama County School Shooting
The crime scene outside of the school
Tehama County School Shooting
November 14. 2017
Tehama County
Rancho Tehama School
Number of Casualties
5(including perpetrator)
Kevin Neal
School children
On November 14, 2017 Kevin Neal opened fire at Rancho Tehama School, killing three people.[1]
The shooting started at a home and moved to the elementary school in Tehama County at around 8 am. At least three people were killed, two people were wounded, and many were left injured. The shooter was killed by law enforcement.[1] A man reported that his truck was stolen and his roommate was shot and killed by the gunman earlier in the morning. An official at the Enloe Medical Center in Chico says they’ve received four patients, one adult and three children. The names of the victims have not been released yet.[4]
Witnesses repot hearing 90-100 shots fired. This took place around 8 a.m. at Rancho Tehama School. [10]
There were over 100 law enforcement officers at the school with up to five different crime scenes. [10]
A helicopter medical crew reported they were transporting a 6-year-old victim to Mercy Medical Center in Redding. The child had two gunshot wounds, according to emergency scanner traffic. A second child also was reported to have been shot in the right leg, according to emergency dispatch reports. A 30-year-old man was also being taken to the hospital with a gunshot wound to the right thigh, according to emergency dispatch reports.[
Kevin Janson Neal: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know -
Kevin Janson Neal was identified as the suspect accused in the Tehama ... A Witness Reported That the Gunman, Wearing Camouflage, Fired ...
fired through classroom windows after being locked out of the building,
Why? Kevin Janson Neal i'd as Rancho Tehama Shooting suspect
Kevin Janson Neal Rancho Tehama Shooting suspect: What led to a ... 'wearing a load bearing vest — similar to what soldiers wear to carry ...
Kevin Neal | Wiki & Bio | Everipedia
Kevin Neal's wiki: Kevin Janson Neal was a resident of Tehama County. [5] Criminal HistoryJanson was arrested in February 2017 at his ...
Tehama County School Shooting | Wiki | Everipedia
All information for Tehama County School Shooting's wiki comes from the below links. ... Pictures, videos, biodata, and files relating to Tehama County School Shooting are also acceptable encyclopedic sources. ... Off-topic discussion not pertaining to Tehama County School Shooting or this
Wikipedia List of school shootings November 14, 2017 Rancho Tehama Reserve, California 5 2 Northern California Elementary School: Five Students were fatally shot by a gunman who appeared to "fire at random" and "did not have motive for the attack." Authorities said the gunfire began around 8 a.m., and a semi-automatic rifle and two handguns were recovered. The gunman, whose name has not been released as of the day of the shooting, was shot and killed by the sheriff's deputies.[529]
- monday 13 wife of a gunman who went on a shooting rampage in a Northern California town was found dead inside their home, authorities announced Wednesday, raising the death toll from the attack to five. Investigators discovered the body of Kevin Janson Neal’s wife hidden under the floor.
- wed wife of a gunman who went on a shooting rampage in a Northern California town was found dead inside their home, authorities announced Wednesday
*Terrorist theory
Another person thinks this guy was trained by intelligence agency, he might actually be right. kinn sidd Dispute with neighbour is just an alby, this guy was groomed by Pakistani intelligent agents living in Yuba County and then send to carry out this rampage. There is large Pakistani community in Yuba county which is been used as a terror den by Pakistani intelligence in order to groom white men and then send them to launch attacks.
kinn sidd Please read afghanistan news like khaama press, tolo news, pajhwok, you will immediately understand and relate what is happening. The mass shooting in the last three months are not random but well organized terror attacks to avenge the killing of taliban fighters at the hands of U.S.
Stephen paddock, omar mateen and saifulla saipov all lived in the tampa-orlando, florida area between 2013- 2015 and then all them committed mass murder in within a span of 1 year this is not coincidence.
TEXAS MASS SHOOTING: 26 dies when gunman opens fire in Texas ...
kinn sidd
This shooting was orchestrated by the Pakistani Consulate in Houston in order to avenge the killing of Taliban fighters by U.S airstrikes in Afghanistan. Yesterday(4th NOV 17), 15 important Taliban fighters were killed in Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan in an U.S airstrike.
Devin Kelly was brainwashed by Pakistani intelligence agents and then send to carry out this rampage. He and Las vegas shooter both committed suicide after killing people.
The order to carry out these mass shooting is sent via encrypted messengers like whatsapp and telegram.
Small Texas Town Rocked By Horrific Church Shooting - YouTube
Nov 6, 2017 - Uploaded by CBS Los Angeles
Small Texas Town Rocked By Horrific Church Shooting ... to avenge the killing of Taliban fighters by U.S ...Texas church victims remembered at candlelight vigil - YouTube
▶ 3:35
Nov 6, 2017
kinn sidd his shooting was orchestrated by the Pakistani Consulate in Houston in order to avenge the killing of Taliban fighters by U.S airstrikes in Afghanistan. Yesterday(4th NOV 17), 15 important Taliban fighters were killed in Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan in an U.S airstrike.
