
Thursday, March 26, 2015

Ruled out terrorism

Ruled out terrorism --- ===
Terroristic Security Incidents by Category |Timeline

Terrorism is either ruled out by authorities, or not mentioned by mainstream press. Often events are classifed as accidents or motivated by anger or domestic violence issues or mental illness. It is easy to stage a terrorist attack to look like it is not an attack sponsored by a terrorist group or nation state in a clandestine attack so the victim does not even know it was an attack.

Typical reaction to crimes and accidents by Muslims (and non-muslims for  that matter) has four key elements:
  1. Denial that the attack is motivated by Islam;
  2. Strong hint that the attacker is insane;
  3. Assurance that the attacker(s) acted alone, and that there is no al-Qaeda link;
  4. Prominent publicity to the Muslim “community’s” expressions of shock and horror.

Front Page Terror Denial
By: Robert Spencer | Friday, May 06, 2005

Last Friday, April 29 2005 firefighters conducting a routine inspection in a Brooklyn supermarket found 200 automobile airbags and a room lined with posters of Osama bin Laden and beheadings in Iraq. An element in the airbags can be used to make pipe bombs. The owner of the building, according to the New York Post, “served jail time in the late 1970s and early 1980s for arson, reckless endangerment, weapons possession and conspiracy, according to the records.”[1] But officials were definite: this has nothing to do with terrorism.

Human Events: It seems as if whenever a would-be jihad terrorist wants to plot mayhem in the United States, he runs into an FBI agent. In April 2005, firefighters conducting a routine inspection in a Brooklyn supermarket found 200 automobile airbags and a room lined with posters of Osama bin Laden and beheadings in Iraq. 

It doesn’t? What does it have to do with, then? Was this a local Rotary Club chapter that decided to sell pipe bombs as a fundraiser and thought that a few posters of Osama and Iraqi beheadings might liven things up?

Similarly, when explosions killed fifteen people and injured over 100 at an oil refinery in Texas City,Texas on March 23, 2005, the FBI quickly ruled out terrorism as a possible cause.[2] When a group calling itself Qaeda al-Jihad and another Islamic group both claimed responsibility, the FBI was still dismissive.[3]But then it came to light that investigators did not even visit the blast site until eight days after the explosions — and eight days after they ruled out terrorism as a possibility. One more independent-minded investigator asked, “How do you rule out one possibility when you don't have any idea what the cause is?”[4] Still later came the revelation that initial reports of a single blast were inaccurate: there were as many as five different explosions at the refinery.[5]

It may still be possible that these blasts were accidental, and that five distinct things went wrong at the refinery to cause five separate explosions at around the same time. And maybe there was no terrorist involvement. But how did the FBI know that before even investigating?

These are just two examples of a consistent pattern. Last Thursday, federal authorities revealed the revealed the existence of a three-state scam that enabled over two thousand illegal immigrants to get driver’s licenses. Michael Garcia, Assistant Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, explained: “With a valid driver’s license, you establish an identity. There’s no way to identify whether that identity is valid — that you’re not on a terrorist watch list, that you’re not a criminal. It gives you a bona fide.” However, although he did not explain how he could be sure that no jihad terrorists obtained any of the fake licenses, he assured reporters that this case had no connection to terrorism.

Daniel Pipes has recently pointed out that denial and obfuscation of obvious terror-related cases has been going on for years.[6] He enumerates a number of telling examples, including these: when a Muslim named El Sayyid Nosair murdered Israeli political activist Meir Kahane in New York City on November 5, 1990, authorities ascribed the killing not to jihad but to Nosair’s depression.[7] On March 1, 1994 on theBrooklyn Bridge, a Muslim named Rashid Baz started shooting at a van filled with Hasidic boys, murdering one of them.[8] The FBI ascribed the shooting to “road rage.”[9] On July 4, 2002, at the Los Angeles International Airport counter of El Al, the Israeli national airline, a Muslim named Hesham Mohamed Ali Hadayet started shooting at people. He killed two. The FBI initially said that “there’s nothing to indicate terrorism.” However, after it came to light that Hadayet may have been involved with Al-Qaeda and was known for his hatred for Israel, the FBI finally did classify this as a terrorist act.[10]

