Who was Mata Hari?

Double agent
During World War I, the Netherlands remained neutral. As a Dutch subject, Margaretha Zelle was thus able to cross national borders freely. To avoid the battlefields, she travelled between France and the Netherlands via Spain and Britain, and her movements inevitably attracted attention. In 1916, she was travelling by steamer from Spainwhen her ship called at the English port of Falmouth. There she was arrested and brought to London where she was interrogated at length by Sir Basil Thomson, Assistant Commissioner at New Scotland Yardin charge of counter-espionage. He gave an account of this in his 1922 book Queer People, saying that she eventually admitted to working for French Intelligence. Initially detained in Cannon Street police station, she was then released and stayed at the Savoy Hotel. A full transcript of the interview is in Britain's National Archives and was broadcast with Mata Hari played by Eleanor Bron on the independent station London Broadcasting in 1980.
It is unclear if she lied on this occasion, believing the story made her sound more intriguing, or if French authorities were using her in such a way, but would not acknowledge her due to the embarrassment and international backlash it could cause.
In January 1917, the German military attaché in Madrid transmitted radio messages to Berlin describing the helpful activities of a German spy, code-named H-21. French intelligence agents intercepted the messages and, from the information it contained, identified H-21 as Mata Hari. The messages were in acode that some claimed that German intelligence knew had already been broken by the French (in fact it had been broken not by the French, but by the British "Room 40" team), leaving some to claim that the messages were contrived.[10] However, this same code, which the Germans were convinced was unbreakable[11] was used to transmit the Zimmerman Telegram; its unintended interception some weeks later precipitated the United States' entry into the war against Germany. Therefore, the belief held by some that the messages were contrived is spurious.
[edit]Trial and execution
On 13 February 1917, Mata Hari was arrested in her room at the Hotel Elysee Palace, on the Champs Elysee (now the HSBC French headquarters), in Paris. She was put on trial, accused of spying for Germany and consequently causing the deaths of at least 50,000 soldiers. Although the French and British intelligence suspected her of spying for Germany, neither could produce definite evidence against her. Secret ink was found in her room, which was incriminating evidence in that period. She contended that it was part of her make-up.[12] She wrote several letters to the Dutch Consul in Paris, claiming her innocence. "My international connections are due of my work as a dancer, nothing else [...]. Because I really did not spy, it is terrible that I cannot defend myself."[13] She was found guilty and was executed by firing squad on 15 October 1917, at the age of 41.
Feminist author Pat Shipman's biography Femme Fatale claimed that Mata Hari never was a double agent, but was used as a scapegoat by the French military authority to obscure the failing of the French military operations at the front.
But German documents unsealed in the 1970s proved that Mata Hari was truly a German agent. In the autumn of 1915, she entered German service, and on orders of section III B-Chief Walter Nicolai, she was instructed about her duties by Major Roepell during a stay in Cologne. Her reports were to be sent to the Kriegsnachrichtenstelle West (War News Post West) in Düsseldorf under Roepell as well as to the Agent mission in the German embassy in Madrid under Major Arnold Kalle, with her direct handler being Captain Hoffmann, who also gave her the code name H21.[14]
In December 1916, the French Second Bureau of the French War Ministry let Mata Hari obtain the names of six Belgian agents: five of whom were suspected of submitting fake material and working for the Germans, while the sixth was suspected to be a double agent for Germany and France. Two weeks after Mata Hari had left Paris for a trip to Madrid, the double agent was executed by the Germans, while the five others continued their operations. This development served as proof to the Second Bureau that the names of the six spies had been communicated by Mata Hari to the Germans.[15]
Search Results
Daily Kos: Jill Kelley (Khawam). The Lebanese Mata Hari?
www.dailykos.com/.../-Jill-Kelley-Khawam-The-Lebanese-Mat...19 hours ago – If Jill Kelley was not in the employ of a foreign intelligence service then the world's spy agencies have collectively suffered a dereliction of duty.- Commander of US-NATO Troops in Afghanistan Ensnared in ...
- www.thegatewaypundit.com/.../commander-of-us-nato-troops-...1 day ago – ... Jill Kelley in Florida. Kelley is the Petraeus family friend who was being harassed by Paula Broadwell.
Jill Kelley == Mata HariThat is All.