Devin Kelly was brainwashed by Pakistani intelligence agents and then send to carry out this rampage. He and Las vegas shooter both committed suicide after killing people.
The order to carry out these mass shooting is sent via encrypted messengers like whatsapp and telegram.kinn sidd wow you've really have an amazing imagination
At Least 26 Dead, 20 Wounded In Texas Church Shooting - YouTube
Nov 6, 2017 - Uploaded by CBS Chicago
At Least 26 Dead, 20 Wounded In Texas Church Shooting ... avenge the killing of Taliban fighters by U.S ...California Gunman Feuded With Neighbors Before Deadly Rampage ...
2 hours ago - Uploaded by CBS Chicago
Police in northern California say the gunman in a deadly shooting ...kinn sidd
1 hour ago
This attack was carried out by pakistani intelligence, all three mass killers stephen paddock, omar mateena and saifulla saipov lived in tampa-Orlando, florida from 2013-2015 and then became mass shooter. Pakistan is killing innocent americans to avenge the killing of Taliban fighters, in U.S airstrikes.*Conspiracy theory disinformation
Possible Crisis Actors - Shooting Near Rancho Tehama School In California
Charles Walton
pike Timmons As soon as I read the comment from the neighbor. "Shooting hundred of rounds" "large capacity magazine" then the coup de gras "he was a known felon" First off, If he was a known felon, and some one heard gun shots...a lot of them. The cops would have been kicking his door down. Total bullshit. 10 victims in 7 locations? Give me a break.
also posted
Las Vegas Shooter At Mandalay Bay Hotel Part Of FBI Undercover Sting Operation That Went BAD!
Charles Walton
Blakerailey Simmons It's marijuana harvest time here in California Rancho is a pot farm community.. Action Now News is our local news channel.. He looks shocked speechless after losing his friend and roommate. The reason it wasn't on main stream media is because it wasn't a planned false flag.. This actually happened and there's always people shooting each other out there because of the weed business.. It's outta town quiet a bite and sorta a wildwest type of place..
Family: Tehama County gunman apologized to mom day before shooting spree 11/14
Beowulf 762by54r
I am so sick of these crisis plays. We have enough real crime that we don't need to add to it. These news stations who push false stories should lose their FCC license.
Neve Jung
This is yet another hoax. The Vegas Mandalay Bay / Route 91 Harvest event was fake. The Sutherland Springs Church Shooting was also fake. No one died. There is already a long list of fake shootings since 2012 (Aurora, Sandy Hook, Isla Vista, Charleston, WDBJ Virginia, Orlando Pulse, the Cleveland Facebook killer, and the Bronx Hospital, to name a few.)
Glenn Kirste was a hoax.....just like sandyhook...none of the victims have social security numbers...just like the fake shooting at the texas church last funerals..just another hoax...
Shirley Bawden North Korea doesn't need to Nuk USA as they are killing themselves quite nicely
Fumbling Bumbling Idiots, California School Rancho Tehama shooting ...
8 hours ago - Uploaded by Mary GreeleyFumbling Bumbling Idiots, California School Rancho Tehama shooting 5 DEAD. Mary Greeley .... The FBI are ...
Tehama deputies were called 21 times to gunman's neighborhood ... Tehama County sheriff's deputies were called to gunman Kevin Janson Neal's rural neighborhood 21 times in the year leading up to Neal's fatal shooting ... Law enforcement officials said they couldn't confirm the allegations, and Neal's family members have said the Tehama gunman wasdelusional and ...
Tehama gunman lived in a hellscape, then turned his anger on others ... days ago - Described as delusional by family members, Neal draped a giant metal awning across the front of the house as if to armor himself from the outside world. “It's about paranoia, I think,” said Gregg Cohen, the Tehama County district attorney. Neighbors said Neal turned unpaved Bobcat Lane into a nonstop ...
'I will kill you': Neighbor recalls California shooter's threats - CNN
The gunfire. It was all too clear what could happen. And then it did happen -- a deadly rampage in his small, remote California community of Rancho Tehama. ... Phommathep said he is certain Kevin Neal drove to Rancho Tehama Elementary School to kill Gage. The gunman didn't kill Gage, but instead left ...
Tehama County shooting: Kevin Neal 'off the hinges,' neighbors say
Nov 14, 2017 - Neal shot and killed four other people and wounded 10 at different locations around the rural community of Rancho Tehama Reserve. Police later shot ..... Yes his mom and sister, they knew he was nuts and delusional....and spent $160,000 to get him out of jail...instead of a mental hospital.
