
Monday, November 2, 2015

Daily Misfortune Monday, November 2, 2015

Daily Misfortune Monday, November 2, 2015 ---  ===
Month Misfortune November 2015 ---

  1. Kentucky KSPatrol Investigating Road Rage Shooting On I-65  
  2. November 2, 2015 Murder Trial Starts in South By Southwest Fatal Crash Case
  3. Arizona State University: College Shooting Threat Posted Online Anonymously 
  4. Virginia man Severance found guilty on ten counts for three high-profile revenge murders spread over more than a decade 
  5. Fresno State football player Christian Malik Pryor arrested, linked to threat on social media of campus gunfire
  6. 2015 Nepal fuel crisis Nepali police shoot dead an Indian citizen at a border checkpoint as they attempt to clear protesters whose blockade has crippled Nepal's fuel supplie
  7. War in Somalia (2009–present) At least 15 Somalia army soldiers are killed in an Al-Shabaab ambush near the town of Wanlaweyn in the Lower Shebelle region. (AP)
  8. hacking group Anonymous starts releasing names and information about alleged members of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK),
  9. China's government-owned Comac launches the Comac C919 airliner as part of its efforts to challenge Boeing and Airbus(CNN)
  10. National Transportation Safety Board confirms wreckage is the cargo ship SSEl Faro that sank during Hurricane Joaquin on October 1. (NBC News)
  11. Planes have been left stranded at airports throughout the United Kingdom as the "Great Fog" descends. 
  12. Kogalymavia Flight 9268 U.S. intelligence analysts conclude the Russian plane was not brought down by surface-to-air missile.
  13. Israeli Soldiers Kill Stabbing Suspect Youth near Jenin, Death Toll Hits 74 
  14. Transgender Woman Armed With Hatchet Steals Handbag From SF Bloomingdale’s  
  15. 1 killed 3 suspects charged   Tyshawn Lee, 9 Yr Old Boy Executed By Gang of 3 After Lured Into Chicago Alley 