Daily Kos: Jill Kelley (Khawam). The Lebanese Mata Hari? - Fairfax Underground - www.fairfaxunderground.com/forum/read/40/1046502.html1 post - 12 hours agoDate: November 13, 2012 10:09PM. Wow. http://www.dailykos.com/story/2012/11
/13/1161265/-Jill-Kelley-Khawam-The-Lebanese-Mata-Hari. Options: Reply• ... Jill Kelley: Modern Day Mata Hari | donmilesxfiles
donmilesxfiles.blogspot.com/.../jill-kelley-modern-day-mata-h...15 hours ago – Jill Kelley: Modern Day Mata Hari. Is Jill Kelley a spy? If she is who does she work for? Her Lebanese heritage could give and indication's.
Is Jill Kelley a spy? If she is who does she work for? Her Lebanese heritage could give and indication's. This story is about to spread like a virus. We have seen only the beginning of what could turn out to be a modern day Mata Hari aka Margaretha Geertruida Zelle (1876-1917) who was executed for spying during WWI. Take a look and tell me what you think. Is the United States security being compromised by men who can't keep their penis's under control?
http://www.theblaze.com/stories/is-one-of-the-women-in-the-petraeus-scandal-a-spy-youll-never-believe-whos-making-the-case/Israel Matzav: 'Jill Kelley' is really Jill Khawam
israelmatzav.blogspot.com/.../jill-kelley-is-really-jill-khawam.h...17 hours ago – I'd cancel 'hezb' alert. See http://www.dailykos.com/story/2012/11/13/1161265/-Jill-Kelley-Khawam-The-Lebanese-Mata-Hari. Post a Comment ...
'Jill Kelley' is really Jill Khawam
Kelley, 37, hails from a Lebanese family that emigrated to Philadelphia in the mid-1970s.
Her parents, John and Marcelle Khawam, once operated a restaurant in Voorhees, N.J., and still live in Washington Crossing, Bucks County, according to public records. An older brother resides in South Jersey, records suggest.
...Are Jill Kelly & the FBI Agent, who brought down Petraeus, Muslim-Brotherhood Spies? You'll never Believe Who is Making the Case. - Godlike Productions
Are Jill Kelly & the FBI Agent, who brought down Petraeus, Muslim-Brotherhood Spies? You'll never Believe Who is Making the Case.
What I’d like to know is if the FBI agent who launched this witch hunt/terror campaign against Petraeus, Allen and Broadwell as a ‘favor’ to his lover Jill Kelly is one of the notorious Muslim Brotherhood infiltrators of the FBI.
The FBI, who pulled him off the case and says he is now under investigation, will not release his identity.
Kelly, though Lebanese, is ostensibly a Catholic.
[link to patdollard.com]
Muslim Brotherhood Takes Charge of FBI Counterterrorism Training
[link to www.radicalislam.org]
The FBI is pretty much under the exclusive control of the Muslim Brotherhood, according to FBI agents I've spoken to.
[link to twitter.com]
Last Edited by DoorBert on 11/14/2012 06:52 AMTampa socialite Jill Kelley is a Lebanese spy
michiganstate.247sports.com › ... › Wells Hall Off Topic BoardShare2 posts - 2 authors - 3 hours agoThe Lebanese Mata Hari? http://www.dailykos.com/story/2012/11/13/1161265/-Jill-Kelley-Khawam-The-Lebanese-Mata-Hari. www.dailykos.
Jill Kelley is an 'honorary consul' of South Korea
4 hours ago – Jill Kelley, the Tampa socialite connected to ISAF Commander John Allen ... is beginning to sound like the modern day equivlent of Mata Hari.Jill Kelly - Who is talking about Jill Kelly on TWITTER
Check who's talking about Jill Kelly right now on TWITTER. ... cbrecluse : @Sex scandal probe also catches Top US commander in Afghanistan ...
1 day ago – Looks like Jill Kelley is single handedly taking down Obama's top national security ..... Who the heck is this Jill Kelly- a modern say Mata Hari?Jill Kelley, Tampa Socialite, Becomes Center Of David Petraeus ...
2 hours ago – In the phone call to authorities, Jill Kelley, a party hostess and unofficial... Reminds me a modern age Mata Hari or the redhead Russian chick ...The Arab Reading of the Petraeus/Allen Affair: Jill Kelley is Gilberte ...
