Uzbekistan Nanny Gulchekhra Bobokulova Beheads Child In Moscow Anastasiya "Nastya" Meshcheryakova was a 4-year old killed and beheaded by her Uzbekistan nanny . In the morning 29 February 2016 Gulchehra waited until the girl's parents and their elder child had left the rented flat located at Moscow. She named herself as a terroristess, claimed that she hated democracy and shouted "Allahu Akbar!" Authorities later doubted she had any real terrorist connections and concluded she was simply insane and not responsible for the murder. Gulchehra said she killed the girl because Allah ordered.[14] Later in the interrogation Boboqulova said that she killed the girl to revenge to Putin for the bombing in Syria. 4 March 2016 Boboqulova was formally charged with murder. She underwent psychiatric examination at the Serbsky Center. The crime can be re-qualified under Art. 205 of the Criminal Code of Russia – as a terrorist act.
Anastasiya "Nastya" Meshcheryakova (Russian: Анастасия Мещерякова) was a 4-year old Russian girl who was killed on 29 February 2016 in Moscow by her Uzbek nanny Gulchehra Boboqulova, who had been looking after the girl for three years.[1][2]
[hide]Anastasiya Meshcheryakova[edit]
Anastasiya was diagnosed with birth trauma that affected her central nervous system. Doctors predicted that the child would not be able to walk without external help.[2] In 2012 year Anastasiya was diagnosed "symptomatic multifocal epilepsy. Impaired mental function . Syndrome of motor disorders (like central tetraparesis)".[3] Her parents were Yekaterina Aleksandrovna Meshcheryakova (Екатерина Александровна Мещерякова)[4][5][6] and Vladimir Anatolievich Meshcheryakov (Владимир Анатольевич Мещеряков)[7] born in Oryol Oblast, came to Moscow to work: Vladimir had been working as a programmer in a federal ministry last several years, and Catherine worked as an accountant in a private company. Parents spent money to cure their child: flew her to cure in China and planned to make a surgery in Germany.[2]
In the morning 29 February 2016 Gulchehra waited until the girl’s parents and their elder child had left the rented flat located at Moscow, Narodnogo Opolcheniya Street, b. 29-1, fl. 335.[8][9][10] Then she strangled Anastsiya,[11] cut her head off with a knife, put the severed head in a bag, then set fire to the flat and left the house with the cut off head of the girl in bag.[12]
At 9:30 a.m. local firefighters got information about fire in the flat. Firefighters arrived at the place of the fire at 9:38 am, and by 10:05 a.m. the fire was extinguished.[9][13] Flat where the family lived, almost completely burned.[14]
Meanwhile, Boboqulova took a taxi to the Oktyabrskoye Pole metro station where she laid a prayer rug on the ground, stood on her knees and began praying,[15] after that policemen asked her documents to check.[16] But instead of documents Gulchehra showed them the child's head and told them that she had killed the child and now she was going to blow herself.[16] Also she named herself as a terroristess, claimed that she hated democracy and shouted "Allahu Akbar!".[17][18] After that policemen ran away from her, closed one exit of the metro station, evacuated visitors from nearest shops and trade centers and cordoned off streets around the metro station.[2][19]
Actions of policemen who cordoned off the where,[20] blocked the entrance to the metro, took bystanders away from the where, and who during 40 minutes did not detain Boboqulova who brandished the severed child's head and shouted slogans, were criticized by president of International anti-terror veterans' association "Alpha" Sergey Goncharov (Сергей Гончаров).[21]
However, the criticism does not take into account the fact that the woman could have explosives (because she threatened suicide bombing) and the possible detonation of explosives in a crowd of passers-by during detention. Goncharov also spoke that policemen "did-nothing" and "were not noticing" the woman with the severed head – while it can be seen on the CCTV cameras that policemen blocked the entrance to the metro station and withdrew passers from the where.[20] At the moment of arrest were also clearly visible the deserted entrance to the subway, where there was the potential terroristess; policeman throwing her onto the ground and suddenly dashing from all sides (including the subway station) policemen. Consequently, they have been professionally "keeping the perimeter" fencing the potential terroristess from passers-by and from the subway station.[22] There was evacuation of people, the woman was not let to enter the subway and to get closer to the crowd. Policeman that knocked the woman onto the ground when she got up and went to the cordon, covered her with his body and, according to the Goncharov, deserved an award.[19][21]