  1. Kentucky KSPatrol Investigating Road Rage Shooting On I-65  driver called 911 accidentally cut off another vehicle traveling north at the 27 mile marker in Bowling Green. confrontation followed and then the other driver allegedly fired a shot at the caller's vehicle
  2. November 2, 2015 Murder Trial Starts in South By Southwest Fatal Crash Case  THE ASSOCIATED PRESS trial got underway for Rashad Owens, 23, of Killeen, who is facing multiple murder charges in the fatal collision. Owens could be sentenced to up to life in prison if convicted of the most serious capital murder charge. He's also charged with lesser counts of murder and 24 counts of aggravated assault. see 4 killed 21 injured in deliberate attack March 13, 2014  Rashad Charjuan Owens Rampage Mows Down Texas Crowd 
  3. Arizona State University: College Shooting Threat Posted Online Anonymously Arizona State University officials are investigating a threat that was made online hinting at a campus shooting.posted online Sunday afternoon anonymous user threatening a shooting early Monday afternoon 12:30 will be my chosen time. Bushmaster M4 Carbine will be my weapon of choice…
  4. Virginia man Severance found guilty on ten counts for three high-profile revenge murders spread over more than a decade  Charles Severance, 55, convicted of killing Nancy Dunning, wife of then-Sheriff James Dunning, in 2003; transportation planner Ron Kirby in 2013; and music teacher Ruthanne Lodato last year  automatically sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole 
  5. Fresno State football player Christian Malik Pryor arrested, linked to threat on social media of campus gunfire Freshman walk-on Christian Malik Pryor arrested in case Anonymous threat posted on app Yik Yak Fresno State says student acted alone Classes held as scheduled, but many left campus anyway Christian Malik Pryor, a freshman on the Fresno State football team, was arrested Monday in connection with a shooting threat against the university campus made on social media. .. threat was posted on social media that threatened a shooting on campus at 3 p.m. BY JIM GUY Christian Malik Pryor, an 18-year-old Fresno State football player, was arrested Monday in connection with a social media post that said the sender planned to “release my frustrations” with gunfire on campus. The threat, made anonymously on the messaging app Yik Yak, implied the attack would occur at 3 p.m. and sent a wave of fear across the campus as it was reposted on other social media sites... Many students and staff left campus, snarling traffic. A suspect linked to the threat was taken into custody, university officials said. 
  6. 2015 Nepal fuel crisis Nepali police shoot dead an Indian citizen at a border checkpoint as they attempt to clear protesters whose blockade has crippled Nepal's fuel supplies and badly damaged relations between the neighboring countries. (Reuters)
  7. War in Somalia (2009–present) At least 15 Somalia army soldiers are killed in an Al-Shabaab ambush near the town of Wanlaweyn in the Lower Shebelle region. (AP)Arts and culture
  8. In the United States, the hacking group Anonymous starts releasing names and information about alleged members of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK), a white-supremacist terrorist group originally founded after the Civil War by former Confederate soldiers. Prominent individuals listed deny the allegations. The group says they also infiltrated KKK-affiliated websites, and warned of more action culminating on November 24, the anniversary of the Ferguson, Missouri grand jury's decision not to indict. (The Hill) (USA Today) (Anonymous)
  9. China's government-owned Comac launches the Comac C919 airliner as part of its efforts to challenge Boeing and Airbus. (CNN)
  10. The American National Transportation Safety Board confirms that wreckage found on Saturday east of the Bahamas is the cargo ship SSEl Faro that sank during Hurricane Joaquin on October 1. (NBC News)
  11. Planes have been left stranded at airports throughout the United Kingdom as the "Great Fog" descends. Heathrow Airport said around 45 flights had been cancelled there while London City Airport was closed for several hours. Other affected airports include Manchester, Leeds Bradford, Glasgow, Belfast, Southampton and Cardiff. (BBC)
  12. Kogalymavia Flight 9268 U.S. intelligence analysts conclude the Russian plane was not brought down by surface-to-air missile. An American infrared satellitedetected a heat flash at the same time and same place over the Sinai as the plane, but no evidence a missile was involved. Analysts believe it could have been some kind of explosion on the aircraft itself, either a fuel tank or a bomb. U.S. officials do not rule out that ISILcould have been responsible for bringing down the flight. (NBC News) (ABC News) The Russian Air Transportation Ministry says the flight recorders are recovered with only "minor" damage. The ministry also said charter airline Metrojet's assertion that technical failure or human errors have been ruled out pointing to "external" reasons for the crash, is "premature and not based on any real facts." (Voice of America) (Reuters)
  13. Israeli Soldiers Kill Youth near Jenin, Death Toll Hits 74  Palestine News Agency‎  Israeli soldiers Monday Nov 2 morning killed a Palestinian youngster and injured another at al-Jalameh checkpoint to the north of Jenin for allegedly attempting to stab soldiers, according to security sources. This latest incident raises the death toll of Palestinians killed since the beginning of unrest in early October to 74, including 15 children, On Saturday, a 17-year-old Palestinian was fatally shot for allegedly attempting to stab soldiers at the same location. Palestinian teen killed after alleged stabbing attempt U.S. News & World Report  Police Spokeswoman Luba Samri said that after stabbing the first two people, the Palestinian, a 19-year-old from the West Bank city of Hebron, went into a clothing shop and stabbed another person.Israeli troops shot dead a Palestinian who they say tried to stab a soldier in the West Bank on Monday and later a Palestinian stabbed several people, including an 80-year-old woman, in central Israel, in the latest incidents in more than a month of violence. Eli Bin of Israel's emergency rescue service said two people were seriously injured and one lightly in the attack in Rishon Lezion near Tel Aviv Monday afternoon. Israeli media said a Palestinian stabbed a woman on a bus and then ran into the street and stabbed another woman before continuing to run down the street and carrying out another attack. Police Spokeswoman Luba Samri said that after stabbing the first two people, the Palestinian, a 19-year-old from the West Bank city of Hebron, went into a clothing shop and stabbed another person. A woman in the store slammed a door on him and he was captured by police and civilians, she said....  third attempted stabbing near the checkpoint between the West Bank and Israel in recent weeks
  14. Transgender Woman Armed With Hatchet Steals Handbag From SF Bloomingdale’s  CBS SF Transgender woman sought who allegedly threatened a security guard with a hatchet after stealing a handbag from a San Francisco department store at 1 p.m. at  Bloomingdales 
  15. 1 killed 3 suspects charged  November 2, 2015 9 year old African American boy Tyshawn Lee was lured into an alley in Chicago and gunned down because of his father’s gang ties, police say. Police called it a a new low in Chicago’s gang violence. Initially, police had believed that the fourth grader, Tyshawn Lee, was killed in crossfire as a bystander.   Police suspect a trio of gang members killed Tyshawn Lee Corey Morgan Corey Morgan is in custody on a first-degree murder charge was heard to say that he was targeting "grandmas, mamas, kids and all"  Third suspect Kevin Edwards, 22, was stopped for a traffic violation   and arrested for resisting arrest and obstructing a peace officer, “Mr. Edwards, and his associates Dwright Boone-Doty and Corey Morgan committed one of the most reprehensible acts of violence in recent history by luring and executing Tyshawn Lee. they have identified in the murder of 9-year-old Tyshawn Lee.  Dwright Boone-Doty is accused as the man who pulled the trigger  and charged with five felony charges in connection with three separate cases, including First Degree Murder for the death of Tyshawn Lee.
  16. A Palestinian terrorist stabs an 80-year-old woman and two men in the Israeli town of Rishon Letzion, and another Palestinian attacks an 71-year-old man and critically wounds him in Netanya.(Times of Israel)
  1. Nov 1 6 injured suspect sought Hit-and-run collision in Everett WA sends 6 people to the hospital  driver of the Dodge Durango SUV that smashed into a Chevy Tahoe at about 10:30 p.m. Sunday ran from the scene. Officials determined that a Dodge Durango run into the Tahoe
  2. Nov 1 Confederate flag supporter throws bomb at Mississippi Walmart after threatening Facebook post New York Daily News Man detonates bomb at Miss. Walmart USA TODAY  A man is charged after allegedly setting off an explosive at a Mississippi Walmart Sunday morning. Marshall W. Leonard, 61, of Tupelo, will be charged with placing an explosive device.... could get life in prison if convicted, the Tupelo Daily Journal reported. Mississippi Flag Backer Accused of Tossing Bomb in Wal-MartABC News 
  3. Rancher killed in shootout with police over injured bull  USA TODAY An Idaho cattle rancher was killed during an altercation with police over the fate of an injured bull on Sunday. The incident began when a Subaru station wagon crashed into a bull outside of Council, Idaho, on Sunday night.