Sheriff: Tehama shooter built his own illegal guns Damon Arthur, Record Searchlight Published 3:31 p.m. PT Nov. 15, 2017 | Updated 6:55 a.m. PT Nov. 16, 2017 Two of the guns rifle long guns used in the Tehama County mass shooting on Tuesday were homemade, while the other two were not registered to the shooter, officials said.There also was a restraining order issued in February that prohibited the shooter from owning guns. Two of the guns used in the Tehama County mass shooting on Tuesday were homemade, while the other two were not registered to the shooter, officials said. two homemade AR-15 type semiautomatic rifles were made from parts the shooter, Kevin Janson Neal, 44, purchased, said Phil Johnston, Tehama County’s assistant sheriff. “These firearms were manufactured illegally, we believe, by him at his home,” Johnston said Wednesday. “So they (the guns) were obtained in an illegal manner, not through a legal process. They are not registered.”,
A school boy, couple among shooting victims - Record Searchlight
19 hours ago - In the chaos of the moment, he called Mike McFadyen and yelled into the phone, "They shot at us. Michelle is lying dead at my feet. She's dead.
photo: crown victoria wrecked on left rear fender , chain link fence crashed , bullet holes in wood paneling classroom wall.

California shooting rampage: The victims - USA Today
Troy and Michelle McFadyen became targets of a gunman while on the ... More: California mass shooting suspect killed wife, hid body day ...
photo: 2000s camry shot up
A school boy, a married couple among Rancho Tehama shooting victims
Troy and Michelle McFadyen Rancho Tehama ... The alleged gunman, Kevin Janson Neal, who is counted among the dead, was killed in a ...
Wife of Tehama County shooter found dead under the floor of their ... hours ago - Tehama shooter began spree by killing his wife, hiding her body, ... Sheridan Orr of Cary, N.C., identified her as the former Barbara Glisan.
Rancho Tehama gunman targeted wife, neighbor before attacking ...
Authorities believe Kevin Janson Neal killed his wife and hid her body in their home ... before his shooting rampage Tuesday in Rancho Tehama. .... Court records show that Neal and his wife,Barbara Glisan, obtained a ...
Woman with local ties lived next to California shooter -
Stefanie Romero was neighbor ... neighbor and we let him in our house and you know gave them food for holiday’s him and his wife, Barbara.”
Romero lived in New Bern before moving to California in 2012.
She lived right next door to shooter Kevin Neal for two and a half years.
GREENVILLE, N.C. (WNCT) – The news out of Rancho Tehama, California ... Records from the Wake County Justice Center show Neal, had a ...Records from the Wake County Justice Center show Neal, had a criminal record as recent as 2009. He was charged with several traffic violations and was arrested for possession of marijuana. Romero said, “He moved to start over and have a fresh start.”
She recalled the moment she found out the news and immediately called the neighbor living on the other side of Neal.
“He was just in tears telling me that he had shot his wife in front of him,” said Romero of the other neighbor. “He was so emotional he said there was a dispute and he went outside and saw Kevin lift the gun and shoot his wife and his step-son in front of him.”
“He was so emotional he said there was a dispute and he went outside and saw Kevin lift the gun and shoot his wife and his step-son in front of him.”
Romero said by this point, Neal had shot his own wife and two of his neighbors.
Police believe he went on a shooting spree throughout the town of nearly 1,500 people.
“He just started shooting anybody he saw he shot at,” Romero said.
Rancho Tehama shooter faced charges of shooting at, stabbing ...
Rancho Tehama >> The man who went on a shooting spree Tuesday ... Neal then jumped the fence, confronted the women, stabbed one and ...
Tehama County shooting: Kevin Neal 'off the hinges,' neighbors say
Tehama County shooting update: Gunman's wife found dead ..... He'd shot at the neighbors, then jumped a fence, stabbed one (who he killed ...
Calif. shooter previously wanted for assaulting neighbors - NY Daily ... day ago - Kevin Neal has been identified as the shooter in the Tehama, Calif. ... He jumped over thefence, stabbed one of the women and then took the ...
Judge ordered gunman to surrender weapons before he killed wife and hid body under their Rancho Tehama homeLos Angeles Times
Rancho Tehama gunman targeted wife, neighbor before attacking passersby at random
Los Angeles Time 2 hours ago - In the wake of a rampage in which Kevin Janson Neal had already killed four adults and sprayed bullets into an elementary school, authorities pinged his wife’s cellphone, to no avail. ... The death of Neal’s wife, who has not been named by authorities, brings to five the number of ...
Gunman in Northern California shot wife before going on rampageCNN9 hours ago - (CNN)Kevin Neal's deadly shooting rampage in Northern California may have been prompted by the fatal shooting of his wife, authorities said Wednesday. Neal, identified as the gunman who killed four people in a string of shootings Tuesday, shot and killed his wife the previous ...
Wife of Tehama County shooter found dead under floorboards at ... sfgate 16 hours ago - Neal apparently killed his wife Monday night, said Tehama County Assistant Sheriff Phil Johnston. Neighbors told investigators they believed ...
Wife of Tehama County shooter found dead under the floor of their ... sacbee Kevin Janson Neal's deadly rampage in Tehama County apparently began Monday night when he shot his wife to death with multiple rounds, ...
