Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Jill Kelley comes from a Christian Arab Lebanese family - Ms Wikileaks?

Jill Kelley comes from a Lebanese family that emigrated to Philadelphia in the mid-1970s,

Right Truth: Gen. John R. Allen sent 20,000 - 30,000 inappropriate ...

14 minutes ago – There is a Lebanese Arab connection. Jill Kelley, is a Lebanese Maronite whose family moved to Philadelphia in the 1970s. Kelley may have ...

comment: good old jill kelley would get a drone attack from me if she were not a stone cold arab who along with her rich arab daddy  john khawam from lebanon who was used in this mess! this was one very smart set up by very smart people (arabs) and it worked like a charm on good old dumbazz potus and the rest of his crew! we never had a chance with this one! money talks. the @@$###&&$$$$ arabs won this one big time! takeaway, if they can do this to us this time what next? like the man said "you have to be lucky all of the time. we only have to be lucky once" sad very sad! hey potus fubo!

comment removed: Jill Khawam and family are evil Arab American who spy for ...

Jill Kelley is an American Arab http://t.co/jC8nG4m2 Mash Allah you will find us in every scandal in a way or another !!!! 19 mins ...

General Dynamics: The Digital Tale of John & Jill and Dave & Paula ...
@viget: she’s Mrs. Kelley, nee Khawam, from a Lebanese Christian family. She may have inherited strong opinions about the region CentComm is responsible for. Or she may have grown up speaking Arabic, or at least hearing it at home, which might have made her a useful back-channel for Allen.

ryan on November 13, 2012 at 1:16 pm said:
The Post makes Kelley’s political motivations plain:

>David Khawam said his sister (Jill Khawam Kelley) was a born giver, who early on channeled her charitable efforts into political fundraising and later to the military.
>Khawam said that quality stemmed from the Catholic family’s persecution in their native Lebanon, when Jill, David and Natalie were small children and their parents eventually fled to the United States.
I’m not saying this is a motive for anything nefarious. Just that it’s part of who she is, and might offer a motive for a) providing help to generals who she perceived as fighting the enemies of her family; or b) providing help to others about whom she felt the same.

Info emerges about 2nd woman in Petraeus case | ArabNews


16 hours ago – A combination photo shows Jill Kelley (L), a friend of former US General David Petraeus' family, and Petraeus' biographer Paula Broadwell, ...

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