8 hours ago – David Petraeus, ex-director of the CIA, goes by Jill Kelley. But her maiden ... So far there is no reason to think she is a Mata Hari of any sort.rigorousintuition.ca • View topic - David Petraeus resigns as CIA ...
www.rigorousintuition.ca/board2/viewtopic.php?f=8&t...11 hours ago – The Lebanese Mata Hari? byOrcas GeorgeFollow 564. PERMALINK 105 COMMENTS / 105 NEW OK, this is getting weird. If Jill Kelley was not ...Jill Kelley | Here's The Right Side Of It
work949.wordpress.com/tag/jill-kelley/Share20 hours ago – Posts about Jill Kelley written by John L. Work. ... Mata Hari was a Dutch-born exotic dancer. Her real name was Margaretha Geertruida ...FBI agent sent shirtless photos to Kelley, officials say - U.S. News
usnews.nbcnews.com/_.../15140764-fbi-agent-sent-shirtless-p...Share21 hours ago – The FBI agent who was asked by Jill Kelley to look into disturbing emails she received was later taken ... Mata Hari had nothing on these two.Jill Kelley's Lebanese background...
www.goldismoney2.com › ... › General Discussion All Other4 posts - 4 authors - 2 days agoEver since it was revealed that Jill Kelley, the woman arguably at the center of .... FromMata Hari to the Mossad agent who lured Israeli nuclear ...
ill Kelley's Lebanese background...
Jill Kelley's Lebanese background...
Some Women Irresistible – No Worries – Obama And CIA On The ...
work949.wordpress.com/.../some-women-irresistible-no-worri...Share23 hours ago – Mata Hari was a Dutch-born exotic dancer. ... is now under investigation, himself, for some shirtless e-mail photos he sent to – Jill Kelley.FBI Scrutinized on Petraeus - Lucianne.com News Forum - Thread
www.lucianne.com/thread/?artnum=7116205 posts - 1 author - 3 days agoThe emails began arriving in Jill Kelley´s inbox in May, U.S. officials ... paula broadwell certainly fits the mata hari role quite well, ms kelley is a ...Gen. John Allen Under Investigation for E-mails with Jill Kelley ...
www.talkleft.com/story/2012/11/13/13650/9821 day ago – John Allen Under Investigation for E-mails with Jill Kelley. By Jeralyn .....she should have remembered that Mata Hari did not end up so well.
Is One of the Women in the Petraeus Scandal a Spy? You'll Never ...
www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/2959183/posts?page=50Share14 hours ago – Ever since it was revealed that Jill Kelley, the woman arguably at the.... /2012/11/13/1161265/-Jill-Kelley-Khawam-The-Lebanese-Mata-Hari? To: RummyChick
One of the sisters married Grayson Wolfe. “The Unstable One”.
I think there is a good case that can be made for one of them being a Spy. Just not sure whose side she would be working for....
2 posted on Tue Nov 13 2012 19:59:08 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time) by RummyChick[ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 1 | View Replies]
To: RummyChickIs this real information or just Beck’s delusions?3 posted on Tue Nov 13 2012 20:00:19 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time) by svcw (Why is one cell on another planet considered life, and in the womb it is not.)
To: svcwYou have to read the article in totality.
To: RummyChickI would not rule anything out.
Jill Kelly is the only common thread between the Betrayus scandal
and the breaking General Allen scandal. In addition, Jill’s sister recently
Received a $300,000 loan from a democratic congressman from RI.
Did Jill receive this $300,000 from her sister? More questions than answers.
To: RummyChickCan anyone explain the relationship between Jill Kelley, her sister, and the Broadwell woman? Or does no one know the what their relationship actually is?6 posted on Tue Nov 13 2012 20:04:54 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time) by Steely Tom (If the Constitution can be a living document, I guess a corporation can be a person.)
To: RummyChickThe link is to events in Syria ~ rebels backed by Obama and McCain are poised to begin wholesale extermination of Christian minorities ~ they've been doing this sporadically ever since the battle began.The Russian Orthodox church, which has its own extensive connections with residual Christian groups in the Middle East has an interest in what's going on in Syria.
The twins may simply be working for Christian interests in the Middle East. Who is McCain working for? Anyone have an idea what this guy is up to? We know Obama is tied into the Islamic Brotherhood of course, but McCain? Does this have something to do with who sells Budweiser in Syria?