The act of the policeman that covered the potential terroristess with his body has different assessment: both supporting and criticising.[22] Nevertheless, the Moscow police management believes that this action deserves an award and promised to reward the employee.[23]
Memorials and funeral[edit]
In the evening 1 March 2016 near the "Oktyabrskoye Pole" metro station there was demonstration in memory of the murdered girl, and in support of her relatives.[21] Spontaneously were made 2 memorials in memory of the murdered girl – one near the metro station "Oktyabrskoye Pole", and the second – at the entrance of the house where lived the killed girl. People brought there flowers, plush toys, chocolates, candies; also there were burning candles.[8] During the day, in social networks have been collected more than 2.5 million rubles to help the family of the dead girl.[14]
3 March 2016 the Spiritual Administration of Moscow Muslims announced the collection of money in Moscow mosques for the family of the murdered girl.[24][25] Collection of money for parents of the killed girl was also announced in the social network Facebook. As a result, more than 4 million rubles were collected in a few days.[26]
6 March 2016 Anastasiya Meshcheryakov was buried in the town of Livny in Oryol region, homeland of her father.[26][27]
Gulchehra Boboqulova[edit]
Mental health[edit]
Despite the fact that since the date of the crime in the media version of mental illness of Boboqulova was published,[28] there is no reliably confirmed information about this. In the mass-media (citing to conversations with relatives, villagers and various officials) were published three versions when she was diagnosed, and when she was taken on account in a mental health clinic:
- Version of the newspaper «Moskovskij Komsomolets" with reference to the additional information received from a policeman during a telephone conversation. In Uzbekistan in 2000 Gulchehra was recognized as insane – she got diagnosis schizophrenia, she was registered in the local mental hospital, regularly getting cure at the hospital, she was known in his native village as a crazy, because of this she could not get a job, and in 2002 due to her illness her husband divorced her.[29]
-'s version referencing to Gulchehra's father:[30] she was diagnosed in 1999 году[31] and in 2002 she cured in mental hospital.[30]
- RIA Novosti's version referencing to Samarkand regional mental hospital. Since 2003 Gulchehra was registered in the Samarkand regional mental hospital with diagnosis "acute schizophrenic disorder". In connection with this diagnosis she regularly had deviations in the psyche of the loss of control over her actions.[32]
At the court hearing where preventive measures were chosen, the investigation did not provided any evidence of Boboqulova's mental illness.[10]
Working in Moscow[edit]
Gulchehra had flown to Moscow and had been working in a vegetable stock for a long time and later she worked as a seller of fruits and vegetables in a market.[14]
Before starting to work as a nanny in the family of the murdered girl, Gulchehra had worked as a nanny in another family in Moscow, and she went to the new family to work as a nanny with good recommendation. Before the murder Gulchehra has been working as a nanny in Meshcheryakovs' family during 3 years.[2]
At the end of 2015 Gulchehra flew to her home to Uzbekistan for reissuing her passport.[33] There she learned that her husband married a second wife and he asked her to become his second wife.[2] After she returned to Moscow in January 2016, she registered in the department of Federal Migration Service in the south-east of Moscow, but she did not received the patent for job.[2]
Father of Gulchehra Boboqulova – Bakhretdin Turayev (Бахретдин Тураев) is 62 years old, has 6 daughters, 19 grandchildren and 1 grandgrandson.[14]