The Beltway Snipers, who were linked to eighteen shootings and ten murders in the WashingtonD.C. area in October 2002, were two converts to Islam: John Muhammad and Lee Malvo. Before they were caught investigators ascribed the crimes to an “angry white man”; the perpetrators turned out to be two black men. After they were caught, the media persistently referred to John Muhammad as John Williams, ignoring his conversion to Islam and consequent name change. And even after Malvo’s drawings of Osama bin Laden (whom he labeled a “servant of Allah”) and ramblings about “jihad” were revealed, authorities continued to downplay the possibility that the shootings had anything to do with Islam or terrorism.[11]

On August 6, 2003 in Houston, a Muslim named Mohammed Ali Alayed slashed the throat of his friend Ariel Sellouk, who was Jewish. Alayed had broken off his friendship with Sellouk when he began to become more devout in his Islam. On the night of the murder, he called him and they went out to a bar together before going back to Alayed’s apartment, where Alayed slit Sellouk’s throat, nearly beheading him. The two were not seen arguing at the bar. Although Alayed killed Sellouk after the fashion of jihadist murders in Iraq and went to a mosque after committing the murder, authorities said “could not find any evidence that Sellouk…was killed because of his race or religion.”[12] Alayed’s defense attorney noted that “there was no evidence to substantiate the hate element.”[13]

Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch; author of Onward Muslim Soldiers: How Jihad Still Threatens America and the West (Regnery), and Islam Unveiled: Disturbing Questions About the World’s Fastest Growing Faith (Encounter); and editor of the essay collection The Myth of Islamic Tolerance: Islamic Law and Non-Muslims (Prometheus). He is working on a new book, The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam and the Crusades (forthcoming from Regnery).

[1] Murray Weiss and Rich Calder, “Stash ‘Bagged’ at Market,” New York Post, April 27, 2005.
[2] Pam Easton, “Terrorism Ruled Out in Oil Refinery Blast,” Associated Press, March 25, 2005.
[3] SITE Institute, “Qaeda al-Jihad in the United States Claims Responsibility For Texas Refinery Bombing,” March 25, 2005; “Terror cover-up in Texas City?,”, April 5, 2005.
[4] “Terror cover-up in Texas City?,”, April 5, 2005.
[5] “Multiple blasts struck refinery,” Associated Press, April 29, 2005.
[6] Daniel Pipes, “Denying Terrorism,” New York Sun, February 8, 2005.
[7] Pipes, “Denying Terrorism.”
[8] Uriel Heilman, “Murder on the Brooklyn Bridge,” Middle East Quarterly, Summer 2001.
[9] Pipes, “Denying Terrorism.”
[10] Daniel Pipes, “Terror & Denial,” New York Post, July 9, 2002.
[11] Michelle Malkin, “Lee Malvo, Muslim hatemonger,”, December 10, 2003.
[12] Andrew Tilghman, “Saudi pleads guilty to killing Jewish friend in Houston,” Houston Chronicle,January 12, 2004.
[13] Seamus McGraw, “Religious Overtones Color a Murder in Texas,” ForwardJanuary 23, 2004.
[14] Sahih Bukhari, vol. 4, book 56, no. 2926. This oft-repeated Hadith also appears in no. 2925 and Sahih Muslim vol. 4, book 41, nos. 6981-6985.
[15] Mishkat Al-Messabih, vol. 2, no. 5552.

Sudden Jihad Syndrome in Vienna

Chronicles - 02 October 2007 - From Srdja Trifkovic
Austrian authorities announced on October 2 that they arrested a second Bosnian-Muslim suspect in the plot to attack the American Embassy in Vienna. Mehmed D. (34) was apprehended following the arrest of Asim C. (42) last Monday, after the latter tried to enter the Embassy carrying a backpack packed with grenades, plastic explosives, nails, screws and other metal fragments. This was a classic case of Sudden Jihad Syndrome; and the Austrian authorities’ reaction to it is depressingly familiar to those of us who have been following the ongoing SJS epidemic here in America. That reaction has four key elements:
  1. Denial that the attack is motivated by Islam;
  2. Strong hint that the attacker is insane;
  3. Assurance that the attacker(s) acted alone, and that there is no al-Qaeda link;
  4. Prominent publicity to the Muslim “community’s” expressions of shock & horror.
Claim that—if the attacker is a Bosnian Muslim—his behavior was caused by the trauma of the 1990s war in which his people were supposedly the victims.