Body of Tehama shooting suspects wife found under floorboards ... abc7
California gunman's wife found dead in home, authorities say | Fox News mother-says-was-frustrated-by-ongoing-feud-
Rancho Tehama gunman targeted wife, neighbor before attacking ...
Cars are parked in front of the home of Kevin Janson Neal in Rancho Tehama, Calif. The body of Neal's wife was found at the home, where ...
James Woods Sr. and James Woods Jr. were also doing a simple chore when mayhem hit. They were checking for mail when the gunman fired from behind, according to Ashley Oleane Paez, James Woods Jr.'s girlfriend.
Paez said the younger Woods, 20 and a father of two, had come out of his first surgery successfully.
Troy and Michelle McFadyen Rancho Tehama ... The alleged gunman, Kevin Janson Neal, who is counted among the dead, was killed in a ...
Wife of Tehama County shooter found dead under the floor of their ... hours ago - Tehama shooter began spree by killing his wife, hiding her body, ... Sheridan Orr of Cary, N.C., identified her as the former Barbara Glisan.
Rancho Tehama gunman targeted wife, neighbor before attacking ...
Authorities believe Kevin Janson Neal killed his wife and hid her body in their home ... before his shooting rampage Tuesday in Rancho Tehama. .... Court records show that Neal and his wife,Barbara Glisan, obtained a ...
Woman with local ties lived next to California shooter -
Stefanie Romero was neighbor ... neighbor and we let him in our house and you know gave them food for holiday’s him and his wife, Barbara.”
Romero lived in New Bern before moving to California in 2012.
She lived right next door to shooter Kevin Neal for two and a half years.
GREENVILLE, N.C. (WNCT) – The news out of Rancho Tehama, California ... Records from the Wake County Justice Center show Neal, had a ...Records from the Wake County Justice Center show Neal, had a criminal record as recent as 2009. He was charged with several traffic violations and was arrested for possession of marijuana. Romero said, “He moved to start over and have a fresh start.”
She recalled the moment she found out the news and immediately called the neighbor living on the other side of Neal.
“He was just in tears telling me that he had shot his wife in front of him,” said Romero of the other neighbor. “He was so emotional he said there was a dispute and he went outside and saw Kevin lift the gun and shoot his wife and his step-son in front of him.”
“He was so emotional he said there was a dispute and he went outside and saw Kevin lift the gun and shoot his wife and his step-son in front of him.”
Romero said by this point, Neal had shot his own wife and two of his neighbors.
Police believe he went on a shooting spree throughout the town of nearly 1,500 people.
“He just started shooting anybody he saw he shot at,” Romero said.
Rancho Tehama shooter faced charges of shooting at, stabbing ...
Rancho Tehama >> The man who went on a shooting spree Tuesday ... Neal then jumped the fence, confronted the women, stabbed one and ...
Tehama County shooting: Kevin Neal 'off the hinges,' neighbors say
Tehama County shooting update: Gunman's wife found dead ..... He'd shot at the neighbors, then jumped a fence, stabbed one (who he killed ...
Calif. shooter previously wanted for assaulting neighbors - NY Daily ... day ago - Kevin Neal has been identified as the shooter in the Tehama, Calif. ... He jumped over thefence, stabbed one of the women and then took the ...
Judge ordered gunman to surrender weapons before he killed wife and hid body under their Rancho Tehama homeLos Angeles Times
Rancho Tehama gunman targeted wife, neighbor before attacking passersby at random
Los Angeles Time 2 hours ago - In the wake of a rampage in which Kevin Janson Neal had already killed four adults and sprayed bullets into an elementary school, authorities pinged his wife’s cellphone, to no avail. ... The death of Neal’s wife, who has not been named by authorities, brings to five the number of ...
Gunman in Northern California shot wife before going on rampageCNN9 hours ago - (CNN)Kevin Neal's deadly shooting rampage in Northern California may have been prompted by the fatal shooting of his wife, authorities said Wednesday. Neal, identified as the gunman who killed four people in a string of shootings Tuesday, shot and killed his wife the previous ...
Wife of Tehama County shooter found dead under floorboards at ... sfgate 16 hours ago - Neal apparently killed his wife Monday night, said Tehama County Assistant Sheriff Phil Johnston. Neighbors told investigators they believed ...
Wife of Tehama County shooter found dead under the floor of their ... sacbee Kevin Janson Neal's deadly rampage in Tehama County apparently began Monday night when he shot his wife to death with multiple rounds, ...
Body of Tehama shooting suspects wife found under floorboards ... abc7
California gunman's wife found dead in home, authorities say | Fox News mother-says-was-frustrated-by-ongoing-feud-
Rancho Tehama gunman targeted wife, neighbor before attacking ...
Cars are parked in front of the home of Kevin Janson Neal in Rancho Tehama, Calif. The body of Neal's wife was found at the home, where ...
Tehama County shooting: Kevin Neal 'off the hinges,' neighbors say
Tehama County shooting update: Gunman's wife found dead. 5 dead, 10 wounded ... Warning Signs Surrounded Gunman Before Rancho Tehama Rampage. The gunman was ..... Guy LeDouche ...
