Scholar or influence agent? He is an Sunni muslim advocate for Palestine and Russia. He also sent a package to Tnuza Jamal Hassan who he helped convince to try to join ISIS and Al Qaeda and set fires at Catholic St. Catherine University campus in St. Paul Minnesota and told authorities she intended to burn down the campus and hurt people in retaliation for U.S. military destroying schools in muslim Iraq and Afghanistan. He paid tribute to Pays Tribute To Imam Anwar Al-Awlaki who was imam to the Pentagon 9/11 hijackers and Taliban Fort Hood mass shooter and deemed so dangerous he was killed by a US drone strike.
memri He has studied at the world's leading institutes, including Al-Azhar University in Cairo, the University of Karachi, the Aleemiyah Institute of Islamic Studies in Karachi, and the Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva.[1] Imran Nazar Hosein has also served as a Foreign Service Officer in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the government of Trinidad and Tobago. In recent years, Imran Nazar Hosein has traveled to several countries, such as Trinidad and Tobago, South Africa, Indonesia, and Malaysia, to deliver lectures on Islam and contemporary issues. A study of his recent lectures reveals that Imran Nazar Hosein has consistently promoted antisemitism and conspiracy theories against the U.S. and Israel.
Also see: Nidal Hassan shot up Fort Hood after seeking advice from Imam Anwar Awlaki.
- Alex Jones of the Ummah Is there any other scholar like Sheikh Imran N Hosein reddit Aug 29, 2018 is not an expert in eschatology. All he does is speculate with zero evidence.. ... Someone here once described him as the Alex Jones of this ummah and I found it very and I found it very accurate. He is a cuckoo, don't listen to him. people have told me that he is misinformed. Idk how true that is but it’s certainly made me avoid him.
- MEMRI Former New York Imam Promotes Antisemitism and Conspiracy Theories Against US and Israel and for Russia June 2, 2012 Says: 'It Is Almost Certain That Zionists Will Soon Wage Biological War Against The Arabs' Imran Nazar Hosein speaks at a mosque in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia In early 2012, on a tour of Malaysia, he delivered a speech on Dajjal (antichrist), accusing Jews of controlling the banking sector with the goal of enslaving mankind.[2] His books and lectures are widely read by his followers in the Western countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, and others. His analytical framework revolves around Dajjal, the antichrist and impersonator. went on to state that the 2004 tsunami in the Indian Ocean was caused by an underwater nuclear explosion supposedly carried out by the U.S.
- muftisays some brothers noticed some of the views which he is propagating which are blatantly Pro-Iranian & Pro-Syrian regime amongst other things. Imran Hosein (HA) declares the anti-Assad Jihad in Syria HARAM & MOCKS it! opinion of Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi (HA) who is a Syrian Sunni, Sufi Scholar DIAMTERICALY OPPOSED to Shaykh Imran (HA) from 2013! Christian Shaheeds: "I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever that the martyrs (shuhada) in that battle of 1452 were not those misguided Muslims who died while conquering Constantinople. Rather, the martyrs (Shuhada) were those brave Orthodox Christians who died while defending Constantinople."
- reason why imam anwar al awlaki and sheikh ahmad musa jibril were taken ... respected ulema like this one, his deviance is exposed, all the relevant videos are posted and his statements refuted: accept he has made serious mistakes.
- 9/11 America was attacked on September 11th in circumstances that were very suspicious. Who attacked America on 11/09? IMRAN HOSEIN12.09.2017 pro-russian katehon Why so many Saudis? Because the government of Saudi Arabia has a friendship with USA. In fact, there is something common between Saudi Arabia and the state of Israel which should surprise you. They are sisters. The same forces who worked for the establishment of the state of Israel are the same forces who worked for the establishment of Saudi Arabia. US administration was involved in a massive cover up.
- Anwar Al-Awlaki Imran Hosein Pays Tribute To Imam Anwar Al-Awlaki January 12, 2012 video removed for unknown reasons
- Astute News (Russia Eurasia) News With Emphasis To Middle East, Pakistan, China, Russia And Eurasia. ISLAMIC ESCHATOLOGY AND MONETARY SYSTEM August 27, 2016
Lecture by Sheikh Imran Hosein at Surau Al Amin, Taman Setapak Indah, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 22nd August 2016. This is the second part of the lecture about our money system - eschatology "the part of theology concerned with death, judgement, and the final destiny of the soul and of humankind."
