Peter McMahon MH 370 Google Maps Wreckage --- ===
Peter McMahon MH 370 Google Maps Wreckage Peter McMahon, an Australian mechanical engineer and crash investigator for 25 years, insists he has discovered the plane. The 64-year-old has pored through NASA and Google Maps images since MH370 disappeared and points to Round Island, north of Mauritius. His claims have been posted by tabloid UK media such as the Daily Star and Quora, but not mainstream American media like CNN or New York Times [1] He believes the aircraft is 10 miles south of the islet, unexplored by investigators. He believes that a cargo bay fire could have disabled the electronics. [3] His claim was debunked by conspiracy theory site Global Research which points out the photo was snapped on November 6, 2009, “more than four years before the flight disappeared.” though he says the area is kept out of bounds by US officials as they “do not want it found as it’s full of bullet holes ”[3]
He claims that that the 737 Max crashes were because "both of these aircraft were flown up to 30 knots slower than they should have been" which is wrong because the attack sensors were malfunctioning and caused the plane to nose-down
Peter McMahon MH 370 Google Maps Wreckage Peter McMahon, an Australian mechanical engineer and crash investigator for 25 years, insists he has discovered the plane. The 64-year-old has pored through NASA and Google Maps images since MH370 disappeared and points to Round Island, north of Mauritius. His claims have been posted by tabloid UK media such as the Daily Star and Quora, but not mainstream American media like CNN or New York Times [1] He believes the aircraft is 10 miles south of the islet, unexplored by investigators. He believes that a cargo bay fire could have disabled the electronics. [3] His claim was debunked by conspiracy theory site Global Research which points out the photo was snapped on November 6, 2009, “more than four years before the flight disappeared.” though he says the area is kept out of bounds by US officials as they “do not want it found as it’s full of bullet holes ”[3]
He claims that that the 737 Max crashes were because "both of these aircraft were flown up to 30 knots slower than they should have been" which is wrong because the attack sensors were malfunctioning and caused the plane to nose-down
- MH370 news: Investigators speak out on Google Maps bullet holes ... › Mar 19, 2018
- Answered Aug 26, 2018 No, but a fire in the cargo bay could have burnt through all the wires in the floors disabling the aircraft
- Global Research Peter McMahon inconsistency Central to McMahon’s contention is secrecy and subterfuge. “They have made sure that all information received has been hidden from the public, even our government – but why?” Happily for McMahon, an explanation offers itself: the area cannot be searched because it is being kept out of bounds by US officials. They “do not want it found as it’s full of bullet holes, finding it will only open another inquiry.” May 27, 2018
- Global Research (Russian) Last March, an Australian mechanical engineer, Peter McMahon, by a minor inconsistency noted by a spokesperson for the Joint Agency Coordination Centre: the prize image had been snapped on November 6, 2009, “more than four years before the flight disappeared.” Central to McMahon’s contention is secrecy and subterfuge. “They have made sure that all information received has been hidden from the public, even our government – but why?” Happily for McMahon, an explanation offers itself: the area cannot be searched because it is being kept out of bounds by US officials. They “do not want it found as it’s full of bullet holes, finding it will only open another inquiry.” May 27, 2018
<6:38 br="">Australian Peter McMahon said yanks did MH370 bullet hole google ...
YouTube - Apr 6, 2018
Australian claims to have tracked down flight MH370 on Google Earth
Dongo NEWS
YouTube - Mar 18, 2018
Man claims he's found missing flight MH370 on Google Earth after ...
News 24/7
YouTube - Mar 17, 2018
Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 Is Riddled With Bullets, Peter ...
Nosy Guy
YouTube - Mar 19, 2018
Australian officials deny claims MH370 can be seen from the air, was ...
Mar 18, 2018 - Whatever happened to Malaysia Airlines Flight 370? ... The images that Peter McMahonsaid showed the missing Malaysia Airlines flight were ...
MH370 Mystery: 'Dome-Like Object' Allegedly Found By Amateur ...
Jul 16, 2018 - Since Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 went missing on March 8, ... on coordinates provided by amateur crash investigator Peter McMahon.
Aussie engineer claims MH370 piece had bullet holes – Travel Weekly
Mar 19, 2018 - The engineer, Peter McMahon, is an aviation veteran who has spent a ... Americans were sent to Australia to oversee the findings of MH370.
Missing flight MH370 'found' on Google Earth riddled with BULLET ...
Mar 18, 2018Images of the wreckage of the aircraft, carrying 239 passengers and crew when it vanished, have emerged ...
Jagged Edge - Peter McMahon is an Australian mechanical... | Facebook
Peter McMahon is an Australian mechanical engineer who says he found the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 on Google Earth. Malaysia Airlines Flight ...
Answered Sat
The Authorities guessed where it went, the authorities did not listen to those that saw it, the information they got from the satellite was incorrectly read and then calculated incorrectly. If they...
Can a tragedy like MH370 happen again? Have we made improvements on how we can track planes better?
Answered Sat
No improvements have been make to track aircraft all over our world. Those that calculated where MH370 went got their calculation wrong, as not 1 item has yet to be found in the 6 search areas they...
Why was the U.S. the LAST major country to ground or banish the 737 Max from our air space? Maybe Trump or Shanahan could explain that.
Peter Mcmahon, former Mechanicial Engineer / Crash Investergator
Because the 737 max8 was built in the US, all pilots did the new course to fly them this is why there where no accident in the US, the other pilots flying in other parts of our world some of them h...