6 zionist settlers injured in two separate attacks

Palestine3 November 2015 5:24

Three Israeli settlers were injured yesterday afternoon in a stabbing attack next to a bus station in Rishon Lezion south of Tel Aviv.

One of the reported injured was taken to hospital in serious condition.

Israeli Yediot Aharanot newspaper said a Palestinian suspect was arrested after being shot and injured during the attack.

The three Israelis were injured in an attack that began on a bus and continued into the street in Rishon LeZion at the end of the afternoon, the newspaper said.

Israeli media reported that the suspect had been wounded by Israeli forces before he was arrested.

The Palestinian detainee was identified as Imad Trada, 19, from al-Khalil (Hebron).

Earlier Monday, a Palestinian man was shot and injured after he allegedly stabbed three Israeli settlers in Netanya city, north of Tel Aviv.

The Palestinian has been identified as Ziyad Ridha, 22, from Balaa village east of Tulkarem in the northern occupied West Bank.

The three injured Israelis suffered minor and moderate wounds, Israeli sources said.

More than 70 Palestinians have been killed and over 1200 others injured by Israeli forces since the outbreak of Jerusalem Intifada early October 2015. The majority of those killed were unarmed, and the number includes two babies under age two.

Despite Israeli claims of a widespread wave of ‘knife attacks’ by Palestinians against Israelis, many of the alleged knife attacks were later disproved by video evidence and eyewitness accounts. There have also been several proven incidents of Israeli soldiers planting knives on the bodies of Palestinians they had killed.

'No Israeli injuries' -- and another Palestinian alleged ...
Mondoweiss Despite Israeli claims of a widespread wave of 'knife attacks' byPalestinians against Israelis, many of the alleged knife attacks were later disproved by video evidence and eyewitness accounts. There have also been several ...'