Red Bluff Daily News
Rancho Tehama shooter faced charges of shooting at, stabbing neighbors
Five dead, 10 injured in Rancho Tehama shootings
Terror in Northern California town as gunman goes on rampage ...
A gunman killed four people and left at least 10 injured in a shooting rampage in TehamaCounty on Tuesday morning before he was fatally ...
California school shooting: Five dead in Rancho Tehama
Tehama County shootings: Gunman killed neighbors then continued ..... and al Qaeda) were responsible for 74% of the world's terror related ...
Gunman Kills Four, Wounds Child at School in California Shootings ...
A gunman killed four people in a series of shootings in Northern California in which targets ... Image: Rancho Tehama Reserve Shooting ... Johnston said the shooting is not believed to beterrorism related, and "this is an ...
California gunman tried to access classrooms to kill children, police ... hours ago - close. Authorities: Shooter killed at Rancho Tehama school. ... added of the shooter, noting he doesn't think there is any connection to terrorism.
Gunman targeted neighbors then continued rampage | Fox News hours ago - Tehama County Assistant Sheriff Phil Johnston said the gunman spent about six minutesshooting into Rancho Tehama Elementary School ...
5 dead in mass shooting in Northern California town; terror at ...
Nov 16, 2017 - A gunman killed four people and injured two children, in a shooting rampage in TehamaCounty on Tuesday morning before he was fatally shot ...
Terror in Northern California town has gunman goes on rampage, sprays school will bullets
Los Angeles Times
California school shooting: Five dead in Rancho Tehama
The Mercury News
5 dead in mass shooting in Northern California town; terror at elementary school
Terror in Northern California town has gunman goes on rampage ...
A gunman's deadly rampage through rural Rancho Tehama on Tuesday was stopped when police rammed his vehicle and exchanged shots in ...
California school shooting: Five dead in Rancho Tehama
11 hours ago - RANCHO TEHAMA RESERVE — A Northern California man killed two ..... and al Qaeda) were responsible for 74% of the world's terror related ...
5 dead in mass shooting in Northern California town; terror at ...
Nov 16, 2017 - AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli Two women embrace outside Rancho Tehama Elementary School, where a gunman opened fire Tuesday, Nov.
California gunman tried to access classrooms to kill children, police ... hours ago - close. Authorities: Shooter killed at Rancho Tehama school. ... added of the shooter, noting he doesn't think there is any connection to terrorism.
Gunman targeted neighbors then continued rampage | Fox News hours ago - RANCHO TEHAMA RESERVE, Calif. – A Northern California man killed two neighbors with whom he had been feuding before he went on a ...
Rancho Tehama Shooting at Elementary School: Reports -
16 hours ago - There were multiple deaths after a shooting in Rancho Tehama that ... The only thing that will stop these terrorist organizations is a bullet.
Gunman Kills Four, Wounds Child at School in California Shootings ...
4 hours ago - Image: Rancho Tehama Reserve Shooting ... Johnston said the shooting is not believed to be terrorism related, and "this is an individual that ...
California gunman identified as Kevin Janson Neal, 43
Daily Mail

Calif. shooter previously wanted for assaulting neighbors
NY Daily News
1 hour ago
Who Is Kevin Janson Neal? Gunman Kills 4 In California Shooting Rampage
International Business Times
PICTURED: California gunman Kevin Janson Neal, 43 | Daily Mail ... hours ago - Kevin Janson Neal (pictured), 43, has been named as the killer who shot ... Neal eventually arrived at the Rancho Tehama Elementary School ...
Kevin Janson Neal: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know -
According to the Sacramento Bee, “The Tehama County District’s Attorney’s Office confirmed that Kevin Janson Neal, 43, was the shooter.”. ... The shooting spree unfolded in multiple locations in the small, rural northern California community on November 14, starting near ...
Rancho Tehama Killer, Kevin Janson Neal, Had Been Charged With ...
Kevin Janson Neal had been charged with two felonies. According to the Sacramento Bee, the Ranch Tehama shooter who murdered four and ...
Kevin Janson Neal Identified As California Mass Shooter WIE - YouTube
▶ 13:42
3 hours ago - Uploaded by Taurean Reign Live EMAIL ...
Calif. shooter previously wanted for assaulting neighbors - NY Daily ... hours ago - Kevin Janson Neal, 43, was armed with a semiautomatic weapon and two handguns when he began firing — apparently at random — shortly ...
Who Is Kevin Janson Neal? Gunman Kills 4 In California Shooting ...
Identified as Kevin Janson Neal, the shooter wielded a semi-automatic rifle and two handguns during the carnage, according to the police who ...
Trevor Loudon's New Zeal Blog » Kevin Janson Neal named as ... › Uncategorized
It is being reported that Kevin Janson Neal, the suspect in the case of the horrific Rancho Tehama School shooting is a man who was being ...