To: tennmountainmanShe got the 300,000 from John Kerry’s fundraiser guy.
Kerry’s office said they were dating or engaged.
To: svcwIs this real information or just Beck’s delusions?Are you dense or what?
Beck has been spot on in the middle east for the last two years.
Pfft, ever hear of Jarret or Huma Abedin? Van Jones ring your freakin bell?
At least you succeeded keeping the "Mormon" out of office.9 posted on Tue Nov 13 2012 20:08:32 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time) by Las Vegas Ron (Medicine is the keystone in the arch of socialism)
To: RummyChickDemocrat or Republican?American or Iranian?
Russian or American?
Syria or American?
Israeli or Saudi?
American or Syrian?
The possibilities are endless.............10 posted on Tue Nov 13 2012 20:08:39 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time) by Osage Orange ( Liberalism, ideas so good they have to be mandatory.)
To: Steely Tomat this point -
the relationship is that Broadwell was jealous of Kelley and thought Jill was after her man. I think she also sent an email to Allen.
To: RummyChickHey rummy chick. I read an article here a couple of hours ago that said
a congressman from RI loaned her that money. Did u see that article?
To: RummyChickWe don't know if she was a spy but we do know she was receiving serious money from a top Democratic fundraiser.http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2959126/posts
To: svcwWell, either way, it’s a good point that if she -wasn’t- a spy it was a major failed opportunity for some foreign agency.14 posted on Tue Nov 13 2012 20:11:00 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time) by Ramius (Personally, I give us one chance in three. More tea anyone?)
To: RummyChickI was on active duty for over 20 years. My wife and I were talking, and she said she never saw a woman wear "a negligee" to a social gathering with the 4-stars wife.
I swear, this woman is a Kim Kardashian wannabe. Think Bravo TV - "Real Nightmare Housewives of Tampa."
To: RummyChickBeing of Lebanese origin in Florida is hardly the equivalent of being a foreign spy. Many thousands Lebanese Christians immigrated to the US during the late 19th and early 20th century. I know of a few who are even Freepers. To seriously speculate that she may be a spy based solely on her Lebanese heritage is equivalent of suspecting everyone of Spanish descent of being Cuban spies.16 posted on Tue Nov 13 2012 20:16:39 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time) by flying Elvis ("In...War, the errors which proceed from a spirit of benevolence are the worst" Clausewitz.)
To: tennmountainmanNo. It was Gerald Harrington that loaned her money. He is from Rhode Island.
.Sheldon Whitehouse didn’t loan her the money.Unless, new information has come out
To: RummyChickWatching Hannity and a point was brought up I forgot. The Bhengazi operation was probably involved in gun running to Syria, or at least rounding up serious arms formerly sold to the Libyan government and rerouting them to Syria.There's your direct connection to Petraeus ~ this guy was fully aware of what was going on at the CIA annex, if they were involved in gun running, and he might have DELAYED rescue ops on behalf of the Lebanese interests just to get that source of Syrian rebel , that is, Al Qaida, arms put to an end.Petreaus girlfriend might have been working for THE OTHER SIDE ~ in which case her communications to Mrs. Kelley take on an ominous tone.
This thing could get worse before it gets better.
To: flying Elvis; RummyChickIt’s not her ancient ancestors who emigrated from Lebanon to the US, both she and her parents and her sister emigrated from Lebanon ~
To: RummyChickStill sounds like a fishy loan. A $300,000 loan? That’s a big loan.
To: flying ElvisJust being Lebanese doesn’t mean you are a spy.
There is MUCH MUCH MUCH more to this story.
She could be a spy for the US. Or as another poster posted - there are an array of possibilities.
One thing is for sure - Her circumstances are VERY VERY VERY ODD.
To: tennmountainmanand Kelley and her surgeon husband are supposedly broke as a result of their real estate holdings going to pot. So there’s financial motive. And now we’re told she made two 911 calls on Sunday to report prowlers/trespassers and raise “diplomatic protection” based on her phoney-baloney “honorary consul” status.
Weirder and weirder...
To: bigbobShe got her Consul job in September.
To: RummyChick
To: RummyChickAlso, there is a story about the ineptness of the Charity they ran out of their house. Guess what the money was used for???