Palestinian killed near light rail station in Jerusalem following alleged stabbing of soldier IMEMC 30 Oct — A Palestinian from east Jerusalem was shot dead on Friday evening near the Jerusalem light rail station by three separate shooters after he allegedly pulled out a knife and very lightly wounded a soldier. The Palestinian was shot numerous times – by light rail security, a border policeman, and an armed paramilitary settler. Their numerous gunshots also wounded a bystander. The Palestinian who was killed was identified as Ahmad Hamada Qneibi, 23, from Kafr Aqab in East Jerusalem. The 23-year old Palestinian man suffered multiple gunshot wounds and was critically wounded. He was left bleeding on the ground for an extended period of time without receiving medical treatment, and died soon after he was transferred to an ambulance. Israeli medics from the Magen David Adom medical service, which is affiliated with the International Committee of the Red Cross, told reporters from the Israeli Ha’aretz newspaper that when they arrived on the scene soon after the incident, they immediately treated the Israeli soldier, aged 22. The soldier was very lightly wounded with a shallow stab wound in the upper body. The medics told the paper, “We gave him initial medical aid on the scene and then evacuated him to a hospital quickly.” The alleged Palestinian attacker was lying on the ground nearby bleeding to death, and was left alone by the medics for a long time, bleeding to death. The other person wounded in the incident was a bystander who was hit in the leg by one of the multiple gunshots fired from three separate shooters toward the Palestinian man. There have been more than seventy Palestinians killed by Israeli soldiers and settlers since October 1st. The majority of those killed were unarmed, and the number includes two babies under age two. Of the Palestinians killed this month who were armed, only one was armed with more than a small knife or stone. The one Palestinian who was armed with a gun when he was killed had grabbed that gun from an Israeli on a bus in an October 13th attack. Despite Israeli claims of a widespread wave of ‘knife attacks’ by Palestinians against Israelis, many of the alleged knife attacks were later disproved by video evidence and eyewitness accounts. There have also been several proven incidents of Israeli soldiers planting knives on the bodies of Palestinians they had killed. IMEMC is a media center developed in collaboration between Palestinian and International journalists to provide independent media coverage of Israel-Palestine.

6 Israelis injured in two separate attacks - The Palestinian ... Palestine Information Center   Despite Israeli claims of a widespread wave of 'knife attacks' byPalestinians against Israelis, many of the alleged knife attacks were later disproved by video evidence and eyewitness accounts. There have also been several ...

72 Palestinians Killed, Hundreds Injured, Hundreds ...
72 Palestinians killed by Israeli occupation soldiers during October 2015
October 31, 2015, RAMALLAH, (PIC)-- 72 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli gun fire since the outbreak of Jerusalem Intifada on October 1, the Palestinian Forum for Israeli Studies said. Over the past month, 24 Palestinians were shot dead in al-Khalil while 18 others were killed in occupied Jerusalem. 14 children and five girls were among the reported victims, the sources added. The martyrs also include 24 martyrs under the age of 24. Meanwhile, Israel continues to detain the bodies of 25 Palestinians who were shot dead for allegedly carrying out stabbing attacks while five bodies were delivered to their families on Friday.  Despite Israeli claims of a widespread wave of 'knife attacks' by Palestinians against Israelis,many of the alleged knife attacks were later disproved by video evidence ...

Palestinian Teen Killed By Israeli Army Fire Near Jenin ...
3 days ago - Despite Israeli claims of a widespread wave of 'knife attacks' byPalestinians against Israelis, many of the alleged knife attacks were later disproved by video evidence and eyewitness accounts. There have also been several ...
December 31, 2014 arrest  Tyler McKenzie Allegedly Threatens Connecticut Town Hail of Bullets for Bullying  Jan 01, 2015 · EAST LYME, Conn. (AP) — An 18-year-old man was arrested afterallegedly threatening that a Connecticut town "better be ready for the hail of bullets An 18-year-old man was arrested after allegedly threatening that a Connecticut town "better be ready for the hail of bullets" because he had been bullied for so long. The threat by Tyler McKenzie prompted the East Lyme school district to cancel sporting events and plan for additional security measures when classes resume Monday, police said. McKenzie was arrested Wednesday and charged with first-degree threatening and second-degree breach of peace. The arrest came about a week after the threatening comment was posted on anonymous YikYak social media, suspect is black  saboteur365  Police arrest East Lyme teen for threatening to... fox news  Dec 31, 2014 
Two teens killed in stabbing, shooting at northwest Harris County home
KHOU TOMBALL, Texas -- Deputies spent a majority of Monday evening trying to figure out why one teenager stabbed another to death. While investigators won't release the victim's name, his family tells KHOU 11 News they lost 17-year-old Tyler Wade over ...  tags: terroristic threat, mass shooting threat