First Gulchehra's husband was Radmir. He left her in 2000 year where Gulchehra got her diagnosis; they deivorced in 2002. After that he married another woman, who gave birth 2 children. He works as a taxi driver in his car.[29][34]
While Gulchehra was Radmir's wife she gave birth 3 sons:[14]
- eldest son – Rahmatillo Ashurov, 19 years old, used to live in Moscow and worked at a market. At the end of November 2015 he returned to Uzbekistan. In the evening of 29 February has been arrested in Samarkand;[14][33]
- middle son was 18 years old at the moment of murder, studied at a tourism college. His mother brought him up first 1.5 years; further he grew up in family of her fathers' son-in-law's sister;[14]
- youngest son was born in 2000, lived with Gulchehra's parents. He studied at a school and was preparing to enter a college.[14]
In Moscow, she met her second husband Sohrob Muminov from Samarkand, who worked as a salesman in constructional shopping center. According to Gulchehra's father, they married in Samarkand and lived together a little bit more than two years. 5,5 years ago Gulchehra discovered that he was unfaithful and they divorced.[14][34]
In March 2014 Gulchehra met in Moscow Mamour Dzhurakulov (Мамур Джуракулов) from Tajikistan who was 48 years old, and they made a Sharia marriage.[33]
Covering up the crime on the Russian TV[edit]
The three largest TV channels — Channel One Russia, Russia-1 and NTV and smaller Russia-24, Petersburg – Channel 5, Public Television of Russia, TV Tsentr and Moscow 24 did not output the broadcast information about the murder. At the same time, the crime of the murder actively covered on LifeNews, RBC Information Systems and Mir (TV and radio company) . Two issues of the news about this event made TV channel Zvezda, and one issue – the REN TV channel.[35] TV channels that did not broadcast news about murder, published information about the murder on their websites. Spokesman of the Russian president, Dmitry Peskov, in this regard said that the Kremlin did not give instructions for silencing the murder and that TV channels independently decided to keep silence about this murder. However, the TV channels themselves refused to answer the question why they did not published information about the murder in the day.[36][37][38][39]
In connection with this Fund to Fight Corruption applied to the Investigative Committee of Russia to conduct a review and to initiate a criminal case under article 144 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation on the obstruction of the lawful professional activities of journalists.[40]
Specialists' comments[edit]
- According to forensic psychiatrist, Doctor of Medical Sciences Mikhail Vinogradov (Михаил Виноградов), the murder was not an act of mass intimidation by terrorists.[41]
- According to clinical psychologist A.V. Garaganov, public demonstration severed head by killer was an act of intimidation (psychological terrorism).[42]
By request of Investigative Committee of Russia, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Uzbekistan questioned Boboqulova's relatives, including eldest son.[43]
According to Gulchehra's son Rahmatillo Ashurov, after his mother married Mamour Dzhurakulov she called his son to move to Syria to the territory controlled by ISIS – she planned to walk there in a burqa, and she offered to his son to train in an ISIS' camp to become a soldier of ISIS. Mamour Dzhurakulov was arrested in Tajikistan.[33]
2 March 2016 judge of the Presnensky district court of Moscow Tatyana Vasyuchenko (Татьяна Васюченко) decided to arrest Boboqulova until 29 April 2016.[44][45] Before the court hearing Gulchehra said she killed the girl because Allah ordered.[14] Later in the interrogation Boboqulova said that she killed the girl to revenge to Putin for the bombing in Syria.[46]
4 March 2016 Boboqulova was formally charged with murder under Part 2 of Article 105 of the Criminal Code of Russia (murder of infant).[47]
Boboqulova during the month undergoes psychiatric examination at the Serbsky Center. The crime can be re-qualified under Art. 205 of the Criminal Code of Russia – as a terrorist act.[48]
10 March 2016 Boboqulova was transferred for 30 days into psychiatric hospital at the Butyrka prison.[49][50]
