Friday June 21, 2019 New Hampshire Mass Motorcycle Crash The 23-year-old West Springfield truck driver charged with killing seven bikers Friday in New Hampshire had two drunken driving arrests -- one one just last month — along with a drug conviction on his extensive record and is now facing the prospect of deportation proceedings, court records show. Volodymyr Zhukovskyy, a Ukrainian national with a U.S. green card, is due to be arraigned Tuesday in New Hampshire on seven counts of negligent homicide in the weekend motorcycle disaster — a crash his father said occurred on his son’s third day on the job. “I’m sorry for the families,” the defendant’s father, also named Volodymyr Zhukovskyy, told the Herald Monday.The father said they are from the Ukraine and his son recently got permanent resident status in the United States. The younger Zhukovsky court file includes a newly filed June 23 letter from an ICE deportation officer requesting details of his 2017 heroin and cocaine convictions (5)

tags: Bicycle Motorcycle Hit --- Vehicle attack
- Motorcycles, pickup crash in 'devastating,' fatal scene – WDVM 6/21/2019 RANDOLPH, N.H. (AP) — State police said that a 2016 Dodge 2500 pickup truck collided with the riders on U.S. 2 in Randolph. Authorities said additional details would be provided as they investigate the crash. Motorcycles and a pickup truck apparently collided on a rural two-lane highway, leading to what witnesses described as multiple fatalities and a "devastating" scene as bystanders tried to help. [Why would a truck swerve into group of motorcycles for no apparent reason or mechanical cause?]
- wjtv crash happened about 500 feet from lodging where most of the motorcyclists were staying, Hamanne said. Charlie St. Clair, executive director of Laconia Motorcycle Week Association, which host one of the state's biggest rallies in June, said he couldn't recall an accident of this magnitude involving bikers in the state
- Marines Killed in Crash Belonged to Jarheads Motorcycle Club ... Heavy 6/22 Volodoymyr Zhukovskyy, 23, was the driver of the pickup truck, the state's attorney revealed in a news conference. Zhukovsky worked for a ...
- 7 dead in New Hampshire motorcycle crash CBS News At least seven people were killed when a pickup truck crashed with several motorcycles. Police said the pickup truck was on fire when emergency crews arrived. JUN 22, 2019
- Truck driver in fatal New Hampshire motorcycle crash had drunken driving record June 24 2019 Boston Herald === The younger Zhukovskyy’s court file includes a newly filed June 23 letter from an ICE deportation officer requesting details of his 2017 heroin and cocaine convictions. The younger Zhukovskyy also has a lengthy driving record, including a drunken driving conviction in 2013 and an arrest after failing a field sobriety test last month in a Walmart parking lot in East Windsor, Conn. He was due back in court for that case Wednesday. Massachusetts State Police arrested Zhukovskyy Monday morning on a fugitive from justice charge out of New Hampshire. He was turned over to N.H. law enforcement officials. State police also confiscated “wax packets containing a residue suspected of being heroin,” when they arrested Zhukovskyy Monday.
- Truck driver charged with 7 homicides in New Hampshire motorcycle ... NBC news
- Driver in fatal Marines bikers crash uninjured, not charged NY Post June 22, 2019 Police have ID’d the pickup driver who may have caused a horrific crash that killed seven bikers on their way to a Marines-related motorcycle meet in New Hampshire Friday night, revealing he walked away from the wreckage without injuries — or any charges. The driver, identified as ...
- Police arrest driver in NH crash that killed 5 Marine vets, 2 civilians ... . for illegal narcotic, [Zhukovsky] will be charged additionally with that. ... Zhukovskyy is a Ukrainian native who has lived in the U.S. for 13 years, ..
- Volodymyr Zhukovskyy, driver in New Hampshire crash that killed 7 ... masslive ENFIELD — Volodymyr Zhukovskyy, the West Springfield man facing 7 counts of ... was arrested on a drunken driving charge last month in Connecticut. ... in Texas, where he was accused of possession of drug paraphernalia.