- Katehon PropOrNot includes The Western War On Truth | Katehon think tank. Geopolitics & Tradition, has just made its appearance condemning a list of 200 Internet websites On PropOrNot – If God is Dead… – Medium PropOrNot's understanding of the Russian propaganda line includes RT and Sputnik but their connections to Russia are obvious. Nationalist/Eurasianist outlets like Katehon a think tank that frequently features the work of noted nationalist Aleksandr Dugin, New Eastern Outlook, Russia Insider, and Southfront have obvious ideological or financial ties as well...
- Kevin Barrett (pro-Iran) PressTV-'Europe terror attacks target Islam' these kinds of incidents that was predicted by Sheikh Imran Hosein in his essay in a book called Another French False Flag. Sheikh Imran Hosein one of the world’s leading Islamic scholars believes that the number of actual Daesh brainwashed mercenary terrorists now has reached the point that the people who organize these false flag terrorist attacks will no longer have to use the well-trained white paramilitary specialists, the kind of people that blew up the World Trade Center on September 11th, Editor Kevin Barrett has been attacked indirectly by French President François Hollande in anti-conspiracy-theory tirades, and named as one of the five most dangerous “conspiracy intellectuals” in the world by Hollande’s think tank, the Jean Jaurés Institute 2002 – 2005 period that gave us the seminal works of Thierry Meyssan, Nafeez Ahmed, David Ray Griffin, and Webster Tarpley.
- Brother Nathaniel (pro-Russia) Muslim Alliance With Rum by Sheikh Imran Hosein Alliance with Rum is Eastern Orthodox Christian Church which is headquartered in Russia. Iran is tied to Russia, Pakistan is moving towards Russia. Why are Arabs allied with America and jews? Guest appearance of pro-Russian Brother Nathaniel America: breaks its word. Russia has no ax to grind. America betrays its friends.
- Iran muftisays some brothers noticed some of the views which he is propagating which are blatantly Pro-Iranian & Pro-Syrian regime amongst other things.
- Islamic Institute for Education and Research in Miami, Florida Director
- Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA)
- Money: Zionists: memri Imran Nazar Hosein blames paper currency was introduced by the Zionists in order to control worldwide markets. "This paper money is the corruption of money, and it has come through Dajjal; and they have already used it to rip off mankind… and they can buy all the oil from Saudi Arabia free of charge, you just print the paper…. In 1971, when the United States reneged on its obligation under international law to redeem U.S. dollars for gold
- No Lies Radio Leading Islamic scholar Imran Hosein: Americans are awakening to ... Apr 23, 2013 - Sheikh Imran Hosein is one of the world's most accomplished Islamic scholars – andundoubtedly THE leading Islamic scholar of Islamic ... - Syria regime muftisays views which he is propagating which are blatantly Pro-Iranian & Pro-Syrian
- Tanzeem-e-Islami of North America Director of D'awah. Tanzeem-e-Islami is an extremist Islamic religious organization founded in Pakistan, which was in news headlines in January 2011 when one of its followers, while deployed as a member of the Pakistani government's elite security guard to protect Punjab Governor Salman Taseer, killed him for advocating reforms in Pakistan's blasphemy laws. In the booklet, he cites examples from early Islam to argue that Muslims cannot live in unity with non-Muslims, noting that such an injunction is stated in the Koran, and Muslims must not express allegiance to, for example, the U.S. constitution.
- United Nations memri While in the U.S., Hosein led the weekly Friday prayers at the Masjid Dar al-Qur'an in Long Island, New York, and, in addition to lecturing on Islam in the U.S. and Canada, "delivered the sermon at the United Nations headquarters in Manhattan once a month for ten years continuously."[4]
- russian patriotic blog: Sheikh Imran Hosein explains everything about Russia, USSR, Ukraine
- Veterans Today (pro-russia) Why Is Israel looking for Imam Mahdi? Sheikh Imran Hosein, a prominant Muslim scholar, specialist on ...
- Press TV (Iran) - Islam and Life: Muslim communal motivation | Tariq Ramadan
- Revolvy Imran-Rahman Imran Nazar Hosein (born 1942) is an Islamic scholar, author and behead the Prime Minister, but was arrested beforehand due to an FBI and MI5 operation.
- Strategic culture (russian media) Sheikh Imran Hosein to Muslims: Your Primary Guidance is the Quran ... May 31, 2017 - Interview with Sheikh Imran Nazar Hosein, an Islamic scholar, author and philosopher specializing in Islamic eschatology, world politics, ...