Caricature of the crime[edit]
Caricature of the crime published British magazine Vive Charlie on its cover. Caricature's author explained that he wanted to draw compatriots' attention by this caricature to the crime, and in any case he did not want to offend the relatives of the murdered girl, and he did not deny that the way of drawing attention he choosed was provocative. After publishing the caricature its author got several hundreds letters with threats because authors of the letters supposed that he wanted to praise the killer. But he rejected these accusings. State Duma deputy Olga Batalina condemned creation and publication of the caricature.[51][52][53]
- Jump up^ Убийство ребёнка в Москве: ход расследования и реакция общественности(Russian)
- ^ Jump up to:a b c d e f g h Полиция задержала у метро в Москве женщину с отрезанной головой ребёнка(Russian)
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- ^ Jump up to:a b Стихийный мемориал жестоко убитой девочке образовался около станции «Октябрьское поле»(Russian)
- ^ Jump up to:a b Информация о загорании по адресу улица Народного ополчения, дом 29 корпус 1(Russian)
- ^ Jump up to:a b c
Убившая ребёнка няня арестована на два месяца (Russian)
- Jump up^ Няня, отрубившая голову 4 летней девочке Насте Мещеряковой — неадекватная работница останется под стражей два месяца(Russian)
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- ^ Jump up to:a b c d e f g h i j Отец няни-убийцы из Узбекистана дал первое интервью — Газета.(Russian)
- Jump up^ Московская полиция испугалась узбечки-убийцы (видео)(Russian)
- ^ Jump up to:a b Камеры наблюдения сняли няню после убийства ребёнка(Russian)
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- Jump up^
Няня-террористка с отрезанной головой ребёнка шокировала Москву (18+) (Russian)
- ^ Jump up to:a b Сорок минут на задержание Бобокуловой: реальность против мифов(Russian)
- ^ Jump up to:a b Почему полиция медлила с задержанием няни(Russian)
- ^ Jump up to:a b c "Надо было её пристрелить!(Russian)
- ^ Jump up to:a b «Бездумное задержание могло повлечь гибель сотрудников и окружающих граждан…»(Russian)
- Jump up^ Московских полицейских наградят за задержание Бобокуловой(Russian)
- Jump up^ 4 марта объявлен сбор пожертвований в мечетях и общинах Москвы для семьи пострадавших(Russian)
- Jump up^ Мусульмане Москвы соберут деньги для родителей убитой няней девочки(Russian)
- ^ Jump up to:a b Родители убитой няней девочки обратились к общественности(Russian)
- Jump up^ В Орловской области похоронили девочку, убитую няней Бобокуловой(Russian)
- Jump up^ Допрос няни-убийцы: родственники отняли у Бобокуловой детей и выгнали её из дома
- ^ Jump up to:a b Няня, отрезавшая голову девочке, 15 лет страдала тяжелой шизофренией(Russian)
- ^ Jump up to:a b Подозреваемая в убийстве ребёнка няня пройдет психиатрическую экспертизу(Russian)
- Jump up^ Шизофрению предугадать невозможно(Russian)
- Jump up^ В Самарканде подтвердили, что убившая ребёнка няня больна шизофренией(Russian)
- ^ Jump up to:a b c d Няню-убийцу вербовали экстремисты: задержан главный подстрекатель
- ^ Jump up to:a b «Ненормальная „бомба“, напичканная радикальными идеями»(Russian)
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- Jump up^ Фонд Навального требует возбудить дело из-за замалчивания на ТВ истории «няни-убийцы»(Russian)
- Jump up^ Гюльчехра Бобокулова.(Russian)
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Няня-убийца 4х летнего ребенка. Комментарии клинического психолога А.В. Гараганова(Russian)
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- Jump up^ Няня, убившая ребёнка в Москве, о мотивах преступления: «Аллах приказал»(Russian)
- Jump up^ Суд арестовал до 29 апреля няню, подозреваемую в убийстве ребёнка в Москве —
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- Jump up^ Две версии: как ФСБ и СКР трактуют причину убийства няней ребёнка(Russian)
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- Jump up^ Vive Charlie: Если карикатуру на няню проигнорируют, мы нарисуем ещё(Russian)
- Jump up^ Почему карикатуры оскорбляют стольких россиян?(Russian)
- Bibliography[edit]
- Nülifer Çembertas (1 April 2016). "Moskova'da Kesik Baş Cinayeti: "Bunnu yapmami Allah emretti"". Ateist dergi (in Turkish) (12 ed.). p. 26.