- West Springfield man charged with seven counts of vehicular ... was free on ... including one that also involved drunken driving, according to motor vehicle records. And he pleaded guilty to drugpossession in 2018, court records say. e time of the crash, Volodymyr Zhukovskyy, 23, was free on $2,500 bond in a pending drunken driving case in Connecticut, court records show.
- Mass. truck driver charged in New Hampshire motorcycle crash that Authorities Monday June 24 arrested the 23-year-old driver of a pickup truck that collided with a group of 10 motorcycles in New Hampshire late last ...
- Driver Charged In Marine Motorcycle Club Crash Had Heroin In Home ... June 24, 2019 Massachusetts State Police said the packages were discovered when its Violent Fugitive Apprehension Section and New Hampshire State police arrested Volodymyr Zhukovskyy, 23, at his West Springfield home. ..Westfield Transport Inc. -- has an out-of-service rate for drivers that is nearly four times the national average. Twice in the recent past, drivers were found with narcotics or amphetamines in their possession...Westfield Transport Inc., said Zhukovskyy had just started as a driver and was on his second trip for the company. He only identified himself as "Damien" and did not speak long, but said he was disgusted with Zhukovskyy. "These people died and this piece of sh-- was at home doing drugs," Damien said.Zhukovskyy "came out of nowhere" to apply for the job, he said. narcotics or amphetamines were found on drivers during two inspections. Damien said the drugs violation involved marijuana possession. Even though marijuana is legal in Massachusetts, he fired the driver 11 violations in the category of driver fitness from Feb. 14 to April 23. They include not having a commercial drivers license, not having a proper medical certificate, driving with a suspended license and insufficient knowledge of English. victims were identified as:
- Michael Ferazzi, 62, of Contoocook
- Albert Mazza, 59, of Lee
- Daniel Pereira, 58, of Riverside, R.I.
- Jo-Ann and Edward Corr, both 58, of Lakeville, Mass.
- Desma Oakes, 42, of Concord
- Aaron Perry, 45, of Farmington
- All five men killed in the crash were members of the Jarheads Motorcycle Club, a club for Marines and Fleet Marine Force Navy Corpsmen.
- ICE puts detainer request on Ukrainian charged in deadly NH biker ...FOX NEWS request means Volodymyr Zhukovskyy could face deportation back to his native Ukraine whenever he is released from custody.
- Daniel Horowitz @RMConservative Yet another completely avoidable drunk driving fatality of 7 people caused by an illegal alien. This should be headline news and is the real humanitarian crisis. Any illegal arrested for DUI should be out of the country by anyone's standards.100% avoidable unsubstantiated rumor: @COPDLiving I read he was on the terror watch list as well.