To: fso301Oh yeah, every guy gives his “date” $300K. This gets funnier and funnier, and I don’t mean haha funny.28 posted on Tue Nov 13 2012 20:28:58 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time) by pepperdog ( I still get a thrill up my leg when spell check doesn't recognize the name/word Obama!)
To: RummyChickHER circumstances are very odd???? Traipsing around MacDill as a civilian? Sending thousands of emails to a general? Getting the FBI to launch an investigation about some emails she has received? Getting a big Dem to give her a 300k loan?
How many civilians are traipsing around the base where CENTCOM is located? What the hell is going on down there? How does this woman do this? Who is she working for?
To: RummyChickHER circumstances are very odd???? Traipsing around MacDill as a civilian? Sending thousands of emails to a general? Getting the FBI to launch an investigation about some emails she has received? Getting a big Dem to give her a 300k loan?
How many civilians are traipsing around the base where CENTCOM is located? What the hell is going on down there? How does this woman do this? Who is she working for?
To: muawiyahWho is McCain working for? Anyone have an idea what this guy is up to? We know Obama is tied into the Islamic Brotherhood of course, but McCain?McCain seems to be in favor of military intervention in every two-bit conflict across the globe. Odd behavior for an ex-military guy.
But there may be a very rational reason for McCain's bellicosity. Money.
Going back to the mid-nineties, McCain was vocal in calling for intervention in Kosovo. At the same time, it was also revealed that the Albanian-American National Council (or whatever) was a massive contributor to his campaign fund.
My guess is you'll find a similar movement -- the Syrian-American Friendship Foundation (or some such)-- financing him today.
Senator McCain is neither conservative nor liberal. He is an opportunist -- acutely sensitive to which side is buttering his bread.
Note that it won't necessarily be the American side...31 posted on Tue Nov 13 2012 20:33:02 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time) by okie01 (THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA; Ignorance on parade.)
To: bigbobIt’s turning out to be multiple freak shows.
To: RummyChickKnowing no more than that Jill Kelley was central to the investigations of the former and current commanders in charge of Afghanistan, one being the current direct of the CIA, and then an FBI agent was also suspect..., this broad looked too good to be true, for the enemies of the U. S.
Lest we forget, her little tentacles reached all the way into the Oval office, when Benghazi came crashing down. This impacts the White House, the CIA, the FBI, the Department of Defense, and the State Department. It also has implications for the Senate.I think the Democrats are going to have to take action, because this is expanding to the point nobody is going to look clean by the time it’s over.Just remember folks. Nixon was a crook, so the Democrats will always have that...Guy looks better all the time when you consider what the Democrats have stooped to.People didn’t die in Watergate.Espionage was not involved.The CIA wasn’t involvedThe FBI wasn’t involvedThe State Department wasn’t dirtyThe Department of Defense wasn’t made to look compromisedIf the Daily KOS is on this, and we’re on this, and Diane Feinstein is on this, and the media is on this...We just may get some answers.I will have to admit, I can’t fathom the Daily KOS grasping this matter.34 posted on Tue Nov 13 2012 20:34:50 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time) by DoughtyOne (Hurricane Sandy..., a week later and 48 million Americans still didn't have power.)
To: RummyChickAll groupies are spies for the other bands!35 posted on Tue Nov 13 2012 20:36:03 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time) by Revolting cat! (Bad things are wrong! Ice cream is delicious!)
To: Revolting cat!” The position of honorary consul is symbolic and has no official responsibilities, the official said.“She does not work as a real consul. They play a role to improve the relationship between the ROK and the U.S.,” the official said. “Jill Kelley helped to get support for [the Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement] and she arranged meetings between the ROK Ambassador to Washington and local businessmen when the ROK Ambassador visited the Tampa area.”
” Kelley does drive a Mercedes sedan with license plates that say “Honorary Consul,” and she invoked her honorary diplomatic status in a Nov. 11 911 call when she was complaining about trespassers on her private property.
“I’m an honorary consul general, so I have inviolability, so they should not be able to cross my property,” she told the 911 operator. “I don’t know if you want to get diplomatic protection involved as well, because that’s against the law to cross my property because, you know, it’s inviolable.” “
To: RummyChickJill sure does have a great resume. If she isn’t spying she should consider it in the future. Her ability to infiltrate is quite amazing. That raises another issue...what’s with the husband?
If she is a spy, who is she spying for?