Like in a predictable soap opera, all five elements are at work in Vienna. This confirms what I have been saying for years: that the same Jihad-enabling pathology is at work on both sides of the Atlantic.
As for (1), Austrian police said that, in addition to his deadly load, Asim C. was carrying a book that “contained references to Islam”—but when the Kurier newspaper published a photo of the book, it turned out to be a Muslim prayer book. Nevertheless, Doris Edelbacher, chief spokeswoman for Austria’s federal counterterrorism office, played down “speculation” that the intended attack was motivated by Islamic ideology. For his part Erik Buxbaum, chief of Austria’s public security, declared that it is “too early to speak of an Islamist background.” The authorities are unclear about the would-be attacker’s motive.
As for (2), Ms. Edelbacher said Asim C. was “incoherent” and “rambled” to police in an interrogation that lasted until late at night. Herr Buxbaum further indicated that the suspect may have received psychiatric care in recent years.
As for (3), “no link had been established between the two men and any Islamic movement.” In addition, the would-be attacker is already portrayed as a bungling loner who did not really intend to detonate his device“Although investigators had found half a kilo of plastic explosives in his apartment, they doubt that Asim C. had really intended to carry out a terrorist attack on US embassy along with another Bosnian Mehmed D., who was also arrested.
As for (4), Guenther Ahmed Rusznak, a spokesman for Vienna’s Islamic community, condemned the incident and “rejected radical Islam.” The media in Austria carried statements by the leaders and members of the country’s large Bosnian-Muslim community expressing indignation at any suggestion that the incident reflected its views or aspirations.
As for (5) press reports on Wednesday revealed that Acim C. “had been injured and traumatized during the war in his country.”
This is déjà vu all over again. Let us recall that, nine months after the shooting spree by a 19-year old Bosnian Muslim, Sulejman Talovic, left five people dead and four wounded in a Salt Lake City shopping mall, the authorities claim to be clueless about his motives. The mainstream media were quick to blame the Serbs for Talovic’s alleged early-childhood traumas that supposedly caused him to crack. (They eveninterviewed a Bosnian jihadi veteran to make that point.) In fact, the rampage in Utah was yet another outbreak of the SJS that is erupting across America with increasing regularity.
Talovic’s family and a “shocked” Bosnian-Muslim community were unsurprisingly quick to reject any possibility of the jihadist connection. “We are Muslims, but we are not terrorists,” the killer’s aunt, Ajka Omerovic, told the media. But Talovic’s Bosnian-born girlfriend revealed that his favorite film was Malcolm X—the same movie that triggered off John Walker Lindh’s path to jihad. Contrary to the family’s assurances, she also revealed that he had a contact at the local mosque—the same mosqueattended by U.S. Marine Corporal Wassef Ali Hassoun, the deserter now safely back in his native Lebanon.
The SJS pattern, both in America and in Europe, is boringly predictable: a Muslim commits an act of violence, or is caught plotting to commit one. The authorities are either quick to deny the suspect’s links with Islamic terrorism, or, if such a link is nevertheless suspected, adamant that he is acting alone. The local Muslim community responds with a mix of indignation and denial. Non-Muslim civic leaders then respond by reassuring the Muslim community that it is loved and appreciated. The media report heart rendering stories of the Muslim sense of sadness, rejection, alienation, or else dwell on the perpetrator’s history of woe—in a “Bosnian” case by evoking alleged wartime traumas and blaming the Serbs.
Over the past couple of years there have been several SJS incidents directed against Americans. It is remarkable that even when the perpetrator explicitly linked his motives to jihad, the authorities refused to accept his word:
—Last January 31, 2007  22-year-old Ismail Yassin Mohamed stole a car in Minneapolis, rammed it into other cars, then stole a van and continued to ram other cars, injuring one person. All along, Mohamed repeatedly yelled, “Die, die, die, kill, kill, kill”; when asked why he did all this, he replied, “Allah made me do it.”
—In August 2006 Omeed Aziz Popal, an Afghan immigrant, killed one person and injured 14 during a murderous drive through the streets of San Francisco, during which he targeted people on crosswalks and sidewalks. He identified himself as a terrorist but the authorities ascribed the incident to Popal’s mental problems and stress caused by his forthcoming arranged marriage.
—On July 28, 2006, Naveed Afzal Haq forced his way into the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle. Once inside, Haq announced, “I’m a Muslim American; I’m angry at Israel,” and then began shooting, killing one woman and injuring five more; yet an FBI agent stated: “We believe . . . it’s a lone individual acting out his antagonism. There’s nothing to indicate that it’s terrorism-related.”
—In March 2006, a 22-year-old Iranian student named Mohammed Reza Taheri-Azardrove an SUV onto the campus of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, deliberately trying to kill people and succeeding in injuring nine. At a court appearance he explained that he was “thankful for the opportunity to spread the will of Allah.” Officials again dismissed terrorism as a motive, even after Taheri-Azar wrote a series of letters to the UNC campus newspaper detailing the Qur’anic justification for attacks on unbelievers.