Police: Propane likely cause of massive house explosion
Fox 2 Detroit Neighbors described the explosion as if a bomb had gone off. "The neighbor's house, the whole thing was just gone," said Chris, whose parents live next door.

Bomb squad called to reported hoarding situation in Wayne, Pa. Dallas mother accused of forcing 4-year-old to eat poison. Show More. Fire damages 3 homes in Chester · Man shot and wounded in Dovershooting · Brutal beating of Uber driver caught on camera · Police ID teen killed on bicycle in Strawberry Mansion.

Store employees grateful for customer who killed robber
Chicago Tribune - Carolina Cabrales, 17, witnessed a shooting by a concealed carry permit holder who stopped a robbery. (Brian Nguyen / Chicago Tribune).

Gunman in Colorado Springs shooting rampage identified
FOX31 Denver  COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. -- Colorado Springs police have named the gunman who killed three in a shooting rampage Saturday morning as 33-year-old Noah Harpham.

Fuel Tank Explosion, Missile From the Ground Among Theories on Why Russian ...
KTLA nalysts say heat flashes could be tied to a range of possibilities: a missile firing, a bomb blast, a malfunctioning engine exploding, a structural problem causing a fire on the plane or wreckage hitting the ground.

Fight over last piece of chicken ends in fatal stabbing at Houston apartment
KTRK-TV Two teens dead after stabbing, shooting in NW Harris County. Halloween party ends with 11 arrests for teens, parents.

Child Killed After Being Shot Multiple Times in Chicago: Officials
NBC Chicago Chief of Detectives Constantine "Dean" Andrews said at a Monday evening press conference that an unknown number of individuals were in the alley where the boy's body was found prior to the shooting. After the shooting, the individuals left the scene, ...

Tempe Marketplace shooting injures 1, police say  Police and firefighters were called to the north parking lot of the shopping, dining and entertainment complex on reports of a shooting at about 10:15 p.m., according to Lt. Scott Smith, a Tempe police spokesman. Officials arrived to find a man in his ...

Suspect sought in shooting death of 11-year-old in Mount Oliver
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette  GoFundMe site has been set up for the family of 11-year-old David McIntyre, right, who was killed at his Mount Oliver home Sunday night.

Evanston woman killed, teen wounded in Englewood shooting
WLS-TV A 20-year-old Evanston woman was killed in a shooting in the Englewood neighborhood Monday night, police said. A 15-year-old boy was also wounded in the shooting, which happened at about 6:20 p.m. in the 7300-block of South May Street. Police said ...

Reported Stabbing at Elkins Walmart
WDTV UPDATE: According to State Police, one male was stabbed, but only sustained minor injuries. No one is in custody at this time. Police spoke to all parties involved and the situation is still under investigation.

Boston:s tabbing leads to police standoff in Canton My Fox Boston - The bomb squad was also called in. The standoff was resolved around 6:15 a.m. The brother inside the home was taken from the scene in an ambulance and is being hospitalized for an undisclosed amount of time.

Explosion at Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Co. plant in Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan ...
RT An explosion has occurred at Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Company in Kamisu, Japan, according to reports. There are fears that toxic gas has been released and gone into Kashima plant.

Police arrest suspect in August fatal stabbing in Northeast Washington Washington Post  D.C. police have arrested a suspect in the stabbing death of a 33-year-old man in August in the Deanwood neighborhood of Northeast Washington.

CSPD releases names of shooting spree victims, suspect Colorado Springs and Pueblo News  The two women killed in Saturday's shooting spree in downtown Colorado Springs were roommates in a home on East Platte Avenue.

Investigation continues into Muncie house explosion Fox 59  MUNCIE, Ind. (Nov. 2, 2015) - The investigation continues into who caused a Muncie house to explode in a quiet residential neighborhood last week.

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