
Monday, November 2, 2015

What ever happened to that Benghazi Filmmaker?

What ever happened to that Benghazi Filmmaker?

From shoebat

NEW EVIDENCE REVEALS: Who  Causied The Murder Americans In Benghazi. She Has Left A Huge Trail Of Blood, And She Is Proud Of It

By Walid Shoebat
“I gave Hillary a hug and shook her hand. And she said we are going to have the filmmaker arrested who was responsible for the death of my son” said Charles Woods, father of Ty Woods, who died defending the CIA annex and diary notes the entry says. Clinton continues to blame the filmmaker despite the filmmaker’s connections to her government. If this is Hillary’s alibi then she should own it since evidence reveals that her government was responsible of the film and the FBI and the U.S. government were dumber than a doornail having left a trail of evidence. Is it difficult to believe that we have a dumb government? We have seen CIA Director John Brennan with his leaked emails, Hillary with her leaked emails, and here we will show how easy it was for us to track Hillary’s governing which left a trail of coverups in dealing with the very filmmaker she so much used as scapegoat. 
Court documents do reveal that the filmmaker became a U.S. snitch after he used a Muslim name Ahmed Hamdy while he was embezzling money with my first cousin, Eiad Salameh (whom Hillary’s government  let go) including the man behind the film. According to these court documents, Ahmed Hamdy was an alias of the filmmaker Nakoula Bacile Nakoula after he was captured during Operation Mountain Express, which would become a huge investigation into pseudoephedrine-dealing that was linked to money going to Hezbollah, a terrorist organization. At this point, the dumb FBI had thought that they owned the filmmaker and the Justice Department lawyers and federal agents (despite Nakoula’s previous offenses) sent out their best to defend the filmmaker after securing a deal that made the filmmaker an agent of Eric Holder’s Justice Department. This became especially true after the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Central District of California, which was handling his case through an Assistant U.S. Attorney was suddenly pulled off the case and replaced by a full bird – the Chief of the office’s Criminal Division himself: Robert Dugdale.
Robert Dugdale: Given Nakoula Case and public not told why.
Dugdale gave several excuses to Judge Snyder pushing for leniency in exchange for a plea bargain to help them catch the bigger fish, my first cousin, Eiad Salameh who with other Muslim Brotherhood operatives deposited huge sums of money into Nakoula’s hidden account (more on that new information and the names of these operatives including the sums of money later). Dugdale’s excuse can be found in the court’s records:
“…he [Nakoula] has implicated Mr. Salamay [aka Salameh] there is no question that Mr. Salamay at some point is gonna be indicted if he hasn’t already been… we all know what’s gonna happen. Salamay is gonna get arrested some dayand based on the debriefing information turned over he is gonna enter a guilty plea, or if he doesn’t, then Mr. Nakoula is going to be called in to testify…” See [sentencing transcript]
ed jpg
On left: Eiad Salameh with Walid Shoebat and children (young Theodore Shoebat on right)
So here we have the filmmaker that Hillary blamed for the Benghazi attacks was actually a U.S. federal snitch who collected huge sums from the Muslim Brotherhoods and the FBI had all power over him to use as they wish or ‘else’. It is here when the evidence for the damning trail begins when Dugdale introduced a fictitious alibi to lure the courts that Nakoula (the Filmmaker, aka Yousef, Hamdy …) was supposed to help the FBI catch Eiad Salameh, his partner in crimes for many years.
Then we come to the facts on how U.S. government and the FBI who claimed they wanted the man, refused to extradite Eiad (the man Dugdale claimed is their big fish) when he was captured in Canada. The Feds let him go in 2011 as revealed in a firsthand account including a recorded conversation between Nakoula and in which the filmmaker defended Eiad, the very man he plea bargained to help the FEDS catch! The filmmaker’s high-profile attention, an FBI snitch was owned by the U.S. government is without question.
From here, we can also find Hillary’s trail to reveal how is it possible that a ‘nobody filmmaker’ could make such a ruckus throughout the Muslim world? Where did he get his funding to produce the film? And how the U.S. government  pushed the film into fame and the most important part: what was Hillary’s motive and how she fell in her own trap?
The answers and the evidences are simple. It was the Muslim Brotherhood that funded it and it was U.S. intelligence that was dumber than a doornail that left their tracks behind.