The list of SJS-related incidents, and official denials of the syndrome’s existence, is growing longer each year, starting with the killing of Meir Kahane in New York in November 1990 by El Sayyid Nosair. The authorities ascribed the killing not to jihad but to Nosair’s “depression.”
In March 1994, Rashid Baz, a Lebanese immigrant, opened fire on a van carrying members of a Jewish congregation on Brooklyn Bridge, killing one boy. The authorities claimed it was a case of “road rage.”
In February 1997 Ali Abu Kamal, a Palestinian immigrant, opened fire on the observation deck of the Empire State Building, killing one tourist and injuring six others before committing suicide. The authorities attributed the incident to Kamal’s “mental instability” caused by a failed business venture, and that version remained officially accepted until a month ago. Last month, however, his daughter admitted that a letter had been found on her father’s body justifying his act by his religiously inspired hatred for America, Britain, France, and Israel.
In 2002 two cases of SJS occurred at airports. In July Hesham Mohammed Hadayetopened fire at the Israeli Airlines counter at LAX, killing two people and injuring four. The FBI initially claimed that “there’s nothing to indicate terrorism,” but reclassified the attack as a terrorist act when it was revealed that Hadayet may have been involved with Al-Qaeda. In September Patrick Gott, a Muslim convert, killed one person and wounded another at New Orleans airport. He was armed with a shotgun and his Kuran, but the authorities claimed he was insane.
In October of that same year two converts to Islam, John Mohammed and Lee Malvo, killed 13 people in a spree that terrorized Washington and its suburbs for weeks; and yet again the media and the authorities denied the obvious connection. It was subsequently revealed that Malvo’s prolific religiously-inspired “artwork” included a self-portrait in the cross hairs of a gun scope shouting, ALLAH AKBAR! with the word SALAAM scrawled vertically, and a drawing of the Twin Towers burning and captions JIHAD ISLAM UNITE RISE! along with “America did this” and “You were warned.”
In March 2003 U.S. Army Sergeant Asan Akbar threw a grenade into a tent with fellow soldiers in Kuwait, killing an officer and wounding 13. He declared at the time of his arrest, “You guys are coming into our countries, and you’re going to rape our women and kill our children.” He gave his home address as the Masjid Bilal Islamic Center in South Central Los Angeles, to which he belonged and where he worshiped. In spite of this, George Heath, a public affairs officer for Fort Campbell, Ky., where the suspect was based, explained the incident by asserting that Akbar faced “a leadership challenge.” Another U.S. Army spokesman said the motive for the attack was most likely “resentment” rooted in Akbar’s “attitude problem.” Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld blandly called the attack “the kind of an incident that occurs in cities and towns from time to time, and it’s always unfortunate, always tragic, and one has to go through a process of investigation to try to determine what in fact happened and why it happened.”
Five months later Mohammed Ali Alayed slashed the throat of his erstwhile Jewish friend, Ariel Sellouk, following Alayed’s rediscovery of his Islamic identity. After the murder he went to a mosque. The authorities nevertheless “could not find any evidence that Sellouk . . . was killed because of his race or religion,” enabling Alayed’s defense attorney to claim that “there was no evidence to substantiate the hate element.”
In May 2005 firefighters conducting a routine inspection in a Brooklyn supermarket found 200 automobile airbags—which contain components that can be used to make bombs—and a room lined with posters of Osama bin Laden and beheadings in Iraq. Yet officials were again adamant: This has nothing to do with terrorism.
In June 2006 Michael Julius Ford, a Muslim convert, shot to death one fellow worker at a Denver Safeway and injured five before being killed by the police. And yes, his friends and family, and the Denver Post, were all baffled.
The list will continue for many years to come, and the victims’ blood is on the hands of the Western elite class, in Vienna, Denver, London, and any other place that is blessed and enriched with the presence of a Muslim “community.” The ongoing refusal of the elite class to protect the people they rule from Islamic terrorism is the biggest betrayal in history. It is rooted in the mindset that breeds the claim that “force is not an answer” to terrorism, that profiling is bad and open borders are good, that Islam is peaceful and the West is wicked. The upholders of such claims belong to the culture that has lost its bond with nature, history, and the supporting community. In the meantime, thanks to them, the quiet onslaught continues unabated, across the Mediterranean and through every major airport in Western Europe and North America.


