Friday, November 2, 2012

The Reason Obama Did Not Order Help or Security in Benghazi Is It Would Hurt Morsi's Brotherhood

Anyone who works this hard to do something this badly is not stupid or crazy. They are working for the other side. Obama and Hillary are buddies with the Muslim Brotherhood and the Arab Spring who obviously commissioned that video that was made by a man Shoebat exposed as a fake Copt Islamic scholar with terrorist friends. Iran probably crashed the party when their intelligence got wind of the operation and told their al qaeda friends to spice things up a bit by burning down the mission. Iran never liked losing a friend in Ghaddafi, and probably didn’t like the idea of the US helping collect arms to send to Syria via Turkey. That the media is covering for Obama indicates that they are also taking orders from Morsi’s brotherhood, and if you want to figure out what Iran is up to, just read Veterans Today and PressTV and realize everything they want you to be believe is the opposite of the truth.

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