- Tsunami of 2004 The Second Sinking – Sheikh Imran Hosein I have long suspected that the 2004 Tsunami was provoked by an underwater nuclear explosion by the US. (conspiracy theory) We must now wait for news of massive evacuation of towns, cities and villages on the southern coast of USA for confirmation that a seabed nuclear explosion is imminent. the attendant Tsunami and gas explosion would provide the perfect world-wide diversion that both Israel and USA would gleefully exploit
- Ukraine's Anti Russian Stance Is a Zionist Masterplan - Sheikh Imran
- Venezuela Second Sinking we have warned that another attempt will certainly be made to overthrow Hugo Chavez’s Venezuelan government, and it now seems that a dramatic Gulf of Mexico gas explosion and Tsunami might provide just the opportunity for such an attack on Venezuela.
- Youtube: Sheikh Imran Hosein - YouTube
- ZIONISM: THE ENEMY OF ISLAM - Imran Hosein Animated - YouTube
- Zionists: memri Imran Nazar Hosein blames everything that could be explained as the reason for the downfall of Islamic caliphate as the work of Dajjal, such as that paper currency was introduced by the Zionists in order to control worldwide markets. Hosein treats Israel, Zionists, and Jews as a single entity at the heart of a global conspiracy against Islam, along with the U.S. and other Western countries and institutions such as the United Nations
San Bernadino Enrique Marquez and St. Catherine University Jihad Arsonist Tnuza Jamal Hassan
- San Bernadino Attack Enrique Marquez Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor Veterans Today “drunken Islamic fundamentalist” Enrique Marquez was supposedly “radicalized” by watching videos of my friend and mentor Shaykh Imran Hosein—who makes no bones about the fact that it is CIA-Mossad Zionists who are behind all of the big so-called “radical Islamist” attacks, whose purpose is to damage Islam
- What We Know So Far About Enrique Marquez, The First Person ...Huffington Post federal authorities said plotted terrorist attacks with ... Marquez began studying the ideas of Imran Hosein, ...
- United States of America vs. ENRIQUE MARQUEZ, JR./ In 2010, Farook became his Islamic mentor and introduced MARQUEZ to Islam by 2005, MARQUEZ visited a Mosque in Corona, California. MARQUEZ listened to "The Hereafter," which is a series of lectures by Anwar al-Awlaki In late 2010, MARQUEZ began looking into the ideas of Imran Hosein, an Islamic Scholar, who espoused ideas about living in a Muslim commune ruled by Sharia law.
- Anwar al-Awlaki Inspired Accomplice in San Bernardino Terror Attacks ... wbdaily Enrique Marquez, who has been connected to the San Bernardino attacks at about the same time as he was checking out al-Awlaki, Marquez took interest in another Islamic scholar named Imran Hosein
- San Bernardino Gunman Plotted to Kill Americans for Eight Years – and Friend He Groomed Into Radical Islam Planned String of Terror Attacks With Him Ruth Styles, Daily Mail, February 16, 2017 Syed Rizwan Farook, 29, groomed his teenage neighbor Enrique Marquez Jr – turning him into a fanatical Muslim and plotted a number of attacks with the former Walmart security guard over an eight-year period. target considered by Farook and Marquez was the 91 Freeway, Farook began the process of turning Marquez into a religious fanatic shortly after his family moved in next door in 2005 – when Marquez was just 14. After Marquez converted in 2007, aged 16, Farook introduced his friend to the teachings of radical American cleric Anwar al Awlaki, who died in a US drone strike in Yemen in 2011. notorious for running terrorist training camps and helped prepare so-called underwear bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, Marquez has confessed to purchasing the materials used to make the crude bombs younger man’s family moved into a house next door to the San Bernardino killer in 2005. by the end of the first year, Farook – who was then 19 – had begun his campaign to convert Marquez to Islam. by his own admission, became fascinated with the work of Islamic scholar Imran Hossein. Farook helped to speed up the radicalization process by supplying Marquez with radical Islamic literature; including Al Qaeda / Awlaki Inspire Magazine considered for an attack was Riverside City College where Marquez was twice enrolled as a student
- MAY 8, 2018 Evidence in FBI probe of former St. Kate's student includes package allegedly sent from Islamic scholar in Malaysia Star Tribune Tnuza Jamal Hassan, a muslim woman from Ethiopia was arrested after being seen on security video setting as many as eight fires at the private Catholic St. Catherine University campus in St. Paul Minnesota. FBI seized a package with return address of Imran N. Hosein from Malaysia, and found his name on searches on her computer, and she credited Hosein with leading her to wanting to join ISIS and Al Qaeda
Imran N. Hosein
Imran Nazar Hosein | |
Imran Nazar Hosein
| |
Title | Sheikh, Mawlānā |
Born | 1942 (age 75–76) Trinidad and Tobago |
Occupation | Islamic scholar, author, philosopher |
Religion | Islam |
Website | www |
Imran Nazar Hosein (born 1942) is an Islamic scholar, author and philosopher specializing in Islamic eschatology, world politics, economics, and modern socio-economic/political issues. He is the author of Jerusalem in the Qur'anand other books.[1][2][3]
Imran Hosein was born on the Caribbean island of Trinidad in 1942 from parents whose ancestors had migrated as indentured labourers from South Asia. He worked for several years as a Foreign Service Officer in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Government of Trinidad and Tobago. He served as Principal of the Aleemiyah Institute of Islamic Studies in Karachi as well as Imam at Masjid Dar al-Qur'an in Long Island, New York. He also led the weekly Jumu'ah prayers and delivered the sermon at the United Nations headquarters in Manhattan once a month for ten years.[4]
He has traveled extensively around the world on Islamic lecture tours since graduating from the Aleemiyah Institute of Islamic Studies in 1971 at age 29. He has written more than a dozen books on Islam.[5][6]
Early life[edit]
Imran Hosein got inspired by a visiting scholar in his teens Muhammad Fazlur Rahman Ansari from Pakistan so much so that he decided to go to Pakistan for studying in Aleemiyah Institute of Islamic Studies in Karachi where Ansari was a principal.