Year 2018

June 27, 2018 press  Germany Man Investigated in 21 Deaths After Finding Poisoned Sandwich In  the northwestern town of Schloss Holte-Stukenbrock in Germany, police officers arrested a man 56-year-old named as "Klaus O" who may have murdered 21 of his co-workers by poisoning their lunches in a killing spree stretching back to 2000. Press/Authorities do not investigate terrorism.

Year 2017

Sunday December 3, 2017 CBS News police arrested and charged a local 22-year-old man with murder and other crimes after he allegedly stabbed two people and then drove into a group of pedestrians on a sidewalk, apparently angry about a parking dispute. deadly incident began when the driver of a white Hyundai sedan got out of his car and stabbed two other people in the chest outside the XS Hookah Lounge Adrian Harry, of Queens, had been charged with one count of murder, two counts of assault and 10 other charges of reckless endangerment and criminal possession of a weaponPolice: Parking dispute leads to stabbing, car into crowd weau usa today: Police Department detective says the driver targeted the victims in Queens, but terrorism is not suspected. Assistant Police Chief David Barrere appeared to eliminate terrorism as a motive for the mayhem

December 1, 2017 Christmas market scare was blackmail, not terrorist: German police  cylindrical canister was filled with nails, powder, batteries and wires – as well as a powerful firework of a type not allowed in Germany – but there was no sign of a detonator. However upon closer examination, police on Sunday said the device could have gone off. motives of the man who acted alone are unclear,” pharmacist sounded the alert after finding a canister with wires inside the package. The pharmacist heard a "whistling" sound when opening it, which investigators believe means the explosive did not work as planned –

Rancho Tehama Mass Shooting Not Terrorist Attack Nov 14, 2017 was just a feud with his neighbors, not a terrorist attack.
Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock had no possible motive that would tie his attack to terrorism.

July 30, 2017 German police say terrorist motive unlikely in Iraqi national disco shooting Iraqi citizen of Kurdish descent who came from Iraq in 1991 as a child  died in a shootout with German police early on Sunday after killing one person in a nightclub in the city of Konstanz. The shooting was provoked by an argument and as the man was the son-in-law of the club's operator and had a criminal record that included assault and drug-related convictions, terrorism was ruled out.

May 21, 2017  2017 Times Square car rampage Richard Rojas did not jump out of his car yelling “Allahu Akbar! but . Islamic State claimed responsibility. Blamed on mental instability.

UC merced stabbing by muslim freshman with to-do list to pray to Allah before each killing, eventually connected to ISIS by FBI, but  Merced County Sheriff  said at first "had no connections to organized hate or terror groups, UC Merced stabber Faisal Mohammad was carrying ISIS flag  NY Daily News  troubled computer science and engineering major who was shot dead by campus cops had no connections to organized hate or terror groups, Merced County Sheriff Vern ...

1 injured 2 suspects sought October 8, 2015 French Train Hero Spencer Stone Stabbed, Terrorism Immediately Ruled Out  In Sacramento, California at 12:46 AM in the Midtown district, French train attack hero Spencer Stone was in a stable condition after being stabbed. Local police immediately ruled out terrorism as it appeared to be just a random bar violence incident. Authorities were looking for 2 Asian males as suspects.  Some on internet boards speculated that it might have been an attack staged as random thugs as retribution for foiling the train attack, along with the lone wolf attack on the college of another one of the heroes.

