
Monday, April 20, 2015

Road Rage

Road Rage ---
Terroristic Security Incidents by Category |Timeline
also see shooting at cars

Is it an anger problem or a whitewashed terrorist attack problem? None of these incidents were by people with any connection to terrorism, so why is terrorism the only possible motive that could make sense of a senseless act?



Ryan M. Kobus with 21 arrests tailgates, beats elderly driver who pulled over to let him pass.
(looks like but isn't terrorist attack) September 12, 2015, 71-year-old Walter Young was driving on Route 122 in Barre, Massachusetts, when a truck began to tailgate him. Young, who was traveling with his wife and granddaughter, decided to pull over to allow the other vehicle to get ahead of him. Instead of passing, the driver pulled over, got out of his truck, and yanked Young from his vehicle. He then savagely beat the elderly man while his family looked on in horror. He left Young bloodied and lying on the side of the road. Young suffered serious injuries in the attack, including a brain bleed and a busted lip that required several stitches....suspect as his brother, 25-year-old Ryan M. Kobus He claimed he tried to pass, but Young would not let him and both pushed off the road by oncoming traffic, that Young hit him first. Kobus was arrested and charged with assault and battery with serious injury on a person over 60 years old, disorderly conduct, and destruction of property over $250 Kobus’s lengthy criminal record, which includes 21 arrests

May 28, 2015 Darla Renee Jackson, 25, rear ends, kills Navy sailor Zachary Buob in ... Daily Mail May 31, 2015 - Darla Renee Jackson kills Navy chief petty officer Zachary Buob. Darla Renee Jackson, a 25-year-old San Diego resident encountered 39-year-old Chief Petty Officer Zacharias Buob. She rammed into the back of his motorcycle.. When Buob fell off his motorcycle, Jackson ran him over.  died in the hospital... suspended Jackson’s license from January 2013 to January 2015, lack of knowledge or skill...history of aggressive behavior. In 2012, Jackson attempted to run ex-boyfriend over in a parking lot. Another ex complained about threatening voice mails and she climbed through his bedroom window one evening... pleaded not guilty to murder charges. She faces 15 years to life in prison if convicted. Road rage suspect sobs in court for murder of Navy biker ...  Daily News Jun 4, 2015 - Road rage suspect, 25, accused of fatally running down Navy veteran motorcyclist sobs in court as victim’s friends look on. ... Bikers and Navy sailors packed a Chula Vista courtroom Tuesday to watch as a sobbing 25-year-old woman was ordered held on $1 million bail for hitting and ...Darla Renee Jackson pleads not guilty to killing Zach Buob ... Daily Mail Jun 3, 2015 - Darla Renee Jackson, 25, has been accused of intentionally hitting and running ... Driver breaks down as $1m bail set for mowing down biker ... San Diego woman, 25, who 'killed Navy sailor in road rage incident' is charged with first-degree murder Darla Renee Jackson hit Navy chief petty officer Zachary Buob's motorcycle on the highway and drove over him Buob and Jackson had reportedly argued about something, before Jackson chased him down the highway . Daily Mail UK May 31, 2015 - Darla Renee Jackson, 25, struck 39-year-old Navy sailor Zachary Buob's motorcycle, then ran him over with her car after the pair had gotten ...Driver arrested on suspicion of murder in road-rage crash ...KSWB‑TV May 29, 2015

1 injured 1 arrested April 16, 2015 New Orleans Deputy Directing School Traffic Shot By Man Argued About Left Turn In a New Orleans suburb, officer Burt Hazeltine was shot by a motorist who argued about a left turn, and returned to shoot in in an apparent ambush attack. He returned fire but was shot in the face, chest and arm, and was not wearing a bulletproof vest. Suspect John Paul Devillier was taken into custody with two guns. Devillier had been fired in 2013 by the Transportation Security Administration, divorced and lived in a hotel.
Toni Torrez Shoots Four-year-old Illiana “Lilly” Garcia  October 20, 2015. Alan Garcia was traveling on Interstate 40 in Albuquerque, New Mexico,  a red car forced him out of the lane. driver of the red car fired two shots, hitting Garcia’s vehicle. driver continued to pursue Garcia, firing two more shots.   32-year-old Tony Torrez confessed to the murder. He was charged with murder, assault, and child abuse. long arrest record, which includes child abuse, domestic violence, and aggravated battery with a deadly weapon,