He mastered his studies in both Islam and contemporary modern western world.
A complete listing of his books may be found here
- Jerusalem in the Quran
- An Islamic View of Gog and Magog in the Modern Age
- The Gold Dinar and Silver Dirham - Islam and Future of Money
- George Bernard Shaw and the Islamic Scholar
- Islam and Buddhism in the Modern World
- The Caliphate, the Hejaz and the Saudi-Wahhabi Nation-State
- Surah Al-Kahf and the Modern Age
- Surah Al-Kahf - Arabic text - Translation and Modern Commentary
- The Prohibition of Riba in the Quran and Sunnah
- An Introduction to Methodology for Study of the Qur’an
- Dajjal - The Quran - The Beginning of the history
- ^ "Islamic centre the voice for poor Muslims in the world, says scholar | The Brunei Times". Archived from the original on 2014-05-12. Retrieved 2014-05-11.
- ^ ".:Plata:". Retrieved 2014-05-11.
- ^ "EGYPT - MALAYSIA Sheikh Imran Nazar Hosein: The referendum and the Constitution in Egypt are an insult to Islam - Asia News". Retrieved 2014-05-11.
- ^ "Online edition of Sunday Observer - Business". Archived from the original on 2003-08-17. Retrieved 2014-05-11.
- ^ "About Imran N Hosein". Retrieved 2014-05-11.
- ^ Short Biography Sheikh Imran Hosein on YouTube
External links[edit]
Official website
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Sheikh Imran Hosein - The Diabolic Plan for World Sunni - Shia Civil ... Muslim media
18 June 2012 | Written by Sheikh Imran Hosein | Print | Email ... The escalation and the pushing of hatred of Shias amongst Sunni Muslims in is designed to help you discover the truth about Al-Islam, Comparative Religions, Palestine/Israeli Conflict, the War on Terror, Zionism, the events of 9/11, false flag operations, world domination and other pressing topics.
Iran SHEIKH IMRAN HOSEIN INTERVIEW IN TEHRAN, IRAN and works by Sheikh Imran Hosein on this site.
Sheikh Imran Nazar Hosein - ISIS – the False Islam | Geopolitica.RU Russian media ▶ 3:49
Jul 15, 2016 - Uploaded by Katehon Think TankHome » Sheikh Imran Nazar Hosein - ISIS – the False Islam ... The US Federal Bureau of Investigation ...
- 01/17/2018 Tnuza Jamal Hassan St. Catherine University Arsonist Former student Tnuza Jamal Hassan, a muslim woman from Ethiopia was arrested after being seen on security video setting as many as eight fires at the private Catholic St. Catherine University campus in St. Paul Minnesota and told authorities she intended to burn down the campus and hurt people in retaliation for U.S. military destroying schools in muslim Iraq and Afghanistan . She was previously known to the FBI which interviewed her after March 2017 when she sent a letter urging students to "join the jihad" and join al-Qaida, the Taliban or al-Shabab. On Sept 19, 2017 Hassan attempted to travel to "to join and support al Qaida and ISIS but lacked a visa to get beyond Dubai. By Feb. 2018 Hassan faced federal terroriswm charges, including attempting to provide material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization, and federal prosecutors supported detention because Hassan presented a danger to the community after she attempted to leave the country to join al-Qaida. She could spend up to 48 years in prison for those federal charges alone.