9 killed 1 injured  June 17, 2015 Charleston South Carolina Black church shooting  In the evening a mass shooting took place at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in downtown Charleston, South Carolina, one of the United States' oldest black churches. The senior pastor, the Rev. Clementa C. Pinckney, a state senator, was among the nine people killed. Suspect Dylann Roof was captured the morning after the attack in Shelby, North Carolina. On his Facebook page his jacket unusually has flags of two former white supremacist regimes:apartheid-era South Africa and Rhodesia, symbols once but now rarely associated in recent times by white supremacists. Roof has a prior arrest record for drug possession and trespassing. Authorities are investigating if it was a hate crime, but FBI Director James Comey has refused to consider the rampage in Charleston an act of terrorism because it was not a political act

1 killed 2 injured March 30, 2015  Stolen SUV Rams Fort Meade NSA Gate 2nd Shooting in Month  Two men dressed as women in a stolen Ford Escape rammed a gate and police car at Fort Meade in Maryland, home of NSA intelligence agency. There was a shooting, killing one resulting in a shooting, The FBI immediately declared there was no connection to terrorism and it was a local criminal matter as one of the suspects had a criminal history.

1 injured, 5 shootings, 2 vehicles, 2 buildings hit, suspect arrested February 24, 2015 Amok Korean Hong Young Arrested in NSA, Freeway Mall Movie Theater Shooting Spree it does not appear to be related to any potential domestic terrorism.

162 killed December 28, 2014 AirAsia 2014 Airliner Disaster An Airbus A320-216  operated as Indonesia AirAsia Flight 8501 crashed in bad weather, killing all 155 passengers and 7 crew on board. Plane climbed too steeply for safety, stalled, broked up and crashed into the sea, killing all on boar. A range of weak theories include mid-air explosion, a mechanical failure, bomb, murder-suicide by the pilot or a terrorist attack where no one has claimed responsibility. Terrorism not to blame.

MH370 terrorism ruled out

Year 2007

3 attacks by muslim unrelated to terrorism.

  1. 02 October 2007 - Sudden Jihad Syndrome in Vienna From Srdja Trifkovic Austrian authorities announced on October 2 that they arrested a second Bosnian-Muslim suspect in the plot to attack the American Embassy in Vienna. Mehmed D. (34) was apprehended following the arrest of Asim C. (42) last Monday, after the latter tried to enter the Embassy carrying a backpack packed with grenades, plastic explosives, nails, screws and other metal fragments. This was a classic case of Sudden Jihad Syndrome; Doris Edelbacher, chief spokeswoman for Austria’s federal counterterrorism office, played down “speculation” that the intended attack was motivated by Islamic ideology. For his part Erik Buxbaum, chief of Austria’s public security, declared that it is “too early to speak of an Islamist background.” The authorities are unclear about the would-be attacker’s motive.
  2. February 12, 2007, Trolley Square shooting  at Trolley Square Mall in Salt Lake City, Utah, United States. Wikipedia. Let us recall that, nine months after the shooting spree by a 19-year old Bosnian Muslim, Sulejman Talovic, left five people dead and four wounded in a Salt Lake City shopping mall, the authorities claim to be clueless about his motives. The mainstream media were quick to blame the Serbs for Talovic’s alleged early-childhood traumas that supposedly caused him to crack. (They eveninterviewed a Bosnian jihadi veteran to make that point.) In fact, the rampage in Utah was yet another outbreak of the SJS that is erupting across America with increasing regularity. Trolley Square shooting - Wikipedia lone gunman, identified as Sulejman Talović, killed five bystanders and wounded four others before being shot dead by police Sulejman Talovic | Murderpedia Feb 12, 2007 - Sulejman Talović (October 6, 1988 – February 12, 2007) was a Bosniak refugee whose family moved to the United States from the small town ..
  3. January 31, 2007 22-year-old Ismail Yassin Mohamed stole a car in Minneapolis, rammed it into other cars, then stole a van and continued to ram other cars, injuring one person. All along, Mohamed repeatedly yelled, “Die, die, die, kill, kill, kill”; when asked why he did all this, he replied, “Allah made me do it.”  Minneapolis carjacker “mentally ill, suffers from depression ... Jihad Watch Feb 1, 2007 - Police said around 7:55 a.m., Ismail Yassin Mohamed, 22, was driving a stolen black Chevy Cavalier when he began intentionally ramming

Year 2006 

3 attacks by muslim not connected to terrorism.