Do you think it is possible that MH370 crashed near. Christmas Island as this article suggests?
No it did not crash near Christmas Isl. as nothing has yet been found there common sense, but the 70 meter wide aircraft found near Round Island Mauritius in april 2014 has not been identified in over 5 years why if its not MH370 thats the question the authorities can’t answer...
What would happen to Boeing 737 MAX 8 if Indonesian Lion Air and Ethiopian Airline crashes are proven having the same cause?
From what i have read, its believed that the Anti Stall Devices kicked in because both of these aircraft were flown up to 30 knots slower than they should have been, [wrong, angle of attack sensors were malfunctioning] if flying the 737 Max 8 aircraft slower than the recommended speed the ASD kicks in, dropping the nose, as the nose drops the pilots must increase throttle speed for the ASD to reset its self.
What do we need to do to find Malaysia Flight 370 that we haven't done?
The 70 meter wide aircraft found near Round Island Mauritius in April 2014 has never been identified in over 5 years why if its not MH370, this aircraft sank between Serpent Island and Round Island...
So where is MH 370? I am sure some people know more than some others, but they aren't telling. Is that plausible? US Stole patterns from the Chinese
We all know where it is, but for some reason our governments do not want it found. Its in between Round Is and Serpent Islands Mauritius. If it’s found the US will have to return the Pattern they s...
Is there a government cover up of flight MH-370?
no government cover ups they have called it a ghost flight. they are just people that did not listen to those that actually saw it, if the authorities actually listened to those that saw it last fl...
Can we trust any aircraft that was primarily certified by the FAA? If the MCAS issue which everyone now acknowledges is a problem, regardless the Ethiopian crash could sneak through the FAA’s testing, what other surprises might lurk in the software?
Answered Apr 1
yes we can trust them, those 2 x 737 max’s were caused by the pilots not knowing what to do when the anti stall device kicked in, as 1000’s of other 737 max flights did not have a problem. so reall...
Did investigators miss a crucial clue about what happened to Malaysia Airlines Flight 370?
Answered Mar 9
I believe that they did not actually go to Google Earth and view the crash site given to them in images or photos, if they had they would have seen a 70 meter wide aircraft and crash site, which wa...
In consequence of MH370 disappearance, will airlines set up tracking on airliners that cannot be shut off or altered by a single crew person/ ground personnel?
Answered Mar 9
Flight Tracker 24 followed it all the way to the Maldives, as there are no beacons beyond the Maldives it was not tracked any further until it reappeared near Serpent Island and then disappeared ag...
How could the MH370 disappear without a trace?
Answered Mar 9
It did not disappear it crash landed near Serpent and Round Islands Mauritius, as nobody saw it crash there was no rescue, 2 days after it crashed a cyclone passed straight over it spreading it out...
Did a Fisherman really witness the crash of MH370?
Answered Mar 9
The fishermen did not see it crash, they saw it fly over the horizon , making it look like it crashed into the water. When standing on a beach watching a plane flying away from you, it looks like i...
If Malaysia flight 370 was found today why was it gone for so long did aliens dump the debris on the beach it was found on after all this time?
When MH370 went missing the public were given some areas to search, but i went to Google Earth and found the only 69 meter wide aircraft found in the Indian Ocean in April 2014 that has not been id...
What actually happened to the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH 370?
The day they actually search between Round Island and Serpent Islands Mauritius, will be the day they find it, as all items found near the aircraft found near Round Island in April 2014 are said to...
What is the status of the search for the missing Malaysian Airlines plane?
Answered Nov 5
Until the aircraft found near Round Island is actually identified, being found back in April of 2014, none of us will ever know whether its MH370 or not, as no country or search ships want to go th...
If MH370 is in the Cambodian jungle, why do people not go to check via helicopter or military planes?
Answered Oct 23
The aircraft mentioned is not there in 2014 or 2015 or 2016, its flying over the jungle in 2017, this aircraft is flying over the jungle, it only measures 48 meters across. Yet the Chinese spent mi...
Why are plane crashes treated as such a big deal, while car crashes often go unnoticed and claim many more lives?
Answered Sep 22, 2018
Being an Automotive Mechanical Engineer, that is a very good question, with a car its either the driver or the cars fault. With an aircraft the pilots must do a flight check before taking off, whic...
What is your theory behind the MH370 incident? Are there any conspiracies related to the incident?
Answered Sep 19, 2018
They had a normal take off, [completely made up ] if it was a cargo battery fire they would have had to turn back, the fire in the cargo hull could not be put out at the height they were at, so they flew it higher and it went out due to lack of oxygen, as the plane filled with smoke they headed back towards the airport, they tried to contact the ground but could not. The pilot said how are we going to land as we can’t contact the tower or anybody, the wiring through the floor is all burnt nothing seems to work. OK we’ll fly through this area hopefully they pick us up, so they did, but did not track them. The pil...
(more)Could the pinger beacon on the MH370 black box have been deliberately disabled while in flight?
Answered Aug 26, 2018 No, but a fire in the cargo bay could have burnt through all the wires in the floors disabling the aircraft
4 Views · Answer requested by Joe Hamilton

What are some chemicals that remove rust?

Peter Mcmahon, former Mechanicial Engineer / Crash Investergator
Answered Jul 19, 2018
coke or lemon

What was done with all of the wreckage from the World Trade Center?

Peter Mcmahon, former Mechanicial Engineer / Crash Investergator
Answered Jul 19, 2018
nobody knows, you will have to google it

What happened to the flight MH370 passengers before it crashed? Do you think they knew something was going on when the plane turned around? And would they have been alive until the end? Or if not, for how long would they have most likely been alive?

Peter Mcmahon, former Mechanicial Engineer / Crash Investergator
Answered Jun 12, 2018
Yet again i’d say, it could be an engine or electrical fire , this fire was seen by a New Zealand oil rig worker why would he lie , its something he saw and told his boss and mates about it, MH370,...
Is there any plausible connection between the MH 17 and MH 370 crashes other than the fact that they are both Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777s?

Peter Mcmahon, former Mechanicial Engineer / Crash Investergator
Answered Jun 1, 2018
i did notice the numbers are very close to the dates of their events, MH17, 17th being the day and again 7 being the month, with MH370 3 being the month 7 being the day of that month and 0 being mi...
What really happened to MH370 and where is that 777? It's been 4 years and the search goes on.

Peter Mcmahon, former Mechanicial Engineer / Crash Investergator
Answered Jun 1, 2018
I do not understand why all the information collected from people that saw it was not looked at, a women said she saw a plane flying then hitting the ocean, i believe that because she was on a boat...
Upvote· 23
Why might Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 have been intentionally flown into the sea?

Peter Mcmahon, former Mechanicial Engineer / Crash Investergator
Answered May 26, 2018
It wasn’t, we know this from all the sighting from people, if it was intentional why fly it for another 8 hours, if somebody tried to crash it they would have found it that night in the ocean below...
Why is showing that contact with Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 was lost off the east coast of Vietnam?

Peter Mcmahon, former Mechanicial Engineer / Crash Investergator
Answered May 25, 2018
When an aircraft is out of range of a home base it does not show where that aircraft is . Fortunately those that do not want it found, could not alter Flightracker 24, so we actually see its flight...
Did Capt. Zaharie Ahmad Shah, pilot of flight #MH370, attend the trial and sentencing of opposition politician Anwar Ibrahim the same day before piloting his flight?

Peter Mcmahon, former Mechanicial Engineer / Crash Investergator
Answered May 25, 2018
NO, he was in bed sleeping as he had just finished his day to evening flights and he knew he had to sleep before his next shifts the following day, but his boss rang him and “TOLD him, he did not a...
Upvote· 12
What is the difference between economy and basic fare for Malaysian airlines?

Peter Mcmahon, former Mechanicial Engineer / Crash Investergator
Answered May 25, 2018
the letter “ H “ in , MH is, Malaysian Economic Base Fares or basic International Fair.

What do people think of Jeff Wise' theory of what happened to Malaysian Airlines MH370?

Peter Mcmahon, former Mechanicial Engineer / Crash Investergator
Answered May 25, 2018
The day i found items on an island atoll in early 2014 and posted them to; In search of MH370, he stole these images of mine and displayed them as his own, this was the day that i knew that he’s no...
Why did Malaysia suddenly care about MH-17 being shot down in Russia?

Peter Mcmahon, former Mechanicial Engineer / Crash Investergator
Answered May 25, 2018
To take us away from MH370 of cause, we the people must be getting too close to finding it, and they do not want it found just yet. So lets change the story, but when MH370 is found, there will be ...
Upvote· 12
When we talk about colonisation on Mars and sending rovers, why can't we find a missing plane MH370 from past four years on our own planet?

Peter Mcmahon, former Mechanicial Engineer / Crash Investergator
Answered May 25, 2018
i found an aircraft the size of a 777–200ER near Round Isl. Mauritius 5 weeks after MH370 when missing, my information to the authorities, i believe has never been investigated because none of them...
Upvote· 56
What do you think of the '60 Minutes' Australia program on Malaysian Flight MH370?

Peter Mcmahon, former Mechanicial Engineer / Crash Investergator
Answered May 20, 2018
they were a joke, they have know idea where it is, too many chiefs and not enough indians, all of these guys are professionals get paid big money but none of them actually know where it might be th...
Is it possible that the wreckage of MH-370 will disappear before it's found, due to factors like corrosion and rust-eating bacteria?

Peter Mcmahon, former Mechanicial Engineer / Crash Investergator
Answered May 19, 2018
the aircraft i found, i followed it for over 2 years on google earth, its slowly sinking as its made out of honey comb fibre and alloys which do not rust in salt water, NASA has not done any more i...
What is the current state of the investigation into the missing Malaysian flight?

Peter Mcmahon, former Mechanicial Engineer / Crash Investergator
Answered May 19, 2018
not much as none of us have heard anything from them about it, but to be real, these investigators did not take into account all those that saw it, the oil worker seeing a fire in the sky then it d...
How could the pilot of MH370 have depressurised the aircraft?

Peter Mcmahon, former Mechanicial Engineer / Crash Investergator
Answered May 15, 2018
if the pilot wanted to kill him self he would have flown it straight into the ocean, why fly for 7 hours to where ever to kill him self, i’d say that they or who ever was flying it, they wanted to ...
Isn’t it unprofessional of aviation experts to theorise the reason for flight MH370 crash without any concrete or substantial evidence?

Peter Mcmahon, former Mechanicial Engineer / Crash Investergator
Answered May 15, 2018
if they do not want something found, they will say what they have been paid to say, that why they will not find it where they are searching.

How much fuel did the missing Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 have at take off?

Peter Mcmahon, former Mechanicial Engineer / Crash Investergator
Answered May 15, 2018
full tanks at a guess, as the authorities said it could do over 6000 kilometers, it get real easy from here take off and turn back up the straight and the turn towards the Indian Ocean, now just dr...
Who benefits from the disappearance of flight MH370?

Peter Mcmahon, former Mechanicial Engineer / Crash Investergator
Answered May 15, 2018
A US company, they stole the Chinese Pattern from those on board, the Chinese were all at a Electronics Convention where the Chinese showed off their new weapons system which the US did not have, t...
Upvote· 12
Do you think they will ever find MH370?

Peter Mcmahon, former Mechanicial Engineer / Crash Investergator
Answered May 15, 2018
Yes they will, but not by those searching for it, just like all of the debris and other items found, they were found by people, not searchers or the authorities as they have avoided this section of...
Upvote· 12
Is Malaysia Airlines safe to fly on?

Peter Mcmahon, former Mechanicial Engineer / Crash Investergator
Answered May 15, 2018
yes they are a great airline to fly with, while having a few beers the other night my mate said, isn’t it strange how these flights numbers match the dates they crashed, MH17, 17 being the day and ...
Upvote· 23
Why couldn't flight MH370 be tracked, even with high tech, when it disappeared?

Peter Mcmahon, former Mechanicial Engineer / Crash Investergator
Answered May 15, 2018
when following something, it has to be seen by the things that are tracking it, for the first 2 days nobody even knew where it went, then all of a sudden many companies said its here oh no its ther...
Why would MH370 have flown along the strait of Malacca instead of flying directly over Sumatra?
Answered May 14, 2018
if their right engine blew up and they had no comunication with the ground, its best to be able to fly over water rather than land, if you have seen what happens to an aircraft that crash’s in to t...
Malaysian flight 370 disappeared on March 8, 2014. Some debris was found by a multinational search effort, so why is it then that they cannot pinpoint the exact location of the aircraft?
nswered Apr 8, 2018
if they searched were they found the first items they might be a lot closer to finding it, it was said, that items would appear on Reunion Island 2 weeks after it went missing, how could they know ...
What happened to the Flight MH370?
Answered Sep 8, 2016
Hi, i found aircraft near Round Island 20 miles NNE of Mauritius Island, the coordinates are 19D 49M 43.20S and 57D 48M 17.44E, at a height of 500 - 1 kilometre above it, on google earths historic ...
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