On July 23, 2015, 51-year-old Florida resident Robert Doyle called 911 to report that another driver was attempting to run him off the road same time as Cathy Gonzalez was also calling 911 When Doyle pulled into his driveway, Gonzalez parked behind him, and both men exited their vehicles. Doyle shot Gonzalez once, then fired three more shots, then held surviving family at gunpoint until police arrived. charged with second-degree murder and three counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.   Florida Man Accused of Fatally Shooting Father in Front of Family KTLA Jul 27, 2015 - A man was charged with second-degree murder after a road rage altercation turned deadly in Beverly Hills, Florida, last week. Robert Doyle is ... Man killed in front of family after road rage - WTSP Jul 24, 2015 - Citrus Sheriff's deputies say Robert Doyle, 51, and Candelerio ... say Doyle shot Gonzalez once, then paused, and then fired another shot. Florida road rage driver Robert Doyle shoots dead man ...  Daily Mail Jul 26, 2015 - 'My gun's already out, it's cocked and locked': Road rage driver shoots dead man before holding victim's wife, daughter and grandson at gunpoint. ... A Florida man is in jail after shooting dead another man in front of his family during a road rage incident.

February 12, 2015 Erich Milton Nowsch Jr high on weed mistakes angry mother for threatening drug dealers:  Las Vegas resident Erich Milton Nowsch Jr., 19 years old, was being terrorized by drug dealers , Nowsch was smoking marijuana in a park. In a nearby parking lot, Tammy Meyers was teaching her 15-year-old daughter Crystal how to drive, threatened, came back to confront Nowsch.   Nowsch became paranoid, convinced it was the drug dealers who were after him, He and a friend give chase to Meyers home were Nowsch shot her in the head and died two days later. Nowsch was charged with murder, attempted murder, and assault with a deadly weapon. Their trial is set to begin March 28, 2016.

Year 2014

June 21, 2014, Donald Ray Hayes in Louisville, Kentucky encountered fellow motorist, 57-year-old Danny Wilson. began speeding, cutting each other off, and weaving in and out of traffic, forcing several cars off the road. Hayes said when his window suddenly shattered, he got out his gun fired a shot and hit Wilson in the head, hitting several cars before it stopped, later died. at the hospital. Hayes  called 911 to report that he fired his gun but was unsure if he hit anyone. charged with murder and is claiming self-defense

January 4, 2014 Man Pursued, Shot by SUV In Apparent Road Rage Timothy "Asti" Davison called 911 to say that he was followed by a Ford Ranger pickup truck that was shooting at him and forced him off the road in Maryland. He was found wounded off the road in Pennsylvania and died later. Police believe that motive was random road rage, and there are no leads on the shooter. No one has suspected a connection to terrorism

September 3, 2013 Aloeng Vang St Paul Road Rage Shooter In St. Paul, Minnesota former gang member Aloeng Kelly Vang (appears to be Hmong / Asian American) became angry after he almost ran down Jeffrey Thomas Elling (described by Vang as a “Caucasian dude”) and his girlfriend and they complained about his driving. Shortly after, he went to his house and complained to his wife that that he had been insulted. She tried to calm him and warned that he was married with a child. He returned with a gun, and rang the doorbell and there were two shots when Elling answered the door at 3AM, and he was found dead shot in the neck. He returned to his house where his wife asked if he had shot anybody, then returned to the crime scene and turned himself in.

May 6, 2001, Donald R. Bell manslaughter suicide -  Timothy Mann, his wife Nancie, and their son Michael went out to brunch to celebrate Nancie’s Sacramento, California, when a red pickup truck cut them off. ...  Donald R. Bell, who had his 15-year-old son with him in the truck. Bell, armed with a gun, exited his vehicle. Mann walked up to Bell and punched him. Bell then shot Mann in the face at point blank range, killing him almost instantly. After he was charged with manslaughter he called 911 to confess and  took his own life with a single gunshot to the head.

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