  1. August 2006 Omeed Aziz Popal, an Afghan immigrant, killed one person and injured 14 during a murderous drive through the streets of San Francisco, during which he targeted people on crosswalks and sidewalks. He identified himself as a terrorist but the authorities ascribed the incident to Popal’s mental problems and stress caused by his forthcoming arranged
  2. July 28, 2006, Naveed Afzal Haq forced his way into the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle. Once inside, Haq announced, “I’m a Muslim American; I’m angry at Israel,” and then began shooting, killing one woman and injuring five more; yet an FBI agent stated: “We believe . . . it’s a lone individual acting out his antagonism. There’s nothing to indicate that it’s terrorism-related.”
  3. In March 2006, a 22-year-old Iranian student named Mohammed Reza Taheri-Azardrove an SUV onto the campus of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, deliberately trying to kill people and succeeding in injuring nine. At a court appearance he explained that he was “thankful for the opportunity to spread the will of Allah.” Officials again dismissed terrorism as a motive, even after Taheri-Azar wrote a series of letters to the UNC campus newspaper detailing the Qur’anic justification for attacks on unbelievers.

Year 2005 

April 29 2005 firefighters conducting a routine inspection in a Brooklyn supermarket found 200 automobile airbags and a room lined with posters of Osama bin Laden and beheadings in Iraq. An element in the airbags can be used to make pipe bombs. The owner of the building, according to the New York Post, “served jail time in the late 1970s and early 1980s for arson, reckless endangerment, weapons possession and conspiracy, according to the records.”[1] But officials were definite: this has nothing to do with terrorism. (Front Page)

Explosions killed fifteen people and injured over 100 at an oil refinery in Texas City,Texas on March 23, 2005, the FBI quickly ruled out terrorism as a possible cause.[2] When a group calling itself Qaeda al-Jihad and another Islamic group both claimed responsibility, the FBI was still dismissive.[3]But then it came to light that investigators did not even visit the blast site until eight days after the explosions — and eight days after they ruled out terrorism as a possibility. One more independent-minded investigator asked, “How do you rule out one possibility when you don't have any idea what the cause is?”[4] Still later came the revelation that initial reports of a single blast were inaccurate: there were as many as five different explosions at the refinery.[5] (FrontPage) Terror cover-up in Texas City? - Jihad Watch Jihad Watch Apr 8, 2005 - Within hours of the explosion of the Texas City oil refinery that killed 15 and ... muslims are considered expendable to the upper levels of jihadi ... Disturbing questions about the Texas City refinery blast. From Joseph Farah’S G2 Bulletin in WND, with thanks to Romy: Within hours of the explosion of the Texas City oil refinery that killed 15 and injured more than 100, FBI officials were ruling out terrorism as a cause. Despite the fact that a jihad group was claiming credit. While terrorism may have played no role in the March 24 BP plant blast, law-enforcement officials familiar with investigations of this kind tell Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin it would have been impossible to make such a snap determination based on facts. In fact, they point out that it was not until eight days after the deadly explosion that the first federal chemical and safety investigators even visited the blast site. Even local police have conducted little in the way of a probe – leaving all of the primary forensic investigation to BP officials, reports the premium, online, intelligence newsletter published by the founder of WND.Texas City Refinery explosion - Wikipedia, Wikipedia The Texas City Refinery explosion occurred on March 23, 2005, when a hydrocarbon vapour cloud exploded at the ISOM isomerization process unit at BP's BP's own accident investigation report[4] stated that the direct cause of the accident was "[...]heavier–than-air hydrocarbon vapors combusting after coming into contact with an ignition source, probably a running vehicle engine. The hydrocarbons originated from liquid overflow from the F-20 blowdown stack following the operation of the raffinate splitter overpressure protection system caused by overfilling and overheating of the tower contents." Both the BP and the U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board reports[5] identified numerous technical and organisational failings at the refinery and within corporate BP. ... [osint] Update on Hadayet and Texas City Oil Explosion ... May 12, 2005 - [osint] Update on Hadayet and Texas City Oil Explosion Terrorism ...When a group calling itself Qaeda al-Jihad and another Islamic group both ... Web Post Makes Dubious Claims al Qaeda Bombed Texas Refinery via ... Mar 24, 2005 - Two postings on Arabic-language message board used by Islamic extremists today appeared to claim responsibility for a fatal oil refinery explosion in Texas. ... blast was executed by the Organization of al Qaeda for Jihad in the United ...At least 15 people were killed in the blast at a Texas City, Texas, oil ...posting reported first on INTELWIRE/INTELFILES claimed the blast was executed by the Organization of al Qaeda for Jihad in the United States. The "al Qaeda" posting claimed that details of the attack and related photographs would be posted soon.  Although it seems likely the posting is falsified, the profile of the case could change dramtically if the promised details appear later.   A separate posting also claimed responsibility for the blast under a different name, according to wire reports. 