The Eiad connection is crucial in unraveling more facts to this story, since many of his dealings with Nakoula can tell us more about his true motives. Eiad Salameh after all ismy first cousin, a Palestinian Muslim from Beit Sahour in the Palestinian Bethlehem District. To prove the credibility of my claim, the Nakoula-Salameh connection was first circulated for the first time on September 14th, 2012. The date is important because I revealed Eiad way before—on 2008 [here] proving I knew of his dealings.
Records were obtained reveal that before the film, Eiad had deposited through his father (Salameh Daud Salameh) huge sums of money into Nakoula’s bank account under Nakoula’s daughter name during November 2011 when the film was being made: $14,000, $50,000, $90,000 and other large sums from Bilal Sulaiman Mahmoud, a member of the Supreme Council of Islamic Affairs, probably the greatest Muslim Brotherhood institution, which its main duties is to assist the state of Egypt with important issues of Sharia legislation and control headed by the top Islamic university par excellence in the Sunni Muslim world Al-Azhar University. This is the entity that issues fatwas and legislation globally.  The Supreme Council of Islamic Affairs has branches and representatives from nearly every Sunni Muslim country in the world which Bilal is one of four members representing #4 man in Jordan.
Then there were additional deposits by Rafat Ali Khalil Shreeteh, another major depositor of monies into Nakoula’s hidden account. He is a Muslim from Yatta/Hebron in Palestine and the Shreeteh family have terrorist martyrs, one computer hacker and other activists.
After years of his shenanigans with credit card fraud, contraband, manufacturing false passports, embezzlements, Eiad was arrested prior to these deposits, not in the United States where he was allowed—right under the noses of the feds while conducting his mischievous dealings—but in Canada of all places. Eiad was locked up in January 2011. I was contacted by Jeff Mason out of the Intelligence Bureau in Canada.
Jeff Mason. Intelligence Bureau in Canada.
The Canadians wanted to keep Eiad in custody as long as it took and was working with the feds to deport him to the United States.
Eiad remained in custody for seven months without any trial while the Canadian authorities tried to turn him over to the FBI in the United States in order to receives maximum sentencing as they learned of his crimes in the U.S. It was LAPD detective Dimitri Kort who  had been working on the case for years and requested Eiad to put him in custody but failed after he learned that there was a “hold” on his file placed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Kort had been L.A’s finest specialized in terrorism and drugs stated that they couldn’t do much since they were ordered to stand down and not arrest Eiad. Also the NCIC (National Center for Intelligence and Counter Terrorism), an FBI branch who stated that they are on top of the case could do nothing to extradite Eiad and refused to give reasons.
Jeff Mason finally told me that the Feds in the U.S. preferred they do not turn Eiad to theUnited States to face justice, but asked them to fly him to freedom in Palestine. I received my last email from Jeff Mason on July 15th, 2011, which stated: “He is awaiting deportation to Palestine, unless the US hurry up and indict him… Jeff Mason”.
Now that we understand where the funding came from and how the FBI defended the culprits, we shall reveal how and why Hillary’s government pushed the film into fame and what was Hillary’s motive from her own activism and words in her dealings with the O.I.C (Organization of Islamic Council).
It was U.S. intelligence, when CGI Federal – appears to have a connection to promoting the damnable film that Hillary is still blaming for the Benghazi attacks. “Innocence of Muslims” was posted to a YouTube channel known as NewsPoliticsNow3 (NPN3) created by Stanley Associates, a service provider for U.S. defense and “intelligence” the Canadian Company that built the Obamacare website. CGI acquired Stanley Associates, which “provides services to the U.S. federal civilian, defense and intelligence agencies”.
Screen shot reveals NPN connection to Stanley as well as CGI merger with Stanley in 2010.
Screen shot reveals NPN connection to Stanley as well as CGI merger with Stanley in 2010.
On September 11, 2012, NewsPoliticsNow3 (NPN3) made some dumb moves (its not difficult to believe) and uploaded a short version of the video, only 1 minutes and 32 seconds of it (see screenshot taken 19 hours after the video was uploaded) which gave the crude movie a new title “Innocence of Muslims” and added a major facelift: more than four million views. We even obtained a screen shot on September 15, 2012 proving how this trailer garnered more than 4.5 million views. By September 20th, the channel was gone. The snapshots make a clear case:
NewsPoliticsNow3 screen shot from 9/15/12. Over four million views of its 1:32 trailer.