PICTURED: California gunman Kevin Janson Neal, 43 | World News
53 mins ago - PICTURED: California gunman Kevin Janson Neal, 43. The gunman opened fire on Bobcat Lane at 7.52am, injuring neighbors before fleeing ...
4 dead after California shootings; gunman tried to enter school
Andy Slavitt (@ASlavitt) A gunman just shot up an elementary school in CA. Kids are dead. News isn't showing it. This is a public health crisis of epic proportion.
New York Daily News (@NYDailyNews) The suspected shooter who killed four near a California school was previously wanted for assaulting two neighbors
NBC Bay Area (@nbcbayarea) #BREAKING UPDATE: Shooting in Tehama County in Northern California leaves 5 dead, including 2 children and the suspect, and spans 7 crime scenes, sheriff's officials say.
CBS News
Gunman choosing targets at random opened fire in a rural Northern California town, killing four people at several sites and wounding others at an elementary school before police shot him dead…
49 mins ago · Twitter
Lockdown at California school credited with saving kids during shooting.
46 secs ago · Twitter
KETV NewsWatch 7
Multiple students injured in California school shooting…
4 mins ago · Twitter
Kyodo News - English
At least 4 killed, 10 injured in #shooting rampage in #California: reports
12 mins ago · Twitter
5 are dead after a gunman sprays bullets into a school while ...
3 hours ago - A gunman killed four people and left at least 10 injured in a shooting ... sprays bullets into a school while terrorizing a Northern California town.
California shooting: 4 dead; gunman tried to enter school - CNN
1 hour ago - (CNN)A gunman killed four people in a remote Northern California community on Tuesday morning, but a much bigger death toll was averted when the killer was unable to break into an elementary school. The staff at tiny Rancho Tehama Elementary School west of Corning moved quickly ...
California school shooting: At least 4 dead after gunman shoots at ... hours ago - A gunman shooting at random people and locations killed four people Tuesday in NorthernCalifornia, attacking an elementary school and a ...
Gunman Kills Four, Wounds Child at School in California Shootings ...
3 hours ago - One student was wounded at the school and another child was shot while in a car being driven by a woman, who also was wounded, Johnston ...
California gunman tried to access classrooms to kill children, police ... hours ago - Report: Multiple fatalities at school shooting in California ... The shooter was killed by police after he opened fire at multiple “random” locations ...
Shooting reported at Northern California elementary school - ABC News hours ago - The gunman who went on an apparently random shooting spree in rural NorthernCalifornia allegedly left an elementary school after he failed ...
Four dead in shooting at California elementary school | New York Post
10 hours ago - A gunman opened fire Tuesday morning at a home and elementary school in NorthernCalifornia — killing four people and wounding several ...
California school shooting: Five dead in Rancho Tehama
10 hours ago - California News. Tehama County shootings: Gunman tried to storm school during deadly ... 4 dead, 10 wounded before police kill shooter ...
Tehama County shooting update: Gunman's wife found dead. 5 dead, 10 wounded ... Warning Signs Surrounded Gunman Before Rancho Tehama Rampage. The gunman was ..... Guy LeDouche ...
Red Bluff Daily News
Rancho Tehama shooter faced charges of shooting at, stabbing neighbors
Five dead, 10 injured in Rancho Tehama shootings
Terror in Northern California town as gunman goes on rampage ...
A gunman killed four people and left at least 10 injured in a shooting rampage in TehamaCounty on Tuesday morning before he was fatally ...
California school shooting: Five dead in Rancho Tehama
Tehama County shootings: Gunman killed neighbors then continued ..... and al Qaeda) were responsible for 74% of the world's terror related ...
Gunman Kills Four, Wounds Child at School in California Shootings ...
A gunman killed four people in a series of shootings in Northern California in which targets ... Image: Rancho Tehama Reserve Shooting ... Johnston said the shooting is not believed to beterrorism related, and "this is an ...
California gunman tried to access classrooms to kill children, police ... hours ago - close. Authorities: Shooter killed at Rancho Tehama school. ... added of the shooter, noting he doesn't think there is any connection to terrorism.
Gunman targeted neighbors then continued rampage | Fox News hours ago - Tehama County Assistant Sheriff Phil Johnston said the gunman spent about six minutesshooting into Rancho Tehama Elementary School ...
5 dead in mass shooting in Northern California town; terror at ...
Nov 16, 2017 - A gunman killed four people and injured two children, in a shooting rampage in TehamaCounty on Tuesday morning before he was fatally shot ...
Terror in Northern California town has gunman goes on rampage, sprays school will bullets
Los Angeles Times
California school shooting: Five dead in Rancho Tehama
The Mercury News
5 dead in mass shooting in Northern California town; terror at elementary school
Terror in Northern California town has gunman goes on rampage ...
A gunman's deadly rampage through rural Rancho Tehama on Tuesday was stopped when police rammed his vehicle and exchanged shots in ...