So does it matter that Jill Kelley is an Arab-American? I doubt it. She seems just to be a rich, flirtatious Tampa socialite with good Republican Party connections and a network of high military and FBI “admirers,” and who over-reacted to some petty emails. So far there is no reason to think she is a Mata Hari of any sort.
Posted on 11/14/2012 by JuanThe headlines about the Petraeus affair in the Arab world this morning almost universally read something like “Lebanese woman brings down CIA.” The woman who seems to have destroyed three careers and kicked off the FBI investigation of Gen. David Petraeus, ex-director of the CIA, goes by Jill Kelley. But her maiden name is Gilberte Khawam.The Khawam family is Maronite Catholics from Jounieh in Lebanon, and came to the US in the mid-1970s. The father, Hanna (“John”) Khawam, had been a musician in Beirut. His wife is Marcelle, also a Lebanese Christian.Once the elder Khawam came to the US, he at one point ran a restaurant, the “Sahara,” in the Philadelphia area, and also an auto store. Gilberte or “Jill” was born in 1975, and it isn’t clear whether she was born in the US or in Lebanon. She later married a surgeon named Kelley and 12 years ago they moved to Tampa. They have 3 daughters.The 1970s were a turbulent time in Lebanon, with the rise of the PLO in Palestinian refugee camps, student strikes, and then from April of 1975 the beginnings of a civil war that lasted a decade and a half. (I myself lived in Lebanon on and off in the 1970s).<STUFF>Natalie Khawam, an attorney, has specialized in defending whistle-blowers. (More generals should be friendly with the attorneys for whistle-blowers, in my view). She is said to have been divorced in part because she cannot manage her finances, and went $3 mn. into debt and bankrupt. The judge in her custody case accused her of being dishonest, manipulative and detached from reality.Apparently her sister, Gilberte “Jill” Khawam Kelley was close enough to Petraeus such that the latter’s ex-girlfriend, Paula Broadwell, was jealous of her.The Petraeuses had been guests in the Kelley home in Tampa, and there is a photo, published by Alarabiya: of the Kelleys with Petraeus’s wife, Holly:
So does it matter that Jill Kelley is an Arab-American? I doubt it. She seems just to be a rich, flirtatious Tampa socialite with good Republican Party connections and a network of high military and FBI “admirers,” and who over-reacted to some petty emails. So far there is no reason to think she is a Mata Hari of any sort. But it does say something about how prominent Arab-Americans now are in US society that no one much remarked on her ethnicity when the story broke. And, who knows, her inherited culture may have had something to do with her reaction to Broadwell’s emails. Lebanon is a place where you kind of have to take threats seriously. And, reaching out to a friend in the government in a way a lot of Americans might consider inappropriate is routine in Beirut (hence seeking “wasta” or a personal connection via the shirtless FBI guy). But lots of Americans of other backgrounds might have reacted similarly.
I’m with Rachel Maddow that the FBI investigators have behaved with appalling lack of regard for the personal privacy of all these individuals, none of whom appears actually to have done anything illegal (though depending on how menacing they were, Broadwell’s threats may have crossed a line). It is not clear to me that the agency should have briefed anyone on the outside on its findings, given the personal and entirely legal character of the information discovered.The only exception here is that Broadwell may have committed a crime by using the internet to threaten Kelley, and Broadwell may have had unauthorized access to classified information via her connection to Petraeus.
News for Socialite Cultivated Ties to Military Officers
- OregonLive.com - 12 hours agoA military officer who is a former member of Petraeus' staff said Kelley was a "self-appointed" go-between for Central Command officers with ...
Jill Kelley cultivated close ties to officers as military socialite ...
www.independent.co.uk/.../jill-kelley-cultivated-close-ties-to-o...Share9 hours ago – The main recipients of the largesse were military brass — including some of the nation's most senior commanders — based at nearby MacDill ...Early Bird: Tampa Socialite Cultivated Close Ties To Military hours ago – Tampa Socialite Cultivated Close Ties To Military ... become a de facto social ambassador among high-ranking personnel at MacDill, home to ...Jill Kelley cultivated close ties to officers as military socialite - AllVoices
www.allvoices.com/.../13397231-jill-kelley-cultivated-close-ti...8 hours ago – At the parties Jill Kelley hosted at her Tampa, Florida mansion, guests were frequently treated to the indulgences of celebrity life: valet parking, ...
Kermit the Frog commented: