*Links Shows up on a number of Russia leaning news sites and pundits
- alternet (russprop) http://www.alternet.org/story/151942/
- counterinformation.wordpress.com (russprop)
- Huffpost Rev. Barry Lynn Executive Director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State since 1992. He is an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ, and a prominent leader of the American religious left. He is a strong advocate of separation of church and state.
- Thom Hartmann promotes "Iranian FM slams 'worn-out' US accusations" by PressTV, and hosts Rev. Barry Lynn, Executive Director of Americans United for the Separation of Church and State Is Thom Hartmann a paid propagandist for Putin/Russia/RT? he has chosen to work to further the agenda of Russian oligarchs by broadcasting on RT (Russia Today), which Putin and his cronies fund and oversee to ensure that their view-point is widely disseminated.
Jan 26, 2019 - ... citizen who works for Iran's state-run English-language Press TV. ..... a letter from Americans United for the Separation of Church and State ...
Oct 6, 2018 - In 1980, Paulist Press, tv ..... Ancient Faith Radio, Culture Shocks: The Radio Show of Americans United for the Separation of Church and State, ...
(racist anti-semitic new world order pro-russian conspiracy site)
Right-Wingers Still Banning Books : Slaughterhouse-5 Booted from School for Being "Contrary to the Bible"
By Rob Boston, Talk To Action
Posted on August 8, 2011http://www.alternet.org/story/151942/yep%2C_right-wingers_still_banning_books_--_slaughterhouse-5_booted_from_school_for_being_%22contrary_to_the_bible%22
Posted on August 8, 2011http://www.alternet.org/story/151942/yep%2C_right-wingers_still_banning_books_--_slaughterhouse-5_booted_from_school_for_being_%22contrary_to_the_bible%22
Kurt Vonnegut's novel Slaughterhouse-Five is considered a modern classic. That doesn't mean it's a particularly easy read. Indeed, it deals with some fairly heady topics. When I first encountered it in high school, I wasn't sure what to make of it. But it sure made me think, which, in my view, is what a good novel should do
Funny thing about that thinking - some people see it as dangerous. And a few of those people sit on the school board in Republic, Mo.
The board voted 4-0 recently to ban Slaughterhouse-Five and another book, Sarah Ockler's Twenty Boy Summer, after a local resident complained that the books teach ideas contrary to the Bible.
Wesley Scroggins had originally targeted three books, but the board voted to keep one, Laurie Halse Anderson's award-winning Speak, on the shelves. According to theSpringfield News-Leader, Scroggins "challenged the use of the books and lesson plans in Republic schools, arguing they teach principles contrary to the Bible.
"Rob Boston is the assistant director of communications for Americans United for Separation of Church and State, which publishes Church and State magazine.
2011 Talk To Action All rights reserved.
View this story online at: http://www.alternet.org/story/151942/
AlterNet is a politically left-leaning website that was launched in 1998 by the non-profit now known as the Independent Media Institute. In 2018, the website was acquired by owners of The Raw Story.(cited by russian fake media) Some AlterNet content is republished on Salon. Wikipedia
Atheists Vote, Too: Why is Religious Pandering so Prevalent ...https://counterinformation.wordpress.com/.../atheists-vote-too-why-is-religious-pander...
Aug 25, 2013 - Politicians from Obama to Bush just can’t resist the “God strategy.” Can we ever evolve toward secular government?
By Mugambi Jouet August 25, 2013 “Information Clearing House (pro-russian) – “Salon” – Religion has long had an extraordinary influence in U.S. politics compared to other democracies. But this isn’t just a far-right phenomenon: If the Obama administration has its way, this influence might go even further. For example, the administration recently filed an amicus brief in the Supreme Court arguing that it is constitutional to conduct official Christian prayers at town council meetings.
What Divides America From the World (and Each Other) – Counter ...
By William Hawes July 25, 2017 "Information Clearing House" - Mugambi Jouet's Exceptional America is the type of book where you have to laugh in order not to ...
The List - PropOrNot russsian propaganda blacklist counterinformation.wordpress.com
Congress on the Playground – Counter Information
Aug 8, 2014 - Barry Lynn, executive director for Americans United for the Separation of Church and State was testifying before the Committee on the issue of ...
Congress on the Playground – Counter Information
Aug 8, 2014 - Barry Lynn, executive director for Americans United for the Separation of Church and State was testifying before the Committee on the issue of ...
Conspiracy Theories and Secret Societies For Dummies: December ...
Dec 27, 2009 -
JUNE 7, 2009
Pat Robertson's Own Secret Society
Evangelical icon and media mogul Marion Gordon “Pat” Robertson has made millions of dollars over the years with his Christian Broadcasting Network, his many books, and even his own weight loss plan. His program, the 700 Club, presents a strong conservative Christian message twice a day to millions of fans around the world. Robertson was ordained as a Southern Baptist minister in the 1960s, but voluntarily dropped his credentials in 1987 when he ran, unsuccessfully, for the Republican Party presidential nomination. He is the founder of the Christian Coalition and his views heavily concentrate on eschatology. Robertson is especially interested in the important role he believes will be played by the Jews in Israel during the End of Days, and is a strong supporter of Israeli military policy. This is in sharp contrast to the majority of conspiracists who believe the Jews are a force for evil in the world.
What makes all of this interesting is that Robertson wrote a book in 1991 called The New World Order. In it, he dragged out the usual parade of Masonic/Illuminati/Jewish world government accusations, and “borrowed” extensively from discredited sources like the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. It was a curious set of accusations to make against a people he seems to regard as integral to the Christian Apocalypse. But what was more perplexing were his attacks against Freemasons, particularly since his own father, Senator Absalom Willis Robertson, was a Virginia Freemason. He was raised in Buena Vista Lodge No. 186, joined Rockbridge Royal Arch Chapter No. 44, and served as a District Deputy Grand Master (according to a letter the Senator personally wrote to the Scottish Rite Southern Jurisdiction in 1941).
None of these pesky details kept The New World Order from being the #1 best selling religious book of 1991. Somewhat unbelievably, the Zionist Organization of America awarded him in 2002 as an unwavering friend of Israel.
Clearly they hadn’t read his book.
Robertson doesn’t have any quandaries about being a member of a secret society himself – the secretive Council for National Policy(CNP) is an invitation-only, closed door group that meets three times a year at undisclosed locations to discuss ways to influence U.S. government policy. In 2003, CNP executive director Steve Baldwin boasted to ABC News that "we control everything in the world."
“The media should not know when or where we meet or who takes part in our programs, before or after a meeting,” reads one of the cardinal rules of the CNP, according to a long article on the website of Americans United for the Separation of Church and State (not that I don't think THOSE guys go too far either).
So what is Pat Robertson trying to hide?
POSTED BY CHRISTOPHER HODAPP AT 6/07/2009 02:42:00 PM 0 comments

The Pittsburgh Press from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on January 16 ...
Tuesday, January 16, 1968 , 1968 JvO-HoUf Delayed BOSIS om&rdw s Television Profram Ifstfiit Channel 2 To Telecast UCLA-Housion Game OiumI Uutloa 2 ...
Government & Society - CHALDEAN.org
... to determine when life begins during an NBC “Meet the Press” TV show. ..... Americans United for the Separation of Church and State has taken steps to ...
June 2010 - The Recliner Commentaries
Jun 30, 2010 - ... in gaining control of the schools, the labor unions, the press, TV and ...... Americans United for the Separation of Church and State (3); Angels ...
Rob Boston | Americans United for Separation of Church and State
Rob Boston is senior adviser and editor of Church & State, Americans United for ... Rob, who has worked at Americans United since 1987, is the author of four ...
Rob Boston - Wikipedia
Robert Boston (born December 7, 1962) is Senior Adviser for Americans United for Separation of Church and State and Editor of Church & State magazine.
Rob Boston - American Humanist Association
Jun 20, 2019 - Rob Boston. Email: boston@au.org. Phone: (202) 466-3234. Rob Boston joined the Americans United staff in 1987 and currently serves as ...
Rob Boston | Center for Inquiry
Rob Boston is director of communications for Americans United for Separation of Church and State and also serves as assistant editor of AU's monthly magazine ...
Rob Boston, Church & State - TheHumanist.com
by Rob Boston • 23 April 2019. Aimee Maddonna is a Catholic woman in Simpsonville, South Carolina, who wants to volunteer to help children in foster care.
Rob Boston (@RobBoston1) | Twitter
The latest Tweets from Rob Boston (@RobBoston1). Separation of church and state. The Victorians. Monsters, etc. Obnoxious opinions presented are my own.
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Rob Boston: 'We have better morals than the Religious Right ...
May 29, 2018 - Rob Boston joined the staff of Americans United for the Separation of Church and State in 1987 and currently serves as director of ...
Rob Boston: Building a Truly Secular America - YouTube
Mar 28, 2019 - Rob Boston, Senior Policy Analyst for the Americans United for the Separation of Church and State and Editor Church & State Magazine ...
Rob Boston | I Love You but You're Going to Hell
Posts about Rob Boston written by Adam Laats. ... Instead of warning secular people about creationist schemes, Boston and his allies should be helping ...
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