- MAY 8, 2018 Evidence in FBI probe of former St. Kate's student includes package allegedly sent from Islamic scholar in Malaysia Star Tribune Tnuza Jamal Hassan, a muslim woman from Ethiopia was arrested after being seen on security video setting as many as eight fires at the private Catholic St. Catherine University campus in St. Paul Minnesota She later told police that she set the fires at the St. Paul campus in an effort to kill Americans as "jihad," citing her failed travel attempts as motivation to seek another way of supporting al-Qaida. previous disclosures in the case include a list of ingredients for a pressure-cooker bomb and schematics for St. Catherine University discovered on a cellphone told the FBI after her January arrest that she followed "Osama bin Laden's ideologies and aspires to join al-Qaida." She added that "American military forces are killing Muslims, so Muslims are allowed to kill Americans." If she couldn't leave the country, Hassan told agents, "she will continue her violent jihad in America." authoring a "radical Islamist recruitment letter" to two fellow female Muslim students in March 2017 FBI seized a package allegedly sent from Malaysia to an apartment Hassan shared with her mother. An apartment manager contacted federal agents after finding the parcel, which was received shortly after Hassan's arrest became public. According to court papers, the package had a return address bearing the name of Imran N. Hosein, a sheikh allegedly described by Hassan to law enforcement as being among the "sources of information for the development of her religious beliefs." An FBI agent wrote in search warrant affidavits that Hassan had said Hosein's discussion of the Taliban and al-Qaida "contributed meaningfully" to her desire to join the terror group. Hosein's name also appeared "frequently" in the web search history of a laptop Hassan abandoned in September 2017 before she boarded a plane overseas. Hassan made it to Dubai by way of Amsterdam, but she was turned away from continuing on to Kabul because she lacked a visa.
- Imran N. Hosein - Wikipedia Imran Nazar Hosein (born 1942) is an Islamic scholar, author and philosopher specializing in Islamic eschatology, world politics, economics, and modern ...
- Sheikh Imran Nazar Hosein: The referendum and the Constitution in Egypt are an insult to Islam His speech on the Egyptian Constitution was posted on Youtube on 23 December.
- Pro-Russian The Malaysian Aircraft and Ukraine - Sheikh Imran Hosein diverts media attention from yet another Israeli barbarous war on weak and helpless Gaza, is that of yet another tragedy ...Was it Ukraine? Was it Russia? Or was it the Ukrainian Russians who are waging a war of liberation from Ukrainian rule? (4)Imran Nazar Hosein was born in the Caribbean island of Trinidad in 1942 from parents whose ancestors had migrated as indentured labourer from India.
- Why Imran Hosein takes Putin's side? | Don't play with words - YouTube Many of us wanted to know why Sheikh Imran Hosein is so much in love with Russian Orthodox Christianity ...(6)
The Importance Of Islamic Spirituality By Sheikh Imran N Hosein In ...
Sheikh Imran Hosein
YouTube - Dec 2, 2018
The Quran & The World Today By Sheikh Imran N Hosein In East ...
Official Sheikh Imran N Hosein
YouTube - Oct 2, 2018
Up Coming Lectures By Sheikh Imran N Hosein
Sheikh Imran Hosein
YouTube - Nov 15, 2018
Sheikh Imran N Hosein - Announcement
Official Sheikh Imran N Hosein
YouTube - Sep 1, 2018
TECHNOLOGY IS BLACK MAGIC By Imran Hosein & Hamza Yusuf ...
Sheikh Imran Hosein
YouTube - Nov 14, 2018
Sheikh Imran Nazar Hosein - Facebook
The IBN CEO, The Saudi Schoolboy Crown Prince & Sunni-Shia Civil War In The House Of Islam SheikhImran Hosein =Alternative Links for VIDEO=...
TRT World Research Centre - Facebook
Press TV. News & Media Website. TRT World PR. Media/News Company ... Sheikh Imran Nazar Hosein... From the continued aftermath of the killing of Jamal Khashoggi, the war in Yemen and a decisive year for Turkey, to Brexit and the ...
Sheikh Imran Nazar Hosein - Facebook
Brexit, Russia & Proxy Wars Sheikh Imran Hosein Interview =Alternative Links for VIDEO= DailyMotion:
Full text of "Imran Hosein - Books" - Internet Archive
The pioneer in this area is Sheikh Imran Hosein, the reader must also read his books to ...... SheikhImran Hosein 4* calls it the Gog and Magog World Order. ...... british-agents-42 1 l-articles.html 154 ...
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