California school shooting: Five dead in Rancho Tehama
11 hours ago - RANCHO TEHAMA RESERVE — A Northern California man killed two ..... and al Qaeda) were responsible for 74% of the world's terror related ...
5 dead in mass shooting in Northern California town; terror at ...
Nov 16, 2017 - AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli Two women embrace outside Rancho Tehama Elementary School, where a gunman opened fire Tuesday, Nov.
California gunman tried to access classrooms to kill children, police ... hours ago - close. Authorities: Shooter killed at Rancho Tehama school. ... added of the shooter, noting he doesn't think there is any connection to terrorism.
Gunman targeted neighbors then continued rampage | Fox News hours ago - RANCHO TEHAMA RESERVE, Calif. – A Northern California man killed two neighbors with whom he had been feuding before he went on a ...
Rancho Tehama Shooting at Elementary School: Reports -
16 hours ago - There were multiple deaths after a shooting in Rancho Tehama that ... The only thing that will stop these terrorist organizations is a bullet.
Gunman Kills Four, Wounds Child at School in California Shootings ...
4 hours ago - Image: Rancho Tehama Reserve Shooting ... Johnston said the shooting is not believed to be terrorism related, and "this is an individual that ...
Tehama County Shooting: At Least 4 Victims Killed At School, Other ... hours ago - A shooter in Northern California has killed at least four people in a violent rampage that began at a home and ultimately included seven locations, including an elementary school, officials say.... At least two children are among the wounded — a student at Rancho Tehama Elementary ...
Gunman In Tehama County Shooting Rampage Identified « CBS San ...
The Tehama County District Attorney announced that the gunman was ... Tehama County shooting suspect Kevin Janson Neal (Tehama ...
Terror in Northern California town as gunman goes on rampage ...
A gunman killed four people and left at least 10 injured in a shooting rampage in TehamaCounty on Tuesday morning before he was fatally ...
California school shooting: Five dead in Rancho Tehama
Tehama County shootings: Gunman killed neighbors then continued ..... and al Qaeda) were responsible for 74% of the world's terror related ...
Gunman Kills Four, Wounds Child at School in California Shootings ...
4 hours ago - A gunman killed four people in a series of shootings in Northern California in which targets ... Image: Rancho Tehama Reserve Shooting ... Johnston said the shooting is not believed to beterrorism related, and "this is an ...
California gunman tried to access classrooms to kill children, police ... hours ago - close. Authorities: Shooter killed at Rancho Tehama school. ... added of the shooter, noting he doesn't think there is any connection to terrorism.
Gunman targeted neighbors then continued rampage | Fox News hours ago - Tehama County Assistant Sheriff Phil Johnston said the gunman spent about six minutesshooting into Rancho Tehama Elementary School ...
5 dead in mass shooting in Northern California town; terror at ...
Nov 16, 2017 - A gunman killed four people and injured two children, in a shooting rampage in TehamaCounty on Tuesday morning before he was fatally shot ... hours ago - A shooter in Northern California has killed at least four people in a violent rampage that began at a home and ultimately included seven locations, including an elementary school, officials say.... At least two children are among the wounded — a student at Rancho Tehama Elementary ...
Gunman In Tehama County Shooting Rampage Identified « CBS San ...
The Tehama County District Attorney announced that the gunman was ... Tehama County shooting suspect Kevin Janson Neal (Tehama ...
Terror in Northern California town as gunman goes on rampage ...
A gunman killed four people and left at least 10 injured in a shooting rampage in TehamaCounty on Tuesday morning before he was fatally ...
California school shooting: Five dead in Rancho Tehama
Tehama County shootings: Gunman killed neighbors then continued ..... and al Qaeda) were responsible for 74% of the world's terror related ...
Gunman Kills Four, Wounds Child at School in California Shootings ...
4 hours ago - A gunman killed four people in a series of shootings in Northern California in which targets ... Image: Rancho Tehama Reserve Shooting ... Johnston said the shooting is not believed to beterrorism related, and "this is an ...
California gunman tried to access classrooms to kill children, police ... hours ago - close. Authorities: Shooter killed at Rancho Tehama school. ... added of the shooter, noting he doesn't think there is any connection to terrorism.
Gunman targeted neighbors then continued rampage | Fox News hours ago - Tehama County Assistant Sheriff Phil Johnston said the gunman spent about six minutesshooting into Rancho Tehama Elementary School ...
5 dead in mass shooting in Northern California town; terror at ...
Nov 16, 2017 - A gunman killed four people and injured two children, in a shooting rampage in TehamaCounty on Tuesday morning before he was fatally shot ...
California gunman identified as Kevin Janson Neal, 43
Daily Mail
Calif. shooter previously wanted for assaulting neighbors
NY Daily News
1 hour ago
Who Is Kevin Janson Neal? Gunman Kills 4 In California Shooting Rampage
International Business Times
PICTURED: California gunman Kevin Janson Neal, 43 | Daily Mail ... hours ago - Kevin Janson Neal (pictured), 43, has been named as the killer who shot ... Neal eventually arrived at the Rancho Tehama Elementary School ...