February 29, 2016 Allah ordered me’ to kill child: Beheading nanny Gulchekhra Bobokulova, from Uzbekistan appears smiling in court RT 2 Mar, 2016 The nanny accused of beheading a four-year-old girl in Moscow and waving her severed head outside a Metro station told journalists before a court hearing that ‘Allah ordered’ her to murder the child. Gulchekhra Bobokulova from Uzbekistan appeared in court on Wednesday detained on Monday near Oktyabrskoye Polye Metro station in northwestern Moscow, where she was waving the child’s severed head and shouting “Allahu Akbar, I am a terrorist, I am a suicide bomber.” Moscow beheading: Nanny says 'Allah ordered' her to ... The Independent (UK) Mar 2, 2016 Moscow nanny Gulchekhra Bobokulova tells court 'Allah ... Metro (UK) Mar 2, 2016 - 'Schizophrenic' nanny says in court that 'Allah ordered' her to sever ...Gulchekhra Bobokulova allegedly killed the child and then set fire to the ... HORROR IN MOSCOW as burqa-clad Muslim babysitter ... barenaked Feb 29, 2016 Nanny says Allah ordered her to behead child | World ... Toronto Sun Mar 2, 2016 'Allah ordered' Moscow nanny to sever girl's head, Russia ... The Sydney Morning Herald 38-year-old mother of three sons Moscow beheading babysitter smiles in court after claiming ... Daily MirrorMar 2, 2016 Killer nanny Gulchekhra Bobokulova pleads guilty - News ... 3, 2016 - A NANNY accused of murdering a little girl in her care and brandishing the child's severed head outside a Moscow subway station says “Allah ... Killer nanny Gyulchekhra Bobokulova who beheaded girl ... Daily Mail Mar 1, 2016 - She shouted 'I am a terrorist' and threatened to cause an explosion but, despite the FSB security service leading the probe, the Russians so far have no evidence of a link to extremist groupings. Bobokulova was taken to the flat in western Moscow at around midnight - only 16 hours after the appalling killing to which - say police sources - she has confessed. Gyulchekhra Bobokulova had been registered at a psychiatr ic clinic in ...Gyulchekhra Bobokulova, 38, told police she had been haunted by . Killer nanny who beheaded four-year-old girl 'kept her schizophrenia a secret and was kicked on to streets after a divorce’ Gyulchekhra Bobokulova, 38, told police she had been haunted by 'voices' Babysitter showed police where she beheaded girl, 4, she was caring for Reports she was 'kicked on to the streets' after divorce from her husband Body of Anastasia Meshcheryakova was found at burnt-out block of flats had been registered at a psychiatric clinic in her homeland Uzbekistan - and her condition had been deteriorating in recent months, the source said.
In scenes that shocked the world yesterday, the hijab-wearing nanny, 38, was seen walking the streets of Moscow brandishing the head of Nastya Meshcheryakova for an hour before she was detained by police. ..showed officers the Moscow flat where she apparently strangled Nastya , who had learning difficulties, before cutting off her head with a kitchen knife. The little girl’s remains were left in her cot. It emerged today that the nanny had been married for 12 years and divorced 'not long ago' in her native Uzbekistan, according to LifeNews, which obtained brief footage of her confused interrogation in a Moscow police station. .. After the marriage she was 'kicked into the street', it was claimed, with her three children all going to different relatives in the Samarkand region of Uzbekistan... She met a new partner a year ago, and agreed to be his 'second, unofficial wife' but four months ago he returned to his home country and she has not seen him since. Everybody here knew Gyulchekhra. She was a strange woman, to put it mildly.... she had schizophrenia. She was registered in the local psychiatric clinic for a long time and had special medical documents. Everybody knew it. 'She failed to find a job here for this very reason. Wikipedia On 29 February 2016, the cover of issue 25 had an image by Noisykafir titled "Nanny Jihadeee", depicting a Muslim woman holding up the severed head of a child. The image was in reference to the murder of Anastasia Meshcheryakova by her nanny Gyulchekhra Bobokulova. The cover was widely reported by Russian media and was condemned as "evil" by Russian MPs.[5] Woman Holding Severed Child's Head Detained in Moscow ... Feb 29, 2016 'Allah ordered me' to Kill Child: Beheading Nanny Appears ... Alex Jones Mar 2, 2016 - Gulchekhra Bobokulova from Uzbekistan appeared in court on Wednesday ....