- More arrests, drug abuse detailed for man charged in N.H. crash that killed 7 By Matt Rocheleau and Laura Crimaldi Globe Staff,June 27, 2019,Police body cam shows Volodymyr Zhukovskyy arrested in Texas bringing to six the number of states in which the 23-year-old truck driver has been charged with impairment or traffic violations. received his Massachusetts license in 2013 and a commercial license in 2018. failure to suspend Zhukovskyy’s license in May after he was stopped by police, refused a chemical test, and was arrested and charged with operating under the influence. Massachusetts registry officials acknowledged they failed to act when notified, and should have manually reviewed and suspended his license State authorities monitor commercial truck drivers via a national alert system. The Globe this week reached out to 35 states. Five states so far — Massachusetts, Ohio, Iowa, Connecticut, and Texas — reported having records of past arrests of Zhukovskyy. New Hampshire this week became the sixth state where he was arrested. originally from Ukraine and federal authorities have issued an immigration detainer, planning to take him into custody... Zhukovskyy has struggled with alcohol, cocaine, and heroin abuse, said Yuriy Grishchenko, former director of a faith-based residential rehabilitation program in Bristol, Pa. Zhukovskyy enrolled in the program two years ago, and stayed with the group for three months ...After about a month, I saw color in his face. I saw life in his face. He wanted to get a job, get married, and have kids.” 2014 incident late one night in Macedonia, Ohio. going 75 miles per hour in a 60 zone. When he tried to pull the car over, Zhukovskyy “swerved hard right almost off of the shoulder and into the grass,” the report said. “The car overcorrected and almost drove back into the right lane of traffic.” Massachusetts license, but it had someone else’s name on it. Zhukovskyy didn’t have proof of insurance for the car, which had Ohio plates, the report said. stated that he worked for a transport company called Nationwide Transport Inc. and they were transporting the car from Columbus, OH to Massachusetts, pleaded guilty to driving with a suspended license, speeding, providing false information, and possessing drug paraphernalia. He paid several hundred dollars in fines, court records show. 2012, police in West Springfield charged Zhukovskyy with driving without a license, speeding, and negligent operation of a motor vehicle. In 2013, he was cited for a “miscellaneous” equipment violation in Springfield. Two days later, he was arrested for drunken driving 2017, he was convicted in criminal cases, one for drug possession in West Springfield, the other for larceny in Connecticut. In February, Zhukovskyy was arrested at a Denny’s restaurant in Baytown, Texas, where police found him acting strangely and carrying a crack pipe. In a body camera video released by police Thursday, Zhukovskyy tells officers, “I’m a truck driver. My truck is parked outside.” About a week later, he received the improper lane violation in Iowa.
June 25, 2019
Pickup truck driver arrested following New Hampshire highway ...
20 hours ago - Seven people killed, three injured in NH crash ... Thompson shows the scene where several motorcycles and a pickup truck collided on a rural, ...
June 23, 2019
The Latest: Company linked to motorcycle crash cooperating -
22 hours ago - He told The Boston Globe on Saturday that Volodoymyr Zhukovskyy "doesn't answer the phone calls." Authorities say the 23-year-old ...
John Randolph - World News
People recover personal items from the scene of a fatal accident on Route 2 in Randolph, N.H., Saturday, June 22, 2019. ... The driver of the pickup truck has been identified as Volodoymyr Zhukovskyy, 23, Coos .... Press TV | 23 Jun 2019.
Volodoymyr Zhukovskyy of West Springfield identified as driver of truck ...
1 day ago - RANDOLPH, N.H. — New Hampshire authorities on Saturday identified the driver of a truck that crashed into and killed several motorcyclists as ...
The Latest: Police identify victims of biking accident - The Washington ...
6 hours ago - Investigators identified the driver of the pickup truck as Volodoymyr Zhukovskyy, a 23-year-old employee of a Massachusetts transportation ...
7 Dead After Pickup Truck And Trailer Hits Motorcycles In Randolph NH
20 hours ago - The truck driver was identified Saturday as 23-year-old Volodoymyr Zhukovskyy of West Springfield, Massachusetts. He was reportedly not hurt, ...
'Stay with me': Heartbreaking scenes as seven bikers killed in Marine ...
1 day ago - Authorities identified the driver of the 2016 Dodge 2500 pickup as Volodoymyr Zhukovskyy, 23, who worked for Westfield Transport, based in ...
Company linked to motorcycle crash cooperating - KY3
22 hours ago - He told The Boston Globe on Saturday that Volodoymyr Zhukovskyy ... Young says Zhukovskyy survived and didn't need to be hospitalized.
Officials identify driver of truck involved in Randolph crash that killed 7
21 hours ago - Volodoymyr Zhukovskyy, 23, of West Springfield, Massachusetts, was behind the wheel of a 2016 Dodge 2500 with an attached trailer, officials ...
'We all feel it': Bikers mourn 7 of their own killed on road – Boston Herald
20 hours ago - Authorities identified the pickup driver as Volodoymyr Zhukovskyy, 23, an employee of a Springfield, Massachusetts, company called Westfield ...