Kevin Janson Neal: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know -
According to the Sacramento Bee, “The Tehama County District’s Attorney’s Office confirmed that Kevin Janson Neal, 43, was the shooter.”. ... The shooting spree unfolded in multiple locations in the small, rural northern California community on November 14, starting near ...
Rancho Tehama Killer, Kevin Janson Neal, Had Been Charged With ...
Kevin Janson Neal had been charged with two felonies. According to the Sacramento Bee, the Ranch Tehama shooter who murdered four and ...
Kevin Janson Neal Identified As California Mass Shooter WIE - YouTube
3 hours ago - Uploaded by Taurean Reign Live EMAIL ...
Calif. shooter previously wanted for assaulting neighbors - NY Daily ... hours ago - Kevin Janson Neal, 43, was armed with a semiautomatic weapon and two handguns when he began firing — apparently at random — shortly ...
Who Is Kevin Janson Neal? Gunman Kills 4 In California Shooting ...
Identified as Kevin Janson Neal, the shooter wielded a semi-automatic rifle and two handguns during the carnage, according to the police who ...
Trevor Loudon's New Zeal Blog » Kevin Janson Neal named as ... › Uncategorized
It is being reported that Kevin Janson Neal, the suspect in the case of the horrific Rancho Tehama School shooting is a man who was being ...
PICTURED: California gunman Kevin Janson Neal, 43 | World News
53 mins ago - PICTURED: California gunman Kevin Janson Neal, 43. The gunman opened fire on Bobcat Lane at 7.52am, injuring neighbors before fleeing ...
4 dead after California shootings; gunman tried to enter school
5 are dead after a gunman sprays bullets into a school while terrorizing a Northern California town
Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles Times
At Least 4 Killed in Shooting in Northern California
The New York Times
Mark Berman (@markberman) A gunman in California killed 4 people today during a shooting rampage -- and an even greater horror may have been narrowly averted, because he couldn't get into an elementary school…
The New York Times
Mark Berman (@markberman) A gunman in California killed 4 people today during a shooting rampage -- and an even greater horror may have been narrowly averted, because he couldn't get into an elementary school…
Andy Slavitt (@ASlavitt) A gunman just shot up an elementary school in CA. Kids are dead. News isn't showing it. This is a public health crisis of epic proportion.
New York Daily News (@NYDailyNews) The suspected shooter who killed four near a California school was previously wanted for assaulting two neighbors
NBC Bay Area (@nbcbayarea) #BREAKING UPDATE: Shooting in Tehama County in Northern California leaves 5 dead, including 2 children and the suspect, and spans 7 crime scenes, sheriff's officials say.
CBS News
Gunman choosing targets at random opened fire in a rural Northern California town, killing four people at several sites and wounding others at an elementary school before police shot him dead…
49 mins ago · Twitter
Lockdown at California school credited with saving kids during shooting.
46 secs ago · Twitter
KETV NewsWatch 7
Multiple students injured in California school shooting…
4 mins ago · Twitter
Kyodo News - English
At least 4 killed, 10 injured in #shooting rampage in #California: reports
12 mins ago · Twitter
5 are dead after a gunman sprays bullets into a school while ...
3 hours ago - A gunman killed four people and left at least 10 injured in a shooting ... sprays bullets into a school while terrorizing a Northern California town.
California shooting: 4 dead; gunman tried to enter school - CNN
1 hour ago - (CNN)A gunman killed four people in a remote Northern California community on Tuesday morning, but a much bigger death toll was averted when the killer was unable to break into an elementary school. The staff at tiny Rancho Tehama Elementary School west of Corning moved quickly ...
California school shooting: At least 4 dead after gunman shoots at ... hours ago - A gunman shooting at random people and locations killed four people Tuesday in NorthernCalifornia, attacking an elementary school and a ...
Gunman Kills Four, Wounds Child at School in California Shootings ...
3 hours ago - One student was wounded at the school and another child was shot while in a car being driven by a woman, who also was wounded, Johnston ...
California gunman tried to access classrooms to kill children, police ... hours ago - Report: Multiple fatalities at school shooting in California ... The shooter was killed by police after he opened fire at multiple “random” locations ...
Shooting reported at Northern California elementary school - ABC News hours ago - The gunman who went on an apparently random shooting spree in rural NorthernCalifornia allegedly left an elementary school after he failed ...
Four dead in shooting at California elementary school | New York Post
10 hours ago - A gunman opened fire Tuesday morning at a home and elementary school in NorthernCalifornia — killing four people and wounding several ...
California school shooting: Five dead in Rancho Tehama
10 hours ago - California News. Tehama County shootings: Gunman tried to storm school during deadly ... 4 dead, 10 wounded before police kill shooter ...
California school shooting: Five dead in Rancho Tehama
10 hours ago - California News. Tehama County shootings: Gunman tried to storm school during deadly ... 4 dead, 10 wounded before police kill shooter ...
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