Year 2003 

On August 6, 2003 in Houston, a Muslim named Mohammed Ali Alayed slashed the throat of his friend Ariel Sellouk, who was Jewish. Alayed had broken off his friendship with Sellouk when he began to become more devout in his Islam. On the night of the murder, he called him and they went out to a bar together before going back to Alayed’s apartment, where Alayed slit Sellouk’s throat, nearly beheading him. The two were not seen arguing at the bar. Although Alayed killed Sellouk after the fashion of jihadist murders in Iraq and went to a mosque after committing the murder, authorities said “could not find any evidence that Sellouk…was killed because of his race or religion.”[12] Alayed’s defense attorney noted that “there was no evidence to substantiate the hate element.”[13] (Frontpage)

Year 2002

In 2002 two cases of SJS occurred at airports. 

The Beltway Snipers, who were linked to eighteen shootings and ten murders in the Washington, D.C. area in October 2002, were two converts to Islam: John Muhammad and Lee Malvo. Before they were caught investigators ascribed the crimes to an “angry white man”; the perpetrators turned out to be two black men. After they were caught, the media persistently referred to John Muhammad as John Williams, ignoring his conversion to Islam and consequent name change. And even after Malvo’s drawings of Osama bin Laden (whom he labeled a “servant of Allah”) and ramblings about “jihad” were revealed, authorities continued to downplay the possibility that the shootings had anything to do with Islam or terrorism.[11] (Frontpage)

In July Hesham Mohammed Hadayetopened fire at the Israeli Airlines counter at LAX, killing two people and injuring four. The FBI initially claimed that “there’s nothing to indicate terrorism,” but reclassified the attack as a terrorist act when it was revealed that Hadayet may have been involved with Al-Qaeda.  On July 4, 2002, at the Los Angeles International Airport counter of El Al, the Israeli national airline, a Muslim named Hesham Mohamed Ali Hadayet started shooting at people. He killed two. The FBI initially said that “there’s nothing to indicate terrorism.” However, after it came to light that Hadayet may have been involved with Al-Qaeda and was known for his hatred for Israel, the FBI finally did classify this as a terrorist act.[10]

In September Patrick Gott, a Muslim convert, killed one person and wounded another at New Orleans airport. He was armed with a shotgun and his Kuran, but the authorities claimed he was insane.

Year 2001

looks like but is not terrorist attack 7 killed October 3, 2001 2001 Greyhound bus head-on crash suicide attack by Croation Muslim Army Veteran Near Manchester, Tennessee, Damir Igric for unknown motives commandeered a Greyhound Lines bus He slashed the throat of the driver with a utility knife, causing the bus to crash into oncoming traffic. Seven people, including Igric, died as a result from the crash. At 4 a.m., Igric lunged at the driver and slashed his throat. He proceeded to grab the steering wheel in an attempt to direct the vehicle into oncoming traffic. Although there were suggestions of terrorist activity after the recent September 11 attacks had happened, the media concluded that Damir Igric was just an innocent Croatian restaurant worker with mental issues with no connection to any terrorist motive. The suspect was a Croatian Muslim Army veteran, and that Al Qaeda and Iran supported Muslim fighters in both Bosnia and Kosovo.

Year 1997 

In February 1997 Ali Abu Kamal, a Palestinian immigrant, opened fire on the observation deck of the Empire State Building, killing one tourist and injuring six others before committing suicide. The authorities attributed the incident to Kamal’s “mental instability” caused by a failed business venture, and that version remained officially accepted until a month ago. Last month, however, his daughter admitted that a letter had been found on her father’s body justifying his act by his religiously inspired hatred for America, Britain, France, and Israel.

Year 1994 

In March 1994, Rashid Baz, a Lebanese immigrant, opened fire on a van carrying members of a Jewish congregation on Brooklyn Bridge, killing one boy. The authorities claimed it was a case of “road rage.”, Frontpage On March 1, 1994 on theBrooklyn Bridge, a Muslim named Rashid Baz started shooting at a van filled with Hasidic boys, murdering one of them.[8] The FBI ascribed the shooting to “road rage.”[9]

Year 1990

November 1990 The list of SJS-related incidents, and official denials of the syndrome’s existence, is growing longer each year, starting with the killing of Meir Kahane in New York in November 1990 by El Sayyid Nosair. The authorities ascribed the killing not to jihad but to Nosair’s “depression.”

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