Note: Screen capture from 9/12/12 (top right). NPN3 posted "Innocence of Muslims" trailer 19 hours earlier... on 9/11/12.
Note: Screen capture from 9/12/12 (top right). NPN3 posted “Innocence of Muslims” trailer 19 hours earlier… on 9/11/12.
NewsPoliticsNow3 took down their link on or before 9/20/12. The skids of the so-called filmmaker Nakoula (aka Sam Bacile) YouTube channel had been sufficiently greased; his video was off and running. NPN3 had done its job of priming the pump; then it vanished.
Note the names of the video (Neither is identified as "Innocence of Muslims").
A September 17, 2012 screen shot of the Sam Bacile YouTube Channel
And the evidence of Stanley’s working for the Feds is ironclad. The CGI connection to the feds was announced in a press release: “…provides services to the U.S. federal civilian, defense and intelligence agencies.” Hillary Clinton played her role accordingly.  Prior to this on September 7th: Egypt’s Wisam Abdul Waris of Dar Al-Hekma (identified also in the Libyan Intelligence document) publicly began to use  the film to call for the criminalization of any defamation of Islam as international law especially in non-Muslim countries. This brings us to Hillary’s motive!
It’s important to remember the words of then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at the first “Istanbul Process” meeting she chaired along with the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Secretary-General on July 15, 2011. Hillary said, as relayed by
…we are focused on promoting interfaith education and collaboration, enforcing antidiscrimination laws, protecting the rights of all people to worship as they choose, and to use some old-fashioned techniques of peer pressure and shaming, so that people don’t feel that they have the support to do what we abhor [insult Islam]
These are Hillary’s own words, how she envisioned it and so she should own up to it.
The whole lot are dumber than a doornail and they let out enough information to be exposed to the public. As we discussed, it was GCI, the same dumb group that developed the Obamacare website. Ms. Donna A. Ryan, president of CGI was as dumb as CIA Director John Brennan with his leaked emails and is as dumb as Hillary Clinton who left trails of many of her shenanigans:
Ms. Donna A. Ryan has been the President of CGI Federal Inc. since September 28, 2011. At CGI Federal Inc., Ms. Ryan is responsible for leading CGI’s strategy, growth and client delivery across the Civilian, Defense and Intelligence Sectors of the U.S. Federal Government. As a member of CGI’s Management Committee, she also participates in the development and execution of CGI’s global strategy. Ms. Ryan had been Senior Vice President at Stanley, Inc. since August 2010.
A global leader in IT, business process, and professional services, CGI partners with federal agencies to provide end-to-end solutions for defense, civilian, and intelligence missions
Ryan has a history that includes being a Senior VP with Stanley and President with CGI Federal. While holding both titles, Ryan also made several trips to the Dumb House.
You can tell a dummy, a shark, and a wolf by looking into their eyes which are the window of the soul. Certain eyes have the combination of all three like Donna Ryan in the photo above
CGI’s Stanley’s NPN3 that created the name “Innocence of Muslims” also aided Obama (it didn’t take me much to nail his dumb brother Malik Obama’s Islamist connections either) and Clinton’s outrage, broadcast all over the world became more obvious: Clinton’s alibi she wanted to twist arms to effect the First Amendment Free Speech about Islam had backfired and now she needed the same alibi for her war on Americans because now another fiasco erupted in Benghazi.
Hillary fell in her own trap. It was the “Innocence of Muslims” title that the Obama administration pointed to for leaving a trail of libel, murder, and American blood in its wake and not the names originally given by the filmmaker. Then we have the FBI’s involvement which is an ironclad case. Nakoula, the filmmaker became an FBI informant in exchange for certain leniency and cooperation.
The court documents telling us that Nakoula Basseley Nakoula producer of the movieInnocence of Muslims partnered with Eiad Salameh sparked my research. Nakoula also got deals and special treatments from the Feds and today the is running a radio show. Here you can even watch it: The Wiley Drake Show.
Everyone can now watch it and wonder. Americans know nothing about the show since it is in Arabic, of course, this way he stays under the radar. This is a relationship between the Federal government and the filmmaker where he demands “help me with this or else I will talk” and the responses are “if you talk, you will be locked up and we will throw away the key”. Both look out for each other and both are locked in a blackmail that no one can afford to confess.
The show paints the filmmaker now as a religious pious man. The FBI keeps close tabs on him, but as far as Hillary, keeping tabs on her by the U.S. mighty government is another question altogether, unless of course, the people finally elect Donald Trump. Hillary, regardless if the filmmaker was linked or not, she caused this whole mess in the first place.
And now you know the rest of this story.

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