Suspect's name released in fatal New Hampshire mass motorcycle ...
20 hours ago - New Hampshire State Police said 23-year-old Volodoymyr Zhukovskyy, of West Springfield, collided with several motorcycles on Route 2 in ...
6/23 New Hampshire motorcycle crash victims identified by authorities
CBS News seven motorcyclists who died Friday night when they were struck by a pickup truck towing a flatbed trailer. The crash happened around 6:30 p.m. when the truck and trailer collided with the group of 10 motorcycles on Route 2. members of Marine JarHeads MC, a motorcycle club that includes Marines and their spouses. Volodoymyr Zhukovskyy, 23, an employee of Westfield Transport, a company in Springfield, Massachusetts, has been identified as the driver of the pickup truck. The National Transportation Safety Board and police are investigating the crash. The victims have been identified as Joanne and Edward Corr, both 58 of Lakeville, Massachusetts; Michael Ferazzi, 62, of Contoocook, New Hampshire; Albert Mazza, 49, of Lee, New Hampshire; Daniel Pereira, 58, of Riverside, Rhode Island; Desma Oakes, 42, of Concord, New Hampshire; Aaron Perry, 45, of Farmington, New Hampshire.
7 dead, 3 injured in New Hampshire motorcycle crash
CBS News - 7 hours ago
Community reeling after motorcyclists collide with truck - 10 hours ago
Video: Deadly motorcycle crash in northern New Hampshire
ABC News - 1 day ago
7 Dead After Pickup Truck And Trailer Hits Motorcycles In Randolph NH
CBS Boston - CBS Local - 20 hours ago
7 Dead After Pickup Truck And Trailer Hits Motorcycles In Randolph NH
CBS Boston - CBS Local - 1 day ago
7 Killed, 3 Injured In Motorcycle And Truck Crash In NH
CBS Boston - CBS Local - 1 day ago
7 dead, 3 injured in New Hampshire motorcycle crash
CBS News
YouTube - 1 day ago
7 dead, 3 hurt in crash between truck, motorcycles in New Hampshire - 1 day ago
Video: 7 killed in crash involving motorcycles, truck in New Hampshire
The Quad-City Times - 1 day ago
6 Mass. victims among 7 killed in Route 2 motorcycle crash
WCVB Channel 5 Boston
YouTube - 1 day ago
Web results
Motorcycle crash: Community mourns 7 killed in New Hampshire
6 hours ago - The tight-knit motorcycle community was reeling Sunday after a horrific biker ... mourns 7 killed in 'devastating' New Hampshire biker crash.
A biker survived the motorcycle crash that killed 7. 'It was just all fire ...
3 hours ago - A woman riding with a group of motorcyclists struck by a pickup truck in New Hampshiresaid she saw an explosion after the crash that left seven dead and three injured. Her bike went to the ground and she rolled out of harm's way after the Friday collision on Route 2 in Randolph.
New Hampshire crash: 7 motorcyclists dead after colliding with a truck ...
1 day ago - 7 motorcyclists are dead after colliding with a pickup truck in New Hampshire .... Police: 7 killed after motorcycles and truck collide .... about a motor vehicle crash on Route 2 in Randolph, New Hampshire State Police Capt.
New Hampshire motorcycle crash victims identified by authorities ...
2 hours ago - The victims were members of Marine JarHeads MC, a motorcycle club that ... Officials identify 7 motorcyclists killed in New Hampshire crash.
2 Of 7 Motorcyclists Killed In Randolph, NH Crash Were From Mass ...
20 hours ago - RANDOLPH, N.H. (CBS) – Two of the seven people killed in a horrific crash of motorcycles in northern New Hampshire were from ...
Randolph NH Crash Under Investigation As Motorcyclists, Military ...
8 hours ago - The crash in remote northern New Hampshire involved members of Marine JarHeads MC, a motorcycle club that includes Marines and their ...
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