February 29, 2016 Allah ordered me’ to kill child: Beheading nanny Gulchekhra Bobokulova, from Uzbekistan appears smiling in court RT 2 Mar, 2016 The nanny accused of beheading a four-year-old girl in Moscow and waving her severed head outside a Metro station told journalists before a court hearing that ‘Allah ordered’ her to murder the child. Gulchekhra Bobokulova from Uzbekistan appeared in court on Wednesday detained on Monday near Oktyabrskoye Polye Metro station in northwestern Moscow, where she was waving the child’s severed head and shouting “Allahu Akbar, I am a terrorist, I am a suicide bomber.” Moscow beheading: Nanny says 'Allah ordered' her to ... The Independent (UK) Mar 2, 2016 Moscow nanny Gulchekhra Bobokulova tells court 'Allah ... Metro (UK) Mar 2, 2016 - 'Schizophrenic' nanny says in court that 'Allah ordered' her to sever ...Gulchekhra Bobokulova allegedly killed the child and then set fire to the ... HORROR IN MOSCOW as burqa-clad Muslim babysitter ... barenaked Feb 29, 2016 Nanny says Allah ordered her to behead child | World ... Toronto Sun Mar 2, 2016 'Allah ordered' Moscow nanny to sever girl's head, Russia ... The Sydney Morning Herald 38-year-old mother of three sons Moscow beheading babysitter smiles in court after claiming ... Daily MirrorMar 2, 2016 Killer nanny Gulchekhra Bobokulova pleads guilty - News ... 3, 2016 - A NANNY accused of murdering a little girl in her care and brandishing the child's severed head outside a Moscow subway station says “Allah ... Killer nanny Gyulchekhra Bobokulova who beheaded girl ... Daily Mail Mar 1, 2016 - She shouted 'I am a terrorist' and threatened to cause an explosion but, despite the FSB security service leading the probe, the Russians so far have no evidence of a link to extremist groupings. Bobokulova was taken to the flat in western Moscow at around midnight - only 16 hours after the appalling killing to which - say police sources - she has confessed. Gyulchekhra Bobokulova had been registered at a psychiatr ic clinic in ...Gyulchekhra Bobokulova, 38, told police she had been haunted by . Killer nanny who beheaded four-year-old girl 'kept her schizophrenia a secret and was kicked on to streets after a divorce’ Gyulchekhra Bobokulova, 38, told police she had been haunted by 'voices' Babysitter showed police where she beheaded girl, 4, she was caring for Reports she was 'kicked on to the streets' after divorce from her husband Body of Anastasia Meshcheryakova was found at burnt-out block of flats had been registered at a psychiatric clinic in her homeland Uzbekistan - and her condition had been deteriorating in recent months, the source said.
In scenes that shocked the world yesterday, the hijab-wearing nanny, 38, was seen walking the streets of Moscow brandishing the head of Nastya Meshcheryakova for an hour before she was detained by police. ..showed officers the Moscow flat where she apparently strangled Nastya , who had learning difficulties, before cutting off her head with a kitchen knife. The little girl’s remains were left in her cot. It emerged today that the nanny had been married for 12 years and divorced 'not long ago' in her native Uzbekistan, according to LifeNews, which obtained brief footage of her confused interrogation in a Moscow police station. .. After the marriage she was 'kicked into the street', it was claimed, with her three children all going to different relatives in the Samarkand region of Uzbekistan... She met a new partner a year ago, and agreed to be his 'second, unofficial wife' but four months ago he returned to his home country and she has not seen him since. Everybody here knew Gyulchekhra. She was a strange woman, to put it mildly.... she had schizophrenia. She was registered in the local psychiatric clinic for a long time and had special medical documents. Everybody knew it. 'She failed to find a job here for this very reason. Wikipedia On 29 February 2016, the cover of issue 25 had an image by Noisykafir titled "Nanny Jihadeee", depicting a Muslim woman holding up the severed head of a child. The image was in reference to the murder of Anastasia Meshcheryakova by her nanny Gyulchekhra Bobokulova. The cover was widely reported by Russian media and was condemned as "evil" by Russian MPs.[5] Woman Holding Severed Child's Head Detained in Moscow ... Feb 29, 2016 'Allah ordered me' to Kill Child: Beheading Nanny Appears ... Alex Jones Mar 2, 2016 - Gulchekhra Bobokulova from Uzbekistan appeared in court on Wednesday ....
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